A. THE VOLVO ROUND IRELAND YACHT RACE STARTS AT WICKLOW HARBOUR ON SATURDAY 30th JUNE 2018 at 14:00 hrs. B. The DEDICATED RACE CONTROL PHONE - FOR RACING YACHTS ONLY - to contact and report to the RACE CONTROL OFFICE is 00 353 85 786 37 30 (Active from 28/06/2018). C. This number is to be used by the racing fleet for all reporting while at sea. D. The Race Administration Office contact telephone number for the General public is 00 353 85 786 37 39 (Active from 23/06/2018). This number is for general enquiries and access to the Race Administration Office and should NOT be used for reporting from sea. E. The Race Office (RO) shall be located at Wicklow Sailing Club, South Quay, Wicklow. F. The attention of every competitor is drawn to RRS 1.2 and the element stating “each competitor is individually responsible for wearing a personal flotation device adequate for the conditions.” G. The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone. (RRS Fundamental Rule 4) H. English shall be the official language used throughout the race. I. High Water Wicklow 30th June 2018 13.32 (Local).

Contents: 1. Rules page 1 14. Course page 4 2. Registration & Inspection page 1 15. Position Reporting page 5 3. Pollution page 2 16. Finishing page 6 4. Notices to Competitors page 2 17. Time Limit page 6 5. Event Sponsors Decals etc. page 2 18. Race Finish Declarations/Trackers page 6 6. AIS page 2 19. Retirements and Non-Starters page 7 7. YB Trackers Page 2 20. Protests and Penalties page 7 8. Class Flags Page 2 21. Scoring page 7 9. Number of Persons Aboard Page 3 22. Trophies and Prizes page 7 10. Communications Page 3 23. Use of Engine page 8 11. Starting Signals Page 3 24. Sensitive Outside Communications page 8 12. Starting Line Page 4 25. Risk Statement page 9 13. Recalls Page 4 26. Amendments page 9

Volvo Round Ireland Sailing Instructions


Date of First Issue 17/06/2018


a) The Volvo Round Ireland Yacht Race (VRIYR) is organised by Wicklow Sailing Club (WSC) with the support of the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) in association with the Royal Irish Yacht Club (RIYC). b) The Organising Authority (OA) referred to in these Sailing Instructions is Wicklow Sailing Club (WSC) and is administered by the Race Committee (RC). The VRIYR will be governed by the following rules, except as changed by these Sailing Instructions: i. The Rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) ii. RRS part 2 rules will be replaced with the right-of-way rules of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS) between local sunset and sunrise; or government right-of-way rules if applicable iii. The World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) 2018 - 2019 for Category 2 Races iv. IRC Rule 2018, parts A, B and C v. The rules and regulations for Class 40; for which there is an eligible boat entered to that class in the race, is subject to an exclusion of the Class 40 rule, 2018 Edition of 01/03/2018, exempting the class from compliance with Rule 51(Movable Ballast) of the RRS vi. MOCRA Rating Rule 2018 vii. The Notice of Race (NoR) and any amendments thereto. viii. The Sailing Instructions (SI) issued by the Organising Authority and any amendments thereto

Note: Succeeding items in the above list shall take precedence. In the event of any conflict between these Sailing Instructions and the Notice of Race, then these Sailing Instructions shall take precedence.


a) A yacht or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the Rules and Sailing Instructions b) Boats shall assemble and be available for inspection at Wicklow Sailing Club or Dun Laoghaire Marina not later than 10:00 hours on Thursday, 28th June 2018 c) Inspection of boats may take place at the discretion of the Race Committee d) The primary Race office in the Wicklow Sailing Club and the subsidiary office in the Royal Irish Yacht Club will be open for registration between 10:00 and 17:00 hours on Wednesday 27th - Thursday 28th and from 10:00 to 16:00 hours on Friday 29th June 2018. e) The secondary Race Office at the RIYC will close at midday on Friday 28th June 2018.

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Volvo Round Ireland Sailing Instructions


a) Attention is drawn to the World Sailing Code of Environmentally Friendly Behaviour. However, competitors are reminded that the dumping of rubbish at sea is prohibited by law.


a) The Official Notice Board is located at Wicklow Sailing Club. b) A secondary general information board will be located in the Royal Irish Yacht Club. c) Notices may also be displayed on the VRIYR website.


a) All competitors will be provided with official VOLVO decals and backstay flags. The decals must be displayed for the duration of the race on either side of the hull in the forward 20% area unless otherwise agreed in advance with the OA. Every effort shall be made to retain them on the bows. b) Class and backstay flags should generally be flown at least 1.5m above the deck.


