09/24/21 10:17:56

Worlds Largest Online Retailer Returns - Stockton - March 21

Auction Opens: Fri, Mar 16 3:26pm PT Auction Closes: Wed, Mar 21 6:30pm PT

Lot Title Lot Title SD0100 Angel Hair Noodles SD0133 Mad hatter Costume SD0101 Christmas Salt and Pepper Shakers SD0134 Mad hatter Costume SD0102 Stuffed Animal SD0135 Shorts SD0103 Acrylic Paint SD0136 Sweater SD0104 Acrylic Paint SD0137 Swimsuit SD0105 Champagne Glasses SD0138 Skirt SD0106 Jar Opener SD0139 Dates SD0107 Plastic Baseball Bat SD0140 Cooktop Cleaner SD0108 Charles River Jacket Size XL SD0141 Dietary Supplement SD0109 Jacket SD0142 Monster Machines Set SD0110 BAg SD0143 Dockers Belt SD0111 Columbia Jacket SD0144 Starter Shorts SD0112 Avid Love Lingerie SD0145 Dual Alarm Clock Radio SD0113 Champion Single Remote Release SD0146 Food Storage Containers SD0114 Car MP3 Player and FM Transmitter SD0147 Hatchimals SD0115 Wine Finer SD0148 Portable CD Player SD0116 Dual Comfort Pro Massager SD0149 Gummi Bears SD0117 Stuffed Animal SD0150 Stuffed Animal SD0118 Colored Pencils SD0151 Crystal Bowl Candle Holder SD0119 Dual Alarm Clock Radio SD0152 Quicksilver Shirt SD0120 Hawaiin Coffee SD0153 Meyers Soap SD0121 Sugar SD0154 Meyers Hand Soap SD0122 Compression Blanket SD0155 Puzzle SD0123 Pants SD0156 Neck Wrap SD0124 Wilson Cell Phone Accessory SD0157 Motion Sensor Light SD0125 Shirt SD0158 Motion Sensor Light SD0126 Timex Watch SD0159 Larabar Cherry Pie SD0127 Toner Cartridge SD0160 Toner Cartridge SD0128 Ultiimate Soothing Spa SD0161 Pregnancy Test SD0129 Dress SD0162 Alka Seltzer SD0130 Lava Lamp SD0163 MR Collection Pilot Item SD0131 BYU Football Hoodie SD0164 Scented Garden Nasal Wash Pot SD0132 MMM Backpack SD0165 Skirt

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Lot Title Lot Title SD0166 Item SD0210 Socks SD0167 Allen Edmonds Shoes SD0211 Superman Pajamas SD0168 Baby Toy SD0212 Pen SD0169 Safety Pad Spring Cover SD0213 iPhone Case SD0170 Filter SD0214 Wine Rack SD0171 Cover SD0215 Creative Kit SD0172 Trampoline Shade Cover SD0216 Chantilly Lane Doll SD0173 Cover SD0217 Food Chopper SD0174 Electronic Musical mat SD0218 Toy Truck SD0175 Puzzle SD0219 Soap Dispenser SD0176 Massage Lotion SD0220 Charging Outlets SD0177 Magic Wand Massager SD0221 Nostalgia Bacon Express SD0178 Glad Storage Bags SD0222 Washroom Equipment SD0179 Indispensible Dispenser SD0223 Flash Gordon Costume SD0180 Toilet Trouble Game SD0224 Heated Blanket SD0181 Massaging Heating Pad SD0225 Item SD0182 Furnace Control SD0226 Cookware SD0183 Gotcha Pokemon Game Accessory SD0227 Water Timer SD0184 Baen Sendi Item SD0228 Drew Brees Doll SD0185 Trays SD0229 elecrtric blanket SD0186 Thinsulate Gloves SD0230 Sweater SD0187 Waffle Maker SD0231 Puzzle SD0188 Body Lotion SD0232 KIng Duvet Set SD0190 Garbage Bags SD0233 Hempseed SD0191 Charging Cable SD0234 White Noise Machine SD0192 Item SD0235 Shoes SD0193 jeans SD0236 Cobb Boots SD0194 Shirt SD0237 Sam Edelman Boots SD0195 Sequin Dress SD0238 Karaoke Machine SD0196 Flask SD0239 Bagel Slicer SD0197 Shower Curtain SD0240 Cordless Phone SD0198 Pur Water Filtration System SD0241 White Noise Machine SD0199 Mr. Coffee Coffee Pot SD0242 Filter? SD0200 Salt Crystal Lamp SD0243 Refill Granules SD0201 Good Job Jar SD0244 Mega Construx Minion Set SD0202 Hamilton Beach Hand Blender SD0245 White Sierra Pants SD0203 Dimmer SD0246 Angvns Ladies Garment SD0204 Netgear Wifi Range Extender SD0247 Blanket SD0205 Flush mount Down Light SD0248 Premium Toner Cartridge SD0206 Dual Monitor Desk Mount SD0249 Mr. Beams Lights SD0207 Boots SD0250 Spice Rack SD0208 Carafe SD0251 Can Opener SD0209 Action Figure SD0252 Computer Speaker

