NEXT Summit (Singapore 2021) 29 September 2021

* Cooperation discussion up to August 31 v. 2021.06.18 Singapore 2021 NEXT Summit (Singapore 2021) is coming soon

Online and offline G-M-A-B-C consultation on Online sub- Media Promotion by global celebrities with higher global interactions Total-Factor Cooperation forums media attention

2 5 10 200+ 500+

Country Discussion on cooperation Sharing by high-end talents Support from Global viewers regarding leading global partners interaction technological projects 20 30 60 1000+ 100万+

Promoting Total-Factor Cooperation for Global Innovation, Cooperation and Sustainability Singapore 2021

NEXT SUMMIT Unite to Create Singapore 2021 About us

Who we are

A global platform for integration and transformation of industrial resources

Our vision NEXT Summit(Aukland2017) NEXT Summit (Dubai2019)

Promote global innovation, cooperation and sustainability Our main functions Seeking Optimal Practices Sharing Advantaged Resources Improving Public Relations NEXT Summit (Hangzhou2018) NEXT Summit (Sky2020) Singapore 2021 Unite to Create:Our Value and Service

Reliable and long-lasting relationships with policy-makers, including face-to-face discussion Market entry and expansion support Authoritative interpretion of policy standards and execution procedures Crisis and issue management

G Creation: Local networks for project delivery Create “BIG" events Communication: Reduce misunderstanding and garner public support for cooperation C M Customize “GOOD" content Supervision: Third party protects people's interests Get through “HARD" channels Promotion: Harmony between partners and Lead in “NEW" social media promotion communities in target countries


Speeches: Invite politicians and top experts Low-Cost, High-Efficient exports Enhance brand recognition Solutions: Break development and R&D bottlenecks A better say in industrial chain Consulting: Customized research and consulting Improve brand added value Networks: Assume corporate advisory and operational roles Improve innovation competitiveness Singapore 2021 NEXT Federation- Leadership lineup

Rotating President Vice President Vice President

Former Prime Minister of Egypt, Former Indonesian Labor Minister Former Director General and Chairman of the Egyptian Sharaf Chairman of the Advisory Board Of Controller of Asian Infrastructure Foundation for sustainable Investment Bank (Minister level), Indonesia RDI development, Former Senior Advisor to the Professor at Cairo University President of AIIB Singapore 2021 NEXT Federation- Leadership lineup

Vice President Rotating President Vice President Vice President

Chairman of Agency for the Former Chief of Indonesian Member of the royal family Vice Chairman of Agency for Assessment and Application Coast Guard, President of of the United Arab Emirates the Assessment and National Docks of Indonesia, of Technology, the Republic and Chairman of the DEVAR Application of Technology, Chairman of Indonesian of Indonesia Research Development group the Republic of International Indonesia(BPPT) Singapore 2021 NEXT Federation- Leadership lineup

24th Nov. 2019 UAE, Dubai, Burj Khalifa

H.E. Ban Ki-moon, the 8th UN Secretary General, attend and deliver important speech. Singapore 2021 From the perspective of international politics: What dose NEXT Federation bring to you?

Uphold the vision of Promote synergy Build an equal and building a between "Belt and 4 open unofficial community with a Road" Initiative and platform for 2 shared destiny for development visions of multilateral dialogue mankind partner countries 5 1 Optimal practice: Promote international Innovation in the cooperation within the 3 theory of unique values of New international Zealand and China cooperation Singapore 2021 From the perspective of international economics: What dose NEXT Federation bring to you?

• Expand business opportunities and improve


• Enhance brand's global recognition

• Find partners to have a better say in

industrial chain

• Enhance brand's global image and added


• Technological exchanges and merger to • Data source: [LinkedIn China] 2018 brand globalization survey on Chinese B2B enterprises · Chinese B2B enterprises enhance innovation Singapore 2021 From the perspective of international business: What dose NEXT Federation bring to you?