a) All boats shall have their AIS transponder switched on, transmitting and receiving from 11:00 hours on Saturday 30th June and throughout the race. b) A boat’s AIS transponder shall be programmed with the boat’s MMSI number and current racing name. c) Nothing shall be done to inhibit AIS transmissions. d) Yachts unable to meet these requirements shall submit comprehensive details of the reason on their Declaration Form and may be subject to protest. The penalty for breaking this rule is at the discretion of the Protest Committee and may include disqualification.


a) It is mandatory for all yachts to carry a YB Tracker unit for the race. The tracking can be viewed on the VRIYR website: b) All yachts will be required, at the time of registration, to sign for receipt of a tracker unit. In the event of loss or failure to return the tracker competitors will be liable for the rental or replacement costs of €800. c) Nothing shall be done to inhibit YB Tracker transmissions.


Class Bands / Flags are as follows:

Class TCC Range Class Flag

IRC Z 1.275 and greater Pennant 0

IRC 1 1.274 - 1.101 Pennant 1

IRC 2 1.100 – 1.051 Pennant 2

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Volvo Round Ireland Sailing Instructions

IRC 3 1.050 – 1.004 Pennant 3

IRC 4 1.003 – 0.850 Pennant 4

Class 5 Cruisers H/F 7.5 or less Pennant 5

Class 6 Two handed class Pennant 6

Multihull Pennant 7

Class 40 Class Insignia


a) Between the time of 09:00 hours and 13:00 hours on 30th June, each yacht shall send an SMS (text) message to: 00 353 85 786 3730 b) The SMS (text) message shall contain the boat name, sail number and the number of persons on board c) If the number of persons on board is less than that declared on the Sailgate Entry System, then this must be indicated, with the full name(s) of the person(s) not on board provided in the SMS message d) A boat shall not sail with a crew member whose Emergency Contact details have not been lodged with the Sailgate Entry System before the start of the race

NOTE: Boats which do not correctly SMS (text) crew numbers and any person(s) not on board are liable to disqualification.


a) The Race Committee (Callsign “ROUND IRELAND RACE OFFICE”) may broadcast information on VHF Ch72, at the start and finish of the race. Yachts are strongly recommended to listen to the Race Committee until clear of and when approaching the finish b) A yacht may, without infringing RRS41 (Outside Help), request and receive repetition of information broadcast by the Race Committee or enquire whether or not a broadcast has been made. VHF Ch72 is the designated calling channel when contacting the Race Committee “Round Ireland Race Office” c) Inter-yacht communication calls should when possible be on DSC or VHF Ch16 as a calling Channel and VHF Ch72 as a working Channel d) Yachts with communications in addition to VHF should act as a link, taking other yachts’ reports on VHF and passing them to the Race Committee or Coastguard

11 STARTING SIGNALS – Amendment to RRS26

a) Starting Signals will be made from the Committee Boat b) The Race Committee will make starting signals unless, in their opinion, it is manifestly unsafe for any of the yachts entered to remain in the vicinity of the starting line

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c) Each yacht shall exercise her responsibility under RRS Fundamental Rule 4 and decide whether or not to start or to continue to race d) The first warning signal will be made at 13:50 hours on Saturday 30th June 2018. e) The race will be started by RRS26, with the Warning Signal made 10 minutes before the starting signal (10, 4, 1, 0, sequence) f) All MONOHULL Classes will start together, using Flag E as the single Class Flag g) It is intended that the starting signal for the Monohulls shall also be the warning signal for the MULTIHULLS. h) All Multihull classes shall start together using Pennant 7 as the single Class flag.


a) The Starting Line will be between the Lighthouse, at the end of the East Pier at Wicklow Harbour, and the main mast/ flagstaff of the Committee Boat, positioned approximately 700 meters to seaward of the pier b) The Committee Boat will be a vessel or boat identified by a Wicklow Sailing Club Burgee displayed from its main flagstaff c) A rib will constitute an Inner Limit Mark and will be positioned approximately 100 metres from the Lighthouse end of the East Pier. This Inner Limit Mark, which may not be on the start line, shall be passed leaving it to starboard d) An Orange coloured Outer Limit Mark, which may not be on the start line, may also be laid. Yachts must not sail between this limit mark and the committee vessel e) Boats shall start by crossing the Starting Line from North to South


a) Recalls will be in accordance with RRS 29 b) If possible, the details of boats infringing RRS 29 will be broadcast on VHF Channel 72 c) Boats that are on the course side of the starting line at their starting signal and do not return to the pre start side of the starting line shall incur a time penalty of 2 hours


a) AROUND IRELAND, leaving all its islands (excluding Rockall) and rocks showing permanently above high water and the marks listed hereunder, to starboard:

