SUMMER REGALIA THE NEW BRIDGE HERE WOODBRIDGE.—As far as KEASBEY WOMEN the members of the police de- PLANS ADVANCED BIDS FOR SEWER KEASBEY.—Work is progress- DECORATION DAY partment are concerned sum- ing rapidly on the new bridge over Rumoured mer officially starts on Mem- the Raritan river, although Ke;is- GIVEN 1ST PRIZE orial Day, Tuesday. May 30. BY FIREMEN FOR BUILDING PROVE bey residents are under the im- EVENT WILL 6E For on that t-ay, the annual jpression that work on the project Busy police inspection is held and is at a standstill. The first step in all officers are ordered out in the building of the new bridge, Days Ahead! . . . FOR APPEARANCE full summer regalia which ANNUALJWADE TO BEJOO HIGH and the most important in any HELD BY LEGION There'll be plenty doing in these paits come the next NEW UNIFORMS MAKE H17 consists of short coat with la- TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATIONS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION over-water construction, is the pels, blue shirt and black tie. sinking of caissons and the con- PARADE AND SERVICES TO three weeks . . . Legionnaires and firemen are completing AT 53RD CONVENTION The inspection will be held WILL PARTICIPATE IN < BID $50,000 OVER ORIG- struction of piers. After this im- BE HELD AT KEASBEY IN [RVJNGTON i INAL ESTIMATE arrangements for the annual Memorial Day parade and at 9:00 A. M., in the lot ad- PARADE, SERVICE portant phase, girders will soon TUESDAY AT 3 P. M. services . . . Woodbridgo is again scheduled to go "on the joining the Municipal building. rise and the new bridge will take KEASBEY.—The Ladies' Auxil- Mayor August F. Greiner and PISCATAWAYTOWN. — Plans WOODBRIDGE. — Although 60 shape. air" via WOR and a nation-wide hook-up of the Mutual iary to Keasbey Protection Fire Co. Police Commissioner Herbert for the annual Memorial Day par- bids in all were received by the FORDS.—A departure from pro Township Committee Monday Broadcasting Company, in a program billed as the "Typ- No. l, romped away with first Rankin will review the men ade were furthered this week at a vious years, the Harry Hanson prize for the neatest women's di- who will be headed by Chief _ night in connection with the con- meeting of Raritan Engine Co., No. Post No. 163, American Legion, at ical American Town" This year makes it the third vision participating in the 53rd an- of police George Keating. Aft- 1 and a large turnout"^! "township ! struction of a laboratory & service a meeting Wednesday night in the straight that Woodbridge has thus been honored . . The nual convention parade of the New er inspection of equipment civic, welfare and service organiza building at the sewer disposal PARTY CHAIRMAN Jersey Firemen's ..Association st and brief speeches, the ohicers tions is expected. According to plant, the lowest bid for general homo of Commander Bartolo Di- prograni will be broadcast from 10:45 A. M., to 11:30 Irvington Saturday. In recognition will take part in the annual schedule, the parade will start at struct ion. that of Newton A. K. Matteo completed plans for Mentor A. M. Carlton Warren will do the announcing from of its achievement, the auxiliary Memorial Day parade. 11 o'clock. Bugbee, of Trenton, for $142,000 ASKS FOR EARLY ial Day services and parade to be the White Church cemetery. honored at a victory celebra- Plans have also been discussed was $50,000 over the estimate held at Keasbey Tuesday after- tion in the firehouse Sunday. to sponsor a field day program placed on the job by the PWA. noon, May 30, al 3 o'clock. Organizations in Raritan Township are also planning The Keasbey women were dress following the parade. Township Attorney Leon E. Mc- CAMPAIGN FIGHT Elroy and Township Engineer C. All participating organizations for a parade and services at Piscatawaytown . . . Judging ed for the first time in their new The parade will get underway will meet at the Keasbey fire- from present indications, this year's event will surpass all uniforms—navy s.kirts trimmed DAMBACH NAMED following the annual memorial R. Davis went to New York yester COYNE AND ALEXANDER IN day and conferred with PWA offi- house from which point the line of others . . . Following the Decoration Day celebration wih with red, with red jackets and a service of the Harold Berrue Post PLEA TO FORDS CLUB AT march will bp down Crows Mill regulation firemen's cap of navy j 246, American Legion, at St. cials. They were advised to file come the annual Firemen's Memorial Services and parade an application for an additional MEETING road -to the waterfront where ser- blue—and presented a striking ap FIRE PRESIDENT James' cemetery on Woodbridge vices will be hold in honor of the . . . The combined fire units of Woodbridge township will pearance while spectators along avenue. loan and grant of $50,000. The rise in general construction esti- FORDS.—At a recent meeting of sailors, soldiers and marines whose assemble at Woodbridge on Sunday afternoon, June 11, tothe line of march applauded vigor- The line of .march will begin at lives were lost at sea during the ously. the Woodbridge avenue firehpuse the Fords Democratic Club, John pay respect to the deceased (iremen of the" township ... A FOR 12TH_TERM increased wage scale announced Coyne, Democratic municipal World War. parade is slated to start at 2 o'clock with a short speaking The Beairyais Post American Le- and will probably proceed east- The occasion will mark the first CHIEFS' BANQUET TO BE ward along Woodbridge avenue to by PWA officials recently. charman, and Committeeman Char gion band of Tottenville acted as told members appearance of the prize-winning program in the school street park at 2 :30 . . . Fords, Keas- the musical escort to the Keasbey HELD TOMORROW IN Old Post road, where it will cir- Low bidders on all contracts les J. Alexander, were as follows : that an early and vigorous cam- ladies" auxiliary of the Keasbey bey and Hopelawn fire organizations will participate. auxiliary and firemen. The first HIGHLAND PARK cle and proceed westward down fire company since the state fire- prize was awarded the local wo- Woodbridge avenue toward the General Construction, Newton paign should be instituted in ord- A reliable report has it that Harry Anderson, of Fords, A. K. Bugbee, of Trenton, $142,- er to place the Democratic nom- men's parade at Irvington last Sat- men before a large crowd in KiBASBEY.—Joseph A. Damach superhighway. urday. will be the next named cop in the township . . . Definite Olympic Park, where other pre- 250. inees in the victory column next was elected president of the Keas- So far, two bands, Harold Ber- Structural street for service November. Ciimmandor DiMatlco and Chair word will soon arrive regarding mail delivery for the Clara sentations were made to winning bey Protection Fire Company for rue Memorial Drum and Bugle man Walter H. Lybeck have issued units. building, Harco Steel Construction, A contest for a 41-piece dinner Officer Edwin Mineu has set June 10 the twelfth consecutive term at Corps and the St. Cecelia's Boys' $459. an invitation to all organizations Barton section Band of Iselin,_have been engaged. set to be awarded at the next for the annual school safety patrols outing . . . Congratula- Nearly 100 units from all sec- the annual meeting of the organi- Plumbing, Charles Simkin, 51,- to join in the afternoon's ceremon- tions of the state participated in The latter will present a concert meeting, June 13, was planned. tions to Joe Dambach on being elected president of the zation held recently in the fire- 375. Tickets may be procured from ies. A firing squad will be on the two-mile procession which house. tha'. afternoon preceeding a short hand with a bugler to sound taps. Keasbey Protection Fire Company for the twelfth consecu- ceremony at which township off- Heating, Westfielcl Engineering Adoiph Quadt, chairman of tht> lasted more than three hours. Other officers elected were: Company, $2,512. Short speeches will be delivered tive term . . . Several streets in Fords, Keasbey and Hope- Members of the cials will preside. committee, or any member of the Perth Amboy Michael J. Parsler. vice presidnt; Electrical work, Bea^-h Electric club. by Chaplain John Dambach and lawn are slated for "facials" in the next few weeks . . fire companies had 300 men in C D. Pfeiffer, treasurer; Leon In the line of march are expect- Co., $3,282. Historian Rufus B. Alien of the line all wearing red shirts and Jeglinski, secretary; Andrew Per- ed: The township commissioners, The business session for the eve- local Legion. BUT, what about upper Ford avenue ? Glass enclosures for sludge beds, ning was closed at 10 o'clock after dark trousers. The Perth Amboy hacs, sergeant-at-arms and Mich- members of the board of education Lord and Bornham, $6^980. township fire commissioners and which refreshments were server]. Music will bo furnished by the firemen won second prize for ael Parsler, William Bertram, Laboratory furniture and equip- Beauvais Post Drum Corps of the neatness and most uniformed men John Cheega and John Peterchuk, all fire companies, members of the Joseph Lewandoski presided at the police department and school safe ment, Laboratory Furniture Co., meeting. Tottenville American Legion Post, in the line of march. trustees. AH the above were re- $1,250. under the direction of Ray Kerr Other county units that partici- elected. ty patrols, the Raritan township safety council, First Aid Squads Six intercepting and outfall and Commander Joseph Drcnnan. Recommended pated were Woodbridge Fire Co., Albert Stark will succeed Wil- sewers, Peter D'Amato, $22,380.75. Invitations have also been ex- and ambulances, Harold Berrue No. 1; two Iselin companies, Av- liam McGraw as chief June 1, tended to the fire companies of enel firemen and auxiliary, Me- while Joseph Wargo will be the Post and numerous other athletic civic and social organizations. ARTHUR LARSON Fords, Keasbey and Hopelawn, The Local tuchen, Highland Park, Raritan first assistant; John Peterchak, Fords Lions Club and to all Boy Relief Situation . . . township and Port Reading, with second assistant; Harry Dunham, Paul Berrue, president of the CROWNING RITES Scout and Girl Scout troops in this Key port rounding out the Raritan truck foreman and Alfred Soren- company, said the field day exer-! area. Bay District representation. son, hose foreman. cises would likely include track IS NAMED NEW Nothing too severe can be said in condemnation of Ohe At the conclusion of the cere- Plans were furthered for the an- meets, softball and other athletic relief chiseler. The is in the same class as robbing games. AT ISELIN NEXT monies, refreshments will be serv- nual ex-chief's banquet to be held ed in the Keasbey firehouse. a church poor box and should be punished, when detect- tomorrow night at the Highland INSPECTOR HERE ed, in a manner giving emphatic warning to all tempted to Grove, Highland Park. Steven Ka- Serving on the committee in ad- profit by such despicable means. FISHINGCONTEST transki and members of the good SUNDAY EVENING APPOINTED TO BOARD OF dition to those Legionnaires al- But there is another side to the picture that should not time committee are in charge of BENEFIT AFFAIR HEALTH TUESDAY NIGHT, ready mentioned are: ^-ftflBfffniA arrangements. Members of the BISHOP KILEY CONFIRMS QUITS SCHOOL BOARD Hoff, Andrew Ande»^ta«fTAndrew be lost to sight in the indignation stirred by disclosures TO BE HELD BY company plan to take part in the 142 CHILDREN AND Lutrias, Eric Schuster, Carl Han- sen, Benjamin Sunshine, Christian from time to time of undeserving individuals on the relief township Memorial Day exercises. BY CHURCH UNIT 24 ADULTS RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — At a ro!ls\For every such person there are hundreds of men Refreshments were. served by Nicolaisen, Paul Chovun, Arthur re-organization meeting of the Giesintf and Thomas Anderson. and women, reduced to necessitous circumstances through RARITAN COUNCIL John Deak, host for the evening. township board of health Tuesday ISELIN.—The Rt. Rev Moses E. All Legionnaires, members of no fault of their own, who would much prefer to work at WELLJTTENDED Kiley, bishop of the Trenton Dio- night, Arthur Larson, school com- ON SATURDAY, JUNE 10, AT missioner, was appointed health in the auxiliary, junior auxiliary and honest labor rather than to accept assistance from public cese, confirmed a class of 142 chil- of the Legion are requested ROOSEVELT PARK COMEDY GIVEN BY LUTHER- dren and 24 adults at the exercises spectov to .succeed John E. Par- funds. Another large group is composed of children. to report at the firehouse in School AN LEAGUE IS HUGE held at St. Cecelia's church, Mid- dun who was elected to the town- RESIDENTS HOPE ship commission two weeks ago. street, Woodbridge, Tuesday morn it is these deserving cases that must be kept constantly WOODBRIDGE.—Boys and fish SUCCESS dlesex avenue, Saturday after- ing, al 0:30 o'clock sharp to par- ing are synonymous and the Ac- noon. The new inspector's salary was set in mind in framing relief programs and policies. Other- at $720 annually. ticipate in the Memorial Day par- tivities Committee of Raritan The Holy Name Society and the ade there. The ceremonies at wise, the situation holds dangerous possibilities of tempor- Council are endeavoring to make FOR MAIL ROUTE FORDS.—The Senior Wallher Immediately following his ap- ary economies boomeranging against the taxpayers of to- League of Our Redeemer Luther- Women's Group organization of Woodbridge will get underway this possible for the Scouts and FORDS.—Residents of the Clara the church frmed a line of honor pointment, Larson submitted his promptly at 10 A. M., because the Cubs of the Council by conducting an church presented a three-net resignation to Mayor Walter C. morrow in the form of a handicapped generation. Barton section are hopeful of the farce, "Aunt Emma Sees It from the rectory to the church.The services at the White Church ceine the first fishing contest of the approval of .the propsed substitu- procession was headed by the altar Christensen as a member of the tery arc due to go on the air ex- Relief fraud should and must be ferreted out and elimin- Council at Roosevelt Park at 6:00 Through" Tuesday night in School school board. ated. On that point there is full and complete agreement, tion of village for rural mail deliv- No. 14. Proceeds will go to the boys carrying lighted candles fol- actly at 10:45 over a nation-wide A. M., on the morning of Satur- ery in the section as supporters of lowed by priests from nearby William F. Wittnebert was nam- hook-up of the Mutual Broadcast- built in the process of house-cleaning and adjustment, oth- day, June 10. church building fund. ed clerk of the board of health at the movement for 'house-to-house' In the cast were the following: churches and the bishop. ing Company through WOR. er vital aspects of the problem must not be overlooked. All Scouts and Cubs of the Coun delivery awaited a decision from Fifteen new members were in- an annual salary of $540. In the cil have been invited to partici- "Aunt Emma," Miss Don's Melder; past, the health inspector also fill- the postmaster general's office. "Louise Adair" Miss Lillian Stev- ducted into the Holy Name Society pate and the response shows that James P. Fortier, sponsor of a •Sunday prior to the closing of the ed the position of clerk, but due to there will be many boys taking ad- ens; "Kathrine Adair" Mrs. Char- a great increase in the work hand- petition circulated recently in that les Preiss; "Bud Gates" Waiter mission being conducted by the vantage of the opportunity to fish. Rev. Austin Goff, I, F. M., a Fran- led by the two offices, the health DATES RELEASED section requesting the change, said Schuman; "Joe Sparks" Vernon department felt the jobs should be Every boy fishing must be a a survey of the district was com-'oisen; "Dick Christiansen" Rob- ciscan Missionary Father who left Unreserved registered member of the Boy for Brookline, Mass. divided. pleted less than a week ago by Crt Schuman; "Jack Norris" Nick Scouts of America or Cubs. federal postal investigators with Boeltjower. Sunday, May 28, at 8 A. M., fif- The reorganization session was BY TAL80T FOR Every Scout who is 14 years of Acting Postmaster Edward Seyler, ty-two children of the parish will conducted by Commissioner Hen- Relieve Real age or-over must have a fishing li- Russell Anderson coached the ry H. Troger, Jr., director of pub- of Fords. production' and Miss Janet Erikson receive their first communion at 1 Estate Taxes! ... cense, as the Scouts are not ex- the church. A procession will be lic affairs. The health board was empted from this even though it was the prompter. Ushers were placed under the supervision of YEAR-ENOEXAMS the Misses Henrietta Stevens, Dor- from the parish hall to the church. "Taxing is an easy business. Any projector can contrive is their fishing contest. P. T. A. Summer Round-Up Miss Eileen Johnson, church or- the director of public affairs at the, SUPERINTENDENT PLAN- othy Blanchard, Dorothy Kreyling. reorganization of the township new impositions; any bungler can add to the old; but as Every boy must be registered Scheduled For June 7th I Entertainment between the acts ganist, has prepared special hymns NING MANY EXHIBITS on the morning of the contest by commission last week. It had been it altogether wise to have no other bounds to your impo- ) was furnished by Miss Lillian Sau- for the occasion and they will be AT LOCAL SCHOOLS or sung by the childrens' choir of previously operated in the public sitions than the patience of those who are to bear them?" PISCATAWAYTOWN.