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Lot Title Lot Title SD0253 DVD-R's SD0296 Star Trek DVD SD0254 Broom and Dust Pan SD0297 White Noise Machine SD0255 3 Ring Binders SD0298 Oven Air Filter SD0256 Skyline Tower SD0299 American Jewel Pursee SD0257 mailb SD0300 Von Shelf Item SD0258 Color Ink Paper Set SD0301 Nerf Gun SD0259 Mermaids Puzzle SD0302 Cheese Grater SD0260 Blood Pressure Monitor SD0306 Credit Card Holder SD0261 Coffee Grinder SD0307 Bottles SD0262 Vaultz Locking Box SD0308 Notepad SD0263 SD0309 Knee Sleeve SD0264 Charger Cable SD0310 Mudpie Sugar Canister SD0265 Doll SD0311 Bamboo Boots SD0266 Kids Hat SD0312 Action Figure SD0267 Kind Snack Bars SD0313 Sock Glider SD0268 Filament SD0314 Bacon Maker SD0269 Christmas Sweater SD0315 Floor Lamp SD0270 Fire Falling Book SD0316 Grill Replacement Parts SD0271 Leaf Powder SD0317 Item SD0272 Laser Tag Guns SD0318 Massage Cushion SD0273 Pants SD0319 Torch Heater Cover SD0274 Circuit Beats SD0320 SF Bay Coffee Pods SD0275 Centipede Game SD0321 Storage System SD0276 iGrill Weber Item SD0322 Bra SD0277 Frying Pad Lid SD0323 Garment SD0278 AP Product SD0324 NDS Pro Item SD0279 Lace and Trace SD0325 Ladies Undergarments SD0280 Exofficio Shorts SD0326 Flush Mount Fixture SD0281 Scissor Sharpener SD0327 Perplexus Item SD0282 Philips Wake Up Light SD0328 Item SD0283 Table Top Dimmer SD0329 Gloves SD0284 Dr. May Socks SD0330 Coffee K Cups SD0285 Star Tree Topper SD0331 Dress SD0286 Pantyhose SD0332 Arctix Garment SD0287 Leggings SD0333 Golden State Warriors Jersey SD0288 Gate Check Travel Bag SD0334 Leather Bag SD0289 Vibrating Pillow SD0335 Oregon Shirt SD0290 Brass Stencils SD0336 Socks SD0291 Gasket Replacement Kit SD0337 Wheels for Furniture SD0292 Accu Banker Money Item SD0338 Electric Griddle SD0293 BC Precision Leggings SD0339 Nordic Ware Pan SD0294 Travel Purse SD0340 Harley Davidson Button SD0295 Tabletop Robot SD0341 Buffing Wheel

