Cannibalistic Culture of Amazon Tribal People As Reflected in Movie “Cannibal Holocaust” by Ruggero Deodato

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Cannibalistic Culture of Amazon Tribal People As Reflected in Movie “Cannibal Holocaust” by Ruggero Deodato CANNIBALISTIC CULTURE OF AMAZON TRIBAL PEOPLE AS REFLECTED IN MOVIE “CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST” BY RUGGERO DEODATO THESIS Submitted to the Board Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department By : Lisa Rosalia NIM. AI 121265 ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY THE STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2018 DEDICATION In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and merciful and the prophet Muhammad SAW, the inspiration of Moslem’s life. I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents, my father, Syamsul bahrun and my mother, Rahima and my sister Ratih kartika and my brother Riko syafrianto, and my all family. Thanks for all pray, love, motivation, all support, inspiration, and thank you for everything. My family that is always supporting and motivating me. Lectures, especially both of my supervisors who always provide direction in the study, which make me more advanced in many ways. For my friend at English literature class of 2012 especially, my best friends Hermadeli and Reny Septiawati dewialways give encouragement and motivation to write and finish this thesis. Thank you very much for all the help, encouragement and motivation. and all my friends who cannot be said one by one. Thank you so much for you all. God bless for us. i ABSTRACT Lisa Rosalia, 2018 : Cannibalistic Culture of Amazon Tribal People as Reflected in movie “Cannibal Holocaust” by Ruggero DeodatoEnglish Literature Department of Adab Faculty, The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Bahren, M.A Supervisor II : Selvia Lisa Asni, S.Hum.M.Pd This thesis analyzes about the cannibal culture in the Amazon forest in the film “Cannibal Holocaust”. The purpose of this research to know about: (1) What is cannibalistic culture practiced in the Amazon jungle as related by Cannibal Holocaust. (2) How is socio-culture relationship among the society. This research uses mimetic theory by plateau and Aristotle and uses a sociological approach. This research also applies qualitative and descriptive technique to explains and analyze the data. The result of this research are; (1) some cannibal cultures in the Amazon forest are (a) kill each other by fighting and lurk. (b) to survive by living in trees and swamps (c) eat human flash (d) rutual, there are 5 rituals they usually do: Traditional ceremonies, Proses or method of giving birth, Killing a girl, Killing the mother who has given birth, Feedwith human flesh, Feed using the mouth. (2) ) How is socio-culture relationship among the society: inter-tribal relations in the Amazon forest are not very good, they fight and kill each other, they do this because they are fighting over power territory and to get food. ii ABSTRAK Lisa Rosalia, 2018: Cannibalistic Culture of Amazon Tribal People as Reflected in movie “Cannibal Holocaust” by Ruggero DeodatoEnglish Literature Department of Adab Faculty, The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Pembimbing I : Bahren, M.A Pembimbing II : Selvi Lisa Asni, S. Hum.M.Pd Tesis ini menganalisa tentang budaya kanibal yang ada di hutan amazon dalam film “Cannibal Holocaust”. Tujual dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui : (1) apa budaya kanibalisme yang dipraktekkan di hutan amazon yang terdapat dalam Cannibal Holocaust. (2) bagaimana hubungan social budaya di antara masyarakat. Peneliti menggunakan teori mimetic oleh plato and aristoteles, danmenggunakan pendekatan sociological. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan qualitative dan deskriptif untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisa data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) beberapa budaya kanibal dihutan amazon tersebut ialah (a) saling membunuh dengan cara berperang dan mengintai. (b) cara bertahan hidup dengan betempat tinggal di atas pohon dan dirawa. (c) memakan daging manusia (d) ritual, ada 5 ritual yang biasa mereka lakuka yaitu : upacara adat, cara/proses melahirkan, membunuh ibu yang telah melahirkan, Memberi makan tamu dengan daging manusia, memberi makan dengan mulut mereka. (2) hubungan sosial budaya diantara masyarakat sebagai berikut : hubungan antar suku yang ada dalam hutan amzon tersebut sangat tidak baik, mereka saling berperang dan saling membunuh, hal tersebut mereka lakukan karena memperebutkan wilayah kekuasaan dan untuk makanan. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, the writer would like to say Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin and thanks to Allah, and many blessing for the prophet Muhammad SAW who brought us from the darkness to lightness. Peace is upon him. Finally, after a long and difficult journey, the writer could accomplist this thesis which is entitled “Cannibalistic Culture of Amazon Tribal People as Reflected in movie “Cannibal Holocaust” by Ruggero Deodato(1980). The writer realizes that the thesis would not be finished without helping and supporting from everyone. Therefore, the writer would like to extend the deepest gratitude to: 1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as a Rector of the State University for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. 2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I. as the Dean of ADAB and humanities Faculty of thestate University for Islamic of Sulthan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi. 3. Dr. Alfian, S. Pd.M.Ed. as the First Vice Dean in ADAB and humanities F 4. Ulfatmi Azlan, SS. MA. as the head of English Department in ADAB and humanities faculty. iv 5. Dian Mukhlisa, MA. as the Secretary of English Department in ADAB and humanities faculty. 6. Bahren, MA as the first supervisor, who has guided and motivated in writing and accomplishing this thesis. 7. Selvia Lisa Asni, S.Hum.M.Pd as the second supervisor, who has guided and motivated in writing and accomplishing this thesis. 8. The last, but not least. My beloved parents,Syamsul Bahrun and Rahuma,all my family and relatives.Thanks for all of your prayers, supports, love and everything you have given and done for me in completing this study. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give contribution and additional references to all readers. Now, criticisms and suggestion for this thesis are welcomed so as to make it useful in the future. Jambi, 2018 Lisa Rosalia v TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OF TITLE APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ i ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ........................................................................ ii MOTTO ....................................................................................................................... iii iv iv DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. v ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ viii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ................................................................................ 1 B. Formulation of problem ..................................................................................... 4 C. Limitation of the problem ................................................................................... 4 D. Purpose of the research ....................................................................................... 4 E. Significance of the research ................................................................................ 5 CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL FRAME WORK A. Mimetic Theory ................................................................................................. 6 B. Socioculture Theory. .......................................................................................... 8 C. Sociologicalapproach.......................................................................................... 9 D. Cannibalistic Culture .......................................................................................... 11 E. Movie. ................................................................................................................. 13 F. Review of Related Research. .............................................................................. 15 CHAPTER III : METHOD OF THE RESEACRH A. Design of the Research ....................................................................................... 17 B. Source of the Data .............................................................................................. 17 C. Technique of Data Collecting ............................................................................. 18 viii D. Technique of Data Analyzing ............................................................................. 18 CHAPTER IV : FINDING AND ANALYSIS A. Cannibalistic culture practiced in the Amazon jungle 1. kills each other…………………………………………………………….20 a. The fight ............................................................................................... 20 b. The lurking ........................................................................................... 22 2. The surviving way……………………………………...………………….23 a. The swamp people ................................................................................ 23 b. The trees ............................................................................................... 25 3. Eating
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