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MOST PROGRESSIVE RARIT OWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. IV.—NTo. 13. "FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, MAY* 26, 1939 PRICE THREE CENTS SUMMER REGALIA THE NEW BRIDGE HERE WOODBRIDGE.—As far as KEASBEY WOMEN the members of the police de- PLANS ADVANCED BIDS FOR SEWER KEASBEY.—Work is progress- DECORATION DAY partment are concerned sum- ing rapidly on the new bridge over Rumoured mer officially starts on Mem- the Raritan river, although Ke;is- GIVEN 1ST PRIZE orial Day, Tuesday. May 30. BY FIREMEN FOR BUILDING PROVE bey residents are under the im- EVENT WILL 6E For on that t-ay, the annual jpression that work on the project Busy police inspection is held and is at a standstill. The first step in all officers are ordered out in the building of the new bridge, Days Ahead! . FOR APPEARANCE full summer regalia which ANNUALJWADE TO BEJOO HIGH and the most important in any HELD BY LEGION There'll be plenty doing in these paits come the next NEW UNIFORMS MAKE H17 consists of short coat with la- TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATIONS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION over-water construction, is the pels, blue shirt and black tie. sinking of caissons and the con- PARADE AND SERVICES TO three weeks . Legionnaires and firemen are completing AT 53RD CONVENTION The inspection will be held WILL PARTICIPATE IN < BID $50,000 OVER ORIG- struction of piers. After this im- BE HELD AT KEASBEY IN [RVJNGTON i INAL ESTIMATE arrangements for the annual Memorial Day parade and at 9:00 A. M., in the lot ad- PARADE, SERVICE portant phase, girders will soon TUESDAY AT 3 P. M. services . Woodbridgo is again scheduled to go "on the joining the Municipal building. rise and the new bridge will take KEASBEY.—The Ladies' Auxil- Mayor August F. Greiner and PISCATAWAYTOWN. — Plans WOODBRIDGE. — Although 60 shape. air" via WOR and a nation-wide hook-up of the Mutual iary to Keasbey Protection Fire Co. Police Commissioner Herbert for the annual Memorial Day par- bids in all were received by the FORDS.—A departure from pro Township Committee Monday Broadcasting Company, in a program billed as the "Typ- No. l, romped away with first Rankin will review the men ade were furthered this week at a vious years, the Harry Hanson prize for the neatest women's di- who will be headed by Chief _ night in connection with the con- meeting of Raritan Engine Co., No. Post No. 163, American Legion, at ical American Town" This year makes it the third vision participating in the 53rd an- of police George Keating. Aft- 1 and a large turnout"^! "township ! struction of a laboratory & service a meeting Wednesday night in the straight that Woodbridge has thus been honored . The nual convention parade of the New er inspection of equipment civic, welfare and service organiza building at the sewer disposal PARTY CHAIRMAN Jersey Firemen's ..Association st and brief speeches, the ohicers tions is expected. According to plant, the lowest bid for general homo of Commander Bartolo Di- prograni will be broadcast from 10:45 A. M., to 11:30 Irvington Saturday. In recognition will take part in the annual schedule, the parade will start at struct ion. that of Newton A. K. Matteo completed plans for Mentor A. M. Carlton Warren will do the announcing from of its achievement, the auxiliary Memorial Day parade. 11 o'clock. Bugbee, of Trenton, for $142,000 ASKS FOR EARLY ial Day services and parade to be the White Church cemetery. honored at a victory celebra- Plans have also been discussed was $50,000 over the estimate held at Keasbey Tuesday after- tion in the firehouse Sunday. to sponsor a field day program placed on the job by the PWA. noon, May 30, al 3 o'clock. Organizations in Raritan Township are also planning The Keasbey women were dress following the parade. Township Attorney Leon E. Mc- CAMPAIGN FIGHT Elroy and Township Engineer C. All participating organizations for a parade and services at Piscatawaytown . Judging ed for the first time in their new The parade will get underway will meet at the Keasbey fire- from present indications, this year's event will surpass all uniforms—navy s.kirts trimmed DAMBACH NAMED following the annual memorial R. Davis went to New York yester COYNE AND ALEXANDER IN day and conferred with PWA offi- house from which point the line of others . Following the Decoration Day celebration wih with red, with red jackets and a service of the Harold Berrue Post PLEA TO FORDS CLUB AT march will bp down Crows Mill regulation firemen's cap of navy j 246, American Legion, at St. cials. They were advised to file come the annual Firemen's Memorial Services and parade an application for an additional MEETING road -to the waterfront where ser- blue—and presented a striking ap FIRE PRESIDENT James' cemetery on Woodbridge vices will be hold in honor of the . The combined fire units of Woodbridge township will pearance while spectators along avenue. loan and grant of $50,000. The rise in general construction esti- FORDS.