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Office of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

'9 05 140 f73 NUREG4544


Manuscript Completed: March 1979 Date Published: March 1979

Division of Technical Information and Document Control Office of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 PREFACE

This " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialisms" is a dictionary of acro- nyms, initialisms and similar condensed forms observed in use in the nuclear industry. It was compiled to serve as a source for learning the meaning of undefined acronyms found in the literature. The use of these acronyms in NRC documents is neither recommended or condemned, and, similarly, the accuracy and completeness of this document is not assured. If you use these or similar condensed forms in your writing we strongly recommend the practice of writing out the condensed form first and following it with the acronym or initialism in parentheses; for example, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). After the ini- tial writing out of the full name, the acronym may be used by itself. For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply: Acronym - a pronounceable term formed from the initial letters of a compound expression, e.g. NASA (National Aeronautics andSpaceAdministration)orRem({oentgen[quivalent man). Initialism - a term, not pronounceable, formed from the initial letters of a compound expression, e.g. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) or ac (alternating current). Comments, criticisms or suggestions regarding this publication are en- couraged. In so far as possible, we would like this document to be a valuable part of your reference material.

Revisions will be published periodically as needed.

iii A


AlW Large ship reactor prototype

A-57 AMF 100 kw(th) Reactor, dismantled and reconstructed as HOR in Delft, Netherlands

AA Access authorization

AACC American Association for Contamination Control

AAEC Australian Atomic Energy Commission

AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine 22 AARR Argonne Advanced (see also A R )

AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials

ABCC Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (AEC)

ABFS Auxiliary building filter system

ABLE Activity balance line evaluation

AC Advisory Committee

A/C Air conditioning ac Alternating current

ACAD Air containment atmosphere dilution

ACB Air (operated) circuit breaker

ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

ACI American Concrete Institute

ACLP Above core load pad (fuel assembly)

ACPDS Advisory Committee on Personal Dosimetry Services (NSF) -g-

ACPR Advanced core performance reactor

ACPR Annular core pulse reactor ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards

ACS American Chemical Society

ACS Auxiliary cooling system

ADDS Applied digital data systems

ADEA Association belge pour le Developpement Pacifique de l'Energie Atomique (Belgian Association for the Peaceful Development of Atomic Energy)

ADP Automatic data processing

ADR Audit discrepancy report

ADS Automatic depressurization system

ADU Ammonium diuranate

AE Architect-engineer

AE Acoustic emission AE-6 (WBNS) Water boiler source, (North American Aviation) Santa Susanna, California

AEA Atomic Energy Authority of the United Kingdom, London

AEB Auxiliary equipment building

AEC U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.

AECM Atomic Energy Commission manual

AECPR AEC procurement regulations

AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment, United Kingdom AES-1 Power reactor at Obninsk, USSR -3-

AETR Advanced Epithermal Thorium Reactor built by Atomics International (AI) for Southwest Atomic Energy Associates (SAEA)

AETR Advanced Engineering Test Reactor, Idaho Falls, Idaho

AETRA Cross section reactor physics computer code

AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association

AF NETF Air Force Nuclear Engineering Test Facility

AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute

AFSR Argonne Fast Source Reactor, NRTS, 1 kw(th)

AGC Aerojet General Corporation

AGMA American Gear Manufacturing Association

AGN Teaching reactor built by Aerojet-General Nucleonics

AGN-201-100 U.S. Naval Postgraduate School AGN-201 Reactor, Monterey, California (Aerojet-General Nucleonics, builder and designer)

AGR Advanced gas-cooled reactor

AGS Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, BNL

AGS Annulus gas system

AGU American Geophysical Union

AGZ Actual ground zero

AHR Aqueous homogeneous reactor

AHFR-1 Argonne High Flux Reactor, ANL

AI Atomics International

AICE American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIF Atomic Industrial Forum -4-

AIGS Auxiliary inerting gas subsystem

AIPA American Industrial Hygiene Association

AIHX Auxiliary intermediate AII-V Autorat#c Industries, Inc. , Vitro Engineering

AIMME American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers

AINSE Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering

AIP Approval in principle AIREK-ll Group and feedback kinetics reactor computer code

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction

AISE Association of Iron and Steel Engineers AISI American Iron and Steel Institute

AITS Action item tracking system

AKK Atomkraftkonsortiet Krangede Ad & Co., nuclear power study group, Stockholm, Sweden

AKS planning association, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

AKV AKB Atomkraftwerk, Simpevarp, Sweden (proposed power reactor,170 MW(th))

AL Analytical limits

AL Action (indicator) level-, those radiological doses and concentrations at which actions should be taken

ALAP As low as practical

ALARA As low as reasonably achievable

ALCP Area local control panel

ALECTO Homogeneous Research Reactor Zero Power, CEA, Saclay, France -5-


ALICE Fusion research device at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory

ALIP Annular linear induction pump ALIZE-II Tank reactor at Saclay, France

ALKEM Alphachemie und Metallurgie, Gmbh., fabricators, West Germany

ALMS Auxiliary liquid metal system

ALP Assembly language preprocessor

ALPHA Fusion device, Leningrad, USSR

ALPHGR Average linear planar heat generation rate

ALPR Argonne Low Power Reactor, redesignated SL-1, NRTS, Idaho power reactor, 3 MW(th) (now dismantled)

ALRR Research Reactor, Ames, Iowa 5 mw(th)

ALSI Aluminum silicon alloy u' sed in slug canning process at Hanford

AM-1 First USSR power reactor, 5 MW(e), Obninsk, USSR

AMAD Activity median aerodynamic diameter AMB-1, 2 - 1 Power reactor, BWR, superheated, 300 MW(th), 100 MW(e), Beloyarsk, USSR

AMB-1, 2 - 2 Proposed power reactor, BWR with superheat, 200 MW(e), Beloyarsk, USSR

AMCF Alkali metal cleaning facility

AMCo Aerojet Manufacturing Company

A.M.P.E.R.E. Atomes et Molecules par Etudes Radio-Electriques, c/o M. C. Bene, Institut de Physique, Geneva, Switzerland

A/N Alpha numeric

A/N As needed -6-

ANC Aerojet Nuclear Corporation

ANIM Association of Nuclear Instrument Manufacturers

ANL Argos. > National Laboratory

ANR Association of Neutron Radiographers

ANS American Nuclear Society

ANSCAT Scattering angle reactor physics computer code

ANSI American National Standards Institute

A0 Abnormal occurrence

A0G Augmented off gas system

A0I Advance ordering information

AP Access permit; Access permittee

AP Associated Press

APA Administrative Procedures Act

APC Argon purge cart

APCA Air Pollution Control Association

APCEF Advancad Power Conversion Experimental Facility, U.S. Army gas-cooled reactor systems development, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia

APDA Atomic Power Development Associetes

APDMS Axial power distribution monitoring systems

APHA American Public Health Association

API American Petroleum Institute

APL Applied Physics Laboratory (University of Chicago)

APL A programming language -7-

APL Authorized possession limits

APPA American Public Power Association

APR Advance Production Release (LLL)

APR Automatic pressure relief

APRM Average power range monitor

APS American Physics Society

APS-1 Power reactor, 30MW(th), Obninsk, USSR

APSR Axial power shaping rods

APTR Advanced Pressure Tube Reactor, heterogeneous, enriched , water moderated, USA

APU Auxi'iary power unit

AQUILLON research reactor, CEA, Saclay, France 22 AR Argonne Advanced Research Reactor (see also AARR) ARBOR Argonne Boiling Water Reactor, NRTS

ARBUS Power reactor, organic-cooled and -moderated, 5 MW(th), 0.75 MW(e), New Melekess, USSR ARDA Atomic Research and Development Authority, State of New Yc-k

AREA American Railway Engineering Association

AREA Army reactor area Argonaut Argonne nuclear assembly for university training, ANL (CP-11)

ARHC0 Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company ARM Area radiation monitor ARMF 1 & II Advanced Reactivity Measurement Facility, (NRTS) ARMS Aerial radiological measurements and surveys -8-

ARPI Absolute rod position indication

ARR Armour Research Foundation Reactor, Chicago, Illinois, 11 KW(th)

ARS Advance record system

ASADA New York State Atomic and Space Development Authority

ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers

ASLAB Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board

ASLAP Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel

ASLB Atomic Safety Licensing Board

A S '_B P Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel

ASM American Society of Metals

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASNT American Society for Nondestructive lesting

ASQC American Society for Quality Control

ASR Automatic send and receive teletype terminal

ASTM American Society of Testing Materials

AT Acceptance tag

ATC Adiabatic toroidal compressor

ATEN A'ssociation Technique pour la Production et l'Utilisation de l'Energie Nucleaire, Paris, France

ATF SNAP acceptance test facility, Santa Susana, California

ATP Acceptance test procedures

A&TP Assembly and test pit (HTSF) _g_

ATR Advanced Test Reactor (Idaho)

ATR Critical assembly (KAPL)

ATRC Critical assembly (PPC)

ATRCE Advanced test reactor critical experiment

ATSR Argonne Thermal Source Reactor

ATTENU-2 Attenuation factor reactor physics computer code

ATWS Anticipated transient without scram

AUDIT Automatic unattended detection inspection transmitter

AUXI-ATOME Societe Auxiliare pour l'energie Atomique, Paris, France

AVMS Annulus vacuum maintenance system

AV0GADRO RS Enriched-u anium swimming pool reactor, Italy

AVR Automatic volume recognition

AVT All volatile treatment

AWG American wire gauge

AWOL Absent without leave

AWS American Welding Society

AWSF Alpha Waste Storage Facility

AYR Syndicate of municipal electrical utilities in West Central Germany, formed to sponsor nuclear power projects

AZUR Swimming pool research reactor, CEA, Cadarache, France - 10 -


BAF Bioaccumulation factor

BAP Branch arm piping

BAPE Branch arm piping enclosure

BAPL Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (Westinghouse)

BAPS Branch arm piping shielding

BBRR Brookhaven Beam Research Reactor

BCL Battelle Columbus Laboratory

BCL Bechtel client letter

BCS BCS Richland, Inc., Subsidiary of Boeing Computer Services, Inc.

BDHT Blowdown heat transfer program

BE Best estimate model

BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce

BEAR Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation, a committee established by the National Academy of Sciences

BEC Beginning of equilibrium cycle

BEEN Bureau d' Etude de l'Energie Nucleaire, Brussels, Belgium

BEIR The Advisory Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations

BELOYARSK Heterogeneous, enriched u.anium, graphite-moderated STATION BWR with integral nuclear superheating power reactor, USSR

BEMA Business Equipment Manufacturers Association

BEN Bureau d' Etudes Nucleaires, Brussels, Belgium

BEP0 British Experimental Pile Operation, Harwell, United Kingdom 6 MW(th), large reactor at Harwell ~ - 11 -

BER Homogeneous boiling research reactor, 50 kw(th), Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin, West Germany

BETA Heterogeneous, natural-uranium, graphite-moderated, carbon dioxide cooled power reactor, Denmark Beta 4 Former lithium production plant, Oak Ridge (no,, dismantled)

BFS Fast critical assembly, Obninsk, USSR

BGRR Brookhaven Grapnite Research Reactor, BNL, Long Island, New York, 20 MW(th)

BIA Buyers information advisory (Westinghouse Purchasing)

BIF Basic in flow

BIG-5 Group cross sections, reactor physics computer code

BIOS Biological Investigation of Space, NASA satellite project

BISO Multi-layered fuel particle coating consisting of pyrolytic carbon

Black 0xide U038 BLIND Cell constant transport computer code

BLIS Baffle / liner interface seal

BLTC Bottom loading transfer cask

BLUP-3 (Kinetics) scram effectiveness reactor computer code

BMCo Bailey Meter Company

BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System

BMI Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio

BML Bulk material length

BMS Shell loading engineering reactor computer code

BN-50 Experimental fast power reactor, Ulyanovsk, USSR

BN-350 Dual purpose power-desalination breeder reactor, 350 MW(e) - 12 -

BNEC British Nuclear Energy Conference

BNES British Nuclear Energy Societ,

BNF British Nuclear Forum

BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory

BNWL Battelle Northwest Laboratories (also PNWL)

B0C Beginning of cycle

B0C Bevitron orbit code

BOC Bottom of conduit

BOD Biochemical oxygen demand

BOL Beginning of life

BONUS Boiling Nuclear Superheat Reactor

BONUS-CX Boiling nuclear superheat critical experiment

B0P Balance of plant

BORAX 1 Boiling Reactor Experiment, NRTS, Idaho, .2 MW(th)-

BORAX 2 Boiling Reactor Experiment, NRTS, Idaho, 6.4 MW(th)

B0P.AX 3 Boiling Reactor Experiment, NRTS, Idaho, 12 MW(th)

BORAX 4 Boiling Reactor Experiment, NRTS, Idaho, 20.5 MW(th)

BORAX 5 Boiling Reactor Experiment, NRTS, Idaho, 35.7 MW(th)

BORE 0xide Reactor Experiment (earlier name EBOR)

B/P Blue print

BPA Bonneville Power Administration (00E)

BPD Transmission chain burnup reactor computer code

BPF Blue print files - 13 -

BPID Book physical inventory difference

BPN Breakdown pulse noise

B+PV Boiler and pressure vessel

BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee (ASME)

BR Breeder reactor

B&R Budget and reporting classification

BR-1 Belgian Reactor #1, Mol, Belgium, 4 MW(th)

BR 1 Soviet reactor, fast reactor for physics research, Pu, uncooled, Obninsk, USSR

BR 2 Soviet reactor, fast reactor research, Pu0 Hg-cooled 2 (dismantled)

BR 3 Soviet reactor, reactor physics research, Obninsk, U MR (dismantled)

BR 5 Soviet reactor, fast reactor research, Pu0 Na-cooled, 5 MW(th), Obninsk, USSR 2 BR-2 Belgian Reactor #2, Mol, Belgium, 50 MW(th)

BR-3 USSR thermal blanket test reactor

BR-3 Mol, Belgium, power reactor, 40.9 MW(th)

BR-50 Obninsk, USSR, power reactor, 50 MW(e)

BR-250 Obninsk, USSR, power reactor, 250 MW(e)

BRC Breeder Reactor Corporation

BREN Bare Reactor Experiment Nevada (Biological end medical studies at NTS)

BRG Budget Review Group

BRH Bureau of Radiological Health, HEW

BRISEIS Solid, homogeneous, enriched-uranium, graphite-moderated, air-cooled reactor, USA - 14 -

Brown Oxide Uranium dioxide (UO2 )

BRR Battelle Research Reactor, Columbus, Ohio, 2 MW(th)

BR2 Brookhaven Research Reactor

BRS Boron recycle system

BSF Bulk Shielding Facility, Oak Ridge

BSI British Standards Institute

BSR-1 Bulk Shielding Reactor, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1 MW(th)

BSR-2 Bulk Shielding Reactor, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 750 MW(th)

B&T CANYONS Bismuth phosphate precipitation process separation plant, Hanford

BTP Branch technical position

BTS Brazilian thorium sludge Butex Dibutoxy diethyl ether, used in separation process of U and Pu in the United Kingdom

B&W Babcock and Wilcox Co.

