Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Editor Volume 61 Number 2 August 1999 Louise D
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August 1999 JOURNAL OF Volume 61 Number 2 ISSN 1090-6924 CAVE AND KARST STUDIES Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Editor Volume 61 Number 2 August 1999 Louise D. Hose Environmental Studies Program Westminster College CONTENTS Fulton, MO 65251-1299 (573) 592-5303 Voice (573) 592-5217 FAX Book Review [email protected] An Atlas of Tasmanian Karst, Research Report No. 10 Production Editor By Kevin Kiernam Reviewed by George N. Huppert 35 James A. Pisarowicz Wind Cave National Park Hot Springs, SD 57747 Cave Science News 36 (605) 673-5582 [email protected] Kartchner Caverns Symposium 37 BOARD OF EDITORS Introduction to the Kartchner Caverns State Park Symposium Robert H. Buecher and Carol A. Hill 40 Anthropology Patty Jo Watson Overview of Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Department of Anthropology Carol A. Hill 41 Washington University St. Louis, MO 63130 Discovery and History of Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Randy Tufts and Gary Tenen 44 Conservation George Huppert Geology of Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona Department of Geography David H. Jagnow 49 University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse LaCrosse, WI 54601 Hydrogeology of Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona [email protected] Charles G. Graf 59 Earth Sciences-Journal Index Geophysical Studies at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona Ira D. Sasowsky Arthur L. Lange 68 Department of Geology University of Akron Mineralogy of Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Akron, OH 44325-4101 Carol A. Hill 73 (330) 972-5389 [email protected] Sedimentology and Paleomagnetism of Sediments, Exploration Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Carol A. Hill 79 Andrea Futrell 4877 Archdale Lane Dating of Speleothems in Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Columbus, OH 43214 (614) 459-3131 Derek C. Ford and Carol A. Hill 84 [email protected] Pollen and Other Microfossils in Pleistocene Speleothems, Life Sciences Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Owen Kent Davis 89 David Ashley Department of Biology Invertebrate Cave Fauna of Kartchner Caverns, Missouri Western State College Kartchner Caverns, Arizona St. Joseph, MO 64507 (816) 271-4334 W. Calvin Welbourn 93 [email protected] Bats of Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona Social Sciences Debbie C. Buecher and Ronnie M. Sidner 102 Marion O. Smith Microclimate Study of Kartchner Caverns, Arizona P.O. Box 8276 University of Tennessee Station Robert H. Buecher 108 Knoxville, TN 37996 Authors 121 Book Reviews The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies (ISSN 1090-6924) is a multi-disciplinary, refereed journal published three Betty Wheeler times a year by the National Speleological Society, 2813 Cave Avenue, Huntsville, Alabama 35810-4431; (256) 852- 1830 Green Bay Street 1300; FAX (256) 851-9241, e-mail: [email protected]; World Wide Web: The annual sub- LaCrosse, WI 54601 scription fee, worldwide, by surface mail, is $18 US. Airmail delivery outside the United States of both the NSS News and the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies is available for an additional fee of $40 (total $58); The Journal of Cave Proofreader and Karst Studies is not available alone by airmail. Back issues and cumulative indices are available from the NSS Donald G. Davis office. POSTMASTER: send address changes to the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 2813 Cave Avenue, Huntsville, Alabama 35810-4431. JOURNAL ADVISORY BOARD Copyright © 1999 by the National Speleological Society, Inc. Printed on recycled paper by American Web, 4040 Penelope Boston Horton Hobbs Dahlia Street, Denver, Colorado 80216 David Jagnow James Mead Douglas Medville John Mylroie Cover: Lower Kane Cave, Wyoming, location of a NSS pre-convention field camp. Jessica Lang at the Iron Spring James Nepstad Margaret Palmer (top). Chemoautotrophic microbial colonies in one of the springs in the cave (bottom). Photos by J.A. Pisarowicz. Elizabeth White BOOK REVIEW BOOK REVIEW An Atlas of Tasmanian Karst, Research Report No. 10 was confirmed by a visit, and, finally, the intensity of karstifi- Kiernan, Kevin (1995). Tasmanian Forest Research Council, cation of the area. Two maps of Tasmania are also included. Inc., 2 volumes: 607 pp. Cost is $40 Australian dollars per vol- One shows the six regions of the island used in this atlas. The ume. Approximately $51 USD for both volumes plus postage. second is an index map showing the coverage and names of the 1:100,000 topographic maps that were reduced for inclusion in The ever prolific Kevin Kiernan has once again presented this study. us with a voluminous tome that is more than just an atlas. If The following six chapters each cover one of the six you are looking for a full set of maps of Tasmanian caves, for- regions of Tasmania: North-west, Western, South-west, get it! There are only five cave maps in the entire atlas. It is, South-east, North-east, and the Bass Strait