—At a recent meeting of sailors, soldiers and marines whose assemble at Woodbridge on Sunday afternoon, June 11, tothe line of march applauded vigor- The line of .march will begin at lives were lost at sea during the ously. the Woodbridge avenue firehpuse the Fords Democratic Club, John pay respect to the deceased (iremen of the" township ... A FOR 12TH_TERM increased wage scale announced Coyne, Democratic municipal World War. parade is slated to start at 2 o'clock with a short speaking The Beairyais Post American Le- and will probably proceed east- The occasion will mark the first CHIEFS' BANQUET TO BE ward along Woodbridge avenue to by PWA officials recently. charman, and Committeeman Char gion band of Tottenville acted as told members appearance of the prize-winning program in the school street park at 2 :30 . Fords, Keas- the musical escort to the Keasbey HELD TOMORROW IN Old Post road, where it will cir- Low bidders on all contracts les J. Alexander, were as follows : that an early and vigorous cam- ladies" auxiliary of the Keasbey bey and Hopelawn fire organizations will participate. auxiliary and firemen. The first HIGHLAND PARK cle and proceed westward down fire company since the state fire- prize was awarded the local wo- Woodbridge avenue toward the General Construction, Newton paign should be instituted in ord- A reliable report has it that Harry Anderson, of Fords, A. K. Bugbee, of Trenton, $142,- er to place the Democratic nom- men's parade at Irvington last Sat- men before a large crowd in KiBASBEY.—Joseph A. Damach superhighway. urday. will be the next named cop in the township . Definite Olympic Park, where other pre- 250. inees in the victory column next was elected president of the Keas- So far, two bands, Harold Ber- Structural street for service November. Ciimmandor DiMatlco and Chair word will soon arrive regarding mail delivery for the Clara sentations were made to winning bey Protection Fire Company for rue Memorial Drum and Bugle man Walter H. Lybeck have issued units. building, Harco Steel Construction, A contest for a 41-piece dinner Officer Edwin Mineu has set June 10 the twelfth consecutive term at Corps and the St. Cecelia's Boys' $459. an invitation to all organizations Barton section Band of Iselin,_have been engaged. set to be awarded at the next for the annual school safety patrols outing . Congratula- Nearly 100 units from all sec- the annual meeting of the organi- Plumbing, Charles Simkin, 51,- to join in the afternoon's ceremon- tions of the state participated in The latter will present a concert meeting, June 13, was planned. tions to Joe Dambach on being elected president of the zation held recently in the fire- 375. Tickets may be procured from ies. A firing squad will be on the two-mile procession which house. tha'. afternoon preceeding a short hand with a bugler to sound taps. Keasbey Protection Fire Company for the twelfth consecu- ceremony at which township off- Heating, Westfielcl Engineering Adoiph Quadt, chairman of tht> lasted more than three hours. Other officers elected were: Company, $2,512. Short speeches will be delivered tive term . Several streets in Fords, Keasbey and Hope- Members of the cials will preside. committee, or any member of the Perth Amboy Michael J. Parsler. vice presidnt; Electrical work, Bea^-h Electric club. by Chaplain John Dambach and lawn are slated for "facials" in the next few weeks . fire companies had 300 men in C D. Pfeiffer, treasurer; Leon In the line of march are expect- Co., $3,282. Historian Rufus B. Alien of the line all wearing red shirts and Jeglinski, secretary; Andrew Per- ed: The township commissioners, The business session for the eve- local Legion. BUT, what about upper Ford avenue ? Glass enclosures for sludge beds, ning was closed at 10 o'clock after dark trousers. The Perth Amboy hacs, sergeant-at-arms and Mich- members of the board of education Lord and Bornham, $6^980. township fire commissioners and which refreshments were server]. Music will bo furnished by the firemen won second prize for ael Parsler, William Bertram, Laboratory furniture and equip- Beauvais Post Drum Corps of the neatness and most uniformed men John Cheega and John Peterchuk, all fire companies, members of the Joseph Lewandoski presided at the police department and school safe ment, Laboratory Furniture Co., meeting. Tottenville American Legion Post, in the line of march. trustees. AH the above were re- $1,250.