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Organism Index ORGANISM INDEX Acetogenium, 93 Azolla, 317 Acetogenium kivui, 97 Azospirillum lipoferum, 183 Acidianus, 93 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, 9, 11 Bacillus, 117, 223 Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, 9, 11 Bacillus subtilis, 230, 302 Acontium culatium, 12 Bacteriastrum, 687, 692, 698 Actinoptychus, 687, 698 Balnearium, 93 Aeropyrum pernix, 302 Bathymodiolus, 310, 313 Agaricus bisporus, 63 Botryococcus, 242, 689, 692 Alvinella, 96, 310, 313 Bradyrhizobium, 117, 313, 317, 320 Ammonifex degensii, 97 Bradyrhizobium japonicum, 320 Ammoniflex, 93, 97 Brevibacterium, 117 Amphistegina, 311, 315, 318, 320 Buchneria, 309, 313, 316 Amphistegina lessonii, 315, 320 Amphistegina lobifera, 320 Caenorhabditis elegans, 209–211 Anabaena, 317, 687–690, 697–699 Caminibacter, 93 Ancylostoma duodenale, 230 Carboxydocella thermautotropha, 98 Ankistrodesmus, 697 Carboxydothermus Aphanizomenon, 688–689, 698–699 hydrogenoformans, 97–98 Aphanocapsa feldmanni, 313 Caulerpa, 41, 47 Aquifex, 93 Cellulomonas, 117 Aquificales, 93, 96, 101 Cephaleuros, 44 Arabidopsis thaliana, 302 Cephalosporium, 12 Archaea, 5, 7–8, 10–13, 15, 17, 24, Ceratium, 688 26, 28–29, 79–84, 91–97, 100, Ceratium longipes, 690 116, 134, 138, 220, 233, 289, Ceratium symatrix, 690 291, 294–298, 301–302, 328, Cladophora, 46 440, 449–450, 670–672, 674, Cladosporium, 671, 677–678 725, 741–742 Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Archaeoglobus, 95, 302 677–678 Archaeoglobus fulgidus, 302 Clavibacter, 117 Arthrobacter, 117 Cliona veridis, 313 Asobara tabida, 337 Closterium, 687, 698 Aspergilus versicolor, 677–678 Clostridium, 93, 97 Aspergillus, 70, 677–678 Codium, 46–47 Aspergillus flavus, 677–678 Crenarchaeota, 93, 95, 138 Aspergillus fumigatus, 71 Crenarchaeota, 93, 95, 138 Aspergullus candidus, 677–678 Cryptococcus, 117 Aureobacterium, 117 Cyanidioschyzon merolae, 13 Aureobasidium pullulans, 677–678 Cyanidium, 6–7, 11, 13, 18 745 746 ORGANISMS INDEX Cyanidium caldarium, 6–7, 11, 13, 41 Escherichia coli, 25, 183, 210 Cyclotella, 687, 692, 698 Eudorina, 689 cystofilobasidium, 117 Euglena mutabilis, 11 Chaetophora, 46, 692, 697 Euprymna, 319 Chara, 43 Euprymna hyllebergi, 319 Chlamydodomonas nivalis, 10, 41 Euprymna scolopes, 313 Chlamydomonas, 12, 43, 46, 311, 313 Euprymna tasmanica, 319 Chlamydomonas acidophila, 11 Eurotium, 671, 677–678 Chlamydomonas hedleyi Eurotium amstelodami, 677–678 Chlamydomonas nivali, 10, 41 Euryarchaeota, 93, 95, 101, 138 Chlamydomonas provasolii, 313 Chlorella, 45–46, 313 Ferroglobus, 93 Chlorella vulgaris, 313 Ferroglobus placidus, 95, 97 Chlorohydra viridis, 313 Flavobacterium, 85, 117, 313 Chondrilla nucula, 313 Frankia, 117 Friedmaniella, 117 Deferribacter, 93, 96 Fucus, 44 Deinococcuc radiodurans, 6 Fusarium, 677–678 Desulfacinum, 93 Fusarium verticillioides, 677–678 Desulfotomaculum, 93, 97 Desulfurella, 93, 96 Galdieria sulphuraria, 13 Desulfurobacterium, 93 Geobacter sulfurreducens, 273 Detonula, 691 Geoglobus, 93 Dicrocoelium dendriticum, 333 Geoglobus ahangari, 95 Dinophysis, 688, 690–691, 693, 699 Geothermobacterium, 93, 96 Dinophysis caudata, 690–691 Geothermobacterium Dionophysis, 688, 690–691, 693, 699 hydrogeniphilum, 96 Drosophila