Cooper, Conrad Return to Cape Kennedy Base
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Av0ng» DftUy Nft PrtH Run Ths WMthsr wir aMTwMk BnM BorecMt of D. 8.' Woutkor ■ v o m Jkaimt M, IMS ' Okwr, cold M r»l* fof>l>St, low 13,806 SO-5S; portljr sunny and wurmor r €< tlw Audit tomorrow, hlfh 15-M. t t OUrenluttM Manehs9ter^4 City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 281 (EI6RT1SEN PAGESl MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1965 (OlMotfled AdvertUbif on Pace Id) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Mills Begin Closing CoAcy Quits! NEW YORK (API — Casey Btengel, baseball’s most popular figure since Cooper, Conrad Return Babe Ruth, bowed out to Presiden t Summons day as manager of the \ New York Meta. Stengel’s retirement as manager becomes effec tive at the end of the sea son. He will remain with 1 dSteel Negotiators the club as a vice presi To Cape Kennedy Base dent. The 75-year-old sports WA9TTTNOTY)N f A P )— '?’r*Port from the fact-flndlng^femeetlng failed to move otalO' _ - ^ ^ d^nsM Wa aiAsaf D lfta K lIV 'O 'h filo fa w « n AA«sS.SMsr«f phenomenon, who has been team he sent to Pittsburgh Sat mated contract talks. out of uniform since July President Johnson sum The meeting, engineered by urday. The word from the two 25 because of a broken hip, President Johnson’s special me moned steel negotiators to members, Sfen. Wayne Morse, was present when the an D-Ore., and Undrsecretary of dlatlon team of Ben, Wayne Doctors Keep A White House meeting to nouncement was made at Commerce LeRoy Collins was Morse, D-Ore., and LeRoy Col a press coneference. day in an attempt to end that the negotiators were get lins, undersecretary of com what he called a stalemate The Mets announced no Sharp Eyes ting no where and the negoU- merce, brought together I. W, successor .to Stengel. Wes and head o ff a strike. atlons were stalemated. Abel, president of the United Westrum will remain as The President dispatched his So Johnson decided, a White Steelworkers Union, and R. Interim manager through House statenmnt said, "to re personal plane to Pittsburgh to Conrad Cooper, chief negotiator the rest of the season, con On Spacemen quest the prmclpal negotiators bring the 10 principal spokes for the basic steel Industry. tinuing In the Job he has of both parties to come to the men for unions and steel pro All companies ordered start of held since Stengel was CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. ducers to the conference table White Ho\jse Immediately” • for 3 the shutdown process — an op hurt a month ago. (A P )— Afltronauts L. Gor “ji ' at the White House. The chief the meeting with himself and eration that takes the Indndtry Stengel made this state don Cooper Jr. and Charles negotiators are I. W. Abel, pres his two Cabinet members. about <8 hours. ment: ident of the United Steelworkers The White House said Johnson The most time-consuming "A fte r much considera Conrad Jr. flew back today Union, and R. Conrad Cooper, got a thorough, comprehensive task Is taking the coke ovens out tion I have dlcided to re to this base from which % i representing 10 major produc report from Morse and Collins of operation. These are con tire as manager of the they were launched on ers. at the breakfast table, with structed of refractory material New York Mets at the their epic, eight-day voy The plane Is expected to get Wlrtz and Connor also present and operate at high temper close of the 1985 season. them to Washington In time lor along with William E. Simkin, atures. The cooling must be This is due to my wish to age in space. an afternoon session with John director of the Federal Media slow so there Is no damage. be relieved o f the arduous Two Navy planes, bringing son, Secretary of Labor W. Wil tion and Conciliation Service. duties of active manage the spacemen off the deck of the lard Wlrtz and Secretary of The second and largest time aircraft carrier Lake Cham- PITTSBURGH (A P ) — Steel ment, and on medical ad Commerce John T. Connor. consuming step Is banking the paln, landed on the Cape mills across the nation, vice following my latest The strike deadline Is Tues blast furnaces. It takes on aver Kennedy "skid etrip" at 11'.42 preparing lor a strike threat Injury. day midnight. age of 10 hours to shut down one a.m. EST. Johnson's decision to take a ened for midnight Tuesday, be of the giant Iron makers, and It Florida’s Gov. Haydon Burns, personal hand In the steel gan shut-down operations today (See Page Thlrteesi) Joining with space