North Lanarkshire Council
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AGENDA ITEM No. I North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 22. May 2008 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 22 MAY 2008 Page Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 4 N/08/00143/FUL Grant and Linda Construction of Dwellinghouse Refuse McFarlane Former Craigmarloch nursery New house at Endwood Kilsyth 10 N/08/0031 O/FU L Mr A J Steel Proposed Single Storey Grant Extension to Side and Rear Request for Site of House 13 Binniehill Road Visit and Hearing Balloch Cumbernauld 16 C/07/0027O/FUL Mr William Main Erection of Agricultural Grant (P) workers Dwellinghouse on land North of Drumbowie farm, Brakenhirst Road Glenmavis 22 C/07/00865/FUL S Broadley Demolition of Dwellinghouse Refuse and Erection of 5 Request Site Visit Dwellinghouses at The Cairn, and Hearing Crosshill Street Airdrie 32 C/07/00924/MIN Waste Recycling Continued Reclamation and Grant (P) Group (Northern) Ltd Restoration Operations by the Importation of Non-Hazardous Waste Materials at Greengairs Landfill Site Meikle Drumgray Road Greengairs Airdrie 70 C/07/01844/FUL Mr Asif Majid Construction of 2 Flats and Grant 1 Class 2 Office Unit at A Grant Butchers Clarkston Post Office 95 Forrest Street Airdrie 77 C/O8/0026O/FUL Mr & Mrs A. Eyles Construction of Two Storey Refuse Side Extension (Amendment to Request for Site Planning Permission Visit & Hearing C07/01777/FUL) at 21 Golfview Drive Coatbridge 83 C/08/00431/FU L Mr & Mrs B. Dempsie Two Storey Side and Single Grant Storey Rear Extension to Dwellinghouse at 15 Dalmore Drive, Airdrie 89 C/O8/00433/FUL Mr Gordon Kennedy Two Storey Side Extension to Grant Dwellinghouse at 25 Ballochnie Drive Plains 94 C/08/00542/AMD Universal Land Residential Development Refuse Investments Ltd (Amendment to Planning Application C/08/00048/FUL) at Land at St Monicas RC Church, Cumberland Place Coatbridge 99 S/07/02083/FUL CRE Energy Ltd Erection of 70m High Wind Grant Monitoring Mast Land Near Auchterhead Muir. Allanton 2 105 S/08/00188/FUL IN1 Enterprises Siting of Storage Container Refuse 159 A-F Netherton Road Request Site Visit Wishaw 111 S/08/00350/FU L Miss A Quinn Subdivision of and Extension Grant to Existing House to Create Request Site Visit 2 Houses 37 Adele Street Motherwell 117 S/08/00372/FUL Mr & Mrs Brian Two Storey Side and Rear Grant McCusker Extension Request Site visit 16 Thomson Drive Bellshill 122 S/08/00419IFUL Mrs Razzaq Erection of Outbuilding to Rear Grant of Dwellinghouse Request Site Visit 43 Alexander Gibson Way Motherwell 128 S/08/00478/0UT Margaret Frame Construction of Dwellinghouse Refuse (P) Land To The West of 501 Wishaw Road Wishaw 134 S/08/00488/FUL Benhar Change of Use of Industrial Grant Developments Site to Builders Merchant Yard and Construction of Builders Merchant Warehouse/Sales/Office Building Land South of 5 School Road Newmains (PI C/07/00924/MIN If granted, a Section 75 Agreement and Bond of Caution are required. In addition the application details and accompanying Environmental Statement require to be referred to Scottish Ministers under the Town and Country Planning (Notificationof Applications)(Scotland) Direction 2007. C/07/0027O/FUL If granted, Section 75 Agreement required to restrict occupancy of house and to prevent house from being sold off separately from the farm. S/08/00478/OUT If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Green Belt) 3 Application No: N/08/00143/FUL Date Registered: 5th February 2008 Applicant: Grant & Linda McFarlane Endwood, Colzium Kilsyth G65 Agent Crichton & Simpson Architects Saltoun Pottery, Saltoun Lane Ruthven Street, Glasgow G12 9BT Development: Construction of a Dwellinghouse Location: Site Adjacent To Endwood Former Craigmarloch Nurseries Coach Road Kilsyth G65 OPR Ward: I- Kilsyth : Councillors Griffin, Jones and Key Grid Reference: 273355678033 File Reference: N/08/00143/FUL Site History: 0 No recent history Development Plan: Glasgow and The Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2006 (Strategic Policy 1) The site is covered by the Green Belt Policies of the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 (GB3) Contrary to Development Plan: Yes Consultations: Scottish Water - No objections Representations: No letters of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Advertised on 13th February 2008 Recommendation: Refuse for the Following Reasons:- 1. In the interests of proper planning of the area in that the construction of a dwellinghouse within the application site is contrary to Green Belt Policies GBI - 4 and GB 6 of the adopted Kilsyth Local Plan which states a presumption against new development in the Green Belt unless required for agriculture, forestry, horticulture nature conservation, appropriate countryside recreation and tourism dependent on a countryside location. As such this development would also be contrary to Scottish Planning Policy 3: Planning for Housing, Scottish Planning Policy 21: Green Belts and Strategic Policy 1 of the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2006. 