Jia Tian1, Yipei Zhou2, Jianjing Kuang3

1 3University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A 2Peking University, China [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT breather voice in Zhenhai, Tamang, and Mon were considered to be this subtype [26, 27, 30]. Breathier voices are non-modal voices produced However, although theoretical studies (e.g., [3,22, with a relatively less constricted glottis. Although 25]) generally recognize the cross-linguistic varia- three major subtypes of breathier voice have been tion in the phonetic realization of “breathier voice”, identified, namely slack/lax voice, and there is no consensus on how many subtypes should whispery voice, and distinct IPA symbols have been be identified, and how to define define these differ- proposed to transcribe them, actually there is no con- ent types of breathy voice acoustically. For example, sensus on how many subtypes should be identified, Ladefoged [16, 22, 24] does not distinguish between and how each subtype should be defined. Most stud- whispery voice and breathy voice; Catford [3] and ies simply use “breathy voice” as a general term Laver [25] do not distinguish between lax voice and to cover all its subtypes. In this study, we pro- whispery voice. One important reason for this chal- pose that different subtypes of breathier voice can lenge is that, as [15,22,25] point out, these subtypes be distinguished by evaluating the relative impor- essentially form a continuum, with no clear border- tance of the glottal constriction and the noise com- line between them. Moreover, there is often consid- ponent. Drawing data from Gujarati, White Hmong, erable individual variation in the realizations of any Southern Yi, and Shanghainese, we show that our given type of voice quality [15]. Therefore, in prac- proposed method successfully identified each of the tice, different types of “breathy voice” are generally three subtypes found in these four languages. We not distinguished and collapsed in the literature. will discuss the implication for future voice quality However, even though no language appears to studies. contrast different types of “breathier voice” phono- Keywords: , voice quality, breathy, whis- logically, cross-linguistic variation has been widely pery, slack/lax observed. Different articulatory strategies in phona- tion production lead to different interactions with 1. INTRODUCTION other phonological structures such as tones, and also develop different paths of sound change. It is there- Generally speaking, breathy voice (more accurately, fore meaningful to better understand the variation of breathier voice) is the non-modal phonation pro- “breathier voice.” The question then is: since dif- duced with relatively less constricted glottis along ferent types of “breathier voice” vary rather contin- the voicing continuum [22, 24]. However, as noted uously, is it possible to quantify the variation with by a number of studies [16, 22–24], the phonetic re- acoustic measures? This study aims to provide some alization of the ’breathier voice’ substantially vary insight into this question. across languages. Particularly, three major subtypes Generalizing across previous studies [3, 7, 15, 22, of breathier voice have been recognized, namely 24, 25], the three subtypes can be defined as fol- slack/lax voice, breathy voice and whispery voice lows. 1) Compared with , slack/lax [3, 7, 15, 24, 25], and distinct IPA symbols have voice is produced mainly with less adductive ten- been proposed to transcribe them [1]. The breathier sion and medial compression in the vocal folds. The voice in languages has been classified into different arytenoid cartilages are not drawn apart as they are subcategories. For instance, the breathier voice in in breathy voice, so the turbulence noise from the Jingpho, Javanese, Yi, Wa, and Mpi were denoted glottis is relatively minor. 2) Breathy voice, by con- as “slack/lax voice”, while the breathier voice in trast, is produced with a considerable glottal aper- Chong, Gujarati, Hindi, Sindhi, and Jalapa Mazatec ture, and there is some audible noise. Compared were classified as “breathy voice” [16, 24]. Whis- with modal voice, the glottal pulse is more symmet- pery voice is relatively less documented, but the rical for breathy voice. 3) Whispery voice differs

1450 from both breathy voice and slack/lax voice in that pitch and phonation contrasts co-occur. Breathier it is produced with more aperiodic noise by main- voice is associated with lower register tones in Wu taining a higher degree of medial compression (i.e., [2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 29, 33, 35]. The breathier voice in more constricted than breathy voice, but still less Zhenhai, a closely related Chinese Wu dialect, has constricted than modal voice). Whispery voice has been reported to be “whispery voice [30].” a more skewed glottal flow pulse compared with breathy voice. 2.2. Materials We propose that the three subtypes of “breathier voice” essentially vary in the contribution of two ar- Acoustic measurements of Gujarati, White Hmong, ticulatory aspects: how much medial compression and Southern Yi were retrieved from the “Production in the vocal folds is involved and how large the pos- and Perception of Linguistic Voice Quality” project terior glottal aperture is. The former is acoustically at UCLA1. Recordings of Shanghainese were made related to the slope of the voice spectrum, and the by the first author in Shanghai. Shanghainese is latter is acoustically related to the amount of tur- gradually losing its breathier phonation [11, 33, 35], bulence noise generated in the glottis. Therefore, so we only selected speakers born before 1980 in subtypes of “breathy voice” essentially vary in the this study, because they were previously shown relative importance of cues correlated to glottal con- to maintain the breathier phonation [33]. Since striction and noise component. the recordings of all four languages were collected Therefore, by modeling the relative importance of with the same recording setup (e.g., Shure SM10A these two aspects of voice measures, we should be dynamic microphone and Glottal Enterprises EG2 able to tease apart different types of breathier voice. electroglottograph), and all measurements were ob- This paper will test this hypothesis by looking into tained using the same tools (i.e., VoiceSauce [31] the cross-linguistic variation of four languages that and EggWorks [32]), the results of the statistical involve some kind of “breathier voice.” modeling are comparable across the four languages.

2. METHODS 2.3. Statistical modeling

2.1. Languages In this section, we test the relative importance of spectral tilt and noise measures for each of the four In this study, we compare four languages that in- languages. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), a volve some type of breathier voice: Gujarati (Indo- procedure that determines the relative importance European, Indo-Iranian; atonal), White Hmong of different cues between two or more groups [6], (Hmong-Mien, Hmongic; tonal), Southern Yi (Sino- was conducted in R using the lda() function from Tibetan, Tibeto-Burman; tonal), and Shanghainese the MASS package [28, 34]. This method was cho- (Sino-Tibetan, Sinitic; tonal). Typologically, these sen because it works better than logistic regression four languages come from different language fami- when the predictors are highly correlated with each lies and cover both tonal and non-tonal languages. other (like in our case, where all the spectral tilt Importantly, Gujarati and White Hmong are both measures are highly correlated). This method has considered to have a typical “breathy voice” that been found to be effective in evaluating the relative contrasts with modal voice [9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 24]. importance of different acoustic cues in various lin- Gujarati is atonal, while White Hmong has seven guistic contrasts (e.g., Mazatec phonation contrast phonemic tones. White Hmong distinguishes three [8, 13]; Korean tonogensis [17]; Tongan stress [14]; phonation types (modal, breathy, and creaky). Two Shanghainese phonation contrast [11], to name a of White Hmong tones are associated with non- few). Spectral tilt measures included were: H1*- modal phonation. Southern Yi has a three-tone sys- H2*, H2*-H4*, H1*-A1*, H1*-A2*, and H1*-A3*. tem (low, mid, and high) and two phonation reg- Noise measures included were: CPP and HNR in isters (tense vs. lax) [16, 18, 20, 21]. Both tense four regions of the spectrum (0-500 Hz, 0-1500 Hz, and lax occur in syllables with both mid 0-2500 Hz, and 0-3500 Hz). Mean values over the and low tones. The high tone, on the other hand, entire were used in the LDA analysis. only occurs in syllables with lax phonation. In the The Gujarati model included all breathy and literature, the number of languages that have been modal syllables in the dataset. A total of 3055 ob- reported to have a “whispery voice” is small. In servations (target words embedded in a short sen- this study, we examine Shanghainese, the most well- tence that the subject immediately thought of upon known Chinese Wu dialect. All Chinese Wu dialects seeing the target words) from 10 speakers were in- have a upper vs. lower register contrast in which cluded. The White Hmong model included all sylla-

1451 Figure 1: Relative importance of acoustic measures to the phonation contrast in Gujarati (top left), White Hmong (top right), Southern Yi (bottom left), and Shanghainese (bottom right): Linear Discriminant Analysis. Higher bars indicate more importance. Gujarati: breathy vs modal White Hmong: breathy vs modal

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 Absolute correlation Absolute correlation 0.0 0.0 CPP CPP H1* − A1* H1* − A2* H1* − A3* H1* − A1* H1* − A2* H1* − A3* H1* − H2* H2* − H4* H1* − H2* H2* − H4* HNR 0 − 500Hz HNR 0 − 500Hz HNR 0 − 1500Hz HNR 0 − 2500Hz HNR 0 − 3500Hz HNR 0 − 1500Hz HNR 0 − 2500Hz HNR 0 − 3500Hz

Southern Yi: tense vs lax Shanghainese: whispery vs modal 1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 Absolute correlation Absolute correlation 0.0 0.0 CPP CPP H1* − A1* H1* − A2* H1* − A3* H1* − A1* H1* − A2* H1* − A3* H1* − H2* H2* − H4* H1* − H2* H2* − H4* HNR 0 − 500Hz HNR 0 − 500Hz HNR 0 − 1500Hz HNR 0 − 2500Hz HNR 0 − 3500Hz HNR 0 − 1500Hz HNR 0 − 2500Hz HNR 0 − 3500Hz bles with modal falling (52) and breathy falling (42) ern Yi, and spectral cues (especially H1*-H2*) play tones. A total of 195 observations (monosyllables the dominant role. Based on the definition laid out 0.1167 embedded0.1825 in carrier sentences) from 11 speakers in section 1, the breathier voice in Southern Yi can 0 were included. The Southern Yi model included all be categorized as “slack/lax voice.” The contrast tense and lax syllables0 on the low tone and the mid between tense vs. lax phonation in Southern Yi is tone, where there are contrastive phonations. A to- mainly realized by the difference of the adductive -0.213 -0.192 0 0.2656tal of 929 tokens0 (isolated monosyllables)0.2571 produced tension in the vocal folds; since the arytenoid carti- Time (s) by 12 speakers were included.Time (s) The Shanghainese lages are not drawn apart, the turbulence noise from untitled model included syllables withuntitled low rising (23) and the glottis is relatively minor. Indeed, the pair of 0.132793901 0.128567675 5000 high rising (34)5000 tones. A total of 1347 tokens (iso- tense vs. lax syllables shown in Fig. 2 shows that lated monosyllables) produced by 52 speakers were both tense and lax are highly periodic, but included. they differ in the energy of high frequency compo- Given that there are two phonation types, LDA nents.

Frequency (Hz) 0 produced oneFrequency (Hz) discriminant0 function. The relative 0 0.2656 0 0.2571 Figure 2: Audio signals and spectrograms for /be Time (s) importance of each measureTime was (s) estimated by the 21/ (breathy, left) vs /be 21/ (modal, right), pro- Pearson’s r correlation between the values generated duced by a female Southern Yi speaker. by the discriminant function and the acoustic mea- Southern Yi lax /be/ Southern Yi tense /be/ 0.283 sure. A predictor0.2962 with more importance should show a larger absolute correlation. 0 0

-0.3108 -0.2753 3. RESULTS 0 0.4102 0 0.2936 Time (s) The LDA results are visuallyTime represented (s) in Fig. 1. untitled Measures with higher absoluteuntitled correlation to the dis- 0.205082324 0.146777755 5000 criminant function5000 (i.e., higher bars in Fig. 1) are of greater importance. Among the three languages that more heavily rely on noise cues, the cue-weighting pattern for Shang- At least three different patterns can be observed hainese is clearly different from that for Gujarati and in Fig. 1. Compared with the other three languages,

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) White Hmong, suggesting that they should be cat- 0 noise measures0 (i.e., CPP and HNRs) make very lit- 0 0.4102 0 0.2936 egorized into different subtypes of breathier voice. Time (s) tle contribution to the phonationTime (s) contrast in South-

0.1889 0.325 0 0

-0.3342 -0.7347 0 1.033 0 1452 0.8026 Time (s) Time (s) f1_tone_be21_01 f1_tone_be_21_01 0.516326531 0.401315193 5000 5000

Frequency (Hz) 0 Frequency (Hz) 0 0 1.033 0 0.8026 Time (s) Time (s) For Gujarati and White Hmong, although both spec- suggested that the breathier voice in Shanghainese 0.1167 tral cues and noise cues contribute0.1825 to the phona- is slack voice, but our LDA results clearly suggest 0 tion contrast, spectral cues overall play more im- that Shanghainese and Southern Yi do not pattern 0 portant roles than noise cues. By contrast, noise together. It should be noted that Rose [30] had re- -0.213 cues are the primary cues for the-0.192 phonation con- ported that the breathier voice in Zhenhai, a closely 0trast for Shanghainese.0.2656 Among the three0 subtypes related0.2571 Northern Wu dialect, is also produced with a of breathierTime voice, (s) whispery voice has the strongestTime (s) substantial amount of aperiodic noise and relatively aperiodicuntitled noise, so it is more appropriate to cate-untitled constricted glottis. It is likely that this voice quality 0.132793901 0.128567675 5000 gorize the breathier voice in Shanghainese5000 as whis- is a common property shared by some Wu dialects. pery voice. Since the breathier voices in Gujarati and White Hmong lie between the two more extreme 4. CONCLUSION cases, they can be categorized as breathy voice.

Frequency (Hz) 0 Frequency (Hz) 0 0 Figure 3: Audio signals0.2656 and spectrograms0 for /ba/ In this0.2571 study, we demonstrated that there is cross- (breathy,Time left) (s) vs /ba/ (modal, right), produced by Time (s) linguistic variation in the phonetic realization of a female Gujarati speaker. the so-called “breathier voice”, and that examining Gujarati breathy /ba/ Gujarati modal /ba/ the relative importance of aperiodic noise and glot- tal constriction is an effective way to tease apart the different subtypes of “breathier voice.” In par- ticular, our LDA models distinguished three cue- weighting patterns that are consistent with the sub- types of “breathier voice” proposed in the literature [3, 15, 24, 25], and therefore the three subtypes can be defined more clearly with acoustic cues: slack/lax Figure 4: Audio signals and spectrograms for /po voice is produced with spectral cues as the dominant 42/ (breathy, left) vs /po 52/ (modal, right), pro- cues but little noise cues; breathy voice is produced duced by a female White Hmong speaker. with dominant spectral cues but noise cues also play White Hmong breathy /po/ White Hmong modal /po/ important roles; whispery voice is produced with noise cues as the dominant acoustic cues. This study has important implications for future studies on “breathier” type of voice: first of all, to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the “breathier voice” in languages, it is important to investigate both the degree of glottal constriction and the presence of aperiodic noise. Moreover, Figure 5: Audio signals and spectrograms for /ba although our findings generally support the sub- 23/ (whispery, left) vs /pa 34/ (modal, right), pro- categorization of “breathier voice”, it is important to duced by a female Shanghainese speaker. bear in mind that these subtypes of “breathier voice” Shanghainese whispery /ba/ Shanghainese modal /pa/ essentially form a continuum in the phonetic space, 0.1167 0.1825 a space defined by both glottal constriction and noise 0 component. We do not intend to claim that there are 0 clear cut-offs among these subtypes. Therefore, the -0.213 -0.192 approach proposed in this paper has the advantage 0 0.2656 0 0.2571 of successfully capturing the cross-linguistic varia- Time (s) Time (s) tion of “breathier voice” without over-assuming the untitled untitled categoricity of the subtypes. Finally, the cue weight- 0.132793901 0.128567675 ing patterns found in this study should be further 5000 5000 Again, the LDA results can be validated by the validated through cross-linguistic perception exper- acoustic signals. As can be observed in Fig. 3 and iments. Fig. 4, breathy vowels in White Hmong and Gujarati have weakened formant structure and increased ape- Frequency (Hz) 0 Frequency (Hz) 0 5. REFERENCES 0 0.2656 0 0.2571 riodic noise. But the aperiodic noise is not as strong Time (s) Time (s) as that in Shanghainese (Fig. 5). The case of Shang- [1] Ball, M. J., Esling, J. H., Dickson, B. C. 2018. Re- hainese is particularly interesting, since whispery visions to the VoQS system for the transcription of 0.283 0.2962 0.1889 voice is especially under-documented0.325 among lan- voice quality. Journal of the International Phonetic guages. Ladefoged and Maddieson [24] previously Association 48(2), 165–171. 0 0 0 0

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