—The an- er, nf Lyndhurst; Miss Pearl Kreu- works department. his troop to be eligible for the nual summer round-up of the Pis- thirty voices. Rev. Brennan will This self-evident truth is not a recent statement. It was dle and Miss Beatrice Pyne. The new braird held a lengthy RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Final prizes Any kind of tackle may be catawaytown Parent-Teacher As- serve the sacrament. examinations in most of the town- made by Edmund Burke back in the eighteenth century, used and whatever type of bait the sociation will be held At 8 P. M., of the same day, the discussion on the rabid dog condi- School tion in the township. It was ship schoools will begin Wednes- before the American Revolution. So enduring is its signi- boys want to use. No, 3, Wednesday, June 7. at 9 annual crowning of the Blessed No help will be allowed to any brought out that more rigid en- day morning, May 31, according to iioance that it can be aptly applied to present day attempts A. M. SCHAFFRICK CLUB Virgin will be held by the Chil- an announcement by Fred A. Tal- boy m casting or_m landing his] . , . ansen and the nurse, dren of Mary Society. Miss Eugen- forcement is necessary in enforc- to "broaden the tax base," as -means to increase the tax Dr E K H ing dog quarantine here. Rabies bot, superintendent of township fish. because this is a boys con-jMrs, Russell Millemann will be in ia Grob, recently elected president schools. levy in this state. test. Prizes will be given for the attendance to examine and regis- of the group, will be the crowner, have increased in the township PLANNING PICNIC during the past two months and According to a schedule released County, state and local governments are faced with a longest fish the heaviest fish, the ter the children who lan to entev assisted by Miss Hose Lewis. Miss heaviest batch of fish. etc. | ^ drastic steps will have to be taken from the superintendent's office, situation that demands careful thought and intelligent ac- school in the fa]] c Mren must FORDS.—Plans are being .made Rosalie Finocchio and Miss Anna all except Clara Barton school Other prizes will be awarded as e five before or not later than 10 by the James Schaffrick AsKocia- Olah. The entire society including unless dog owners co-operate with tion. Improvident policies of the past have brought the in- b the department. wil hold exams May 31, June 1 decided upon the day of the con-'days after scnool he%ins to enter'tion to hold a picnic on June 25 in new candidates for membership, and June 2. Clara Barton examina- test. a ible results. Extensive issuance of bonds, carefree T , , , ^. - , - * that time. the Fords Park, it was announced members of the communion class tions wil! be held June 5, 6, and7. T and members of the confirmation ding-, liberal creation of jobs, boards, bureaus and Joseph Mosher District Commis Mrs. Arthur Nicholson is chair. after a recent meeting in the Fords BUILDING CONTINUES Other forthcoming events listt-H class will be in line. Special hymns cies, and many other injudicious practices, demand sioner of the Central District, has man ot the round-np. Casino. before school-closing, June 16 are: e and more money each year to finance them. arranged for overnight camping of Committeeman Schaffrick was have also been prepared for the RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—BuiH- June 2, yeur]y exhibit of Manual Naturally those who are paying the bills protest voci- the boys who care to camp at the NURSE GRADUATES appointed chairman of the com- occasion by Miss Johnson. ing Inspector George Thompson Training and Home Economics in site of the fishing contest, so they FORDS.—Miss Helen Cyktor, of mittee which will include William reported to the township commis- Clara Barton school at 7:30 P. M., rously when taxes continue to rise. Real estate owners will be sure to be there bright and' thi place, was graduated from the' Balderston, Harold J. Bailey, Wil- ear On sion Tuesday night thai during the June 33, .graduation of Oak Tree particularlP* y feel the pinch of ever-increasing taxes, and] J>' the morning of June 10. Hospi School of Ham Toth, Michael Makuch. month ofApril he issued 14 permits school; June 14. Clara Barton assert that they are carrying an unfair proportion of the: exer-'George McCabe, John Deak, Frank BARTOTFIREMEN for new buildings and alterations. graduation; June IT), Pis'catawuy- hos- Kaminski, John Simon, John Jvn- Construction figures were estimat- town school commencement; June tax burden. With a great deal of justification, they declare urday morning to help start the'pital. Miss Cyktor attended Perth'sen, Fred Christensen. Martin ed to be 512,645. 16, school term ends. that their property and well-being are jeopardized by op- boys on their way. Amboy high school, having gradu-"Gribb, Al Kutchner. John Yuhas TO PARADE HERE pressive tax levies. ated with the class of 1936. ' and Frank Matisko. Those authorities who want to soft-pedal the complaints SHOW TONIGHT CLARA BARTON.—At a meet- PISCATAWAYTOWN. — The1 ing of Raritan Engine Company of property owners, and yet continue to spend P"^|Spring Show of the sevent]l andi No. 2, Monday night in the fire- FORDS LEGION BRIEFS money as freely as ever, turn to the time-worn expedience eishtn grades of the piPiscatawayscataway_-; MRS. MARGUERITE SCHUSTER NEW house. plans were made for the of advocating new taxes, and call it "broadening the tax town school will be held tonight' annual memorial services, which Plans to attend memorial serv-Jwill attend memorial services to base." They advance the absurd proposition that increas- at 8 P. M. I will take place Memorial ices Sunday evening at the Metho- be conducted by the1 Hansen Post ing governmental expenditures are inherent in present day PRESIDENT OF KEASBEY AUXILIARY May 30, in Our Lady of Peace dist Episcopal church in Wood- at the Keasbey firehouse. Miss church. bridge were made Tuesday night Julia Dani will represent the local affairs, and cannot be avoided. The equitable way to adjust COLLECTIONS GOOD KEASBEY.—Mrs. Marguerite Schuster was elected Firemen In uniform will attend! by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Harry auxiliary on the county nominating the burden, they say, is to impose new forms of taxes on RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Tax a special mass in a body at 8 A. j Hansen Post 163. American Legion committee. collections during April totaled president of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Keasbey Protec- commodities other than real estate. tion Fire Company at a recent meeting of the unit. Mrs. A dark horse prize was won by $52,708.07, according to a report company will take part in the par-' Bartolo DiMatteo, in New Bruns- Mrs. Margaret Hoff. Announce- Such platitudes as these have always been refuted by submited to the township com- Schuster succeeds Mrs. Irene Vamos. ade of Raritan Engine Co. No. 1 wick avenue. ment was made of National Poppy the New Jersey Taxpayers' Association and other organi- mission Tuesday night by Tax Col Other officers elected were; MrsJ ; in Piscatawaytown at 11 o'clock.' Transportation for members Day, tomorrow, when poppy flow- zations that are working to presever the welfare of the tax- lector James Kirkpatrick_ . Of this Bertha Parsler, vice president;} Plans were formulated also to Steven Kurry heads the commit- will be furnished at 6:45 o'clock ers will be sold by the members •s. There is no firm foundation for the argument thati^LJ3J£«8.43 was payment on Mrs. Pauline Dunham, secretary; attend tne annUal firemen's ban- tee on arrangements. from the home of Mrs. DiMatteo. and proceeds of which will be payerr -•* - s m, , i current taxes, miss Mary Charonko, treasurer,' . , , A committee was named to\ Also, the auxiliary planned to take used for welfare and rehabilita- quet in honor of John McGraw, governmental expenditures must continue to rise, ihe cost! and Mrs. Julia Silson, sergeant-at-i study the feasibility of forming a part in the Memorial Day parade tion work. The poppies are made of government can be curtailed, and will be curtailed! TURKEYS MISSING arms. the retiring chief, at Highland junior firemen's band in the Clara to be held in Woodbridge. Mem- by the soldiers of the Menlo Park ISELIN. — John Richards of A floral committee was appoint- Grove, Saturday, May 27. Barton section. President John Du ers will assemble at 9 o'clock that Veterans' Home. when taxpayers insist that inessential serviceand sreplace and djobs, byt; Dow avenue, this place, reported ed by thhe president for Decoration It was also announced that; dies said the band would be spon- and wasteful practices be eliminated d replaced by; t?o the p morning at the president's home The next meeting will take +uo taY nnvirio- Police Monday that three jDav, consisting of Mrs. Mary Ber- members of .the unit will partici-jj sored by the company and provide sound, economical policies consistent the tax paying turkeys were stQ]en place June 13, at the home of Mrs. out of ^ Mrs. £ene vamos pate in Ahe townshib Memorial a summer pastime for the youth of for transportation. Eric Schuster, 9 Simpson place, 'yard. ability of the public. Fazekas and Rose Charonko. Day ejeercises. this district, if found satisfactory.' On Tuesday afternoon, the unit Metuchen. CAGE TWO FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1939 FORDS AND RARITAN TO1

CAX SIT AND ROCK NOW 258. 259, 2S4. 265 in Block 48S-I, NEW JERSEY BEAUTY CULTURE ACADEMY GRADUATION Hardin, Mont, — In order that 269 to 271. inclusive, 276 to 280, inclu- sive. 284 to 286, inclusive, 305 to 309, she might enjoy her well-earned inclusive. 313 to 320, inclusive. In rest, friends of Mrs. C. A. Wort, Block 425-J; Lots 321 to 325, inclusive. rORDS PERSONALITIES 340 to 356. inclusive, 3S9 to 362, inclu- Wm BY MRS. C. ALBEBT LARSON ^^ who for twenty-one years carried sive. 365 to 367. inclusive, 370 to 373. the mail over a Big Horn Valley inclusive, in Block 425-K; Lots 575 to • 18 Summit Avenue TeU P. A. 4-4412-J 579. inclusive, in Block 424-G: Lota 589, rural route, presented her with a 590. 600 to 602, inclusive, 607 to 619. rocking chair upon her retirement inclusive, in Block 424-F: Lots 631 to on May 1st. G35, 638. 639, in Block 424-E; Lots 640 The Fords Parent-Teahers' As- New Brunswick avenue. to 643, inclusive. 616 to 652. inclusive, in Block 424-H: Lot 40 in Block 425-B: sociation sponsored a successful A meeting of the Parent-Teach- LEGAL NOTICE Lot 272 in Block 425-J; Lot 1 in Block card party in school No. 14 yester- ers' Association of Our Lady of 427. on the Assessment Map of the IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Township ot Woodbridge, County of day afternoon. Peace School was held yesterday 18-1-w 2 Middlesex. A son was born recently to Mr. afternoon in the school auditorium. TO: Edith G. "Ostrander, (now known And you, Edith G. Ostrander, (now A daughter, Beverly Ann, was as Edith G. Ostrander Boal). and Wil- known as Edith R. Ostrander Boal), and Mrs. Howard Ellwinger, of liam Boa!, her husband: Edith G. are made defendant, because you are South Amboy. Mrs. Ellwinger is, born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ostrander. mow known as Edith G. the owner of, record of part of the pre- the former Miss Helen Kuchuakl mond Prodmore at the Perth Am- Ostrander Boal), and William Boal. mises hereinabove described, and you her husband, Faith Ostrander, a min- may claim an Interest therein. of 185 Cutter avenue. | boy General hospital. Mrs. Fred-: or, and Walter M. Ostrander. Jr.. a And you, William Boa!, are made more was formerly Miss Lillian minor, heirs at law and next of kin defendant, because you are the hus- A .meeting of the Ladies' Auxil-' ot Walter M. Ostrander, deceased. band of Edith G. Ostrander. (now iary to Harry Hansen Post 163, Morse of Perth Amboy. By virtue of an Order of the Court of known as Edith G. Oatrander Boal), A meeting o.f the staff of the G. Chancery of New Jersey, made on the t*ie owner of record of part of the American Legion was held Tues- day of "the date hereol\ in a cause promises hereinabove described, and G. S. paper was held Wednesday wherein the Townsiiip of Woodbridge. you mav have or may claim to have a day night at the home of the presi night in the home of Miss Ann' a municipal corporation of the State of right of rurtesy in pan of said prem- New Jersey, is complainant, and you ises. dent, Mrs. Bartola DiMatteo, in Kirsh, 279 New Brunswick avenue.' and otherg &re tn^ defendants, you are And you. Edith G. Ostrander, (now required to appear and answer the bill known as Edith G. Ostrander Boal), • of said complainant on or before the Faith Ostrander. a minor, and Walter ' 2Sth day of June, next, or the said M. Ostrander, Jr., a minor, are made bill will be taken as confessed against defendants, because you are the heirs Piscatawaytown Briets 1 you. at law and next of kin of Walter M. The said bill is tiled to absolutely Ostrander. deceased, who was an own- debar and foreclose you from all right er of record of part of the premises and equity of redemption of, in and to hereinabove described, and you may MR. AND MRS. EDWARD JEN-, Talma dge road. the premises described in certificates of have or claim to *\R\Q an interest in sen of Perth Amboy and Miss • V • • lax sales dated April 27, 1921. October part of said premises. : 11. 1923, March 4. 1931, March 1. 1932. And you, William Boal. are made de- Mildred Miller of Tottenville, MRS. WILLIAM LATHAM OF May 15. 1935 and December 10. 1935. fendant, because you are the husband S. I., were guests of Mr. andi Meeker avenue, Mrs. Herbert covering Lots 1 to 36. inclusive, in of Edith G. Ostrander. (now known Mrs. August Borwegan of Crest-j Block 425-A: Lots 37 to 39. inclusive. as Edith G. Ostrander Boal), who is Wildgoose of Easy street and 1.and 41 to 44, inclusive, in Block 425-B: ono of the heirs at law and next of kin wood avenue. [ Lots 49 to 71. inclusive. 74. 77 to SI. ofj Walter M. Oslrander, deceased, who Mrs. Wilber Lewis of Lloyd ave- f inclusive, in Block -125-C: Lota S5 to | days with her mother, Mrs. Ida Lohr, of Port Jervis, N. Y. FINAL WEEK! THE CLARA BARTON YOUNGj Republican club held a meeting MRS. R. M. PEINS, MRS. JO- in the first avenue club rooms seph Stroka, Mrs. D. L. Jen- TO MEET YOUR Monday night. nings, Mrs. John MacDonald, DECORATION DAY NEEDS . . . Mrs. A. .T. Schnebbe, Mrs. H. A. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Boerber and Mrs. J. Barrington Ranger Athletic Club was held Moss were the luncheon guests Tuesday night in the home of I of Mrs. A. Rossi,'of Perth Am- WE HAVE REDUCED OUR PRICES Dr. Edward K. Hanson on Am- boy Friday. IMR 00 boy avenue. • • * • MRS. HAZEL FENDT OF MID- ON SEASONABLE ITEMS! ARE THOUSANDS dlesex avenue and Mrs. Lillian COLONIA Stodtel of Union avenue, were TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIALS NOW! CHANGING TO THE recent Plainfield visitors. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES W. SERVEL ELECTROLUX Knauer and Mr. and Mrs. Ray- monde Rohde and Mr. and Mrs. MISS FRANCES _ McLANE OF 3,000 MEN'S SHIRTS GAS REFRIGERATOR? George Lewis, of Fairview ave- Christie street, and James Ash- nue, were guests at Merck's Em- ton, of Lincoln highway, attend- Sizes 13 H to 17 HERE'S THE ANSWER: ployes' D:iy at the Merck plant, ed the senior prom at Metuchen FOINTEO COLLARS W11IT1.; Saturday. high school Friday night. IfOLLKD COLLARS BLVK *i TAN * • • * SHORT POINTS GRAY BROADCLOTH Gil KEN MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM Wells, MADRAS WHITE ON WHITE of West street, were the guests of friends at Flushing, L. I., Sun- REX Every Shirt Guaranteed for One Year! day. AUTO BODY NOW AND NEVER AGAIN . . . DIFFERENT NOW BODIES AND FENDERS GUARANTEED VALUE $1.35 —— #"*—" STBAIfiHTENED Omaha, Neb.—In asking dis- missal of a damage suit for $5,000 COMPLETE REFINISHIXO against Philip Turek in whose au- Estimates Cheerfully Given SALE PRICE 87c tomobile she was riding when in- Including about 100 Guaranteed $1.95 Values! jured last November, the plaintiff, then Miss Phyllis Soref, explain- Tel. P. A. 4^4298 Special Men's MEN'S PAJAMAS pdthat she was now Mrs. Phillip 270 MAPLE STREET Just a line to tell you that Palm SLIP-OVER SWEATERS Guaranteed Fast Color Turek. PERTH AMBOY. N. J. AND SWEATSHIRTS Broadcloth, Lastex Belts Beach business suits have come WANT TO to town. The coolest, smartest work-a SALE PRICE 43c SALE PRICE 73c HAVE A PICNIC TIME! -day outfits we've seen this Seasoi Odds & Ends Values up to 1.49 MEN'S POLO SHIRTS ECAUSE it's the only automatic PLEASANT PALM B refrigerator with no moving MEN'S HOSIERY While they last.'—Odd styles, parts in its freezing system—hence HOME? Planned for men who put appearanj every size and color. Rayon, Lisle, Anklets, it's permanently silent; : : quickly —THEN* PUT IT IN A and comfort on an equal plane. Fancies, Whites VALUES TO §1.00 pays for itself in food economies MCE KNVIKONMKNTI BEACH . . . saves more for more years. 