ED 049 E62 RC 005 207

TITLE A CurriculuLa Guide for Migrant Education. INSTITUTION Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Va. PUE EATE 70 NOTE 82p.

EERS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 EESCRIPTORS *Cultural Differences, *Curriculum Guides, *Elementary Schools, Elementary School Science, Health, *Inservice Teacher Education, Language Development, Mathematics, *Migrant Children, Physical Educaticn, Reacting Eevelopment, Resource Materials, Social Studies, Summer Prcgrams IDENTIFIERS *Virginia

ABSTRACT The 1970 curriculum guide for migrant children was developed by the Virginia Beach School System around a philosophy that exposing the elementary school child to various experiences improves self-concept and enhances the child's growth in social and academic skills, language ability, vocabulary skills, cultural background, and health and nutritional habits. In the document, general and specific objectives are listed. Sections on language arts and developmental reading, social studies, science, mathematics, health, and physical education are presented in chart form, with the following column headings: Needs, Objectives, Learning Experiences, and Materials. A section on inservice programs provides descriptions and purposes of inservice workshops, and a section on evaluation discusses the local summer program for migrant children. (AN) C 005207 ED 049862


THIS DOCUMENTU.S. DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN OF REPRODUCED HEALTH. EDUCATION OFFICE OF EDUCATION & WELFARE Virginia Beach City Public Schools CATIONSARILYVIEWORGANIZATIONEXACTLY OR REPRESENTPOSITION OPINIONS AS RECEIVEDORIGINATING OR STATEDOFFICIAL POLICY. FROM DO OFFICE IT. NOT THE POINTS NECES-OFPERSON EDU- OF OR Virginia Beach, Virginia Summer 1970 A Curriculum Guide for the Migrant Child Prepared by MissMrs.TEACHER COMMITTEE ArthurLouise Mae Powell Lawson Mrs.RESOURCE InezDoris PERSONNELWilson Knox MissMr.Mrs. Alton Hill LoisRebeccaCarolyn Spain OldsKennedy Mr.Miss HermanWeltonElmer RobertJoy Wainwright TerrellReidWilliamsP. Stenzhorn INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS SOCIALLANGUAGE STUDIES ARTS AND DEVELOPMENTAL READING 111 MATHEMATICSSCIENCE 2920 HEALTHPHYSICAL EDUCATION 4136 EVALUATIONIN-SERVICE 7465 A CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR THE EDUCATION OF MIGRANT CHILDREN COURT HOUSE ELEMENTARYMIGRANTVIRGINIA SCHOOL EDUCATION BEACH, VIRGINIAPROGRAM INTRODUCTION: SUMMER 1970 thefor followingthe migrant philosophy: child because of his constant mobility,In an attemptthe Virginia to provide Beach anSchool educational System hasframework adopted that will bridge the gap that sometimes widens socialfeeling and of academic"belonging" skills, to the language community ability, in which vocabulary heTo suddenlyexpose skills, the finds child cultural himself; to experiences experiences, to enhance that soundhis will growth health, improve in his self-concept and aid him in acquiring a GENERALand nutritional OBJECTIVES: habits. 2.1. ToheTo aid ismake theprimarily him migrant aware acquainted childof geographical in developingthrough aspectsfield a positive trips of Virginia self-concept Beach other than those with which 4.3. To broadenprovide hisan atmosphereeducational that and promotescultural flexibilityexperiences in the instructional program 5. andTo providemaintain a goodphysical physical educational health andprogram desirable which healthwill instill attitudes in him a desire to attain 6.7. Toto improveprovide deal more communicationpre-service effectively and between within-service the states migrant training of thechild Easternfor professional Migrant Stream personnel and otherto enable home-base them states SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 1. homeTo help environment the child that realize he is through accepted informal teacher-pupil conversation and visitations in the 3.2. Togovernment identifyacquaint academictheinstallations child deficiencies with the historical and provide heritage materials of Virginia on all levelsBeach andaccording with the to areaability 5.4. Toand emphasizeprovide good healthan physical opportunity habits fitness, to learn good abouthealth, aesthetic responsibility, values through fair play, art-crafts congeniality, and musical cooperation, programs LANGUAGE ARTS AND DEVELOPMENTAL READING C) point"of the tochild's improve past the experiences child's ability and the to The presentationcommunicate. school's partof new in experienceslanguage and as reading a "launching development depends upon the use made To communicate with others NEEDS To improve his self-image OBJECTIVES Views mural of edu- LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Pictures that Teach, personalmorestories effectively experienzes by relatingand Tosharingand extend to encourage ofhis experiences experiences the picturecationalreasonChooses andfor picturesfavorite giveschoice Cassette/RecorderSilverCassette(Primary Burdett Tapes Set Co. - 12) To enrich his background CassettediscussionRecords voicesrecorders) (Candid of *ScholasticFilmstrip-Record Kindle(1) The Joy of BeingWho AmYou I Towithspeechand help improve greater himso hemodify hiscanclarity informalcommunicate conceptcordingsandViews listens filmstrip of self-to re- PolaroidBulletin(2) People Camera Board Packages (Self-Image) WEListenspicturesTakes ARE Bulletinindividual to for records HERE Board Records,BibleHeadphonetold Stories byListening Claudesets For Rairs Center,Children moreTo acquiremeaningful a larger vocabulary and opinionsofTogroup interests,encourage and with with thehisideas, the sharingpeer teacherand Viewsprovoketens films to interests recordsand lis- that *Filmstrips/ViewlexbySongs Kapp Children Love to Sing by sharing ideas and interests Country,TheGoingWonder City, ToPlaces, Tales TheBen Zoo,byandGoing Walt Me,Going to Disney theTo 2 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS DiscussesExchangeslikes with likes filmstrip, a partner and dis- *ScholasticAwayThe Bat,Gold BrerBug, Kindle RabbitCasey Film- AtRuns hasencouragesto viewedview same partner film he PosterDoIsstrip SomethingYou - BelieveRecord To (3)inDo Wishes(4)Nothing How We Listen Totocourteousskills, develop any speaker particularly listeningattention Worksbeingto ingain accepted small confidence groups in Corner)AlphabetLet'sTeacher Sing Made(Children's About the otherHasto thetalk individuals opportunity freely with HansLet's(Children's ChristianGo To The AndersenCorner)Farm FrankHappyPresents)Fairy LutherSongsTales For(Walt Gloomy Disney Days DaveRhymesGolden Brubeck -Treasury Golden Dias Recordsof Disney Nursery LittleCarouselGoldencords Golden byOrchestra BooksSandpiper Books &and Re- the NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS standings,To acquire tonew clarify under- theTo provideplace and the the time, mat- ties:Individualized activi- DuvoisinVeronica's Smile - Roger experiencestoold relate understandings, them to past and withToreadingerials enrich audio-visual for experiencesthe reading child's aids SharesareTells interesting bookswhy books A BlackTrain andto SpainWhite Dahlove IpcarWade Ray vocabularyTolistening, improve his and speaking, writing aboutDictates book stories covers HeadphoneJacketsBulletin Display Boardsets andBook Sights and Totativeliteralcomprehension, improve and his interpre- reading both SelectsstoryCompareslibrary withbooks predicted actual from BookSounds with Series Tapes Random House Unit A Toskills teachdevelop the oral child reading to story (2)(1) DayOur andVeronica Night Goes- Roger to Petunia'sDuvoisin Farm Roger cluesuse picture and context (3)(4) Red Tico Ridinghood's and The Gold Little Wing LambDuvoisin - Charlotte Steiner Leo byTonition listeningimprovedevelop skills speechword to records,recog- patterns (6)(5) WhenWee WillowA Boy WakesWhistle Up -In Kay The AveryMorningLionni Faith McNutty tapes, and films Unit B(1) Animals Do the Strangest blowThings Leona & Arthur Horn- CD 4 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS (2) Bright Barn Yard Ipcar - Dahlov (6)(5)(4)(3) ElsaCindy'sMary'sCinderella MarvelousSnowdrops - Beni Mouse Montresor Mary Francis Shura Joy Adamso Doris - Unit C(1)(7) FishTwinkel, Do The The Strangest Baby Colt Things Lawrence Barrett (4)(3)(2) LookFrederickThe HungryAt A Gull Book - -Dare Charlotte Wright LeonoraSteiner and Arthur Hornblow Lec Lionni (7)(6)(5) When SevenThe IsSmall UnclesTomorrow Elephant Come To In Dinner The MargorieWorld - AlvinAuerbach. Tressault Nancy Wat- - To improve attitudes To provide stories and Listens to nursery Teaching(8) Who's Pictures In The Mirror Ericksonson - Phoebe ofinterestpoetry reading for in developingvaried types Worksrhymes puzzles of Puzzles(1) Humpty-Dumpty No. .944 Child Guidance Toys andReviewsfamiliarrhymes learning nursery ones of un-rhymes (3)(5)(4)(2) Snow HeyCinderellaLittle WhiteDiddle Boy Diddle''No.964Blue - No. 940 No:Jo. 965 943 5 (6) Mary Had A Little Lamb - No. 941 