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Transcription revisited: A commentary on the 1995 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting, "Mechanisms of Eukaryot c "

Steven L. McKnight Tutarik Inc,, South San Francisco, California 94080 USA~ Department of Molecular Genetics, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75235 USA

Several hundred scientists descended upon Cold Spring lated highly productive studies on the polypeptide cofae- Harbor Laboratory in the late summer of 1995 to discuss tors required to mediate -dependent transcrip- progress in the field of transcriptional regulation at the tion initiation. "Mechanisms of " meeting. Before reviewing progress reported in this dimension Similar meetings have been held at 2-year intervals, all of the field, it is useful to emphasize that such accom- organized by Winship Herr, Robert Tjian, and Keith Ya- plishments have been primed by crisply defined ques- mamoto. Since the inaugural 1989 meeting, remarkable tions and goals. Why are the purified nuclear RNA poly- progress has been made in this field. Here I attempt to merases incapable of accurate promoter recognition and provide an overview of problems and concepts that ap- transcription initiation? Under what conditions or by pear to have been clarified in the field of eukaryotic the abetment of what cofactors can transcriptional fidel- regulation, as well questions that remain either obscure ity be recapitulated? Similarly clear objectives are now or controversial. This undertaking is meant to be neither beginning to be articulated for other events in the tran- comprehensive nor particularly scholarly. I have not at- scription cycle, such as the clearance of an engaged poly- tempted to canvass all data presented at the meeting. merase subsequent to its recruitment to a promoter, ac- Likewise, I have not compiled a comprehensive list of quisition of enzymatic processivity, and coupling of the references. Readers interested in obtaining detailed back- transcription reaction with events leading to the matu- ground and bibliographical information on the topic of ration of an RNA product {e.g., RNA splicing, formation transcriptional regulation are directed to texts authored of the 3' terminus of a freshly made transcript, and con- by Ptashne (1992) and edited by McKnight and Ya- trolled transport of a newly made RNA from one cellular mamoto (19921. location to another).

Impotent enzymes The origins of cofactors The nuclear of eukaryotic organisms are tran- More than a decade ago, Roeder and colleagues first dem- scribed by one of three RNA polymerases. RNA poly- onstrated accurate, promoter-dependent transcription merase I (Pol I) is utilized exclusively for the expression initiation by Pol II in a cell-free reaction (Weil et al. of genes encoding the 5.8S, 18S, and 28S ribosomal 1979). This accomplishment laid the groundwork for RNAs (rRNAs}. The form II enzyme iPot iI) transcribes biochemical dissection of the reaction. Such early stud- all genes encoding mRNAs, as well as those that specify ies were focused on core promoter elements--the DNA certain small nuclear RNAs {snRNAs). All tRNA genes, sequences that dictate where an RNA polymerase is to as well as the genes for 5S rRNA and the remaining land on DNA and in which direction it is to transcribe-- snRNAs, are transcribed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III). as well as the factors required for their recogni- Despite the availability of detailed molecular informa- tion by Pol II. tion regarding the three nuclear RNA polymerases, The most celebrated of the core promoter elements is much remains to be learned as to how they operate in a an /thymine-rich element referred to as the functional sense. As purified entities, each of the en- TATA box (for review, see Breathnach and Chambon zymes retains the capacity to transcribe DNA if primed 1981). A second promoter element, designated the initi- from a nicked or single-stranded template. The purified ator, has been found in the immediate vicinity of the enzymes are, however, incapable of accurate, class-spe- start site of transcription (Smale and Baltimore 1989). cific promoter recognition. This impotency has stimu- Promoters containing a good fit to the canonical se-

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McKnight quence 5'-TATAAA-3', if located 25-30 bp upstream strides the back of a horse and creates a sharp bend by from a functional , tend to be tran- cramping the dimensions of the minor groove of DNA on scribed readily in cell4ree systems. These canonical pro- either side of the central nexus of the complex. moters, particularly the major late promotcr of adenovi- Whereas purified TBP is capable of supporting basal rus, have formed a cornerstone for biochemical dissec- transcription initiation in cell-free systems, this likely tion of the transcription initiation reaction. represents a physiologically irrelevant activity. When The earliest mammalian systems that faithfully reca- isolated from mammalian cell nuclei, TBP is associated pitulated transcription initiation in vitro were prepared with one of several multiprotein complexes. The TBP- either from whole cells (Wcil et al. 1979; Luse and associated complex present in the TFIID fraction is es- Roeder 1980; Manley et al. 19801 or isolated nuclei {Dig- sential for transcription of mRNA-coding genes by Pol II. ham et al. 1983a1. Aside from Pol lI itself, accurate tran- Surprisingly, this same protein--TBP--is found in en- scription initiation has been found to rely on a variety of tirely different complexes that control transcription of protein components separable by ion-exchange chroma- rRNA genes by Pol I, 5S and tRNA genes by Pol III, and tography. Viewed most simply, each of these fractions snRNA genes by Pol II and Pol III. The polypeptides that was assumed to contain an essential cofactor required for associate with TBP in these various complexes have the initiation reaction. The nomenclature of essential been identified by Tjian for TFIID {Dynlacht et al. 19911, and important cofactors has evolved from their pattern Tjian and Grummt for the SLI complex essential for Pol of elution from ion-exchange columns (Dignam et al. I transcription {Comai et al. 1992; Eberhard et al. 1993}, 1983b). Hernandez, Pugh, Weil, and Jackson for the TFIIIB com- Two variables have been used to assess the mechanis- plex that facilitates Pol III transcription (Lobo et al. 1992; tic contribution of each cofactor--time and space. Defi- Poon and Weil 1993; Taggart et al. 1992; White and Jack- nition of a chronological series of events involved in the son 1992), and Hernandez for the SNAPc complex that transcription reaction (promoter occupancy, template facilitates snRNA gene expression by Pol II (Sadowski et melting, synthesis of the first few ribonucleotides of the al. 1993). transcript, promoter escape, and elongation/has made it Of these various TBP-containing complexes, the most possible to assess at which step (time] a cofactor is re- mature and, paradoxically, controversial story has quired. The dissection of independent steps undertaken evolved from studies of TFIID. In the TFIID complex, during the transcriptional initiation cycle has been facil- TBP is associated with eight polypeptides designated itated by the use of gel mobility shift" assays that allow TBP-associated factors [TAFs). Numerous plenary and the separation and visualization of immature, interme- poster presentations at the 1995 CSHL Transcription diate, and mature assemblies (Buratowski et al. 1989). Meeting dealt with the TAFs. Many of the TAFs have With respect to space, it has been useful to detcrmine-- been purified, cloned, and sequenced from organisms in- either by direct DNA-binding assays or functional de- cluding fruit flies, humans, and yeast (for review, see pendency-where on a promoter a given cofactor acts. By Goodrich and Tjian 1994). Early interest in the TFIID use of these criteria, it has been possible to establish complex arose from the observation that it, unlike puri- temporal and spatial assignments as to when and where fied TBP, is capable of recapitulating activator-depen- different cofactors arc employed in the transcription ini- dent transcription (Dynlacht et al. 1991; Tanese et al. tiation reaction. 1991; Timmers and Sharp 1991~ Zhou et al. 1992; Chiang et al. 1993}. Given the inability of TBP to medi- ate the function of gene-specific transcriptional activator TFIID--clarity and paradox , considerable attention has been focused on the By far the most carefully studied cofactor for transcrip- TAFs. tion by PoI II is TFIID. With respect to the issues of time Using recombinant proteins, Tjian and colleagues and space, it is known that this factor functions early in have reconstituted an intact, functional TAF-TBP the initiation cycle and, in most instances, via a defined [TFIID} complex, as well as partially assembled com- promoter recognition element, the TATA box. The poly- plexes (Chen et al. 1994). This work has facilitated func- peptide components of this factor are of two sorts. Cen- tional assays for thc activities of the various TAFs in the tral to TFIID function is the TATA box-binding protein context of activator-dependent transcription initiation. [TBP). On its own, TBP is capable of avid binding to the Certain TAFs appear to mold the TFIID complex in a TATA box. This single polypeptide is likewise capable of structural sense. Others have been found to interact with stimulating basal transcription initiation by Pol II. By the activation domains of gene-specific transcription fac- basal, I refer to in vitro transcription initiation unabetted tors. Because TFIID can support activator-dependent by gene-specific activator proteins. transcription, but TBP cannot, the specific interactions TBP was first purified from the budding yeast Saccha- observed between TAF subunits and activation domains romyces cerevisiae [Hahn et al. 1989}, and its encoding provide a sensible means of interpreting the action of gene has been cloned from a wide range of organisms (for gene-specific activator proteins. review, see Hernandez 1993}. Several years ago, the lab- Tjian outlined data showing that the activation do- oratories of Burley and Sigler succeeded in solving the main of the hunchback gene product of fruit flies inter- molecular structure of TBP bound to the TATA box [Kim acts specifically with TAF60, whereas that of the bicoid et al. 1993a, b). TBP sits atop DNA much as a saddle gene product interacts with TAF110. Optimal in vitro

