
National Park Service Mammoth U.S. Department of the Interior Mammoth Cave National Park

Karst Geology

Look Beneath Beneath the surface of South Central Kentucky lies a world characterized by miles of dark, seemingly endless passageways. The geological processes which formed this world referred to as Mammoth Cave began hundreds of millions of years ago and continue today.

The Ancient World 350 million years ago the North American continent About 280 million years ago the sea level started to was located much closer to the equator. A shallow fall exposing the layers of and sandstone. sea covered most of the southeastern United States, Additional tectonic forces caused the earth’s crust and its warm supported a dense population of to slowly rise causing cracks to form in and between tiny organisms whose shells were made of calcium the limestone and sandstone formations. As the up- carbonate (CaCO3). As these creatures died, their lift continued, rivers developed which over millions shells accumulated by the billions on the sea fl oor. of years have created the sandstone-capped plateau In addition, can precipitate from above the Green River and the low, almost fl at lime- the water itself. The build-up of material continued stone plain which extends southeast of I-65. for 70 million years accumulating seven hundred feet of limestone and shale followed by sixty feet of sandstone that was deposited over much of the area by a large river system fl owing into the sea from the north.

“Acid Rain” Rain water, acidifi ed by in the soil water, they enlarged faster. As Green River eroded seeped downward through cracks in the limestone its channel deeper into the bedrock, cave passages and began to dissolve and create the labyrinth continued dropping to the same level as the Green of passages we know as Mammoth Cave. As the River. Upper level passages drained and became land continued to rise slowly, Green River eroded dry. At the present water table, cave passages are still its channel deeper and deeper, passages created forming. drained through the limestone toward the river which became the out-source for creating the cave. Because the major drains carried the most

Surface Clues As you approach the park, several clues suggest the southeast edge of the Plain, surface streams existence of . Road cuts along the highway suddenly sink underground joining the drainage expose vast amounts of soluble limestone which from thousands of and continuing to the display solutionally enlarged vertical cracks, an indi- Northwest where they become the underground riv- cator that caves are forming. The undulating land- ers in Mammoth Cave. Soluble limestone, sinkholes, scape along the interstate is created by crater like sinking streams and caves create a landform called depressions called “sinkholes’, which funnel surface Topography. water into the passages below. It is referred to as the “Land of 10,000 sinks” or the Sinkhole Plain. At the

The Uplands Driving Northwest from Cave City or Park City, you valleys with many sinkholes. It is the sandstone climb the Chester Escarpment which rises some 300 capped ridges that protect the cave. feet above the sinkhole plain. Beyond the top of the escarpment the plateau is divided into fl at sandstone capped ridges separated by steep, limestone-fl oored Putting It All Together The unique features of karst topography have made seeps into the limestone below creating vertical Mammoth Cave the longest cave in the world, with shafts in the limestone. These are younger than the more than 360 miles of mapped passages. Wa- horizontal passages that they by chance intercon- ter from sinking streams and sinkholes under the nect. The shaft drains, eventually joining actively sinkhole plain which created the cave system fl ows forming passages at the water table, thus adding to beneath the protective sandstone caprock to the cave’s complexity. Finally, the caprock on the outlets along the Green River. Echo and River Styx plateau protects older upper level passages from springs are historic examples of such outlets. Over collapse. This is in contrast with the Sinkhole Plain time the Green River has paused many times as it where the land surface continues to erode, causing deepened its valley resulting in the formation of mul- upper level cave passages to collapse and are eroded tiple cave levels. In addition, textural and structural away faster then newer passages can be formed at diff erences between limestone beds created diff er- the water table. ent fl ow paths in and between diff erent cave levels. Water fl owing horizontally off the sandstone caprock

Creation and Cave passages also collapse in Mammoth Cave. As The Historic Entrance to Mammoth Cave is an Destruction the valleys below the ridges widen and deepen they example of valley deepening as a small stream mi- intersect the older upper level passages which even- grating up-valley eroded through a passage causing tually collapse resulting in a “terminal breakdown”. collapse.

Artistry In Stone Water and time also enable the deposition of “cave dripping water. As each droplet falls it leaves be- decorations” called “” which include the hind a minute deposit of calcium carbonate around familiar and , as well as gypsum its circumference and a hollow tube slowly develops fl owers. The two most common types are composed toward the fl oor. Should the tube become plugged

of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium sulfate water fl ows to the outside creating a conical stalac-

(CaSO4). Carbonate speleothems, stalactites and sta- tite. Fast dripping water falling from the tip of the lagmites, are formed where the protective sandstone deposits its reciprocal, a , on the has been removed and limestone outcrops at the sur- fl oor. When stalactites and stalagmites meet they face. The limestone, which is of moderate porosity form a column. and permeability, allows vertically seeping water to dissolve minute amounts of limestone on its verti- Water seeping along cracks on a sloping ceiling or a cal descent. Upon reaching an air-fi lled passage the high wall precipitate draperies and fl owstone. Dif- water looses carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at the ferent colors associated with carbonate speleothems same instant it precipitates excess calcium carbonate are the result of oxidized iron components or tannic as speleothems. or humic acids.

Soda Straw stalactites form on the ceiling by slowly

The Dry Formation Sulfate speleothems, gypsum fl owers, are deposited cave by capillary action where some of the water is in dry passages beneath the sandstone caprock. evaporated and gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O) is deposited.

Pyrite (FeS2), a sulfi de, found disseminated within Gypsum speleothems continue to develop from the three feet of the passage wall is entrained by small base forming the beautiful cave blisters and fl owers amounts of water that seeps through the pores as seen in Cleaveland Avenue on the Grand Avenue within the limestone where it is converted to calcium Tour. sulfate. The sulfate-bearing water is drawn into the