NEEDS To improve his vocab- OBJECTIVES Reports LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Poems For You - Mary E. Dorsey wordsulary of descriptive NonsenseIllustrates rhymes favorite PlayskolPuzzles(1)(2) Busy Happy - BearMatch Happy a Story RecordspoemsDictatesstories stories stories about poetryTeacherPuzzles - collectedteacher made and compiled ReadsWritesand other storiesfavorite poetry poetry poems Toingindividual grow his as world a byunique expand- byTotheof theincrease theservices local community knowledgegovernment rendered and Hill,Visitsgrounds tours Court and the Housebuildings Scholastic(5) All kinds Kindle of feeling workersTalkspoliceTours thewithstations fire community and Films(1-4) Review of first four from time to time PolicemanThe Fireman and The Tocommunity understandservicesstructure and of ofthe athea community viewsTocollectedorganize develop and observations materials abilityfrom inter- to Visualizesof firemen the and work policemen Toaudio-visual correlate reading materials and Viewsstrips films and film- Teacher-made(1) Class chartsstories with the community study 6 ofDramatizes fireman the duties (2) Poems NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNINGPantomines EXPERIENCES the acti- AND MATERIALS (3) Thinking games policemenvities of firemen and (6)(5)(4) TracingPoems Stories from games from Child (findChild Life wayLife to Magazine (cut out and mount) bookCollectsMakesabout a trip Giantand compiles Book (8)(7) FlannelCross-word board puzzles cutouts fire station) workersRecognizesDictatesthe trip studied story community about Primary*Views typewritten- CuriousHow Clothing George story Is Rides Made a Bike Tothe provide training understanding and experiences of CorrelatesclothesGoesstore to todepartment shopfiction for Snapshotstrips for of story pictures item made on Toimportanceperformancerequired provide forinsight of superiorwork into well jobthe done jobsNoteswith arefacts difference not done whenwell EnjoysReadstripsstores billboard,fellowship names, captions, roadof entire signs, etc. on RelatesgoodNotes and consequencespersonal bad work ex- of school on trip together whendoneExpressesperiences he succeeds howof jobshe feels well NEEDS OBJECTIVES WritesLEARNING a storyEXPERIENCES about AND MATERIALS DrawsReadsandtrip. friendspicturestory to of relatives himself Takes story home. To acquaint himself To help the child understand Readsshoppingin outfits stories spree bought and poems on Films: familyinstitutinnwiththe basicfundamental facts- aboutsocial the patternscompositionstothe family differing of livingand family the from varying group family Learnsthetypesabout family newofdifferent familieswords about FamiliesFamiliesChildrenEskimo Childrenand andof History HollandLearningJobs Toofresponsibility developthemake family him appreciation aware as aof member his of Viewsfamiliesreads filmstrips stories about and Families and WeatherShelterRulesTransportationRecreation mutualdaymutualliving,the happenings understandingpleasure enjoyment which ofcomes offamily andevery- from tapeRecordspicturesStudies (compensate teachingstoriesabout families onfor WestonBurdettPictures Woods- thatPrimary Sound Teach-Silver Set 12 memberresponsibilitesTo help ofhim the understand family of each the Writesteacher'sspelling story difficulty) help with Filmstrips:(4)(3)(2)(1) InMilliOnsJenny'sFive The Chinese Forest Birthdayof Cats Brothers MakesturesBrings book of and familyabout shares pic- AlmaTeaching(5) Gillea Wyken, Pictures Blynken by & Nod 8 "My Family" Children Around the World NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Myself,Makes book and aboutI" "Me, African(2)(1) Folk MagicSinging Tales Drum Drum DiscussesofSees families different responsibi- types HowFilmstrips Do You -Feel Churchill About YourselfSeries To be accepted by other aTo sense aid theof loyaltychild in to developing the family, Collectsoflities the familyof and each compiles member How you feel about your family, members of family ancefamilya desire of group,family to be andrulesa memberan accept- of the differingStudiespictures families sizes,of families color, of posters,Teacher-madeabout your experience schoolcommunity, games, storiescharts, and wordUsesreligion, basicstudyrecognition skillswealth, andfor etc. Filmstrips:of(2) children(1) Reading Learning Readiness Letter Sounds- To help him learn basic weaknessViewsstrengthen filmstrip areas to of Commercial(3)(Primary Word series)flash cards ginningconsonants - medial - sounds - final be- familyandinformation about the about basic his needs home of the Works(2-3) in smalltovocabulary improve groups sight and phonics Records(5)(4) Teacher-madePhrase_flash wordcards flash cards family listening modelandeachshelter,Studies need and furniture forclothing food, in of Cuts outBuilds TelevisionRadiotype children- family recordsprograms family program 9 (teacher-made) NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS To know community Visitsfromlandscapein properbooks the anddoctor'srooms.job magazineswith andcut-outs Plans a ViewsBackground(1) films: The Doctor - mural for home Old magazinesnewspapers familytheservices well importantbeing of theto adentist's physical offices examination to have KitareStudies (2)- important The why Dentist these work Old cataloguescoloring books Tointhat make having he the is problems childnot unique aware ordoctorswhereDiscusses other there orcommunity livingdentists are no Cassette/RecorderOverheadOld textbooks Projector FamilyReviewsservices Worksbooklet SRA ActivityAlexanderFilm - EatThe For LearnsWellDoctor Oral & Good GrowLanguage HealthWell ofConsidersGrowViews having Well Eat goodadvantagesWell health& Development(2)(1) HintsIncreasing on Sharing Listening Books Abilities Mary E. Dorsey addressLearnsstreetclosest telephone (house orto roadhome. number name)number and Teacher-compiled Learns (1)(3) ListeningDirectory gamesFor Instructional (25) Aids MakesLearns mapsdirection of the home. route home RoomTeacher-made(2) muralsReading for housegames pupil (25) comple- * Materials availableOthers from fromEducational Center LibraryMedia Center 10 tion The objectives of the social studies program are to give each child a SOCIAL STUDIES creativeness.responsibleness,better understanding open-mindedness, of himself and concern those forhe livesothers, with cooperativeness, in order to develop and NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Tois realize important that everyone Toa good aidincrease self-conceptthe child his selfin developing confidence DisplayhisPinHome nametags name oftentags(something cards on eachfor cute) pupilschild -in call the childroom by Tofor developprovide achieving leadershiphim withgoals opportunities successfullyability TakeboardTakeCamera a picturegroup picture for each child to put on bulletin othersrespectTo assist for him himself in developing and for childrenHangHelpers' helpers' tochavt be chartspecial in helpersclassroom - select withinprivilegesTo realize the classandeach responsibilities child has MirrorsbehaviorhimselfGivesometimes, opportunities inand mirror. "Iappearance. Like for You," child "You're to watch sweet." Compliment children on Tell each child LetBrownthings"I'm children paperglad to them.I(large) traceknow you."each other and cut out the Whisper special little TapeofConstructionoutlines himselfrecorder and paper a picture - Let ofthe a childfriend draw a picture TheLittleBooksandLet Gingerbreadlistenhim stories Red talk toRidinghood andhis Man singown voiceinto tape recorder 12 Jack and the Beanstalk NEEDS OBJECTIVES ThumbelinaThe Three Bears LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS FilmstripsEverybodyPoems"The Joy Saysof Being - My Yourself"Shadow series FS"IfSongs 372.21301.42 You're - "TheyHappy," Need "When Me" you Clap, Clap your Hands," "Getting To Know Me" F395Films"This - "BeginningOld Man," "Monkey-See,Responsibility" Monkey Do" "Kindness to Others" Toinsuccessfully live groups happilyand work at and school HelpsLearnsothering classroomteacher, theschool necessity helpers classmatesregulations of follow- and TeachofTapecustodian, teacher thename names desk ofof teacher,pupils tobus desk, drivers, tape principal,name tag disciplinedDevelopsIncreases self-control inprocedures responsibleness through walkingHaveInvitecorrect the in bus studentsdoors, the driver halls enter practice to in classroomthe an classroomorderlyentering to fashion talk schoolquietly, about by and principalmates,Learnssecretary, busto custodian, respectdriver, librarian teacher,cafeteria maids, class- staff, withHaveflb the librarianstudents visitandus the themanners" lunchroom library toto tarttalk Encouragesschool regulations others to follow 13 with cafeteria staff and to see the kitchen NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS DevelopsEnjoystowards being conscientiouskeeping a part school of cleanattitudethe school PaperStoryHave (construction) childpaper draw himself with