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Commentary/CSHL meeting on eukaryotic transcription transcription of a fruit fly gene known from in vivo stud- limiting steps observed in vitro may not match those ies to be dependent on both of these transcription fac- observed in vivo. If so, the observation that activator- tors-the hunchback gene itself--was observed only dependent transcription persists in yeast cells, despite when TBP-TAF complexes contained both TAF60 and elimination of functional TAFs, might reflect the slow TAF110. Such observations are consistent with a model decay of the promoter-bound THID complex. It is also in which gene-specific activator proteins function to re- possible that TFIID recruitment, as well as its persis- cruit the TFIID complex. In the particular case studied tence once recruited, might vary from one gene to the by Tjian, all components contain sequence-specific next. Certain genes might hold onto the complex DNA-binding activity. Bicoid contains a homeo domain, through multiple rounds of transcription initiation by Hunchback contains a domain, and TFIID Pol II, whereas others might demand fresh recruitment contains TBP. As such, the activation reaction can be for every initiation cycle. Given the vigor of the discus- conceptualized as a cooperative DNA-binding reaction. sion that revolved around this subject, it will undoubt- DNA-bound Bicoid and Hunchback, by virtue of their edly attract focused attention in the upcoming years. affinities for specific TAFs, recruit the TFIID complex. Tjian provided evidence of this cooperativity by the use TFIIB slots itself inmpresage to a deluge of of DNase I footprinting. structural studies The simplicity and potential validity of Tjian's obser- vations were challenged by both Strum and Green, who An entire session of the 1995 CSHL Transcription Meet- reported the results of genetic studies of the TAF pro- ing was devoted to the "Basal Promoter Apparatus". teins in yeast. Although TBP was originally purified Ebright, in a rousing presentation, outlined the results of from yeast as a single polypeptide, Well, Green, and oth- an alanine scan study of TBP that was carried out in ers have found that fungi encode proteins similar in pri- collaboration with the Reinberg laboratory. By substitut- mary amino acid sequence to the TAFs of more complex ing individual solvent-exposed side chains of TBP with eukaryotic organisms {Reese et al. 1994; Pooh et al. alanine and testing the mutated proteins in a variety of 1995). Whereas Struhl and Green reported that introduc- assays that monitor the stepwise assembly of the Pol II tion of null mutations into TAF-encoding genes of yeast preinitiation complex, Ebright and colleagues were able results in lethality, conditional elimination of their ac- to identify regions of TBP required for specific, molecu- tivity did not rapidly affect gene expression. Struhl and lar events involved in the transcription initiation reac- Green observed independently that transcription of acti- tion. A localized patch of residues positioned on the up- vator-dependent genes persisted in yeast cells long after stream side of promoter-bound TBP was identified as the the cells were shifted to conditions expected to inacti- likely interface for interaction with TFIIA, whereas an vate TAF function. entirely distinct segment located in the promoter-proxi- How can these contradictory observations be recon- mal stirrup of TBP was found to influence interaction ciled? It is possible that Tjian's in vitro studies fail to with TFIIB. Berk also reported the results of targeted mu- reveal the bona fide role of TAFs. TAFs may not mediate tagenesis of TBP. Although making more radical side TFIID recruitment via gene-specific activator proteins chain substitutions than Ebright, Berk was also able to but may instead be involved in some other biochemical map TFIIA interaction to the upstream face of TBP and reaction. Alternatively, the methods used by Struhl and TFIIB interaction to the downstream stirrup. Green may not facilitate the elimination of in vivo TAF Satisfyingly concordant observations were presented function as rapidly as assumed. It is also possible that by Hahn, who used a variety of techniques to map where only a subset of yeast genes are dependent on TAF func- TFIIB interacts on DNA and what Iegions of both TFIIB tion and that those studied by Strum and Green are of a and TBP are required for co-occupancy of a Pol II pro- TAF-independent class. Finally, a conceptual gap may moter. Hahn showed that at least 7 bp of DNA is re- separate our understanding of the transcription cycle as quired both upstream and downstream of the TATA box enacted in test-tube reactions relative to that occurring to support stable, TBP-dependent binding of THIB {Lee in living cells. What, for example, is the fate of the TFIID and Hahn 19951. Such observations, coupled with hy- complex subsequent to its recruitment to a gene and droxyl radical footprinting, led to the prediction that stimulatory action during its first transcription cycle? TFIIB binds to DNA on both sides of the TATA box Does TFIID remain associated with a promoter for mul- beneath TBP. Using yeast genetics, Buratowski probed tiple rounds of transcription initiation, such that TAF- TBP-TFIIB interactions, arriving at conclusions well in mediated recruitment might be rate limiting only to line with those presented by Ebright, Berk, and Hahn. change the activity state of an otherwise dormant gene? Modeling of the TBP-TFIIB complex via biochemical These questions have been difficult to resolve in test- and genetic approaches converged spectacularly in Bur- tube assays because of the inefficiency of the transcrip- ley's presentation of the molecular structure of the com- tion initiation reaction. Several studies that have ad- plex. Using single crystal X-ray diffraction, Burley suc- dressed this question gave evidence that TFIID, once pro- ceeded in solving a high-resolution structure of a TFIIB- motet-bound, persists through more than one initiation TBP-TATA element ternary complex [Nikolov et al. cycle (Van Dyke et al. 1988, 1989; Zawel ct al. 1995). 1995). As shown in Figure 1, TFIIB recognizes the pre- Such questions have proven even more problematic for formed TBP-DNA complex, making molecular contacts studies of gene expression in living cells. Moreover, rate- with the carboxy-terminal stirrup of TBP and the phos-

