Full-Time Non-Tenure Track/Contract Faculty Senators Council 194 Mercer Street, Suite 401 New York, NY 10012 P: 212 998 2230 F: 212 995 4575
[email protected] MINUTES OF THE N/C-FACULTY SENATORS COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 2015 The New York University Full-Time Non-Tenure Track/Contract Track Faculty Senators Council (N/C-FSC) met at noon on Thursday, September 11, 2014 in in the Global Center for Academic & Spiritual Life at 238 Thompson Street, 5th Floor Grand Hall. In attendance were Senators Becker, Borowiec, Burt (by phone), Caprio, Carl, Carter, Cittadino, Elcott, Fefferman, Gurrin, Halpin, Killilea, Mauro, Mooney, Morton, Mowry, Rainey, Slater, Stehlik, Stewart, Williams, and Youngerman; Alternate Senators Bianco, Casey, Cummings (for Sacks), Derrington, Lee, Renzi, and White. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting agenda was approved unanimously. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD DECEMBER 4, 2015 Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the December 4, 2015 meeting were approved with one abstention. REPORT FROM THE CHAIRPERSON: ANN MARIE MAURO Security Advisory Committee Chairperson Mauro reported the council was asked to nominate four members to the Security Advisory Committee. The N/C-FSC nominated Martha Caprio, Ralph Cunningham, Peggy Morton, and Andrew Williams. The Committee has representative categories concerning membership based on gender, school, and affiliation. Senators Morton, Williams, and Alternate Senator Cunningham were selected to serve on the Committee. Health Realignment Plan Discussion with Special Guest: Dr. Bob Berne, Executive Vice President for Health See attached Document B: Steering Committee with Bob Berne 1/8/15 and Health Realignment Materials.