Targeted and reliable government Low-Cost, High-Efficient Enterprise public relations services Overseas Partnership Development

Benefit and service-oriented two-way Multi-dimensional and investment platform effective media promotion

Personalized and differentiated brand Whole-process and one-stop strategic communications consulting international conference and exhibition training

Internationalized and professional industry expert resources support Singapore 2021

NEXT SUMMIT Global Impact Singapore 2021

UN Secretary-General

NEXT Summit (Auckland 2017) Singapore 2021

“The conference effectively promoted regional integration.” “The conference will not only share between China and New Zealand, but will surpass the two countries and provide resources to the world; this conference provides a mechanism to provide a possibility to provide solutions to the world.” 8th UN Secretary-General “We need to better promote cooperation between countries, whether large or small. All world challenges will have corresponding world solutions.” NEXT Summit (Hangzhou 2018) NEXT Summit (Dubai 2019) “We must cooperate to promote mutual cooperation among all parties involved and promote the cooperation of the entire international community.” “We hope to further expand the world partnership and promote the prosperity and harmony of the whole world.” Singapore 2021

“The world needs to establish a multilateral mechanism, not a country alone. We need to build a community of human destiny, the core of which is common development. We need to understand each other and this vision has Former Prime Minister of Egypt been achieved through the reform of the global governance mechanism.” NEXT Summit (Auckland 2017) NEXT Summit (Hangzhou 2018) “Countries around the world must establish NEXT Summit (Dubai 2019) interoperability with people, infrastructure, NEXT Summit (Sky 2020) finance and the interconnection of various mechanisms. Diversity and harmony will make the world a better place.” Singapore 2021

Under Secretary-General of UN

NEXT Summit (Auckland 2017) NEXT Summit (Hangzhou 2018) Singapore 2021 Find Smart Practices

It aims to recognize the most demonstrative and valuable optimal practices in international cooperation. Singapore 2021

Highlights of past NEXT Summits Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021

Opening ceremony Keynote Speech by Ban Ki-moon Keynote Speech by Wu Hongbo Keynote Speech by Sharaf

Keynote Speech by Peter Goodfellow Chief Partner: FAW Red Flag Official cooperation brand: Xifeng Ban Ki-moon visits Wen Chao Farm

国际展望大会(迪拜2019) Singapore 2021

国际展望大会(杭州2018) Singapore 2021

Peter Goodfellow GUO Yezhou Tuariki Delamere Gatot Dwianto LIU Zhengrong YANG Jian

国际展望大会(杭州2018) National Party Deputy Minister of Political Advisor and Vice-Chairman of Vice President Member of representative of HM BPPT(the Indonesian President, International and Secretary Parliament, New Maori King, Former Technology Department of General of Xinhua Zealand New Zealand Minister of Immigration Assessment and Central Committee Former Minister of Pacific Application Ministry), News Agency of CPC, China Island Affairs, New Indonesia Zealand Singapore 2021

ZHANG Yipeng GAO Yihuai Vince Gowan Ibrahim Mohammed Jawad Wehbi

Vice President of Natural Nutrition Vice President of CEO of DEVAR,UAE Group Chief Yili Group Research Center, Indonesia Association Operations Officer of Massey University, New of Commerce and S.B.K Holding Zealand Co-director, Industry, Chairman of Company, UAE IRDI New Zealand Singapore 2021

About 800 guests including government officials, representatives of international organizations, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from China, New Zealand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea, UAE and Africa, Central and Latin America gathered in the historic and cultural city of Hangzhou. Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 VIP guests

HON XU Yousheng Party Group Secretary and Martin THOMSON Director of Overseas Chinese Peter Goodfellow H.E. Antonio Guterres Affairs Office of the State Chairman of New President of National UN Secretary General Council, ChinaVice President of Zealand China Trade China Association for Overseas Party of New Zealand Association Exchange

HON LI Zhaoxing Tukoroirangi MORGAN H.E. LIU Zhenmin Former Foreign Minister of China Former President of the UN Under-Secretary Honorary President of the Chinese HM King Tuheitia Paki Māori Party of New General People's Institute of Foreign the Māori King in New Zealand Affairs Zealand

H.E. Essam Sharaf Hon Paul GOLDSMITH Former Prime Minister of XU Erwen New Zealand Member of Parliament, Former Minister for Science Egypt, President of Sharaf Former Consul and Innovation, Minister of Business and Consumer Affairs, Sustainable Development General of China in Minister of Higher Education, Skills and Employment, Head of Foundation Auckland the New Zealand delegation to the Belt And Road Forum for International Cooperation Singapore 2021