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Figure 1, X-ray crystallographic structure of the ternary complex of TFIIB recognizing TBP com- plexed with a TATA element. TFIIB lred and ma- genta) and TBP flight and dark blue) are depicted as shaded ribbons, and the DNA is shown as a stick figure {green) with the transcription start site labelled with + 1. TFIIB clamps the carboxy- terminal stirrup of TBP in the cleft between its two e~-helical domains and also interacts with the phosphoribose backbone, both upstream and downstream of the TATA box. CFigure kindly +1 provided by D.B. Nikolov and S.K. Burley.)

phoribose backbone both upstream and downstream of tions may hinder resolution of a fully assembled com- the TATA element. In addition to stabilizing the TBP- plex, subcomponents such as TFIID [9 polypeptides], DNA complex, TFIIB binding contributes to the polarity TFIIE (2 polypeptides), TFIIF (2 polypeptides), and TFIIH of TATA element recognition. It is remarkable that the (8 polypeptides) appear to be within reach. solution NMR structure of TFIIB displays the same do- main structure, with a slightly different arrangement of Convergence of GalllP and the SRBsmactivation the two domains (Bagby et al. 1995]. These observations by recruitment suggest that TFIIB undergoes a conformational change on recognizing the TBP-DNA complex. TFIIB forms the Similarly conceived genetic stories relevant to the tran- downstream surface of the TFIIB-TBP-DNA ternary scription of Pol II genes were presented by Ptashne and complex, where it could readily act as a bridge between Young. In both cases, partially debilitated strains of bud- TBP and Pol II to fix the transcription start site. ding yeast were employed as a starting point to search for Although structural studies of the transcriptional ini- genes involved in the transcription initiation cycle. tiation complex are only beginning to build the momen- Ptashne's work began with yeast cells defective in Gal4, tum required for significant impact on function and the prototype of all eukaryotic transcriptional activator mechanism, there is reason to believe that the seeds for proteins. A decade ago Ptashne and colleagues showed a ripe harvest have been sown. Why, in the face of the that Gal4 consists of two functional domains, an amino- historical frustrations experienced by structural biolo- terminal DNA-binding domain and a carboxy-terminal gists interested in multicomponent nucleic acid-protein activating domain (Brent and Ptashne 1986; Keegan et al. complexes, is this prediction offered? What should spell 1986; Ma and Ptashne 1987). In the intervening years, the difference for successful structural studies of the efforts have been focused on both structural and func- transcription initiation complex are its inherent modu- tional studies of Gal4. larity and amenability to stepwise assembly. As bio- Yeast cells bearing an activation domain-defective chemists dissect and resolve the events involved in for- form of Gal4 were mutagenized to screen for suppressive mation of the initiation complex, as well as the protein mutations. One such mutation mapped to the gene en- factors involved, structural biologists will be able to coding a protein termed Gall 1 (Himmelfarb et al. 1990). solve the structures of incrementally more complex as- In an appropriately mutated form, designated Ga111P, semblies. What started with the X-ray structure of TBP this protein suppresses variants of Gal4 that lack its ac- in the absence of its DNA template has now evolved to tivation domain. How so? Remarkably enough, Ptashne the ternary complex shown in Figure 1. Within a year we and colleagues have found that the Gall 1P protein, un- are likely to see the heterodimeric TFIIA slotted into this like native Gall l, has acquired the ability to interact complex. Moreover, although intrinsic technical limits- with the DNA-binding domain of Gal4 (Barberis et al.

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Commentary/CSHL meeting on eukaryotic transcription