BW Bingham Willamette Company

BWR Boiling water reactor

BWST Borated water storage tank - 15 -


CA Contract Administrator

CA Construction authorization

CA Contract authorization

C/A Corrective action

CA-28 Critical assembly (0RNL)

CABRI Swimming pool research reactor, CEA, Cadarache, France

CACW Core auxiliary cooling water

CACWS Core auxiliary cooling water system

CAD Containment atmosphere dilution

CAF Chemical analysis facility

CAFEE Critical assembly fuel element exchange

CAHE Core auxiliary heat exchanger

CAI Computer-assisted instruction

CALUTRON High-current mass spectrometer used in isotope separation ORNL. from California University Cyclotron

CAM Containment atmospheric monitoring

CAM Continuous air monitor

C.A.M.E.A. Comite des Applications Militaires de l'Energie Atomique. Created by a French decree of December 5, 1956 uniting Atomic Energy Commission, Chiefs of Staff of the Army, High Commissioners, etc., for French Atomic Energy Program

CAMEL Component and material evaluation loop

CAMEN Centro Automamo Militaire Energia Nucleare, Livorno, Italy

CANDU Canadian natural-uranium, heavy-water-moderated and -cooled power reactors - 16 -

CANEL Connecticut aircraft nuclear experiment

CAOC Constant axial offset control

CAP Continuous audit program (Bechtel)

CAP COST Capital costs of shield and vessels; engineering reactor computer code

CAPS Cell atmosphere processing system

CAR Configuration acceptance review of Westinghouse's " Control Advisory Release"

CARA Compagnie d'Aoplications et de Recherches Atomiques, Paris, interested in materials and equipment

CARATOM Compagnie d' Applications & de Recherches Atomiques, Bonnevil-sur-Marne, France

CASE Consolidated aerospace supplier evaluation

CAT Conditionally accepted tag Cavity Los Alamos physics measurement on cold critical experiments

CB Containment building

CBD Commerce Business Daily

CB&I Chicago Bridge and Iron

CBI Chesapeake Bay Institute

CBL Chesapeake Biological Laboratory; part of University of Maryland National Resources Institute

CBPT CLIRA backup plu.. tool

CBR Commercial breeder reactor, USA

CBR-1 First commercial breeder reactor

CBSR Coupled breeding superheating reactor, USA

CC Coarse control - 17 -

CCCS Core component conditioning station

CCCS Core components cleaning system

CCD Coarse control damper

CCD Counter-current digestion (ore leach process)

CCN Contract change notice

CCP Core component pot

CCS Commitment control system

CCS Containment cooling system

CCSW Component cooling service water

CCRC Core component receiving container

CC Test Component check test

CCTL Core component test loop (ANL)

CCTV Closed circuit television

CCW Component cooling water

CCWS Component cooling water system

CDA Core disruptive accident

CDF Cumulative damage function

CDM Central data management

CDR Conceptual design requirement

CDS Component disassembly station (HTSF)

C/E Calculation / experiment

C-E Combustion Engineering Corporation

CE Corps af Engineers, U.S. Army

CEA Cambridge Electron Accelerator (Harvard - MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts - 18 -

CEA Commissareat a l'Energie Atomique, France

CEA Control element assembly

CEA Council of Economic Advisers, USA

CEAN Centre d' Etudes pour les Applications de l'Energie Nucleaire, Belgium

CEBELCORE Centre Belge d' Etude de la Corrosic.1, Belgium

CECO Cost estimate change order

CEEA Communaute Europeenne de l'Energie Atomique (Europaische Atomgemeinschaft ' Euratom')

CEEN Centre d' Etude de l'Energie Nucleaire, Mol, Belgium CEGB Central Electricity Generating Board, United Kingdom

CEL Carbon equilibriun. loop (ARD)

CEN Centre d' Etudes de l'Energie Nucleaire, Belgium

CENC Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache, Cadarache, France C.E.N.C. The Nuclear Research Centre at Grenoble, University of Grenoble, France

CENFAR Nuclear Technology Center operated by CEA at Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

CENS Centre d' Etudes Nucleaire de Saclay, France

CENUSA Centrales Nucleares, S.A., Madrid, Spain

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality, USA

CER Complete engineering release

CER Critical experiment reactor

CERCA Centre de Recherches pour Combustibles Atomiques, Paris, interested in nuclear fuels

CERF Critical assembly (LAC) - 19 -

CERMET Ceramic and metal fuel

CERN European organization for nuclear research, laboratory at Geneva, Switzerland

CES Critical Experiment Station, Westinghouse Reactor Evaluation Center

CESAR Uranium graphite research reactor, CEA, Cadarache, France Reactor of the Centro di Studi Nucleari , - CESNEF - - - - Milan, Italy

CET Critical experiment tank for HTRE-2

CETIS Centre European de Traitment de 1 Information Scientifique, Computer research on information retrieval, Ispra

CEVAR Consumable electrode vacuum-arc remelt

CETR Consolidated Edison Thorium Reactor, Indian Point, New York (PWR type)

CETS Control element test stand

CF Confinement factor

CFB C. F. Braun and Company

CFR Commerical fast reactor, United Kingdom

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CFRE Circulating-fuel reactor experiment, Oak Ridge

CGEL Cover gas evaluation loop

CHAT CLIRA holddown assembly tool

CHCF Component handling and cleaning facility

CHF Critical heat flux

CH00Z PWR type reactor in Ardennez, Belgium

CHU Centigrade heat unit

CI Center island - 20 -

CIA Central Intelligence Agency

CIA Containment isolation A

CIB Containment isolation B

CICAF Industrielle de Combustibles Atomiques Frittes, Corbeville, France

CICS Data communications monitor

CID Component identification

CIEN Commision Interamericana de Energia Nuclear, Commission Interamericaine d'Energie Nucleaire, Comisao Interamericana de Energia Nuclear, c/o Organization of American States C/IP Construction / inspection procedure (Bechtel)

CIR Canada-India Reactor, Trombay, India, 40 MW(th)

CIRGA Critical Isotope Reactor, General Atomics

CIS Containment isolation system

CISE Centro Informazioni Studie d'Experienze (R&D organization, Milan, Italy)

CIV Center island vessel

CL Closed loop

CLAA Centre Lyonnais d' Applications Atomiques, food irradiation processing firm, France

CLCGM Closed loop cover gas monitor

CLCIS Closed loop control and instrumentation system

CLCV Cold leg check valve

CLEM Closed loop ex-vessel machine

CLIRA Closed loop in-reactor assembly

CLIV Cold leg isolation valve - 21 -

CLJA Closed loop jumper assembly

CLS Cask loading station

CLS Closed loop system

CLSMDA Closed loop system melt-down accident

CMA Classified mail address CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America CMF Central maintenance facility

CMFLPD Core maximum fraction of limiting power density

CML Critical Mass Laboratory, Hanford

CMM Core mechanical mockup

CMMF Component maintenance and mockup facility

CMP CLEM maintenance pit

CMP Configuration management plan

CMP Controlled materials production

CNA Canadian Nuclear Association

CNA Centrale Nucleaire des Ardennes, Givet Atomic energy program sponsored by Electricite de France & Belgium's Centre et Sud group

CNB Centrale Nucleaire Belge, 300 MW reactor at Dessel, Belgium

CNEA Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Mexican Atomic Energy Commission

CNEN Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare; agency responsible for Italy's nuclear program

CNEUPEN Commission Nationale pour l' Etude de l'Utilisation Pacifique de l'Energie Nucleare, Brussels, Belgium C.N.I. Centrale Nucleaire Interescaut; a nuclear power station with output of 150 MW(e) built by Interescaut Company of Belgium and Linburg Electricity Company of the Netherland: - 22 -

CNI Consolidated National Intervenors

CNRM Centre National de Recherches Metallurgiques, Liege, Belgium

CNRN Comitato Nazionale per le Ricerche Nucleari, independent commission formerly in charge of Italian nuclear program (now CNEN)

C0 Chief Operator

C0 Contracting Officer

C.O.B. Close of business

COBOL Common business oriented language

C0D Chemical oxygen demand

COD Crack opening displacement Coffin Thick-walled container for transporting radioactive materials

C0FINATOME Compagnie de Financement de l'Industrie Atomique, Paris, France

COM Computer output on microfilm or microfiche

COMET Computer-operated management evaluation technique

Comet Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory experiment for critical configuration safety tests

Comet II Critical assembly (LASL, Kiva I)

CON Controller

CONSORT Light-water-moderated research reactor,10 kw(th), United Kingdom

COPE Multichannel thermal performance engineering reactor computer code

COPPS Committee on Power Plant Siting - Matopma; Academy Engineering report: Engineering for Resolution of the Energy Environment Dilemma, 1972. - 23 -

CP Change proposal

CP Construction permit

CP-1 Chicago Pile # 1, rebuilt as CP-2, ANL

CP-3 Argonne Chicago Pile #3, rebuilt as CP-5

CP-5 Chicago Pile # 5; also called Argonne Research Reactor, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois CP-ll Argonne nuclear assembly for university training, ANL, 10 kw(th) (Argonaut)

CPC Core protection computer

CPDD Conceptual project design description

CPE Contractor performance evaluation

CPFF Cost plus fixed fee

CPM Critical path method

CPP Center for Plutonium Production (France)

CPR Critical power ratio

CPS Conversational programming system

CPS Conversion program system

CPSC Consumer Product Safety' Commission, USA

CPSCI Central personnel security clearance index

CPU Central processing unit

CQ Congressional Quarterly

CQE Cognizant Quality Engineer

CR Congressional Record


CR-3 Chicago Reactor # 3, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois - 24 -

CRA Control rod assembly

CR8R Controlled-recirculation boiling-water reactor

CRBR-CX Critical assembly

CRBRP Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project

CRBR Clinch River Breeder Reactor

CRC Critical reactor component

CRCPD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors

CRCTA Composite reactor component: test activity

CRD Control rod driveline

CRDM Control rod drive mechanism

CRE Controlled residual element

CRESS Central Regulatory Electronic Stenographic System

CREST Committee on Reactor Safety and Technology

CRF Correspondence routing form

CRI Centre de Recherches et d' Irradiations, Champigny, France

CRM Core restraint mechanism

CRM Count rate meter

CROC Engineering fluid-flow parametric reactor computer code

CRS Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress

CRT Cathode ray tube

CRU Combined rotating unit

CSC Computer Sciences Corporation

CSC Civil Service Commission, USA - 25 -

CSCS Core standby cooling system

CSD Constant speed drive

CSDD Conceptual system design description

CSDF Core segment development facility

CSE Containment systems experiment, Hanford, Richland, Washington

CSF Containment support fixture

CSF Coulter Steel and Forge

CSS Cask support structure

CSS Containment spray system

CSS Core support structure

CRUD Chalk River unidentified deposit

CT Cable test

CT CLEM transporter

CTD Charged tape detection (fuel-failure monitor)

CTF Cask tilting fixture

CTOS Cassette operations system

CTP Construction test procedure

CTP Controlled temperature profile (vapor trap)

CTR Certified test results (Bechtel)

CTR Controlled thermonuclear reactor

CU Customer premise " Cutie Pie" Type of radiation detection instrument

CVCS Chemical and volume control system - 26 -

CVI Certified vendor information

CVTR Carolinas-Virginia Tube Reactor, Parr, SC, power reactor, 650 MW(th)

CW Cold-worked

CWA Critical assembly (KAPL)

CWO Capital work order

CWP Coal worker's pneumoconiosis (black lung)

CWP Contractor work plan

CWS Cooling water system

CY Calendar year


D-38 Former code name for depleted uranium metal

DANA One of two heavy water facilities, Newport, Indiana (new property of the U.S. Army Chemical Corps)

DAS Data acquisition system

DAT Disconnect actuating tools

DBA Design basis accident

DBDA Design basis depressurization accident

DBE Design basis earthquake

DBF Design basis fault

DBoA Delayed breeder or alternative - 27 -

DBT Design basis tornado

DC Data control

DC Design contractor dc Direct current

DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency

DCF Dose conversion factor

DCR Direct conversion reactor study - (Marlin Co.)

DCRN Dashpot cup retention nut

DCX-1,2 Direct current experiments, ORNL fusion research program

D-D Deuterium-deuterium reaction (fusion program)

DDB Two-dimensional burnup reactor computer code

DDD Direct distance dialing

DDH&DS Digital data handling and display system

DDS Digital data service

DDT FORTRAN pre processor, for diagnostic preliminary programming

DDT Design data transmittal

DEP Design external pressure

DERE Dounreay Experimental Reactor Establishment, United Kingdom

DES Department of Emergency Services, State of Washington

DES Draft environmental statement

DF Decontamination factor

DF Dose facton

DFC Design field change - 28 -

DFFR Dynamic forcing function (information) report

DFR Dounreay Fast Reactor, Dounreay, Scotland, 15 MW(th)

DG Diesel generator

DHRS Decay heat removal system

DGZ Desired ground zero

DHX Dump heat exchanger

DHXCS Dump heat exchanger control system

DID0 Tank-type reactor at Harwell, United Kingdom,15 MW(th)

DIMPLE Tank-type reactor at Winfrith, United Kingdom, 100 MW(th)

DIMPLE Deuterium Moderated Pile Low Energy Reactor, AERE, Harwell, Berkshire, United Kingdom

DIP Design internal pressure

DL Dead load

DMA Direct memory access

DMT Dispersive mechanism test

DMTR Dounreay Materials Testing Reactor, Dounreay, Scotland, 10 MW(th)

DN Delayed neutron

DNA Desoxyribonucleic Acid

DNA Does not apply

DNB Departure from nucleate boiling

DNBR Departure from nucleate boiling ratio

DNM Delayed neutron monitor

DNRC Democritus Nuclear Research Center, Greece

D.0. Dissolved oxygen - 29 -

D00 U.S. Department of Defense

DOE U.S. Department of Energy

DOI U.S. Department of Interior

DON Heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, heavy-water-moderated, organic-cooled, materials-testing and power reactor, Spain

DOP Detailed operating procedure

DOP Dioctyl Phosphate

00R Heavy-water-moderated and organic-cooled reactor

DOS Disk operations system

DOSAR Dosimetry Applications Research Facility

DOT U.S. Department of Transportation

DP Data processing

DPE Development project engineer

DPP Drip pan pot (CLEM)

"D-R" Decontamination - cleaning with a damp rag mehtod

DR Discrepancy report

DR) DanishReactor1,L_kooledand-moderatedresearch-type,uranium, light-water water-boiler, enriched- reactor, Denmark

DR Danish Reactor 2, enriched-uranium, swimming pool, Denmark 2 DR Danish Reactor 3, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, heavy- 3 water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, Denmark

DRAGON First prompt-critical assembly at LASL

DRAGON Power reactor, 20 Rd(th), Winfrith, Dorset, United Kingdom, joint UK/Eurahoni Project

D/RE Disassembly / reassembly equipment .

