" \" t t'LAlNS GIAJN • . ~ f AIM SUPPLY GEN INt: JOHN n E8F. PARTS Antelopes And Lady Lopes Tournanu~nt . Champions Lady Lopes and Dana Fondy 8 pOints . with 7 . 16.8 points per game, Shelley Then they advanced to the The Lady Lopes head basket~___ Toler L2 ~ 8 , and-l.QFi Oswalt-has The Antelopes and Lady second round \\'here they ball coach Larry Steele said he 7 rebounds per game. Lopes put on an impressive downed Springlake Earth 86-3 9. would like to thank all the loyal performan.ce January 8-10 to Ramona Irlbeck scored 30 fans who have supported the win the Abernathy 1981 In vita- Antelopes points in this ga me, Conn ye J..ady Lopes a nd -..Ahe many The defending Sta te 3-A tional:Tournament. , _Wq lf ,:¥as se~o nd with' 22 Roints people_ who Qr~"l-gh~ (ood and. Champi.ons are coming·· t>ack . It all started Thur!lday nrg ht a nd Darla McGuire \\~tti 1·3. helped make ' this tournament . The Antelopes demollshed Ol­ when the Lady Lopes confront­ In the finals the Lady Lopes successful. Steele said , "The ton in their opening game of the ed Olton , The Lady Lopes easily po li shed off Greenwood 48-31 to girls played super throughout tournament 106-4. In this defeated them 61-33. In thfs win the championship . Higb the entire tournament." -ga me Joey Garcia came up game Ramona Irlbeck scor.ed scorer 'were Ramona Irlbeck High scorers for the year thus with 22 points , Max Riley and 25 points, Darla McG uire 12, with 2 4 points and I:<>ri Oswalt far are Ramona Irlbeck with Rodney Cannon 12 and Rick Houston 10 poi nts. Friday the . boys defeated Muleshoe in th e second round 75-47. Roger Pi nson scored 16 poi nts , J oey Garcia 22 a nd Rodney Cannon 20 points . In the fina l game of the tour­ nament Sa turday night, the Antelopes squeaked 'by Little­ fie ld 59-56 in an exciting game'. "'Littlefield is a fa st team and had onl y lost two games prior to , this one," said coach Irlbeck. I'Due to the qui ckness and ...." . defense of the Bobcats, the AHS LADY LOPES - Back Row : left to right , Coach Jones, An telopes were hindered some­ Darla McGuire, Connye Wolf , Lori Oswal t', Shelley Toler , Dana wha t in the shooting depart­ Fondy and Coach Larry Steele, Front Row : left to right , Sharla ment. " said Irlbeck. Griff in, Tina Covey, Debbie Cooper, DiAnn Allen , Romona Coach Irlbeck wOlljd like to Ir lbeck , Cind y Sti llwell. express his ap p 'recia~io n to ev­ en'one ,who brought food a nd High scorers for the year thus this year is 14 71points. he'lped in the hos pi taEty room . far are Joey Garcia with 449 District play begins here Fri­ AHS ANTELOPES - Back Row : lefl to right , Russ ell Win dham , He also added that thi s was one Po ints, Roger Pinson with 313 Roger Pi nso n. Joey Garcia. Rodney Cannon , Alan Lester, Rick day, Jan';1ary 16 against Lock­ of the smoothest ran to urna­ and Rodney Ca nnon with 21 4. ney. Houst qn . Fr ont Row le ft to right . Alan Pettit, Sylvester Dunn , Total scoring for the Antelopes Derr ic k Sta llings, Don Sto ne, Cletus Irlbeck and Roger pinson . ments he ·had ever been in . ( ~ hnmber Of Comm cr('e the commwlity meeting room . The 1980 Chamber banquet was ~. 6 Michelin Tires r~ken In Burglary the first event to be held in the Di~{'us s Banquet Plans Ill'W rool11 . t\\·.'enty-six Miche lin .tires ut y sheriff for Hale County. pried a wi ndow open and took President Kichard DuBose wete taken from the 66 Butane Bob Parks, manager of the several tires and batteries, The Chamb'r of ('(,mmerce PUI up n th e north and 'oulh a.ppointed a banquet committee and Fertilizer Company Tues­ West Texas Industries Ware­ Marr said. had their J anuary nWdtll ~ (' nd of town, ad 'ertislIlg the of Hod Ellis, Dan Ward, Y.F. Guy night, J anuary 6, around house, saw a pair of headlights Thursday, January 8, 7 a .m. at . Ante lope as the State Basket­ 10 ; aO p.m. Snodgrass and Don Heath. A going toward the fertilizer com­ Dayton Marr is' investigating the ci t\' ha ll club room Th e. ball Champs. are ~ill at the nominating co mmittee was or­ Compa ny ow ner Bobby Cun­ pany that night, Marr said. regul al: tT1('(' tmg date is u ~ u;1ll y .