DOCUMENT RESUME ED 049 E62 RC 005 207 TITLE A CurriculuLa Guide for Migrant Education. INSTITUTION Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Va. PUE EATE 70 NOTE 82p. EERS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 EESCRIPTORS *Cultural Differences, *Curriculum Guides, *Elementary Schools, Elementary School Science, Health, *Inservice Teacher Education, Language Development, Mathematics, *Migrant Children, Physical Educaticn, Reacting Eevelopment, Resource Materials, Social Studies, Summer Prcgrams IDENTIFIERS *Virginia ABSTRACT The 1970 curriculum guide for migrant children was developed by the Virginia Beach School System around a philosophy that exposing the elementary school child to various experiences improves self-concept and enhances the child's growth in social and academic skills, language ability, vocabulary skills, cultural background, and health and nutritional habits. In the document, general and specific objectives are listed. Sections on language arts and developmental reading, social studies, science, mathematics, health, and physical education are presented in chart form, with the following column headings: Needs, Objectives, Learning Experiences, and Materials. A section on inservice programs provides descriptions and purposes of inservice workshops, and a section on evaluation discusses the local summer program for migrant children. (AN) C005207 ED049862 A CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR MIGRANT EDUCATION THISU.S. DOCUMENTDEPARTMENTOFFICE& WELFARE HAS OF OF EDUCATIONBEEN HEALTH. REPRODUCED EDUCATION Virginia Beach City Public Schools CATIONSARILYVIEWORGANIZATIONEXACTLY OR REPRESENTPOSITION OPINIONSAS RECEIVED ORIGINATING OR STATEDOFFICIAL POLICY. FROM DO THEOFFICE IT. NOT PERSONPOINTS NECES-OF EDU- OFOR VirginiaSummer Beach, 1970 Virginia A Curriculum GuidePrepared for the by Migrant Child MissMrs.TEACHERArthurLouise COMMITTEE MaePowell Lawson Mrs.RESOURCE InezDoris PERSONNELWilson Knox MissMr.Mrs. AltonLoisRebeccaCarolyn HillSpain OldsKennedy Mr.Miss HermanWeltonElmer RobertJoy Wainwright TerrellReidWilliamsP. Stenzhorn INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS SOCIALLANGUAGE STUDIES ARTS AND DEVELOPMENTAL READING 111 MATHEMATICSSCIENCE 2920 HEALTHPHYSICAL EDUCATION 4136 EVALUATIONIN-SERVICE 7465 A CURRICULUM GUIDECOURTMIGRANTVIRGINIA FOR HOUSE THEEDUCATION BEACH, ELEMENTARYEDUCATION VIRGINIA PROGRAM SCHOOLOF MIGRANT CHILDREN INTRODUCTION: SUMMER 1970 thefor followingtheIn anmigrant attempt philosophy: child to providebecause anof educationalhis constant framework mobility, that the willVirginia bridge Beach the Schoolgap that System sometimes has adopted widens socialfeelingTo andexposeof academic"belonging" the child skills, to to the experienceslanguage community ability, thatin which will vocabulary heimprove suddenly skills,his findsself-concept cultural himself; experiences,and to aidenhance him insoundhis acquiring growth health, in a GENERALand nutritional OBJECTIVES: habits. 2.1. Tohe aidismake primarilythe him migrant aware acquainted ofchild geographical in throughdeveloping aspectsfield a positivetrips of Virginia self-concept Beach other than those with which 4.3. To broadenprovide hisan atmosphereeducational that and promotescultural flexibilityexperiences in the instructional program 5. Toand provide maintain pre-servicea goodphysical physical educationaland healthin-service andprogram desirabletraining which for healthwill professional instill attitudes in personnelhim a desire to enableto attain them 6.7. Toto improvedeal more communication effectively betweenwith the states migrant of childthe Eastern Migrant Stream and other home-base states SPECIFIC1. homeToOBJECTIVES: help environment the child that realize he is through accepted informal teacher-pupil conversation and visitations in the 3.2. Togovernment identifyacquaint installationsacademicthe child deficiencies with the historical and provide heritage materials of Virginia on all levelsBeach andaccording with the to areaability 5.4. Toand emphasizeprovide good health an physical opportunity habits fitness, to learn good abouthealth, aesthetic responsibility, values through fair play, art-crafts congeniality, and musical cooperation, programs LANGUAGE ARTS AND DEVELOPMENTAL READING C) point"of theThe tochild'sschool's improve past partthe experiences child'sin language ability and and the toreading presentationcommunicate. development of new depends experiences upon theas ause "launching made To communicateNEEDS with others To improve OBJECTIVEShis self-image Views muralLEARNING of edu- EXPERIENCESPictures AND that MATERIALS Teach, personalmorestories effectively experienzes by relatingand Tosharingand extend to encourageof his experiences experiences the picturecationalreasonChooses for andfavoritepictures choicegives Cassette/RecorderSilverCassette(Primary