- 30 -

DRES Direct reading emission spectrograph

DRIBBLE Vela uniform nuclear detonations to investigate detection of decoupled underground explosions

DRR Document release record

DRS Disassembly / reassembly station (IEM cell core components)

D/S Dynamic / static analysis

DSC Design safety criteria (Hanford)

DSIR Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, London, United Kingdom

DSL Drawing and specification listing (FFTF)

D-T Deuterium-tritium reaction (fusion program)

DTA Differential thermal analysis

DTPA Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid

DTR Document transmittal record

DTRF Data transmittal and routing form

DTRS Development test requirement specification

DTT Design thermal transient

DUN Douglas United Nuclear (now United Nuclear Industries)

DUNC Deep underwater nuclear counting dup-SR E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company - Savannah River, Aiken, South Carolina

DVM Digital volt meter

DW Dead weight load

DWICA Deep water isotopic current analyzer

D-W Process Fractional distillation process for heavy water concentration - 31 -

DWS Development work statement

DWST Demineralized water storage tank



EAB Exclusion area boundary

EACRP European-American Committee on Reactor Physics

EAES European Atomic Energy Society

EAL Equipment air lock

EAP Experimental activity proposal

EAS Experiment assurance system

EASI Estimate of adversary sequence interruption

EB Electron beam welding

EBOR Experimental Beryllium 0xide Reactor, NRTS, Idaho, 10 MW(th)

EBOR-CX Critical assembly (GDC)

EBR-1 Experimental Breeder Reactor, NRTS, Mark III, Idaho power reactor, 1.4 MW(th)

EBR-2 Experimental Breeder Reactor, NRTS, Idaho power reactor, 62.5 MW(th)

EBTF ECC bypass test facility

EBWR Experimental Boiling Water Reactor, ANL (decommissioned)

EC Eddy current - 32 -

ECAR East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement

ECC Emergency control center

ECCS Emergency core cooling system

ECFM Eddy current flow meter

ECP Engineering change proposal

ECR Estimate change request

ECS Environmental control shroud

EDC Emergency decontamination center

EDF Electricite' de France

EDF-1 Gas-cooled, natural-uranium reactor built by Electricite' de France

EDF-2 Power reactor, 790 MW(th), Chienon, France

EDF-3 Power reactor, 1200 MW(th), Chienon, France

EDF-4 Proposed power reactor

EDG Emergency diesel generator

EDM Electric discharge machining

EDP Electronic data processing

EDT Energy dissipation tests

EEC End of equilibrium cycle

EEI Edison Electric Institute

EFAPP Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant (decommissioned)

EFD Engineering flow diagram

EFFBR Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Power Reactor, Monroe, Michigan

EFP SELNI Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, light-water-cooled and -moderated, Italy - 33 -

EFPD Effective full power days

EFPH Equivalent full power hours

EFPM Effective full power month

EGCR Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor, power reactor, 84.3 MW(th), 21.9 MW(e), Oak Ridge, Tennessee

EHV Extra high voltage

El Engineering instruction

EIA Environmental impact appraisal

EIAP Environmental impact assessment project

EIS Effluent inventory system

EIS Environmental impact statement

EIS (Standards) Environmental information systems

EKG Effective kilogram

EL-1 Reactor, Fontenay, France, 150 kw(th)

EL-2 Reactor, Saclay, France, 2.5 MW(th)

EL-3 Reactor, .,aclay, France, 17.5 MW(th)

EL-4 Prototype power reactor, Brittany, 250 MW(th)

ELEX Process for lithium isotope separation

ELPHR Experimental low temperature process heat reactor concept

ELSA-11 Gamma and flux reactor physics computer code

E/M Electro mechanical

EM Environmental management

EM Evaluation model

E-MAD Engineer-maintenance assembly-disassembly NERVA program, Jackass Flats, Nevada - 34 -

EMC Engineering mockup critical experiment (ANL)

EMI Electron magnetic interference

EMP Electro-magnetic pulse radiation EMR Electro-magnetic radiation

EMS Earthquake monitoring system EMT Electrical metallic tubing EN Enforcement notification

ENEA European Nuclear Energy Association

ENSI Energia Nucleare Sud Italia, large nuclear power plant project of SENN at Punta Fiume, Italy

ENUSA Energie Nucleaire S. A. Lausanne, Switzerland

E0 Executive order

EOC End of cycle

E0CR Experimental Organic Cooled Reactor, NRTS, Idaho, 40 MW(th)

E0EC End of equilibrium cycle

EOL End of life

EOS Equation of state

E0Y End of year

EP Emergency preparedness

EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

EPL Environmental protection limit - terminology used in environmental technical specifications

EPH Environmental project manager

EPM Engineering procedure memos - 35 -

EPR Essential performance requirements

EPRI Electric Power Research Institute

EPRTCS Emergency power ride through capability system (CLS - EM pumps)

ER Environmental report

ERA Energy Reorganization Act

ERB Experiment Review Board

ERC Engineering Research Council

ERC Emergency Relocation Center

ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas

ERDA U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (now DOE)


ERIS Emergency resources identification equipment

ER0 Engineering release order (for project release)

EROS Earth resources observation system

ERP Elevated release point

ERR Elk River Reactor, Elk River, Minnesota, boiling-water type

ERSP Earth resources survey program

ESAS Engineered safeguards actuation system

ESCA Extended source calibration area

ESCo Electrical Steel Company

ESCOLP Coefficients (elastic-scattering) reactor physics computer code

ESCWS Essential services cooling water systems

ESD Extension shaft disconnect (FFTF CRDM) - 36 -

ESF Engineered safety feature

ESFAS Engineered safety features actuation system

ESO Emergency support organization

ESR Early site review

ESR Electron spin resonance

ESR Experimental superheat reactor

ESRP Environmental standard review plan

ESRR Early site review report

ESS Electronic switching system

ES&S Engineering services and safety

ESSOR EURATOM's 50 MW(th), organic-cooled, heavy-water-moderated, experimental power reactor at Ispra, Italy

ESSP Earliest scram set point (PPS)

ETC Estimated time of completion

ETP Equivalent top product

ETQAP Education and training in quality assurance practices (ASQC)

ETR Engineering Test Reactor, NRTS, 175 MW(th)

ETR Engineering Test Reactor 2 2 ETRC Engineering Test Reactor critical assembly (PPC)

ETS Environmental technical specifications

EURATOM European Atomic Energy Community

EUREX Fuel reprocessing project proposed by ENEA

EURIS0 TOPE A radioisotope information bureau sponsored by EURATOM

EVESR Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor, Pleasanton, California, power reactor, 12.5 MW(th) - 37 -

EVFM Ex-vessel flux monitor EVHM Ex-vessel handling machine (now CLEM) EVTM Ex-vessel transfer machine EWA WWR-S type, heterogeneous, , light- water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, Poland




F/A Fuel assembly FAB ISO Fabrication isometric (drawir.g)

FAI Fail as is

FAR Center for Nuclear Studies, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

FARET Fast reactor test assembly (ANL design, never built)

FARSE Direct neutron reactor physics computer code

FAST Fuel assembly stability test

FAX Facsimile

FBC Fluidize! bed combustion

FBFS Fuel building filter system FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBR Fast breeding reactor

FC Fail closed

FC Fine control - 38 -

FC Fuel cycle

FCD Fine control damper

FCE Flexible critical experiment

FCI Fuel coolant interaction

FCN Field change notice

FCR Fast ceramic reactor program

FCTT Fuel cladding transient tester

F&D Findings and determination

FDA Final design approval

FDC Functional design criteria (used for GPPs)

FDM Frequency division multiplex

FDR Functional design requirements

FEA Federal Energy Administration

FED Fuel examination facility

FEDAL Failed element detection and location instruments which detect fuel element failure in power reactors

FEDP Federal Executive Development Program

FEFP Fuel element failure propagation

FEFPL Fuel element failure propagation loop

FERD Fuel element rupture detection

FERMI-1 Enrico Fermi LMFBR Plant, 60 MW(e) (decommissioned)

FE0 Facility emergency organizat#m

FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FES Final environmental statement

FFI Full field investigation - 39 -

FFH Fuel failure mockup facility

FFR Folded flow reactor

FFTF Fast flux test facility

FFTFP0 Fast flux test facility project office

FG Fission gas

FGAA Federal Government Accountants Association FGM Fission gas monitor

FHA Federal Housing Administration

FH&RM Fuel handling and radioactive maintenance

FHSR Final hazards summary report

FI Fail in place

FIA Factory Insurance Association

FIEN Forum Italiano Dell'Energia Nucleare FIFO First-in first-out (inventory control) FIM Field inspection manual (Bechtel)

FINGAL Process developed at Harwell for storing high-level fission products in glass FIP Field inspection procedure (Bechtel) FIPS Federal information processing standard FIR Food Irradiation Reactor, Stockton, California FIRN Two-dimensional cylinder transport code for computer FIRR Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research Flattop Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory experiment for spherical metal cores in thick metal reflectors

FLECHT Full length emergency cooling heat transfer - 40 -

FLEER Two-dimensional group diffusion reactor code

FLIP Floating index point, arithmetic unit developed at ANL

FMEA Failure mode and effects analysis

FMS Flux monitoring system

FNP Floating nuclear plant

FNR Ford , 100 kw(th), pool-type reactor at Phoenix project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

F0 Fail open

F0A Forced oil and air

F0E Friends of the Earth

F0IA Freedom of Information Act

FOL Facility operating license

FORATOM Forum Atomique, European association of EURATOM nuclear industries

FORM Fast spectrum cross section reactor physics computer code

FORTRAN Formula translation

F0TA Fuels open test assembly

FPC Federal Power Commission (now FERC)

FPCSTL Fission product control screening test loop

FPD Full power days

FPDD Firal project design description

FPDI Food Processing Development Irradiator

FPM Federal Personnel Manual

FPR Critical assembly (KAPL)

FPR Federal Procurement Regulations - 41 -


FPSL Fission product screening loop

FR Federal Register

FR 2 Heavy-water research reactor, 12 MW(th), Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, Germany

FRAMATOME Societe Frano-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques, Puteaux, France

FRAP Fuel rod analysis program

FRAP-S Fuel rod analysis program - steady-state

FRAP-T Fuel rod analysis program - transient

FRB Forschungs-Reaktor, Berlin (see BER)

FRC Federal Radiation Council (merged into FPA in 1970)

FRCTF Fast reactor core test facility, LASL

FRG 1 Swimming pool research reactor, 5 MW(th), Geesthact, Germany

FRG 2 Swimming pool research reactor, 200 kw(th), Geesthact, Germany FRJ l Merlin-type swimming pool research reactor, 5 MW(th), Kernforschungsanlage, Julich, Germany

FRJ 2 Dido-type heavy-water research reactor, 10 MW(th), Kernforschungsanlage, Julich, Germany

FRM Swimming pool research reactor, 1 MW(th), Technische Hochschule, Munich, Germany

FRMZ Triga-type, Mark II, research reactor, 30 kw(th), University of Mainz, Germany

FR-0 Swedish experimental fast reactor

FRP Fuel reprocessing plant

FRTEF Fast reactor thermal engineering facility

FS Factor of safety

FSAR Final safety analysis report - 42 -

FSC Federai supply classification

FSN Federal stock number

FSPPR Fast Supercritical Pressure Power Reactor, light-water-cooled and -moderated, USA

FS&R Filling, storage and remelt system

FSR First soviet reactor, 1 MW(th), USSR

FSS Floor service stations

FSV Fort St. Vrain (nuclear plant)

FTE FFTF test engineering

FTL Full term license

FTP Fuel transfer port

FlP FFTF (acceptance) test procedure

FTR Fast test reactor

FTR Federal travel regulations

FTRC Federal Telecommunications Records Center

FTRIA Flow and temperature removable instrument assembly

FTS Federal Telecommunications System

FTTS Flow through tube sampler

FUFO Fuel fusing option

FUGUE Engineering pipe flow reactor computer code

FV Floor valve (refueling)

FVA Floor valve adapter (refueling)

FW Foster Wheeler Corporation

FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act - 43 -

FYP Five year plan


G1 Plutonium production reactor, Marcoule, France, 38 MW(th) ()

G2 Plutonium production reactor, Marcoule, France, 200 MW(th)

G3 Plutonium production reactor, Marcoule, France, 200 MW(th)

GA Grapple adapter

GA General Atomic Company

GAEC Greek Atomic Energy Commission, Athens, Greece

GAHF Grapple adapter handling fixture (AI)

GA0 U.S. General Accounting Office

GASSAR General Atomic Standard Safety Analysis Report

GAZE Multi group diffusion reactor computer code

GBSR Graphite-moderated boiling and superheating reactor

GC General counsel

GC Gas chromatograph

GCFBR Gas-cooled fast breeder reactor

GCL Gas-cooled loop

GCR Gas-cooled reactor - 44 -

GCRE, I, II Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment, 2.2 MW(th), NRTS

GDC General design criteria

GDS General declassification schedule of Executive Order 11652

GDS Graphical display system

GE General Electric Company

GEAP General Electric Atomic Products

GEC General Electrodynamics Corporation

GEIS Generic environmental impact statement

GPCL General purpose closed loop

GESMO Generic Environmental Statement on Mixed 0xides

GESSAR General Electric Standard Safety Analysis Report

GETR General Electric Test Reactor

GFE Government furnished equipment (U.S.)

GFE&M Government furnished equipment and material

GFP Government furnished property (U.S.)