1,000 PAIRS ONLY SUNNYSIDE GARDENS More than a million users prefer It. You'll get a great surprise when youi Guaranteed Value 17c SALE PRICE 23c Linden, N. J. f Time to Visit SUITS note the lighter weight and the new SALE PRICE MEN'S HATS • No Moving Parts in its RAKIN AGENCY. freezing syrtMi Real Estatt- - Insurance OR 12 FOR $1.00 Including light weight fel's. 19 E. Elizabeth Aie.. Linden, N. J. \ VARADY'S GROVE shoulder smoothness—a still greater sur- Browns, Greens, Grays and • Permanent Slkncs Phone Linden 2—26:56 f Ford Ave., Fords, N. blues! Men's Bathing TRUNKS • Continued Low Operating Cost $|II.5O prise when you note the price. THE BEST $3.00 HAT 100 % Wool, Standard makes • Mori Ytars of Dependable Service in all colors. AT THIS • Savings That Pay For It FOR BETTER MADE TO ORDER SLIP COVERS Value $1.00 and op LOW PRICE $1.93 AND REUPHOLSTERING AT LOWER PRICES! SALE PRICE 63c Men's Balbriggan MEN'S SHIRTS SHIRTS & DRAWERS DUNWELL White, Best Broadcloth Best Quality—VALUE 69c White on White Madras Decorators Value 51.95 Locally owned and operated SALE PRICE 35c FRANK P. MELKON, Prop. L. BRIEGS & SONS OR 3 FOR $1.00 Our high standard for work- SALE PRICE SI, 19 manship and Quality mate- rials used is your Guarantee. TAILORS, CLOTHIERS, HABERDASHERS MEN'S POLO SHIRTS Men's Athletic Call us and be convinced! Superior quality, Shantung: and SHIRTS AND SHORTS PERTH AMBOY 91 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Cheviot Mercerized. Guaranteed fast colors, full VALUE §1.50 AND UP size—VALUE 27c DUNWELL SHOPS Open Evenings On Mon., Fri., & Sat. GAS LIGHT GO, iholstering — Slip Covers — Draperies 222 SMITH STREET, 433 AMJJ&Y AVENf E TEL. P. A. 4—2614 SALE PRICE 97c SALE PRICE 19c PERTH AMBOY, N. J. .CornerWashington Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. z PAGE THREE FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1939 Social Briefs of F ords, Keasbey, Hopelawn, RaritanTownship & Metuchen SAFETY PATROLS PLAN FORUM CLUB TO GIVE ANNUAL MAY CROWNING IS HELD AND MRS. JOSEPH STANKO ANNUAL OUTING-PICNIC 1 The' PRIZES TO GRADUATES RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Pa- CLARA BARTON.—The Forum HONORED ON 25TH ANNIVERSARY trolman Edwin C. Mineu, director I Fashion Frock Club of the Clara Barton section AT OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH of the school safety patrols, an- will make four awards to members KEASBEY.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stanko, of High-: nounced this week that the annual j Of The Week of the eight grade graduating class FORDS.—Impressive ceremonies marked the annual ! outing and picnic of the patrols of the Clara Barton school during( land avenue, were guests at a twenty-fifth wedding anni- will be held Saturday, June 10, at ^(••^••••^•••iHi the graduation exercises next! May crowning Sunday evening- in Our Lady of Peace versary celebration recently in Szebeledy's hall, Perth |Palisades Park. month. I church. The ceremonies started with a solemn procession Arjiboy. : 200 children, representing the A DREAM OF A DRfSS The club will present cash] from the west side school entrance along the church walk Joseph Gatyas was toastmaster I aly, Mrs. Julius Andrassy, Miss seven school safety patrols, will selected by awards of $2.50 to the boy and! and into the front entrance of the church. and speakers included John Kir-(Margaret Stanko, .Joseph Stanko, make the trip by bus. The annual girl making the highest scholastic The procession was led by num- Jr., Peter Keso, Frank Kalman, presentation of certificates to those KAY HUGHES rating and similar prizes to the} erous altar boys and four priests, the bridesmaids formed an arch Mrs. Alex Bor.das, John Bodo, who have servedduring the year in Popular Screen Player boy adjudged most efficient in: followed bv flower girls with with their bouquets, through Blood Tested Chicks Steve Deri, Paul Mohary, Aladar the patrols will be held, in the manual training and the girl out- Mary Ann Bance and Catherine which the crowner walked to- Ugi, Mrs. Andrew Salansku, Mrs. various school assemblies. Paris says that when one looks for standing in domestic science. j Lacko as escorts, dressed in blue wards the altar of the Blessed Vir- Chicks Hatched Daily smartness In a washable frock care Plans are also being made by Chizmar and Mrs. J. Roman, presi should be taken so the smartness ; georgette gowns. . gina, bedecked with Easter lilies, OPEN dent of St. Anne's Club. Republicans Planning will last after a few visits to the the club for a fishing tournament] Next came the church sodality of ferns and baby's breath. She was The affair was arranged by Mr. tub. This week'3 featured frock an- to be held for Boy Scout Troop 25 the Blessed Virgin led by Miss followed by the bridesmaids who aw«rs that question with a big YES. of the Clara Barton section, which EVENINGS and Mrs. Peter Molnar and Mr. Bus Ride On June 25th MiM Rughaa, In selecting the style, Helen Patrick, former president, formed a triangle about the altar AND Mr. and Mrs. Imre Gatyas. had tie fabric in mind, too, when is sponsored by the club. who wore white satin gown and in the sanctuary. Floral tributes were received PISCATAWAYTOWN. — The she obeme a spun rayon in a rich blue and gold Sodality cap. Sodal- The chorus of the crowning SUNDAYS local unit of the Young Republi- Turquoise which lends itself beauti- from St. Anne's Club of Hopelawn fully to this exquisitely styled frock. HOPELAWN ity members wore white gowns hymn was sung and the attendants Mary and Jack Heffern, of Stony cans held a special meeting at the Sixteen bewitching buttons dash and veils and carried sprays of and sodality girls raised their bou- Reliable Hatcheries, Inc, home of Miss Ann Stout on Wood- down the front and squared shoul- Point, L. I., and Margaret and Jo- dera aocentuate a slim waistline. . orchids. quets as the crowner placed a TELEPHONE N. B. 6816 seph Stanko, Jr. In addition, Mr. I ridge avenue, Wednesday evening Multl - colored, wooly embroidery THE HOPELAWN HOME AND The bridesmaids, wearing white, wreath on the head of the statue. ' with the president, Marshall Van- forms a flowery trim to the hidden 227 French Street and Mrs. Stanko were given beau- seam pockets on the bodice, with a School Association held a card summery gowns and wreaths of The cvowner knelt "before the stat- NKW BBUNSWICK. N. J. tiful gifts from their three chil- . Doren in charge. kerchief flowing from one of the party Tuesday night at thblue e blossoms, were Margaret Prah ue us the sodality sang "Mother | Plans were made and all details pookata. In addition to the Tur- At Your Feet Is Kneeling.'' The dren and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stan quolss this dress also makes up well school auditorium. Refreshments Ann Kirsh, Olga Bartok, Ethel ko and Mr, and Mrs. Steve Varga, arranged for a bus ride by the un- in a Rote or Blue. It's the kind of were served in conclusion. Seaman, Ann Voyton, Ann Zeag- principal sermon was delivered by of Stony Point. it to Atlantic City on June 25. dresa that can be worn in the spring * * * * an, Jennie Colojay and Mary Bor- a Dominican Father. "Look for ih« Esso fUgn" ;ind all through the summer. BETTER KEROSENE About 200 guests were present The postponed meeting of the ST. ANN'S ROM AN. CATHOLIC j kes. Carla and Evelyn Rittenbach. Medals for perfect attendance from town, Ford.s, Hopelawn. County Young Republican unit club of Hopelawn and Keasbey1 attired in blue satin gowns, served were presented to the following and RANGE OIL Woudbridge, Perth Amboy, Col- will be held tonight in the Mason- will hold its first annual picnic as crown bearers. Miss Rosalie Lu- members: Irene and Olga Bartok, AT NO EXTRA COST ic Building, in Highland Park. Mothers' Day Party Is I lege Point and New York. Sunday afternoon at Pfeiffer's : trias was the maid of honor and Mary Borkes, Frances Getsey, FORDS WOMAN'S Held By Junior Legion grove on Florida Grove road, 'wore a gown of Sodality blue with Rosemary Haberkorn, Helen Ko- 7 c per gal. KEASBEY starting at 1 o'clock. Music will vacs, Lillian Lund, Rosalie Lutrias, Delivered anywhere in Middlesex PARTY IS SUCCESS a wreath of white blossoms. Co. in Quantities of 25 gal. or more • be by Freddy Richman's Hi- Miss Irene Bartok served as Ann Patrick, Agatha Ratczak, The FORDS.—A card party, under MEMBERS OF THE' LADIES' CLUB ITJIPPER FORDiS.—An interesting pro- Hatters. crowner, attired in a gown of resa Shaker, Agnes and Marion W. WESTLAKE the auspices of the Fords Parent Auxiliary to the Keasbey Protec gram was given Monday night at » • * • ! double silk white net, fitted tight- Schmidt, Ann Voyton and Helen 147 FORD AVE., FORDS, N. J. Teacher Association was held tion fire company met in uni- FORDS.—A covered dish supper a Mothers' Day party tendered by A' SPECIAL MEETING WAS ly at the bodice jvith a bouffant Zorey. TELKPHONES Wednesday afternoon in the au- form. Tuesday night in the fire- marked the closing meeting of the the Junior Auxiliary to Harry Han held by the Hopelawn Demo- , skirt and inserts of rosepoint lace In conclusion, solemn benedic- PERTH AMBOY 4—3523 ditorium of School No. 14. Mrs. J. house and had their pictures ta- Fords Woman's Ciub Wednesday sen Post No. 163, American Legion cratic Club at the Village Barn at the waist and neckline. The tion was held with Rev. Joseph NEW BRUNSWICK 715 Turner headed the committee on ken. On Saturday at Irvington, evening in Thomsen's hall. for the senior group in the home Tuesday night. gown with sleeves puffed at theDonnelly oi' Iselin as celebrant, LINDEN 2-^000 arrangements. the group won first prize for Mrs. Eleanor Smink, was chair- of Mrs. B. Sunshine, in Maxwell shoulder, had a long train and her Rev. Joseph Tomko, of the Holy best appearance at the state man of arrangements. Mrs. How-avenue. ATTEND SHOW veil of tulle was held in place by Trinity church in Perth Amboy, as fireman's parade. ard Madis&n, president, who repre- Among the visiting guests were FORDS.—The Dernier Cri club a crown of blossoms. Marguerite deacon, and Rev. Joseph Vadas, * * * * sented the club at the recent At- Mrs. Catherine McCabe, county attended two theatre performances Toth as train-bearer, wore a dress assistant pastor, sub-detcon. junior chairman and junior and ST. ANN'S ROMAN CATHOLIC lantic City convention gave a short recently in New York. Attending of white satin and net. Church ushers included: Stephen Club of Keasbey and Hopelawn talk. senior chairmen of the Joyce Kil- were: Elizabeth DeSatynik, Mrs. As the procession entered the mer units of New Brunswick. Fol- Sutch, Frank LaBance, Frank Mi- FUR STORAGE will hold a picnic Sunday at Reservations are now available Rose Westlake, Maporie DeSatnyik church, Miss Elizabeth Farrington, kusi and Theodore Ratajczak. Fol- Pfeiffer's grove in Hopelawn lowing the entertainment, flowers Audrey Mai or, Ruth Williams and a member of Die Sodality, sang, 1 Any Fur Coat up to $100 for the annual dinner-dance to be and old-fashioned bouquet favors lowing the ceremonies, a reception $2. valuation. with music by Freddy Rich- held Saturday evening, June 3 at Mrs. Ann Pfister. The next meet- "Mother of Christ" which was fol- was given the crowner by the So- man's Hi-Hatters. were presented to mothers and ing will take place' at the home of lowed by several other hymns in Any Fur trimmed coat up Dana hall in Perth Amboy. Mrs. guests. Refreshments were served. dality in the school auditorium. $1. to S75 valuation. a • • a Theresa Miller is general chair- Miss Williams, in Cutter aveue. honor of the Blessed Virgin. *1.OOI!SSJclotK h roots (men'M or THE ANNUAL FIRE CHIEF'S man. Sixteen new members were in- banquet of the Protection Firej 193 SURVIVORS ducted into the Sodality by Rev. ISELIN Company will be held tomorrow NOT SO FUNNY COLONIA Albermarle, N. C.—Mrs. Ph'ronia Joseph F. Ketter, pastor, who ad- MR. AND MRS.- JAMES BURKE You can't get better, safer stor- night in the Highland Park age service at any price— Burleson, who recently died at the ministered the sodality oath. They of Correja avenue, entertained Grove. Calevico, Calif. — Answering a MISS MAUDE CRAVEN OF Fair- their niece, Miss Margaret Dono anywhere. complaint that her home was with age of 86, left 193 survivors— were: Irene Krock, Helen Krain- view avenue, sailed on Saturday eight children, 83 grandchildren, atz, Mary Sozart, Telen Kitinos, Vi hue, of Jersey City over the out lights, a trouble-shooter went for London, England, where she 1 to the .home of the cmplaining pa- more than one hundred great- vian Testa, Margaret Kovalsky. weekend. Expert Fur cleaning and remod- MISS VOELKER WEDS will visit with relatives for an grandchildren and two great-great Jeanette Chirrico, Elaine Geilling, eling at low summer prices! tron and found that some practical indefinite period. HIGHLAND PARK MAN joker had removed all the light grandchildren. Louise Melega, Mary Szechi, Irene MR. AND MRS. GEORGE MORG- Our Cold Storage * * V * Szilvasy, Anna Piasko, Anna Moz- an of Passaic, spent the weekend Call P. A. 4-134G for Bonded vaults located In V. A. bulbs. AVENEL. — Miss Leonora W. ur, Mary Laoncz, Helen Nagy and at the home of .her parents Mr. Messenger National Bank Bldj;. MRS. JOSEPH CORBETT AND Voelker daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Miss Arlene, of High- 5 Angeline Petri. and Mrs. William Handzon of Closing: out entire line of Spring Coats and Rudolph Voelker, of George street, field road, with friends from As the crowning hymn began, Correja avenue. Suits at new low1 prices. this place, and William Hawk, son Woodbridge, spent a day recent- i CASTELLO of Mr. and Mrs. William Hawk, Sr., ly at Asbury Park. oE Highland Park, were married at St. James' Roman Catholic church * • * * : PHOTO STUDIO A. GREENHOUSE, INC, Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. MR. AND MRS. OTTO FAILAU- Smith At McClellan Perth Amboy Reverend Thomas Carney per- er, of Inman avenue, who were 430 STATE STREET formed the marriage ceremony. seriously .hurt when they were COR. WASHINGTON STREET The bride's attendant was her sis- struck by an automobile last PERTH AMBOY ter, Miss Alice Voelker and she month, are slowly convalescing at Elizabeth hospital. f J ;o was given in marriage by her fath- • '^ ^ ^- ^^ er. The groom's attendant was his * • * « A Modern Studio Everybody Likes FORDS brother, Joseph and Raymond JUDGE AND MRS. ARTHUR that specializes in Voelker, brother of the bride, act- Brown, of St. George avenue, at- There's a Place for BAKERY Bread Best! ed as usher. tended the supper Sunday night GROUP PICTURES YOU'LL LIKE ITS A reception for relatives and im- given at the Hungarian Reform- OVEN FRESHNESS TOO mediate families was held at the ed church in Woodbridge. and WEDDINGS Everything in a home of the bride's parents on * * • • • George street. TRY A LOAF TODAY! I Aak 04 bow you can MRS. LAWRENCE SULT, MRS. The couple left Saturday eve- Michael Fuegner and Mrs. Hen- SPECIAL RATES ning on a motor trip to Washing- A cMh nward for MI» drMn*. KELVINATOR" W* protect you odalmt dunafl* ry Grew, visited the World's for June Brides! ton D. C, and part of Virginia. Fair on (Saturday. LARGE SIZE Upon their return they will re- •alt* In out of the larftttt tod EVERY KELVINATOR from the Thrifty Six LOAF side on Freeman street, Wood- ttronftest companlei In ttw bu«i- bridge, where they will be at home OMI; In a company with WHY SIMMER THIS SUMMER? model selling for $149.50 cash to the larger aationwlds ••rric*. BLUE RIBBON SLICED BREAD 10c to their friends after June 5. deluxe types is adequate 1 Tall bottles, FAKE MONEY COST §62,002 ADOLPH QUADT turkeys, watermelons, fish, and the dog's Topeka, Kan.—According to Ju- INSTALL AWNINGS AND FORDS BAKERY lian T. Baker, of the Secret Ser- chopped meat may be filed away in a vice, banks in the United States AND SON MRS. WOLAN, PROP. f accepted more than 7,094 counter- Hoy and Maxwell Aves. MAKE YOUR Kelvinator with the greatest of ease. Preser- 613 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. FORDS, N. J. j feit notes for a loss of more than Ford* N. J. $62,002 during 1938. vation, protection, and economy are three HOME realities which come to him who entrusts LIVABLE! his food to Kelvination. Adjustable shelves, They'll dress up your guaranteed Polarsphere freezing unit, and home, too! acid resisting finish are but a few of Kelvi- TJVEW things give you so much nator's many advantages. -*• convenience, happiness and Manufacturers of AWNINGS, WINDOW In the above picture our little Eskimo is SHADES security—all rolled into one — ALL STYLES losing his supper because he didn't store it AND ALL COLORS properly — in a Kelvinator. Don't be an a9 your telephone. It puts almost VENETIAN BLINDS ALL SIZES • Eskimo! Prices are low, terms are liberal, anyone anywhere within quick Estimates Furnished! FADEPROOF and we have a Kelvinator for your needs. and easy reach at any time and Come and see it. at little cost to you.. .You can talk KELLY AWNING, INC. 18 miles for 15c; 30 miles for 25c any CORNER OAK AND FAYETTE STREETS time in Neiv Jersey {station-to-station TEL P. A. 4-2487 PERTH AMBOY, N. J, rates). Calls of over 50 miles carry reduced rates after 7 iveek nights and Why look old when It's so easy to look young? all of Sunday, Your mirror will tell you: "My dear, you look 10 years younger. Your hair is no longer faded and mousy. Those ugly grey streaks are gone. Credit Clairol with NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE CO. adding color and brilliance and subtracting 10 years from your appearance!" Does yourmirror say the same to you? It will, if you use Clairol, the Modern* Method of Hair Coloring which shampoos, reconditions and tints—easily, quickly and without preliminary bleaching • • • giving your hair natural-looking color and lustre. See your hairdresser today or send this coupon NOW. . with Cl&SltOll

B* iur* to look for thlm mark of GENUINE Clairol on th« bottt*.

