The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 13, No. 05, February, 1903
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University of Central Florida STARS Stetson Collegiate Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-1-1903 The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 13, No. 05, February, 1903 Stetson University Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stetson Collegiate by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Stetson University, "The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 13, No. 05, February, 1903" (1903). Stetson Collegiate. 494. iy joHH B, siEisos mm DE LAND. FLORIDA The Stetson Collegiate VOLUME XIV. NUMBER 5. February, 1903* THE STETSON COLLEGIATE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY When I zvas a lad I used to play "hookey" from school, go foraging for eggs and then "hike" off to the creek zvhere zve caught a mess of fish; boiled our eggs in a tin can; split our fish in halves and baked them on a plank; picked berries in the spring of the year and in the fall gathered nuts for our desert—and zvhen zve got home at night usually got our "just desserts. 44 A Spread'' Is appreciated by anyone zvho enjoys the "good things" of life. The nearer zve get to na ture the more enjoyment zve get out of life. A girl is neither less mischievious nor less ad venturesome than a boy—as one lad tersely expressed it "They're just like kids, only they're different." The UP-TO-DATE GIRL zvaits until the "lights" are out and then steals softly dozvn the corridor to "Number pp" zvhere phantom-like figures are gathered around "a bunch" of WHITE FRONT dainties. "Paraiine tzvo-fcrs" dispel the gloom,—zvooden but ter trays anszver nicely for plates and zvith nature's ozvn forks everything proceeds merrily— until "found out." Stuffed Olives JOc. 1-2 doz. Cucumber Pickles 5c. Plain Olives JOc. Uneeda Milfc Biseuft 5c. Cheese Sandwich J5r. Butter Gems JOc Club House Qieese, JOc. Imported Sardines J5c, R'lyal Luncheon Cheese J5c. Sliced Peaches I5c. Guava Jelly 25c. Fig Preserves 30c. Sponge Lady Fingers JOc. Sultana Fruit Wafers 20c. Champagne Wafers 25c. J-2 doz. Dill Pickles 5c. THE Sweet Mixed Pickles J 5c. Baby Lunch Cracfcers JOc. WHITE FRONT GROCERY Butter Thins JOc. Imperial Cheese J 5c. Roquefort Cheese 20c. Leads in California Apricots J5c. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. California White Cherries J 5c. Zu Zu Ginger Snaps 5c. Nabisco Wafers 25c. Fard Dates JOc. "BEST OF EVERYTHING TO EAT." Oriental Stuffed Dates 30c. Pim-Olas 20c. Plain Pitted Olives 30c. Ripe Olives J 5c. Pilot Wafers J5c. Graham Gems I5c. Unee^ Biscuit 5c. Pate de foie Gras 25c. Boneless Chicfcen or Turkey 30c. Potted Tongue or Ham 5c. Chipped Pineapple J5c. Canton Ginger Preserves 30c. Preserved Peaches 30c. Social Teas JOc. Kennedy Fruit Cafce 30c. Cheese Biscuit J 5c. Il^i The Stetson Collegiate. "VERITAS." VOLUME XIV. DE LAND, FLA., FEBRUARY, J903. NUMBER 5. Presentation Day* THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I9. 7. O Skylark for Thy Wings Smart Ladies' Chorus 8 :oo p. m.—Faculty concert. Auditorium. 8. President's statement Katherine A. Crawford, Mezzo Soprano. 9. Doxology Florence M. Galpin, Reader. Robert L. Schofield, Organist. 2 130 p. m.—Baseball Game, Rollins vs. Stetson-— Athletic Field. PROGRAM. 8:30-11 p. m.—President's Receotion---Chaudoin 1. Sonata in A Minor, Op. 98 . Josef Rheinberger^ Hall. Tempo Moderato, Intermezzo, Fuga Chomatica 2. Recit. and Aria from "Der Freischutz" In spite of the lowering, cloudy weather Friday CM. Von Weber morning a large audience listened to the program of 3. Timothy's Quest—Scene 11, Act i. the Presentation Day exercises. A most interesting • . Kate Douglass Wiggins program it was too; all the musical numbers were ex 4. La Contemplation, Op.8 No. i. Eugene Thayer ceedingly well rendered. The address on "Ideals of Cantliene Nuptiale Theo. Dubois Greek and Christian Education," by Dr. Mullins, Vox Celeste E. Batiste was well worth coming to listen to, indeed, one 5. A Question Jessie L. Gaynor might well make a sacrifice to gain the privilege of The Honeysuckle G. W. Chadwick listening to so helpful a talk. Dr. Mullins has a good Daisies C. B. Hawley voice and a very pleasant manner, and a simple, di 6. Aunt Hetty Kate Douglass Wiggins rect way of saying things that must appeal to the 7. Happy Birds Eduard Hoist youngest of us. Especially did we feel in sympathy 8. Wedding March Mendlessohn with him after, in his introduction, he gave us greet ings from fellow students of ours who are taking FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20. courses in the college of which he is president. Reverend Mr. Hobson, of Jacksonville, a member 9 -.OO a. m.