GFY Government fiscal year

GGA Gulf General Atemic

GI Gastro-intestinal

GIFT Gas insulated flow tube

GLASS Germanium-lithium argon scanning system

GLEEP 3 kw(th) reactor at Harwell, United Kingdom

GM Geiger-Mueller counter

GMT Greenwich mean time

GNOME Plowshare experiment to study the production and recovery of heat and isotopes produced in a contained nuclear explosion - 45 -

GNP Gross national product

GORX Graphite oxidation from reactor excursion engineering computer code

GP General purpose GPL-I, II General Purpose Loop (Waltz Mill, Westinghouse)

GP0 U.S. Government Printing Office

GPP General plant projects

GRACE Gamma attenuation reactor physics computer code Green Salt Uranium tetrafluoride (UF4 ) GROUNDHOG 000 program of high explosive (nonnuclear) experiments, part of Vela Uniform

GRR Greek Research Reactor, Athens, Greece

GRT General Reactor Technology GSA U.S. General Services Administration G/T Concentration of grams of Pu per irradiated short-ton of uranium

GTA and GTAA Gas tungsten arc

GTAW Gas tungsten arc weld

GT-HTGR Gas-Turbine High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor

GTR Ground Test Reactor (Air Force), Ft. Worth, Texas, 3 MW(th)

GTRR Georgia Institute of Technology Research Reactor, Atlanta, Georgia, 1 MW(th)

GTTF Gas-Turbine Test Facility, experimental, closed-cycle, gas-turbine system, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia - 46 -

GUNFC0 Gulf United Nuclear Fuels Corporation

GV Guard vessel


HACL Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory

HAFEVER Inelastic scattering reactor physics computer code

HASL Health and Safety Laboratory, New York

HASP Houston automatic priority spooling

HAZ Heat affected zone

HAZEL Homogeneous Assembly Zero Energy, AERE, Harwell, Berkshire, United Kingdom

HB Horizontal baffle

HBWR Halden Boiling Heavy Water Reactor, ENEA reactor at Halden, Norway

HCDA Hypothetical core disruptive accident

HCLF Horizontal cask 'ifting fixture

HCM Hydraulic core mockup

HCSS Head compartment support structure

HCU Hydraulic control unit

HDW High pressure demineralized water (ETR system)

HEATR Engineering heat transfer computer code for reactors

HECTOR Hot, Enriched, Carbon-Moderated, Thermal-0scillator Reactor, United Kingdom

HEDL Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory - 47 -

HEHF Hanford Envirenmental Health Foundation

HEPA High efficiency particuir,e air filters

HERALD Heterogenous Experimental Reactor, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, Berkshire, United Kingdom

HERALD High Enriched Reactor, 5 MW(th), Aldermaston, United Kingdom

HERMES Heavy Element and Radioactive Material Electromagnetic Separator, Harwell, United Kingdom

HERO Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance, 3 kw(th) reactor, Windscale, United Kingdom

HES Hanford Engineering Service

HEU Highly enriched uranium -

HEW-305 Hanford 305 Test Reactor

HEW U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare

HEX Uranium hexafluoride (UF6 )

HFBR High-Flux Beam Reactor, 40 W(th), BNL

HFCE HFIR Critical Experiment 2 2

HFEF Hot fuel examination facility

HFHE Non-irradiated fuel handling equipment

HFIR High-Flux Isotope Reactor to produce isotopes of trans plutonium elements for research purposes, ORNL, 100,000 kw(th)

HFR high-Flux Reactor, Petten, Netherlands, Netherlands Research and Materials Testing Reactor

HGE Hydraulic grade elevations

HHLR Horace Hardy Lestor Reactor,1 MW(th) pool-type, Watertown, Massachusetts

HIBAL Australian balloon sampling project operated for AEC by the Australian Department of Supply - 48 -

HI-C High conversion critical experiment

HIFAR High-Flux Australian Reactor,10 MW(th), tank-type, Lucas Heights, Australia

HILAC Heavy ion linear accelerator

HIP Hanford isotopes plant

HIRDL High-Intensity Radiation Development Laboratory, BNL

HLCV Hot leg check valve

HLIV Hot leg isolation valve

HLW High level waste

HMS Hanford meteorology surveys

H&N Holmes and Narver (Construction Company)

HNPF Hallam Nuclear Power Facility (decommissioned)

HOP HEDL overpower

HOR Pool-type reactor, 100 kw(th), Delft, Netherlands

HORACE Pool-type reactor, 10 w(th), Aldermaston, United Kingdom

HOTCE Hot critical experiments

HPCI High pressure coolant injection

HPCS High pressure core spray

HPD High power density

HPFL High Performance Fuels Labcratory

HPI High pressure injection

HPIS High pressure injection system

HP0F High pressure oil filled (cable)

HPP Hot processing plant

HPRR Health Physics Research Reactor, ORNL, 1 kw - 49 -

HPS Hanford plant standards (formerly HWS)

HPS Health Physics Society

HRE 1 Homogeneous Reactor Experiments, 1 MW(th)

HRE 2 Homogeneous Reactor Experiments, 5 MW(th)

HRT Homogeneous Reactor Test (see HRE-2)

HSST Heavy section steel technology program

HTGCR High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor, United Kingdom " Dragon" Project

HTGCR (AAEC) Australian High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor, solid, homogeneous, beryllium-oxide-moderated, carbon-dioxide- cooled

HTGR High-temperature gas reactor

HTGR-CX High-temperature gas reactor critical experiment

HTIS Heat transfer instrument system

HTL Heat transfer loop

HTLTR High-Temperature Lattice Test Reactor, Richland, Washington

HTR Hanford 305 Test Reactor, Richland, Washington

HTR Hitachi Training Reactor, Kawasaki, Japan, 100 kw pool-type

HTRDA High-Temperature Reactor Development Associates - group of utilities cooperating in building the Peach Bottom 45 MW(e) atomic power plant at Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania

HTRE Heat transfer reactor experiment, Nuclear Electronics Laboratory, Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California

HTRI Heat Transfer Research Institute

HTSF High-temperature sodium facility

HTTF Critical assembly (Bettis) - 50 -

HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUGHES-NEL Hughes Aircraft Company Nuclear Electronics Laboratory, Culver City, California

HUT HEDL up transient

H&V Heating and ventilating

HVDC High voltage direct current

HW Heavy water (deuterium oxide, D 0) 2 HWCTR Heavy-Water Component Test Reactor, 61 MW(th), Savannah River, Aiken, South Carolina

HWGCR Heavy-Water-Moderated Gas-Cooled Reactor, 590 MW(th), Bohunice, Czechoslovakia

HWP Heavy-Water Plant, Savannah River

HWR Heavy-water reactor

HWS Hanford Works standard or specification (now HPS)

HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

HX Heat exchanger

Hydro LASL critical assembly

HYP0 High-Power Water-Boiler Reactor (dismantled), Los Alamos


IAA Interim access authorization

IAC Interim acceptance criteria - 51 -

IAD Immediate action directive

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IAL Immediate action letter

. IAPM0 International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials

IAT Information assessment team

IBR Pulsed fast reactor, 1 kw(th), Dubna, USSR

IBSHR Integral Boiling and Superheat Reactor, Westinghouse 20 - MW(e) pilot plant for scale-up to 200 MW(e) (graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor)

I&C Instrumentation and control

ICA Item control area

Interface control action request ICAR g ICB Interface control board

ICBWR Improved cycle boiling water reactor design

ICC Interstate Commerce Commission, USA

ICCU Inter-channel comparison unit (PPS instrumentation)

ICD Interface control drawings

ICONS Information Center on Nuclear Standards (American Nuclear Society)

ICP Inventory control point

ICRA Interagency Committee on Radiological Assistance

ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection

ICS Inter-communication system (FFTF communication system)

ICSA In-core shim assembly

ID Inner diameter or inside diameter - 52 -

IDA Intrusion detection alarm

IDEN Instituto de Engerharia Nuclear, Brazil (CP-ll type reactor)

IDR Inspection discrepancy report (AI)

IDS Interim decay storage

IE Inspection and enforcement

IEA Instituto de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, Brazil

IEA International Energy Agency

IEAR-1 Instituto de Energia Atomica Reactor, pool type, 5 MW(th) Brazil

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IEM Interim examination and maintenance

IEM CELL Interim examination and maintenance cell

IEMTF Interim examination and maintenance training facility

IES Institute of Environmental Sciences I&E lugs Internally and externally cooled fuel elements for production reactor

IET Initial engine test

IFB Invitation for bids

IFCF Integrated fuel cycle facilities

IGA Intergranular attack

IGR&P Inert gas receiving and processing

IHTS Intermediate heat transport system

IHX Intermediate heat exchanger

IHXGV Intermediate heat exchanger guard vessel - 53 -

ILIP In-line instrument package ILO International Labor Organization (Geneva)

INC Idaho Nuclear Corporation (now Aerojet Nuclear Company)

INCOT (EBR-ll) In-core test facility

INEL Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory

INMM Institute of Nuclear Materials Management

INTERATOM Internationale Atomreactorbau, Duisberg, Germany

INX Technique for concentration of low grade pitchblend by ion exchange I/O Input-output devices I/P Current to pressure

I&P Inerting and preheating

IPB Illustrated parts breakdown

IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association

IPDD Initial project design description

IPL Initial program load

IPP Integrated plotting package

IPS Interim policy statement

IPS Iron pipe size

IRAC Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee

IRAP Interagency Radiological Assistance Program

IRM Intermediate range monitors

IRR Institute for Reactor Research, Wurenlingen, Switzerland

IRR Israeli Research Reactor, Rehovath, Israel

IRS Inquiry and reporting system - 54 -

IRT Research reactor, natural-uranium, graphite, 5.5 h (th), Kurchatov Inst. Moscow, USSR

ISA Instrument Society of America

ISAM Indexed sequential access method

ISCA Intersociety Committee on Methods for Ambient Air Sampling and Analysis

ISCT Inner seal collar tool

ISDF Intermediate sodium disposal facility

ISER Integral systems experimental requirements ISFSI Independent spent fuel storage installation ISI In-service inspection

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ISP Industrial security plan

ISPRA D 0 research reactor, Ispra, Italy (near Milano) 2 IT Instrument test or instrument tree

I&T Inspection and test

ITAL Induction Simulated Reactor, Bureau of Mines, Morgantown, West Virginia

ITAL Instituit voor de Toepassing van Atoomenergie in de Landboury - Wageningen, Netherlands

IT&AP Inspection test and analysis plan

ITF Interstitial transfer facility (ANL or Westinghouse)

ITFTRIA Instrument tree flow and temperature removal instrument assembly ITI Inspection / test instruction

ITMA Irradiation test management activity

ITR Instrument test rig (LMEC) - 55 -

ITRIA Instrument tree removable instrument assembly

ITS Idaho Test Station

IT/SP Instrument tree / spool piece

IUIN3 Institut Interuniversitaires des Sciences Nucleaires, Brussels, Belgium

IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

IVHM In-vessel handling machine

IVHM-EM In-vessel handling machine / engineering model

TVS In-vessel storage

IVSM In-vessel storage module

IWES Industrial waste filter system

IWS/IT Integrated work sequence / inspection traveler

IXION Magnetic-mirror-type fusion device, LASL IZ Isolation zone J :


JASE John A. Blume and Associates, Engineers, San Francisco

JAEC Japan Atomic Energy Commission

JAEIP Japan Atomic Energy Insurance Pool

JAERI Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-Mura, Japan

JAIF Japan Atomic Industrial Forum - 56 -

JAJ J. A. Jones Company

JANAP Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publications

JANUS Biological research reactor, ANL, 200 kw(th), tank-type Japan GCR Japan Gas-Cooled Reactor, 585 MW(th), Tokai-Mura, Japan

JAPC Japan Atomic Power Company

JARRP Japan Association for Radiation Research on Polymers

JASON ARGONAUT type research reactor, United Kingdom

JASON CP-ll type reactor, 10 kw(th), Petten, Netherlands

JCAE Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, U.S. Congress (now dissolved)

JCGS Joint Center for Graduate Study

JCL Job control language

JCP Joint Committee on Printing, U.S. Congress JEEP 1 Joint Establishment Experimental Pile, Kjeller, Norway, 459 kw(th) JEEP 2 Joint Establishment Experimental Pile, Kjeller, Norway, 2 MW(th), tank-type

JEEPNIK Subcritical experiment

JEN Junta de Energia Nuclear (Spanish nuclear agency)

JETR Japan Engineering Test Reactor, Tokai-Mura, Japan, 50 MW(th), tank-type JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research - Soviet bloc countries research center, Dubna, USSR

JPDR Japan Power Demonstration Reactor, BWR, 11,700 kw(e), Tokai-Mura, Japan

JRR 1 Japanese Research Reactor, 154-type reactor, Tokai-Mura

JRR 2 Japanese Research Reactor, 10 MW(th), tank-type - 57 -

JRR 3 Japanese Research Reactor,10 FN(th), tank-type JRR 4 Japanese Research Reactor, 1 MW(th), pool-type Juggernaut Argonne low power research reactor, 250 kw(th)

JUNO Type of radiation detection instrument

JURIS Justice retrieval and inquiry system


K-25 Gaseous diffusion plant area, Oak Ridge K-65 Radium bearing sludge from refining pitchblend ores

KACHINA Advanced computer program to serve as a test bed for computer simulation of complex components Kahl Kahl, West Germany, power reactor, 60 FN(th)

KAPL Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (GE - Schenectady, New York) K

KBWP Kernkraftwerk Baden-Wuerttemberg Planungsgesellschaft, organic-moderated reactor

K Effective multiplication factor eff KEMA Laboratory and Research Center, Arnheim, Netherlands

KEWB Kinetic experiment on water boilers, small test reactors, Santa Susana, California K Plants Individual units of the ORGDP

KRB Kernkraftwerk FWE Bayermwerk, 237 MW(e) BWR, Gundremmingen, West Germany

KRITO Crit; cal experiment - 58 -

KRR Kansai Research Reactor, Kumatori, Japan, 1 MW(th) pool-type KS-150 Heavy water power reactor at Bohunice, Czechoslovakia

KSTR Kema Suspension Test Reactor, Netherlands, 250 kw(th)

Kukla Fast critical experiments (University of California, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory)


L-47 Teaching reactor built by Atomics International L-54 50 kw(th) teaching reactor at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, DC L-77 Type of teaching reactor built by Atomics International

LACBWR LaCross Boiling Water Reactor

LAMPRE Los Alamos molten plutonium reactor experiment

LAPPES Large Power Plant Effluent Study; initiated in 1967 and provided funds to support a TVA project to study the impact of inversion breakup phenomena on their large power plant plumes

LASER Light amplification by simulated emission of radiation

LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

LATINA Power reactor, 705 MW(th), Face Verde, Italy

LAWB Los Alamos water boiler, aqueous, homogeneous-type reactor, includes: LOPO, HYP0 and SUP0

LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

LCHS Large component handling system - 59 -

LCO Limiting conditions for operation

LCR Log count rate

LCRE Lithium-cooled reactor experiment, NRTS

LCS Loop control system LCTI Large components test installation

LCTL Large components test loop (now SCTL, at LMEC) LCVIP Licensee contractor vendor inspection report

LD 50 Lethal-dose of radiation for 50% of those exposed LDCC Large diameter component cask

LE Limit of error

LED Light emitting diode

LEFM Linear elastic fracture mechanics LEL Large engineering loop (NASA-Lewis) LEMUF Limit of error on material unaccounted for LER Licensee event report

LES Limited early site

LESR Limited early site review

LET Linear energy transfer

LEO Low enriched uranium LEVITRON Fusion research device at Lawrence Radiological Laboratories LFBR Liquid fluidized bed reactor concept LFBR-CX Liquid fluidized bed reactor critical experiment

LHGR Linear heat generation rate

LHM Loop handling machine - 60 -

LHS Loop handling system

LIC Loop insertion cell

LIDO Reactor at Harwell, United Kingdom, 100 kw(th)

LIFO Last-in first-out (inventory control)

LIMB Liquid metal breeder, heterogeneous, thorium breeder, graphite-moderated and lead-cooled reactor

LINAC Linear accelerator

LITR Low Intensity Test Reactor, 3 MW(th), ORNL

Little Eva LASL critical assembly experiment on enriched metal in 3-in.-thick uranium reflector

LIWB Livermore Water Boiler, Livermore, California, 500 MW(th) (dismantled)

LLFM Low level flux monitor

LLL Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

LLW Low level waste

LMEC Liquid Metal Engineering Center (AI)

LMFBR Liquid metal fast breeder reactor

LMFR Liquid metal fuel reactor concept

LMFRE Liquid metal fuel reactor experiment

LMHX Liquid metal heat exchanger

LMTD Logarithmic mean temperature difference

LNG Liquid natural gas

LOA Line of assurance

LOC Limiting conditions for operation

LOCA Loss-of-coolant accident - 61 -

LOCP Loss-of-coolant protection

LOCF Loss of flow

LOF Loss-of-coolant flow

LOFA Loss of flow accident

LOFT Loss of fluid test facility

LOI Loss of ignition

LOP Loss of offsite power

LOPI Loss of pipe integrity

LOP 0 Low Power Water Reactor, Los Alamos

LORDS Licensing on-line retrieval data system

LOSP Loss of system pressure

LPC Loop preparation cask

LPCI Low pressure coolant injection

LPCS Low pressure core spray system

LPD Linear power density

LPDR Local Public Document Room

LPE Loop preparation equipment

LPG Liquid petroleum gas

LPGS Liquid Pathway Generic Study

LPI Low power injection

LPIS Low pressure injection system

LPM Licensing Project Manager

LPR Lynchburg Pool Reactor, B&W, 1 MW(th), pool-type, Virginia

LPR-CC Critical assembly (Bettis) - 62 -

LPRM Low power range monitor (GE)