1995). Ptashne outlined clear quantitative evidence type, in much the same way as GalllP Iin genetic par- showing that the binding avidity of Gall 1P to its target lance, via a gain-of-function route). In their SRB-mutated site within the DNA-binding domain of Gal4 (a coiled- form they might adopt and expose protein interfaces that coil dimerization motif), correlates spot-on with its abil- facilitate recruitment of the SRB/Pol II complex despite ity to activate gene expression in living cells. the presence of a truncated Pal II CTD. Alternatively, So what in the world is Gall 17 Here arrives the con- the dominant SRB mutations might encode proteins nection between the work of Ptashne and Young. Using that, rclative to their native statc, somehow tighten the a conceptually related strategy, Young isolated genetic SRB/Pol II complex, thereby overcoming partial unrav- variants of yeast that restore vitality to cells bearing a eling that results from the truncated Pol II CTD. truncated form of the largest subunit of Pol II. More spe- From my vantage, even more insightful information cifically, the starting point for Young's work was a de- has evolved from SRB mutations that act in a genetically fective form of the largest subunit lacking about half of recessive manner. Young reported that two of these re- the CTD (c_arboxy-terminal domain) repeats. Yeast cells cessive SRB mutations map to genes encoding a cyclin- expressing a shortened CTD grow slowly yet can be com- dependent kinase (CDK} activity. This conclusion was pensated for this defect when mutated at one of a num- drawn from Young's own work on SRB mutants (Liao et ber of genetic loci (Koleske et al. 1992). These genes en- al. 1995), as well as that of Carlson, who independently code members of a group of 9 polypeptides, designated discovered the same CDK in studies of glucose-mediated SRB proteins, of which Ptashne's Gall l protein is a transcriptional rcpression in yeast {Kuchin et al. 1995). member. The SRB proteins form a biochemically defined Apparently, the mutated forms of these proteins that re- complex that can be isolated as either a distinct entity or store function to a shortened Pol II CTD (designated in association with an even larger complex containing SRB10 and SRB11 by Young and SSN3 and SSN8 by Carl- Pol la, TFIIB, TFIIF, and TFIIH lThompson et al. 1993; son} represent loss-of-function mutations with respect to Koleske and Young 1994; Hengartner et al. 1995). CDK activity. Why would the loss of a specific CDK Indeed, the SRBs--in association with Pol lI--appear activity restore function to CTD-truncated Pol II? Before to comprise the yeast form of a Pol II "holoenzyme". addressing this question it is necessary to review prior Attendees of the meeting also witnessed the reporting of studies on the Pol II CTD. two mammalian forms of the Pol II holoenzyme. Young presented the purification of a Pol II holoenzyme from calf thymus while Sheldon (Reinberg laboratory} dis- CTD at the hub of the wheel cussed the isolation of a human holoenzyme. Moreover, the purification of a mammalian holoenzyme from rat Ingles and Corden discovered the CTD about a decade liver extracts was published recently by thc laboratories ago upon cloning and sequencing the gene encoding the of Nigg and Schibler {Ossipow et al. 1995). largest subunit of Pol II (Allison et al. 1985; Corden et al. The combination of Ptashne's Gall 1 and Young's SRB 19851. In the intervening ycars, few protein domains work provides refreshing insight to the problem of tran- studied in the transcription field have received more at- scriptional activation. Gal4, if lacking a functional acti- tention than the CTD. Through the work of Corden, vation domain, cannot stimulate the expression of its Dahmus, Greenleaf, Ingles, and others, several impor- normal battery of target genes. Upon mutation of Gal 11 tant questions have been resolved. First, the CTD is es- to the GalllP variant, the defective Gal4 protein ac- sential for the in vivo function of Pol II {Nonet et al. quires the ability to recruit the SRB/Pol II complex. 1987; Allison et al. 1988; Bartolomei et al. 1988; Zchring Whereas this acquired function may not reflect the et al. 1988). Second, it revolves through a covalent mod- mechanism by which native Gal4 activates gene expres- ification cycle wherein the CTD is heavily phosphory- sion, it shows clearly that SRB/Pol II complex recruit- lated during transcriptional elongation, yet hypophos- ment can constitute a rate-limiting step in the transcrip- phorylated prior to the onset of transcription initiation tion cycle. The beauty of the observation is that it can (Laybourn and Dahmus 1989, 1990). Third, it is a ripe now be viewed in a clear, mechanistic sense. What we substrate for a variety of CDKs (Cisek et al. 1989~ Lee have here is a strong correlation between in vivo and in and Greenleaf 1989). vitro data condensed down to a single protein-protein Several new observations relevant to the CTD were interaction. Much like Tjian's interpretation of TFIID reported at the 1995 CSHL Transcription Meeting. Dah- recruitment via specific protein-protein interactions be- mus devised a means of decorating the CTD with a ra- tween activation domains and TAFs, the Gall tP story dioactive, photo-cross-linking reagent that allowed de- points to specific protein-protein interaction as the basis tection of proteins closely associated with the CTD. Us- of SRB/Pol ti complex recruitment. ing an innovative label transfer assay, Dahmus provided Other than Gall 1, what are the polypeptide constitu- evidence of close interaction between the CTD and at ents of the SRB complex and how do mutations in the least two of the general transcription factors {TFIIE and genes encoding SRB proteins overcome the shortcomings TFIIFI, as well as tentative indications that it might also of a truncated CTD? Of the mutations that reveal SRB contact other cofactors required for transcription initia- function, one class behaves in a genetically dominant tion. Kornberg, Egly, Young, and Reinberg have indepen- manner. The proteins encoded by this group of genes dently shown that at least one of these cofactors, TFIIH, might function, at least when altered to the SRB pheno- is endowed with its own CDK activity (Feaver et al.

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1994; Roy et al. 1995~ Serizawa et aI. 1995; Shiekhattar of the native SRB complex is imbalanced when paired et al. 1995). with a shortened Pol II CTD. This hypothetical balance Here the field appears to have taken a great leap for- is predicted to be gauged by the phosphorylation level of ward. With the fog clearing, I take the liberty of summa- the CTD and manifested by CTD adherence to the SRB rizing the image I retrieved from the 1995 CSHL Tran- complex in its hypophosphorylated form and release scription Meeting. To do so, I start by listing the obser- upon partial phosphorylation. When Pol II is compro- vations most relevant to the image. mised by removal of a significant number of the CTD heptapeptide repeats, the hypothetical CDK/CTD phos- • The GalllP mutation facilitates direct recruitment phorylation balance is predicted to be shifted sufficiently of the SRB/Pol II complex into the transcription ini- tiation cycle. • Members of the CDK family are highly suitable for CTD phosphorylation. • The SRB complex contains a dedicated CDK. • The SRB complex functions more effectively on a shortened CTD when its CDK is nonfunctional. • The CTD interacts intimately with general transcrip- tion factors. • One of the general transcription factors, TFIIH, con- tains a dedicated CDK. • TFIIH acts at a late stage of the transcription initia- tion cycle. TATA

The speculation most central to my image of the tran- Recruitment via scription initiation reaction identifies the CTD of Pol II Gene-Specific Activators as a dynamic integrator governing a series of temporal steps executed during the transcription cycle. As a start- ing point, Pol II, in its CTD desphosphate form, is asso- ciated with the SRB complex. This SRB/Pol II complex may include other general transcription factors, yet the relevant connection I wish to emphasize is the CDK ac- tivity of the SRB complex and the CTD desphosphate form of Pol II. Entry of Pol II into this complex is hy- pothesized to be dependent on the intact, hypophospho- rylated CTD and mediated via its interactions with ei- ther SRB polypeptides or otherwise appended cofactors. The SRB/Pol II complex first becomes engaged in an initiation cycle following its recruitment to a class II gene (Fig. 2, top). Experimental evidence available to date has not established a direct, promoter-independent con- Factor Rearrangement nection between the SRB/Pol II complex and the TBP/ Partial CTD Phosphorylation TAF (TFIID) complex. As such, the convergence of these SRB Release two entities is presumed to be nucleated at the promoter. The independent recruitment of the two complexes starts the process of transcription initiation with two rate-limiting steps that have been implicated by bio- chemical (TFIID recruitment) and genetic (SRB/Pol II complex recruitment) studies. Either or both of these steps may be facilitated by the activation domains of gene-specific transcription factors. Subsequent to this convergence, I predict the occur- rence of a transition step involving partial phosphoryla- tion of the Pol II CTD and release of the SRB complex (Fig. 2, middlel. This step is invoked by virtue of the phenotypes of SRB mutations that eliminate the enzy- matic function of the SRB-associated CDK. Because these mutants suppress CTD-truncated forms of Pol II, it Massive CTD Phosphorylation can be interpreted that the kinase-defective SRB is more Promoter Escape apt to hold onto the Pol II enzyme bearing a truncated Factor Release CTD. More specifically, I predict that the CDK activity Figure 2. (See/acing page for legend.)