- tgn painters and will be put up the burglary. Evidence found gan ized to select na mes for new ningham reported the loss at This burglary is susPected to shows tha t there were 2 sets of the fir ·t 'I"ursda~ ' 01 ('arh soon ' $190 4 dollars. The burglars officers fo r the Chamber. They be related to a series of bur­ footprints found at the ware- month \(' I\' /)lI~tll(;SS is \he uJX'ornlng are Bobby Cu nningham , Paul broke int o the east warehouse glaries that have taken place in - house. A pick-up was used in PreStdClll Hi chard J)uB o~l' (,h:llllbl'r b;HlqUe>t thaI will be , Herehman. Charles Bowen and of the 66 Company by cutting Plainview, Lubbock and Aber­ the burglary that probably tra­ ca ll ed the meeting 10 ordl'r a nd he ld :\pril The cornR1tttec as. Hi cha rd DuBose. There will be the ""ire holding it. There were na thy. Consumers Fuel · in veled south along the railroad Cliff ~ewt on ga\'l' till' pra~ l'f' 'Ignl'd 10 pick the datl> is no property damages reported, fo rm s published in a future . Abernathy was hit about 2 tracks behind the 66 Company, Old bus iness d t S CU S ~l'(l was com pns('d of Charles Bowe n. edi ti on of The Rev iew for peo­ according to Dayton Marr, dep- months ago when a burglar Marr said. about the Chrlslmas dccora· f{,,<! l-:I II~ alld Hicha rd DuBose. ple of th e community to suggest tions be tn g takcn down and II I\as ' \'oted 10 ' ha ve Palll ca ndida tes for the Outsta nding where the\' are tl) be stored lk rchm<t n of Sa \·· :\·Lot to ca ter Cit izen and Outstanding Farm Allsup's Sponsors Drive For United Cerebral Palsy until next' \'car It \\'~ ~ a lso lhl' banquet again thi s year. Fam il \' Awards that will be Allsup 's Convenience Stores, lecting donations for Cerebral report ed the , Igns that will be Th e banquct wil l be> held in presented a t the banquet. ever before," said Kurt Verlei, Inc . will be sponsoring a neigh­ . Palsy and turning it back into Director of Public Relations for borhood drive in support of .Allsup's Convenience Stores. SU I'inl Sel' lIril~ Unit ed Ce rebral Palsy. All area the store, Allsup's will give Cerebral Palsy is an injury to 0" Thf' COllllt)" Line youngsters are encouraged to them a free. fountain drink of the brain that can never be Ht' prt'Se ntalive Coming visit their local Allsup's store their choice. cured."We- feel that money Saturday, January 1 . and Sun­ ., We hope .all the children of The Soc ial Security repre­ raised will go a long way in day, January 18 to pick up a the area will help us make this' helping the Cerebral Palsied sentative. Virginia DeWitt from ' collection envelope. After col- telethon more successful than :\rw D{'al .\'1'\\, tea cher, and many othcr people the Plainview Social Security lead a more normal life," Beginning WIth th is isslll' oj lhe com l11unil\, . Each of office will be. working in the am starting a ;ew Deal News these cili zl'11 ' have' cnthusiasti - . Cit\' Hall .in Abernathy from page to benefit the citt ze ns of sentative at the time and place Home Energy As~istance New Dea l. c<t ll ~' agreed to bring or ca ll til Y:30 to II :30a.I11 ., Tuesday, li sted or call collect, 806-2 93 - any news of tn terest each week. January 20 , 1981 . 4.171 . I Deli e ~l e even ' town needs to Teleservice will save you ' Program Offered be supported and represcllt ed I still nced omeone to ga ther by a newspaper. t\ewsworthy ,lI1d help l11e write the news . time, energy a nd money ' To For assistance with other fi le a claim for Social Security events occurring in Ne w Ueal Please co nt ac t Kei th Toolev a t social security mRllers or Med­ A Home Energy Assistance Below is an income table or Supplemental ~c llrit.Y . In ­ icare call toll free 1-800 -392- are not being covered by the :!9R<W3:1 if \ 'OU ha\'e sume Ii'me, program is being offered now . used to . determine eligibility. come payments see the repre- . 1603 . press. Therefore, every week or know or' [,n),ollf' -tha t' would This program helps low-iQcome the. people of ell' Dea l will be have t.he time to donate to the households pay for heating HOUSEHOLD INCOME: costs irMheir homes, , - .. able to read ajut themselves Bevie\\'. CANNOT BE MORE THAN: Abernathy High Elected Parliamentarian , Applicants must be inter­ on.this page.
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