NUREG-0544 A HANDBOOK OF ACRONYMS AND INITIALISMS p* "muq % 5 ..... Office of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission '9 05 140 f73 NUREG4544 A HANDBOOK OF ACRONYMS AND INITIALISMS Manuscript Completed: March 1979 Date Published: March 1979 Division of Technical Information and Document Control Office of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 PREFACE This " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialisms" is a dictionary of acro- nyms, initialisms and similar condensed forms observed in use in the nuclear industry. It was compiled to serve as a source for learning the meaning of undefined acronyms found in the literature. The use of these acronyms in NRC documents is neither recommended or condemned, and, similarly, the accuracy and completeness of this document is not assured. If you use these or similar condensed forms in your writing we strongly recommend the practice of writing out the condensed form first and following it with the acronym or initialism in parentheses; for example, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). After the ini- tial writing out of the full name, the acronym may be used by itself. For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply: Acronym - a pronounceable term formed from the initial letters of a compound expression, e.g. NASA (National Aeronautics andSpaceAdministration)orRem({oentgen[quivalent man). Initialism - a term, not pronounceable, formed from the initial letters of a compound expression, e.g. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) or ac (alternating current). Comments, criticisms or suggestions regarding this publication are en- couraged. In so far as possible, we would like this document to be a valuable part of your reference material. Revisions will be published periodically as needed. iii A A HANDBOOK 0F ACRONYMS AND INITIALISMS AlW Large ship reactor prototype A-57 AMF 100 kw(th) Reactor, dismantled and reconstructed as HOR in Delft, Netherlands AA Access authorization AACC American Association for Contamination Control AAEC Australian Atomic Energy Commission AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine 22 AARR Argonne Advanced Research Reactor (see also A R ) AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials ABCC Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (AEC) ABFS Auxiliary building filter system ABLE Activity balance line evaluation AC Advisory Committee A/C Air conditioning ac Alternating current ACAD Air containment atmosphere dilution ACB Air (operated) circuit breaker ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ACI American Concrete Institute ACLP Above core load pad (fuel assembly) ACPDS Advisory Committee on Personal Dosimetry Services (NSF) -g- ACPR Advanced core performance reactor ACPR Annular core pulse reactor ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ACS American Chemical Society ACS Auxiliary cooling system ADDS Applied digital data systems ADEA Association belge pour le Developpement Pacifique de l'Energie Atomique (Belgian Association for the Peaceful Development of Atomic Energy) ADP Automatic data processing ADR Audit discrepancy report ADS Automatic depressurization system ADU Ammonium diuranate AE Architect-engineer AE Acoustic emission AE-6 (WBNS) Water boiler neutron source, (North American Aviation) Santa Susanna, California AEA Atomic Energy Authority of the United Kingdom, London AEB Auxiliary equipment building AEC U.S. Atomic Energy Commission AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. AECM Atomic Energy Commission manual AECPR AEC procurement regulations AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment, United Kingdom AES-1 Power reactor at Obninsk, USSR -3- AETR Advanced Epithermal Thorium Reactor built by Atomics International (AI) for Southwest Atomic Energy Associates (SAEA) AETR Advanced Engineering Test Reactor, Idaho Falls, Idaho AETRA Cross section reactor physics computer code AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AF NETF Air Force Nuclear Engineering Test Facility AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute AFSR Argonne Fast Source Reactor, NRTS, 1 kw(th) AGC Aerojet General Corporation AGMA American Gear Manufacturing Association AGN Teaching reactor built by Aerojet-General Nucleonics AGN-201-100 U.S. Naval Postgraduate School AGN-201 Reactor, Monterey, California (Aerojet-General Nucleonics, builder and designer) AGR Advanced gas-cooled reactor AGS Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, BNL AGS Annulus gas system AGU American Geophysical Union AGZ Actual ground zero AHR Aqueous homogeneous reactor AHFR-1 Argonne High Flux Reactor, ANL AI Atomics International AICE American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIF Atomic Industrial Forum -4- AIGS Auxiliary inerting gas subsystem AIPA American Industrial Hygiene Association AIHX Auxiliary intermediate heat exchanger