Islands. Each of the after all, a karst atlas. six chapters begins with an introduction describing the topog- Chapter one, entitled, “The Nature of Karst Systems,” is raphy, climatology, geology and general geomorphology of the the first of two that make up Part A: “Karst Systems: A area. This is followed by the outline map of the general loca- Tasmanian Context.” The chapter is a short lesson in karst tions of the outcrops of the karstified rocks in the region using landform classification. The heart of chapter one is six tables the above-mentioned reduced topographic sheets. Each karst that categorize everything from limestone lithologies and con- area or potential karst outcrop has its own unique code number trols on karst evolution (Table 1.1) through surface karst land- such as NW 1 or W 59 (for example, the North-west region has forms (Table 1.3) to human use and aesthetics (Table 1.6). 57 unique karst areas). Each chapter is then made up of tables This single chapter could be the core of a short course on karst of data on each of the unique karst areas. Topographic maps phenomena. and geologic maps of the karst areas are listed. Other listed Chapter two is focused on the specific karsts of Tasmania. information includes: types of carbonate or other rocks, cli- The author describes the lithologic systems where karst mate, karst system types, existing documentation on the area, formed on the island. Contemporary climate and paleoclimat- number of trips to the area, who were the investigators (cavers, ic systems are addressed, as are their influence on limestone geologists, biologists, etc.), type of land ownership, manage- denudation and karst morphology development. ment problems and issues, and much more. In addition a few Once this framework is set Kiernan goes about describing paragraphs may be devoted to where to find more extensive the karst systems formed on Tasmania. He has developed information on the area. If available, information is given on seven process-oriented systems (with associated subsystems) the water chemistry (mostly collected by the author) and by which he describes the Tasmanian karst. Those systems are analysis of the rock (from a variety of sources). Each of the defined by lithologic, structural, climatic, solvent, denudation, chapters ends with remarks that summarize all of the data on topographic and exposure style processes. (The exposure style that specific region. The author then discusses the significance is the manner in which a limestone outcrop is exposed to of the karst found in that given region, as well as other values weathering.) The chapter concludes with a discussion on the such as archaeology and the impact of modern society. influence of time on these systems. There is also a caution to “Part C: Discussion and Conclusions” is perhaps the most be aware of the great complexity of karst systems. The reader significant part of the atlas. In this part, there is one chapter of is told that the parameters presented are very broad and that the some 30+ pages on “The Management of Tasmania’s Karst many systems described are not spatially exclusive. Rather, Estate”. This is must reading for those interested in karst man- they often overlap and interact with each other. This is good agement. Everything from pesticides, construction, and advice for studying karst systems anywhere, as we sometimes sewage, to recreation and its impact on the values of karst, is seem to get focused on one event or process and lose the big covered. picture. Finally, Kiernan, in his usual thorough style, provides the Part B is composed of six chapters following a short intro- reader with a 24-page bibliography of international scope on duction. This is the actual heart of the atlas. The introduction karst and karst management. This resource greatly increases explains the format of the atlas and the keys to the degree or the value of the atlas. intensity of karstification of the locations. Some three hundred There is little negative one can say about the atlas. The confirmed or probable karst areas are defined in this atlas. The author has given karst researchers another superb product. I individual karst areas are delineated by using natural features recommend the atlas, not only to the collector, but as a model such as watersheds rather than human-derived boundaries for similar research done elsewhere. I anxiously await (e.g., townships). The introduction to Part B also contains a Kiernan’s next production. table listing all carbonate rock occurrences on the island and for each listing the following information is given: a code num- Reviewed by: George N. Huppert, Department of Geography ber, the name of the area, its grid reference, the Forestry and Earth Science, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La District it is located in, a simple yes or no on whether this site Crosse, WI 54601, [email protected] Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, August 1999 • 35 CAVE SCIENCE NEWS CAV E RESEARCH GRANTS FOK MEETING IN ROMANIA The Research Advisory Committee of the NSS accepts grant pro- Friends of the Karst, an informal group of karst geologists and posals aimed to further speleological research in different areas.