¨ Join the Pupil Council!

¨ Celebrity Gossip

¨ What’s HOT and what’s NOT

¨ Horoscopes

¨ Welcome to Drumchapel High! Pupils and teachers alike have been The cleaners had left and as far as the anxious to leave the school and get janitors were concerned, they were the home as soon as the final bell only ones there. sounds. It happens every day. At On this night, we were truly shocked at night we don’t think very much what the two janitors did. Hiding about Drumchapel High, but still amongst the vending machines, our re- expect it to be locked up and empty porters caught a glimpse of what ap- in the middle of the night. peared to be Alec fixing the lift. What we But has anyone actually ever man- soon discovered he was in fact doing was ¨ Creative Writing and Agony aged to prove that this is the case? fiddling with it to ensure that the cable There are always two people, whom snapped when next used, which would be Aunt none of us have ever seen with our the following day as far as he was con- own eyes leaving the school. How- cerned. Unfortunately, one of our report- ever, just a short time ago, our re- ers entered the lift shortly afterwards to ¨ And much, much more! porters went inside the school at find out what he had been doing (we had night to investigate whether Alec and to leave her but she is probably still lying Brian, the school’s reliable janitors, at the bottom of the lift shaft). ever leave the school… If that wasn’t appalling enough, Brian It was just a few hours after the oc- was later seen covering all the door han- cupants of the school had retired to dles AND toilet seats with superglue, the comfort of their homes. The rain while Alec was found skulking around spattered the windows, but neither under the staircases unscrewing the bolts that nor the howling of the wind holding them to the walls, until the point penetrated the walls of Drumchapel where they would collapse to the floor on High. As was the expected norm, the one touch. school was checked to ensure all So much for friendly, reliable janitors. staff and pupils had vacated it, and to Beware who you trust this Halloween… make certain that the building itself By Becky Hurt was in order. Hi,

This is the first ever issue ¨ of Drumbeat, the new magazine for Drumchapel High School. ¨ Unfortunately, the original magazine stopped running when the senior pupil in ¨ charge left the school. However, we’ve decided to ¨ start it up again this year, to let everyone know about ¨ the events around the school, and hopefully to ¨ entertain you all as well.

We’re hoping to get any ¨ fresh ideas and suggestions (from teachers and pupils) ¨ so that we can improve our next issue, and see what people around the school ¨ want to see in Drumbeat. If you do have any sugges- ¨ tions, just fill in the tear of slip at the back of the ¨ magazine and pop it in the Drumbeat box in the hub, ¨ or just let one of our mem- bers know. ¨ We hope you enjoy reading!

STAFF Þ Becky Hurt - Editor Þ Heather Mullen - Assisstant Editor Þ Jennifer Barnshaw - Jokes Þ Jodie Roberts - Embarassing stories Þ Ashley Montgomery - Interviewing Þ Lina Tembo - Photography Þ Zoe McAreavey - Researcher And many more (who don’t want to be mentioned). Article of Interest