officials In dispute at this point followed a after a secret steel summit greeting the nation’s newest State News heroes, said the return marked "a great day for Blorida.” He said their flight brought 2 Firemen advances both in science and humanity. Vacation Seen Ahead; Bums ppesentied each astro Overcome naut with a plaque engraved with the seal of the state of Florida for the epic Journey At Windham that started here Aug. 21. Congress Plans Little " I t ’s great to be back on solid WINDHAM (AP)—-Two ground,’ ’ Cooper said. “ And WASHINGTON (A P )— Congress may reach final we're glad to be getting back to Willimantic firemen were agreement this week on a bill to create a new Depart- | work, writing a report on tha overcome by smoke today flight — the good, the bod, tha ment of Housing and Urban Development, Indifferent. otherwise the House and Sen-* while fighting a blaze that Mission over Astronauts Cooper and Conrad Greet the World destroyed a Windham "W e hope It win be a report ate planned to take up little of both branches on the compro that will Improve the quality of consequence, looking ahead In mise bill to give the cities a home. later fllghU.” stead to a long Labor Day week place In the President’s Cabinet. Firemen Charles Muller and Refreshed by a 12-hour sleep end. Major House interest will cen Harold Martin were treated at on the carrier. Cooper and Con The slow week Junks once and ter on a move to force a vote on Windham Memorial Hospital rad looked hale and hearty. for all earlier hopes for adjourn a Senate-passed bill to provide a :and released. Negro Pupils Stay at Home; Each said he "felt fine” and ment by Labor Day. Although form of home rule for residents The fire broke out In the had suffered no ill effects at all the Democratic leadership still of the District of Columbia. kitchen of the Quonset hut A from the marathon Journey In speaks of possibly winding up The drive started last week home of Mr. and Mjra. Russell space. ___ the year’s work by mid-Septem with filing 6f a petition Vhlch, If Bugby on Rt. 32. officials said. MANNED SPACE CENTER. ber, Senate Republican Leader signed by 218 members, would The Bugby family was away on Houston, Tex. ( A P ) — Doctors Everett M. Dlrksen says he ex Delay School Integration pry the bill from the District vacation. began probing the physical con a c ts Congress still to be here In Committee and bring it to the Cause of the fire was not dition of America’s Gemini S October, floor for a vote. The PetlUon Immediately determined. HAYNEVILLE, A 1 a.<^the school, following a pattern^ The Negro deputies, wearing space champs today while space has only 163 signatures so far. in other desegT^gation cases, j pistols, hard hats and clubs are Only tAVo bills were listed on (AP)Five Negro pupils officials already spoke enthusi the Senate’s published "pro On the committee level, the Exp<H!t8 Petition They have already enrolled at part of a 50-man voluntary aux- astically of _____having_ ,qualified_______ gram ahead." One deals with a ipotllght In the Senate Is on a scheduled to attend newly the school in Lowndes (bounty Illary recruited in recent weeks i ^ eight-day round claims agreement with Canada Kji i H to repeal section 14B of the n ecH cu rr^ r^ U "off\5ai i de^regated Hayneville where two civil rights workers | to put down trouble If It breaks trip to the moon. and the other with public lands [artley Act — the provi have been slain In racial vio out. A sharp, eye was kept on As U predicted Sunday the trustees High Sch(X)l failed to ap- In Florida. sion which allows states to pro lence this year. In sharp contrast to the inte tronauts L. Gordon Cooper Jr. (AP Phololax) of die bankrupt New Haven j hibit ‘agreements that require pear for classes today but gration of other Alabama and Charles Conrad Jr. to see The House schedule listed Railroad would t ^ to discon- j county’s force of spe- Sheriff’s deputies, reinforced nothing to stir up a major fuss. employes to Join a union. by volunteer, unpaid special schools In the past three years, whether disturbing symptoms Set to Ride tlnue Its money-losing passenger i no state troopers were on duty | might y «t crop up In exhaus- It Includes t>llls dealing with The Senate Labor Committee service Nov. 1. |dal deputies >showed up deputies Including the four federal aid for schools In disas htu) agreed to vote on the meas Despite a mild concus armed Negroes, stocxl guard at the school. Four FBI agents ^ medical examlnatlona. Samuel Kanell, executive di with four Negroes on it.