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Lot Title Lot Title SD0342 Life Straw SD0385 Navy Hat SD0343 Hairatin SD0386 Item SD0344 Bracket SD0387 Clothes SD0345 Minion Toy SD0388 Gloves SD0346 Traintrack SD0389 Electric Pencil Sharpener SD0347 Light Bulbs SD0390 Propel Drink Mix SD0348 Socks SD0391 Electric Single Burner SD0349 Party Carrier SD0392 Toner Cartridge SD0350 Cherry Stoner SD0393 Building Toy SD0351 Ink Cartridges SD0394 Atomic Clock SD0352 3 Hole Punch SD0395 Solared Garden Lights SD0353 Blood Pressure Monitor SD0396 toy Kitten SD0354 Shelves SD0397 Keyless Doorknob SD0355 Latex Balloons SD0398 Teabags SD0356 Mirror SD0399 Quiote Item SD0357 Joe's Jeans SD0400 Sealiing Ring SD0358 Salad Spinner SD0401 Garment SD0359 Kitchen Aid Pizza Cutter SD0402 Control Top Pantyhose SD0360 Salt and Pepper Grinders SD0403 Heater SD0361 Toy car SD0404 Crock Pot SD0362 Coffee Mug SD0405 Speck Case for Macbook Pro SD0363 Groot Plant SD0406 Track Head SD0364 Bra SD0407 Reef Shoes SD0365 Plastic Table Cover SD0408 Star Tree Topper SD0366 Black and Decker 6 Cup Rice Cooker SD0409 Safety Sensors SD0367 Jockey Dress SD0410 Baby Monkey Doll SD0368 Fairy Princess Fern SD0411 Album SD0369 First Alert Alarm SD0412 Puzzle SD0370 Popcorn SD0413 Grill Cover SD0371 TV Stand Base SD0414 Kleenex Box Holder SD0372 Rain Bird Indoor Irrigation Timer SD0415 French Press SD0373 Hanes Socks SD0416 Dry Erase Board SD0374 Electric Pencil Sharpener SD0417 Album SD0375 Black and Decker Toaster SD0418 Album SD0376 Cinematic Light Box SD0419 Album SD0377 Sweater SD0420 Album SD0378 Levis Jacket SD0421 Album SD0379 Car Drawing Toy with Keypad SD0422 Album SD0380 Patio Door Handle SD0423 Priming Tool Shell Holder Set SD0381 Sticky Bumps Item SD0424 Pyle Speakers SD0382 Monopoly Game SD0425 Spice Rack Set SD0383 Disney Shirt SD0426 Lava Lamp SD0384 Toy Gun SD0427 Roxy Boots

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Lot Title Lot Title SD0428 Cheese Melter SD0471 Longmire Show DVDs SD0429 Heated Blanket SD0472 Tablet Cover SD0430 Kitchen Item SD0473 Toy Cat SD0431 Hand Vacuum SD0474 Curtain SD0432 Footless Tights SD0475 Outdoor Grill SD0433 Bra SD0476 Karaoke Microphone SD0434 Boots SD0477 Shower Head and Hose SD0435 Fishing Rod Pen SD0478 Figurines SD0436 Bra SD0479 Rolled Paper SD0437 Laser Tag Guns SD0480 Clip Stik Desk Fan SD0438 Star Wars Shirt SD0481 Power Strip SD0439 LG Filters SD0482 Stuffed Animal SD0440 Paper C'utter SD0483 Pizza Oven Accessory Kit SD0441 Fat Loss Monitor with Scale SD0484 Macbook Pro Cover SD0442 Swaddle Blanket SD0485 Toy Garbage Truck SD0443 Thintop Optics Item SD0486 Car Album- Sealed SD0444 Picture Frame SD0487 Album SD0445 Boots SD0488 Guardians of the Galaxy CD SD0446 Recessed Light Kit SD0489 Scat mat SD0447 Coffee Pot SD0490 Ariat Cowboy Boots SD0448 Hot Water Recirculating System SD0491 CD Radio SD0449 Portable CD Radio SD0492 Flouride Filter SD0450 Hotel Robe SD0493 Dog Mask SD0451 Smart Garage Hub SD0494 Toy Dinosaur SD0452 Play Foam SD0495 Fragrance Lamp SD0453 Wig Cap SD0496 Bamboo Tea Box SD0454 White Noise Machine SD0497 Leggings SD0455 Swiffer Sweeper Refills SD0498 Label Maker SD0456 Dream Lights SD0499 Neck Massager SD0457 Oster Electric Wine Opener SD0500 Operation Game SD0458 Cotton Candy Maker SD0501 Colored Pencils SD0459 Hooks SD0502 Otter Box Phone Cover SD0460 Memory Bead Wire Loops SD0503 Lodge Cookware SD0461 Christmas Decor SD0504 Lodge Cookware SD0462 Walkie talkies SD0505 Wine Freeze SD0463 Acyrlic Paint SD0506 Blow Dryer SD0464 Quick Marinating Canister SD0507 French Press SD0465 Milk Frother SD0508 Eco Item SD0466 Toy Kitten SD0509 BYU Pendants SD0467 Black Primer SD0510 Black and Decker Toaster SD0468 Heater SD0511 Retrofit Baffle Trim Light SD0469 Catch Phrase Game SD0512 Bubble Train SD0470 Lifeproof Phone Case SD0513 Retrofit Baffle Trim Light