XU Yousheng, deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the High-level roundtable State Council, addressed the Summit luncheon President of the Summit, Dr. Yang Jian, read out the congratulatory message from the UN Secretary General

Li Zhaoxing, former Chinese WANG Guosheng, Party foreign minister, addressed the secretary of Henan province, Summit met with the President of NEXT Federation UN Under-Secretary General Liu Zhenmin delivered a video speech

Che Jun, Party Secretary of Group photo of the Council CAI Mingzhao, President of Xinhua Global media coverage Zhejiang Province, met with the members of Belt And Road News Agency, met with President of President of NEXT Federation Promotion Mechanism in Oceania NEXT Federation Singapore 2021

Singapore 2021 NEXT Summit Singapore 2021

Hosts NEXT Federation

China Economic Information Service of Xinhua News Agency

Local Partner, Singapore Government (to be invited) Singapore 2021 Core topics & industry focuses of sub-forums

Core topics Industry focuses

1. Technology Singularity and New Information Technology Electronic information Revolution 2. Agricultural Science and Food Agricultural Science Security 3. Biomedicine and Health Biomedicine 4. Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection and Energy conservation & Environmental Protection Sustainable Development 5. Intelligent Manufacturing and Intelligent Manufacturing Changes of Industrial Structure 6. Silver Economy and Aging Silver Economy Society 7. E-Commerce Upgrade and Supply Chain Finance Supply Chain Finance

Singapore 2021 Expected Outcomes


Enhance international Share the latest global Look into the frontier Expand global understanding and scientific and dynamics of key industries cooperation network, confidence in promoting technological research and explore trends and promote the level and global innovation, results and high-yielding directions of global impact of cooperation and practices, and international cooperation cooperation between sustainability, and identify provide a global feast of public and private project opportunities and latest knowledge and sectors strategic opportunities in information international cooperation

Singapore 2021 Agenda Framework

Summit-Online & offline events Online sub-forums

1. Technology Singularity and New Information Technology Revolution • Online as the main format with small 2. Agricultural Science and Food Security 3. Biomedicine and Health offline event in Singapore 4. Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development • Opening Ceremony 5. Intelligent Manufacturing and Changes of Industrial Structure • Keynote Speech 6. Silver Economy and Aging Society 7. E-Commerce Upgrade and Supply Chain Finance • Global roadshow of international projects Welcome to contact us for cooperation • Award Ceremony of the “Hurricane Lamp” regarding theme forums! Award Singapore 2021 List of Targeted guests (部分) Government

To be invited by Singapore Government and local partner Singapore Leaders Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Council Former head of Jenny Shipley Member of the Boao Forum for Asia government

Former Prime Minister of Egypt, Chairman of the Egyptian Former head of Dr Essam A. SHARAF Sharaf Foundation for sustainable development government

Kim Sang-hee Vice Speaker of National Assembly of Republic of Korea Deputy national leader

Azis Syamsuddin Deputy Speaker of the People's Representative Council of Indonesia Deputy national leader

Saleem Mandviwalla Vice President of Senate of Pakistan Deputy national leader

Chairman of Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology of Indonesia(the equivalent of the Minister of Science and Dr Hammam Riza Technology), rotating President of the global advisory committee of Ministerial level NEXT Federation

Vice Chairman of Agency for the Assessment and Application of

Technology of Indonesia, Vice President of Chairman of Agency for Vice ministerial level Dr Gatot Dwianto the Assessment and Application of Technology of Indonesia(the Singapore 2021 List of Targeted guests (部分) Government

Clare Wilson President of Trade Development Council of New Zealand Director level

Chairwoman of Public Policy Committee of Ministry of Hendri Saparini State Enterprises, member of National Economic and Director level Industry Council of Indonesia Former ministerial Dr Former Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand level Vice President of NEXT Federation, Former Controller and Former ministerial Dr Jae-Hoon Yoo Special Advisor to the President of the Asian Infrastructure level Investment Bank Former Minister of Manpower of Indonesia, Vice President Prof Bomer Pasaribu Former minister of NEXT Federation

Former commander of Indonesia's coast guard, Vice-Chairman of the Dr Desi Mamahit Former minister Global Advisory Committee of the NEXT Federation Singapore 2021 List of Targeted guests (部分)