melanogaster, 210, 337 Gloeotrichia, 688, 690–691, 698 Dunaliella, 6, 13, 78, 84 Gomphosphaeria, 690–691, 698 Dunaliella acidophila, 6, 11 Gracilaria, 49 Dunaliella parva, 41 Gunnera, 317 Dunaliella salina, 41 Dydidae herbecea, 313 Halanaerobiales, 82, 85 Halobacteriaceae, 6, 79–81 Ectocarpus, 43 Halobacterium, 26, 82, 84 Elphidium, 313 Haloferax, 79 Elysia viridis, 311 Haloferax volcanii, 79 Emericalla stellamaris, 666, 673, Halomonas, 80 677–678 Halomonas halmophila, 183 Emericella, 677–678 Halospirulina tapeticola, 79 Emericella appendiculata, 677–678 Halothece, 79 Epicoccum, 677–678 Haynesina, 313 Epicoccum nigrum, 677–678 Hepadnaviridae, 216, 220 Escarpia, 310, 313 Heterostegina depressa, 314 Escherichia, 25, 183, 210 Histoplasma, 71 ORGANISMS INDEX 747 Hortaea werneckii, 671, 677–678 Nautiliales, 96 Hydra magnipillata, 319 Necator americanus, 230 Hydra viridissima, 319 Nephromyces, 329 Hydrodictyon, 46 Nitratiruptor, 93 Hydrogenimonas, 93 Nitzschia frustulum symbiotica, 314–315 Ignicoccus, 93 Nitzschia palea, 14 Iridaea anceps, 42 Nocardia, 117 Nocardoides, 117 Karenia brevis, 47 Kirchneriella, 697 Ornithocercus, 688 Oscillatoria, 12, 112, 313 Lamellibrachia, 310, 313 Lebetimonas, 93 Paenibacillus, 117 Leucosporidium, 117 Paralia, 692 Paramecium, 45, 313 Macrocystis pyrifera, 41 Paramecium bursaria, 313 Matsigocladus, 6 Parescarpia, 310, 313 Melosira, 692–693 Pediastrum, 46, 687, 693 Metarotaliella, 313 Pediastrum angulosum, 696 Methanocaldococcus, 92–93 Pediastrum duplex, 696 Methanopyrus, 10, 93–94 Pediculus humanus capitis, 330 Methanothermobacter, 92–93 Pediculus humanus corporis, 330 Methanothermococcus, 92–93 Pediculus schaeffi, 330 Methanothermus, 93 Penicillium chrysogenum, 677–678 Methylobacterium, 117 Peridinium, 690–691, 699 Micrasterias, 687, 696–698 Persephonella, 93 Micrasterias hardyii, 696–697 Phaeotheca, 677–678 Micrasterias rotata, 696–697 Phaeotheca triangularis, 677–678 Microbacterium, 117 Photobacterium leiognathi, 313 Micrococcus, 117 Photololigo octiluca, 313 Microcoleus, 79 Phylllophora antarctica, 42 Microcoleus chthonoplastes, 79 Phytophthora, 336 Micromonospora, 117 Picrophilus oshimae, 6, 11, 26 Monocentris japonica, 313 Picrophilus torridus, 11 Monostroma, 46 Pinnularia braunii, 12 Moorella (Clostridium), 93 Pithophora, 44 Mycobacterium, 117 Placobranchus ianthobapsus, 311 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 302 Planococcus, 117 Myxococcus, 24 Plasmodium, 329 Plectonema nostocorum, 12 Nanoatchaeum, 24 Pleurococcus, 14 Nanochloris, 12 Polaromonas, 6, 26 Natronobacterium, 6, 26 Porphyridium, 311, 313 Nautilia, 93, 96 Porphyridium pupereum, 313 748 ORGANISMS INDEX Postelsia palmaeformis, 42 stenotropomonas, 117 Prochloron didemni, 313 Stigeoclonium, 46 Propioniferax, 117 Stigiolobus, 93 Protoperidinium pentagonum, 690–691 Streptococcus, 24 Pseudomonas, 30 Strombidium, 313 Pseudonitzschia pungens, 47 Symbiococcum hydrae, 319 Pseudotsuga, 328 Symbiodinium, 311, 313 Psychrobacter, 11 Synura, 46 Psychrobacter cryopegella, 17 Pyrobaculum, 93 Tabellaria, 687, 691 Pyrococcus abyssi, 302 Tabellaria flocculosa, 691 Pyrodictium, 93 Tetraspora, 46 Pyrolobus, 6, Theileria, 329 Pyrolobus fumarii, 10, 93, 95 Theileria parva, 329 Pyrosoma, 329 Themococcus barophilus, 15 Thermincola ferriacetica, 97 