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Commentary/CSHL meeting on eukaryotic transcription toward the phosphorylated side of the ledger so as to tion--resulting in SRB release--might result from the prematurely release Pol II from the SRB complex. If, as newfound proximity of the Pol II complex to gene-spe- intuited by Ptashne, Pol II recruitment can be mediated cific transcriptional activator proteins. via interactions between SRB polypeptides and the acti- What is the fate of the recruited Pol II complex follow- vation domains of gene-specific transcription factors, the ing SRB release? I have hypothesized that this event is attenuated avidity of CTD-truneated Pol II for the SRB enacted following partial phosphorylation of the CTD complex would be expected to proportionally compro- and speculate further the existence of a subsequent rate- mise Pot II recruitment. limiting step that is dependent on massive CTD phos- The scenario outlined in the preceding paragraph is phorylation (Fig. 2, bottom). Evidence for this second, consistent with biochemical experiments conducted by CTD-sensed step derives largely from the work of Lis Kornberg and colleagues. They have described a media- and colleagues, which will be reviewed subsequently. tor activity required to support activator-dependent tran- Before addressing this evidence, however, it is useful scription in test-tube reactions derived from yeast (Kelle- to review the observations that justify focused attention her et al. 1990; Flanagan et al. 1991). This activity, which on CTD phosphorylation in the context of the control of probably corresponds to the SRB complex, can be disso- transcription initiation. First, we know from the work of ciated from Pol II by use of monoclonal antibodies to the Dahmus and others that CTD phosphorylation fluctu- CTD. Whcn the isolated mediator/SRB complex is ates dramatically as a function of the transcription cycle. mixed with Pol II and TFUD, activator-dependent tran- Second, Egly, Komberg, Carlson, Young, and Reinberg scription initiation is restored (Kim et al. 1994). Of key have shown that transcription by Pol II likely entails the importance to the image of the transcription cycle de- use of at least two CDKs. Third, Corden and Greenleaf veloped herein is the fact that CTD-spccific antibodies have found that the Pol II CTD is a ripe substrate for dissociate Pol II from the mediator/SRB complex. members of the CDK family of serine/threonine kinases. As mentioned previously, upon converging with TFIID Given that CDKs represent the master sensing apparatus at a promoter, the SRB/Pol II complex is predicted to utilized to control cell-cycle progression (for review, see isomcrize in a manner resulting in SRB release (Fig. 2, Nasmyth 1993; and Morgan 1995), the CDK activities middle). It is further assumed that the biochemical basis associated with the SRB complex and TFItH obviously of this release corresponds to an enhanced level of CTD qualify as potential master regulators of the Pol II tran- phosphorylation. The input signals that lead to CTD scription cycle. Here, I believe, the field has uncovered a phosphorylation are unknown yet might entail the al- fresh mechanistic concept that may explain how events tered arrangements of general transcription factors. in the initiation reaction are ordered and regulated. In- Young has observed, for example, that the SRB/Pol II stead of limiting our conception of the activation process complex contains TFIIB {Koleske and Young 1994). Sub- to protein-protein interactions and complex recruitment sequent to recruitment, TFIIB locks into place beneath events, we can now postulate the involvement of an en- DNA-bound TBP as shown in Figure 1. This or other zymatic cascade that utilizes CDKs as information sen- factor rearrangement events may be sensed by the CDK sors and the Pol II CTD as a molecular integrator. That of either the SRB complex or TFIIH, thereby resulting in is, the transcription cycle, may operate in a manner not enhanced CTD phosphorylation. Following this line of unlike the cell cycle and be governed by the same type of thinking it is intriguing that the three-dimensional molecular apparatus (CDKs]. structure of TFIIB is related to that of cyclins, which are known to serve as dedicated activators of CDKs. Because Pol II on heat shock genes--stalled for a decade comparative examination of the structure of TFIIB off and on DNA gives evidence of a substrate-mediated con- The clearest evidence indicating that Pol Ii recruitment formational change, it is perhaps possible that this might is not the sole, rate-limiting step in the transcription potentiate the ability of TFIIB to act as a cyclin-like co- cycle of every gene comes from the work of Lis and col- factor for one of the CDKs involved in the transcription leagues. By use of a variety of techniques, including initiation cycle. photo-cross-linking and potassium permanganate foot- Changes in the activities of either of these CDKs printing, Lis has discovered that latent heat shock genes might also be stimulated by yet-to-be-discovered signal- of metazoans contain an engaged RNA polymerase mol- ing activities associated with the TFIID complex. When ecule (Rougvie and Lis 1988; Giardina et al. 19921. At placed in proximity to a freshly recruited SRB/Pol II ambient temperature, Pol II is stalled 20-30 bp internal complex, the TAFs might transmit signals that isomer- to the gene, having progressed sufficiently late into the ize the complex. Finally, heightened CTD phosphoryla- initiation reaction to produce a transcript of correspond-

Figure 2, Hypothetical rate-limiting steps encountered during the process of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II. (Top] Initial recruitment events bringing the TBP/TAF complex {TFIID] and SRB/PoI II complex to a promoter. Each step may be enhanced by intrinsic complex-DNA affinity (i.e., TBP affinity for the TATA box] or by attractive protein-protein interactions formed via gene-specific activator proteins (not shown). (Middlel Template-mediated factor rearrangements (e.g., newfound interaction between TBP and TFIIB], partial CTD phosphorylation, SRB release, and formation of a stably engaged preinitiation complex. {Bottom] Dis- solution of the preinitiation complex, massive CTD phosphorylation, transition of engaged Pol II into an elongation-competent enzyme, and release of transcriptional cofactors.