Start Wicklow Head Tuskar Rock Barrells Light Buoy

Coningbeg Light Buoy Old Head of Fastnet Rock

Gull Rock (Off Bull Washerwoman Rock Great Foze Rock Black Rock Island) (Off Great Skellig) Tor Rocks (Off Eagle Island Highway Rock Inishtrahull) South Rock Light Mew Island Burial Island Lambay Island Buoy

East Pier, Wicklow

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Volvo Round Ireland Sailing Instructions

b) Areas that are Obstructions i. A boat shall not enter an area designated an Obstruction when racing ii. For each Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) encountered around the course; the traffic lane running in the opposite direction to the course and the separation zone are designated as Obstructions

NOTE: The areas designated as obstructions do not exonerate a boat from the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS) when within the area of a TSS. See IRPCAS Rule 10. Boats that impede shipping using the TSS may be subject to protest by the Race Committee and/or prosecution by the Coastguard.


a) Every yacht shall try to deliver position reports to the RO at WSC, giving the time of crossing the abeam positions at the following places:

Due South of Fastnet Rock Lighthouse Due West of Eagle Island Lighthouse Due North of Inishtrahull Lighthouse

b) The crossing times in 15 a) may be submitted by text to the dedicated telephone number for reporting to the RO at 00 353 85 786 37 30 or by email to [email protected] c) If a yacht believes that her tracker may have failed, the yacht shall try to deliver position reports to the RO at WSC or through the coastguard stations listed below:

Due South of Fastnet Rock Lighthouse to Bantry Radio Due West of Eagle Island Lighthouse to Belmullet Radio Due North of Inishtrahull Lighthouse to Malin Head Radio d) If a boat is unable to make its report at the time of passing a location, it should record its time of crossing and make a report as soon as possible thereafter

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e) All submissions should specify yacht name and sail number followed by message information giving date in dd/mm/yy format and time in 24 hour clock reading f) A yacht may be requested by the Race Office at any time to report their current position by SMS or email as detailed above or to nearest coastguard station


a) Each boat is requested to advise the RO of its approach to the Finishing Line no later than half an hour before estimated finish time. The RO will monitor on VHF Channels 72 and 37(M) b) The Finishing Line will be between the Lighthouse on the East Pier at Wicklow Harbour and a Finishing Mark (Orange cone with horizontal Black band) positioned approximately 300 metres from the Lighthouse on a bearing of 60 degrees (true) from the Lighthouse c) The Finishing Line shall be crossed from North to South d) The Finishing Mark will display a flashing amber light, flashing 2 quick flashes every 6 seconds during the hours of darkness. This should not be confused with an outfall buoy situated approximately 1390 meters from the Lighthouse showing four quick flashes, yellow, every 10 seconds e) A boat, which finishes during the hours of darkness, shall illuminate her sail number with a light of adequate power to clearly identify numbers and also advise the RO on the radio this information


a) There is no time limit for the race


a) After finishing, yachts shall complete and submit a Declaration Form to the Race Committee to the Race Office at WSC, within 12 hours. Every member of the crew shall sign the Declaration Form. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the yacht being excluded from the results b) Trackers must be returned to the race office in WSC within 24 hours of finishing or retiring. If a tracker cannot be returned to the RO within 24 hrs of finishing or retiring, contact must be made with the RO to make arrangements for safe return of the tracker to WSC. c) When, after finishing a race, a yacht does not enter Wicklow Harbour, she shall without delay telephone the Race Committee to confirm that she has finished racing, give her time of finishing in BST and within 12 hours of finishing, must submit the signed declaration form by hand to the Race Office at WSC or it must be scanned and emailed to [email protected] d) When a yacht retires from the race to a harbour other than Wicklow, the completed Declaration Form must be scanned and emailed to the Race Office at WSC [email protected] within 12 hours of retiring e) When a yacht retires from the race, she shall write the reasons on her Declaration Form

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a) A boat retiring from the race or a non-starter shall notify the RO as soon as possible