JOAN CLAIR, CLAIROl, Inc *Thc perfect 132 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. tion of rich «L fin* Send FREE booklet, advice end analyst*. • oap and delicate color tfait un't b* Name • , , ,.,, ... copied"... a bUnd. tb*t PVBLICBSERYICE only CUrol cootdas. City A-6949 •JOL" ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT THE BELL SYSTEM EXHIBIT AT THE NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON PAGE FOUR FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1939 BOY SCOUT NEWS THE BARRIER A Board of Review of Troops 51 and 52 held last Friday evening, RARITAM .TOWNSHIP showed that the following Scouts have advanced in rank; Troop 51. First Class—Charles FORDSJBEACON Fritz. Star Scouts—John Simun ADVENTURERS' CLUB and John Mascenik. Merit Badges PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY —August Weigand, bugling and -Jby— music; Charles Fritz, Personal THE BEACON PUBLISHING CO. HEADLINES FROM THE LIVES Health. Firemanship; John Simun, (Personal Health, Public Health;! With Offices at OF PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF! John Mascenik, Civics, Reading. 611 New Brunswick Avenue, Fords, N. J. Public Health; Assistant Scout- master N. Nielsen, Public Health t TELEPHONE: PERTH AMBOY 4—2123 "Horror of the Gray Spots" and Personal Health; Scoutmaster j Arthur Kreyling, Personal Health! Subscription $1.50 per year ELLO, EVERYBODY; and Public Health. H Adventure just happens to most people, but Jim Troop 52—Merit Badges: Elmer Elmer J. Vecsey Publisher and Managing Editor Burnett of East Rutherford, N. J., goes out and hunts for Aldington, Public Health, Person- his thrills. You know, I've always felt that you'll have just al Health; Harry Fedderson, Pub- Entered at the Post Office, at Fords, N. J., as second class as many adventures if you stay right at home and let them lic Health, Personal Health. mail matter en April 17, 1936. hunt you up. But Jim seems to have had pretty good suc- These awards will be presented cess with his system, too. In the last 20 years or so, Jim j at a Court of Honor session in con I junction with the Girl Scouts of had adventured in 54 countries. But the biggest scare he Frds, at N. 7 School tnight at 8 ever got in his life was that time, way back in the interior o'clock- Memorial Day Reverie of Brazil, when he ran into the Adventure of the Gray Spots. Arthur Kreyling, Scoutmaster Next week, the people of the United States, in ac- In December, 1922, Jim and his paJ Jay McKay, were and Niels Nielsen and Carl Gils-, on their way up the Amazon on an errand of vengeance. A dorf assistant scoutmasters of cordance with their annual custom, will observe Memorial } Troop 51 of Fords, were among Day to commemorate the services of the soldiers and sail- Portuguese half breed had killed McKay's father and fled. 1 those who attended the Troop ors of this nation. upstream to hide in the wilderness. Jim and Jay had a [Camping Training Course at the. hunch that they would find him in the Geral Indian coun-' 1 Schiff Reservation, the National The heroic dead will be extolled in many orations. : try, and they had started off after him. Training Center of the Boy Scouts Living patriots will fervidly proclaim their love of this _ of America, over the last weekend. country. The graves of the departed will be decorated with For two weeks they traveled up-river in a molloca, a type1 I This Troop Training Course is flowors. Thus will most Americans observe a day general- ol canoe used on the Amazon, turned south to ascend the part of the National 5 year Train-' River Purus and, after a week's paddling, picked up the murderer's ing program. ly set apart in memory of those who lost their lives for (raii from an Indian who said that a half-breed was hiding with a certain their country. The men attending the course, Geral tribe on a stream that branched off the Purus a few miles farther on. attended an indoor meeting to pre' It would be more fitting, it seems to us, if the living Voyagers Reach End of Their Trail. pare for the outdoor session and would take advantage of this day, to reaffirm their faith in; They had paddled all thai night, and dawn found them at the mouth another t be held June 17and 18 the institution of liberty. We would not do away with the ol the unnamed tributary of the Purus that the Indian had described. at Perth Amboy on April 18, when speeches or the attention paid to the graves of the depart-1 Up that little stream they went. In a couple more hours they were at William Hillcourt of the National Ihe spot to which Ihe Indian had directed them the end of their trait Staff was present snd led in the ud, but, just the same, it would probably be a more fitting They ran their boat ashore on a narrow, sandy beach, and discussion work. memorial for us to dedicate our lives to the cause of free- started ashore. Bach in the jungle they could see an Indian vil- The leaders upon arrival at the dom. lage, and a group of half a dozen natives coming forward to meet I Schiff Reservation, pitched their In many sections of the world today, the cause of lib- them. "The Geral Indians were once considered the most sav- I camp, cooked the three meals in •. age on the South American continent," says Jim, "but we ad- I patrol groups, thus learning the ' erty and the institutions of free peoples are under severe vanced boldly toward the handful before us." j establishment of a camp on the pa- attack. Throughout the world the strain is felt. Free people It was a tense situation, and Jim and Jay knew it. The Indians trol basis. are being compelled to abandon their liberty in order to might be peaceably disposed and then again they might not. And even, On Saturday evening, they were be prepared to defend themselves against aggressive Ihough they might be inclined to be peaceable, they certainly wouldn't fortunate in attending a Camporee neighbors. Regardless of their love of and desire for the ff ei any too friendly to the two white men when they learned their errand \ot the Eagle Rock Council with j headquarters in Montclair, where fru Is of liberty, they give thorn up in the face of stern s to take away the fugitive they had been sheltering. Yes—it was a 1 e situation all right—but nothing Jim or Jay had yet imagined was some 600 Scouts and leaders had a military necessity. 1 as what actually happened. big campfire and bugling contest.. On Sunday, after the men had reckless driving, Alien Scott was Tlu* said bill is filed to absolutely may have or claim to have an inter- In the United States millions of Americans take for The Indians were about twenty paces away when jim saw warned by the justice that a sec- debar and foreclose you from all right est in the lands described in said bill tfioin—ihe gray spots. The skins of every one of those Indians attended church service, some spe- and equity of redemption of, in and to granted the liberty and freedom which is theirs. They for- cial work was discussed, and also ond offense would be punished by tiie premises described in certificates of „„„„..E BLANKENHORN. were gray and blotchy and spotted—spotted with the most dread- a jail sentence. The justice was lax sales tinted January 6, 1931: De- Solicitor for and Ot Counsel, get that it is a heritage babhed in the blood of patriots. ful disease known lo the world. Leprosy! the health and safety of the cember 10. 1931. February 15. 1932 and With Complainant They glide idly through life without realizing that liberty Scouts in camp. Scott's father. April 15 1S35. covering Lots 332 and 21 Conimerw Street, Jim yelled: "Stop. McKay—stop " McKay uttered just one 330 in Block 389-E, Lot 4-11 in Block Newark, New Jersey. and freedom are blessings which must be bought by sac- word. "Lepers!" Then both of them turned and started to run 3S9-I. Lots 515 mid 517 in Block 389-L. DATED: May 9th. 1939. back to their canoe. VERY BROWN Spooncv, Wis.—While spearing Lots 67 a«d GS in Block 3SS-8, Lots 90. rifice and maintained by the vigilance of intelligent suckers in the Yellow River, Za- 92. 91 iiiul 96 in Block 388-C, Lot 1U citizens. They reached the river bank together, leaped over _i and Philadelphia.—Patrolman Char- in Block 388-D. Lots 180. 182. 199. 201, landed on the beach—right on top of a couple oT Indian boys who les Brown, noticed a rown-haired baska missed a big fish, but he 203, 205 207 in Block 38S-P. Lots 359 didn't worry about it. Instead of and 3G4 in Block 3S9-F. Lots 417. -119. LEGAL NOTICE, vv Independence, freedom and liberty are the shibbol- had circled around them to see what they could steal from the brown-eyed man, wearing a brown 423.-l25.-t27.-l2S. 431. 433. -135. -!37 and .|S9 IN CHANCERY OF NKW JKK8K1 boat. "They turned on us and fought us fiercely," says Jim, suit and brown shoes, wandering the fish, he speared a pocketbook in Block 389-H. Lot 479 in Block 3SD-K. To: Edwin Zwicrzynski and Mrs. Edwin eths which led tihe first armies of this Republic. In recent "no doubt resenting our catching them at it. They scratched containing $8. Lots 51G, 518, 520, 522, 524. G2G and Z j his wile, Albert Muller years, the ideal of peace has encouraged American sold- aimlessly on the streets. Investi- 528 in Block 389-L. Lota 540. 542 and and Mrs. Albert Muller, his wife, the and bit and kicked us before, finally we heaved them bodily out gating, the man said his name was 5-14 in Block 389-M. Lots 100 and 102 in respective unknown holm. devisees iers. Consequently, H might be well for those of us who onto the sand and pushed our molloca info the river amid a bed- Block 3SS-C. Lota 333. 33-1 and 335 in Brown—Charles Brown, and his LEGAL NOTICE Block 389-E. and Lots 392 and 394 in and personal representatives at Ed- live today to revere the memory of dead soldiers and sail- lam of shouts from the advancing Indians. address was 2134 Brown street. 124-150 Block 389-G, and Lot 421 in Block 389-11 win Zwieiv.ynski und Albert Muller. IN CHANCERY OF NKW JERSEY on the Assessment Map of the Town- and their or any of their heirs, de- ors by living in peace, as they died in war, for the advance- Fear of Leprosy Haunts the Two Men. This proved incorrect, however, TO: Near City Realty Organization, ship of Woodbridge. County of Middle- visees, executors, administrators, Inc., u. Now Yoi-k corporation, Jen- sex. pranteos, assigns or sueoesors in ment throughout the world of independence, freedom, "For the moment we had just one single thought in our minds—to and the man was taken to a hos- nie Levine, Max Striker and Rose right, title or Interest: pital where it was found he was Striker, his wife, Elsie Heller and And you. Max Striker, Rose Striker. By vimie of un Order ol the Court 1 berty and peace. get away from the immediate neighborhood. It wasn't until after a quar- Mr. Heller, her husband, Charley W. Elate Heller und Charles W. Guskell (./ Chancei-y ot New Jersey, JHUUV on ter of. Ln hour of hard paddling, when we were a mile away down stream, suffering from amnesia. Gadkell and Mrs. Charles W. Gas- are made defendants because you are the ilntc of. date hereof, mil cause kell. his wife, the respective unknown i the owners of record of part of the wherein this Township of Wood bridge. thai we realized, with a strange, sinking sensation in the pits ol our heirs, devisees aiicl personal repres- 1 premises hereinabove described and a municipal corporation of the blate ol Most any individual is a good citizen when dividends' stomachs that we had handled the leprous wretches—that they had bitten PXJRSE-SNATCHER ASHAMED entatives of Jennie Levine. Elsie you have or may claim to *iave an in- Now Jersey is complainant, anil you Heller and Charles W. Gaskell. and terest therein. und others are (lie deflej.dents, you are j•.]•(.' beintf paid. and scratched us." Salt Lake City, Utah.—Several their or any of their heirs, devisees, iviiuli-eti to appeal' and answer me bill Jim says that worrying about their exposure to leprosy was hours after h*r purse had been executors, administrators, grantees, And you Mr. Heller are made ik- uf -said fuiiipliiinanl on or before the snatched, while she was shopping, assigns or successors in right, title or ' feiidant because you are the hiisburid 17th day of July, next, or the suld bill Onu accident will often end u worthy life; you might bad enough, but the real horror of the business didn't hit them interest; of Elsie Heller, on« of\ the above named will be taken as confessed against you.. until a week later. Then, tiny, round gray spots began to appear Mrs. Richard Inkelas answered By virtue of an Order of the Court owners of record, of the premises The said bill is filed to absolutely de- as well be careful. on his and Jay McKay's wrists and urms. "The shock," says her doorbell. A shabby bov gave of Chancery of New Jersey, made on hereinabove described and you have or bar and (oreclij'se you from^U right the d;iv of the date hereof, in ]• may to have an interest above named owtiera of rvcortl. und that hateful, wasting malady of which those spots were the first awful therein: and also because you appear across the Canadia order an-d become the guests of the lo be an Owner of record uf part of you have or may clai1 m to have In- symptom. the premises hereinabove described > choate right of clowei in l*ie premises United States. This is as it should be. reason of a certain deed dated Decem- he i-e in above described. ber 7. 192G, recorded in the Middlesex And you, the respective unknown There was a time when an announcement that the Horror Grows Worse as Time Passes. County Clerk's Office in Book 871 or heirs7 devisees and personal represen- K ng and Queen would visit the former colonies would "The ghastly horror," says Jim, "grew on us day by day. We pad- Deeds, page 577. and you have or may tatives of Edwin ZwierisynBkl and Al- claim to have ui> interest therein. bert Muller, and your or tiny ot your have been the occasion for lurid outbursts of fervid oratory! dled; along mechanically, tike a couple of automatons, wishing to heaven And you, Jennie Levine are made de- heirs, devisees, executors, administra- we'd die—trying to get up Ihe courage to end our mental agony. As we fendant because you are the holder of tors, grantees, assigns or successors in on the part of some of the people in this country. Fortun- paddled, we prayed. We knew that no prayer could cure us, but I believe a certain mortgage covering part of the right, title, or interest are made par- premises hereinabove described, and tics defendant because you may claim ately, that day has passed and the visit of the sovereigns today that they saved us from a worse death—madness!" you ^iaye or may claim to have an in- an interest In the lands described In brings wilih it nothing but the best wishes of the people of, And then, one day as they were rounding a turn near the mouth ol terest therein. said bill lit complaint. And you, the respective uuknowt RUGENE BLANKENHORN, th s democracy, who begin to understand the way the' the Maderia river, they came upon another white man—a doctor from heirs, devisees and personal represent- Solicitor for and Of the English hospital at Porto Velho. and Jim says that if there ever was atives of Jennie Levine. Elsie Heller Counsel, with Complain- royal establishment works in England. a messenger from heaven come in answer to a prayer, Doctor King was and Charles W. Caskell, and your or ant. I 'any of your heirs, deviates, executors, 24 Commerce Street, that messenger. There in the jungle he gave them a brief examination, I administrators, grantees, assigns or Newark, New Jersey. and then he told them the news. successors in right, title or interest are Dated: May 16th. 1939. Ananias must have been an enthusiastic fisherman made parties defendant because you and a regular golfer. "Boys," he said, "I know you've been suffering the tortures ol P. B.—5:2G; C: 2, 9, 1G. the damned, but you tan stop worrying. Your cases are a rare * * * form of false leprosy—a disease that looks a lo! like ihe real The general welfare is about to be lost in the scuffle thing, but which a good rest and a little medical attention will for private advantages. take care of. It won't be long before you're as fit as ever." 1 That ended those two lads' mission of vengeance. They never did catch the killer. But Jim hopes that il Jay McKay is in this country The Uses of Science he reads this yarn. After all these yeurs. he'd like to see him again. The scientists of the world have made amazing ad- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Among the citations which com- vances in the past few decades. There is scarcely a Held SCIENTIST prise the Lesson-Sermon is the cf endeavor in which their labor has not produced aston- following from the Bible: "I would ishing results. "ANCIENT AND MODERN NE- seek unto God. and unto God wuld Science, in truth, has out-stepped human beings. We cromancy, Alias Mesmerism and I commit my cause; Which doeth Hypnotism Denounced" is the sub- great things and unsearchable; have not yet begun to appropriate the discoveries to the ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all marvellous things without num- full souse of men and women. This is the present task and Churches of Christ. (Scientist, on ber:" (Job 5: 8, 9). it must be accomplished. Sundi\v. May 28. The Lesson-Sermon also in- There is little use in knowing, for example, that there. The Golden Text is: "Mind hand cludes the following passage from is a way to better health and sounder l'fe unless the shall be upon the prophets that the Christian Science textbook, see vanity and that divine lies: . . "Science and Health with Key to knowledge rebounds to the use of the men and women nnd ye shall know that I am the the Scriptures" by Mary Baker who make up the human race. There is no value in a dis- Lord God." (EzekieJ 13: 9). "In a world of sin and sensuality covery that cannot serve mankind because of economic ob- hastening to a greater develop- stacles or other impediments that prevents it complete ment of power, it is wise earnestly utilization. FASHION NOTES to consider whether it is the hu- man mind or the divine Mind uiiich is influencing one. Science Bigger and better bows this sea- p EILEEN CROFTS Of van. Her favorite sports ara swim* People are afraid of what they do not understand. only can explain the incredible X Leeds, England, Is the lucky mlng and golf. son if 's four-inch good and evil elements now com- ribbon perched atop her curls is any girl who won Grand Prize among Asked what she thought of Amer- ing to the surface. Mortals must thousands of contestants in a recent ican women, Miss Leeda showed Nobody is too old to learn, but many of us are too lazy criterion. The young actress wears none of the typical British reserve. the hair ornament, its waist-length find refuge in Truth in order to Tange© Lipstick Contest covering to study. escape the error of these latter tbe British Isles. This entitled her "I think they're simply lovely!" sht streamers floating out behind, with said enthusiastically, "and, Ilka our shepherd-checked evening gown of days" (pp. 82. 83). to a month's Tree trip to New York own women at home, they've cer- The o!e swinimin' hole will soon bo the scene of con- black and white taffeta. The actress and the World's Fair, plus a cash tainly realized that men do not like SUMMER siderable activity. who will again be seen as Mickey bonus of approximately ?2,Q00.00. us to have that painted look. Rooney's sweetheart in "Andy Landing In New York and being Women today have to look naturally 1 Telephone 4-0075 Yesterday :s gone and tomorrow has not arrived; so Hardy Gets Spring Fever," lines Interviewed by ship news reporters. beautiful, and shouldn't use so FDRMALS her black corded evening wrap in Miss Crofts" said that she was a much garish, greasy lipstick. Per- why not live today? "cinema manageress" in her home sonally, I'm In faror of the make-up KSEIGraduation dances, wedding festiv- the checked taffeta of the dress. town, so of course had Hollywood that blends with one's own color- ities, week-end dances ... all the ambitions. Her favorite stars are Very often the man who speeds to save a little timo will ing, and I can see it'» • popular summer fun events . . . begin this Motoring to Santa Barbara for Bpencer Tracy and Margaret Sulla- fashion here", too." month! You'll enjoy them more if take a little life. . • the week-end, Una MerkeJ wears a Thos. F. Burke • • • • • i mohair and zephyr cardigan in you look the part... and that means 1 •white and floral hues. Worn over a — Funeral Directors — LA GRACE hair care! War can be avoided whenever all leading nations de- pastel pink skirt the jacket buttons sire to avoid conflict, in flat wooden discs. A detachable DR. LEO STESKOVITZ FOR APPOINTMENTS, PHONE WOOD. 8-2394 hood in matching material may be * * * • •worn with it. 366 STATE STREET Surgeon Chiropodist Styles might improve if designers were compelled to PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Unusual color combination is used *** wear their creations. by Dolly Tree for Ruth Hussey's W ANNOUNCES * * * afternoon suit. In sheer wool, the Joseph V. Costello, Ugr. dressmaker jacket and flared skirt THE REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICE TO La Grace Beauty Shop There is, and there will be, only one answer to force. are of wood violet with the jacket * • * * revers in-flame red matching the # 175 SMITH ST. ROOM 210 97 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Intelligence Test: Reading a sensible book without standing feather lacquered in the There U no Perth Amboy, N. J. Tel. P. A. 4-1344 (CHRISTENSEN BUILDING) flame. Blue accessories complete For Barke Serrlce going to sleep. the ensemble. Some men take their work incidentally. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1939 PAGE FIVE Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment

Trevor and John Wayne in the AT THE RAHWAY THEATRE Husbands—young husbands, es- IT TAKES A SMART GUY TO BE A starring roles. Miss Trevor, ap- pecially—are always certain that At the Movies pearing as Dallas, a girl with a they can run a home more efficient DUMB CLUCK ON THE SCREEN shady reputation who has been ly than can their wives; and wives Nat Pendleton has been proving To regain failing health he was a FORUM THEATRE, Metuchen. tery series. Here's a bargain bill driven from Tonto by a self-right- —modern young wives, especially It for several years. Without con- member of the secret service, chased Charles Boyer and Irene Dunne, for the drama fans. eous group of women, and Wayne, —are convinced that they can if tradiction, he has the reputation of bandits and dashed often with them. two of screendom's most talented Friday and Saturday, June 2 andimpersonating Kid Ringo, anoth- necessary, take over their hus- being one of the dumbest-looking As a wrestler, he won the world's stars, offer a jaded movie-going 3, lovable Wallace Beery brings to er social outcast, are passengers on bands* jobs." characters in motidn pictures. He is amateur heavyweight champion- public new attainments in emo-the Forum screen, one of his ut- this coach. Among the others in the seldom seen in anything but roles ship at the Amsterdam Olympio tional acting this coming Sunday, most unusual and yet greatest por- motley group are a gambler of j "East Side of Heaven" of blissful ignorance. When he is Games. Monday and Tuesday in a galaj trayals, "Sergenat Madden." As an Imysteriou s origins a Scotish doc- A pleasing story beginning with not the brain-befuddled gangster, He was auditor for the Standard holiday week-end program at the, Irish cop in the big city Beery adds Bing Crosby chanting holiday he usually is the dumbest cop on the Oil Company in Portugal, and later ! tor, a timid whiskey drummer, a Forum theater. Boyer, long con- new laurels to his long list of tri- high-born lady about to have a ba- greetings over the telephone for force or a punch-drunk pug. That organized his own business in im- sidered one of the continent's umphs. Here's entertainment va- by, a pompous banker who has ab- the Postal Union Telegraph. also goes for his greatest role as the porting and exporting" for four greatest performers, finds a troup- lue for the whole family to enjoy. sconded with his bank's funds, the Joan Blondell, as Bing's roman- world's strongest man, in which he years in Europe. er of equal caliber in the charm- —The Man About Forum. stagecoach drivers. tic fancy and Mischa Auer, as his was constantly in a mental fog. He was purchasing- agent for the ing yet clever Miss Dunne and the The journey of the coach begins room-mae, are nicely cast. Sandy, He is still featuring illiteracy in United States Government in Spain. combination, according to critics, the 11-months-old actor, is cast as screen roles. He is now an illiterate He was supervisor of distribution proves irresistable. As added at- FORDS PLAYHOUSE. Fords. at Tonto, Arizona, with Lordsburg, convict, but a bad one who almost for the Genera] Motors Export Com- Two big features are on the pro-in New Mexico, its destination. C. Aubrey Smith's grandchild, tractions manager Forgione is of- while Robert Kent is the son. kills Walter Pidgeon and Rita John- pany in New York, fering a silly symphony "Merba- gram for the Memorial Day week- The Lordsurg set was erected in- son in an exciting prison break, in He organized a. motion picture side a stage in order to otain un- Irene Hervey is Sandy's mother. bies" and the release of the, end^ , Sunday, Monday and Tues- 1 Metro -Gold wyn-M ay er's "0000 En- company, True Stories Films, M 2g 2g d 3Q Th usual lighting effects for the tense There is an amusing scene where emies." "March of Time." Bing has to hide the child after served as its vice president and Victor McLaglen„_ , Academy j Errol Flynn in "Dodge City" and scenes having their climax at the But is Nat Pendleton as dumb as general manager, and Lionel Barry- end of the fateful stage journey. he has been kidnapped from the -more was one of his stars. prize w'inner'of a "former year, is James Lucille and Russell Glea- grandfather by the mother. he looks? Let's look at his record off featured on Wednesday and Thurs, son in My Wife s Relatives, the screen. Hm-m-m. Here it is . . . He has written successful screen day next in "Pacific Liner" with, The jewel racket wil ble expos- • • • • He graduated from Columbia plays. Warren William starred in the co-,ed in "Society Smugglers" with A LINE ON "Lucky Night" University with a mining engineer's He is a rabid student of econom- feature "Lone Wolf Spy Hunt," Preston Foster and Irene Hervey The story of two people who degree after passing through Engle- ics and he speaks four Unijrtmges fu HOLLYWOOD meet unexpectedly in a park and wood High School in New Jersey lf on Wednesday and Thursday, May like a native — English, French, the newest in the Lone Wolf mys- 31 and June 1. The co-feature will j after knowing each other for and Polytechnic Preparatory School Spanish and Portuguese. be "Sudden Money" with Charlie EJeanor PowcJ] receiving a thank- twelve hours, get married. in Brooklyn. He is a former chess champion ... &' Ruggles. you letter signed by more than a Robert Taylor and Myrna Loy During college vacations he was And if that be dumbness, Utopia On Friday and Saturday, June 2 thousand children after an im- play the leads and Henry O'Neill a customer's man in Wall Street. is populated exclusively by morons. ynd 3. the program will consist of promptu dance recital given when is Myrna's father. Richard Dix in "Twelve Crowded her train stopped at La Junta, Col- * * * * orado, en route to Chicago . . . SI UP ON BANDITS free the foot of Eileen Billet, 3, Hours" and Hugh Herbert in "The "King: of the Turf which had become stuck in a drain Family Next Door." receiving expert The story of a racing magnate Kansas City. Mo.—A couple of attractions "aching from Al Jolson for his Claire Trevor and John Wayne are romanlicall teamed iq Walter confidence men grabbed the wallet ing, ;i policeman UMS summoned. Among the coming who gets down in the gutter and, He poured soapy water into the black face appearance in "Babes In - Wanger'* "Stagecoach," m drama of frontier days, then makes a come-back. He ando!f John Edward Osolin, 21, of Bos- are: "The Hardy s Ride High," ton and then jumped into a cab.pipe and the foot slid out easily. "Midnight" with Claudette Col- Arms" Judy Garland back in his jockey, who really turns out tol Hollywood after a successful per- Another spectacplar set was erect-"and mother. Cecelia Parker por- Osolin jumped right in.with them. ert; "Dark Victory" with Bette be his son, buy a horse for twoj During the fight which ensued one Davis; "Rose of Washington sonal appearance tour in the East ed for the scene showing the fran-i trays the young daughter, Sara dollars and the horse develops into HEAVY STONE CRUSHES ROOF . . . Norma Shearer wearing an at- of the men escaped, but the other, Square," with Alice Faye and Ty- tic dash of the stagecoach when Haden is Aunt Milly and Annja champion. _ taken to a police station, liad $31 rone Power; "Confessions of u tractive short bob for her role in Apache war signals are seen in Rutherford again is Polly Benedist[ When Menjou discovers the re- Maiden, Mass.—Police are won- "The Women" . . . Rosalind Russell on him which police gave to Oso-dering who it was who threw a Nazi Spy" with Edward G. Robin- the nearby hills. the Carvel sweetheart of Mickey, lationship between himself and, lin, Later, just as his bus was son; "Man of Conquest" with introducing something new to fash- All the thrills ol warfare, ro- the boy, he sacrifices his position ten-pound stone which crashed , ion-minded women in a bodice using in order to disillusion his son andabout to leave the city, police also through the roof of (.lie home of Richard Dix. REGEXT THEATRE, Elizabeth. [ mance and international intrigue huge, exotic eyes with curled metal on the Eastern Front in the crucial make him go back to school. Do- raced up and gave him $20 they Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gaffney lashes as a trim . . . Joan Crawford Sixth of the series in two years lores Costello plays the mother had found on the cab's rear seat. while Mrs. Gaffney and her three RAHWAY THEATRE, Railway. "The Hardys Ride High" latest campaign ol 1916 fill the plot of visiting the lot in a chic navy silk "Hotel Imperial" Paramount's ex- who is happily remarried to Wal-Osolin found he was $1 to the good children were nt lunch. The mis- Across a vast panorama of prim eports frock accented by touches of exploit of the popular screen fam- ter Abel. having originally had $50. sile was was too heavy to have ily, comes to the Regent Theatre. citing new war picture, which at itive splendor, several thousand scarlet . . . Johnny Weissmuller its local opening at the Regent • • • • been hrown by human hand from feet above sea level under a burn- renting his Brentwood home for the The familiar Hardy family cast Theatre, introduced to local film- INGENIOUS COP the ground; there was no blasting ing sun, a solitary stagecoach caiy continues with as the "Union Pacific" summer months Freddie Bar- goers Isa Miranda, the studio's A story of the building of the and no high buildings in the vicin- cens and rocks behind six gallop- tholomew gloating over a grown-up Judge, Mickey Rooney as his son,new information from abroad. Philadelphia. — After neighbvs ity and no reports of an airplane ing horses. Every mile brings the Union Pacific Railroad. Joel Mc- Mr. applied before his name by a Andy, and as the wife Co-starring with handsome Ray worked vainly for 20 minutes to passing over the house at the time. coach and its odd assortment of doorman at a Westwood theatre ... Crea plays the part of the man passengers closer to a waiting Little Janice Chambers almost Milland, Miranda makes her bowwho sees that the railroad is fin- band of murderous Apaches, led matching her weight in a halibut PRODUCTION NEWS in a grand-scale romance set ished on time, despite the nefari- against the dramatic background ous schemes of a banker and his by Geronimo, fiercest of them all. she snagged while fishing off a live- Me tro-Goldwyii-Mayer aiu bait boat at a local beach . . . Vir- of a clash between nations on a henchmen, played by Brian Don- ICE FOLLIES of 1939' This i? the tense and thrilling that it has-purchased the screen battlefield of central Europe. Mir- DINE--OANGE background of Walter Wanger's ginia Grey entertaining with a sur- rights to Erich Maria Remarque's levy. Barbara Stanwyck is good as tlarnag withwrn prise luncheon honoring- her sister anda will be seen as a young beau- the daughter of an Irish engineer. "Stagecoach" a frontier drama of novel, "Heroes," which wil] soon be ty who sets out to murder the Joan CRAWFORD • James STEWART the 188O\s when Indians still roam- Pauline's birthday . . , ^Dennis published in serial and book form Robert Preston is also well cast as HW Kim • LEWIS STOHE • M-Q-M STARS O'Keefe on the lookout for a new man who has betrayed her sister Joel's Civil War pal, who is in the SHORTY'S CLUB CAFE ed the sagebrush, which opens at . . . Rights have also been acquired and falls in love with the very MEET THE amateur boxer to sponsor. His for- to the story, "Willow Walk," by enemy's camp. — TOIIAV AND SATJJRIMY ~ the Rahway Theatre, with Claire Sinclair Lewis. Originally published man she has made up her mind to Akim Tamiroff, as a mule driv- mer champion, Tommy Garland, hate. turned professional ... Nat Pendle- in the Saturday Evening Post, the er and Lynn Overmann, as a to- Music By story was reprinted in a recent bacco chewing hand, furnish the TWO EGENT NOW ton back at Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer ERROL FLYMN studios after a week's vacation at Doubleday ''oran volume entitled comedy. WALLY LLIZABETH Palm Springs . . . Frank Morgan "Selected Snort Stories of Sinclair RITZ THEATRE, Elizabeth. FLOOR autographing the hood of a fan's Lewis." Without doubt one of the most Long Beach, Calif.—It isn't often ROMAN mitKEV ROOHEV automobile with a piece of«fereen daring films to see light in the last that a survivor of a wreck has a decade is the latest presentation And His SHOWS DODCE .'.C.. LEW-l? STONE«N« chalk , . . Lionel Barry more still The following cast additions have chance to see pictures of the crash M thrilled over the gigantic birthday at the Ritz Theatre by Warner that nearly cost him his life. How PARSER • HOLDEN • RUTHEFTFORD been made on various productions Bros., who are, it may be said, ORCHESTRA NIGHTLY given in his honor on the lot, with at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Cul- ever, this was the experience of all of the stars and executives in leaders in every -sense of the word, city ver City studios . . . Henry Hull, when it comes to cinematic innova R. O. Peters, 42, who recently went attendance . . . Little Virginia Lee Bowman and Vh'ginia Grey t to a movie house and relived the Weidler practicing on her horse- tions.' An opening audience sat — Dancing Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday — ASSOCIATE FEATURE have been added to the cast of airplane crash which cost the life DeHAVItLAND manship at her San Fernando Val- "Miracles for Sale," which will go through one of the most shocking, of Vernon Castle on February 15, ELIZABETH'S FINEST SPOT ANN SHERIDAN ley ranch . . . Virginia Bruce train- into production soon with Tod most absorbing motion pictures 1918 and seriously injured a stu- HOTEL ing her St. Bernard, Beauty, to Browning as director . . . Guy Kib- ever put on celluloid—I refer to NEVER A COVER OR MINIMUM CHARGE — PLUS — tread lightly across the flower bed* dent companion. The student was "Tlit" Ailvt'iiliiiVH of Jiuu' Anlfii" bee will play the part of Judge "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" a pho- Peters. UK((l'i:ST SAT. NIlillT IMPERIAL . . . Fay Holden entertaining with a Blake in "Babes in Arms" . . . toplay starring Edward G. Robin- 739 BRUNSWICK AVE. ELIZABETH. N. J. Cardie Komlnml birthday party for her screer Kenny Baker will have the romantic son, with Francis Lederer, Paul[ "NO MORE ORCHIDS" daughter in the Hardy series, Ce lead in "A Day At The Circus," new Lukas and Lya Lys. cilia Parker . . . Lewis Stone plan- starring vehicle for the Marx Interviewed during production ning on a sea vacation as soon as hi? Brothers which is soon to go before of "Blondie Meets the Boss" cur- FORDS current film assignment is complete the cameras . . . Robert Young will . . . .lur.ios Stewart havini; drdifncult rent Columbia attraction at the You Are Cordially Invited To Attend The have the role of the young com- Ritz Theatre, Penny (Blondie) r.'f time milking his knee-, i'.t under the mander in "," which cou/utr at tljf SI-GO/1 coJTue shop. Singleton and Arthur (Dagwood) PLAYHOUSE wiU star Wallace Beery, and will Lake could find nothing to laugh be directed by George Seitz. FORDS. NEW JERSEY ST. JAMES' at in the situations created by the; Sun. Mon. Tues. May. 28-29-30 film, which calls for blondie tol Spencer Tracy arrived in New take Dagwood's place in the office 2 - Big Features - 2 WEEKLY GAME SOCIAL York last week on the S.S. Wash- and for Dagwood to manage the Errol Flynn ington after a three-week vacation Bumstead home. "We know it's a "DODGE CITY" in London and Paris. He left im- comedy" Miss Singleton declared, also mediately for California where he "but it also is a picturization of a THE HIGGItfS FAMILY will start production at the Metrr- rather familiar family argument. Goldwyn-Mayer studios on "North- "MY WIFE'S west Passage," in which he will be FAMILY" EVERY MONDAY NIGHT co-starred with Robert Taylor . . . WKI). J. T1H1RS. May HI & June 1 AT 8:15 P. M. Lew Ayres and Terry Kilburn have 'SOCIETY SMUGGLERS' signed new long-term contracts at with the Metro-AGoUlwyn-Mayer studios. rrcston Foster 4: Irene Hervey Ayros is currently appearing in al3i> JACK POT, $70.00 "Sudden Money" 10-20 GAME, $60.00 ON THE LAPBOARD "Calling Dr. Kildare," and Terry Kilburn's latest part is in "Good- New Jersey's Most FREE.'—Silk Stockings DOOR PRIZE, $20.00 State bye, Mr. Chips/' starring Robert Rendeivoui. for Ladies! Don at. Presenting Every Evening FRI. £ SAT. June 2 unil :'- WOODBRIDGE CARLOS KAUAI Kicliard Dix TONIGHT & TOMORROW and the "TWELVE'CROWDED Hawaiian Islands Ensemble HOURS" ... Clairol is to the hair! ST. JAMES'*AUDITORIUM FORUM THEATRE! —with— alsa o Shirley Temple, Hugh Amboy Avenue METUCHKN, N. J. LE1A And your hair is most important of all! For it's your HONOLULU NIGHTINGALE "The Family Next Door" • hair that makes or mars your looks. Let*s look at your ,3un.. Mon., Tues., May 28. 29. 30, • BLUB Minnon TRIO SATURDAY — Episode No. 13 $250.00 IN PRIZES! • « MALB VOCALISTS "The T^me Ranger Rides Again" hair now. Is it drab?—overbleached?—streaked?— 5 ADMISSION.-40 CENTS ['The Little Princess "LOVE AFFAIR ' • IIKKMAR Friday Night— flecked with grey? Certainly you know that Clairol's 27A 5Crystal CLINTO GazeNr AVE.or Har, NEWARe Abmty.K with Play Jingo! Modern* Method will correct these defects as noth- t. Charles Boyer. Irene Dunne BI-2-9521 ing else can . . . shampooing, reconditioning and Road Demon Silly symphony—"Merbabies" Henry Arthur-Joan Valerie 'March of Time—Latest Release^ TINTING in one triple-action treatment without Cartoon—News Events fiWed. & Thurs., May 31, June l preliminary bleaching . . . adding natural-looking OUR LADY OF PEACE SUN. MON. TUES. BIG SENSATION color and glamorous highlights . . . making a more May 28, 29, 30 "PACIFIC LINER" with youthful YOU. See your hairdresser or send this WEEKLY GAME SOCIAL Alice Faye - Constance Benneti Victor McLaglen coupon NOW. Nancy Kelly also VARADTS INN 'LONE WOLF SPY HUNT' FORD AVENUE FORDS. N, J, EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT with Naturally... with " Warren William T. KONDOR MARISKA, Hungarian Songstress AT 8:15 P. M. "TAILSPIN STEPHEN TOTH, Comedian Monday & Tuesday Latest News Events — • — DISH NIGHT Fri. and Sat., June 2 and 3 PROFIT SHARING PURSE, $S5.00 BELA BAB AY, GYPSY LEADER C1MBO1 DOOR PRIZE, $5.00 THURS. FRI. & SAT. i I June 1, 2, 3 j "SERGEANT MADDEN" and his Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra from Budapest One FREE GAME (for those present at 8:15), $5.00 with fl« tun to look for this m*rk of Wallace Beery FEATURING FRANK ORPASI, Gypsy Symbolist GENUINE C/./rof on tft* btth, OUR LADY OF PEACE SPECIAI 5 PRIZES • "ICE FOLLIES OF 1939'^ r Starring 1 Comedy—"ClockwiseJ' Musical—"Readin'. Ritin1 DIRECT FROM BUDAPEST, HUNGARY • Th« perfect combination of rich oQ, fina ion and deltcita color r Joan Crawford, James StewarH •*-/ that can't b« copied ...» blend th« only CUlrol contain*. Lew Ayres and Lewis Stone 1 Rhythm" $225 IN GASH & MERCHANDISE J Latest News Events Try Oar Chicken Paprikas and Other ALL HIGH GRADE PRIZES Hungarian Dishes JOAN CLAIK, ClAIROL, lot V . Q 132 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. Jack's Hollywood Inn Send FREE booklet, advice and aoalyib. OUR LADY OF PEACE AUDITORIUM 367 STATE ST., PEKTH AMBOY DINE AND DANCE Nune, Featuring Dianne, Singer, Amboy Avenue, Fords and A. Y. Nelson and His at Marquis of Rhythm Orch. C3ly ADMISSION 25 CENTS TOM BOLGER AT YOUR -..State- SERVICE Amateur Nife Every Wednesday VARADY'S INN CASH FRIZES My Beautician PAGE SIX FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1939 FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON




THE GOOFUS FAMILY By H. T. Elmo * 5-foCK UP <2LcrfHE£- IT sa : Sucre -THAT .HE \A^S INi TIMES IT V.

f.i.m iTn:r:n-Fon-r,».L twxrfi?*

shall be received. ANSWERS TO OUR atory. Upon acceptance uf the minimum bid. PUZZLE CORNER ..\nn,lrin «™. . ' i ii Upon acceptance uf tlie minim GOOFYGRAPH: star, umbrella, id above minimum by the "A" OMJKCTS: apartment, arm, huirpin, lorgnette, watch, furpiece.Uhi 0P pb Committee and the payment I'.iere- anchor, , six lingere,.• dj glovei , stoc, k, lufmanne by r thofe purchaspurchasee r inaccordin accordancg el owit thh* apparel, nviator, airplane, abode, at anchoings, rinr gsi oxn lingere glovedd lingerglove. stock- matermnnes r oof r salpurchase one filein ,accordanc the Townshie witipi lie, ankle, animal, ashes, apple. will deliver a bargain and sale deed for said premises. J ANNA-GRAMM: eggs, coffee, B. J. DUNIGAN. muffins, fruit. LEGAL NOTICE Township Clerk. DATED: May IGfli, 1113!). ARTISTIC ARTIE: self explan- Refer To: W-239; Deed To be advertised May 2Gth and June Kpwirdfd: Book 1145; Pago -199.. 2nd, 1339. in the Fords Beacon. NOTICK OF PUBLIC SALK 1O WllOJl IT MAl' COi\CKRN; USED OVER AL a regular meclh'.K uf the Town- .•ilup Cummiitue of the Township ol LEGAL NOTICE 80 YEARS Wood I) ridge hi-ld Monday. May 15th. Refer To: W-liM; Docket 131-:?2.1 I!i39, L wait directed to advertise the Recorded: Hook 1137; Page 'Hi. REG'LAR FELLERS Jimmie Wants Quantity, Not Quality. uivl vial on Monday evening. June NOTICK OF PUBLIC SALK By GENE BYRNES TO FIGHT 51 h. 1939, the Township Committee TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: will nifL-t at 7:00 1J. W. lEST) in t^e At a regular meeting of the Town- Y SEE lAimmiltei; Chambers. Momorhil Muni- ship Committee of the Towr.ship of OR "TttESEX - ss y IT'S COTTA COLDS ripai LJuilding, Woodbridge, New Jer- Woodbridge ht;ld Monday, May 15th, 1 WANT JELLY FILLED \ ,;£ " 8E 9UMPIN A6O0T sey, and uxpose and anil al public salt; 1939, I was directed to advertise the \JANtLLA and lo the highest bidder according to THREE FORA Tact fiat nn Monday .•veiling. June FIFTKN CAKES'. FIVJE terms ol .sale on file with the Town- 5th. 1939. the Township Committee CEN.TS \ CESSTS ALSO! ship Clerk open to inspection and l-j will meet at 7 P. M. (EST) in the COOKIES publicly read prior tu sale, Lot Commilteo Chambers. Memorial Muni- HOW A6O0T 273-A in Block 175-G. Woodbrirtge cipal Building, Woodbridge, ,\'cw j,-,- OOMUUF* p Assessment Slap. sey. and expose and ?ell at public THEM? Tulto further notice that the Town sale and to the highest bidder accord- sliip ConimitleP. has, by reaolu'iui ine to terms cif sale on file with I'AV and pursuant to law, fixed a tiiiiiuiiun Township Clerk oprn to inspection and prii'i* at which said lot in said bloc! to be publicly r»ad prior to sale, Lots will be sold together with all 3S|-3S5 in Block 7-0, Woodbridge Town- details pertinent, said minimum prii-t ship Assessment Map. beiiif,' S-100.00 plus costs ofl preparing T-ike further notice that the Town- deed and advertising this sale. Said ship Committee has. by resolution and NEW lots in said block, if sold on terms pursuant to law. fixed a minimum price will require a down payment of $40.(K al which said lots in .said block will be STRENGTH the balance of purchase price to be paid sold together with all other details per- in ei[ual monthly installments of S10.W i inent. said minimum price beinq AND plus interest and other terms provid S100.00 plus costs of preparing deed and ed for in the contract of sale. advertising (his sale. Said lots in said V\GOR Take further notice that at said sale block, if sold on terms, will require a or any date to which it may be ail down payment of $15.00, the balance V iourned. the Township Committee r~ of purchase price to be paid in equal serves the right In its discretion to re monthly installments of $10.00 plus in- |ect any one or all bids and to sei terest and other terms provided for in said lot in said block to surfi bidder contract of sale. us it may select, due regard being giv- Relief For The en to terms and manner of payment, Take further notice that at said sale, FACTS YOTT NF.VF.Tt KNEW!// By Bob Dart in case one or more minimum bins or any date to which it may be ad- sliall lie received. journed, the Township Commit'ee re- TH6 nf)ANU)H0/nfllL6D HtWSELF/ Itching of Eczema Upon acceptance of (he minimum bid serves t?>e right in us discretion to f\H ENGLISHMAN WHOSE <-r hid above minimum by the Township reject any one or all bids and to sell It's wonderful the way soothing, cool- Committee and the payment thereof by said lots in said block to such bidder AH-H NAME WAS WRITTEN AS ing Zemo brings relief to itching, the purchaser according to the mannei as it may select, due regard being giv- PARIS' MR. VJ.M. EDWARDS ON uf purchase in accordance with trrms en to terms and manner of payment. burning skin, even in severe cases. in case one or more minimum bids shall' "THE EXTERIOR OF THE Itching usually stops when Zemo of sale on file, the Township will de- NEAT PARCEL POST liver a bargain and sale deed for said be received. PACKAGE HE WAS touches tender and irritated skin, be- premises Upon accep'ance of the minimum bid, cause of its rare ingredients. To com- B. J. DUNIGAN. or bid fibove minimum, by the Town- PACKED IN, ARRIVED fort the irritation of Rashes, Ring- Township Clerk ship Committee and the payment SAFELY IN PARIS DATED: Mav 16th. 1339. thereof by the purchaser according to FROM LONDON IN worm, Eczema and Pimples, always To be advertised May 26th and June thr manner of purchase in accordance A MAIL PLANE.... use clean, soothing Zemo. It should 2nd. 1!>39. in TV Fords Beacon. wit'i terms .if ;;ale on file, the Town- be in every home. Insist on genuine ship will deliver a bargain and sale Zemo. Approved by Good House- deed for said premises. keeping Bureau, No. 4S74. 35& 60(J, LEGAL NOTICE B. J. DUNIGAN. .iK; Township Clork. UPON EXAMIMATION 3©EA LIONS WERE TRAINED $1. All druggists'. RWer To.: W-19; Docket 11G-3S3 DATED: May 16th. 1939. BY HER DENTIST, MISS MARTHA Kt'corded: Book 1117; "Page 256. To be advertised Mav 26th and June BY THE BRITISH DURING THE NOTICK OF Pl'BLIC SALK 2nd. 1939* in the Fords Beacon. SARSON OF NEW YORK WAS FOOND V/ORLD WAR TO DETECT THE TO WHOM Ii' MAY CONCERN: TO HAVE SCORES OF TINY LITTLE -, PRESENCE OF GERMAN HELPSTOMACH At a regular meeting of the Town- I.KGAI, XOTICK TEETH IMBEDDED IN HER GUMS k DIGEST FOOD tfiiip Committee of the Township of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that AND ROOF OF HER MOUTHS SUBMARINES IN THE Without Luitifc*—and You'll Eat Woodlrndge held Monday. May 15th. the following ordinance was introduced MAQTHA SARSON HAS ENGLISH fcvtrythtng from Soup to Nuts lS3t>. I was directed lo advertise the at first"reading. Tuesday. May 16t^i. fact f.iat on Monday evening. June 1939. at a meeting of the Township TWO HUNDRED CHANNEL.'/.' rich 5th. 1SJ39. tho Township Committee Commission, of the Township of Rar- TEETH 111 will me.'l at 7:1)0 P. M. (EST) in «ie tan. Middlesex County. New Jersey, at Commit tec Chambers. Memorial Muni- the Town Hall. Piscat away town, New cipal Building. Wood bridge. Now Jer- Jersey, with a public hearing to be held sey, and expose and sell at public sale at the Town Hall. Tuesday. June 13th. and to the highest bidder according to 1939. ai 7 P. M.. (E. S. T.) LET'S SEE"- IT'5 IO*. S7Va P.M. AJOUJ-THAT 1'i-ms of sa!o on file with the Town- Objections, if any. should be made in IT',5 i:i63/4- IAi GR5.eMl.AWt. SO RIGHT MOUJ ship Clerk open to inspection and to writing to the township clerk or in per- be publicly read prior to sale. Lot on i^ie date of hearing. ;-F (formerly S-A) in Block 1&-A. WILFRED R. WOODWARD. IM -SIX HOURS A/Ofc> Wood 6 ridge Township Assessment Township Clerk. Map. Take further notice that the Town- AN ORDINANCE r ship Committee has. by resolution and The Board of Commissioners of the SCOTLA/Ot> IP WG MEN LOVE * pursuant to law. fixed a minimum Township of Raritan do ordain: price at which, said lot in said block 1. That" the yearly compensation of AKl GIRLS WITH will be sold together with all other he Mayor shall be in the sum of Fif- PEP details pertinent, said minimum price ecu Hundred i $1,500.00) Dollars, and lM Sfc FATHOMS OF If you are peppy and full of fun, men wiH being $650.00 plus costs of preparing he yearlv. compensation of each Com- invite you to dances and parties. deed and advertising this sale. Said missioner shall be in the sum of Twelve oo<3H-r TO SIGH BUT II you are cross. Listless and tired, lot in said block, if sold on terms, will Hundred Fifty f$l.250.001 Dollars, pay- men won't be interested. Men don't like require a down payment of $65.00 the able in semi-monthly payments as pro- " coniwc TME "cpiiet" girls. When they go to parties they balance of purchase" .price to be paid in vided by law. w*nt trirla along who are full of pep. equal monthly installments of $10.00 2. All ordinances and parts of ordi- So in case you need a good general system plus interest and other terms provid- nances inconsistent with this ordi- tonic, remember for 3 generationa one ed for in contract of sale. nance, be and the same are hereby re- woman has told another how to go "smiling Take further notice t^iat at said sale, pealed. thru with Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable or any date to which it may be ad- 3. Tfiis ordinance =hall take effect Compound. It helps build up more physical journed, the Township Committee re- mmediately upon its adoption and pub- resistance and thU3 aids in giving you more serves the right in its discretion to re- jp and lessens distress from female luac- ication according to law. GALOOT onal disorders. iect any one or all bids and to sell WILFRED R. WOODWARD. S said lot in said block to such bidder Township Clerk. WHO IS You'll find Pinkham'a Compound WELL A&OUT ' as it may select, due regard being giv- To be advertised May 26th and June SHIF> IS WORTH TRYING! ^ en to terms and manner of payment, 2nd, 1935. in t*ie Raritan Townshfp- uoHepe -rne in case one or more minimum bids 'ords Beacon, ITS GOIM6 AMD. FOOL isH SPORTS

FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 26. 1939 LEGION VS. LINDEN TUESDAY; BARRONS ENTER GREATER NEWARK TOURNEY CASEYS BOOKING GABIES LEGION DOWNS YORSTONS 7-4; TO RARITAN SOFTBALL LOOP SLATE Softball teams in this sec- BARRONS QUALIFY TO COMPETE IN tion of the state wishing games with the local Knights MEET S. R. CATHOLIC CLUB SUNDAY IS ANNOUNCED BY W.P.A. STAFF: of Columbus team should GREATER NEWARK TOURNEY; MEET 1 write to Dick Ryan, manager. By George Molnar RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—The eight-team township in care of the Knights of Col- AND LINDEN A. A. DECORATION DAY softball league, sponsored by the local WPA recreation di- umbus, Main street, TRENTON MONDAY IN FIRST GAME vision, opened its season Wednesday evening at the Lin- bridge. Evidently yours truly WOODBRIDGE.—Led by the slinging bal of Johnny WOODBRIDGE.—Manager "Monk" Messick's Le- deneau field. took a screwy look at the re- Koczowski, leading candidate for all-state honors at the gionnaires were called upon to do some heavy firing Sun- Final plans for the season were cords last week when he HOPELAWN AND ISELIN initial sack, the Woodbridgt? Hijyh School Barrons won stated that if South River day afternoon in the Legion Stadium to stop the New made and the schedule announced Brunswick Yorston A. C, 7-4 in a thrill-packed nine-inn- at a meeting of team managers, BATTLE TO 5-5 TIE INISELIN FARMERS their liflh straight gamo Tuesday afternoon by defeating had beaten the Barrons on ing fray for their sixth consecutive wfn of the season. A league officials and staff members GRAMMAR SCHOOL TILT New Brunswick high by a 7-1 score. The win was the tenth the 16th it would have been of the recreation division in the in thirteen starts for the Priscomen. Simonsen started on the first time in a big rally in the sixth frame did the damage and it decade Recreation Center, Woodbridge the mound for the Barrons, but lie was forced to retire in avenue, Monday night. James Cos- ISELIN.—The battle between AND ONIONS WIN that any team had made it a gave fiee, new Legion hurler, his Imt ™ of the season the Iselin and Hopelawn grammar the ninth as a result of a 'hand injury received while bat- , J J.I i i i The hitting of Whitty, recently ta and Paul Berrue of the recrea- tion staff are in charge. school entrants for the first half ting. Clean Sweep over the locals „ .__ jVj [acquired shortstop, and "Skeets" championship in Group B ended in all three major sports. t n Games scheduled for Piscat- in a 5-5 tie after seven innings of SOFTBALL TILTS Chaplai finished the hurling who is voted the "most valuable" Norman Sandier, Perth Am- '• Morgan accounted for four of theawaytown will be played on the chores for the local aggregation on his respective squad. The boy J Legion's nine hits. Morgan's per- play Wednesday afternoon. WOODBRIDGE. — The Town- boy sports fan, was quick to In answer to many requests, ] formance led to a perfect day at theLindeneau field for at least two after taking over with the sacks picked by the committee as the Rader was on the mound for ship Heavy Senior Softball League best in the entire tourney will be notice the mistake and he schedules, henceforth will be is-'-plate. weeks and until permission to useHopelawn while Rasmussen car- loaded and none out. New Bruns- sued for a period of two weeks j The Yorston's got to Tice in thethe diamond at the Piscataway- got under way this week when the wick outhit the Priscomen 10-8, the guest of Ihe Bears on their writes as follows: ried the hopes of the Iselin nine. Iselin Farmers and the Wood- northern swing of the circuit in ahead. This is done to help teams; first inning to score one run, buttown Commons is given. The dia-Hopelawn took a 5-0 lead in the bridge Red Onions registered wins but three Zebra errors and six bas- "In Friday's column get well prepared for their official; the locals evened the count on mond on the commons has been es on balls gave the Barrons the July. sixth before the home town boys t0 tie fOr first place. The Iselin Coach Prisco announced yester- (May 19) you stated that league games. Morgan's double, an infield out completety rebuilt and seeded. scored three times in their half of Farmers defeated the Fords Dukes scoring chances. Schedules for Week of May 29 and an error. Shirley, Yorston sec Games will also be played at Bon- day that Frank Chaplar, who will South River had beaten the frame to make the score stand by a 10-3 score while the Onions New Brunswick took the lead in pitch today IIEAVY SENIOR BASEBALL ond sacker and clean-up man, hamtown, Tally Ho Field in Clara at 5-3. Two runs in the seventh toppled the Caseys 8-3. the third inning when the heavy- against Cavteret, will the Barrons on Tuesday Wednesday—Charlie's Cafe vs. homered in the fifth to give the Barton, Menlo Park and Henry by Iselin tied the score and the Schlessinger hurled hitting trio of Boda. Sutton and, take the mound against Trenton (May 16) it would have Hungarian Democarts at Parish visitors a 3-1 lead. street game was called at that time. Iso- Farmers against for the Florek malleted their .way to two.™ Monday, giving him only two the Duke's nom- runs. Not to be outdone. Nick Pris'days of rest. Esposito, who has been the first time in over House. Bar Flies vs. Hopelawn Melbloom pitched steady ball Only two new teams are entered Hn had out-hit Hopelawn 7-5. 