Geographic Name Proposals Report 12 Waiotahi geographic names to be altered to : Waiotahe (locality) Waiotahe Beach (locality) Waiotahe Beach Waiotahe River Waiotahe Valley (locality) Waiotahe Forest Waiotahe Knoll (undersea feature) Waiotahe Rock (undersea feature) Waiotahe Scenic Reserve (Crown protected area) Waiotahe Spit Scenic Reserve (Crown protected area) Waiotahe Estuary Scenic Reserve (Crown protected area) Waiotahe Spit Historic Reserve (Crown protected area) , Opotiki spelling alterations



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16 July 2014 Page 2 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 Chart NZ 542 Crown Copyright Reserved

Bay of Plenty Chart©, Wright, 1989

16 July 2014 Page 3 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 SUMMARY

The proposal • The proposals were submitted following the Secretariat’s investigation prompted by a media enquiry on 5 November 2013. • The Māori Names Committee considered the Secretariat’s report at its meeting on 23 May 2014 and recommended the proposals be considered by the Board. • The proposals seek to correct the spelling of the name Waiotahi to Waiotahe for 12 geographic names. • All six land based Waiotahi names are official by [NZ Gazette, 1953 p.88].

• The other six associated names proposed to be altered are: Waiotahi Knoll (recorded undersea feature name), Waiotahi Rock (recorded undersea feature name), and CPA’s; Waiotahi Scenic Reserve, Waiotahi Spit Scenic Reserve, Waiotahi Estuary Scenic Reserve and Waiotahi Spit Historic Reserve. • Two territorial authorities, Opotiki District Council and Whakatāne District Council, support the alteration to Waiotahe. • Local iwi maintain that the correct form is Waiotahe and have provided their views and comments. • At its meeting on 23 May 2014 the Māori Names Committee agreed to recommend to the Board that it alter the spelling to Waiotahe for all the land based Waiotahi named features. The MNC did not consider the four Crown Protected Areas or the two undersea features.


Recommendation 1 Accept the recommendation of the Māori Names Committee to alter six geographic feature names from Waiotahi to Waiotahe for the locality, Waiotahe Beach, Waiotahe Beach locality, Waiotahe River, Waiotahe Forest and Waiotahe Valley locality, as the correct spelling based on: • The Board’s function to collect and encourage the use of original Māori names, and • The significance of this name to Te Upokorehe iwi, and • The support of the two neighbouring territorial authorities Subject to their extents being determined. and Recommendation 2 Notify as six proposals to alter for a period of three months in terms of s.16 of the NZGB Act 2008.


Recommendation 3 Defer the four CPA name proposals and the two undersea feature name proposals until DoC and the Undersea Feature Names Committee are advised and have provided their respective comments and views about altering the six names from Waiotahi to Waiotahe. OR Recommendation 4 Request DoC and the Undersea Feature Names Committee to consider altering Waiotahi to Waiotahe for the four Crown Protected Areas from

16 July 2014 Page 4 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 Waiotahi Scenic Reserve, Waiotahi Spit Scenic Reserve, Waiotahi Estuary Scenic Reserve and Waiotahi Spit Historic Reserve to Waiotahe Scenic Reserve, Waiotahe Spit Scenic Reserve, Waiotahe Estuary Scenic Reserve and Waiotahe Spit Historic Reserve and Undersea Feature names, Waiotahi Knoll and Waiotahi Rock to Waiotahe Knoll and Waiotahe Rock. OR Recommendation 5 Decline all 12 of the proposals based on long term use of Waiotahi. OR Recommendation 6 Recommend to LINZ to alter the spelling of the six land based Waiotahi to Waiotahe names.



The Proposals • The proposals have been made by the Board’s Secretariat on behalf of the Māori Names Committee. • Features included in the proposals are: − the populated semi-rural locality Waiotahi; − Waiotahi River sourced north of the Kahikatea Range within National Park and flowing through the Waiotahi Valley to the outlet at Waiotahi Beach; − The Waiotahi Beach settlement (a locally used name) was once a summer holiday destination that has now developed into a subdivision; − Waiotahi Beach; − Waiotahi Valley rural locality; and − Waiotahi Forest. • A popular camping ground is adjacent to the subdivision of Waiotahi Beach. • The Honorary Geographic Board confirmed the spelling as Waiotahe not Waiotahi in 1941. • The Minister for Lands reversed the decision from Waiotahe to Waiotahi 1 in 1953 following a submission from Opotiki County Council that Waiotahi had been in use for over 70 years despite their agreement that Waiotahe was the correct spelling. • The comments and views for Waiotahe were sought on 12 May 2014, from the Whakatane District Council, Whakatane Māori Trust Board, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, and Te Upokorehe iwi.