AII-V Autorat#c Industries, Inc. , Vitro Engineering AIMME American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers AINSE Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering AIP Approval in principle AIREK-ll Group and feedback kinetics reactor computer code AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISE Association of Iron and Steel Engineers AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AITS Action item tracking system AKK Atomkraftkonsortiet Krangede Ad & Co., nuclear power study group, Stockholm, Sweden AKS Nuclear power plant planning association, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany AKV AKB Atomkraftwerk, Simpevarp, Sweden (proposed power reactor,170 MW(th)) AL Analytical limits AL Action (indicator) level-, those radiological doses and concentrations at which actions should be taken ALAP As low as practical ALARA As low as reasonably achievable ALCP Area local control panel ALECTO Homogeneous Research Reactor Zero Power, CEA, Saclay, France -5- , ALICE Fusion research device at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory ALIP Annular linear induction pump ALIZE-II Tank reactor at Saclay, France ALKEM Alphachemie und Metallurgie, Gmbh., plutonium fabricators, West Germany ALMS Auxiliary liquid metal system ALP Assembly language preprocessor ALPHA Fusion device, Leningrad, USSR ALPHGR Average linear planar heat generation rate ALPR Argonne Low Power Reactor, redesignated SL-1, NRTS, Idaho power reactor, 3 MW(th) (now dismantled) ALRR Ames Laboratory Research Reactor, Ames, Iowa 5 mw(th) ALSI Aluminum silicon alloy u' sed in slug canning process at Hanford AM-1 First USSR power reactor, 5 MW(e), Obninsk, USSR AMAD Activity median aerodynamic diameter AMB-1, 2 - 1 Power reactor, BWR, superheated, 300 MW(th), 100 MW(e), Beloyarsk, USSR AMB-1, 2 - 2 Proposed power reactor, BWR with superheat, 200 MW(e), Beloyarsk, USSR AMCF Alkali metal cleaning facility AMCo Aerojet Manufacturing Company A.M.P.E.R.E. Atomes et Molecules par Etudes Radio-Electriques, c/o M. C. Bene, Institut de Physique, Geneva, Switzerland A/N Alpha numeric A/N As needed -6- ANC Aerojet Nuclear Corporation ANIM Association of Nuclear Instrument Manufacturers ANL Argos. > National Laboratory ANR Association of Neutron Radiographers ANS American Nuclear Society ANSCAT Scattering angle reactor physics computer code ANSI American National Standards Institute A0 Abnormal occurrence A0G Augmented off gas system A0I Advance ordering information AP Access permit; Access permittee AP Associated Press APA Administrative Procedures Act APC Argon purge cart APCA Air Pollution Control Association APCEF Advancad Power Conversion Experimental Facility, U.S. Army gas-cooled reactor systems development, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia APDA Atomic Power Development Associetes APDMS Axial power distribution monitoring systems APHA American Public Health Association API American Petroleum Institute APL Applied Physics Laboratory (University of Chicago) APL A programming language -7- APL Authorized possession limits APPA American Public Power Association APR Advance Production Release (LLL) APR Automatic pressure relief APRM Average power range monitor APS American Physics Society APS-1 Power reactor, 30MW(th), Obninsk, USSR APSR Axial power shaping rods APTR Advanced Pressure Tube Reactor, heterogeneous, enriched uranium, water moderated, USA APU Auxi'iary power unit AQUILLON Heavy water research reactor, CEA, Saclay, France 22 AR Argonne Advanced Research Reactor (see also AARR) ARBOR Argonne Boiling Water Reactor, NRTS ARBUS Power reactor, organic-cooled and -moderated, 5 MW(th), 0.75 MW(e), New Melekess, USSR ARDA Atomic Research and Development Authority, State of New Yc-k AREA American Railway Engineering Association AREA Army reactor area Argonaut Argonne nuclear assembly for university training, ANL (CP-11) ARHC0 Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company ARM Area radiation monitor ARMF 1 & II Advanced Reactivity Measurement Facility, (NRTS) ARMS Aerial radiological measurements and surveys -8- ARPI Absolute rod position indication ARR Armour Research Foundation Reactor, Chicago, Illinois, 11 KW(th) ARS Advance record system ASADA New York State Atomic and Space Development Authority ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ASLAB Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board ASLAP Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel ASLB Atomic Safety Licensing Board A S '_B P Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel ASM American Society of Metals ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASNT American Society for Nondestructive lesting ASQC American Society for Quality Control ASR Automatic send and receive teletype terminal ASTM American Society of Testing Materials AT Acceptance tag ATC Adiabatic
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