LPSW Low pressure service water

LPTF Low power test facility

LPTR Livermore pool-type reactor (LRL)

LPZ Low population zone

LRC Lewis Research Center

LRIA Level removable instrument assembly

LRL Lawrence Radiation Laboratory

LRX Large reactor critical facility, Waltz Mill, Pennsylvania

LSA Low specific activity

LSDF Large sodium disposal facility

LSR Lynchburg Source Reactor, B&W, Lynchburg, Virginia

LSSP Latest scram se+ point

LSSS Limiting safety system setting

LTL Lot truck load

LTR Lattice Test Reactor (PCTR), Hanford, Washington

LTR Lockheed Training Reactor, 10 kw(th), pool-type

L-TR Licensing technical review

LTV Large test vessel (AI)

LVDT Linear variable differential transformer

LWA Limited work authorization

LWOP leave without pay - 63 -

LWR Light-water reactor


MAA Material access area MAAC Mid-Atlantic Area Council MACCT Multiple assembly cooling cask test (ORNL) MAD Maintenance assemoly-disassembly

MAELV Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters

MAGGI Million Ampere Generator (fusion program), Aldermaston, United Kingdom

MAIN Mid-American Interpool Network

MAM Management and administration manual

MAPLHGR Maximum average planar linear heat generation rate MARAD U.S. Maritime Administration MARCA Mid-Continent Area Reliability Coordination Agreement

MARIUS Uranium graphite research reactor, CEA, Marcoule, France, 1 kw(th)

MARYLA Zero power reactor, Poland gjg MASCURA Fast neutron critical assembly, Cadarache, France - MASER Microwave amplification by stimulated emission

MASURKA French critical facility

MAUD Code name for the early British Atomic energy project (circa 1940/42) MAXIE Maxwellian averaged cross sections reactor physics computer code - 64 -

MBA Material balance area

MB0 Management by objective

MBR Material balance report

MC Major component

MCA Material control and accountability

MCA Maximum credible accident

MCC Motor control center

MCHFR Minimum critical heat flux rates

MCIS Materials compatibility in sodium

MCPR Maximum critical power ratio

MCV Movable closure valve

MD Measured discard

MDC Maximum dependable capacity

MDCT Mechanical draft cooling tower

M&E Material and equipment

MEFV Maintenance equipment floor valve

MELUSINE I Swimming pool research reactor, CEA, Grenoble, France, 1.4 kw(th)

MELUSINE II Swimming pool research reactor, CEA, Grenoble, France, no power

MERLIN Medium-Energy light-water-moderated industrial nuclear reactor, Aldermaston, Berkshire, United Kingdom

MERLIN-JULICH Reactor MERLIN-JULICH, JUlich, Germany (identical with MERLIN reactor at Aldermaston, United Kingdom Merry go-round Pulsed fast neutron assembly (Godiva type), Dubna, USSR

MFCI Molten fuel coolant interaction - 65 -

MFP Mixed fission products

MFPG Mixed fission products generator (AEC isotopic power unit)

MFT Multiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks

MFV Maintenance floor valve

MG Motor generator

MGCR Maritime gas-cooled reactor project

MGCR-CX Maritime gas-cooled reactor critical experiment

MH-1A Mobile High Power Plant, No. lA (proposed pressurized- water, barge-mounted reactor to be built for Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army), 45 MW(th)

MHA Maximum hypothetical accident

MHD Magnetohydrodynamics

MHD Magnetohydrodynamic conversion

MHFR Maximum hypothetical fission product release

MHTS Main heat transport system

MI Mineral insulated (cables)

MIGHTY MOUSE Heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, heavy-water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, USA

MILTEN Wylbur's terminal handler

Minerve Pool-type reactor at Fontenay, France, 50 w(th)

MIS Management information system

MISPHT Spherical multigroup transport code for computer

' MIST Minor isotopes safeguards techniques

MIST Slab multigroup transport code for computer

. MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 66 -

MITR Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor, 2 MW(th) tank-type

ML-1 Mobile Low Power Plant, No. 1, U.S. Army prototype GCR, 3.3 MW(th)

MLD Median lethal dose, LD/50

MLW Mean low water MM Modified Mercalli MMG Motor-motor generator

MMPA Magnetic Material Producers Association

M0TA Materials open test assembly MOV Motor operated valve

M0X Mixed (uranium and plutonium) oxide fuel

MPC Maximum permissible concentration

MPC Metals Properties Council

MPD Maximum permissible dose

MPE Maximum permissible exposure

MPL Maximum permissible level

MPL Mechanical properties loop

MPO Manufacturing production order

M&PP Materials and plant protection

MPRE Medium power reactor experiment

MPS Manpower system

MPX Multiplexer

MQS Motion to quash subpoena

MRI Material receiving instruction (Bechtel) - 67 -

MRMU Mobile radiological measuring unit

MRR Medical Research Reactor,1 MW(t: ) pool-type, BNL

MS Margin of safety

MS Milestone

MSA Material surveillance

MSA Mechanical signature analysis

MSA Mines safety appliance

MSAR Mines safety appliance research

MSBE Molten salt breeder experiment

MSBR Molten salt breeder reactor

MSCA Mixed spectrum critical assembly, GE, Vallecitos, California

MSCI Molten steel coolant interaction

MSG Modular steam generator

MSIV Main steam isolation valves

MSIVLCS Main steam line isolation valve leakage control system

MSL Mean sea level

MSLD Mass spectrometer leak detector

MSM Master slave manipulator

MSM Modified source multiplication

MSR Material status report

MSRE Molten salt reactor experiment, ORNL

MSS Main support structure

MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry - 68 -

MSS Mixed Spectrum Superheater, light-water-cooled and -moderated BWR with nuclear superheating, USA

MSSCE Mixed spectrum superheater critical experiment

MSSR Mixed spectrum superheat reactor concept

MSV Mean square voltage (Campbelling effect - wide range flux monitor)

MT Magnetic particle test or materials test

MTBF Mean time between failures

M&TE Measuring and test equipment

MTF Mean time to failure

MTI Mechanical Technology, Incorporated

MTL Mobiltherm light

MTOS Magnetic tape operations system

MTPF Maximum total peaking factor

MTR Materials Testing Reactor, 40 MW(th), NRTS

MTS Module tracking system

MTTR Mean time to repair

MUF Material unaccounted for

MUR Management update and retrieval system

MUR Mock-Up React.or (NASA), 100 kw(th), pool-type, Sandusky, Ohio

MUX Multiplexer

MVS Multiple virtual storage

MVT Multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks - 69 -

MZFR Mehrzweck Forschungs (multipurpose) power reactor, 50 MW(e), Karlsruhe, West Germany


NA Not applicable or not available

NAB Nuclear Assembly Building, Merry Island, Cape Canaveral

NAC National agency checks

NAD Nuclear accident dosimetry

NAIG Nippon Atomic Industry Group

NaK Sodium potassium alloy, used as a reactor coolant

NAPCA National Air Pollution Control Administration, USA

NAPSIC North American Power Systems Interconnection Committee

NAPUS Nuclear auxiliary power unit system (SNAP)

NARS National Archives and Records Service

NAS National Academy of Sciences

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NAS-NRC National Academy of Science - National Research Council

NAWAS National warning system

NBL New Brunswick Laboratory gg

NBS National Bureau of Standards, USA

NC Normally closed

NCBR Near commercial breeder reactor (also designated prototype large breeder reactor) - 70 -

NCC National Computer Conference

NCP Network control program

NCR Nonconformance report

NCR Notification of change report

NCRP(M) National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement

NCSAG Nuclear Cross Section Advisory Group

NCSCR - 3 North Carolina State College Reactor, 10 kw

NCSCR - 4 North Carolina State College, Reactor 100 kw

ND Negative declaration

NDCT Natural draft cooling tower

NDE Nondestructive examination

NDT Nondestructive testing

NDTT Nil ductility transition temperature

NEA Nuclear Energy Agency (part of OECD)

NEA Nuclear Engineering Associates

NEC Nuclear Energy Center

NEC National Electrical Code

NECAP Nutmeg Electric Companies Atomic Project

NECSS Nuclear Energy Center Site Survey

NELIA Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association

NELPIA Nuclear Energy Liability Property Insurance Association

NEMA National Electric Manufacturer's Association

NEPA National Environmental Policy Act

NEPIA Nuclear Energy Property Insurance Association - 71 -

NEPTUNE Low energy reactor at Derby, United Kingdom, for water reactor experiments

NERA National Economic Research Associates, Inc.

NERC National Electric Reliability Council

NERC Nuclear Energy Research Center; same as Centre d' Etude de l'Energie Nucleaire, Brussels, Belgium

NERHL Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory, Winchester, Massachusetts

NERO Dutch design and development project for PWR for maritime use

NERO Reactor, 100 w(th), Winfrith, United Kingdom

NERV Nuclear emulsion recovery vehicle, follow on to BIOS project to determine radiation profile of inner Van Allen belt (NASA)

NERVA Nuclear engine for rocket vehicle application

NESC National Electric Safety Code

NESP National Environmental Studies Project (an AIF activity)

NESTOR Reactor, Winfrith, United Kingdom, 10 kw(th)

NETIC Frequency function integrals, reactor physics computer code

NETR Nuclear Engineering Test Reactor (USAF), Dayton, Ohio

NFC No further consequences

NFCA Nonfuel core array

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NFS Nuclear Fuel Services Plant

NGA Nationale Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung devendust riellen Atom-Zechnik

NGSF Noble gas storage facility

N1AC Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada - 72 -

NIC Nuclear Industry Consortium, same as Groupement professionnel de l'Industrie, Nucleaire, Brussels, Belgium

NIH National Institutes of Health, USA

NIM Nuclear instrument modules

NICBE Neutron or gamma transport computer code

NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, USA

NIPA Notice of initiation of procurement action

NIRB Nuclear Insurance Rating Bureau, New York

NIRNS National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science, United Kingdom

NIRS National Institute for Radiological Science, Tokyo

NLI National Lead Industries (now NW Industries)

NMIS Nuclear materials inventory system

NMIS Nuclear materials information system

NMP National meter programming

NMMSS Nuclear materials management and safeguards system

NMSS Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

NMST New materials system test

NNCSC National Neutron Cross Section Committee

NNEC National Nuclear Energy Commission (Brazil)

NNSDD Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company

NO Normally open

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA

NOL Naval Ordinance Laboratory, 000, Silver Spring, White Oak, Maryand

NOL Normal operating losses - 73 -

NORCUS Northwest College and University Association for Science

NOS Not otherwise specified

NPCC Northeast Power Coordinating Council

NPD Nuclear Power Demonstration, power reactor, 88 MWmw(th), Ontario, Canada

NPDES National pollution discharge elimination system

NPF Nuclear power facility

NPG The Nuclear Power Group (TNPG) (United Kingdom)

NPR New Production Reactor for plutonium and electricity production, Hanford

NPRDS Nuclear plant reliability data system

NPRF Northrop pulse radiation facility

NPS Numerical plotting system

NPSH Net positive suction head

NPSRA Nuclear-Powered Ship Research Association of Tokyo, Japan

NPT Nonproliferation treaty

NPTF Nuclear proof .est facility (never built)

NQAA Nuclear Quality Assurance Agency

NRC National Research Council, USA

NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NRDC National Resources Defense Council

NRR Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

NRTS National Reactor Test Station (Part of INEL)

NRU Canadian natural-uranium, heavy-water-moderated and -cooled test reactor, Chalk River, Ontario, 200 MW(th) - 74 -

NRX Canadian natural-uranium, heavy-water-moderated research reactor, Chalk River, Ontario

NRX-A Nuclear engine reactor experiment (NERVA), Jackass Flats, Nevada

NRX-CX Critical assembly (Westinghouse)

NS-40 Early designation for depleted uranium

NSA Nuclear Science Abstracts

NSC National Security Council NSCR Nuclear Science Center Reactor, A&M University, Texas

NSDM National security decision memorandum

NSF National Science Foundation, USA

NSF Nuclear Science Foundation

NSIC Nuclear Safety Information Center, ORNL

NSR Neutron Source Reactor, BNL, 100 kw(th)

NSSM National security study memorandum

NSSS Nuclear steam system supplier

NTF Nuclear test facility

NTIS National Technical Information Service, Department of Commerce

NTP Nuclear test plant

NTR Nuclear Test Reactor, Pleasanton, California, 30 kw(th) (same as GETR)

NTS Nevada test site

NTSB National Transportation Safety Board, USA

NUCLENOR Controles Nucleares del Norte, S.A. Santander, Spain

NUCLIT Nucleare Italiana, Government corporation conducting programs at Ispra, Italy - 75 -

NUDE Nuclear experimental data evaluation reactor physics computer code

NUMEC Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (part of B&W)

NUMS Nuclear materials security

NURE National uranium resource evaluation program


OA Operating authorization, full-term

0AD Operational availability date

0ATP Operational acceptance test procedure

OBE Operating basis earthquake

OC Operating curve

OCB Oil (operated) circuit breaker

OCDRE Organic-Cooled Dueterium Reactor Experiment, proposed power reactor, 40 MW(th), Whiteshell, Manitoba, Canada

OCI 0xide control and indication

OD Outside diameter

OE Operating engineer

OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OGR ORNL Graphite Reactor, heterogeneous, natural-uranium, graphite-moderated and air-cooled, USA ,

OGRA Thermonuclear experimental device, USSR - 76 -

OGST Overthread guide sleeve tool

OIC On-line instrument and control program

OIP Operating internal pressure

OL Operating license

OLIP On-line instrument package

O&M Operation and maintenance

OM Operations manager

0/M 0xygen-to-metal ratio

OMB U.S. Office of Management and Budget

OMCA Critical assembly (AI)

OMEGA West Resehrch reactor at Los Alamos

OMM Operation and maintenance manual

OMNIA State agency controlling exports of nuclear ta'erialsc and equipment, Prague, Czechoslovakia

OMR Organic-Moderated (power) Reactor, 45 MW(th' , Piqua, Ohio

OMRCA Organic moderated reactor critical assembly

OMRE Organic Moderated Renctor Experiment, NRTS, Idaho, power reactor, 5-12 MW(th)

OMRR Ordnance Material Research Reactor, Watertewn, Massachesetts

ONYX Design concept in the ditchdigger class (p owshare)

OOS Out of service

0P 0xygen pressure process (ore leach process)

OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Count-ies

OPERA Out-of pile expulsion and reentry apparatus

OPFM Outlet plenum feature model - 77 -

OPR Offsite procurement request

OPS Offshore power systems

OPS Operational protection system

OPTIM Perturbation burnup reactor computer code

OPX Off premise extension

Orange Oxide Uranium trioxide (003 ) ORC On-line reactivity computers

ORF Occupational radiation exposure

ORFM Outlet region feature model

ORGDP Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

ORGEL Organic-cooled, heavy-water-moderated reactor concept, EURATOM

ORIC Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron

ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory

ORR Oak Ridge Research Reactor, ORNL

ORSORT Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology

05 Operating system

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

OSIRIS Materials testing reactor, 30 MW(th), CEA, Saclay, France

OSS Operational storage site

OST Office of Science and Technology, USA

OSUR Ohio State University Reactor, Columbus, Ohio, 10 kw(th)

0SWALD Apparatus used in early United Kingdom thermonuclear program

OT Operating temperature - 78 -

OTA Office of Technology Assessment, USA

OTA Open test assembly

OTC Once-through cooling

OTR Organic Test Reactor, Whiteshell, Canada, tank-type

OTSG Once-through steam generator

OTSR Once-through superheat reactor

000 Official Use Only

OWR Omega West Reactor, LASL, 5 MW(th)

OWRR Office of Water Resources Research, Department of Interior


P3 Portable plotting package

PA Privacy Act

PA Protected area

PACE Plant acquisition and construction equipment

PAHR Post-accident heat removal

PAIC Public address intercom system

PAIP Public Affairs and Information Program (AIF)

PAL Permissive action link

PAL Programmer assistance and liaison

PAL Prototype application loop - 79 -

PAM Post-accident monitoring

PAMPER Two group perturbation group diffusion reactor code

PAR Pennsylvania advanced reactor

PAR Performance appraisal report

PAR Purchasing approval request

PARR Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor near Rawalpindi, West Pakistan

PAS Privacy Act statement

PAT Pressurized water research reactor

PAX Private automatic exchange

PBE Prompt burst experiments

PBF Power Burst Facility (INEL)

PB-HTGR Peach Bottom High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor

PBR Plum Brook Reactor, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, research, USA

PBRE Pebble Bed Reactor Experiment

PBRF Plum Brook Reactor Facility, NASA, Sandusky, Ohio

PBR (ORNL) ORNL Pebble Bed Reactor, solid, homogeneous, graphite- moderated and helium cooled, USA

PBS Pressure boundary subsystem

PBS Project breakdown structure

PBTF Pump bearing test facility (at LMEC)

PBX Private branch exchange

PC Polar crane

PCA Pool critical assembly, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

_ - 80 -

PCAM Punched card accounting machine

PCAS Primary central alarm station

PCB Printed circuit board

PCD Power control device

PCETF Power Coiiversion Equipment Test Facility, Aerojet-General Nucleonics reactor test ficility

PCL Permissible contamination limits

PCLDI Prototype closed loop development installation

PCLS Prototype closed loop system

PCLT Prototype closed loop test

PCM Power cooling mismatch

PCP Post-construction permit (OL due to be tendered)

PCRV Prestressed concrete reactor vessel

PCS Power conversion system

PCTF Plant component test facility

PCTR Physical Constant Test Reactor, Hanford, Washington, 100 w(th)

PD Projected decision date

PDA Predocketed application (CP due to be tendered)

PDA Preliminary design approval

PDA Preliminary design authorization

PDD Prospective decision date

PDES Preliminary draft environmental state ~entm

PDF Plant design factor

PDP Process Development Pile, small, heavy-water-moderated test reactor at Savannah River - 81 -

PDQs Group diffusion reactor computation codes

PDR Pressurized deuterium reactor

PDR Public Document Room

PDRP Program data requirement plan

PDS Predocketed special project (SP due to be tendered)

PE Project engineer

PECAN Gas-turbine-cycle engineering reactor computer code

PEDS Protective equipment decontamination section

PEGASE Tank-type research reactor, 30 MW(th), CEA, Cadarache, France

PEGGY Swimming pool research reactor, 1 kw(th), CEA, Cadarache, France

PE0 Patrol emergency officer

PEPR Precision encoder and pattern recognition, bubblechamber photograph recording process: MIT

PERT Program evaluation and review techniques

PERT-1 Group diffusion perturbation reactor computer code

PF Promezhutochnyy Fizicheskiy Ansambl (Intermediate Physical 4 Assembly), critical experiment

PFCS Primary flow control system

PFE Plenum fill experiment

PFES Pre, nosed final environmental state.nent

PFR Prototype fast reactor, United Kingdom

PFS Peripheral fixed shim

PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric Co. pH Hydrogen ion concentration (measure of acidity) - 82 -

PHAROS Naval Research Laboratory experimental fusion device PHENIX French LMFBR demonstration plant, 250 MW(e) PHERMEX Pulsed high energy radiographic machine emitting x-rays, electron accelerator - LASL

PHF Plug handling fixture

PH0EBUS Nickname for follow-on reactor in NERVA program PHOENIX Research apparatus in controlled thermonuclear program. Aldermaston, United Kingdom PH0ENIX Research reactor and project name, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor PHR Process heat reactor program PHSPS Preservation, handling, storage, packaging, and shipping PHTS Primary heat transport system PHWR Pressurized heavy-water reactor

P&I Piping and instrumentation P&ID Piping and instrumentation diagram PIE Post-irradiation examination Pinot A high explosive experiment to investigate gas migration in oil shales

PIOTA Post irradiation open test assembly or proximity instrumented open test assembly PIP Prototypic inlet piping PIPPA Pile for producing power and plutonium (cnde name for Calder Hall project)

PIQUA OMR, power reactor 45 MW(th), 11 MW(e), Piqua, Ohio, City of Piqua Municipal Power Commission PIR Petrolite Irradiation Reactor, St. Louis, Missouri, 10 kw(th) - 83 -

PIRG Public Interest Research Group

PL Piping loads

P. L. Public Law

PL-1 Portable Low Power Plant, No. 1, USA

PL-2 Portable Lew Power Plant, No. 2

PL-3 Portable Low Power Plant, No. 3, redesignated PM-3b

PLATR Critical assembly, United Nuclear Co.

PLATR Pawling lattice test rig, United Nuclear Co.

PLBR Prototype large breeder reactor

PLOCAP Post loss-of-coolant accident protection

PM-1 Portable medium nuclear power plant, Sundance, Wyoming, power reactor, 9.37 MW(th)

PM-2A Portable medium nuclear power plant, Camp Century, Greenland, portable field power, air-transportable, 10 MW(th)

PM-3A Portable medium nuclear power plant, McMurdo, Antarctica, air-transportable, power reactor, 9.36 MW(th)

PM-3B Portable medium nuclear pcwer plant (proposed)

PM Project manager

PMA Critical assembly (KAPL)

PMC Programmable Machine Controller (BLTC)

PMC Project Management Corporation

PME Process and manufacturing engineering

PMF Probable maximum flood

PMH Probable maximum hurricane

PMIS Precision mechanisms in sodium - 84 -

PMNP Platform-Mounted Nuclear Plant - refers to barge-mounted nuclear power plant

PMP Probable maximum precipitation

PMS Probable maximum surge

PN Preliminary notification

PNPF Piqua Nuclear Power Facility, Piqua, Ohio

PNR Pittsburgh Naval Reactors Office, AEC

PNWL Pacific Northwest Laboratories (also BNWL)

P0 Purchase order

P0A Provisional operating .Jthorization

POIS Prototype online instrument systems

POL Provisional operating license

POP Proof of principle (test)

POPR Prototype organic power reactor

PORACC Principles of radiation and contamination control

POS Point of sale (transaction-oriented system)

POS Plant operating system

POSA Preliminary operating safety analysis

POT Critical assembly-(LASL)

PPA Princeton-Pennsylvania Proton Accelerator, Princeton, New Jersey

PPDD Preliminary project design description

PPL Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey

PPS Plant protective system or primary power system

PPS Plant protection system - 85 -

PPSP Power plant siting program - administered by Maryland Department of Natural Resources; program is designed to develop siting criteria

PQAD Plant Quality Assurance Director

PR Pawling Research Reactor, Nuclear Development Corporation of America, Remote Experiment Station, Pawling, New York

PR Press release

PR-1 Philippine Reactor No. 1 3 MW(th), pool-type

PRBSG Pseudo-random binary sequence generator (LMEC)

PRCF Plutonium recycle critical facility

PRDC Power Reactor Development Company (Fermi)

PRE Processing refabrication experiment

PREP Elastic scattering cross sections reactor physics computer code

PRM Personal radiation monitor

PRM Process radiation monitor

PRNC Puerto Rico Nuclear Centers at Rio Piedras and Mayaguez

PRO HEDL automated procurement system

PRO ltalian (CNEN) study of organic-liquid-cooled and -moderated, 30 MW(th), reactor to be constructed near Bologna, Italy

PROGLOOK Monitor execution of any OS/MVT load module

PROSERPINE Zero power research reactor, CEA, Saclay, France

PRR Pawling Research Reactor, Pawling, New York, 5 w(th)

PRR Puerto Rico L-77 Reactor, Puerto Rico Nuclear Center, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

PRR-1 Philippine Research Reactor 1 Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

PRS Process radiation sampler

. - 86 -

PRT Prompt relief trip

PRTR Plutonium recycle test reactor

PRV Pressure relief valve

PRWRA Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority

PSAR Preliminary safety analysis report

PSD Power spectrum density

PSDD Preliminary system design description

PSE Pressurized subcritical experiment

PSE&G Public Service Electric and Gas Co. of New Jersey

PSID Preliminary safety information document

PSP Primary sodium pump

PSPGV Guard vessel for primary sodium pump

PSQ Personnel security questionnaire

PSR Pennsylvania State University Research Reactor, University Park, Pennsylvania

PSR Procurement status report

PSR Peripheral shim rods

PST Primary surge tank (CLS)

PSTF Pressure suppression test facility

PSTF Proximity sensor test facility

PSTF Pump seal test facility

PSUR Pennsylvania State University Reactor, 200 kw(th)

PT Penetrant test

P-T Plasma Thermocouple Reactor, Los Alamos, New Mexico

PTC Passive thermal control - 87 -

PTI Pipe test insert (LMEC)

PTI Plugging temperature indicator

PTL Pittsburgh Testing Lab (FFTF Site)

PTP Proximity test plug

PTR Critical assembly (KAPL)

PTR Pool Training Reactor, enriched-uranium, swimming pool, zero power, ACF Industries, Inc., USA

PTR Pool Test Reactor, enriched-uranium, swimming pool. Chalk River, Canada

PTR Pressure Tube Reactor, AMF, USA

PTR Programmer trouble report

PTR Proof Test Reactor, KAPL, USA

PT/SP Pressure tube to spool piece

PTSR Pressure Tube Superheat Reactor, heterogeneous, uranium, graphite-moderated and light-water-cooled with integral nuclear superheating. USA

PUD Public Utility District

Pu Fissile plutonium (239Pu + 241 Pu) f

PUP Plutonium utilization program

PUR Procurement request (Westinghouse)

PUR Purdue University Reactor, Lafayette, Indiana, 1 kw(th) Pu Recycle TheuseofLWRgggducedplutoniumtoreplacesomeportion of the fissile U normally required in LWR fuels

PV Pressure control valve

PVC Polyvinyl chloride

PVRC Pressure Vessel Research Committee (WRC)

PVTI Piping and valve test insert - 88 -

P&W Pratt and Whitney

PWR Pressurized water reactor

PWR-FA Critical assembly (Bettis)


Q-11 Pitchblende

QA Quality assurance

QAC Quality assurance checklist

QAI Quality assurance instruction

QAIP Quality assurance inspection procedure

QA&O Quality assurance and operations

QAPI Quality assurance program index

QAPP Quality assurance program plan

QAR Quality assurance requirements

QAR Quality assurance representative at vendor plant

QC Quality control

Q-Cumber Experimental fusion device of magnetic mirror type, LRL

QF Quality form

QHR Quality history records

QLR Quick look report

QPM Quality program manager - 89 -

QSR Quarterly statistical report

QTP Quality test plan


R Swedish Reactor R , heterogeneous, natural uranium, heavy water moder3ted, research, zero power

R-1 Reactor, Stockholm, Sweden, 300 kw(th)

R-2 Reactor, Studsvik, Sweden, 30 kw(th)

R-3 AB Atomenergie, underground power reactor, 65 MW(th), Agesta, Sweden

R-4 Power reactor, 364 MW(th), Marviken, Sweden

RA Reduction of area

RA Rental aoreement

RA-1 Argentine Reactor No. 1 Buenos Aires, 25 kw(th)

RACHEL Plutonium, homogeneous, zero power research reactor, CEA, Saclay, France

RAD Radiation absorbed dose

RADS Radiation and Dosimetry Services

Radwaste Radioactive waste

RAIP Requester's approval in principle

RAM Random access memory

Q - 90 -

RANN Research Applied to National Needs - an NSF program for sponsoring research pertinent to solv:ag national social and environmental problems

RAPS Radioactive argon processing system

Rapsodie Power reactor, 10-20 MW(th), Cadarache, France

RAPTUS Rapid Thorium-Uranium System, thorium-breeder, sodium- cooled fast reactor

RAREF Radiation and repair engineering facility

RAS Reactor analysis and safety

RBE Relative biological effectiveness

. RBM Rod-block monitor

RB0F Receiving basins for offsite fuels, SRP

TRIGA Mk9 -type, solid, homogeneous, enriched-uranium, RC) light-water-moderated and -cooled reactor. Italy

RCB Reactor containment building

RCC Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, United Kingdom

RCC Rod cluster control

RCG Radioactivity concentration guide

RCGM Reactor cover gas monitor

RCIC Reactor core isolation cooling

RCN Reactor Centrum Nederland, the Hague, Netherlands

RCP Radiological Control Program used in reference to States

RCPB Reactor coolant pressure boundary

RCS Reactor coolant system

RCT Rework / completion tag

RD Requirements document (Bechtel) - 91 -

R&D Research and development

RDA-CX Critical assembly (Bettis)

RDDM Reactor deck development mockup

RDOS Real-time disk operating system

RDP Reactor development program

RDT Reactor Development and Technology (Division of, used only in identifying Standards) (now RDD)

RDX Cyclotrimethylene trinitroamine

REA U.S. Rural Electrification Administration

REBA Relativistic Electron Beam Accelerator

REC Radiant energy conversion

Recycle Pu LWR produced Pu recovered from sgggt fuel and subsequently used to replace some portion of U normally required in LWR fuel Recuplex Plutonium recovery facility, Hanford

REIC Radiation Effects Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio

REL Radiation evaluation loops (HEDL)

REM Roentgen equivalent man

REP Roentgen equivalent physical

RER Radiation Effects Reactor (Air Force), Dawsonville, Georgia 10 MW(th)

RES Unresolved resonances reactor physics computer cc&

RES Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

RESAR Reference safety analysis report

RF Radio frequency

RFP Request for proposal - 92 -

RFQ Request for quotation

RG Regulatory Guide

RHR Residual heat removal

RHRP Residual heat removal pump

RHTS Reactor heat transport system

R&I Removal and installation

RIA Reactivity initiated accident

RIA Removable Instrument Assembly (EBR-II - INCOT flow and temperature - FFTF instr. tree and TLLM)

RIAEC Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission

RIDS Receiving inspection data status report

RIF Reduction in force RII Receiving inspection instructions

RIOPR Rhode Island Open Pool Reactor, 3 MW(th), pool-type

RIP Receiving inspection plan (Bechtel)

RIPS Rad!) isotope power supply

RIS Reporting identification symbol

RISO Principal nuclear research laboratory in Denmark

RJE Remote job entry

RL Reactor licensing

RLOP Reactor licensing operating procedure

RMAAS Reactivity monitoring and alarm system

RM&C Reactot monitoring and control

RMF Reactivity measurement facility, (NRTS)

RMS Radiation monitoring system - 93 -

RMS Regulatory manpower system

RNA Ribonucleic acid

R0 Reportable occurrence

R0D Release Order Directive (now called ERO)

ROMASHKA Direct conversion reactor, uranium dicarbide core, USSR

R0P Record of purchase

ROSP0 Zero power experimental organic reactor, Italian Nuclear Energy Commission, (CNEN), Casaccia, Italy

R0W Right-of-way

RPCS Reactor plant control system

RPD Reactor plant designer

RPE Resource planning and evaluation .

