THANATOS v o l . 9 2 / 2 0 2 0 Special Issue CONNECTIVE HISTORIES OF DEATH THANATOS v o l . 9 2 / 2 0 20 Special Issue: CONNECTIVE HISTORIES OF DEATH Suomalaisen Kuolemantutkimuksen Seura Ry:n hallitus 2020–21 / The Finnish Death Studies Association (FDSA) was Finnish Death Studies Association Executive Board 2020–21 founded in March 28, 2011 by scholars interested in the field of thanatological research. The aim was Puheenjohtaja / Chair to create an organization that could facilitate an Ilona Pajari, docent of social history, VTT, University of Jyväskylä interdisciplinary public dialogue about death and (
[email protected]) dying in the Finnish society. The purpose of the association is to advance Finnish death studies and Varapuheenjohtaja/ Vice-Chair professional education, to create synergy between Karoliina Käpylehto, TM, doctoral student, Education, University of Helsinki (
[email protected]) Finnish and international professionals and researchers, and last but not least, to promote Sihteeri / Secretary discussion about researching, studying and working Elisa Morgan, TK, Theology, University of Helsinki in the field of death and bereavement research. (
[email protected]) The FDSA hosts a website and an open access Taloudenhoitaja / Treasurer online journal through which the association offers Anna Huhtala, FM, doctoral student, History, Tampere information about future events both in Finland and University (
[email protected]) abroad, and publishes research articles, book reviews, research reports and other texts concerning Tiedotusvastaava / Communications the vast and colourful field of death studies. To find Heikki Rosenholm, FM, doctoral student, Cultural Production out more about the FDSA and to join, please visit and Landscape Studies, University of Turku (
[email protected]) our website: