India Office, November 7, 1868. the occupation of William Phillips; which said intended railway will be made from$ ini through Secretary of State for India in Council or into the parishes and places following, or _ hereby gives notice, that he has received sonic of them; viz.:—Llangan, Henllan-amgoecl, a Madras Gazette, containing the following notice Cilhernin, Cilowen, , Kingsland, that the under-mentioned Insolvents filed their Llanfallteg, Llanboidy, Llanglydwen, andEglwys- Petitions in the Court for the Belief of Insolvent fairachyrig, in the county of Carmarthen, aud Debtors there, under the provisions of the Act Llandewyvelfiy, Henllan, Clydey, The Taf, Cil- 11 Victoria, cap. 21 : owen, Cilhernin, Kingsland, Penrith, Castellan, Petitions filed praying for Relief. , The Grange, The Country, Llan- fallteg, and Llanfairnantgwyn, in the county of Notice is hereby given, that Petitions to the Pembroke; and Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors were 2. A railway to be wholly situate in the snid filed on the 21st day of August instant, by Pola- parish of Llangan, commencing by a junction vadoo Eastnasawmy Pillay, a Hindoo inhabitant •with the said South Wales Railway and with the of Madras, residing at No.. 19, in Aucharappen- Pembroke and Railway, at or near to the street, at Peddoo Naick's Peftah, in the Black junction of those railways, and terminating by a Town of Madras, and lately carrying on business junction with the said intended Railway No, 1, as a Cotton Merchant at Madras, but al present on land belonging to the Great Western Railway without employ; and by Coyapadaree Cooppen Company at a point about 120 yards westward lyeugar, a Hindoo inhabitant of Madras, residing of the signal-box at the junction of the'said South .at No. 55, in Anna Pillay-street, at Peddoo Wales and Pembroke and Tenby Railways. Naick's Pettah, in the Black Town of Madras, To deviate laterally from the line of the lately carrying on business as a Sweetmeat Vendor intended works to the extent shown on the plans and Bazaar Keeper, but at present without any hereinafter mentioned, and also to deviate verti- business ; and on the 28th day of August instant, cally from the levels shown on the sections by Pillarysetty Bagaviah Naidoo, a Hindoo inha- hereinafter mentioned:—To purchase, by compul- bitant of Madras, residing at No. 6, in Gooroo- sion or agreement, lands, houses, and other vappah Naidoo-street, in the Black Town of hereditaments for the purposes of the intended Madras, and lately carrying on business as a Mer- railways and works ; to 4vary and extinguish all chant, and now without employ; the said Insol- easements, rights, and privileges connected with vents severally being and residing within the or incident to such lands, houses, and heredita- jurisdiction of the High Court of Judicature at ments, and to confer other, rights and privileges ; Madras, praying for the benefit of the Act passed to cross, stop up, alter, or divert all turnpike and in the eleventh year of the reign of Her Majesty other roads, highways, railways, tramways, aque- Queen Victoria, chapter 21, intituled "An Act ducts, reservoirs, streams, rivers, brooks, and to consolidate and amend the laws relating to watercourses within the said several parishes and Insolvent Debtors in India ;" and on the same places for the purposes of the Bill; to levy tolls, days orders were respectively made by the said rates, and duties in respect of the use of the said Insolvent Court, vesting the estates and effects of intended railways and works; to grant exemp- the said Polavadoo Kiatnasawmy Pillay, Coya- tions from the payment of such tolls, rates, and padarec Cooppen lyengar, and Pillarysetty Rava- duties; to alter, vary, or extinguish existing tolls, giah Naidoo, in Benjamin Brooks, Esq., the Official rates, or duties, and to confer other rights and Assignee of the said Court. Date of Gazette privileges. containing notice, September 1, J868. The Bill will authorise contracts and arrange- A. Macdonald Ritchie, Chief Clerk. ments between the Company on the one hand, Madras, Chief Clerk's Office, and the Great Western Railway Company and the Pembroke and Tenby Railway Company, or August 28,-1868. either of those Companies, on the other hand, for or with respect to the construction, maintenance, use, working, and management of the said and Taf Vale Hallway. intended railways and works, and the supply of rolling stock and plant; the construction and (Incorporation of Company; Railway from Whit- maintenance of junctions and communications land Station, on the Great Western Railway, between their respective works; the making, up the Valley of the River Taf, to near the laying down, maintenance, and use of tramways, Crymmych Arms Inn; Traffic Arrangements; sidings, buildings, and other conveniences; the and Amendment of Acts). accommodation and transmission of the traffic of OTICE is hereby giveu, that application is or destined for or coming from their respective N intended to be made to Parliament in the undertakings; the fixing, levying, and division ensuing1 session for leave to bring in a Bill to of their respective tolls, rates, dues, and charges, incorporate a Company (hereinafter called '• The and the allowances, drawbacks, and reductions Company"), and to confer upou the Company the to be paid and allowed between,the contracting following powers:— parties ; and all incidental matters. To make and maintain the railways hereinafter The BiJl will incorporate all or some of the dcscribedj with all proper stations, approaches, provisions of "The Companies-Clauses Consolida- works, and conveniences connected therewith tion Act, 18-15," " The Companies Clauses Act, respectively; that is to say:— 1863," "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1. A railway commencing in the polish .of 1845," " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts LUingan, in the county of Carmarthen, at the Amendment Act, 1860," " The Railways Clauses buck or north side of the up platform at the Consolidation Act, 1845," and."The Railways AVhitland station of the Great Western (South Clauses Act, 1863 ;" and so far as may be neces- Wales) Railway, and terminating in the parish sary for the purposes aforesaid, the Bill-will 'ui Llanfyrnach, in the county of Pembroke, in a alter, amend, extend, or enlarge all or some of ibid on the eastern side of tlie public road leading1 the provisions of the Acts following, viz.—5th iVum Narbeth-road railway station to Cardigan, and 6th Wm. IV., crip. 107, and any other Acts about sixty yards southward from the Crymmych relating to the Great Wesfem Railway Company ; .\rrns Inii, which field j.s part of the farm of and "The Pembroke and Tenby Railway .Act. IJwlchuliiwdd. belonging to Lord Kensington, in 1851J;" "The 'Pembroke and Tenby Kuihvuy