This week, the article of interest will fo- cus on the school’s pupil council. It has become apparent that pupils, for some reason, are wary of joining the council and have unprecedented preconceptions of the people who do. Despite the general consensus, that only “geeks” join the pupil council, a vast range of pupils opt in to have their say about the school. This year’s pupil council is run by the senior pupil council, which consists of eight sixth year pupils, including ourselves (Erin and Ross). We form the backbone of the council, thus allowing the majority of decisions and im- portant roles to be pupil orientated. We encour- age people of all backgrounds to join, as it gives a more diverse opinion pool to work with. Hopefully as the year goes on we will have, from each tutor group, a representative, who can share the views of their class members. The pupil council meets on a monthly basis, with a pre arranged topic to discuss. In past years the council has had a more open environment, however this led to little being done and nobody contributing to the discussions, which was a waste of everybody’s time and effort. It is the aim of the council, to col- lect the pupil’s views and opinions of the school and how it could be improved; it is by doing this that the student body has the power to change unsatisfactory aspects of their learning environment, and then implement new factors to enhance the school. Another misconception that we face is the over-riding question – “what has the pupil council actu- ally done?” well the answer is: if it had not been for the pupil council, the dilapidated and derelict jani- tor’s house would still be festering away at the north-west gate of the school. We were also responsible for implementing the school sign; however it has fallen into disrepair and has suffered at the hands of vandals over the years, so maybe another sign is needed? Enjoy basketball? Well you can thank the pu- pil council again. It was with their persistence and petitioning that we now have the outdoor basketball area. The breakfast club is another, more successful, project initiated by the hard work and dedication of the pupil council. The current topic is that of the house names. To elaborate, it is in the interests of Mrs Winton to re- name the registration classes as house names. Pupil council members will have taken your vote and the out come is still being debated. But why have house names? Well it is accepted that house names give a distinct identity to the pupils. It will also provide the means to have a healthy competition between the houses. It is a more mature manner of naming classes and is one that is wide spread throughout schools in the U.K. Plus it will be just like Harry Potter! Except without the broomsticks of course. If you are considering a career in politics, like to moan, or are just curious, then coming along to one of the meetings. It might just give you a little push in the right direction. You are not stuck in and can opt out; we won’t hold you against your will! Instead of spending your school life complaining about the place, do something and be an active partici- pant in the things you want changed. It’s never going to happen if you don’t say something. Being in the pupil council does have its advantages though, such as an early lunch pass for those consistent members, to get away early on meeting days. You will also receive a badge notifying other pupils of your status within the pupil council, and to identify you as a member. At the end of the year there will also be the possibility of going to the Houses of Parliament. We hope that this article has given you a greater insight into the real pupil council, and maybe we’ll see you at the next meeting!

Erin O’Shaughnessy Ross Sorby I have recently fallen out with my friend over something silly, and I’ve tried to resolve the problem but she just completely ignores me now. My other friends have all taken her side and I have no one. I have to go Here for any problems you may have. home for lunch and have no one to If you want to know something and are stand with at interval. What should embarrassed to ask your friends, write I do? in to Aunty R. and she’ll try and help. Girls Aloud Fan, S1 I am in 6th year and I sat my exams last year. The results I got were disappointing and I am trying to Hiya, make sure I study a lot more this year. But I feel It is normal for friends to fall out, like that’s all I ever do and I’m not really getting and if you’ve tried to make up with anywhere. Do you have suggestions on how to her at least you have done your study? part. There is no need for you to go home at lunchtimes. Why not make Hiya, friends with the people in your There is no need to get stressed over it, limit your- classes? Alternatively, there are lots self to how much studying you do. Ask your teach- of clubs available and there is also ers when supported study for that class will be avail- the games room where you can find able and make sure you attend and bring up any ar- peer supporters every lunchtime, if eas on which you are stuck. Why not you want someone to talk to or just ask your friends about their study want to hang out and meet others methods and try them out. Studying in your year. with a friend also helps, that way you can test each other and they might be able to help you a lot.

I dye my hair a lot because it’s such a vi- brant colour but it’s getting thin and falls out in little strands when I run my fingers through it. I really want to dye it again but I’m worried about it all falling out. Do you think I should keep dying it?

Hiya, I have a boyfriend, but he is a popular boy NO! When it’s at this point you should think and is well liked amongst all our friends and about buying products like "VO5 hot oils", other girls. People have been telling me how "Pure Coconut Oil" or "Tresemme repair and someone else has been hanging out with protect cream". This will strengthen your him, and I’ve heard rumours that he is hair and then I think you should still leave it cheating. I don’t want to ask him because he a couple of months before dying your hair will think I'm being clingy and insecure. again if it’s in that state, because it may fall What do you think I should do? out again. Also reduce the amount of time Worried S4 pupil you spend straightening it too. Hiya, Well, if he’s your boyfriend you should be able to trust him, but if not you really should think twice about being with him. If your confident the rumours are made up then ig- nore them as it will only come between you, and that’s probably why they were made up. If you really do believe there is something going on then confrontation is the best thing to do. That way you will be able to tell by his response where the truth lies. If you want any of your work to be printed, hand it in to Mr Johnston, one of our members, or e-mail it to us.