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Lot Title Lot Title SD0514 Antique Looking Phone Item SD0557 Hamilton Beach Coffee Maker SD0515 Retrofit Baffle Trim Light SD0558 Transformer Toys SD0516 Pan SD0559 Watch It Bands SD0517 Sparkly Item SD0560 Fantastic Gymnastics Game SD0518 Philips Charger SD0561 Climbing Shoes SD0519 Shoulder Wrap SD0562 Rice Cooker SD0520 Sweater SD0563 Stickbot Studio Pro SD0521 Star Wars Game SD0564 Lacoste Shoes SD0522 Slow Cooker SD0565 Robo Trax Toy SD0523 Laminator SD0566 Item SD0524 Keypad Deadbolt SD0567 Netgear Wifi Range Extender SD0525 Gloves SD0568 House Shoes SD0526 Scoop SD0569 Coffee Maker SD0527 Electric Kettle SD0570 Solar Garden Lights SD0528 Diabetic Socks SD0571 Sequence Board Game SD0529 Portable File Box SD0572 Stuffed Animal SD0530 Bic Mechanical Pencils SD0573 Santa Outfit SD0531 Abba CD SD0574 DVDs SD0532 Scoop SD0575 Chess Game SD0533 Scoop SD0576 Flagpole Light SD0534 Shoes SD0577 Jewelry and Eyeglass Cleaner SD0535 Swiss Army Knife SD0578 Coffee Pot SD0536 Womens Dress Shoes SD0579 Bluetooth Transmitter SD0537 Tablet Stand SD0580 Pure Massager SD0538 Microphone SD0581 Ginsu Knife Holder SD0539 Landscape Lighting SD0582 Toys SD0540 Pocket Pogo SD0583 Toy SD0541 Filtered Shower Head SD0584 Remote Controlled Rotating Antenna SD0542 Ceiling Downlight SD0585 Table Number frames SD0543 Heated Mattress pad SD0586 Fruit of the Loom T Shirts SD0544 Electric Luminaria Kit SD0587 Wallet SD0545 Carhartt Boots SD0588 Care Touch Item SD0546 K'Nex Roller Coaster Building Set SD0589 Portable Scanner SD0547 Sequence Board Game SD0590 Toilet Repair Kit SD0548 Travel Garment Steamer SD0591 Dockers Shoes SD0549 Gold Sequin Jacket SD0592 Red Wing Shoes SD0550 Columbia Coat SD0593 Germguardian Replacement Filter SD0551 Kettle SD0594 Snap Circuits Kit SD0552 Bra Cups SD0595 Rolodex Bin SD0553 Hanes Socks SD0596 Omlette Maker SD0554 Van Husen Shirt SD0597 Scarf SD0555 Shorts SD0599 Dusk Mask SD0556 Delta Tub Handle SD0600 Drinking Water System