1 Owls at Fords Park. | for the invaders, but in the sixth this year, Edison fire company of inee, Turk, and allowed six hits co's boys came through with three averaged approximately 15 strike- a decade that a high h e 1 iS m U S g r ered 3 h season, will Thursday—Barflies vs. Wolver-' frame he became wild and walked Menlo Park and St. James' Cadets icci IM n l' J , ' i n f " ,! " fT ?" runs in their half of the inning to-°ute per game this school team swept all ines at Parish House. Blue Birds jthree men. These walks, scattered ol Piscatawnytown. The schedule RAPHAEL PACES ISELIN Dukes took a 1-0 lead m the Hrstlsn!ltpsnatch ththpe ,.lead:1(1_. JnhnnJohnnvy KoiV7(lwKorezow_ piU-pitchh for Trenton. three sports. I beg to diff- vs. Keasbey F. C. at Fords Park. : among two hits, enabled the Le-for May and June will be as fol- GIRLS TO WIN; HAWKS bul a single run in the second, ski's home run into deep loft-cent- On Wednesday the Bairnns meet gion to push over five tallies. Gold three in the third and four in the er field scored Gurney for two ofPeith Amboy, in Perth Amboy, er. In 1936 Perth Amboy Friday—Wolverines vs. Hungar- lows: sixth was too much for the Dukes. defeated Woodbridge 13- ian Democrats at Parish House. en, Morgan and Terry worked May 26, Raritan Engine Co., No.DEFEAT SQUAWS 20-17 the counters. and finish the season with games Woodbridge Intermediate Baseball Melbloom for walks, Smith and Difino topped the sluggers for the] Today the Barrons travel to Caragainst St. Mary's and New Brims 0 in football. In 1937 (the 1 vs. Cadets at Piscatawaytown; 29 Farmers with three for four and Wednesday—Wanders vs. Ram-Zilai singled to score three runs. WOODBRIDGE. — The Alley teret to meet Coach McCarthy's wick thi' following week. same scholastic season) Bonhamtown vs. Ravens at Bon- M oney w as bes t for the losers blers. A catcher's error and a double hamtown; and Panthers vs. Ravens Hawks and the Port Reading °... , ,e ,, i contingent with high hopes of New Brunswick (4) beat Woodbridge twice in Thursday—Clovers vs Home- steal accounted for two more runs. Henry Street at Piscatawaytown; Squaws btttled seven long innings with two for three. Ik Trie Chopin r will ab basketball and twee in steads. The Legion added another run 31, Edison vs. Cadets at Menlo this week before the Woodbridge Do"ny Mliler took the mound for start for the locals. Al Lefflcr, Trzeciaku, 2b ... 2 lassies come through with a close Pt ba king Boda, lb .. ... 4 baseball. Signed, Norman Friday—F. C. Jrs. vs Boys' Club in the seventh and the Yorstons Park. * ^ li who is suffering from an eye in- Woodbridge Junior Baseball climaxed their battle with a count- 20-17 victory- A brilliant seven- lacked good support. The Caseys fection, will probably be ready to Sutton, 3b .... 4 Sandier." June 1, Rangers vs. Firemen at run rally in the seventh inning by grabbed a one run lead in the sec-take his turn behind the plate. Florek, rf .... 4 May 27 er in the ninth. Both pitchers fan- ond, but the Onions crossed the Maybe it's none of my busi Saturday—Port Reading Comets vs ned eight batsmen, while Tice al- Tally Ho and Ravens vs. Cadets at the Squaws 'brought the game to Either Bedi or Semak will cover F. Shirley, ss ... 5 Piscatawaytown; 5, Bonhamtown an end. platter four times in the third to the hot corner, since Pochek is outHahn, c 5 ness, but I saw one of the Farmers. Rangers vs Ramblers. F. lowed only one walk to Mel- vs. Henry street at Henry street take a 4-1 lead. The Onions added C. Jrs. vs Crusaders bloom's three. Gall and Gillis divided the pitch with a twisted knee. Spratford, cf 5 most disgusting sights in lo- and Panthers vs. Firemen at Pis- another marker in the fourth be- Word was received at the high Vigh, If 3 Fords Light Senior Baseball This Sunday the Legion will catawaytown; 6, Edison vs. Rang- ing assignment for ihe Woodbridge fore the Caseys shoved across two cal sports competition last Wednesday—Eagles vs Hillbill- play hosts to the strong St. Mary's girls while Zulo went the route for school yesterday morning that Holder, If 1 week when two grammar ers at Tally-Ho. runs on three Red Onion errors in Wnodbl-idge high has been selected Puslai, p 3 ies at Fords Park. Catholic Club of South River, June 7, Bonhamtown and Cadets the losers. The Ally Hawks took schools were playing a base- Thursday—Wolves vs Dog Patch champions of the Interboru league. an 8-1 lead in the second inning, 1. ,!?•. ,. to compete in the annual Greater Roster, p 1 at Bonhamtown and Henry street but the Squaws jame back with 11 ball game on the Parish A. C. at Hopelawn. Johnny Bruftowicz, who pitched and Firemen at Piscatawaytown; The Onions climaxed the battle Newark invitation Baseball Tour Heinze at'Charley Gadek's Gashouse Gang tallies in the third to take the lead. Totals 37 4 10 House field. Several mem- Friday—Barflies vs 8, Ravens and Rangers at Piscat- witn three more runs in their half nament sponsored by the Newark '• to a win over the Puerto Rican Going into the last frame, the Evening News under the direction WoodbrUlge (7) bers of the Fords grammar Fords Park awaytown; 12, Pnthers and Edison of the sixth to put the game on of Paul Horowitz. The first game ab Pt. Reading Light Sr. Baseball All-Stars last Sunday, will take at Menlo Park and Bonhamtown Squtws had a 17-13 lead. Then the ice. Ur and Farr starred at the school nine, aside from the mound for the Saints. "Legs" fireworks started and the local of the tourney will be played Molnar, 2b ; 4 swearing at every umpire's Wednesday—P. R. A. C. vs Se- and Firemen at Piscatawaytown; plate for the winners, collecting Monday afternoon in the Municip- Wasilek, cf 4 bates Kocsi will start on the hill for the 13, Cadets and Rangers at Piscat- girls made their bid and took home live of the winners' 11 hits. decision, began smoking on Messickmen. Kocsi will be seeking the bacon. al Stadium at 3 P. M. against Gurney, rf Friday—Tigers vs Ramblers awaytown; 14, Henry street and Ticnton high school. j Korczowski, lb the playing field for all they Township Heavy Senior Softball his third straight mound triumph Edison at Henry street and Rav- Mary Gall had a perfect day fo.-ST. CECELIA'S DOWNED of the season. the winners with .five hits while E. Sixteen high school teams are Barcellona, ss . were worth. If that's an ex- Monday—First Ward Republi- ens and Panthers at Piscataway- selected by the tournament com- LeiTIer. c ample of good clean sports, cans vs Cathoic Y. M. C. at Fords On Tuesday, Decoration Day, town. Kolitr was best for the losers with BY STRONG AMBOY '9' the Messickers will be in for their four hits. j mittee, based on their records up Bedi, 3b .... then I'm all against it. About Park June 15, Bonhamtown and Rang to May 23. Teams from the area Semak, 3b Wednesday—Dukes vs Axels at toughest battle of the season when ers at Bonhamtown; 19, Firemen Lorraine Raphael pitched and ISELIN. — The C. M. Peterson time someone put a stop to they meet the Linden A. A., at Blue Coals of Perth Amboy, de- competing are Carteret, Bound Chaplar, rf, p 3 No. 11 field. and Edison at Menlo Park and Ca-batted the Tselin girls to an easy Brook, South River and Wood- Simonspn, p, rf 3 it. 3:15 in the Legion Stadium. Lin- 15-4 win over the Hopelawn en- feated the St. Cecelia's nine of :!l Thursday—F. C. vs Crackshots dets and Panthers at Piscataway- IseliIselin bridge. Perth Amboy and New Pochek, 1 at Iselin, Hyde field. Avenel Dems den, the leading contender for the town; 20, Henry street and Ravens trnnts. Raphael allowed the visit-! Sunday afternoon bbyy a And it's also time one of Union County League title, is in ors two hits while she collected a'score of 3"2 after the Iselin nine Brunswick failed to qualify this vs Red Onions at No. 11 field. at Henry street; 21, Bonhamtown went into the nint with a 2 l year. Totals 30 7 8 the two softball diamonds Friday—K. of C. vs First Ward the midst of a long winning streak and Rangers and Panthers at Tal-triple and a homer in three trips' '' ~ and should give the locals plenty to the plate. Iselin stepped out by!!ead- Bruzdowski's homer in the The Newark Bears will again ^Batted in seventh. used by the Recreation Republicans at No. 11 field. ly-Ho; 22, Firemen and Ravens at ninth with a mate on base of trouble. scoring four runs in the first, four - broke provide season passes to each boy, New Bruns. 002 010 001—4 league be made official. It Iselin Light Sr. Softball Piscatawaytown and Cadets and on the 16 qualifying school teams1 Wood Monday—Bears A. A. vs Broth- Playing with the invaders will Henry street at Henry street. in the second and three iinn the up the game. 003 013 OOx—7 was first announced that erhood. be two local boys and former Le- June 26, Bonhamtown and Pan-third before HnnPiawHopelawn nuchoHpushed . Hutteman pitched foforr the locals] the diamond near the Wednesday—Cubs A. C. vs Fire gion infielders, Tony Barcellona thers at Bonhamtown and Edison across a single tally in the fifth. while Mesko and Gems divided Parish House be used, but Laddies. and "iSwacky" Dunham. Both boys and Ravens at Menlo Park: 27, Iselin scored four times in the hurling honors for the winners and have been playing bang-up ball allowed but three hits. /MB '- the players in the league Township Girls Softball Firemen and Cadets at Piscataway sixth and Hopelawn closed the and they will be out to show the game with three runs in the sev- Iselin would like to hear from would rather use the field Thursday—Hopelawn at Port 28, Rangers and Henry street at Reading. Iselin at Woodbridge. home town fans some corking Henry street and Bonhamtown enth. some of the better teams in this m rear of School No. 11 Township Fire Companies baseball. Barcellona and Dunham and Ravens at Piscatawaytown; 29, vicinity having open dates. because it as in much bet- are batting in fourth and fifth Panthers and Henry street at Hen- Friday—Iselin (Harding ave.) at pices, respectively. GERITY-GOLDEN ANNEX *— ter playing condition. Al- Port Reading. Keasbey at Iselin ry street and Edison nd Cadets at Tice, new Legion hurler from so something should be (Green street), Avenel at Fords. i Piscatawaytown. HORSESHOE TOURNEY JENSEN HURLS FORDS Schedules for Week of June 5 Keyport, will be given the mound FFIREMEE N TTO 12-8 WIN done about the number of Township Heavy Sr. Baseball assignment against Cecil Spittler, WOODBRIDGE. — The indoor forfeit games on record. Monday—Keasbey F. C. vs Hope former Newark Bear hurler, or horseshoe championship of the OVER ISELIN SMOKIES Last year the softball lawn Owls at Fords Park. Estawanick, sensational hurler for Knights of Columbus was settled the Lindenites. league ran very smoothly Tuesday—Hopelawn Owls vs SEWAREN BIRDS last Friday night after three weeks FORDS.—The Fords Firemen Frankie Jost, according to Man- of play. The team of 'Tuts" Gerity banged out 20 hits off the deliver- and was the most popular Bluebirds at Parish House. Hun- garian Dems, vs Barflies at Fords ager Messick, will be home from and Billy Golden annexed the ies of Pitcher Lesko io defeat the league sponsored by the Re- Park. Manhattan College to take his TAKE TWO WINS championship by defeating the Iselin Firemen 12-8 in the Town- creation division. Something Thursday—Holy Name vs Keas- place in the infield against Lind- Winn Finn-Jack Mullen duet in ship Firemen's Softball League happened this season and bey F. C. at Fords Park Wolves vs en. The rest of the Legion line-up two games out of three. The scores Friday evening. will be the same as the one which Fords got off to a nice 4-1 lead right now it's on the verge of Charlie's Cafe at Parish House. IN SENIOR LOOP were as follows: 53-22, 41-52 and Woodbrldge Intermediate Baseball defeated the Yorstons. 54-34. ! in the second frame, but a five- a collapse. Three of the first Monday—Ramblers vs Home- The Linden line-up is as follows: WOODBRIDGE.—The Sewaren The winners were awarded run rally in the third, followed by four games were won on for- steads. Malone, catcher; Calloway, jright Blue Birds kept their bid for first bronze ti%p.hies with their names'two markers in the fourth and one feits. Softball is certainly a Wednesday — Boys' Club vs field; Bowskin, second base; Bar- place in the Township Heavy Sen- engraved thereon. ; in the fifth frames, was too much Wanders. cellona, shortstop; Dunham, third ior league this week by winning popular sport and there base; Nemeth, first base; Wilson, . • j-or ^ne ise]jn Smokies despite the Friday—F. C. Juniors vs Clovers both scheduled games. In the first KEEPS SHEEP FOR SHEEPSKIN latter team's six run rally in the must be some reason for its i Woodbridge Jr. Baseball center field; Krakoway, left field battle the Blue Birds won by a 1 and either Spittler or Estawanik Canoga Park. Calif. — Starting closing innings. rapid -decline hereabouts.' (June 3) close 5-4 score over the crack Wol two years ago with one lamb. I Rodner and Krauss collected six Just what is the reason? Saturday—Farmers vs Ramblers, on the mound. * verine nine and followed with a 4- Both Sunday's and Tuesday's bought with cash from her bank.: hits between them to lead the We'd appreciate all com- Crusaders vs P. R. Comets. F. C. victory over the Barflies at Fords Dolores Yrigoyen, 8, expects to go j winners at the plate while the Ra- ments and suggestions. Jrs. vs Rangers. games will start at 3:15. Park. Wally Szewczyk pitched to college on the proceeds from her phael brothers. Irv and Les, col- Fords Light Sr. Baseball Legion (7) both games for the winners and flock of sheep, which now number lected five of the eighteen hits PICKUPS . . Joe Beggs, Monday—Eagles vs Wolves at ab r h amassed a total of sixteen strike- 116. made by the Iselin "ten." Walt Judnich, "Ham" Hopelawn. Whity, ss 4 12 outs. Barcellona, If 4 0 0 Schulte and Mike Shartak Wednesday—Hill Billies vs Hein Bad luck struck the Wolverines members of the champion zes" at Fords Park Golden, cf _ 3 1 1 as Jack Geis gave the winners on- i Morgan, lb ~ _... 2 2 2 ly three hits while his mates pound Newark Bears, were in Friday Beef's Barflies vs Dog Patch at Fords Park Terry, rf 4 0 0 ed Szewczyk for six base knocks. DECORATION DAY SALE town over the week-end as Port Reading: Light Sr. Baseball Smith, 2b 4 11 Long distance clouting by LeRoy A BRAND NEW POPULAR MAKE TIRE the guests of Johnny Kor- Monday—Tigers vs Sebates. Zilai. 3b 4 11 and Eddie Simonsen and Wolver- czowski and Charley Mol- Wednesday—P. R. A. C. vs Bodnar, c 3 11 ine errors accounted for the one 15 MONTH GUARANTEE nar . . . The Recreation Ramblers. Tice, p 4 0 1 run difference in the scoring col- Township Heavy Sr. Softball umn. We are not able to mention the brand in print due Staff basebatlers do sol- Totals - 32 7 9 emnly swear to never Monday—Duke's vs K. of C. at to our drastic PRICE SLASHING No. 11 field. Yorston (4) again invade Port Read- Tuesday—Red Onions vs F. C. at ab r 23 COWS ELECTROCUTED Size Price Tubt Size Price Tubf ing for a ball game. . They No. 11 Field. Nycz, cf 5 1 Ryan, ss - 5 0 Honolulu.—Twenty-three cows 4.50x21 $4.25 69c 5.50x17 $5.69 89c learned their lesson. Wednesday—Axel's vs 1st Ward in a dairy barn were electrocuted 6.00x16 $6.49 95c Republicans at No. 11 field. Csobor, 3b _... 5 2 4.75x19 $4.49 79c A number of fans have in- Shirty, 2b - 4 1 at practically the same time by a 6.25x16 $7.82 95c Thursday—Avenel Dems vs short circuit in a milking machine, 5.00x19 $5.00 79c quired why the backstop in Crackshots at Avenel Grimmiss, c 5 0 6.50x16 $7.85 .