Policy on • The proposal has been accepted by the Board’s Chairperson for ‘Requirement for processing. Geographic Name Proposals’

New Zealand • There are inconsistencies with the spelling of Waiotahe, Waiotahi and Gazetteer Waitahi in the Gazetteer, which add to the confusion about both

1 NZGB MIN 2/52

16 July 2014 Page 5 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 spellings of the name. The Gazetteer issues will be resolved by the Secretariat. • All six Waiotahi land based geographic names are official by NZ Gazette, 1953 p.88. • The four CPAs, Waiotahi Scenic Reserve, Waiotahi Spit Historic Reserve, Waiotahi Spit Scenic Reserve and Waiotahe Estuary Scenic Reserve are official names. • The two undersea feature names, Waiotahi Knoll and Waiotahi Rock are recorded names.

Historical Maps, • Waiotahi has had consistent use since 1867 despite advice from local iwi Plans that the spelling is erroneous. Waiotahe was used in 1952. Date Map/Plans Name 1867 SO 2809 Waiotahi River 1870 SO 1468 Waiotahi Block 1875 ML 2771 Waiotahi 1879 SO 3113 Waiotahi 1879 SO 1631 Waiotahi River 1882 SO 2844 Waiotahi River 1875 ML 2771 Waiotahi 1889 SO 2916 Waiotahi River 1911 SO 1552 Waiotahi River 1912 SO 1513 Waiotahi River 1927 SO 5630 Waiotahi Creek 1928 ML 2772 Waiotahi River 1929 ML 3595 Waiotahi River 1930 SO 3609 Waiotahi River 1939 SO 4102 Waiotahi River 1952 SO 4757 Waiotahe River 1953 NZMS 83 1 st Edition Waiotahi 1955 N16 NZMS 13 1 st Edition Waiotahi Beach, Waiotahi River 1957 NZMS 83 2 nd Edition Waiotahi 1960 NZMS 83 3 rd Edition Waiotahi 1961 SO 5276 Waiotahi River 1962 N70 NZMS 1 1 st Edition Waiotahi, Waiotahi Valley & River 1963 NZMS 83 4 th Edition Waiotahi 1968 NZMS 83 5 th Edition Waiotahi 1969 N69 NZMS 1 1 st Edition Waiotahi, Waiotahi Beach & River 1973 N69 NZMS 177 2 nd Edition Waiotahi River 1974 N78 NZMS 177 2 nd Edition Waiotahi, Waiotahi River 1978 N69 NZMS 1 2 nd Edition Waiotahi, Waiotahi Beach & River 1979 N78 NZMS 1 2 nd Edition Waiotahi, Waiotahi Valley & River 2001 W16 NZMS 260 Waiotahi Valley, Waiotahi Forest 2005 W15 NZMS 260 Waiotahi River, Waiotahi Beach, W13/14 Waiotahi Beach location, Waiotahi

NZGB Archive • NZGB Memorandum - 16 June 1950 Records • Opotiki County Council letter – 16 August 1950 • NZGB to OCC letter of objection - 29 August 1950

16 July 2014 Page 6 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 • NZGB Board decision – 01 November 1950 • NZGB Memorandum deferral – 25 May 1951 • Letter to NZGB from J.H. Grace – 14 June 1951 • Letter to J.H. Grace from A.O. Stewart – 24 July 1951 • Memorandum Lands and Survey – 18 July 1952 • Letter from OCC – 10 September 1952 • Letter from Minister of Labour & Employment – 15 September 1952 • Letter from Automobile Association – 11 June 1957 • Letter from NZGB – 20 June 1957 • Min 2/52 - 1952 • Vol 17/66-68 A.T.Ngata’s comments - 1952

Henry James • 7 Hara 2012 ... NGATI TAMATEA, Same as Rarawa of Mongonui. Ngati Fletcher Māori Kahunguunu hapu inter- married with Tuhoe; from Waiotahe . J.P.S. Names Index 5:4; 29:161; 32:39; • There is no entry for Waiotahi .

Research/History/ • The name Waiotahi has been in use for at least 70 years according to References the Opotiki County Council’s submission to the Minister of Lands in 1950 when the Honorary Board’s decision was overturned to change the name from Waiotahe to Waiotahi. Opotiki County Council’s submission for Waiotahi acknowledged the correct Māori spelling as Waiotahe. • Reed 2 has two entries for ¹Waiotahi: - Lit wai: water or stream; o: of; tahi: one or single. It is likely that Tahi is a personal name and there is some reason to believe that it should be Tahe. - The next entry is not within the same rohe but may have a similar meaning for the name. Waiotahi Stream: Waikato, Thames township. Originally and correctly Waiotahe. Lit wai: water; o: of; tahe: menstruation. The waters in which the menses were cleansed. The stream used to flow through Te Koronaeiti pa. When young woman of Ngāti Maru had their first menstruation, they were placed under strict tapu and housed in a special whare where they were washed in stream water. • The history, origin and meaning were sought from local iwi 3. Te Upokorehe provided their comments; see section below headed Consultation with iwi and others.

Location/Extent of • The proposals are to correct the spelling of a name used for a number of Feature features all associated with that same name within close proximity of each other and all within the same area between Whakatane and Opotiki. • Three locality features, a river, forest and beach are included in the proposal which may require the extent of those features defined. • Four CPA names and two undersea feature names are included.