RPG Radiation protection guide, Federal Radiation Council

RPG Report program generator

RPI Rod position indicator

RPS Reactor protection systems

RPS Regulatory performance summary report

RPT Recirculation pump trip

RPV Reactor pressure vessel

R&QA Reliability and quality assurance

RR Receiving report

RR-BNI Reactor, Chent, Belgium, 100 kw(th), pool-type

R&RE Radiation and repair engineering

RRP Reactor refueling plug

RRPI Rotary relative position indicator - 94 -

RRPI Relative rod position indication

RRR Raleigh Research Reactor, North Carolina State College

RRS Reactor refueling system

RSARR Republic of South Africa Research Reactor, Pretoria, South Africa. 6 MW(th)

RSB Reactor service building

RSCS Rod sequence control system

RSCW Research Reactor, State College of Washington Pullman, Washington

RSD Responsible system designer

RSI Reactor siting index

RSIC Radiation Shielding Information Center, ORNL

RSP Reactivity surveillance procedures

RSP Rotating shield plug

RSR Reactor safety research

RSS Reactor safety study

RSS Reactor shutdown system (part of PPS)

RSSF Retrievable surface storage facility

RT Radiographic test

RTC Removable top closure

RTD Resistance temperature detector

RTE Residual total elongation

RTL Radioisotope transport loop R/T Net Radio telephone network

RTS (Kinetics) reactor computer code - 95 - -

RTS Reactor trip system

RTS-1 Reactor, Pisa, Italy, 5 MW(th), pool-type

RTV Room temperature vulcanizing (silicone rubber)

R&U Repairs and utilities

RUBE 0LE Reacteur Legerement Enrichi, enriched-uranium, beryllium- oxide-moderated, zero power reactor, France

RV Reactor vessel

RV-1 Reactor Venezolano No. 1, Caracas, Venezuela, 3 MW(th), pool-type

RVIS Reactor and vessel instrumentation system

RWCU Reactor water cleanup

RWE Rheinische - Westfallishes Electricitaet; largest electric utility in West Germany and active sponsor of nuclear power programs

RWP Radiation work permit

RWS Radwaste system


S.A. "Belgonucleaire" or Societe Belge pour l'Industrie Nucleaire

S/A Subassembly

SA Safety analysis

SAAEB South African Atomic Energy Board - 96 -

SAD Safety analysis diagram

SAD Safety assurance diagram

SADE Superheat advanced demonstration experiment

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

SAG Senior Advisory Graup (IAEA term)

SAID Safety analysis input data

SAIL Geometrical transport code for computer

SALE Safeguards analytical laboratory evaluation

SALT Strategic arms limitation talks

SAM Substitute alloy material , code name for gaseous diffusion process work at Columbia University for

SAMA Scientific Apparatus Makers Association

SAPHIR Light-water medium power research reactor Wurenlingen, Switzerland

SAR Safety analysis report

SAR-1 Research reactor, Garching, Germany,1 kw(th)

SAR-2 Research reactor, Karlsruhe, Germany, 10 w(th)

SAP.-3 Research reactor, Graz, Austria,1 kw(th)

SAREF Safety research experiment facilities

SAS Security agency study

SAS Secondary alarm station

SATNUC Societe pour les Applications Techniques dans le Domaine de l'Energie Nucleaire, Paris, interested in the chemical aspects of atomic energy

SBGT Standby gas treatment system

SBR-1 Soviet Breeder Reactor BR-1, Obninsk, USSR - 97 -

SBR-2 Soviet Breeder Reactor BR-2, Obninsk, USSR (dismantled in 1957)

SBR-5 Experimental fast power reactor, Soviet Breeder Reactor BR-5, Obninsk, USSR

SCA Simulated core assembly

SCARABEE French test reactor similar to SLSF

SCARF Scatter neutron for shield reactor physics computer code

SCBR Steam-cooled breeder reactor. USA

SCC Specialized common carrier

SCCS Sodium chemistry control system (GPL-2 Westinghouse)

SCDMR Steam-cooled D 0 moderated reactor 2

SCEAR Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (United Nations)

SCEF Critical assembly (NASA)

SCEL Small components evaluation loop

SCF SNAP critical facility, Santa Susana, California

SCF Sodium cleaning facility

SCFBR Steam-cooled fast breeder reactor

SCGA Sodium-cooled graphite assembly

SCHS Small component handling system

S. C. K. Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie (Centre d' Etude de l'Energie Nucleaire), Belgium

SCM Simulated core mockup /model

SCN Specification change notice

SCORPIO Sub-critical, carbon moderated reactor assembly for plutonium investigations, Winfrith, United Kingdom - 98 -

SCOTT-R Super-critical, once-thru, tube reactor experiment, General Electric Co.

SCR Sodium-cooled reactor

SCRIPT 0 Critical assembly (LASL)

SCS Sodiura characterization system (PAL)

SCTF Sodium chemical technology facility

SCTI Sodium components test installation, Atomics International, Canoga Park, California

SCTL Small components test loop

SCUMRA Societe Central de l' Uranium et des Minerals et Metaux Radioactifs, Paris, France

SCYLLA LASL experimental fusion device

SDA Supplier data approval

SDC Structural desic criteria

SDCC Small-diameter component cask

500 System design description

SDLC Sychronous data link control

SDMC Density Monte Carlo reactor computer code

SDR Heterogeneous, sodium-cooled, heavy- water-moderated power reactor, 40,000 kw, Chugach Electric Associates, Alaska

SDR Significant deficiency report

SDR SNAP Developmental Reactor, solid, homogeneous, enriched- uranium, hydrogen-moderated and sodium-cooled. USA

SE Safety evaluation

SE Subcritical experiment

SEA 0NC Structural Engineers Association of Northern California - 99 -

SEAS EPA's Strategic Environmental Assessment Systems - an " environmental early warning system"

SEEN Syndicat d' Etudes de l'Energie Nucleaire, Brussels, Belgium

SEFOR Southwest Experimental Fast 0xide Reactor Fayetville, Arkansas

SEFR Shielding Experiment Facility Reactor, NRTS

SELNI Societa Electtronuclear Italiana power reactor, 615 MW(th), Selni, Italy

SEM Scanning electron microscope

Sr.;1A Societe d'Energie Nucleaire Franco-Belge des Ardennes power reactor, 825 MW(th), Chooz, France

SENN Societa Electtronucleare Nazionale, Italy, Garigliano nuclear power station, 500 MW(th)

SENTA Societe d' Etudes Nucleaires et de Techniques Advances, Paris, France

SEP An association of electric utilities active in nuclear power development, Arnheim, Netherlands

SER Sandia Engineering Reactor, Sandia Base, New Mexico

SER Safety evaluation report

SER SNAP experimental reactor

SERAI Societe d' Applications Pour l'Industrie, Belgian syndicate of engineering firms

SERC Southeastern Power Pool

SERC Southeastern Electric Reliability Council

SERF Sandia Engineering Reactor Facility, 5 MW(th), tank-type

SE Supp Safety evaluation supplement

SETF SNAP experimental test facility - 100 -

SETU Societe d' Etudes et de Travaux pour l' Uranium, Paris, formed to build a uranium fabrication plant at Narbonne on behalf of the French AEC

SFA Single failure analysis

SFCS Secondary flow control system

SFP Spent fuel pit

SFSP Spent fuel storage pool

SG Safety Guide (IAEA term)

SGAE Studiengesellschaft fuer Atomenergie, Vienna (implements Austria's nuclear program)

SGCF SNAP Generalized Critical Facility, Santa Susana, California

SGHW Steam generating, heavy-water-moderated reactor

SGHWR Steam generating Heavy-Water Reactor (British)

SGR Self generation reactor

SGR Sodium graphite reactor

SGTS Standby gas treatment

SH-1 Stationary High-Power Reactor No. 1 (Guam)

SHA Solid homogeneous assembly

SHARE Systems for heat and radiation energy

SHCA Critical assembly (KAPL)

SHE Semi-homogeneous experime: i

SHERWOOD The AEC program in thermonuclear energy

SHF Storage-handling facility

SHTL Small heat-transfer loop

SI Special instructions - 101 -

SICN Societe Industrielle de Combustibles Nucleaires, Paris (interested in nuclear fuels)

SID Sodium ionization detector

SIG Submarine Intermediate Reactor Mark A (formerly SIR)

SIHP Sargent Inaustries, Huntington Park

SILDE Pool-type reactor, 10 MW(th), Grenoble, France

SIL0E 10-MW swimming pool research reactor. CEA Grenoble, France

SIMEA Societa Italiana Meriadionale per l'Energia Atomica; gas-cooled reactor project, 200 MW(e), Latina, Italy

SINB Southern Interstate Nuclear Board

SIPI Scientist's Institute for Public Infornation

SIS Safety injection system

SISI Surveillance and in-service inspection

SIZZLE Fast and thermal reactor burnup computer code

SJAE Steam jet air ejector

SKA Studienkommission for Atomenergie, Switzerland; National Advisory Committee on Nuclear Energy

SL Safety limit

SL-1 Stationary Low Power Plant, NRTS (ALPR), Idaho; power reactor, 3 MW(th) (dismantled)

SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford Univ., Stanford, California

SLCRS Supplementary leak collection and release system

SLI Steam line isolation

SLIV Steam line isolation valve

SLCS Standby liquid control sys'2m

SLSF Sodium loop safety facility - 102 -

SLUC Standard level user charge

SM-1 Stationary Medium Power Plant (formerly APPR-1), Ft. Belvoir, Virginia; power reactor, 10 MW(th)

SM-1A Stationary Medium Power Plant, No. lA, (formerly APR-la) Ft. Greeley Alaska; power reactor, 20.2 MW(th)

SM-2 Transuranium production and materials testing reactor, tank-type,10 MW(th) New Melekess, USSR

SM-50 S0 MW(th), reactor, Moscow, USSR

SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association

SMC Segmented maintenance cask

SMR Shield Mock-up Reactor (proposed fast reactor experimental facility), United Nuclear Co., New York

SMR Solid moderated reactor

SMTI Sodium mechanisms test instaliation

SMSA Standard metropolitan statistical area

SMUD Sacramento Municipal Utility District

S/N Serial number

SNAK Delay group reactor kinetics computer code

SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

* SNAP Struthers Nuclear and Process Co. (Division of Struthers Wells)

SNAP Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (even numbers are reactor units; odd numbers are isotopic generators)

SNEAK Proposed seed zero power research fast reactor, Kernforschungszentrum. Karlsruhe, Germany

SNG Synthetic natural gas

SNM Society for Nuclear Medicine - 103 -

SNM Special nuclear material

SNR Supplier nonconformance report

SNUPPS Standardized nuclear unit power plant system

50CCS Summary of component control status

500 Societe d' etudes pour l'obtention du Deuterium, Paris, France

500ERN Societe d' Etudes et Realisations Nucleaires, Suresnes (interested in fabricating nuclear equipment and processin( materials)

501CS Summary of installation control status

SOL-GEL Bulk-oxide fuel-cycle process

SOM Shift operations manager

50P Standard operating procedure Sophir Pool-type reactor, Wurinlingen, Switzerland, 1 MW(th)

50PR Spanish Open Pool Reactor, 3 MW(th), Madrid, Spain

SORA Sorgento Rapido, uranium, sodium cooled, research reactor

SORIN Reactor at Saluggia, Italy (near Milan)

SORIN Societa Ricerche Impianti Nucleari, Italian nuclear subsidiary of Fiat and Montecatini

SP Special projects

SP Special purpose

SP Surveillance procedure

SPACS Sodium purification and characterization system

SPC Stored program controller (CLEM)

SPERT Special power excursion reactor tests - 104 -

SPERT I, II, Special Power Excursion Reactor Test; power and fuel III, IV temperatures of SPERT reactors vary with excursion level. Various core designs are used in different test series (NRTS)

SPF Site population factor

SPF Standard project flood

SP/Hd Spool piece head

SPI Site population index

SPIAM Sodium purity in-line analytical module

SPOUT System peripheral output utility

SPR Sandia Pulsed Reactor

SPR-II Sandia Pulsed Reactor II, Sandia Base, New Mexico

SPRF SandjgPulsedReactorFacility,SandiaBase,NewMexico, 2x10 fissions (burst)

SP/SC Shield plug / support cylinder

SPSS Shield plug storage station

SPT Special purpose tests

SPTF Sodium pump test facility

SPX Superheat power experiment, heterogeneous, uranium, power reactor. USA

SQR Supplier quality representative

S/R Shipper-receiver dif ference (SS material)

SR Safety rods

SR Support reaction load SR-105,SR-305 Savannah River Test Pile S

SRC Spares receiving checklist

S-RD Shipper-receiver difference - 105 -

SRDA Sodium removal development apparatus

SRE Sodium Reactor Experiment, Santa Susana, California, power reactor, 20 MW(th)

SRI Stanford Research Institute

SRIAER Scientific Research Institute for Atomic Energy Reactors, New Melekess, USSR

SRM Source-Range monitors

SRP Standard review plan

SR0 Senior Reactor Operator

SR0 Specification release order

SRS Sodium removal station

SRU Societe de Raffinage d' Uranium, Paris, France

SS Special source materials

SSAR Site safety analysis report

SSAR Standard safety analysis report

SSB Source Selection Board

SSC Short segmented cask

SS-CF Critical assembly (Bettis)

SSCR Spectral Shift Control Reactor, B&W, concept

SSE Safe shutdown earthquake

SSF Service storage facility

SSI Steady-state irradiation

SSN Nuclear powered submarine

SSNM Strategic special nuclear materials

SSNPP Small-Size nuclear power plant - 106 -

SSP Sodium sampling package (PAL)

SSP Static sodium pots

SSPWR Small-Size pressurized-water reactor

SSR Separate superheater reactor

SSR Site suitability report

SSR Specification status report (Westinghouse)

SSS Special safety safeguards

SST Secondary surge tank

SS/T Steady-state / transient analysis

STAR Shield test air reactor

STAR Space thermionic auxiliary reactor (G.E.)