The sun is shining but bleak is the day While men work behind prison walls of grey But it’s not a prison, rather a labour camp Where rats run loose and beds are damp Where work is constant and food is scarce Where not even God can hear their prayers Where disease spreads like a forest fire And inmates can’t sleep despite their tire Where washes are few and far between And the sun is looked upon but never seen. Becky Hurt


You are in the clouds, so way up high, Watching over me, sometimes I wish you were here, But I know that can not be, I know you are with me, in my heart and in my mind, But I still feel imbalanced, and I just want to find, A way to keep you with us, even though you’re miles away, So I just look up, and think of you every single day, I talk to you in the morning, and sometimes even at night, I hope that you can hear me, when you’re so high above, I hope that you can hear these words, when I say that YOU ARE LOVED

By Sophie Allanha Stowell

This poem is dedicated to my granny Cathy, grandpa Fred, big sisters Laura and Jacquelyn and my big brother Jason. R.I.P I can hear them in the distance singing their joyous song as the clear sky surrounds them like a protective quilt And all I can do is admire them from afar, as I stay under my protective quilt of concrete walls Who is more protected from the world? Me? Or the seagulls? They fly free, while I sit in my fortress, where what to think and feel is thrust upon me. TRAPPED, CAGED and ALONE So maybe the song isn’t of joy but of mocking, that they have the whole sky to spread their wings. But I have only the width that the walls allow. By Heather Mullen No matter the season, UGG Australia boots are so in! If worn properly, without socks, they keep your feet, resulting in your entire body, at body temperature! Therefore they keep you warm in winter & cool in summer! Plus they look gorgeous! Can’t ask for much more can you? Now for the rant… Fake UGGs!!!! I honestly do not understand why anyone would waste pre- cious money on them. Well, they are pretty cheap. But I’m assuming they won’t last very long. Do people actually think it looks good to walk around on the of the boot? This doesn’t happen with the real ones! I say, save up and get a real pair. They can cost roughly £180/£190 max, but totally worth it. In my experience, they lasted over a year, worn mostly every day! Can be found at

You heard it here first, bomber jackets are coming back this winter! Want to be in style this season? Invest in a leather bomber jacket, or even a biker jacket. They look great with boy-fit jeans. A great casual look for those dark, cold days when you just can’t be bothered. Find some stunning ones at

Leggings! We all love them, don’t we? Plain black leggings worn with a skirt & UGG boots looks great when its too cold for tights. But hey, why not ditch the skirt? That’s what’s happened, not just this season; this year. The trend of baggy long t-shirts with leggings is pretty funky, but recently the ‘long t-shirts’ have gotten shorter and shorter. This is a very risky look to pull of and not one that should be toyed with! I’m afraid this is one of the fashion rules that should not be questioned. If you are insistent on wearing a short t-shirt with your leggings invest in ‘jeggings’ (leggings that look like jeans). The new horror film, Zombie- Title: Counting on Leroy land, has been compared a lot Author: Steve Mills and Hilary Koll with classic zombie movie, Location: Quick Reads Shaun of The Dead, but the This is a short and amusing story about a boy who loves Maths. It combines maths two don’t share many simi- puzzles with a good story, which I think is a larities. very clever idea and I haven't seen any other It would be better to compare books quite like it. it to Road Trip, as the heroes of the film travel Title: The City of Ember cross-country, encountering ravenous zombies Author: Jeanne DuPrau along the way. Location: Young Adult Fiction The film has no hidden messages or warnings about "An underground city was built to save the human race. It was the future, but just wants to make you laugh, and it to last 200 years… Now, that succeeds in doing just that. time is up…" - I really like stories that look at what could happen in the future, and this is a very enjoyable Despite the amount of excite- book in that genre. Two teenagers work to- ment about the re-make of the gether to try to find a way out of their under- well-known Fame, the film ground city. turned out to be a big disap- Title: Judgement of the Judoon (Doctor pointment. Not many of those Who) who have seen it enjoyed it, and some deemed it Author: Colin Brake ‘too long’ and ‘full of bad actors’. Not really a Location: Fiction Although set on a distant planet full of aliens, must-see, but if you can’t find anything else to spaceships etc, this is really a mystery story. watch, you might as well give it a go. The unlikely team of the Doctor, a teenage detective, and a Judoon, work together to solve a string of murders. If you like Doctor Said to be perfectly cast with Robert Who, I think you will really like this. Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx as the leads, The Soloist is a film with a real What I want to read next: I've got Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd, as it won the Carnegie social conscience, as well as amazing Medal, which is voted for by Librarians who musical sequences. work for children/young people, so I'm hop- However, this film is said to be nei- ing that means it is good! ther uplifting nor inspiring, although Book reviews by Ms Armstrong if you are heading for the cinema, try to see it if you can. Sadly it’s that time of year again when we are cursed with the X-Factor splattered all over our TV. I ex- aggerate. X-Factor is on at a reasonable time and channel I suppose. Unlike big brother that replaces anything you would watch! Beside the point. Simon Cowell has made a change to the show this year by adding a live au- dience. That is so totally unoriginal isn’t it? It’s nothing like Britain’s got talent... Or is it? Is there a point to X- Factor when BGT is the exact same thing but it’s not limited to singing? I’ve only watched some parts of a couple of shows this year and I can’t stand those twins (John and Edward). Can anyone? Their voices aren’t that good. One of them is completely out of tune. Also, what is with their hair? It just makes me hate them that little bit more. Either stop spiking that hair up, or get a hair cut! It’s too long to spike without looking stupid. X-Factor favourite Danyl Johnson, however, is excellent and definitely deserves to win. Jamie Archer’s audition was so amazing. Probably better than the Kings of Leon! Rikki Loney is also excellent; he has an amazing voice & had my vote. Unfortunately Simon know-it-all Cowell voted him off. IDIOT!, if I would ever vote on that show of course.