—Studio Reception—Art Department; of the board of trustees of the University, after a Inspection of Science Hall. short talk presented the keys of Science Hall to the 10:30 a. m.—Presentation Exercises—^Auditori- trustees. Mayor Fletcher, of Jacksonville, received um. the keys since Governor Jennings could not be pre PROGRAM. sent. Mayor Fletcher, to use his own words was "Conscripted" into service an hour or so before the 1. Overture to William Tell Rossini exercises so his speech was extemporary, but none Miss Zabriskie Mr. Brown the less excellent; indeed he drew great applause Mrs. Gideon Miss M/iller from the audience, when at the close of his speech he 2. Prayer spoke in terms of warm praise of our own beloved 3. Crossing the Bar Parks president, and of the prosperity and future of our Stetson Quartette University. 4. Address—President E. Y. Mullins, Southern The baseball game, Faculty vs. 'Varsity, was post Baptist Theological Seminary; subject, "The poned until Saturday morning on account of the Ideals of Greek and Christian Education." rain. As the downpour still continued Saturday the 5. Trio—Meditation Mietzke game was again postponed until Tuesday, February Messrs. Benedict, Brown and Schofield twenty-fourth. 6. Presentation of Science Hall—Rev. W. A. Hob The stormv weather also kept a ereat crowd of son, Pastor First Baptist Church, Jacksonville. people away from the reception Friday evening; the Acceptance of Science Hall for the Trustees—His dormitory students were on hand, however, and had Excellency Governor Jennings. their fill of gayety and cake and ice cream. THE STETSON COLLEGIATE. Locals* J. B. S. U. boxes full of fine confectionery at Harry Evans, the snake charmer. For more par Fudger's. ticulars, see him. Miss Bessie Hammerly spent a very pleasant week Alberta and Celia Whidden gave a Valentine party with her relatives in Orlando the first of this month. Saturday, February 14. R. P. Johnson went to Jacksonville to have his Perhaps a few of us may get our lessons a little eyes treated. We hope he will be able to aim well. better now we can't have confetti for breakfast, con Miss Jessie Baker entertained a large number of fetti for dinner and confetti for supper any more. friends at her home on West New York avenue on Cry from English III. Saturday, February 7. Argumentation is vexation. The crowd of students who spent the day at De- Description is as bad ; Leon on February 7 think Cannon's horses had bet Exposition makes me ill. ter be sold to a circus company in need of high Narration drives me mad. kickers. —By request. The Misses Davis gave a dance to their many The students as well as the faculty are making friends at the hotel Putnam Friday evening, Jan cjuite a reputation for theatrical performance. Sev uary 30. eral of them took part in the farce recently given at the court house and performed their parts in a way Hilditch Laundry agency at Fudger's. that reflected great honor on their instructors. The The crowd of students who went to Stetson on a number were Misses Treloar. Crystal Davis, Frances straw ride Friday evening, February 13, had such a Flanders and Nina Miller and Messrs. Heimburger, merry time that four, for some unaccountable reason, Campbell, and last and smallest but by no means thought best to walk home. least. Professor Sharp. The members of the Kent Club came in a body to The dedication exercises of Kent Club Hall on visit the Stetson Literary Society Saturday evening, Saturday evening, January 30, were greatly enjoyed February 7, and the result was so satisfying that by every one present. The program rendered was each society has resolved in the future to enjoy the as follows: meetings of the other. The program rendered was Origin and History of The Kent Club as follows: President Calmes Extemporary Mr. Walker Violin Duet M|essrs. Reed and Hoyt Recitation Muss Fletcher Poem on the "Florida Cracker and the Music Miss Hampton Lisle Laddie" Mr. Willis Oration, Socialism Mr. Lofberg Qration, "Florida" Mr. J. W. McKinnon Music Stetson String Band Debate—Resolved, That the municipalities of the United States should own and operate their own Debate, Resolved, That the United States is in street railways. honor bound to grant immediate independence to the Affirmative, Negative, Filipinos. Mr. Sparkman, Mr. Hamlin, Affirmative, Negative, Miss Sharp, Mr. Stevens Mr. P. Carter, Mr. N. G. VanSant, Decision, negative. Mr Emrif'.^tt Wilson, Mr J. Hall Brumsey. The judges, Dr. J. F. Forbes, Prof. C. D. Landis Program of the Stetson Literary Society for Feb ruary 21 : and Prof. E. G. Baldwin, rendered the decision two for the affirmative and one for the negative.