Currently we find ourselves in an environment in Turkey where international human rights and constitutional regulations are violated every day. This also directly affects the right of defence, one of the right to fundamental principles of the right to a fair trial. In recent years, emergency decrees, issued during the State of Emergency period (following the 2016 coup attempt), have continued to be applied or were eventually enacted into law. A consequence of this is the gradual shrinking of space for defence to the point of its near complete removal, despite it being one of the founding elements of justice. Increasingly, lawyers began to be accused and convicted for being ‘members of terrorist organisations,’ especially in connection to the defendants they defended. A DEFENSELESS DEFENSE AUTHOR Faruk Eren (Except for the Foreword and the Introduction) TRANSLATOR Sebastian Heuer DESIGN BEK HAFIZA MERKEZİ Ömer Avni Mahallesi İnönü Caddesi Akar Palas No:14 Kat:1 Beyoğlu 34427 Istanbul TR +90 212 243 32 27
[email protected] A DEFENSELESS ASSOCIATION FOR MONITORING EQUAL RIGHTS (AMER) Gümüşsuyu, Ağa Çırağı Sk. Pamir Apt. No:7/1, DEFENSE Beyoğlu 34437 İstanbul +90 212 293 63 77 – 0501 212 72 77
[email protected] [email protected] NETHERLANDS HELSINKI COMMITTEE Riviervismarkt 4 2513 AM The Hague Netherlands +31 (0) 70 392 67 00
[email protected] With The Contribution of: LAWYERS FOR LAWYERS Nieuwe Achtergracht 164 1018 WV Amsterdam Netherlands +31(0) 20 717 16 38
[email protected] FOREWORD This report was prepared within the scope of a joint project by the Association for Monitoring Equal Rights (Eşit Haklar İçin İzleme Derneği – EŞHİD), Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) and Truth Justice Memory Center (Hafıza Merkezi), which aims to increase support for human rights defenders (HRDs) in Turkey.