Former X- Factor winner Leona Lewis was attacked at her book signing in Waterstone’s. The man punched her in the side of the head, what a psycho! Really, who would queue for ages to punch some- one?

Anyone who had that privilege to go see Pink in concert this month I would just like to express my bitter jealousy towards you. I hope you had a good time...

Anyone who’s been to any good gigs recently and would like to write a review and hand it in I’ll see about having it put on this page next month. Not too many words though! Upcoming gigs in Glasgow you might want to crack open the piggy bank for. ;)

Biffy Clyro - Barrowlands - 2nd & 3rd November Calvin Harris - O2 Academy - 4th November Muse - SECC - 9th November Deep Purple - Clyde Auditorium - 11thNovember Will Young - Clyde Auditorium - 12th November La Roux - O2 ABC - 16th November Rise against - Barrowlands - 17th November Arctic Monkeys - SECC - 24th November Lily Allen - SECC - 25th November Clubland Live 3 - SECC - 26th November White Lies - O2 Academy - 28th November Snow Patrol - Clyde Auditorium - 30th November Mission District - King Tuts - 30th November Paramore - SECC - 10th December Ronan Keating - Clyde Auditorium - 19th February JLS - Clyde Auditorium - 21st February Name: Anonymous Year : S1

How do you like high school so far? Ok. (He may change his mind though as school goes on, picking subjects usually changes peoples minds about school.) Name: Anonymous What is your favourite subject? Year: S1 My favourites are probably Science and Home Economics. How do you like high school so far? High school is quite good but not as good as Primary school. Do you have a favourite teacher so far? The teacher who has made an impression on me (This is a very common attitude when people first come to the would have to be Mr. Clements. school.) Name : Jodie Kinnon Year : S1 What is your favourite subject? How do you like high school so far? I quite enjoy maths and science the most out of High school’s alright so far. all my subjects so far. Name : Ashleigh McCluskey What is your favourite subject? Year : S1 Art is probably my favourite sub- How do you like high school so far? ject. School’s been alright up until now. Who is your favourite teacher? What is your favourite sub- Mr. Clements is my favourite teacher. ject/s? My favourite subject would have to be P.E. (She’s right it is a really good subject I personally really enjoy P.E too.)

Who is your favourite teacher? Mr. Clements is my favourite teacher in the school. Name : Shannon Harrison Year : S3 Why have you picked the subjects you have choose to study for the next two years? I picked these subjects because I like them and also because they are interesting.

How do you plan to pass your exams and do you think you can pass them? Yea, but I’m going to study hard. (My advice to all the other S3 and anyone else doing exams who is reading this magazine is study hard now before you regret it. Many people start studying too late and before they know it, it’s exam time and they haven’t even studied properly/aren’t ready and end up failing.)

