The river It’s a wild and whimsical river, the longest of (1012 km). Its source: it rises on the Mont Gerbier de Joncs, east of Massif Central, at the height of 1408 meters. Left river tributaries: Allier (main tributary), , Beuvron, Cher, Indre and Vienne. Right river tributaries: et Loir, , . Flood regulation dams: Villerest on the river Loire and Naussac 1 and 2 on the river Allier. The towns: it crosses , Orleans, Blois, Tours, , Nantes and flows into the Atlantic Ocean at St Nazaire’s estuary.

Historical account of navigation by the from Digoin to Paris

1642: the of (canal Henry the 4th) between Briare and , allows navigation on the Loire towards Nevers and towards Orleans and Nantes. 1692: Orleans’ canal allowed the junction between Montargis and Orleans. 1723: the being canalized allows the junction between Montargis/Montereau and Montereau/Paris through the Seine. 1790: The centre canal, between Châlon-sur-Saône and Digoin 1827 – 1838: construction of the first canal parallel to the Loire on the left bank; as a continuation of the centre canal, it joins the canal of Briare on the right bank. It allows the link Seine/Saône. Crossing manoeuvres From 1881 to 1896 A unique site The water stations Châtillon’s suspension bridge Before 1881, crossing manoeuvres could be easy during low water level periods The crossing had been made easier Some boats, the “sapines”, were built Mantelot or become very perilous during flooding periods. The site spreading from Châtillon’s thanks to the bringing into commission bridge until the lock of La Folie, in to withstand the travel downstream 1838 – 1841: first suspension bridge, of a boat called “Le Progrès”, kind of the middle of which one is located and didn’t go back; they were with a wooden deck, partly destroyed gare d'eau Vers RN7 Rive droite a tugboat of 26 meters by 5 meters, Mantelot, has been registered on the dismantled at the arrival for the wood by 1846’s flooding, repaired, and Lesmaison Combles éclusière Levée insubmersible From 1838 to 1881 Going downstream through high equipped with a steam winch which inventory of the Historical Buildings on recovery. This important downstream then destroyed again during 1856’s flooding; it withstands 1866’s flooding. Chevrette de Mantelot or low water levels cable, anchored on the earth platform June 14th, 1978. It’s a place were it’s trade - thus meaning a longer wait at Escargot Loire 1870: it’s partly destroyed during Digue de l'Escargot Going upstream through high on the left bank of Mantelot’s lock, nice to stroll. Mantelot – explains the difference of Bras mort water level At the exit of Mantelot’s lock; boats slid allowed it to pull or retain itself. size between the docks of Mantelot this war. into a channel materialised by two dikes The link between the old and the new (able to accommodate 150 boats) 1930 – 1931: a new bridge is built: Levée insubmersible bureau 350 meters de déclaration Coming out of the lock of Les which traces can still be seen in the axis In 1896, the putting into service of and Les Combles. The small dock of maison canal is made at the “hameau de éclusière et visa

Combles, the boats going up the of the lock; then they crossed the river Briare’s canal bridge and the opening l’Etang”, upstream of Mantelot. Les Rabuteloires, located upstream of 1940: it’s the war; it’s destroyed by Vers Chatillon Vers position ancien dock MANTELOT canals were towed along the right with the stream, ahead of the bridge, of a diversion of the canal over about Mantelot’s boat station, has probably the Frenchmen in order to prevent Rive gauche 1 ère gare d'eau The Germans from crossing the Loire. Levée insubmersible bank for 1200 meters, that’s to say probably by utilizing the two anchors ten kilometres between “hameau de The sluice of Mantelot is set up, as been hollowed out later on to palliate 400 meters up river from Mantelot, slipping system to present it selves in l’Etang” and “Briare” put an end to this well as Les Combles’ one, in a 45° the insufficiency of the first one. 1950: the bridge is put into service again. The first canal parallel to the then they crossed the river, helped by front of Les Combles’s lock. very difficult Loire crossing. angle opposite the river’s bed in order Loire, on the left bank, makes it the stream and tugging themselves to avoid water to sweep into it during To allow men and draught animals still necessary to cross the Loire at up sideways with a system of two These crossings could last for two to a flood. It’s fitted out with four pairs The warehouse to cross the bridge, it includes Digoin and the Allier at Le Guétin anchors thrown slantwise in turn, four hours when going downstream, of doors hooked two by two in the around one of the pillars, a helicoids through masonry canal bridges. in order to reach the entrance of from three to six hours going upstream, opposite direction in order to guard In 1843, merchants and forwarding Mantelot’s lock. according to the water height, the against the ebbing of high water. agents obtain the authorization to slope allowing to join the dike of “L’Escargot” from where started the When the first canal parallel to different kind of boats and the freight. Outside the aft gates, one can see the build, on the west side of the water towing towards Mantelot’s lock. the Loire arrived at Mantelot, Going upstream through low last remnants of the functioning of station, a warehouse (34 meters by the 600 to 700 meters wide of water level The average number of crossings was doors named “guarding doors” meant 15.60 meters) meant to shelter the the river made a level passage about 4000 a year, the average number for the defence of the canals works perishable merchandises. In 1853, necessary between Chatillon sur Boats crossed the river between Les of shipwrecks about 10. during floods (these doors still exist at the Company being in liquidation, Loire on the left bank and Les Combles and l’Escargot, for about After the bringing into commission the lock of Les Combles). the warehouse is sold to the town of Combles on the right bank; two 60 meters, probably by using the of the tugboat, crossings reached the Châteauneuf sur Loire who will use it locks apart from 1020 meters two anchors system, and then they number of 9000 a year. The lockkeeper’s house as a grain market. It is still implanted were built on these banks. were towed from the Escargot dike to in the town centre, wears the name Mantelot’s sluice. The draughthorses It’s the twin of the one at “Les of “halle St Pierre” and is listed by the The river was canalized by caught up with the boats by following Combles”: square, with a level and half additional inventory of the Historical the building of chevrettes the bridge across the Loire and the a level under the roof, vaulted cellars, Buildings since 1990 (it is and submersible dikes called Escargot slope. brick made ”oculi” and half moon recognizable at its white pillars). “d’Ousson”, “de Mantelot” and shaped openings. It was meant for “de l’Escargot”. In any case, when going upstream, lockkeeper’s housing, it sheltered the boats had to turn around in the harbour master’s office as well as the The centenary flooding on Combles‘s boat station and present toll and the insurers for the crossings. Mantelot’s scale themselves backwards at the exit of Opposite, on the other side of the This canal parallel to the Loire was in service between 1838 and 1896. The flooding level is engraved on the this sluice, so as to be helped across lock, the annex building used to be the The building of the canal bridge over the river Loire between St Firmin lower part of the lockkeepers’ house with the current after backing up in “declaration and visa office” as testifies sur Loire and Briare, as well as a diversion of the canal over about ten wall and on the sluice’s masonry. the Loire. the wooden sign on the Loire side wall. kilometres, put an end to this difficult crossing of the Loire. 1846 – 6.60 meters 1856 – 6.74 meters 1866 – 6.70 meters