The Familial Dementia Gene Revisited: a Missense Mutation Revealed By
Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 2 491–501 doi:10.1093/hmg/ddt439 Advance Access published on September 10, 2013 The familial dementia gene revisited: a missense mutation revealed by whole-exome sequencing identifies ITM2B as a candidate gene underlying a novel autosomal dominant retinal dystrophy in a large family Isabelle Audo1,2,3,4,5,∗, Kinga Bujakowska1,2,3, Elise Orhan1,2,3, Said El Shamieh1,2,3, Florian Downloaded from by guest on 01 October 2021 Sennlaub1,2,3, Xavier Guillonneau1,2,3, Aline Antonio1,2,3, Christelle Michiels1,2,3, Marie-Elise Lancelot1,2,3, Melanie Letexier6, Jean-Paul Saraiva6, Hoan Nguyen7, Tien D. Luu7, Thierry Le´veillard1,2,3, Olivier Poch7,He´le`ne Dollfus8,9, Michel Paques1,2,3,4, Olivier Goureau1,2,3, Saddek Mohand-Saı¨d1,2,3,4, Shomi S. Bhattacharya1,2,3,5,10, Jose´-Alain Sahel1,2,3,4,11,12 and Christina Zeitz1,2,3 1INSERM, U968, Paris F-75012, France, 2CNRS, UMR_7210, Paris F-75012, France, 3Department of Genetics, Institut de la Vision, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR_S 968, Paris F-75012, France, 4Centre Hospitalier National d’Ophtalmologie des Quinze-Vingts, INSERM-DHOS CIC 503, Paris F-75012, France, 5Department of Genetics, UCL-Institute of Ophthalmology, 11–43 Bath Street, London EC1V 9EL, UK, 6IntegraGen SA, Genopole CAMPUS 1 bat G8, Evry FR- 91030, France, 7Institut de Ge´ne´tique et de Biologie Mole´culaire et Cellulaire, Illkirch Cedex 67404, France, 8Centre de Re´fe´rence pour les Affections Rares en Ge´ne´tique Ophtalmologique, Hoˆpitaux
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