Name : John Henderson Year : S5 How do you think your exams went personally? I think the exams went well and I got the results I wanted.

How did you pick the S5 subjects? Did you take the same ones from standard grade or different ones? I took a mix of ones from Standard Grade and some new ones As a sixth year pupil I have as well. gone through everything the S1, S3 and S5 has. I have to Do you think you will take them next year? agree as well with the S1’s Mr In 6th year I’ll probably change and take some new subjects. Clements is a great teacher ( or as most Drumchapel High Name : Patricia Mooney (Pat) students would say “He’s a Year : S5 Legend”). I have to strongly How do you think your exams went personally? advise that you study, study, In my personal opinion I think my exams went alright. study till your brain is sore How did you pick the S5 subjects? Did you take the same ( everyone especially S3-S6 ). ones from standard grade or different ones? By Ashley Montgomery I took some of the same and some new subjects.

Do you think you will take them next year? Hopefully not. I want to go to college or university next year, if I get in. Three of the school’s teachers won this issue’s Teacher of the Term, as they all had the same amount of votes each. Congratulations to Mr Henshelwood, Mr Johnston and Ms Lennox!

A french fry walks into the bar A man walks into a bar and asks, “Does anyone here own that Rottweiler outside?” and says to the bartender “Yeah, I do!” a biker says, standing up, “what about it?” "Hey , could I get a beer “Well, I think my Chihuahua just killed him…” please?" “What do you mean? How could your Chihuahua kill my Rottweiler?” The bartender looks at him “Well, it seems he got stuck in your dog’s throat!” shaking his head and says "No, we don't serve food here." Q. Where do you find a one legged dog? A. Where you left it.

The maths teacher saw that little Johnny wasn’t paying attention in class. She called on him and said, “Johnny! What are 4, 2, 28 and 44?” Little Johnny quickly replied, “CITV, CBBC, Nickolodeon and the Disney channel!”

The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special target of one of the older workmen. After several minutes, the older worker had had enough, “Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?” he said. “I’ll bet a week’s wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow Why was the washing machine over to that outbuilding that you won’t be able to wheel back.” laughing? “you’re on, old man,” the braggart replied. “Let’s see what you got.” The old man Because it was taking the p**s reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to the young out the underpants. man, he said, “Alright, get in.” Everyone has those moments, the ones when our faces go bright red, and we wish the ground would swallow us up. They are mo- ments we never quite live down, and they haunt us forever. However, if these mo- ments aren't happening to us, we're quite happy to laugh about it. And that is why we're publishing some classic embarrassing moments, to make you laugh and realise that it happens to everyone.

One time I was walking in the street I was in a restaurant with my parents with my dog, and I was about to one evening, and several mints came pass some people I didn’t get on with the cheque. I unwrapped one and with very well. So I didn’t have to tried to show off by throwing it up in talk to them, I took my phone out the air and catching it in my mouth. and pretended to be talking to some- Unfortunately, it got stuck in my one. Just as I was passing them, my throat and I spent ten minutes loudly phone suddenly started ringing and coughing to get it out. Everyone was they all burst out laughing. The next staring at me, but luckily we left day, half the school was talking straight after. about it! We haven’t gone back since!