classmates WriteMakeTagboard"Our a storiesCustodian"book-"Our about School" each helper "Our Principal", Makein classroom:a list of classroom procedures and post WeWe stay listen in ourto ourseats. teacher. dramatizeDemonstrateBorrow tray, lunchroom proper straw, lunchroomhabits, milk, plate,activities procedures, napkin, etc. We raise our hands to speak. FingerPlayStop games -plays Go usingSigns "stop-go signs" Havegive"Knock"Sometimes contest reward at the Mychoosing(lollypop) Door",Hands arebest"One, Naughty", worker Two, Bucklefor "Mister the My day Shoe"Thumb", - F301.3F395Films - -"Kindness"How "Our Quiet Class to Helps Worksethers" at Together" School" 14 F372.8 - "Schools"We Go To and School" Rules"Safety" NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS PI372.8Study Prints- "Around the School" T372.9TapesSing Songs:- "Let's Meet the Teacher" Toeverywhere realize that live people together Tostanding build the of child'sfamily relation-under- HaveConstruction"When"Wheels the We child Goon To thepaperdraw School" Bus" a picture of his own family in families Tobechildships create a successful which an attitudemakes or himhelpful in want the to MagazinesplayingCut out togetherpictures of families working and Tosisters,rolefamily help of himmember hisaunts, understand parents, etc. brothers,the LetDolls,thefor children roomdress baby up, carriage,play dishes, house play wagons,in thetable, playplay mops, cornercars, clothes etc.of familiesTotions, make himcolor,differ understand habitsin size, all condi- ProvideFigurinesStoryfigurines paperopportunity of all family for freemembers play with these animalsToship enrichshow changes ashim hisfamily that understandingfrom familymembers time member-to timeof WriteReadtop"My ofDaddy"athe book,story following and Mypage Family;My Mother",books: include and stories'draw picture such atas 15 AreLittleDaddies You FamilyMy- CottonMother? Lenski Eastman NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS AngelDaddyMyBig Family BrotherChildComes Home - Steiner Schlein Zolotow RequestdisplayThreeThe Three Littlechild on Bearsbulletin toPigs bring board in a baby picture - FilmstripsT301.42PI372.Prints 8- - "Who'sand"Families Tapes Who inand Your Friend" Family" F372.8FilmsFS301.42 - "Families- "Robert andand Jobs"HisRules" Family" FilmstripsF301.42F372.8F372.8 -- "Families"What Do Fathersand Recreation" Do?" "Families and Learnings" DiscussFS30).42FS301.42 incidents- "Mother"Father thatWorksWork happen Series"Too" at home "They Need Me Series" Tofamilies know that need all shelters Tokinds expose of theshelters child to the many PlaceTitle,Preparecampers, trailers, "Whata bulletinboats Kind tents,on of boardthe Shelter houses,board Do apartments, You Have?" 16 NEEDS To help him appreciate his own kind OBJECTIVES Have child draw a picture of his on homeLEARNING - EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS needTooffood, shelterenrich for recreation, shelters his understanding (rest, protection) clothes, of the number,"ThingsPreparecut out astreet,Ithe chartKnow picture Aboutentitled,color Myof House"house - include house Toin showextend aother shelter him hiscountries the knowledge(living many kinds room, to ofshelters bedroom, rooms CollectDiscuss picturesand describe of shelters homes people from magazineslive in kitchen, bathroom, etc.) TentequipmentBuildBlocks, shelters tinker withtoys, blocks, Lincoln and Logs other play experienceLetSleepingfreeSet childrenupplay tent bags withinrest or the enjoy room a orsleeping-bag outside for ToownshelterTo show help him hehim thatwould determine animals someday the live like kind in to of DiscussvisitBuild in aactivities thecage classroom or house that forgo ona petwithin that the can home many kinds of shelters MakeCardboardDraw a playhouse,picture boxes of hanghis favoritecurtains, shelter put down rugs, DramatizeReadhang poemspicture - "Theabout Three houses Little - "The Pigs" Crooked Man" 17 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Name some of the 50 states Map:Visit a trailer park Visit in other homes LocateLearn somethe namesof the of 50 other states countries writePrepareGlobe: his a giantname inU. theS. Map,state let where each he child was born Know that our nation's chief leaders MagazineLetandPlace studychildren globe (news) inthumb room through for children magazines, to handle cutting To know certain basic whomareIdentify thewe havePresident people chosen inand toour Cabinetmake nation laws members MountPictures:out pictures pictures of of leaders President of ourNixon nation and Cabinet otherToStatesfacts know majorabout the countriesnamesthe United of Learnare madethat bylaws the of people the nation Makemembers a bulletin board with leaders displayed NameRecognizeDevelop colors, respectthe stars, American for stripes our flag flag DisplayAmericantheInvite proper a Americanflag:local display resource flag, of the teachperson flag to discuss Teach"I"Pledge love Poem: myof country'sAllegiance" flag Develop love for our nation ToTheTalkSays, every red, aboutbe boywhite good, ourand and begreatgirl bluekind, it nation be true". 18 CO. Social Studies NEEDS Appreciate living in America OBJECTIVES LEARNINGSing songs: EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS "This"You're"America""God"My CountryBless Land a GrandAmerica"is 'Tis Your Old of Land" Flag"Thee" withFShowParade 791.6 flag films: around -at "Let's head the ofHave room line a toParade" a patriotic march T372.ST372.8Tapes:Prints: - "Columbus"Geographic Day" Terms" PI 910394.26 -372.8 "United"Holidays Nations - Flags Day" Day" - -"Children "The Earth and - theHome Law" "Brotherhoodof People" Week" 19 INTRODUCTORY-GENERAL PURPOSE SCIENCE their curiosity, to use their imagination, to plan Sciencecooperatively, experiences and toin learnthis programby doing. give children an opportunity to explore and satisfy

20 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCE AND MATERIALS To learn about their environment Familiarizetheir earth children with UseandUsediscussing. teaching oceans).globe to picture point outfor waterviewing and and soil(continents TheWaterSoilAir three states of matter Demonstrateglassan empty to showglass that air straight"air can is escape. real"down intoby pushing water; tip Thematter termscauses melt of changesand in DiscussObserveFilmstrips clouds.cause of rain. Theliquidsfreeze changing by useof solidsof heat into weatherObserve cycle demonstrations from liquid of tc change gas to in liquid: the 1. Water in kettle to simulate water 3.2. CoolingsimulateBoilingon earth cloud, ofclouds water, causing or causingfog molecules steam, to ofHave matter classmade (solid, charts liquid, showing gas). three states againto become to simulate heavy andrain. to drop to ground Lightfreely match in theand atmosphere.observe smoke or gas blending evaporatingice (solid)melted (liquid) water (steam) 21 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS MeltFromtemperature,Usechange icetwo which or waterit paraffin hasinto the containers. more liquid.other orH sugarheated. by heating to 2 0 evaporated? Keep one at room

22 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Thesurface curvature of the earth's wouldmodelsHavePicturesGlobe childrenlook of howoffrom earththeydraw outer thinkpicturestaken space. thefrom andearth space mold craftclay blanketDescriptionA landcomparison and around water of of earthair theon as earth amountand invisible of PicturesGlobesBlowEX. blowair throughup balloon straw - Feelin water air beingand released Definitiondetectdemonstration it. of desert of ways as toarea of PicturesLooknote airoutside bubbles.ofclouds, deserts for sicns moving of smoke,air (leaves etc.). moving, fallland having little or no rain- DiscussHaveEncyclopediaoldFilm childrenmagazines and why filmstrips few collect plant growpictures in desert from Plant growth Plant1.containing seeds inshallow five differentsoil, the jars,fifth fouronly DepriveH2O 1 jar of H90 Differences in appearances Field3.2. trips around school grounds ObserveDeprive and1 jar compare of llbhtair growth by (in sealing closet) lid of plants ClassifyPicturesHaveFilmstrips discussion onshowingof chart various on plantsas likenesses big,plants of medium, different children and large,differences sizescollected. small, etc. NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS ofDifferences animals in appearance MakeFilmsZooTrip Babypictures toand Zoo AnimalsFilmstrips of animals(and other library books) Rocks ToRecordsEducationalObserve learn withand what Services,discusseach fossils filmstrip finished Inc.are, Filmstripand pictures. what they PartsSafety of ina flowerthe home and WePuttingPlayschool'Puzzlecan Read tell aboutdifferent us aboutFire flower andthe Howearth parts It is together Used, on the roads othersextinguishingToField observe tripsome tothedistance firesfire scientific and andaway. policeof wayscommunicating stations of with Webster, Jr. Science Series Operation