$1.10 Lumbaid, lb 4 0 0 the current passing down the me- 5.25x17 $5.69 79c the stadium isn't further Friday—Catholic Y. M. C. vs tal stanchions holding the cows. 7.00x16 $10.50 $1.10 Dukes' at Ford.s. Sudowski, If 4 0 0 away from the plate . . Sev- Thompson, rf 4 0 Three milkmen escaped harm be- eral players, sliding home, Iselin Light Sr. Softball cause they wow rubber boots. Monday—Cliffords vs Mohawks Melbloom, p 4 0 WE SPECIALIZE IN have become near casualties Tuesday—Fire Laddies vs Bear RE-GROOVING RE-TREADING after landing against it ... Totals , 40 4 10 READ THE BEACON A. A. PASSENGER & TRUCK RE-CAPPING, Beside, it's hard on the catch Wednesday—Mohawks vs Cubs Two base hit. Morgan. Thre base hit, Melbloom. Home run, WEEK TIRES VULCANIZING ers . . . They miss many op- Shirley. Sacrifice, Morgan. Stolen ic Delivered price at Lansing. Mich- portunities to catch foul both teams for starting it GOLF 50c DAYS igan, subject to chanfe without bases, Whity, 2, Morgan, Golden, $1 SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS Flats Fixed 25c Vulcanizing 40c in. notice. Price includes safety gliaa, flies . . - 'Porky' Pochek out off ... Tuesday's game be- Zilai. Struck out by Tice, 8; by H, bumper gumrda. ipare (ire "Pi and HOLIDAYS Used Tires $1.00up 2 gal. can motor oil of the Barron line-up with a tween the Legion and the Melbloom, 8. Bases on balls off Seasonable Season Membership and tube. Transportation, atmie Greatly Improved 18-HoIe Course Rebuilt Tires $2.90up Tydol oil, sealed qts. and local taxea. if any, optional swollen kneecap. Linden A. A., should be a Tice 1; Melbloom 3. Claus and RusMain Highway Rebuilt and Resurfaced equipment and acceaaoriet— vxtrm. son, umpires. X The varsity-faculty ball holiday sell-out . . . Tony TIME PAYMENTS game last week gave the B arceTlona and S wacky Toivnship Girls' Softball OAK RIDGE injury fund a nice send-off Dunham, former Legion- Thursday—Woodbridge at Port . . . The fund will come in naires, playing with Lind- Reading. Tselin at Hopelawn. Township Fire Companies GOLF COURSE FOREST TIRE CO. Woodbridge Auto Sales handy during football sea- en, along with Cecil Spit- 175 New Brunswick Ave., Cor. Madison son when injuries are tler, former Newark Bears Friday—Iselin (Green street) at Clark Township 475 RAHWAY AVENUE, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Avenel. Hopelawn at Iselin (Hard- Between InquirieWestfiels dInvite and d Bahway OPP. CITY SCALES PERTH AMBOY Phone P. A. 4-0505 plentiful . . . So, thanks to pitcher. ing ave.,) Fords at Port Reading. BAHWAY 7—23M FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON KiGHT FRIDAY.MORNING, MAY 26, 1939 free lunches had been served to MR. AND MRS. WALTER S. Lew- and Mrs. John Rupp and chil- MOTHERS' CLUB MAKES is, of New Milford, Pa., were dren, Jean and John, Jr., were undernourished children at School the week-end guests of Mr. and the Sunday dinner guests of HAWAIIAN BALL TO BE STAGED BY PLANS FOR LUNCHEON No. 11 during the year. The club Mrs. G. G. Robinson, of Row- Miss Mary E. Neary, of Grove hopes to continue with this project land place. Street. WOODBRIDGE. — A special meeting of ttie Mothers' Club was after the opening of the school MR. AND MRS. JAMES RO- WOODBRIDGE HIGH SENIORS TONITE held Monday afternoon at the term in the fall. mand of Jersey City and Mr. READ THE BEACON home of the retiring president, WOODBRIDGE.—An "Hawaiian plied by a Trenton concern and A lunchen will be given by the the music for the dancing will be Mrs. G. Gilmour Robinson of Row- club councilor. Mrs. K. H. Boynton Ball' will be held tonight at nine land place. o'clock in the Woodbridge High , offered by Ten Gilbert and his or- at her home in Red Bank, June 6 School gymnasium under the au:- chestra. Yearly reports were turned in to mark the close of the year's ac- spices of the Senior Class. Decora- I The committee in charge is as by department chairmen. Mrs. Har tivities. Reservations for this ev- tions for the affair are being sup- ; follows: Miss Arline Corbett, fac- old Van Syckle, charity chairman, ent are to be .made with Mrs. Rob- \HJ j ulty assistant; Stephen Bonalsky, reported that approximately 1.500 inson by June 3. ' Anna Bulhouer, Warren Dey, An- SALMAGUNDI JOURNAL na Durish, Gertrude Grode. Har- MAKES ANNUAL 'BOW 1 old Hackett, Wilda Jensen, John Kerr, Kenneth Magyar, Lily Mc- FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ! AT MEETING TUESDAY j Conneli. Ruth Mutzer, Kenneth SUN • Peterson, Jack Ringwood, Louise WOODBRIDGE. — The Salma- Schnebbe, Douglas Zenobia. gundi Literary and Musical Soci- Patrons and Patronesses will be LORRAINE ety was entertained by Mrs. Wil-as follows: liam B. Krug, Sr., and Mr. andj Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Nicklas, Mrs. William H. Krug, at their jMr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferry. Mr. home in Avenel Tuesday night. OIL j and Mrs. William Benson, Mr. and The reading of the annual "Stl- . Mrs. Thomas Brennan, Mr. and magundi Journal" featured the lit!- Mrs. Thomas Desmond, Mr. and erary portion of the program. Or- JMrs. Llwellyn Holden. Miss Mar- BURNER ray T. Fraser was editor-in-chief I garet Morganson. Mr. and Mrs. of the the journal; Miss Helen ; Joseph Ruggieri, Miss AHda Van Pfeiffer was in charge of advertis- j Slyke and Donald Wescott. .00 wiu, 275 «J. ing; jokes were contributed by Mrs. William Krug, Sr. The col- tank umn "My Day" was written by ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Miss Ruth Erb. "Advice to the ON NORWAY HEARD BY Lovelorn" was contributed by Le- Lou Nova, number one contender for the heavyweight* boxing crown, Installed in Your Home land F. Reynolds. Mrs. C. H. Roth- BRECKENRIDGE GROUP flexes that powerful right arm for his pipe smoking manager, Ray Carler- fuss wrote the "Mrs. Walter Win- 5-Year Guarantee chell" column. WOODBRIDGE. — "Norway- The Land of the Midnight Sun" Mrs. Krug, Sr., who joined the Buy Now—3 Yeara society fifty years ago, read the was the subject of an interesting GIRL SCOUTS TOELECT OFFICERS Mail Thin Coupon Today • minutes of the first meeting she illustrated lecture given by Char- to Pay. Payments l.yrraltie Oil Co. attended as a member, and played les A. Morris, of Toms River, sup- start in September! Met lichen. N. J. piano solos. These numbers in- erintendent of the Ocean County Without «ny obligation, please cluded "The Third Meditation" by schools at a meeting of the Breck- HOLD COURT OF IN BONHAMTOWN send full Information regarding enridge Auxiliary of the First Pres LORRAINE tlif new Lorraine Oil Burlier. Alfred Jaell and "Waltz Brilliant" BONHAMTOWN. — Mrs. Leon- by Kowalski. Other music includ- byterian church held Monday at N'ame the home of Mrs. Cliffcrd Blair, ard Davis was re-elected presi- OIL CO. ed selections by the Kinder Sym- AWAR1JINIGHT dent of the Bonhamtown Parent- phony, with Mrs. George H. Port Reading. St. and No IMPRESSIVE RITES TO BETeacher Association at a recent Metuchen Rhodes accompanist; Mrs. Thomas Mr. Morris recently returned City HELD IN SCHOOL NO. 7 meeting in the school. Others elect Z. Humphrey, director and Helen from a trip to Norway and had ed and installed by Frank Mur- Pfeiffer, Ruth Erb, Mrs. Grace V. many pictures with him taken dur AT 8 O'CLOCK 6-0093 ing his tour. phy, school faculty member were: Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William Her- vice president, Mrs. Hans Larson; man, George H. Rhodes, Fred A. Miss Ruth Erb played two piano FORDS.—The Girl Scouts of secretary, Miss Mary Niegland. Briegs, Thomas Z. Humphrey and solos, and Mrs. L. C. Holden and Troop 7 will close their season and treasurer. Mrs. James Toth. Leonard Willinger, as members of Miss Erb combined for a piano du- with a court of awards tonight at the orchestra. et. 8 o'clock in School No. 7. Plans were made for the annual Refreshments were served. The It was decided to close the sea- Besides the parents and friends school picnic, which will take COMPARE society will hold its annual recep- son June 5 with a dinner meeting of the scouts, the troops and coun- place June 8 at Linwood Grove tion, marking the close of its sea-at the Ramble Inn. Metuchen. Mrs. cil of Woodbridge township girl on Route 27. The secretary was son, June G at the Colonia Country John E. Breckenridge conducted scouts and Boy scouts Troop 51 andauthorized to write to the board of Club. the devotional service. Refresh- 52 have been invited. The follow- education and Superintendent ments were served. ing program will be presented: Fred A. Talbt, for the permission to hold the affair. A radio was Pledge of allegiance to the flag purchased for the school, after an ISEUNJNEWS and song, "God Bless America" by interesting demonstration. the audience; investure of five A Xavora'ble report was submit- f MR. AND MRS. JOHN STEFANO tenderfoot candidates; awarding of of Elizabeth, visited Mr. and ted on the rummage sale held re- CHAMPION TIRES Classified second class badges, attendance cently and it was decided to re- Mrs. Joseph Gerlando, of Hard- stars, proficiency badges, camp ing avenue, Saturday. tain the unsold goods for another scholarships, campfire scene by sale which will soon take place. members of the troop with Kath- Refreshments were served at a so- FOR VcUue!Safety! Price! MRS. GEORGIANA ANDREWS, Directory erine Jedetchek as an Indian girl of New Brunswick, Mrs. Jesse cial which followed the business and Dorothy Sundquist as Robin meeting. Hoft, Misses Jean and Frances Hood; court of honor of Boy Scout Hoft of Newark, visited Mr. andHELP WANTED—FEMALE Troop 51", at which time badges TIRE SAFETY- GUM. 2 EXTRA GEAR- SPEEDWAY- LOCK LAYERS GRIP PROVED Mrs. Charles Jirsa of Sonora GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- will be awarded by Scout Execu- DIPPING avenue, Friday evening. CORD OF SAFETY- TREAD FOR * * • • work. 179 Rector Street, Perth tive William H. Watson. Why Install BODY LOCK HIGHWAY Amboy. CORDS SAFETY MRS. MARY NASH, president of Dream pantomime from "Hansel and Gretel," with the following RINGS and PINS UNDER THE the local Woman's Club, has re- TO LET TREAD turned to her home on Oak Tree cast: "Gretel," Helen Horvath; When You Can road after attending the con-ONE FURNISHED ROOM—327 "Hansel" Jeanne Egan; 'Sandman' Have Your FIRESTONE vention of the State Fedention Columbus Ave., Woodbridge, Gladys Eriksen; "Angels" Claire CHAMPION N. J. Drake, Jean Fritz, Bernice Jogan, of Women's Clubs held at At- Motor Completely ANY OTHER lantic City last week. Jeanette Sindet, Eleanor Popovich, Real Estate For Sate Aileen Kutcher, Ruth Johnson, TIRE MR. AND MRS. MARTIN JOHAN Bernice Aldington, Audrey Gloff, REBORED for $50 P.. H. FINN & COMPA.NY sen of Oak Tree road, entertain- Angeline Petrie, Dorothy iSund- AT ed, Miss Nora tSkelly, William Real Esiate and Insurance For Your Decoration Day Trip Bonds - Mortgages quist, Lillian Honilick, Katherine protect your life and the lives of your Delaney and Walter Fisher of +0 Main Street. Woodbridge, N Jedetchek and Dorothy Blanchard. ' Elizabeth at their home, Fridny. 'lei. Wo. family by equipping your car witb a Doris Perry is the reader. set of new Firestone Champion Tires. *MR. AND MRS. J. DEESON OF THOMAS F. BURKE, INC. HERBERT'S Correja avenue, announced the Kenl Eslate & Insurance Only in the new Firestone Champion arrival of a son born at their Mortgages Wheatland, Pa. — Thirty-one Tire do you get these patented and -State Street, Perth Amboy, N. J years after his mother sent him to home recently. vhone 4—042-* GARAGE exclusive construction features: MRS. MYRTLE SHARP OF SON- a store to get some kerosene, An- r Safety-Lock Cord Body Trucking thony Kesey returned home with 387 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. u ora avenue and Mrs. Joseph FOKDS, N. J. provides far greater strength the kerosene. During the time, he Rapacioli of Correja avenue JOHNF. RYAN, JR. —and greater strength means were the luncheon guests of had not communicated with his TEL. P. A. 4—2922 B7Y BOND Woodbridge, N. J. parents. His father died recently. greater safety. Mrs. Cora Edwards of Jersey TRUCKING . EXCAVATING Anothet exclusive City, Friday. TOP SOIL . . SAND . . FILL Firestone safety feature. MRS. WILLIAM BREEN AND Phone, Woodbrtdge 8-0219 Let that old Summer Sun smile daughter Mary Louise of Ben- #" Gum-Dipping safety- BUMSTEAD'S WORM SYRUP S-S THRIFT FOOD MARKET locks the fibers, cords ami jamin avenue, were Newark vis- 80 Main St., Woodbridge down . . . you can smile right itors. Friday. Raliablo remedy developed by a phyikian In plies together, giving hi> practice for expelling large round wormi, Vveu Delivery Phone WO. 8-0184 greater protection against back ... when you're "SUN- MR. AND MRS. FRED SCHEIN _pin wormi arid whip wormi. For children and and Erhardt Anderson of Car- "aduiti. A mother jtatod that Vt bottle blowouts. CONDITIONED" in one of expelled 132 wormi. Stood the leit for 75 GROCERY SPECIALS Anothet exclusive teret, were the, Saturday guests yaari. Pleasant to lake.Druggiitt.50c a botlle. BOND'S new crush-resistant oij Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Flessner Granulated A O Fixectone safety feature. •'• SUDAN WEAVES!* of Oak Tree road. Eit. C.A. VOORHEES, K.D.. Philadelphia. Pi. SUGAR, 5 lbs / jC r Two Extra Layers of Sheffield EVAPORATED #wT7 Safety-Lock Cords Under the Tread They're definitely as COOL as FOR THE FIRST TIME ... YOU CAN MILK, 4 tall cans _. £QC provide greater protection a cucumber ... and tailored Kellog CORN ITA~~ against punctures. FLAKES, 2 pkgs ....._ j jC Another exclusive Firestone FLOYD ROBERTS with the same care and pre- safety feature. 1918 National Race Champion Valley Stream More cliampion racir drivers cision as BOND'S regular suits. D/Ai EXACT *-Gear-Grip Tread is so deep, so 6elcct and buy Firestone Tires PINK SALMON, 2 tall cans tough, so long-wearing that it is setting for their rating cara than all Visit the BOND FACTORY sensational new non-skid mileage other makes of tires combined. Flagstaff Peaches, 2 lrgst. cans 29c These men, whose lives depend today ... see the SUDAN Royal Scarlet Tuna Fish, 2 Vx Ib cans 29c records. on tire safety, \mj\o tire WEAVES in single and dou- Another exclusive Firestone safety construction and they refuse to TEMPERATURES ME AT SPECIALS feature. risk their lives or chances of ble-breasted models ... flap Swift's Premium fSafety-Proved on the vktory on any other make. or patch pockets ... In Araby in a home LEGS OF LAMB, ib Speedway for Your Protection i Tan ... Midnight Blue ... Nile On the Highway—Firestone Gum- M Raths Black Hawk SMOKED Dipped Tires hold all the outstanding •• Green ... Sand Brown 1 Truly HAMS, whole or shank half lb. records for safety, speed, mileage and CHAMPION a great Summer Special 1 ... Fresh Jersey 4 ft endurance. "buy" BOND! Another exclusive Firestone safety S.25/5.50-17 $14-65 PORK BUTTS, lb j j feature. a.oo-iB 15.95 Milk Fed fl.25-J8 17.95 —All of these extra advantages 6-50-16... _ 19-35 LEGS OF VEAL, lb ar< yours at a price no more than you 7.00-16 31.95 Prime Cut, CHUCK ROAST, lb. 21c would pay for an ordinary tire. Another exclusive Firestone economy OTHER SIZES PRICED Genuine Raths Spiced Ham 31b. tins 98c feature. PROPORTIONATELY LOW Fancy Milk Fed FOWL, lb 25c New "TRUE-TEMP" Control CONVOY High Qualiiy — Low Cost assures CONSTANT Low Food Temperatures I 4.75/5.00-19.. S 8.60 Sale - This Week Only • Sale 5.25/5,50-18.. . 10.00 New WeatJnghouse True-Temp Cold 6.50-16 10.60 Control obeys your orders! Simply dial the 5.25/5.60-17.. . XI.00 exact degree °f cold you want and it hold» 6.00-18 11.95 it there constantly ... providing safe low 6.25/6.50-16.. food keeping temperatures in all parts of SLIP COVERS & UPHOLSTERING 14*50 the refrigerator, regardless of room tem- • 15 MONTHS TO PAY % OTHER SIZES PRICED PROPORTIONATELY LOW NEW-BRUNSWICK FACTORY perature. See the new Westinghouse for Re-Upholstering J**^^^ SLIP COVERS MADE TO OBDEK Listen to The Voice of Firtstwe with Richard Set firtstoiie Tiret madt in tie F/reitonr 1939. Enjoy better food protection. 3-Piec« Suite Creaks, Margaret Speais and the 0-piece Factory and Inhibition Buitdmg at Hew REMSEN AVE. at HOWARD ST. In Damask, Friezette, 3-piece suites and .7 Fireitone Symfihnny Orchestra, under the Yori\ U'ar/i/'s Fair. Aim visit fie I-ire Hone and Other Coverings,/ separate cushion g ID direction of Alfred Vt'ulkvstefa, M-jiulay Exhibit .it the Goldt-y\Gate International Complete with Demoti-I Jaspe, flower cretonne eveningit/ier Nationwide S.B.C Re.1 •ietwirh I. x}i i> i i t ion a t i a n l~ r ,t n i, ii c o NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY ed tiliiBE and Frad or plaids. Box pleated. Polished. Lepper Furniture $0 0.50 -50UP Tuesday, Thunday and 283 Madison Ave. Perth Amboy UP HOLOHAN BROS. GARAGE 8:30 A.M. until 6 P.M. Saturday until 9 P.M. 32 Open. Evenings Till 9 O'clock Foot Stool with p LOCAL AUTHORIZED AGENTS 7 Ever}' Order! Tree wltheveryordei CORNER AMBOY AVE. & SECOND ST., WOODBRIDGE * SUDAN WEAVE consists of the finest Telephone Wood. 8—0064, 8—0533 MOHAIR and WOBSTEDS. FOOp ACME UPHOLSTERY CO., INC. Westinghouse 253 WRITE or P. A. 4—2035 THE ONLY TIRES MADE THAT ARE SAFETY-PROVED ON THE Madison Ave. PHONE for ALL WOBK PERTH AMBOY, X. J. GUARANTEED SPEEDWAY FOR YOUR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY REFRIGERATOR ESTIMATE