STARK Argonaut reactor converted to a fast thermal reactor, Karlsruhe, Germany

STCL Source-term control loop (324 Building - HEDL)

STE Shield test experiment, Santa Susana, California, 50 kw(th), pool-type

STEP Safety test engineering program (AEC), NRTS

STF Safety test facility

STF SNAP Shield Test Facility Reactor, Santa Susana, California (dismantled 1964)

STIF Short-term irradiation facility

STIR SNAP Shield Test Irradiation Reactor, Santa Susana, California

STP Standard temperature and pressure

STPF Shield-test pool facility

STR Submarine Thermal Reactor (Mark I, II) (now SIW)

STS Standard technical specifications

, - 107 -

STV Small test vessel

SUAK Fast sub-critical assembly, Karlsruhe, Germany

SUMMIT Scattering reactor physics computer code

SUP0 Super Power Water Boiler, Los Alamos, 25 kw(th)

SUR 100 Solid, homogeneous, zero power research reactor, Siemens-Schuckert, Munich-Garching, Germany

SUR 100 BE Solid, homogeneous, zero power research reactor, Technische Universitat, Berlin, Germany

SUSIE Shield test pool facility, NRTS, Idaho, 2 MW(th)

Suspop A quasi-homogeneous acueous suspension reactor at the KEMA laboratories in the Netherlands

SUT Reactor physics resonance computer code

S&W Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation

SW Struthers Wells

SWC Solid wastes cask

SWET Simulated water entry test, Rover program

ShP Service water pump

SWPP Southwest Power Pool

SWR Service water reservoir

SWRI Southwest Research Institute

SWS Service water system

SWU Separative work unit

SYCA Syndicat d' etude des Centrales Atomique, Brussels - 108 -

SYNFAR 2-dimensional flux transport code for computers


WT Differential temperature

T&A Time and attendance (card or unit)

TAC Technical assistance contract

TACS Technical assignment control system

TACS Test assembly conditioning station

TAEC Thailand Atomic Energy Commission for Peace

TAIC Tokyo Atomic Industrial Consortium

TANK Transient analysis reactor engineering computer code

TAP Thermal analyzer program

TAR Technical assistance request

TARGET Thermal advanced gas-cooled reactor exploiting thorium; General Atomics reactor concept based upon HTGR

iBP Plant Chemical separation plant for separation of uranium solids from bismuth phosphate plants

T/C Thermocouple

TCA Thermal critical assembly, GE, Vallecitos, California

TCC Transducer Controls Corporation

TC/LD Thermocouple / lead detector

TCS Telephone conference summary

TD Transfer dolly (BLTC)

TDC 2-dimensional finite-cylinder transport code for computer - 109 -


TDC Thermal diffusion coefficient

TDD Test design description

TDF Task deletion form

TDH Total dynamic head

TDM Time division multiplex

TDR Technical data report

IDS Total dissolved solids

T/E Thermoelectric

TE Thermal expansion load

TEC Total estimated cost

Tech Specs Technical specifications

TEG Thermoelectric generator

TELEX Dial-up telegraph service

TEM Transmission electron microscope

TEMA Tank Equipment Manufacturers Association

TEMPEST Thermal cross-section reactor physics computer code

TFE Thermionic fuel element

THCS Hot-channel sodium outlet temperature

THOREX Process for separating uranium-233 from irradiated thorium

THTF Thermal hydraulic test facility

TI Test instruction (FFTF)

TIC Temperature indicating controller

TIC Technical Information Center, DOE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

TIF Task initiation form - 110 -

TIG Tungsten inert gas (method of welding)

TIP Transient in-core probe

TIP Traveling in-core probe

TITE-1 Hydrodynamics reactor engineering computer code

TL Task leader

TLD Thermoluminescent dosimeter

TLLM Temperature and liquid level monitor

TLP Top load pad

TLTA Two-loop test apparatus

TLV Threshhold limit value

TM Technical manual

TM Temperature monitor

TMD Transient mass distribution code

TMR Teledyne Materials Research

TNO Government-sponsored research organization working on maritime nuclear propulsion and controlled fusion, The Hague, Holland

TNT Alpha-trinitrotoluene

TOP Transient over power

TOPR Taiwan Open Pool Reactor, 1 MW(th)

TOPSY Remote-controlled critical assembly device (LASL) Tory IIA-1 Experimental propulsion test reactors, Project PLUTO IIA-2, IIC

TOSS Transient and/or steady state

T0Y TOP Fusion device at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory

TP Test pressure - 111 -

TP Test procedure

TR Heavy-water research reactor TR, Moscow, USSR

TR Technical review

TR Test and research reactor, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR

TR Translation

TR 1 Turkish Reactor 1

TRA 2 Tubular reactor assembly 2

TRAC Absorption Monte Carlo reactor computer code

TRC Technical Review Committee (IAEA term)

TREAT Transient reactor test facility

TRIA Temperature removable instrument assembly

TRIGA Training reactor, isotopes production, General Atomic

TRIGA-MARK F Pulsing reactor of TRIGA type

TRIGA-MARK I Above ground version of TRIGA type TRIGA-MARK II Below ground version of TRIGA type

TRISO Multilayered fuel particle coating consisting of pyrolytic carbon and silicon carbide

TRITON I Swimming pool research reactor, CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 2 MW(th)

TRITON II Swimming pool research reactor, CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 100 kw(th)

TRR Thailand Research Reactor, Bangkok, Thailand, 1 MW(th)

TRR Topical report request

TRR Topical reports review

TRO Transuranic - 112 -

TRU Transuranium processing plant

TRX Two-region physics critical experiment

TS Test specification (FFTF Acceptance)

TSA Tube support assemblies

TSC Test shipping cask

TSCF Task schedule change form

TSF Tower shielding facility

TSf10A Test-section melt-down accident (in CLIRA)

TSO i;.'-sharing option

TSR Thermal shock rig (LMEC)

TSR Total stress range,

TSR 1, 2 Tower Shielding Reactors, ORNL, Tennessee. 5 MW(th) each

TT Test temperature

TTC Test transfer cask

TTE Thermal transient equipment

TTF Transient time flowmeter (AI & LMEC)

TTHE Thermal transient histogram equivalent

TTR Thcrmal Test Reactor, Hanford 100 w(th)

TTR Thermal Test Reactor, Schenectady, New York

TTR-1, 2 Thermal Test Reactor, Toshiba Training Reactor No. 1, Kawasaki, Japan, 30 kw(th)

TTY Bell System Teletypewriter Service Tuballoy Normal uranium metal

TUFCDF Thorium-Uranium Fuel Cycle Development Facility, BNL - 113 -

TURRET High-temperature gas-cooled reactor study (now UHTREX) power reactor, 3 MW(th), Los Alamos

TVR Moscow, USSR research reactor 2.5 MW(th) (j ,

TVA Tennessee Valley Authority

TVR Tennessee Valley Region

TVR-S Peking, China,7-10 MW(th), research reactor

TWX Teletypewriter Exchange Service

TZM Tantalum-Zirconium-Molybdenum alloy


UBAEC Union of Burma Atomic Energy Centre, Knabe, Rangoon, Burma

UBC Uniform Building Code

UCLR University of California, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory

UFTR University of Florida Teaching Reactor, Gainesville, 10 kw(th)

UHF Ultra high frequency

UHI Upper head injection

UHS Ultimate heat sink

UHTREX Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment; formerly "Turrett" power reactor, 3 MW(th), Los Alamos, New Mexico

UHV Ultra high voltage

UKAEA United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority - 114 -

UKNR University of Kansas Nuclear Reactor,10 kw(th), Lawrence, Kansas

UK-R United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority office at Risley, England

UL Underwriters Laboratory

ULCER l-40 groups, group diffusion reactor computer code

ULYSSE 100 kw(th) Argonaut-type research reactor, Saclay, France

UMNE-1 University of Maryland teaching reactor, College Park, Maryland,10 kw(th)

UMRR University of Missouri Research Reactor, Columbia, Missouri, 10 MW(th)

UNH Uranyl nitrate hexahydrate

UNI United Nuclear Industries, Inc.

UNSCEAR United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

UPI United Press International

UPM Universal permissive modules

UPR Uranium production reactor

UPS Uninterruptible ac electric power system

URAEP University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project

URD Underground residential distribution

U.S.C. United States Code

USC&GS U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey

USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture

USGS U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Interior

USNDC U. S. A xiecr Data Committee - Established under auspices of the Director of Physical Research of the AEC in cooperatian with the National Standards Reform Data System of the National Bureau of Standards - 115 -

UST United States Testing Company

UT Ultrasonic test

UT Universal time

UTR-1 Graphite moderated, water-cooled teaching reactor; American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corp., %[k Mountain View, California (dismantled 1960)

UTR-10 Iowa State University, Universal Training Reactor,10 k, ARGONAUT type research reactor. USA 23 UTR Models Teaching reactors built by American Radiation & Standard Sanitary Corp; 0.1 w to 100 kw(th)

UTR-100 Scottish Research Reactor Center Universal Training Reactor, 100 kw ARGONAUT-type research reactor. USA

UTRR University of Teheran Research Reactor

UU Ultimate user

UVAR University of Virginia Reactor

UVR University of Virginia Reactor, Charlottesville, Virginia

UWRR University of Wyoming Research Reactor

UWTR University of Washington Training Reactor


VA Vital area

VAC Volts alternating current

VAK Versuchs-Atomkraftwerk Kahl, heterogeneous, enriched- uranium, light-water-cooled and -moderated reactor - 116 -

VAN Value-added network vendor

VAT Convection-heated steam generator reactor engineerin'g computer code

VBWR Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor, Pleasanton, California; power reactor, 50 MW(th), General Electric Co.

VCLF Vertical cask-lif ting fixture

VCM Vinyl chloride monomer

VD/OS Vacuum distillation / overflow sampler

VE Vitro Engiieering, Division of Automation Industries

VERA Reactor, Aldermaston, United Kingdom, 100 w(th)

VESIAC Vela Seismic Information and Analysis Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan

VESR Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor, Pleasanton, California, 12.5 MW(th) General Electric Co.

VHES Vitro Hanford Engineering Service

VHF Very high f requency

VHTR Very high temperature gas-cooled reactor

VIMS Virginia Institute of Marine Science

VIV Variable inlet vanes

VNSP Vacant nozzle shield plug

VPI Vapor phase inhibitor

VS Virtual storage

VSR Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor, Pleasanton, California, 12.5 MW(th)

VVER-7 PWR-type reactor in East Berlin

VVPR-1 Power reactor, PWR, 760 MW(th), 210mw(e), Novovoronezh, USSR

VVPR-2 Power reactor, PWR, 365 MW(e), Novovoronezh, USSR - 117 -

VVR-2 Moscow, 3 MW(th), isotope production and research reactor

VVR-C USSR, 10-20 MW(th), materials-testing, physics-research reactor

VVRM Research reactor, heavy-water tank-type,10 MW(th), Ioffe, Leningrad, USSR

VVR-S Moscow, 2 Md(th) . tank-type research reactor

VVR-Z Zazakh, USSR, 10 Kd(th), research reactor W


Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Corporation

WADC0 Former name for Westinghouse Hanford Company

WAGR Windscale Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, graphite-modr "ted and carbon-dioxide- cooled, United Kingdom.

W-AL Westinghouse-Astronuclear Laboratory,

WBNS Water-boiler neutron source (research reactor), Livermore, California

WBNS(AE-6) Water-boiler neutron source, North American Aviation Co., Van Nuys, California

WCF Waste calcinating facility, NRTS

WD Application withdrawn

WDC Waste disposal cask k TRS Westinghouse development test requirement specification

WEP Water-extended polyester - 118 -

WFMC Welding filler material control (Bechtel)

WG Water gauge

WHO World Health Organization

WINB Western Interstate Nuclear Board

WISHA Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act

WLM Working-level month

WM0 World Meteorological Organization

WNYTNRC Western New York Nuclear Research Center Reactor, Buffalo, New York

WPPSS Washington Public Power Supply System

WQC Water quality certification

WR 1 Whiteshell Reactor 1, heterogeneous, uranium, heavy-water-cooled, Canada -

WRC Welding Research Council

WRRR Walter Reed Research Reactor L-54 type, water-boiler, enriched-uranium, light-water-cooled and -moderated, USA

WSCC Western Systems Coordinating Council

WSD Working stress design

WSUOPR Washington State University, open pool reactor, Pullman, Washington, 100 kw(th)

WTR Westinghouse Test Reactor, Waltz Mill, Pennsylvania, 60 MW(th)

WWR-M-KIEV WWR-M research reactor - Kiev, USSR

WWR-M WWR-M research reactor - Leningrad, USSR LENINGRAD

WWR-S-BUDAPEST WWR-S reactor, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, light-water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, Budapest, Hungary - 119 -

WWR-S-CAIR0 WWR-S reactor, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, light-water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, Cairo, United Arab Republic

WWR-S-MOSCOW WWR-S reactor, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, light-water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, Moscow, USSR


WWR-S-PRAGUE WWR-S reactor, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, light-water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, Prague, Czechoslovakia , WWR-S-TASHKENT WWR-S reactor, heterogeneous, enriched-uranium, )( light-water-cooled and -moderated research reactor, * Tashkent, USSR

WWR-Z WWR-Z research reactor, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, USSR

Wylbur NIH computer code


X-10 Wartime name for Oak Ridge National Laboratory '0RNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee; also designation of origi1al graphite pile at ORNL, 3.8 MW(th) (now in standby)

XLPE Cross-linked polyethylene

XMTR Transmitter

X/Q Relative concentration - 120 -


Y-12 Specialized production area, Oak Ridge, Tennessee


ZEA Zero energy assembly (see Zenith) Zebra Reactor at Winfrith, United Kingdom, 10 w(th) Zed.2 Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, 200 w(th) tank-type research reactor

ZEEP Zero Energy Experimental Pile, Chalk River, Canada, 200 w(th) Zenith Winfrith, United Kingdom, 100 w(th) research reactor

ZEPHYR Zero Energy Fast Reactor, AERE, Harwell, Berkshire, United Kingdom

ZEPR Critical assembly (Cornell) Zerlina Trombay, India, 100 w(th) research reactor

ZES Zero Energy. System (see Zenith)

ZETA Zero Energy Thermonuclear Apparatus, AERE. Harwell, United Kingdom

ZETR Zero Energy Thermal Reactor, AERE, Harwell, Berkshire, United Kingdom

ZETR Zero Energy Thermal Reactor, Dounreay, United Kingdom

ZETR 2 Zero Energy Thermal Reactor 2 (see HAZEL)

ZEUS Zero Energy Uranium System, AERE, Harwell, Berkshire, England

ZGS Zero gradient synchrotron, ANL - 121 -

ZOE France's first pile or reactor

ZPPR 'ritical assembly (ANL)

ZPPR Zero power plutonium reactor (proposed)

ZPR Zero power reactor

ZPR-3 Critical assembly (ANL)

ZPR-VI Zero power reactor, ANL research on physics of fast reactors

ZPR-7 Critical assembly (ANL)

ZPR (ANL) Argonne Zero Power Reactor, USA

ZPRF Zero Power Reactor Facility (see ZPR (NASA) 1 and ZPR (NASA) 2) Y

ZPR (NASA) 1 NASA Zero Power Reactor 1, USA

ZPR (NASA) 2 NASA Zero Power Reactor 2, USA

ZTO Zero time outage