of a television TeachingFieldPicturesWebster, trip picturesJr. to Sciencea T.V. stationSeries - How Television Works MigrationEvergreensPerennialsAnnualsSigns of ofseasonal birds changes MakePicturesforfound classeach and from ofbookletcut themagazines out four withthemselves. seasons whichpictures studentsand of with plants havepictures Winterclimates, foods from warmer HealthEncyclopaediaFilmsnearbyof animals. andSciencearea filmstrips BritannicaFilmstrips Films Make a leaf collection from ChildrenTapeafterwards."A Dayrecorder ofdraw Winter" picturesand cassette by Bettyillustrating Miles, Sightsthe story and Sounds NEEDS machinesWork-saving advantages of OBJECTIVES waysExperiment of moving with them: moving heavy objects and LEARNINGeasier EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS wheels, ramps, rollers. "work".Definition of the term MakingspoolmachinesTeaching a(cord) pulley pictures from showing a coat howhanger people and worka thread with MakeFilmstripsFilmsBooks kites and fly them on a windy day. The force of moving air VisitShareUse#551.5result pictures aexperiences windofWind high millshowingand winds. Whatandof whatthe discussIt resultsDoes.has thebeen EMC ofwork seen a windthat as does. andTheand soilimportance its effect of on the plants sun ObserveofShow water. what the happenseffect ofto sunlighta plant withouton soil sunlight.deprived dayScientific and night explanation of asearthSimulateDemonstrate the byearth. usingsunlight the a relationflashlight hitting ofdifferent asthe the earth sun sections byand the a globeofglobe. the WollensakT372.3 Swing Tape Around The Sun-EMC, Seashore life FieldVisitDiscuss(can tropicaltripalso the to useplants Sandbridge fishdoll, andaquarium. etc., animals as thethat earth) live in the ocean Characteristics(amphibians) of frogs SetF594F551.4Lookliving up Seafor anSea habits Adventuresseashellsaquarium Shore of Life, fishin of classroom SandyEMCand frogs. the and Snail, observe EMC the NEEDS OBJECTIVES F639LEARNING A Balanced EXPERIENCES Aquarium, AND MATERIALSEMC. HaveBringF597itF597 breathes,children Tad, frogThe theFishinto makeFrog,what Thatclassroom pictures it EMCNearly eats, and Drowned,showinghow observe it lives howEMC. how frogs and grows onSeasonal plants changeand animals and its effect TeachingDiscussdevelop from temperaturePictures tadpoles. changes F525HavePIS25F225animals "Summerchildren Seasons"Winter that on draw(studyonhibernate the the orFarm" prints)Farm"find in picturesthe EMC winter of F525F525 "The"Fall"Spring "Children Farm Brings Bringson Family thein Changes" Winter"Changes"Farm" in Winter" F633F525 "Autumn "Children (allon the inabove Autumn"Spring"Summer"Farm" filmstrips available at EMC) Plants vs. animals uponDiscussTalkingStudentsclassify each howpictures collect otherthem plants as pictures plantand animals or from animal. areold dependentmagazines and Make a display. kingdom)Parental care of young (animal TeachingFilmstheirCollect babies.- of animals taking care of F599.8F599.71=599.3F598.6 "Rikki-The "Mother"The"Three"Mother Red Little Deer RabbitsHen"Baby and Kittens"Monkey" Family"her Twins" NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Animals beneficial to man ListFilmsF599.3 animals(cont'd) "Gray (with Squirrel" pictures)(available that fromhelp EMC.)man F599.3clothing,Chartperform(T.V., showingThe hiscircus, food,Beaver. work. animals foretc.) (wallEMC pets that chart)and are entertainment. used for Care of pets HavehowTripsF596. thechildren to pets a pet aretell shop-have cared about for. petsshopkeeper or animals demonstrate they Animals Useful To Man, EMC manAnimals for survivalnot dependent on DiscusshaveF599.8F599 cared Farm animalsAdventures for.Animals, which of F636-08 doCindy not Caredepend of onPets man & Food-getting GAME:Discussfor survival. Have what a animalschild pretend eat. he is an animal and describe himself to the class, the Locomotion of animals F595(Bring Wonder animals In Your into Own classroomBackyard, andEMC observe whatfood he he is. eats, etc. Let the class guess GAME:cricket,their hold movements. etc.) up picture e.g. of caterpillar, an animal and earthworm, see who can tell how it moves. movementsLetthe children animal. and takehave turnsother imitatingclass members animals' guess -Charades- NEEDS withFamiliarizes a lever and himself how it OBJECTIVES PointDemonstrateLEARNING out EXPERIENCESthe how three levers main AND help partsMATERIALS move of heavya lever objects. - force, makes our work easier. weight,F621.9ShowBring by in and Makingpicture can fulcrum. (describesopener, Work of see-saw.Easier, nutcracker, plane, EMC wedge, scissors, pulley hammer. and wheel) Learns what friction is TeachingsurfacesappliedShow that pictures.- e.g.friction wheels is onthe highway rubbing when together brakes of are two Knowswork.planesUnderstands that can aaid wedgehow us inclined inand our TeachingMakelevel-(discuss an inclinedpictures waysplane that to pulltrucks wagon are uploaded, to another etc.) machinesReviewsinclinedscrew areall planes examplessimple of HavehowDisplayDiscuss theyclass howpicturesare build machinesused some ofto various dohavesimple different affected machinesmachines. kinds our and lives.of explain work.

28 MATHEMATICS The developmental arithmetic approach for the migrant child shall encompasstrips. the concepts set forth in reading, writing, and related field The actual learning activities will be designed to help him explore IZ1 lifethe worldtowards around being him, a better find solutionscitizen. to family problems, and so direct his NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Toawareness develop mathematical givenIdentify sets numbers within MakeHavefood,classified childrenset people, booklets into cut colored setsoutfrom pictures ofdrawingsobjects, pets, toys,oretc. To recognize geometric shapes Recognizes geometric shapes ToHavepictures create children that pictures identifychildren and teacher-madehavedesigns cut fromout. sets. To name sets whichNames setshave ofbeen like added objects or TeacherToformsgeometric produce kitplaces shapesshapes.and setsto fromcreate of similarthe designs. geometric objects removed orchildrenaon teacher fewremoved.a tableseconds. thenremoves for name children or the adds set to a orstudyset sets and for added Children close eyes while ofShowF-510Flannel one pictures Filmobject board or toanddiscovery another. ask children geometry the relation The Chimney Example:Teacher-made ditto sheets Place Xxon geometric shape topis onof thethe house. circleon the overtriangle the squareinside theI x 30 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS To make comparisons between'!al:esfewer,objects comparisons twosmallest, (smaller, or more less, larger, Teacher-made &ernes Example: Whatgreaterl'm thinkingis thethan number? 3,of buta number less than 6. more, greatest, etc.) lessorPictures sets than. showing showing greater objects than of differentand sizes, '- To produce patterns Reproduces patterns Teacher-madeChalkFlannel hoard board ditto sheetscompleting (for patterns) ShowstringingHave pictureschildren beads, orcreate objects.etc.Example: their own patterns by Have children Toshapes complete geometric Recognizes and completes comparison.Havecompare children them orally. make their own objects for To discriminate unfinished geometric shapes Teacher-madeShowthe setsone thatof dittosobjects is differentExample: and have children select complete the figures Tosimilaritiesdifferences match sets and inLearnssimilaritiesRecognizes 1 to to1 correspondencematch differencesin setspictured andobjects ProvideExample: experiences on Flannel board Which one does not belong? UseMatchingHave1to correspondence.children matchchildren sets each and onstudy object desks,flannel (3a set,indesks etc., boardthe then to oneto 3 draw matchhechildren, viewed.a 1set to etc.) 31 NEEDS Demonstrates through matching OBJECTIVES Have sets on flannelLEARNING board, etc.,EXPERIENCES showing AND MATERIALS To identify numbers moreIdentifiesthe objectset that thannumbers has another exactly one AskHaveChildren1 objecthow 5 boysmany putin stand more 1heads set girlsup, anddown. 