Send Us Victorious N Zeeshan Khan World
MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013 | Victory Day 2013 Illustration: Sabyasachi Mistry Send us victorious n Zeeshan Khan world. The economic exploitation was our surprise when our language, our When Babur, the Mughal, encoun- Charjapadas. It ran through the Pala acute, resulting in death by the mil- culture, our ethnicity, our economy tered this kingdom for the first time, and Sena kingdoms of Gaur-Bongo to or the generations born lions, but the strains on our social and and then ultimately our votes were in the 1500s he made this observation: the Vangaladesa of the Cholas and was after December 16, 1971, psychological well-being were equally subordinated to a national pecking reborn in the Sultanate of Bangala that Bangladesh was an exis- catastrophic. Added to that, a British order that placed us at the bottom. A “There is an amazing custom in Babur encountered. tentially “normal” place policy of advancing some communi- rude awakening followed, and then Bengal: rule is seldom achieved by The emergence of Bangladesh was to grow up in. Nothing in ties at the expense of others created the guns came out. hereditary succession. Instead, there a historical inevitability. Repeatedly, Fthe atmosphere hinted at the violent sectarian tensions that wouldn’t go Truth is, the break from Pakistan, is a specific royal throne, and each the people of this land have resist- upheavals our preceding generations away when 1947 rolled around. even from India earlier, was the of the amirs, viziers or office holders ed authority that was oppressive or had to contend with and there was But an independent Bengal was in has an established place.
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