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McKnight ing size. Upon heat shock, a gene-specific transcription pacities in the context of other ordered, cellular cas- factor designated (HSF) is converted cades, represent appealing candidates to sense and inte- rapidly from the monomeric to trimeric state and binds grate the action of gene-specific transcriptional regula- to heat shock elements (HSEs) located upstream of the tory proteins. stalled RNA polymerase {for review, see Lis and Wu Several presentations provided evidence of ample op- 1993). As a result, heat shock genes are transcribed by portunity for regulation subsequent to promoter escape elongation-competent, hyperphosphorylated Pol II. by Pol II. Aso (Conaway laboratory), reported beautiful Interpreted most simply, transcription of heat shock data on the elongins, a highly conserved class of Pol II genes does not appear to be rate limited by Pol II recruit- transcription factors that facilitate elongation of RNA ment. Although formally unproven, it is assumed that synthesis by Pol II. Corden provided evidence for inter- following induction by HSF, the stalled RNA polymerase action between heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein is modified so as to facilitate promoter escape and pro- (hnRNPs] and the CTD, raising the possibility that Pol II ductive transcriptional elongation. The only firmly sub- might nucleate the formation of the RNA processing ap- stantiated change in Pol II during this reaction is CTD paratus on freshly made transcripts. Finally, Greenleaf phosphorylation, which Lis has observed using molecu- reported evidence favoring the involvement of a CDK lar biological methods {O'Brien et al. 1994] and Greenleaf activity entirely distinct from that associated with the has determined by immunohistochemical staining of SRB or TFIIH complexes. polytene chromosomes of fruit fly salivary glands (Weeks et at. 1993). Is CTD phosphorylation the actual Gene-specific activators--new shapes and mechanisms event that facilitates promoter escape? If so, how is this reaction influenced by HSF? Finally, how--in a mecha- The 1995 CSHL Transcription Meeting could have easily nistic sense--would CTD phosphorylation release a included a dozen additional sessions on gene-specific stalled Pol II enzyme from the heat shock promoter? transcription factors. One might have imagined that pre- The former two questions were addressed by Bentley, ceding discoveries over the past decade--accounting for who has studied how different activator proteins facili- the description of roughly 500 different factors at last tate the transcription reaction. Using nuclear runoff as- count--might have saturated all potential mechanisms says, Bentley has provided evidence for three categories for genetic control. No such luck--the pace of discovery of transcriptional activators: ones that stimulate only seems unabated. initiation, ones that stimulate only clongation, and ones Here are the sorts of questions being addressed relative that stimulate both processes {Yankulov et al. 1994). In- to the action of gene-specific transcription factors. First, terestingly, the ability of gene-specific activators to what is the biological circuit coordinated by a factor? stimulate transcriptional elongation appears to correlate Second, how does the factor selectively interact with the with their ability to bind THIH--one of the two CDK- appropriate battery of genes? Third, what mechanisms containing complexes involved in the Pol II transcription are used to regulate the activity of the factor? Spectacu- cycle. Bentley reported that pharmacological inhibitors lar progress relating to each of these issues was reported of CDK activity selectively inhibit transcriptional elon- in numerous sessions of the meeting by virtue of a vari- gation-relative to initiation. Moreover, antibodies to ety of experimental techniques. What follows is an ab- TFIIH, when injected into frog oocytes, were found to breviated listing of accomplishments I found to be par- inhibit elongation by activated transcription complexes. ticularly noteworthy. Finally, Bentley reported that yeast strains bearing a One of the most mature stories concerning regulatory temperature-sensitive form of the TFIIH CDK [kin28ts) circuitry has been built from studies of cell-type speci- were selectively defective in transcriptional elongation. fication in yeast. Herskowitz, Johnson, Nasmyth, Spra- Coupling the observations reported by Lis and Bentley, gue, and others have identified the key regulatory com' it has become clear that gene-specific activator proteins ponents and provided a compelling mechanistic descrip- can function at steps subsequent to the recruitment of tion of how gene expression is appropriately controlled Pol II. Because CTD phosphorylation appears to accom- as a function of mating type (for review, see Johnson pany the dislodgment of a stalled RNA polymerase, the 1995}. With respect to the transcription factors that reg- CDK of TFIIH emerges as an appealing candidate for ulate the sexual phenotype of yeast, three are encoded by sensing the function of activator proteins that operate the mating type loci [c~l, a2, and al) and one is ubiqui- late in the transcription cycle. As to mechanism, the tously expressed (MCMll. With the exception of al, simplest interpretation follows that suggested earlier for these proteins function as genetic , serving to SRB--CTD interaction. The hypophosphorylated, or par- recruit a generalized repression complex {TUP1/SSN6) tially phosphorylated CTD might adhere to promoter- to the appropriate battery of genes. Asexual, diploid (a/R) bound transcription factors, thereby impeding Pol II ceils express both e~2 and al, which have been known for from productive elongation. Upon substantive phospho- some time to bind cooperatively to genes that must be rylation, perhaps via the CDK activity of TFIIH, the inactivated in the diploid state. Cells of the a mating CTD is predicted to free itself from the promoter and type express c~l, which combines with MCM1 to acti- allow Pol II to embark into the elongation phase of the vate a-specific genes and a2, which combines with transcription cycle (Fig. 2, bottom). I again emphasize MCM1 to repress a-specific genes. Finally, cells that ex- that CDKs, when viewcd in light of their regulatory ca- press only al, which is incapable of functioning on its

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own, assume the a mating type by default. The codepen- terminal tail of e~2 and the homeo domain of a l. The dent functions of a2/al, oL2/MCM1, and etl/MCM1 relevant molecular interface contributed by (x2 is an am- have emerged as three of the fields clearest examples of phipathic oL-helix that packs into the back side of the combinatorial genetic regulation. helix-turn-helix domain of al, thereby fostering its abil- Wolberger used single crystal X-ray diffraction meth- ity to make significant and specific contact with DNA. ods to resolve the molecular structure of the a2/al com- To my knowledge, Wolberger's presentation offered the plex on DNA {Li et al. 1995). Despite bearing a homeo field its first molecular view of combinatorial regulation. domain DNA-binding motif, al is incapable of avid in- Tangentially related to this story was Richmond's de- teraction with DNA. However, when abetted by e~2, a scription of the crystal structure of the DNA-binding stable, ternary complex is formed. In the crystal struc- domain of (SRF). This domain of ture, al and e~2 bind head-to-tail on one face of DNA (Fig. SRF is highly related in primary amino acid sequence to 3). Heteromeric contact is made between the carboxy- the DNA-binding domain of MCM 1, the alternative het- eromeric partner of the yeast a2 protein. Whereas the field excitedly awaits the resolution of the c~2/MCM1 heteromeric complex, Richmond's SRF structure was it- self remarkable. In it we saw a simple architectural scaf- fold formed by antiparallel coiled-coil or-helices, from which project [~-hairpin loops that interact specifi- cally with the minor groove of DNA (Pelligrini et al. 1995). Quite obviously, the structure of the SRF DNA- tz2 binding domain was not effectively predicted by de novo modeling! One can estimate that roughly one-third of the known protein structural motifs that facilitate sequence-spe- cific DNA binding have now been solved by either NMR spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography (helix-turn-helix, homeo domain, zinc finger, basic {bZlP), basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH}, high mobility group (HMG) domain, winged helix, Rel domain, MADS box domain, TBP 1. I see no conceptual or technical impedi- ment to the resolution of structures for the remaining classes of DNA-binding protcins, which should tally up to as few as 20-30 principal motifs. Moreover, there is an encouraging reason to believe that structural approaches will be richly rewarding for the study of cooperative in- teractions between different classes of transcription fac- tors. In most instances studied to date, binding cooper- ativity by heterotypic proteins can be achieved by the minimal DNA-binding domains of the involved factors. Several stories relevant to the control of activity were noteworthy. Goldstein summarized the regulatory circuit responsible for controlling the bio- synthesis and uptake of cholesterol in mammalian cells. When cells are starved for cholesterol, genes encoding al rate-limiting biosynthetic enzymes, such as HMG-CoA synthase, are activated. Likewise, the low density li- poprotein gone is also activated, such that exo- geneous supplies of cholesterol can be imported into the cell. Gene activation in response to cholesterol starva- tion is mediated via the sterol {SRE) (Smith et al. 19891, which binds a transcription factor Figure 3. X-ray crystallographic structure of the ternary com- designated sterol response element binding protein plex formed by al, R2, and DNA. The a2 protein is shown in red, {SREBP) (Briggs et al. 1993; Hua et al. 1993; Wang et al. and the a l homeo domain in blue. a2-Helices are numbered 1993; Yokoyama et al. 1993). Under normal conditions, according to conventions as homeo domain helices t, 2, and 3. The a2 protein contains an additional a-helix {C-tail) located on SREBP is tethered to the nuclear envelope or endoplas- the carboxy-terminal side of its homeo domain. This C-tail mic rcticulum as a latent transcription factor. Remark- a-helix packs between c~- helices 1 and 2 of the al homeo do- ably, in response to cholesterol starvation, SREBP is pro- main, forming the heteromeric interface. Binding of the aI/c~2 teolyzed so as to release the mature form of the tran- heterodimer to DNA induces a 60°C bend. (Figure kindly pro- scription factor (Wang et al. 1994). Thus, proteolytie vided by T. Li and C. Wolberger.) maturation can be added to the list of regulatory mech-