6 2theregirls in another, arestand. than etc. boys. Teacher taps desk To identify sets of 2 Identifies sets of two with1.Children ruler name sets having 2 members Set of eyes on a person (How many taps did children hear?) SetSet of of armswheels earslegs on on ona achilda horsebirdbike To complete sets firstbyCompletes adding number onesets to of the numbers Example:Show 5,objects books withon number no cards card to match 856 10 78 To increase counting skills byinShows connecting number counting sequence dots skill Example:Add one book, what will next number card be? 2 Triangle, etc. sequenceShows the one-less GAME5,4,7, 3,2,5, etc. WhoHave7.class am child I?guess play his "IT," numbee, give Example, clues and I camelet after NEED OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS CO To increase additive skills combinedJoinstwo setsthe results articlesto get the in HaveFlannelPop bottlea child board caps put up a set of 3 objects TeacherHave another placesAsks- child 5 Whatobjects put place up(How in a isasetmany row.the of in vase 4all?) objects in? What place is the pencil in? (1st) etc. (4th) NumberLineCalendar- up line childrenAsks- Have Whatchildren place change is Tom the in? date Betty? each day or put up next date. HaveHaveselling)Play marked childrenstore items- (learn uselabeled, andcash numbersplay register money through (buying 31) and To count money Usesto countnickels to andone dimesdollar cltilcito"I frontgiveam 10C, sits aof coin am to 5C, match etc." each, Call until a grout each Children at desks have To make change Makes change Hold a pretendTagcorrectreceivingcrayons, items auction change. aroundetc.). play - moneyroom (erasers,and giving pencils, customers Children take turns curveoutside,Places objects and on inside,a closed Let childrenNo.Teacher-madecurve. 2follow to close dots dittosthe to curve.make - Havea closed children follow Have them draw a point on the curve, etc. Example: (Did you drawor curved a straight path?) 33 Tothe learn shortest that adistance straight between line is NEED pathFindsOBJECTIVES between the shortest 2 points LEARNINGReadGame ormaze EXPERIENCEStell a story AND about MATERIALS the distance two points oneThey2children frompoints. point can Mary's createdrawto another. housetheir stories toown Betty's. aboutpaths abetween path from the Have the To create geometrical designs Usinggeometrical pegboards designs to create GivetoUse go eachlaces around student or theyarn constructionpegs (toothpicks to make paper, pegs) plastic To construct plane figures Constructs plane figures ofstraws,therectangle, straws figure. and underneath paste.and square each and figure write neededthe number to make Have them make a triangle, To learn 2 digit numbers Groupsand gives pennies value and of dimes each group EXAMPLE:Give children play pennies and dimes. 10c 10c and lc 1C 1C 1C n To tell time LearnsTothein show 2-digithour to place tell numbers numberstime on childrenUsefor clock making move faces, clocks hands watches, withto the movable paperhour thatplateshands. the24C is C 0 c 0 0 Have To count by tens Counts by tens through 90 Useteacher timebundlesdimes tapes. callsto of count sticksout. to with$1.00 10 sticks in To write 2-place numbers 2-placeLearns tonumbers write correctly HaveUseeach abacusbundle.children complete the pattern: 11, 12, 13,-,-,16,17,-,19,etc. 34 Cr) NEED OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS To solve equations equationsSolvesto subtracting simple by adding AcademicMagneticInverseTeacher mathGamesActionand pupilboard Development made games Program SitTieDO shoe UNDOStandUntie shoe Finds missing numeral AddInflateAdd 27 3 5 balloons, Puncture 2. Subtract 3,73 etc. To distinguish betweenand greaterDistinguishesin equation or lesser which is SpinningHow many Gameremain? 5-2=(?) Toline distinguish and line betweensegments drawingandDistinguish line each segments between by lines AskMakea lineothers one throughdot to ondo board.thisthe same.point. Ask a child4 toor draw8? To make numbers fun: withBecomes numbers more familiar ThereEncyclopediaHowas manya arefollow-up. linesactivities Britannica can be to drawn gofilms- with through each afilmstrip point?

35 THE HEALTH PROGRAM and practive relating to individual, family,The objective and community of the health. health program is to experience to favorably influence attitudes The teacher of the ceremigrantshould interest childdevelop inshould closetheir be relationshipsmental, familiar physical, with with the emotional, theproblems children ofand thein social ordermigrant peopledetect andhealth have abnormalities. a sin- The teacher

36 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Tonecessary know that for good good food health is basicDevelopsThe child foods an - awareness of the four MagazinestofoodsPictures tear pictures fromof basic which mealtimeAssistgoodthey eatingchildren areto seeacquiring habits thatat A Agood good breakfast dinnerlunchsnack -- Islunch,Eats encouraged a gooddinner breakfast, toeveryday try new foods "WilyFilm:"Eat Eat (FWell 613.2)Vegetables" Grow Well" classroomPretendsCuts out picturesto serve ofmeal good in food Foodpoem:Study(PI and 371.7)prints: Nutrition "The Picnic" MakesbasicDiscussesat each foodsa menu meal,the forfood observing each served meal four Jam;LittlePlayStory Danny dishesBear:Book: the Bread Dinosaur and aTo timehappy know andthat relaxed mealtime yet is quiet makemannersThe understanding mealtime are necessary happy that togood forSetting four of silverware mannersWatch for good table handsTo know before thatwhat meals,hegood must manners line wash up are DiscussesPractices(good table andgood bad) mannersmanners at the TableclothNapkinsScissors, paste, paper bestChoose manners boy girl with napkinsasktalkusenicely, to correctsoftly, have sit things eatingtallchew at withpassed,implements, table, mouth useand closed, play table in the classroom t) 37 NEEDS andHandles dishes eating in classroomimplements, napkins, OBJECTIVES Song: "When We Want To LEARNING EXPERIENCESEat AND - MATERIALSWe Sit Tall" MakesPractices place settingmats a simple table PracticeTapetable recorder conversation lining - tape mealtimeareListen too forloud children during who Composes and reads notingcassetteRecordeach otherwhichvoices recorders, upare on toc Waits patiently in line dinnerDrawtoloud behands washed, which before need WashesTalksat the inhands tablepleasant before tones eating heNameChart:or did goldof not child star forget checksfor week - Who -washed hands? Showers daily whileMirrorself watching in- chewsmirror him-food rememberKeepstars chart for to withthosewash gold who Tohealthis know necessary that cleanliness for good shampoo,powder,Soap, towels, wash Q-tips, cloths, deodorant, mani- NcticeObservetions fingernail showers taken condi- Toprocedures know properhow to bathingshampoo washesShampoosLearns histo his showerears hair properlyand boardsFingernailcuticlecure set scissors, scissors, emery Referral to nurse his hair 38 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS To know how to care for nails Cares for his nails washingTheaide childin thehis will showerface be andassistedreminded work down byto teacherbegin or personalHasUnderstandsis greaternecessary appearance concernthat deodorant for ThepartsCharts child of - willbodycharts drawin willorder himself show of onwhatchild cons.truction is washed first paper numbering myself"AdoptsgroomingImproves attitude, habitshis health "I like and SkinFilms - P613 Care of Hair and Nails How Billy Keeps Clean Care of groomingTo recognize plays that an importantgood ImprovesBuilds self-assurance general appearance TapesStudy -prints Songs -PI Keeping 371.7 -Neat Health and andClean Cleanliness Health Can Be Fun part in self-assurance onCameraChild bulletin will- pictures listenboard ofto individualsongs about children "Health displayedCan Be Fun" LookBooks:Children In The will Mirror sing Monkey Song, Children, Children, Being Six Just Like Me 39 OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Tonecessary know that for good good teeth health are NEEDS Keepsgums teethhealthy clean and The toothpaste,child will receiveglass a kit: toothbrush, Toof teethknow the proper care KnowsVisitsularly that the teethdentist have reg- Theteeth child after millwill every discussbe assisted meal a trip in tobrushing the dentist his differentforEats teeth food shapes which andis gooduses TheConstruction child will paper, dramatizemake scissors,a happy a trip tooth paste. to andthe adentist sad tooth Knowspleasingspeaking,necessary that appearance teethandfor foreating, are a brushTheFilmstrip,K613.4 child and -Dental modelwill toothbrush, Carepracticeteeth Kit: modelbrushing teeth, teeth books with large F612Film:The child will see filmstrip "Tommy's Healthy Teeth" 40 The physical education program permits pupils to choose from a wide range of activities. PHYSICAL EDUCATION basicThedevelop total motor bodyprogram skills efficiency is(walking, diversified, through running, goodincluding, throwing,posture, in muscularcatching,addition strength, toclimbing, "monkey-bars", and and general jumping), activities physical and tovigor. teach the continueand it also to beendeavors active asto a lasting interest Thein physicalphysical exerciseseducation soprogram that childrenattempts willto teach children to play and exercise safely,