4 5 2. The proposed development is considered to be premature in that the Council has not yet completed its assessment of current Green Belt Boundaries with this exercise being undertaken as part of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan. The justification provided in support of the proposed development primarily relates to the reasons why the site should be rezoned from Green Belt and it is considered that this matter is best addressed through the Local Plan Process. 3 That should planning permission be granted for this development, a precedent may be set which would make it difficult for the Planning Authority to refuse other similar applications. NOTE TO COMMITTEE: If granted, this application will have to be notified to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 2007 because the proposed development falls within an area of land designated as Green Belt. Background Papers: Application form and plans received 5th February 2008 Letter from Scottish Water received 10th March 2008 Memo from Local Plans Section received 13th March 2008 Memo from Traffic & Transportation (Northern Area) received 6th February 2008 The Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2006 Kilsyth Local Plan 1999, SPP3: Planning for Housing SPP 21: Green Belts Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Ms Jennifer Thomson at 01236 616473. Date: 14'h May 2008 6 APPLICATION NO. N1081001431FUL REPORT 1. Description of Site and Proposal 1.1 The application site is part of the former Craigmarloch Nursery within the Green Belt on the eastern edge of Kilsyth. 1.2 The site is bounded to the north by Stirling Road, to the south west by the original dwelling (Endwood) and to the south by the access to the dwelling. To the west of the site is the remaining area of the former Nursery. 1.3 The Craigmarloch Nursery site is surrounded to the south, east and west by the agricultural land of Woodend Farm. 1.4 The proposal is for a 5 bedroom, 2 storey detached villa with internal garage. The front of the house would face onto Stirling Road and the rear of the house and rear garden area onto the existing house. The access would be taken from the service access on Old Dullatur Road which also serves the existing detached house. 1.5 The applicant has intimated through his agent that if planning consent was granted the remaining area of the site would be set aside for future development of a similar nature. Indicative plans have shown an additional four detached dwellings 1.6 A Design Statement in support of the application received on 13'h March 2008 has been submitted by the agent, Crichton and Simpson Architects. 2. Development Plan I National Planning Policy 2.1 The application site lies within the Green Belt and policies relevant to the consideration of the proposed development can be summarised as follows :- 1. Scottish Planning Policy 3: Planning for Housing. Key themes are promoting development in Brownfield rather than Greenfield locations and seeking to maintain the effectiveness of existing Green Belts and safeguarding the character and amenity of the countryside. 2. Scottish Planning Policy 21 : Green Belts The three main purposes of the Green Belt are: a) To maintain the identity of towns by establishing a clear definition of their physical boundaries and preventing coalescence; b) To provide countryside for recreation or institutional purposes of various kinds; and c) To maintain the landscape settings of towns. 3. Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2006. Strategic Policy 1 - strategic Development Locations ; The Metropolitan Development Strategy requires the continued designation and safeguarding of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Belt within which there is a presumption against the spread of built up areas and the encroachment of development into the countryside. Local plans shall define the detailed boundaries and policies to safeguard the Green Belt. 7 4. Kilsyth Local Plan 1999, The site lies within an area where Green Belt policies GB 1-4 and GB 6 apply. There is a presumption against new development in the Greenbelt unless required for agriculture, forestry, horticulture, nature conservation, appropriate countryside recreation and tourism dependent upon a countryside location and other development such as telecommunications development, which can be shown to require to be located within the Green Belt. Policy GB3 states that there is a presumption against residential development in the Green Belt. 3. Consultations and Representations 3.1 Scottish Water have no objections, subject to connection to infrastructure. 3.2 My Traffic and Transportation Section have no objections to the proposal. 4. Planninn Assessment and Conclusions 4.1 In accordance with Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.