2 Reed, A.W. (2010). Place Names of . Penguin Books. 3 M. Edwards, Aramoana, W. Te Upokorehe, personal communication, 16 May 2014

16 July 2014 Page 7 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 Generic Feature • The proposals are not seeking to change any generic feature types for each Waiotahe name.

NZGB Act 2008 • Section 11(1)(b) of the NZGB Act 2008 provides for the Board to examine cases of doubtful spelling of names and determine the spelling to be adopted on official charts or official maps.

Policy from • Māori Names: Names should generally conform to the spelling of New Frameworks Zealand English and te reo Māori, although historical spelling and local version 6 usage may influence the Board’s final decision. • Localities: the three localities are not part of the NZ Post addressing postcodes. • Geographic names perform an important reference or label in language and for location. Consequently, alterations to established names should not be made without good reason and should be considered carefully on a case-by-case basis. • Where an alteration to a name is proposed, the Board will consider that proposal on its merits. • The Board may not alter a name, for example by correcting its spelling, if the incorrect form is in general and long-term public use and the alteration may affect a community. However, other criteria and legislative considerations may outweigh this policy.

Duplication • There is extensive duplication of Waiotahi due to associated names. • There is one other Waiotahi Stream near Thames. • There is no duplication of Waiotahe.

Associative Names • Associative names are: - Waiotahi Knoll (recorded undersea feature name) - Waiotahi Rock (recorded undersea feature name) - and Crown protected area names: Waiotahi Scenic Reserve, Waiotahi Spit Scenic Reserve, Waiotahi Estuary Scenic Reserve and Waiotahi Spit Historic Reserve. • The Board may consider altering the associated names or request LINZ topo/hydro to alter the recorded names.

Addressing • Altering the spelling from Waiotahi to Waiotahe is unlikely to adversely Implications affect the community and addressing confusion as there is little phonological difference.

Hydrographic • There is no entry for Waiotahi River or Waiotahi Beach in the Admiralty Considerations Charts and Sailing Directions. • NIWA CBS 2 nd Edition 1989 depicts Waiotahi Knoll and Chart NZ542 depicts Waiotahi Rock, Waiotahi Beach and Waiotahi River.

16 July 2014 Page 8 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 Emergency • Waiotahi Beach, Waiotahi River and Waiotahi Valley are popular Services destinations for hunters, trampers, campers, fisher people, holidaymakers and other recreational users. • Altering the spelling is unlikely to affect emergency services as there is little phonological difference between the names.

Consultation with • The following comments were received from iwi and territorial iwi and others authorities: • Mike Houghton Opotiki District Council – 19 May 2014; “We have been advised on many occasions by both Upokorehe and Whakatohea that the correct spelling to them is Waiotahe. We have acknowledged this advice and all of our correspondence, signs etc is spelt with an ‘e’ – in return we have advised tangata whenua that we do not have a role in determining names as they appear on maps.” • Violet Hape Whakatane District Council – 22 May 2014; “The Whakatāne District Council does not have a position on the name change of Waiotahi but would support the decisions of the local iwi/hapū that this affects.” • Maude Edwards Te Puni Kōkiri Whakatane – 14 May 2014; “Ka kī ngā kaumatua o Te Upokorehe, ko Waiotahe te ingoa tika o te rā wāhi. Mehemea, he patai kei a koe, waea atu ki ahau o tukuna he emera.” • Te Upokorehe advised 16 May 2014 that the name; “Waiotahe was due to an historical incident that occurred in Te Upokorehe.” • Providing details of that incident advising only that the name was aptly given by ngā tipuna o Te Upokorehe, who are looking to collate a resource that will capture ngā pūrakau, pakiwaitara o Te Upokorehe for future generations, whereby Te Upokorehe will have copyright of that information. • The Board’s decision may need to be subject to consultation with DoCfor the CPA names.

Collection and • S.11(1)(d) and (e) of the NZGB Act 2008 encourages the collection of Encouragement of original Māori names and altering the spelling from Waiotahi to Original Māori Waiotahe would give practical effect to this legislative function. Names

Spelling/ • The report for Waiotahi / Waiotahe was considered at the Māori Names Orthography, Committee meeting on 23 May 2014. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori including Te Taura observer to the Board attended the meeting and agreed with that the Whiri i te Reo correct spelling is Waiotahe without a macron. A follow up email on Māori (Māori 26/06/2014 confirms this. Language Commission) advice on Māori names

Media • It is possible there may be media attention as the feature names have had long term use and are well known to recreational users, but with support from neighbouring territorial authorities and local iwi any

16 July 2014 Page 9 of 10 Linzone ID A1741866741866 controversy is likely to be mitigated.

LINZ Topo/hydro • Altering the spelling from Waiotahi to Waiotahe may be recommended recommendation by the NZGB based on the LINZ/NZGB Agreement.

SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. Proposal form completed by the Secretariat – 2014-16-05 2. Report to the Māori Names Committee – 2014-05-23 3. Correspondence from Te Upokorehe (see consultation section) 4. Correspondence from Territorial Authorities (see consultation section) 5. NZGB Archives

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