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McKnight anisms utilized to control the activity of eukaryotic tran- a segment located immediately downstream from the scription factors. ETS domain of Elk-1 (another member of the Ets family Graves addressed a related question concerning in- of DNA-binding proteins) that mediates cooperative in- tramolecular regulation of transcription factor activity. teraction with SRF [for review, see Triesman 1994}. Through studies of the Ets-1 transcription factor, Graves DNA binding by Elk-1 might liberate its SRF contact demonstrated that a minimally trimmed DNA-binding surface, such that its interaction with SRF is template domain, the 85-amino-acid ETS domain, binds DNA limited. more avidly than the intact protein. By use of a combi- The stories reported by Graves and Treisman point to nation of proteolytic, spectroscopic, and molecular bio- allosteric changes that may alter the structure of a tran- logical methods, inhibitory segments were identified on scription factor as a result of its interaction with DNA. the immediate amino- and carboxy-terminal sides of the Similar interpretations were forwarded by Yamamoto, ETS domain. The ability of these domains to mask Ets-1 who has found that the (GR) can DNA-binding activity was observed to be codependent, either activate or repress transcription depending on how leading Graves to speculate that the two inhibitory do- it is tethered to a target gene. When bound to a simple, mains in some way coalesce to suppress DNA-binding glucocorticoid response element (GRE), GR activates activity. This concept is modeled graphically on the gene expression. In contrast, when tethered to DNA via structure of the Ets-1 DNA-binding domain shown in certain composite GREs, GR can selectively repress gene Figure 4 (Donaldson et al. 1996). expression {Sakai et al. 1988). Yamamoto reported the Upon DNA binding, the amino-terminal inhibitory identification of a single lysine residue within the GR domain of Ets-1 becomes highly sensitive to proteolytic DNA-binding domain (K461} that, when mutated to ala- digestion, offering a means of considering how transcrip- nine (K461A), selectively eliminates the ability of GR to tion factors might adopt new activities subsequent to facilitate genetic repression. Instead of repressing gene their adherence to target genes [Petersen et al. 1995). I expression when bound to composite GREs, GR carrying judge this latter observation to be insightful for two rea- the K461A mutation activates transcription. Yamamoto sons. As mentioned earlier, subtle rearrangements of fac- hypothesized that the nature of the DNA sequence to tor assembly may be sensed as a signal during the tran- which GR binds can dictate its function as either an scription cycle. Second, DNA-mediated changes in tran- activator or and that the K461A variant might scription factor conformation might help restrict be incapable of properly interpreting this DNA-mediated multiprotein complex formation to assemblies tern- signal. plated by a gene. Treisman, for example, has discovered The alternative function of nuclear hormone receptors as either genetic activators or repressors is probably me- diated by polypeptide cofactors. Onate and O'Malley re- ported the results of a yeast two-hybrid screen that uti- lized the hormone binding domain of the (PR) as bait. Such efforts led to the identification of a protein designated SRC1 that was shown to bind PR in a ligand-dependent manner and function as a ligand- dependent in transiently transfected cells. In a related series of experiments, Evans described the clon- ing of a putative for the thyroid hormone (TR] and retinoic acid (RA) receptors (Chen and Evans 1995}. Unlike GR and PR, TR and RA bind DNA in the absence of ligand and bring about transcriptional repres- DN,~ protene sion, which is reversed upon ligand binding. Evans re- ported the discovery of a polypeptide designated SMRT, which binds TR and RA only in the absence of ligand and functions in transfected cells as a corepressor--precisely Figure 4. NMR structure of the Ets-1 DNA-binding domain, a reciprocal to the story reported by Onate for PR. Evans' winged helix--turn-helix protein composed of a three-helix bun- SMRT protein is functionally and structurally related to dle (red) and a four-stranded, antiparatlel [3-sheet {blue). Helices N-CoR, a corepressor of nuclear hormone receptors dis- H2 and H3 form the helix-turn-helix motif. An inhibitory mod- covered recently by Rosenfeld and colleagues (Horlein et ule composed of helices HI-I, HI-2, and H4 (green) negatively al. 1995}. regulates Ets-1 DNA binding via linkage to H1 of the DNA- binding domain. HI-1 and HI-2 are modeled from secondary structure data and perturbations of the chemical shifts of H1 Chromatin--remodeling old fashions and H4. Unfolding of HI-I, as detected by enhanced protease sensitivity, accompanies DNA binding. This altered conforma- The question of how DNA is wrapped into nucleopro- tion is predicted to disrupt the packing of the inhibitory module tein--chromatin--has been of interest and concern to and to provide a potential interface for cooperative interaction transcriptionologists long before the field "went molec- with heteromeric partner proteins. {Figure kindly provided by B. ular". Indeed, one of the first international meetings that Graves and L. McIntosh.] focused on eukaryotic gene regulation was the 1977 Cold

