Hartford's Strikers to Halt Deliveries of Perishable
v>'.. ■ - 'if inatttI|V8ter Evntino Im d i SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1951; AVKBAOB DAILY OOKKII.A'nON 38 and ooats In tha aeeond and had ■uspeoded on braadi of the peaee. by tha eonrt for further Investiga Kitohl:^, who Is elder than bar hue* Judgment suspended In the third. At the regular session of the Town lac tha Moath at Auguat. INT POUSH-AMERICAN tion. at which time additional vrit band, who Is Sff. asked tor a divorce to • WeoMa's - CWMrea'a STRIKE CASES RUED . Miss Josephine Listro, 19, of 88 Court held last night, Frank A. Ook nesses win be eaUed. Lafayette street. New, Britain, burn of Hartford waa charged with on the grounds of Intolerable cruel* Special 35c-50c DANCES ty cUlmlng that hia treatment of HAIR CUTS - 25ci faced two eounta of breach of the non-support. His case waa oontln- g Barham — Ne W altl^l 5,861 peace, being fined 310 and costa on uod tor one week to allow Proba her has resulted in a nervous bteak* Business Men’s Mamber of tha Aafilt IN 5-IlOOR SESSION MRS. n rC fllG 'S DIVORCE down. They were married January * > the first and found not guilty on the tion Officer Thomas Conran an op Lunch ■■ a t Clfculatlowa aeoond. Henry Jaeger, 88, of New portunity to Investigate. '8, 1931. WUlbw J. Shea of Man CUUITTA’S MAJNIJHKSTEK- - A LITY OF VILAAUF fJMAKM Totic, educational director of the Albert J. DeaJsrdlne, who waa al DECISION IS RESERVED chester appeared for Mrs. Kitchlng. BAB8ER SHOP 84 Oak St SHERIDAN HOTEL Union, waa fined 310 and coats tor leged to have been the driver of an Atfvartlatag ■■ fa g a 18.) MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) Fines Total $115 in Nine breach of the peace.
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