Rhizobium, 32, 117, 313, 317, 320 Thermincola ferrireducens, 98 Rhizobium leguminosarum, 320 Thermoanaerobacter, 93, 97 Rhizobium meliioyi, 320 Thermoanaerobacter kivui, 97 Rhizobium trifolii, 320 Thermodesulfatator, 93 Rhizopus oryzae, 677 Thermodesulfobacterium, 93, 96 Rhodobacter, 31 Thermoplasma acidophilum,11 Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, 117, Thermoproteus, 93 677–678 Thermoterrabacterium, 93, 97 Riftia alvinella, 313 Thermovibrio, 93 Toxoplasma, 329 S. meliloti, 317 Trachelomonas, 45 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 210, 302 Trichosporon ceribriae, 12 Salinabacter, 80–83 Tridachia crispate, 311 Salinibacter ruber, 80 Tridachiella diamedea, 311 Sargassum, 49 Trimmatostroma, 677–678 Scenedesmus, 49, 693, 696 Trimmatostroma salinum, 677–678 Scenedesmus dimorpha, 696 Sepiola robusta, 313 V. logei, 313 Sinorhizobium, 313, 317 Vibrio, 25 Solemya, 310, 313 Vibrio fisheri, 313, 319 Sphingomonas, 117 Spirogyra, 43, 46, 686, 693–694 Wallemia ichthyophaga, 677–678 Spirulina, 6, 12, 688–689 Wolbachia, 309, 313, 316, 329, Spirulina platensis, 12 336–337 Sporobolomyces, 117 Staphylococcus, 24, 117 Zygnema, 687, 693–694 Staurastrum, 687, 692, 694, 696 Zygogonium, 693 Staurastrum arctiscon, 696 SUBJECT INDEX A alkaliphiles, 6t, 12, 29 a priori reality, notion of, 623–625, alkaliphilic, 26 629, 636 allegorical, 435, 583 ablation, 112, 114, 388–391, 393 Allen Telescope Array, 466, 469 abundance of life in the universe, 542 amino acids, 57–58, 83, 118, 138, abundances, 157, 390, 393, 405–406, 149, 154, 185, 193, 231, 291, 416 316, 377–379, 392, 408, 597, accretion, 114, 155, 158, 387, 394, 651 404, 420 ammonia, 15–16, 32, 149, 155, 157, acidophiles, 6–7, 11–12, 29, 95 172–173, 320, 334, 387, 389 acidophilic, 11, 13, 26 amnesic shellfish poisoning, 47 acquired intellect, 571 amorphous act, 194, 567 carbon, 153, 156, 242, 274, 279, level of, 571 403, 693 activation energy, 651 ice, 118, 155 activation-dependence, 347 silica, 248 activity anabiosis, 115–117 cell, 25, 80, 82, 98, 115, 346, 741 analogy enzymatic, 82, 84, 119, 136, 320 biological, 169, 598, 616 gene, 348 mechanical, 167, 624 human, 49 android epistemology, 624, 628 microbial, 114, 132–135, 137, 139 annulment (Qarèth), 571 neural, 207, 348, 632, 657, 659 anomalies, 491, 496–497, 501, 599 solar activity, 467, 492, 495 anomaly, 492, 496, 499, 599 water, prokaryotes, 6t, 92, 136 anoxygenic photosynthesis, 30, 742 Adriatic Sea, 48 Antarctic, 10, 14, 17, 67, 109–110, advanced civilizations, 477–478 112, 114, 116–117 agent intellect, 571 Antarctica, 10–11, 14, 16–17, 42, Akilia Island, 240–241 111, 120, 155, 251, 392, 476, Alchemists, 594, 596 511 algae, 37, 42–43 anthropic principle, 532–533, 545 brown, 12, 42 Antignos of Sokho, 569–570 green, 6t, 10–13, 23, 39–42 Antinomy, 583–584 red, 13, 39, 42–43 Apex Chert, 245–246, 248, 261–262, algal blooms, 47–48, 699 273, 274, 278 algal symbionts, 318 Apex microfossils, 245–246, 273–274 ALH84001, 251–252 apical extension, 57 alien life, 376, 378 Arctic alien microbes, 376, 731 glaciers, 110, 112, 117, 666 alive, 182, 251, 425, 448, 480, 603, life forms, 17, 116, 120 613, 617–618, 712, 740 Zones, 10, 111–112 749 750 SUBJECT INDEX Aristarchus, 362–364
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