41 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS To kick a soccer ball activitiesTo broaden throughchildren's the physicalteaching Games Soccer Materials Tothe learntrapfoot ato soccer pass, ballreceive, with dances,of a variety and stunts of new games, Tag football (boys) BalloonsUtilityBasketballsSoccer balls balls center,To learn and to puntchest, a bounce,football Basketball baseball,andTo dribble,underhand and free overheadshot throw, pass BatEndPrisoners'Goal ball ball base bodycirculationintoanTo adequateplaywith the gamesneededlungs andintake that tooxygensupply stimulate ofprovide freshthe air BalloonBreath hold blowing To learn new stunts Stunts SteppingRoosterBack-to-backCrab walk fighton toes push stomachTo strengthen muscles arm and ChinForwardClimbHuman-over-and-underSit-ups the a rollropebar cartwheel 42 To learn new dances NEEDS To help children develop a OBJECTIVES Dances LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Materials appreciationothersense countriesof rhythm for dancesand an of PolkaWaltzTwoFolkSquare step dance dance Chin-upTumblingRecordRecordsClimbing Playerbar mats rope To increaserun in good speed form and distance Tochildren provide tothe acquire opportunity motor forskill Running Simple relay HorizontalBalance bar bar To run without falling run and leap over objects questhrough instruction in techni- RunRunOver-UnderRope shuttle 50 skip yards relayrunrelay dash (Record time) (Record time) muscles,Tobreathestimulate develop strengthendeeply leggood and posture, thighthe abdomen, and Jumping Broad jump the To jump at least 12-15 inches jumpinches.distancetimes long without ofrope 40-50 8-12missing Run in and (Stop(Ropes) watch) andancefromhigh. landand a platformrhythm.lightly 3-5 feet high To jump with good bal- To jump Kicking rollingKick20-30 a soccerfeet.ball with ball Kick a andTo catchsmall withballs accuracy thrown bylarge DribbleStop soccer soccereither ball ball foot another player 43 with foot Tofrom catch a walla softball rebounding NEEDS OBJECTIVES Catching Keep away LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS To catch a batted softball PassingSoftball the 500 ball MaterialsJunior size footballs Toform throw and a accuracyball with good muscleshowThethe toteaching lower anddevelop outer and of upper upperchildrenmuscles shoulderarms of Throwhit a amoving softballball targetand accur- Throw4 fromatelyout aofa softball todistance5 timesanother overhandof peron 20 feet, Throwacywithsize good andfootball catchform anda junior accur- To learn to bounce a ball Bouncing 50Bounce times large in 20 ball minutes 40- (Recorded time) To dribble a basketball One-bouncerelayBasketball volleyballdribble Toball bat withavolleyball properly hand pitchedand utility ball Circle handball 44 CD NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS BattingVolleyballSoftball MaterialsVolleyballsStop watch Tosufficient help children coordination, gain Batball BasketballsUtility Balls asmeetlifestrength requirements emergencies and vitality of as daily well to Running schedule To develop emotional LeadRelaysGames up andskills stunts stabilitystressesof modern andtolife meetstrains the developingskillsTo assist emotionalthem in andPlayEmotional fighting without skills quarreling Take part in team play HaveFollow respect directions for school DependquicklyFormpartnersChoose lines andless willingly accept andon adultscircles andLearnPlayproperty defeat safely to andaccept with and equipment properfairlyvictory Tovitiesthrough improve gamesposture and acti andgoodTo assistgeneral posture, them physical muscle in developing vigorstrength, Gamesattitude In"and out running To walksit properly properly 45 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS To stand properly Walking onthe stilts plank analysesTo have severalduring theposture program PailMerry-go-roundBook relayon the head To createknow the new rules stunts and andthemprovidingToin increase stuntsphysicalto practice the whichchildren's activitiesopportunity games,they know interest dancesthrough for and StuntswhenoffaHave chance eachhis a stunt original childto showday has Material RecordRecordsRock'NMats RollPlayer dancesToskill know ofsteps games to several enjoy Dances stunt haveAllowpopularofthey theira studentscansock dancesbringown hop and to whenrecords do Toexercises participate in everyday activitiesmaximumTocipate provide opportunityin childrenvigorous towithphysical parti- the ExercisesJumpWoodchopperJumping and JillTouch UtilityBasketballs balls ToTo build learn coordination to contribute CoordinatorRocking Chair duringthe most group possible competion to thegames group 46 C.: NEEDS To promote team work and fair OBJECTIVES Group LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS SoftballsSoftball bats To be aware of progress Toplay build a lasting interest Keep an action()Amescompetition Softball-TSoftball bases being made activechildrenin physical as willadults exercises continue soto thatbe Physicalprogressposter to fitnessrecord MaterialsAwarePoster ribbonspaper Toin take field an dayactive events part dayHavereport when a cardstrack children and fieldcan orWalklow balance successfullyledge, beam low ridge, a byTolocomotor makechanging the movementslearningthe timing, ofenjoyable intensity goingWalking,compete shopping, fortaking prizes hikes,(walking To learn to walk: Fast or slow or direction Takinganother)from onefield department trips to Materials BeanBalance bag beam TurningBackwardSidewaysForwardIn place or MarchingWalking torelay music .T:Iptoe.Light beamWalking the balance .Heavy.Dignified 47 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Games: Dog and(player bone must creep Old Mother Witch or tiptoe) Source: Gamesthe Elementaryfor Minneapolis426Burges S. SixthPublishing 15, St. Minn. Co. School Grades Jumping,Learnfeet to usingjump both To teach various ways to jump JumpingDistanceRope jumping from jumping a Record: Fifteen For Fitness high: TurningBackwardForwardIn place Jumpplatform(jumping Jim Crow game) Exercise:Jumping to music JumpingJumping over Jack Skipfeet using both Torhythm develop of theskipping fundamental SkipSkip to to music a designated spot objects 48 Skip light, rapid movement NEEDS OBJECTIVES Skip in a circle LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS movementwithSkipfloor feet with high always a freein airclose graceful with to Skip relayrope withaknees robust knees nearly emphatic high straight, and movement bent or OldGames: King Cole LouSkip to My FarmerSixpenceSing aIn Song The ofDell Togames feel thatfree areto discussto be played ofTo gameplan activitiesfor the presentation that will whereVisitRing the Aanother Jig games Jig schoolof children Togoing feelin the outfree classroom to to the talk play justabout area before motivateToare stimulateeager children to playinterest so that they Specialare observed events: parties,Festivals, tournaments play-days, games they know and like SwimmingmentThe purchase courses of new equip- 49 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS bodycirculationBreath with deep needed toand stimulate supplyoxygen the dramaticProvidewithinTo integrate the anplay opportunitycurriculum game experiences for Plays: An Adventure in Stuppet Land Learn to imitate characters To develop an appreciation RhythmicHansel and Pantomine Gretel such as: Learn to act out parts Tofor createrhythmic a desirepantomine to imitate Frogs"noises") (jumping,takingseagulls looking, off) (flying, landing, PlaysheadTurtle actions)by: (movement, body actions, Cr,lating Plays with Children by: PaulMichael Smiths, Warnes N.Y. DecorationsSandra made of:Sandersconstructioncloth, crepe, paper, poster, magic and Learn to respond to To develop an appreciation Listening to varyingmarkers, compositionsthread scissors, needles, suitabletions musical composi- for interpretive rhythms that are: DreamyLightStrong and and gray Vigorous or NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS rhythmicemotionalTo provide movement releasepositions tothrough ofaccompaniment free MaterialsRecord Player First listening experiences AChildren's Rainy Day: Songs for 157Educational Chambers RecordStreet Sales (Interpretive Rhythms)Classroom Rhythms Perform simple stunts To teach stunts that are Stunts New York, New York 10007 Tomuscles strengthen arm fun and healthful DoJumpingHumanBack 5 sit-ups toball throughbackstick MaterialsTumblingHorizontalBroom-handle mats bar sticks ChinCartForwardHandtal upwheelwalkladder atroll horizon-least Knowmusic how to walk to activityforTo providevigorous opportunities and continuous WalkGoesline on theto a musicstraightWeasel)5 times (Pop 51 OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS musicKnow how to run to NEEDS Rambler)Run to music (Wabash MaterialsAlbum Fifteen for toKnow music how to gallop Gallop(El toMolino) music Fitness Knowto musichow to skip PretendinSkip the to toloon music be Light)horses (Magic One-legblackJog length top hop (skip of primary back) andAllTwo Hare"executelegjoin hop in "Tortoisecircle GAMES FOR KINDERGARTEN AND GRADES ONE THROUGH THREE The following games appeal primarily to individual achievement, and any reference to team. Many conversations,gamesachieving enjoyed or winning byor childrenmake is believe directed in these characters. to grades the individual or age rather than to a group or a utilitze a dramatic element through chants.

