The War of Ideas for the Muslim World
Event Transcript “T HE WAR OF IDEAS FOR THE MUSLIM WORLD ” With HUSAIN HAQQANI Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace & Co-chair, Project on Islam and Democracy, Hudson Institute The following is an edited transcript of an event sponsored by Hudson Institute’s Center on Islam, Democracy, and the Future of the Muslim World on October 22, 2004. The center, which is directed by Hudson senior fellow Dr. Hillel Fradkin, was established in 2004 to research and analyze the ideological dimension of Islamism and radical Islam, and to encourage and support the development of moderate and democratic alternatives within the Muslim world. This event was the first in a series of lectures sponsored by the center’s Project on Islam and Democracy. HILLEL FRADKIN: Good afternoon. I’d like to welcome you to Hudson Institute. I'm Hillel Fradkin, the director of Hudson Institute’s Center on Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World. That's a mouthful. Before putting you in the able hands of our speaker, I wanted to say a couple of things about this center and how it provides the context for today’s talk. The center has a variety of concerns and a variety of projects that stem—it will surprise no one— from the events of 9/11 and the policy issues for America, both abroad and at home. One of the most important of the center’s projects is a project on Islam and Democracy. It is concerned with what has been called “The War of Ideas.” I’ll say in passing, I think there’s actually several of such wars—that is, there are several wars of ideas going on at the present, or should be going on at present.
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