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Lot Title Lot Title SD0601 Pendleton Shirt SD0643 NIghtlight? SD0602 Bedding Rainbow SD0644 Toy SD0603 Butterfly SD0645 Multi functional Recorder SD0604 Snap Circuits Kit SD0646 Shoes SD0605 Nativity Puzzle SD0647 Skechers Shoes SD0606 Dryer Vent SD0648 Design and Drill Activity Center SD0607 Calvin Klein Ladies Jacket SD0649 Bedding Rainbow SD0608 University of Michigan Item SD0650 Toy Construction Items SD0609 Laser Toner Cartridge SD0651 Van Husen Shirt SD0610 Mixed Lot SD0652 Timer SD0611 Gold Sequin Jacket SD0653 Ottaman? SD0612 Genetics Experiment Kit SD0654 Glowing Chemistry Set SD0613 Cargo Vest SD0655 Oxiclean Detergent SD0614 Wafer Downlight SD0656 Waffle Maker SD0615 Sphero Mini SD0657 Sky Shock SD0616 Zippo Lighter SD0658 Micky Mouse Waffle Maker SD0617 Cupcake Item SD0659 Light SD0618 Zip up Jacket SD0660 Hair Braider SD0619 Candy SD0661 Laundry Solutions item SD0620 Spaghetti Western Game SD0662 MacBook Pro Case SD0621 Tommy Hilfiger Jacket L SD0663 Locking Box SD0622 Emile Henry Item SD0664 Item SD0623 Projector Lamp SD0665 Item SD0624 Brother Toner Cartidge SD0666 Cheese Slicer and Board SD0625 Collectible Doll SD0667 Hamilton Beach Electric Kettle SD0626 Uvex Safety Glasses SD0668 Fire Keyboard SD0627 Light Bulbs SD0669 Refrigerator Ice and Water Filter SD0628 Beck/Arnley Item SD0670 Train tracks? SD0629 3 Hole Punch SD0671 Lime Ade SD0630 Stapler and Batteries SD0672 Wireless Keyboard SD0631 Collectible Doll SD0673 Hinged Keyboard Folio SD0632 White Noise Machine SD0674 Frother SD0633 Queen Sheet Set SD0675 Sandles SD0634 Extension Springs SD0676 Simple Human Soap Dispenser SD0635 Electronic Snap Circuits SD0677 Travelambo Wallet SD0636 Attachment SD0678 Canister SD0637 Accurite Digital Refrigerator/Freezer SD0679 Westinghouse Ceramic Heater Thermometer SD0680 Otter Box Tablet Case SD0638 Tablet Holder SD0681 Wooden Card Shuffler SD0639 Kurio Watch 2.0+ for Kids SD0682 BD-Rs SD0640 Cobra Doll SD0683 Cast Puzzle SD0641 Batman Doll SD0684 Favor Boxes SD0642 Pyle Megaphone Bullhorn SD0685 Alloy Mouse Pad

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Lot Title Lot Title SD0686 Album SD0730 iPad Mini Case SD0687 Album SD0731 Album SD0688 Album SD0689 Whipped Foam Topping SD0690 Oster Electric Wine Opener SD0691 Rug SD0692 Water Filter SD0693 Item SD0694 Toy car SD0695 Thermostat SD0696 Peets Coffee SD0697 Oonies Starter Pack SD0698 Light Bulb SD0700 Honey Stinger SD0701 Socks SD0702 Justins Honey Peanut Butter SD0703 Krups Coffee Item SD0704 Pants SD0705 Item SD0706 Palmolive Dish Soap SD0707 Multi Surface Cleaner SD0708 Roller Skates SD0709 Puzzle SD0710 Puzzle SD0711 Bead Storage Tray SD0712 Travertine Trivet SD0713 Shorts SD0714 Boker Item SD0715 Dietary Supplements SD0716 Poratble Cassette Player SD0717 Ceramic Kettle SD0718 Rapid Egg Cooker SD0719 Shoes SD0720 Jumping Jack Game SD0721 Neck Wrap SD0722 Dekor Plus Refill Two Pack SD0723 Cable Management SD0724 Nike Shoes SD0725 Dress SD0726 Fan Heater SD0727 Ceramic Heater SD0728 Dual Power Connector Kit SD0729 10 Light Star Tree Top

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Full payment for all items must be received within 5 days of the auction closing date, this includes Sundays and Holidays. This payment deadline is firm. All items not paid for by the payment deadline will be considered abandoned, the winning bidders claim to those items will be forfeited and a 15% relisting fee will be charged. Bidders requesting a payment extension must notify us by email only at [email protected] prior to the payment deadline. Verbal requests for extensions are not accepted. Failure to pay, or abuse of the extension policy, are grounds for terminating a bidders account. Online payment with credit cards are accepted only after the credit card has been manually authorized by BIDRL.COM. To authorize a credit card for online payment, bring the card and a matching valid photo ID to the BIDRL.COM location you are purchasing from and we will be able to help you. Credit cards for individuals other than the account owner will not be authorized for online payment. All items must be removed from their auction location within 10 days of the auction closing date. This removal deadline is firm. All items not removed by the removal deadline will be considered abandoned, the winning bidders claim to those items will be forfeited and any payments made will NOT be refunded. Bidders requesting a pickup extension must notify us by email only at [email protected] prior to the removal deadline. Verbal requests for extensions are not accepted. Failure to remove items, or abuse of the extension policy, are grounds for terminating a bidders account. Buyer's Premium: There is a 13.000% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction.

840 N 10th St Suite E, Sacramento, California 95811 -- Phone 916-996-0733 -- Fax 916-266-9349 bidrl.com