Fellow of the Royal New Zealand Academy、expert on advanced GAO Wei material

Bruce Baguley Fellow of the Royal New Zealand Academy, expert on biomedicine

Zoran Salcic Fellow of the Royal New Zealand Academy, expert on industrial internet

Fellow of the Royal New Zealand Academy, expert on food and Lynnette Ferguson nutrition Fellow of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, expert on Marcel Yanovich Bikbau nanomaterials Singapore 2021 List of Targeted guests (部分)


Gregorovich Constantin Fellow of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, expert on information Nikolayevich technology

Balaklev Nikolai Fellow of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Russian Academy of Alexandrovich Sciences, expert on animal husbandry Former Director of Marburg Centre of Human Genetics of Germany, world's Stefan Bohlander top human geneticist and expert on precision treatment of leukemia Executive Director of China Netherlands Innovation Research Center, and a Theo de Hair founding figure in the field of technology commercialization in Europe Member of the European Academy of Sciences, professor of the Tomas Torres Department of Life Sciences, Autonomous University of Madrid, director of the Institute for Advanced Biochemical Sciences Singapore 2021

Brand Cooperation Value Link Singapore 2021 Benefits and Privileges by International Partners Singapore 2021 Benefits and Privileges by International Partners Singapore 2021 All-round brand promotion Singapore 2021 Brand promotion opportunities

Connect with senior government Maximize brand exposure Build brand reputation officials Singapore 2021 Brand promotion opportunities Singapore 2021 Commercial cooperation & promotion

QI ZHANG International Development Director Alibaba Group AliExpress

NEXT Federation have facilitated about 60 international suppliers and buyers from China, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, ROK, the UAE, Kazakhstan and others from Asia, Africa, Latin America to coordinate supply chain and improve corporate efficiency by linking product sources and channels. Singapore 2021 Media Coverage and Promotion

Media coverage Information promotion

50+ 200+ 100+ 500+ 100万+

Print media Key industry media Renowned opinion Articles Viewers leaders Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 Singapore 2021 International level strategic social contacts and privileges Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

Brand Billboard Print adverting Product Posters publicity advertising

Conference material logo/ resume placement Brochure cover logo shown in official implant website Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

Corporate logo in the main background of the Summit venue and VIP seats corporate name mentioning in press release before the Summit/written in the name of the corporate, speech in opening ceremony/keynote/subforum Opening ceremony group photo, VIP room free photo, logo in guest group photo wall/signature background wall Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

Participate in special Live interviews by Xinhua News Agency, Economic salon sharing Daily and other media

plenary theme discussion begins and ends with message of thanks Disseminate corporate Advertising implant during materials to media pre-meeting tea break and before dinner Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

In-depth interaction and communication with View sharing in the name of corporate in mainstream media information review (in both English and Chinese) Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

Special report, publication and Flagship products in exclusive distribution as an exemplary case gift package Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

In the information release list In the information release list Designated products of print media of internet media Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

Speech with important guests in Speech with important guests in subforums Side meetings

Speech with VIPs during keynote Speech with top VIP guests during opening ceremony Participate in roundtable presentation session

* Arrangements shall be made according to the conditions of the registered enterprises and the requirements of different forums * Basic requirements: vice president-level or above leaders of enterprises or institutions Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

Sit-together Toast

Group photo Congratulations Hug Handshake Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

meeting and group photo with top VIPs Seat at top VIP dinner

Ad implant during breakfast meeting, Award Dinner tea break, lunch, dinner Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

Hugs, handshaking, toasts and photos VIP Protocol with dignitaries

Breakfast meeting focusing on frontier topics in international Company logo display on sign-in board Complimentary venue booth cooperation and development, Senior Roundtable on enterprise innovation and development, High-level banquet sponsored by NEXT Federation Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges Singapore 2021 Forms of Brand Privileges

 Partner Institutions: think tanks, enterprises, industry associations, financial institutions, social organizations, media, government agencies and international multilateral and bilateral organizations from China, New Zealand, Indonesia, ROK, the UAE, Kazakhstan and other countries.  Resources connection and supporting services: business connection, think tank research, risk assessment, legal services, project consulting, quality standards, scientific research innovation, scientific and technological commercialization, technological exchange, international trade, information services, industrial investment, financial support, cultural brands, capacity building, member coordination, etc Singapore 2021

Unite to Create 和合而生

Email:[email protected] Website:HTTP://WWW.NEXTSUMMIT.ORG