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Spring Harbor Symposium on Chromatin. Although it is behaved as a potent activator of PH05 gene expression obvious that the nature of the nucleoprotein template and likewise prompted effective reposition- must influence how genes are expressed in nucleated ing. This observation was interpreted to reflect the re- cells, it has been difficult to assess whether chromatin cruitment of the SRB/Pol II complex directly to the structure regulates gene expression or whether gene ex- PH05 promoter (recall that Galll is a normal constitu- pression regulates chromatin structure. ent of the SRB/Pol II complex). Because Gall 1 is not a Since the discovery of the nucleosome, the most sub- eonvcntional activator protein, Horz and Ptashne inter- stantive progress in the chromatin field--at least as it preted these observations to indicate that chromatin re- relates to gene expression--has come from genetic stud- modeling results from transcriptional activation, rather ies in yeast and fruit flies. Recessive mutations have than prompting it. Even more compelling were experi- been discovered that derepress the transcription of broad ments involving a chimeric protein that linked the chromosomal regions. In flies, for example, mutants DNA-binding domain of Pho4 to the dimerization do- have been described that derepress the transcription of main of Gal4 (the region of Gal4 that is known to inter- homeotic loci that can include many separate genes and act directly and specifically with Gall lP t. In this case, extend over hundreds of kilobases of DNA. These in- transcriptional activation of the PH05 gene and nucle- clude Polycomb and a functionally related set of genes osome remodeling were only observed in ceils bearing termed Extra sex combs, of zeste, Sex comb on the Gall 1P mutation. Because remodeling was only ob- midleg, Sex comb extra, Polycomb like and Anterior sex served under conditions that permitted recruitment of combs (for review, see Bienz and Muller 1995). Cloning the SRB/Pol II complex, Horz and Ptashne concluded and molecular characterization of the products of these that nucleosome disruption occurs as a consequence of genes has led to the discovery of chromatin-associated transcriptional activation and not as its prerequisite. proteins that act to repress transcription over relatively Although the aforementioned experiments indicate broad chromosomal regions. Similar studies have led to that occurs as a consequence of the discovery of fungal proteins that also serve to repress gene activation, a series of recent genetic experiments large chromosomal domains, including regions encom- give reason to believe that nucleosome disruption repre- passing the silent mating type loci and telomeres (for sents an important gauntlet that must be negotiated dur- review, see Dillin and Rme 1995). I will return to the ing the activation process. A class of recessive mutations relevance of this category of regulatory proteins in the has been discovered in yeast that globally impede the context of a newly discovered protein complex that may process of de novo gene activation. These genes encode countervene their role in genetic repression. products variously termed switch (SWI) or sucrose non- Evidence of more selective, gene-specific changes in fermentable [SNF)proteins (for review, see Winston and chromatin structure has emerged from DNase I mapping Carlson 1992 I. Genetic studies pertinent to SWI/SNF studies focused on the arrangement of function have revealed the interdependent roles of five around specific genes as a function of their state of tran- diffcrcnt gene products, including SWI1, SWI2/SNF2, scriptional activity. The gold standard for such studies SWI3, SNFS, and SNF6 (for review, see LaMarco 1994). has been the PH05 promoter of yeast. Upon phospho- Moreover, all five of these proteins coelute in a large rous starvation, yeast cells activate a signaling pathway complex when yeast extracts are fractionated by molec- that culminates in the binding of a gene-specific activa- ular sieve chromatography [Cairns et al. 1994; Peterson tor, Pho4, to the PH05 promoter. O'Shea reported prog- et al. 1994; Treich et al. 1995). As to biochemical func- ress on the signaling pathway that culminates in forma- tion, the only clearly established activity of the SWI/ tion of active Pho4 protein. Evidence was presented SNF complex is its ability to hydrolyze ATP in a DNA- showing that the activated Pho4 protein translocates dependent manner (Laurent et al. 1993}. from cytoplasm to nucleus, where it binds to target sites, Evidence that the SWI/SNF protein complex might be including the promoter of the PH05 gene. This process involved in chromatin remodeling has been inferred results in the rearrangement of four nucleosomes nor- from genetic studies of brahma, the putative fruit fly mally located at invariant positions along the PH05 pro- homolog of SWI2/SNF2 (Tamkun et al. 1992). Recessive moter and subsequent activation of PH05 gene expres- brahma mutations can suppress loss-of-function muta- sion (Svaren et al. 1994). McAndrew and Horz reported tions in the Polycomb gene. Because the products of the that Pho4-mediated nucleosome repositioning is depen- Polycomb group of genes are believed to facilitate chro- dent on a competent Pho4 transcriptional activation do- matin-mediated transcriptional repression, it was rea- main. Moreover, the effects of different Pho4 mutations sonable to anticipate that the normal activity of the on chromatin remodeling and transcriptional activation Brahma gene product--as well, perhaps, as that of the were observed to be highly concordant, raising the pos- SWI/SNF complex--might serve to loosen chromatin so sibility that the primary role of the activation domain as to facilitate the access of transcriptional regulatory might be dedicated to nucleosome reorganization. proteins. Horz and Ptashne joined forces to ask whether nucle- Many interesting talks relating to chromatin were pre- osome remodeling is either a consequence or determi- sented at the CSHL Transcription Meeting, including nant of gene activation, in a clever series of experiments, plenary presentations by Kingston, Kadonaga, and Peter- a fusion protein was made linking the DNA-binding do- son. One of the highlight presentations was delivered by main of Pho4 to Gall 1. The Pho4--Gall 1 hybrid protein Wu. For the past several years Wu has studied the ability

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McKnight of a gene-specific transcription factor, designated GAGA, series of stepwise modifications working on a intact to invade and bind nucleosome-covered DNA. This complex more likely control its pathway through the GAGA-binding reaction entails nucleosome rearrange- transcription cycle. Indeed, the transcription cycle may ment, is ATP dependent, and is catalyzed by a soluble flow largely intact--from its earliest initiation steps to extract derived from fruit fly embryos (Tsukiyama et al. the formation of a mature RNA that can entail the tran- 1994). Using a nucleosome remodeling reaction as an scription of >100,000 bp of DNA. Regulation, no doubt, assay for biochemical fractionation, Wu purified an ac- will seize any available step along this pathway--includ- tivity termed nucleosome remodeling factor (NURF). ing ones that may not easily be teased apart in test-tube The most purified NURF preparations fractionate as a reactions. I close with the safest of all possible predic- very large complex containing four polypeptides. Partial tions: Despite remarkable progress and plenty of forward amino acid sequence analysis of one of the subunits al- momentum, the transcription field is in for many more lowed cloning of its encoding gene, which, upon se- surprises. quencing, revealed substantive similarity to the yeast SWI2/SNF2 and fruit fly Brahma proteins! Thus, genetic and biochemical approaches appear to have converged on Acknowledgments a multiprotein complex that mediates chromatin remod- Many people helped in the composition and editing of this com- eling during the process of gene activation.Whereas mentary. I am particularly indebted to Jin-Long Chen for exten- many questions remain, it now appears that concrete sive help with background material, Michele Cleary and Sarah issues can be addressed concerning the relationship be- Graff for editorial help, and Barbara Graves, Lawrence McIn- tween gene activation and chromatin structure. For ex- tosh, Dimitar Nikolov, Stephen Burley, Thomas Li, and Cyn- ample, is Wu's NURF complex selectively recruited dur- thia Wolberger for their generous provision of figures. Finally, I express my sincerest regrets to the many scientists whose work ing the process of gene activation? If NURF activity is was presented at the meeting but not discussed in this com- required for gene-specific activators to attach themselves mentary because of space limitations. firmly to a remodeled promoter, one might assume that its function must precede--or at least occur concomitant to--that of the activator protein. Is NURF activity oper- References ating throughout the genome, dynamically destabilizing Allison, L.A, M. Moyle, M. Shales, and CJ. Ingles. 1985. Exten- chromatin so as to facilitate the function of activators sive homology among the largest subunits of eukaryotic and when and where they are destined to land? Alternatively, prokaryotic RNA polymerases. Cell 42: 599-610. is it possible that the NURF complex is itself associated AUison, L.A., I.K. Wong, V.D. Fitzpatrick, M. Moyle, and C.|. with other components of the transcriptional machinery Ingles. !988. The C-terminal domain of the largest subunit (the SRB/Pol II complex or one of the TAF complexes) of RNA polymerase II of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Droso- and is selectively recruited during the activation pro- phila melanogaster, and mammals: A conserved structure cess? Although it might seem that the current work on with an essential function. 3/Iol. 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A multisubunit complex containing the

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Commentary/CSHL meeting on eukaryotic transcription

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Transcription revisited: a commentary on the 1995 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting, "Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcription".

S L McKnight

Genes Dev. 1996, 10: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.10.4.367

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