53 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Tothe learn game the rules of levelpropriateTo provide of children to skills the developmentalagesthat 4-6are ap- Play the game Gamesgames:Source For for The the Elementary following ofTo thelearn game the word MotherToTo teach provide Witch" a new opportunities game "Old MotherChantingrich,thoughtto the Witch", picked game,theshe wordswas "Oldup a Hazel426BurgessSchool S.A. Sixth GradesRichardsonPublishing St. Co. by To learn the object organizedto participate games in low Takingpennypartshe was andinan therich"activethought game Minneapolis 15, Minn. byfromof the getting witch)game (tocaught keep Acceptingcaughttion of witchthe posi- when Learnfor therules drawnTwogames: and(2) to directions linesrepresent are To teach a new game Learnland toon takeboth offfeet and missingoverThethe children thebanks andbrook. oflanding run the and brook. jump Anyone "Crossing ToThe teachdevelop Bar" different courage typesin jumping of LeapToto leap theacross fromother afterone foot a run "home"in the tobrook put ison sentdry jumps Learnlightjumps to bouncy, make their easy, and shoes and dry socks; he NEEDS To teach the skill of OBJECTIVES LEARNINGTo try andEXPERIENCES land AND MATERIALS C7.71 ongoesthento his take"home", re--shoes off enters pretendsandand sockstheput game and thelanding ankles with and a knees"give" in withoutnoise making any Maskingtofor be lines playedtape if or indoorsgame chalk is To learn the"Simple game rules:Tag" To teach a game that permits Playing the game anotherplayscatteredThechild playersarea. isplayer. overto are tag the One "Simplephysicala short Tag" periodactivity of vigorous Tryingtagged not by toit get withoutandheA tags player calls,the becomes game a whom"I'mbreak continues heItIt!" To learn theTouch game Ball rules: players are "Touch Ball" insidePlayingthree the orthe fourcircle game players with passedcircle.standsOnein a child,circle insidefrom who formation.player of is the It, to A ball is acrossaccuratelyTeachto increase thethe childrencircleand distance encourage to throwin themthrowing AvoidingIT deliberately trying to be player around the circle NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS andorchild the.childtag acrosstouched thewho thehall. is itwho Itcircle.last, threwmust becomes trythe toball When he does, The Togame:It learn the rules of the To develop the desire to imitate RateTo imitatepraise andthings the well "I Saw" aThe circle. players are seated in One child is Learnimitationchance to toraise do anotherhands and sawschoolHein says, the this center"On morning,my ofway the to I circle. ". He then beguesses called eliminatingupon for their confusion centercorrectlyTheofimitates, gestures, child and goeswho thein what guessesmovementgameinto it starts thewas. _ saw.areagain.tells correct, what itthe was center that he If no guesses 56 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Learnquiet to during maintain the absolutegame Tothe teach importance games dealing of fair with play funLearnstill if thateveryone it is keeps more very One"Dogfronton to child aand he chairof Bone"the isthe orselecteddog. children stool in who He sits whenLearnTheto dogstayhe to is must turnalert sure learnaround that heonly backarehone,othercloses sitting. is players. whichtowardshis eyes. is thean eraser, The dog The dog's His doghasIfhears heleftmust turnssomeone hisgive whenseat, comingup nohis the one place attemptsnearhook,selectedsimilar his or chair.toany size,by sneak articlethe is teacher upplaced toof A child to another child hearsturnshearingbonethe dog someone withoutaround him.and touch coming,andthe says, dog'shis he If '_he dog anotherplayer"Bow!seat; Wow:" mustteacherplayer. return chooses to his Then, the The child him,isthewho repeated becomesboneis successful before the dog,andthe in dog touching gamehears 57 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS Learn direction"Frog for In game: TheA circle Sea" is drawn on To teach the player courage surpriseTheLearnto frogthe to frogmusttheventure playerlearn close toin beTheleggedthe the child playgroundfloor frog in selected theorsits scratchedcenter surface.cross- to of on whilenotposition.order leavekeeptagging to tag hishis athem. position sittingplayer, If he does Must playersthis circle. chant:can'tFrog incatch the me:sea The other placedtagged.andthe thetagging with doeschild theisnot who unfair frogchange was Thehim,Theyof frog hisandstep circle,daretries in andthem. to poke outtag Anyonehimchangeshissomeone andsitting whom theplaceswithout he gameposition. tags with leavingcontinues Learn to hold"Fox a andchild Chicken"One correctly player is the fox. wayholdingplayingsgamesTo toteach hold someone children another that around thechildinvolve correctthe when waist withofTostructure themhold their withthe hands at childtheir the on insideshands the front bodyof the ArrangeTheinofand othersfroma theyfile in five formfiles.areholds to theseveral sixhis chickens, players.on groupsthe hips Each child hip 58 of the child in front NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS him.henintriesa fileany tries tooneis tag thetoof protectthethehen. lastfiles. her chicken group The first player in The fox The playersarmsinsidefrom thewhile tothe mustfile side foxthe maintain ingroupwith back her moves theirof outstretched her; fromholds all Learn direction"Teacher for Ball"Thegame children are in groups To teachin throws accuracy and distance missed,whetherTopoorly be fait becausethethrown inball judging orit was becausewas Large,bagsballs softor bean groupwithoffaces"teacher". six one as tothe thechildeight others, leader inplayers, each whoor form The leader it was a poor catch ofturn,thetenin theafeetball linestarting line fromto about continuingeach him. at eight playerthe headto in He tosses missesEachtothethrough the child,ball, the leader. the ball tossesupon foot goes receiving ofit totheback the line. Anyone who andfoottheto"teacher" the theofhead theplayfront, becomes line.misses, is thecontinued the childhe teacher;goes at If the 59 Learnclearly, to call so thatthe namesall may NEEDS childrenTo provide to anplay opportunity a game that for OBJECTIVES LEARNINGcatchEliminate the EXPERIENCES ballthe bouncebefore AND andit MATERIALS Volleyball hear,toss andthe toball"Call call Ball" the name as they willresponses help to developand accurate alter catching bounces or hits the floor softor any ball large, Theballinformation the playersthe abovename center. with areofhis a in oneheadchild a child circlewhile in the calling circle. He tosses the Thatplacethethan child ball,ballone of attempts time. beforethehe maychild ittotake bouncesincatch thethe centermore If he catches isifandtothe hesuccessful tosstoss childfails theand in to ball. call inthecatch catching untilcenter the a ball, continuestheplayer However, To understand"Have the rulesYou ballSeen of theMy Sheep?"game andcarefullyTeach to thebe readytochildren the to descriptions runto listenif they Learnclothes,child way as tohair,the describe color eyes, of a Thebehindplayer outsideinplayers a circleisone it;of sitof the formation.hetheor goescircle, standplayers (1round stops and the One are described etc. playerchildTheasks,"What player who"Have indoes theisin youhe Itthecircle lookdescribesseen circle like?"whilemy sheep?"replies, anotherthe The thatsecond is playerbeing described.guesses who it is As 60 hesoon chases as he theguesses described correctly, player NEEDS OBJECTIVES requirePlayLEARNING other one EXPERIENCES games to listen that AND MATERIALS iftagged,aroundisto he his"It" is the he place. notagain becomescircle tagged, and"It", the returns andchaser If that player is HuntsmanGoodcarefully Morning such Judge as: forLearn the the game rules"Huntsman" and directions matternamedbeTo intergratedteach area;something a gamethe withrowsrelatedthat the cancan tosubjectbe the forassigntheAllow gameeach studentsnames ingroup groups of toanimals andplay Heyou."andOne moves playerI'msays, (Tapping aroundto "I'mistake the thethe goingyou, hunter. roomplayers youhunting and present unit being studied orpersonTry place to backbe in the theto first hiscircle seat AllhunterTheon follow thethe players playersuntilhead along aswhohe thenbehind hecalls,were speaks). run tagged theBang! placeforstandingseatedthe their circle.becomes in seatsin his histhe ownor originalnew placeseat Huntsman orin The first one Interest of the children in the fourth, fifth, and sixth GAMES FOR GRADES FOUR THROUGH SIX grades lies in group coordinations.endeavor and group competition and the development Vigorous games are of longer duration, are suited to of increasing complex neur-muscular competition play Thesefor squadsgames ofor higherteams, organiztionare built upon becomes fairly increasingly complex Throughout these three years, the children develop a rules, and demand excellent skills. popular during the years of the higher degree ofintermediatecatching; accuracy, and grades.speed, speed and in distancerunning, indodging throwing, and startingstriking to and kicking; learnspeed theand rulesaccuracy for NEEDS To teach quick passing, accurate OBJECTIVES PlayLEARNING the gameEXPERIENCES and use AND MATERIALS To learnto play: the "Endrules Ball" requiredThe players form two (2) guardingcatching, and distance intercepting throwing. throws and rulessome andof thepenalties basketball menaTheplayers teams,guardand object the ontoone othersofeachthrow third the team theare gameof areguards.ballthe is end forover forownendtothe onearea.eachmanheads of hassuccessful hisof both theown feet opposingmen pass. inwhile his guards the A point is earned The playercomebetweengameto histois attempts thetwostartedown centeropponentsguard towith batline a whothe toss-upand haveball each play:To learn the"Boundary rules required Ball" to distancehardTo teach and fast,howin ato throwand throw how aspeed ball gives bounceLearnopponents toa ballthrow, boundary over roll, the line and areas.Theissize two playdivided ofteams space,a basketball intoplaced about three with thecourt, equal one The players are in boundaryorofteam bouncethe in game eachline. a ballisarea. to over throw, the roll A player from The object each team stands on his own 63 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS reartwosignal boundaryballs to arestart with thrown the a ball. play,into playthe On a by wheretheseplayedthe endballstwothey from areas.players. areare outside interceptedthrown the from boundary withinthe place No ball can be Thereafter, whichopponentslinethe first ofgame the reargets end boundarythearea. ball lineover wins The team