A few weeks ago I was waiting on a train and really had to go. The train station had one of those electric toilets, it was the first time I had used one, so I never had a clue how to use it! At first I just looked at the buttons and complained that I didn't know how to close it when the doors shut themselves. I went to a family party once at my aunt’s house, I thought that was them locked, so went about and I was really bored. She had lots of dogs, and my business, when suddenly the doors opened, they were kept in the living room out of the way. as someone else also had to go. So there I was I love dogs, so I went in to see them, and ended with my trousers at my ankles staring out at a group of kids my age! up crawling around the floor pretending to be I didn't know what else to do, so started scream- one. I was on my hands and knees in mid-bark ing, then my mum ran into the toilet and started when I heard sniggering—I turned round and my pressing buttons, causing the doors to open and close, and when the finally stopped I had to fin- whole family was standing in the doorway staring ish what I was doing with my mum there. And and laughing. when I was done wait on the platform with eve- ryone staring and smirking at me. Capricorn: Virgo: Imagine yourself in the top of a very When you fall you fall hard don’t you? high mountain. Everything looks smaller in the valley, doesn’t it? You have a Well for you single people, then there is challenge right now that looks more someone heading your way, but you difficult than it actually is. When you’re need to let go of the hurt from your past ready to deal with it, remember being relationships, you are older and wiser on this mountain. And take a look at now! The bottom line is enjoy the new that challenge, far down below. It’s not people in your life and as long as you so big now, is it? Aquarius: are friends first then you will be fine Withholding information is often as bad as lying. Not Leo: wanting to hurt someone’s feelings is one thing, but You are an independent person. You like leaving bits and pieces of the truth out to make having people around to admire and ap- yourself look good is wrong. Something is going to preciate you. Don’t keep these people happen, and it needs all the facts. Only then will the around just for vanity sake, because one big picture become less of a puzzle for everyone day they might turn on you. Be warned. involved – including you. Time always tells the trust, You are a lovely person but you are in a so must you. friendship that only serves you and not the other person you need to give these peo- ple attention, because they will always be there for you unlike the others. Cancer: You have been having trouble lately but that’s all going to change. Your world is about to get a whole lot brighter and a whole lot less lonely because those people you believed you couldn’t rely on are trying to make a connection with you. Take the first steps and you will be rewarded. Sagittarius: Gemini: For the past few weeks you have been yearning for a really good time, Well now’s the time to find that Everything seems to be piling up on you, special someone and go after your adventure, because but don’t bring this stress home with you, you are finally in the right frame of mind to be able because things will only get worse. You to enjoy it. need to concentrate on handling things Scorpio: one at a time and you will get through There is someone in your life just now this. Don’t push your family away they (friend or partner) that is just asking too will be the ones to help you through. much from you, if you don’t act soon Taurus: there is going to be nothing you can do Someone has really let you down re- about it. Make your discomfort known to the person. cently, and it is one of those times when it really hurts. But everything Libra: might not be as they seem, if you Someone is really testing made a mistake or things weren’t ex- your patience right now plained right wouldn’t you want a and you need to just get chance to explain? It is time to give away from them. You need this person the benefit of the doubt. to think to yourself, am I All isn’t as it seems. just in a bad mood? Or is it Aries: the person? And if it is the You definitely can’t let the past go can you? You really need to let things die latter then you need sit this because talking about the past is only go- person down and make ing to make you (and the others around them understand your con- you) miserable. It is time to move on cern....for your good and with your life. And start going forward. theirs. By Heather Mullen They might be a bit cheesy but everybody The Price/Andre argument has been hit- loves a bit of Boyzone. It was so sad to ting the headlines for several months now, hear that poor Steven Gatley died only age i am actually beginning to think we'll never 33. I am sure that we will all miss him, and hear the end of it. I was hoping they would you will remember him every time we are get back together but that never happened dancing about our bedrooms with some and they are FINALLY divorced. With most classic Boyzone in the background. of Britain backing Mr. Andre. But it has also shown the new lows that Celebrities are willing to stoop to just to make the headlines. If we behaved in our lives the way they do in theirs would we find it ac- ceptable?

Oh and last but not least, the MOBOS The only original singer in , Kei- awards for Black Origin music were held sha Buchanan has been thrown out of the right here in Glasgow and it was a huge band, and replaced by the Eurovision star success (which a lot of people from our Jade Ewen. What is the Point in the band school would know from going to it), with even existing without Keisha? Move on newcomers and who I believe were the Girls ! Are they still really the Sugababes if real winners of last years Xfactor - JLS none of the original singers are in the winning 2 Mobos. !! band??? Some how I just don’t think so! We want to know about any ideas you might have for the magazine. If you have any sug- gestions, give them in to Mr. Johnston, one of our members or pop it in the box soon to be put in the hub. Tell us if you are happy, sad, dis- appointed or really like the magazine!

Whether it is for: 1. Aunty R 2.Jokes 3.Creative writing 4.Suggestions for Articles…...and anything else you can think of. THANK YOU FOR READING!

Name:…………………………. Year Group:…………………… Problem or Suggestion: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………...