Burdett SetTapes - Co.12) To enrich his background CassettediscussionRecords voicesrecorders) (Candid of *ScholasticFilmstrip-Record(1)Who The Am JoyI Kindle of Being You Towithspeechand help improve greater sohim he modify hiscanclarity informalcommunicate conceptcordingsandViews listens filmstrip of self-to re- PolaroidBulletin(2) People CameraBoard Packages (Self-Image) WEListenspicturesTakes ARE individualBulletin to for records HERE Board Records,BibleHeadphonetold byStories ClaudeListening sets For Rairs ChildrenCenter, moreTo acquire meaningful a larger vocabulary and opinionsofTogroup interests,encourage and with with thehisideas, the sharingpeer teacher and Viewsprovoketens tofilms interestsrecords and lis-that *Filmstrips/ViewlexbySongs Kapp Children Love to Sing by sharing ideas and interests Country,TheGoingWonder City, ToPlaces, Tales TheBen Zoo,byandGoing Walt Me,Going to Disney theTo 2 NEEDS OBJECTIVES DiscussesLEARNING EXPERIENCESlikes and dis-AND MATERIALSThe Gold Bug, Casey At encouragesExchangeslikes with filmstrip, partnera partner strip*ScholasticAwayThe Bat, - Record Brer Kindle Rabbit(3) NothingFilm- Runs hasto viewviewed same film he TeacherPosterDoIs SomethingYou BelieveMadeHow ToWe in DoListen Wishes(4) Totocourteousskills, developany speaker particularly attentionlistening Worksbeingto gain inaccepted confidencesmall groups in Corner)AlphabetLet's Sing (Children's About the otherHasto talkthe individuals opportunityfreely with HansLet's(Children's ChristianGo To TheCorner) AndersenFarm FrankHappyPresents)Fairy LutherSongsTales For(Walt Gloomy Disney Days DaveRhymesGolden Brubeck -Treasury Golden Dias Recordsof Disney Nursery LittleCarouselGoldencords byGoldenOrchestra BooksSandpiper Books and & Re-the NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS standings,To acquire tonew clarify under- theTo provideplace and the the time, mat- ties:Individualized activi- DuvoisinVeronica's Smile - Roger experiencestoold relate understandings, them to past and withToreadingerials enrich audio-visual forexperiences the reading child's aids SharesareTells interesting whybooks books ABlack Train and to White SpainDahloveWade Ray Ipcar vocabularyTolistening, improve hisand speaking,writing aboutDictates book stories covers HeadphoneJacketsBulletin Display Boardsets andBook Sights and Totativeliteralcomprehension, improve and his interpre- readingboth SelectsstoryCompareslibrary with books predicted actual from BookSounds with Series TapesRandomUnit AHouse Toskills teachdevelop the oral child reading to story (2)(1) Petunia'sDuvoisinDayOur andVeronica Night Farm Goes- Roger Rogerto cluesuse picture and context (3)(4) LambDuvoisinRedTico Ridinghood's -and Charlotte The Gold SteinerLittle Wing Leo byTonition listeningimprovedevelop skills speechword to records,recog- patterns (6)(5) MorningLionniWhenWee WillowA BoyFaith WakesWhistle McNutty Up -In Kay The Avery tapes, and films Unit(1) blowThingsAnimalsB DoLeona the &Strangest Arthur Horn- CD 4 NEEDS OBJECTIVES LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND MATERIALS (2) IpcarBright Barn Yard- Dahlov (6)(5)(4)(3) MaryElsaCindy'sMary'sCinderella Francis Joy MarvelousSnowdrops Adamso- ShuraBeni Mouse MontresorDoris- Unit(1)(7) LawrenceFishTwinkel,C Do The BarrettThe Strangest Baby Colt Things (4)(3)(2) LeonoraSteinerLookFrederickThe HungryAt andA Gull BookArthurLec - Lionni-Dare CharlotteHornblow Wright (7)(6)(5) MargorieWorldWhenSevenThe Small Is -Uncles AlvinTomorrowAuerbach. Elephant ComeTressault To NancyIn Dinner The Wat-- To improve attitudes To provide stories and Listens to nursery Teaching(8) EricksonsonWho's Pictures In The Mirror- Phoebe ofinterestpoetry reading for in developingvaried types Worksrhymes puzzles of Puzzles(1) Humpty-DumptyChild Guidance No. .944 Toys andReviewsfamiliarrhymes learning nursery ones of un-rhymes (6)(3)(5)(4)(2) MarySnowHeyCinderellaLittle Diddle HadWhite Boy A Diddle''No.964LittleBlueNo:Jo. - 943965LambNo. 940- 5 No. 941 NEEDS To improveOBJECTIVES his vocab- Reports LEARNING EXPERIENCESPoems For AND You MATERIALS - Mary E. Dorsey wordsulary of descriptive NonsenseIllustrates rhymes favorite PlayskolPuzzles(1)(2) BusyHappy Bear- HappyMatch a Story RecordspoemsDictatesstories stories stories about poetryTeacherPuzzles - collectedteacher made and compiled ReadsWritesand other storiesfavorite poetry poetry poems Toingindividual grow his asworld aby unique expand- byTotheof theincrease services localcommunity knowledgegovernmentrendered and Hill,Visitsgrounds tours Court and the buildingsHouse Scholastic(5) All kinds Kindle of feeling workersTalkspoliceTours thewithstations fire community and Films(1-4) fromReviewPolicemanThe time Fireman of tofirst time and four The Tocommunityservicesstructure understand ofandof a a thecommunity viewsTocollectedorganize
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