64 VIRGINIA BEACH IN-SERVICE PROGRAM MIGRANT EDUCATIONSUMMER PROGRAM programthe beliefs for teachers and purposes. and other personnel for the MigrantIn keeping Program with has the been preface, developed philosophy, and enforced and introduction to support to the curriculum guide, the in-service standing the problems, desires, abilities, and uniquenessTheIt workshops,is believed of the lectures childrenthat experiences, and with activities whom education,they serve will towork.innovations, train and retrainand admixture teachers of andlove teacher-aides will equal success in under- in workingthe consultants with children who contributedof migratory so workers. much to this veryIn this worthwhile section program.will be found descriptions of in-service workshops, programs and a complete listing of 65 MIGRANT/ 2. Individual PROGRAM Differences/1. Self-Concept Virginia Beach, Virginia In-Service Program under the auspices and AccomackVirginia CountyDepartment and Virginiaof EducationdirectionStatein cooperation College of with Purposes of In-Service Training Workshops and Inter- April, 1969 .To developdevelopmentin andthe conductVirginia programs staff Child for Nirgrant personnel Program state Educational Tours .To cooperaterecordeducational withtransfer other programsagencies system states andinfor improving inmigrant developing .To coordinateThechildrenagencies State the of servingactivities Virginia migrant of cooperating children in .To provideculturalancillarytion forprograms, developmentalenrichment services, for healthactivitiesand and for andremedia- a varietyother of 64 .To develop awareness of the .To provideprocessesfactorspsychological closer affecting home-school and cognitivesociological .To utilizeaidspersonnelrelationships specialto the and fullestprofessional para-prcfessional depending .To assistevaJuationonthe tiltwith program "prioritythe for constant assurance of needs" that of the studentinstructionprogressphilosphyinstructional behavior and of which individualizationsequential, program results follows continuousin desirable theof .To aidassist uniquefamiliarteachers new topersonnel with tothe recognize curriculummigrant in becoming programand procedures use .To aidwhich specificappropriateteachers help behavioralmeasurein terminologyselecting student objectives appropriate in learning stating .To provideresearch,studyinstructional professional groups, etc. conferences,aides workshops, and materials readings, .To assist with coordinator of the teacher-aide program, such as: - orientationscheduling soof asteacher-aides to use fullhis potential .To provideprofessionalto itsinformation fullest library extentabout so the it school'scan be used - discuss problems with teacher-aides

68 methods,effectiveStaff and and inProgram materials teaching Development havemigrant not children,-proven April, 1969Since the traditional techniques, childriculaandusingin-service a outside experience,closerand the program relationshipof experiences school. plus development innovative betweenof the emphasizes migrantapproachesthe cur- theservicefundamental migrant experiences programprocesses, forwere theVirginia had following by teachersBeach in- inIn inan effort to compensate for the (21 1. Course: Educational Workshop 1969 WorkshopAlbermarle,cooperation for andwith teachers Roanoke Accomack, of Counties. the Northampton, Dr.VirginiaDivisionChildren3 SemesterSamuel ofState A. MigrantFieldHours Madden, College, ServicesCredit Workers Instructor Petersburg, Virginia Description of Course: .An exploration,wayschildren of providing ofobservation, migrant educational workers and study experiences of the for .The coursebymigrantto severalmigrant included workers laborchildren teacher live; camps orientation;visits in Florida to schools invisits which attended .Study sessionsEducation at Center the Migrant at Florida University .Guided workershomeatobservations Boca and Raton,and family of were Floridathe life mademethods of ofthe theand migrant material .Critiquesmigrantsusedobserved inof schoolsthe were educational reportedfor the childrenexperiences of the

70 Theme: Developing Methods and Techniques Culturallyfor Teaching Different Children Who Are .SummerMigrantP. L. 89-10,Education Title Program 1 This section of the course 1969 (Course - continued) intoassistthroughoutprovidedincreased programs teachers in-service theunderstanding for summerin migrant gaining sessions to andchildren insight .Selecteddevelopmentaland consultants students' reading,skillswere provided in social language studies, arts, Period - Juneartsactivities,science, 16 were - August mathematics,stressed creative 12, and1969 activities culturaldeveloped enrichment in music and EDUCATIONAL TOUR McAllenMcAllenSeventhOctober Texas CivicAnnual13, 14,and Center Child 15,vicinity 1969Migrant Workshop Purposes: 1. Exploration, observation, and study of the ways of providing educational 2. VisitsAmericanexperiences to several for children schools, of labor migrant camps, workers native who country are bilingual of Mexico and Mexican- 3. Participate in Seventh Annual Child Migrant Workshop AmericanoRegional ConferenceHotel on Migrant Education StateFederalMarchVirginia Department4-7, ProgramsBeach, 1970 Virginia ofOffice Education Purpose: andToin cooperationstudyCommitteesVirginia and Beachimprove forwith RegionalPublic Accomack Record Schools Conference TransferCounty System MigrantPublic EducationLaw 89-10, Program Title T. Summer 1970 JuneCounselorsIn-servicefor 15Administration, - AugustandTraining Teacher-aides 8, Workshop1970 Teachers AccomackVirginia CountyDepartment and Virginiaof Education Beach in cooperation with Purpose: differentprioritiesTo assess needs,for children determine who objectivesare culturally and Public Schools CourtVirginia House Beach Elementary In-Service School WeekVirginia Beach, Virginia Purposes: 1. Disseminate informationJune materials 29-July 4, 1970 2. Makeworkshops,gleaned applicable from etc. various to situation sources at tours 3. VirginiaPreparepreparation Beachrooms and for obtain school materials opening in 73 VIRGINIA BEACH,EVALUATION VIRGINIA OF PROGRAM MIGRANT PROGRAM Virginia Public School System, Virginia Beach,The education Virginia. of the migrant child has presented a great personal challenge for the educators of the It was discovered that in the agricultural areasfromthe adultsofout Virginia of werestate engagedBeach and from- inPungo, otheragricultural Creeds, areas within Backwork, Bay, thethere andstate were Blackwater working many small onLoop farms children - that during thereleft the to weresummer provide many months. familiesfor them- While educationalfields.selves without needs supervision could not and,be met. in many cases, without a basic meal until the adults returnedEven then,from thedue to inadequate facilities, their health, nutritional, physical, emotional and program to help meet some of these needs:In the Fall of 1969, the Virginia Beach Public School System became involved in planning a summer After the shopping tour for clothing, it Sociallywas recognized and Emotionally: that some of the children gained much needed self- The summer program has changed the outlook for many of the migrant children. confidence, talked freely, and showed positiveIn addition behavior to patterns.the above experiences, there was evidence of improved table manners in the cafeteria 74 of the migrant school after (pre-planning and follow up) the children enjoyed lunching in a restaurant. back from tape recordings, individually-candidlyActivities produced, such as role-playingart activities, queen to forname a aday, few, individual have given photos, faces that portray feelings, feed- momentumobservedof the migrantto on self-image, the childpart of aself-concept, keenthe evaluator.respect andfor self-confidence.themselves; thus, more respect for peers and authority has been This changed image has generated on the part andpeople moving and him providing forward. for individual differences,Intellectual based Needs: on the principle of taking the child where he is The planned curriculum is flexible, utilizing the creativity of staff and resource basic areas that are covered by the classroomAcademic teacher Instruction: during the academic part of the day. Social studies, mathematics, science, health and physical education are the The following areas deviate somewhat from the above:Health and Nutrition: Each child was examined by a medical doctor and a dentist. A nurse was on threefull-time meals duty. daily. In cooperation with the cafeteria manager and the teachers, nutrition needs were supplied by giving The nurse served as liaison between doctor, dentist, and other para-professionals. motor skills with emphasis placed on sharing,Physical fair Needs: play, and respect for others. Physical education was centered around a basic developmental program beginning with Physical education played 75 a vital role in allowing children to realize success. They gained self-assurance, and a better image. They also realized that sports would be anotherThe Migrant means Programof getting in Virginiain the main Beach stream is not of associety. comprehensive as we wish. Having its beginning in 1969, isteacherit ais basic in observations,its step infancy toward stage. andthat instructional goal. materials. Our intent is to broaden the areas and offerings through in-service training, We are inclined to feel that this limited curriculum