
Lecture 18 – June 2nd , 2016

Gene Expression Regulation Mutations From to Protein

Central Dogma



RNA Viruses: genome is RNA  Protein Reverse  Transcriptase (RT) DNA Inserts into host (e.g. human cell) genome (INTEGRATION)

RT mRNA cDNA (Complementary DNA) From Gene to Protein: Mutations

DNA* RNA* PROTEIN* Mutation are changes in genetic material of a cell.

Chromosomal Mutations: (e.g. Duplications and deletions) large-scale mutations: multiple are affected  Multiple phenotypes

Point Mutations: 1 base pair (bp) substitution  in one gene

Missense mutation  1 bp change  different a.a. encoded

UGC (cys)  UGG (trp)

Nonsense mutation  1 bp change  STOP codon

UGC (cys)  UGA (STOP)

Silent mutation  1 bp change  codon is the same (due to wobble)

UGC (cys)  UGU (cys) From Gene to Protein: Mutations

DNA* RNA* PROTEIN* Frameshift Mutations:

Insert or Delete a basepair

1 1  Frameshift in ORF

2 2  Frameshift in ORF

3 3  Insert or delete an a.a. From Gene to Protein: Mutations

(silent) From Gene to Protein: Mutations

What about mutations that are not in the coding sequence?

Affect mRNA synthesis - - termination - splicing

Affect Translation - mutation in RBS (Prok) - Stability of mRNA (3’UTR polyAAA tail) Regulation of Gene Expression

Every cell in the body has the same DNA

So how can cells be so different from one another?? (cell shape, function, etc)

Gene Regulation!!! DNA Transcription RNA Regulation of Gene Expression

Transcriptional UNIT (DNA!)

1st base of mRNA Promoter P T Start Stop

Coding Region 3’ UTR 5’ UTR

Promoter is very important RNA polymerase binds choses sense/template strand Can Determine how active a gene will be!! Regulation of Gene Expression

Promoters – DNA sequence that RNA polymerase binds

“Good” Promoter  RNA Pol binds tightly and lots of mRNA is made

“Poor” Promoter  RNA Pol binds poorly and little of mRNA is made

Encoded in the DNA of the promoter how often a gene is transcribed

Promoter sequences are constantly changing from: good to poor HOW?

Allosteric Regulation!!

Regulation of RNA polymerase Transcriptional Activator: Recruit RNA polymerase to a promotoer: ON!

Transcriptional : Block RNA polymerase: OFF! Regulation of Gene Expression

Transcriptional Activators and

Repressor (TR) can bind at the promoter or a nearby sequence and block RNA pol : turns gene OFF!

RNA Pol P ORF Regulation of Gene Expression

Transcriptional Activators and Repressors

Repressor (TR) can bind at the promoter or a nearby sequence and block RNA pol : turns gene OFF! RNA Pol TR X P ORF


Binding site for repressor TR RNA Pol X P ORF Regulation of Gene Expression

Transcriptional Activators and Repressors

Activator (TA) Binds to specific sequence, next to promoter, recruits RNA pol to that promoter – turns gene ON!


Binding site for activator Regulation of Gene Expression

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation A typical scenario:  An individual bacteria can respond to environmental change by regulating gene expression

How can negative feedback inhibition affect more than one gene? Regulation of Gene Expression: Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation

Normal food is glucose; Lactose is polymer of galactose-glucose

so the amount of lactose permease (a receptor molecule which brings lactose inside cell) is normally low at the cell surface

Lactose ( ) is low Lactose ( ) is high

Allosteric Regulation! Bacteria will induce multiple genes which take advantage of lactose as a food source Regulation of Gene Expression: Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation:

The Lac : Inducible Operon

lacZ: Encodes beta-galactosidase (cleaves galactose-glucose into separate molecules)

lacY: Encodes lactose permease (transports lactose inside cell)

lacA: Encodes lactose transacetylase (helps cell use lactose)

Operator: Controls RNA Pol access to gene!! Regulation of Gene Expression: Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation: OPERONS

The : Inducible Operon

Gene for repressor is adjacent to Lac operon! Regulation of Gene Expression: Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation: OPERONS

The Lac OPERON: Inducible Operon

When Lactose is absent: default is OFF!

No Transcription! Regulation of Gene Expression: Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation: OPERONS

The Lac OPERON: Inducible Operon

When Lactose is present: ON!

Lactose Binds repressor Transcription happens! Regulation of Gene Expression: Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation: OPERONS

The Tryptophan OPERON: Repressible Operon

When Tryptophan is absent: default is ON!

Transcription happens! Regulation of Gene Expression: Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Gene Regulation: OPERONS

The Tryptophan OPERON: Repressible Operon

When Tryptophan is present: OFF!

No Transcription! Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

Organization of the Eukaryotic Genome

Compared to simple Prokaryotes Much Larger Genome Multicellular  Cell specialization (due to cell differentiation?) Has > 25,000 Genes Lots of DNA that does not code for RNA or protein

KEY! Multiple levels of Gene Expression Regulation! Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

Eukaryotic Gene Regulation

No Operons

3 polymerases  RNA pol I, II, and III

RNA Pol’s can’t bind DNA alone

Require Transcription factors!!

DNA Promoter sequences don’t act alone

Proximal Control Sequence Sequences Sequences

Chromatin regulation: access to gene by RNA polymerase Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

Transcription factor DNA Transcription factors binding motifs (examples) Bind to the minor and major grooves of the DNA Double helix

DNA Sequence Specific!!

Recruit RNA pol – turn genes ON!

Zinc helps stabilize a finger like protrusion that binds DNA at the major groove

Helix-turn-Helix Zinc finger Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

DNA Regulatory Elements (sequences!)

Proximal Control Elements right next to promoter sequence transcription factors bind here allow for multiple genes in one pathway to be turned on  HOW?

Can share similar DNA Seq. in front of promoters for different genes

Example: “SRE” sequences (stress response element)

transcription factors will bind SRE element and turn multiple genes Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

DNA Regulatory Elements (sequences!)

Enhancers  Transcription activators

DNA sequences sometimes 1000’s of by away

Recruit transcription factors  turn genes ON!

Bend DNA to bring activators near transcription factors and RNA pol Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

Enhancers (transcription activators) Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

DNA Regulatory Elements (sequences!)

Enhancers  Transcription activators

DNA sequences sometimes 1000’s of by away

Recruit transcription factors  turn genes ON!

Bend DNA to bring activators near transcription factors and RNA pol

Silencers  Transcription repressors

1000’s bp away  inhibit transcription

 turn genes OFF! Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes


DNA-Protein () complex  DNA packing

Nucleosome  basic unit of DNA packing DNA wrapped around histones  supercoiling

2 M

DNA double Helix


10 M Beads on a string (TEM)

Nucleosome Linker DNA (string)

Note: Chromosome (in metaphase of cell cycle) can be 1-2 microns in diameter!! Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes

How Can DNA Packing affect Gene Expression?

Physically hide genes  Affects accessibility!

Block access to RNA Polymerase

Transcription factors must break DNA- interactions and recruit RNA Pol.