a) Protests, on the protest form downloadable from Website or available from the RO, shall be lodged with the Race Office within SIX hours of the finish of the protesting boat. The notification of a protest by the race or protest committee against a competitor as required under RRS 61.1 (b) (c) shall consist of a notice on the official notice board b) Standard Penalties: I. When at a boat’s starting signal she is subject to RRS 29.1 Individual Recall and she fails to comply with RRS 29.1 to start correctly, the Race Committee shall, without a hearing, apply a time penalty of 2 hours. This changes RRS63.1 and A5. II. For a minor or unavoidable breaches of RRS 28 (Sailing the Course) where no advantage has been gained, the Race Committee shall, without a hearing, apply a standard time penalty of 2 hours. This changes RRS 63.1 and A5. III. When the right-of-way rules of IRPCAS apply (between the hours of sunset and sunrise) a scoring penalty applies (RRS 44.3).The scoring penalty will be 10 minutes added to the boat’s corrected time for each penalty. When a scoring penalty does not apply, a yacht may take a Two Turns Penalty for breaking a rule of RRS Part 2 or a One Turn Penalty when she may have broken RRS 31, as described in RRS 44.2." IV. For a breach of any area designated an Obstruction, the Race Committee shall, without a hearing, apply a standard time penalty of 2 hours, unless the breach was unavoidable and unintentional and no advantage was gained. This changes RRS 63.1 and A5. c) Should the Race Committee consider a standard penalty to be inappropriate, or that a boat has broken a rule other than RRS Part 1 and 2 it may protest that boat d) Where the protest committee decides that a boat that is a party to a protest hearing has broken a rule other than RRS Part 1 and 2 and that no serious damage or injury was caused and no significant advantage has been gained, it may apply a time penalty of 30%. Should the Protest Committee decide that the breach was minor and unintentional it may at its discretion apply a time penalty of up to 30% e) Breaches of Sailing Instruction 5, 9, 10, 15 and (18) 19 will not be grounds for protest by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1a.


a) The IRC Category shall be scored on corrected time by IRC TCC. b) The Multihull Category shall be scored on corrected time using the MOCRA TCC. c) Class 40 shall be scored in accordance with finishing positions after the application of any time penalties.


a) The interpretation of the terms of award for all trophies and prizes will be made by the Race Committee, whose decision is final.

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b) Winners will be awarded perpetual trophies as listed below. These trophies will be held by WSC after the Prizegiving and winners will be provided with an additional trophy to keep. c) When no boat qualifies to win a particular trophy the Race Committee may, at its discretion, award it otherwise. d) Main trophy presentation will take place at Wicklow Sailing club at 18:00 hours on Friday 6th July and may include the presentation of RORC medallions. e) Where a winning yacht has not completed the race in advance of the trophy presentation ceremony the trophy shall be presented at the earliest time after the arrival in Wicklow of the yacht / crew.

The following Perpetual TROPHIES with accompanying prizes will be presented:

IRC Class Z - Class Z Cup Team Award - Kinsale YC Trophy IRC Class 1 – Tusker Cup ISORA Award - Larry Ryan Woodcut IRC Class 2 – Fastnet Cup ICRA Award - ICRA Trophy IRC Class 3 – Skelligs Cup Best Sailing School - SE Sailing School IRC Class 4 – Tory Island Cup Best Services in IRC – Robert Halpin Trophy Class 5 Cruisers - Michael Jones Plaque Best Corinthian IRC – Viking Marine Trophy Class 6 2 Handed - Noonan Plaque Best Overseas IRC – WSC Plate Class 40 - Trophaí Ceann Chill Mhantáin Line Honours Monohull – Denis Doyle Cup Multihull MOCRA - Dubarry Trophy Line Honours Multihull – Volvo Trophy Ladies’ Award - Mizen Head Trophy IRC Overall – Norman Barry Trophy / Irish TV Rentals Cup

Awards for other positions will be presented based on: Number of Starters 4 - 6 7+ Prizes 2nd 2nd and 3rd


a) When a yacht uses its engine for propulsion, e.g. to avoid collision or in a grave emergency, the facts shall be reported on her Declaration Form b) Temporary discontinuance of racing: No penalty will be imposed for an infringement of RRS 42 and RRS 45 if a yacht makes fast in order to take shelter or in an emergency. The crew may temporarily leave the yacht to handle her moorings. If she uses her engine for propulsion she shall, on re-joining the race, return to the spot where she began to use her engine, turn off her engine and continue to race from that spot. She shall report the circumstances on her Declaration Form c) Please note that RRS 41, Outside Help, still applies, including, but not limited to, provisioning, repairs and accommodation


a) Further to any calls involving emergency situations, rescue services, medical attention, boat retirement etc. yachts MUST make contact regarding same with the RO before communicating with any outside 3rd party

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b) In the case of any particularly sensitive situation, as soon as the appropriate people have been properly informed, the Race Organisers may issue a press release


a) Rule 4 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone” b) Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk c) By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that: I. they are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event II. they are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore III. they accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omission IV. their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate V. the provision of a race management team and other officials and volunteers by the event organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities VI. they are responsible for ensuring that their boat is equipped and seaworthy so as to face extremes of weather; that there is a crew sufficient in number, experience and fitness to withstand such weather; and that the safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed, in date and familiar to the crew


a) Amendments to the Sailing Instructions may be made by the Race Committee and will be posted on the Website and official notice board no later than 5 hours before the start of the race. Copies will be available from the race organiser’s office. Skippers are responsible for acquainting themselves with any amendments. Failure to receive a copy shall not invalidate the amendment or sustain a protest.

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