HONORING HENRY POSEY Church. With his devoted guidance, the evident in the number of participants. Deaf church has thrived in the community and has athletes are distinguished from all others in HON. STEPHEN LEE FINCHER expanded its community outreach efforts. In their special communication needs on the OF TENNESSEE 2007, Father Pat was also assigned Pastor of sports field. Visual presentation of information IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Saint Mark Catholic Church in Gary. Through- during the Games for both athletes and visi- out the years, Father Gaza has served in var- tors are a critical part of the Games infrastruc- Tuesday, July 16, 2013 ious organizations throughout Northwest Indi- ture, which includes the use of video screens, Mr. FINCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ana and Gary, including the LaPorte County captioning and information boards. A visual honor the retirement of Henry Posey from the FEMA Food Program, the Gary Ten Point Co- environment is critical for communication with Memphis Fire Department. alition, the Gary Urban Enterprise Association, deaf athletes, deaf officials and deaf spec- Mr. Posey has devoted his life to a career the Gary branch of the NAACP, Rebuilding tators. of public service. As a fire fighter and the retir- Together, and the Catholic Youth Organiza- Unlike Olympians or Paralympians, elite ing Division Chief for the Memphis Fire De- tion. Father Gaza’s involvement with these or- deaf and hard of hearing athletes must partment, he worked to keep communities in ganizations evidences his absolute commit- fundraise to pay their way and do not receive the Eighth District of Tennessee safe for over ment to minister and tirelessly work and advo- financial support from the Olym- 36 years. In this time, he has truly made a dif- cate on behalf of ‘‘the least amongst us.’’ pic Committee. This presents a twofold chal- ference in people’s lives, and in some cases Those who are without, those who suffer lenge for the athletes: fundraising his efforts have meant the difference between physically or are challenged physiologically, on top of training for the Games. People like life and death. and those who need spiritual guidance have you who support the mission of USADSF and I am proud to join Mr. Posey’s family, always found compassion, warmth, and a gen- its athletes are the ones who make it possible friends, and colleagues in congratulating him erosity of spirit in Father Pat. Father J. Patrick for the athletes to accomplish their lifelong for his many years of service. He deserves Gaza is a gifted, Godly, and good man. For dream. Each Deaflympian must fundraise our deepest thanks and appreciation. his constant and passionate devotion to his $2,350 (not including international travel and f God, his church and his flock, Father is worthy training camp expenses) to cover all costs at of our profound respect and gratitude. the . Over 180 HONORING FATHER J. PATRICK Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other United States deaf and hard of hearing ath- GAZA distinguished colleagues join me in honoring letes and coaches are training for to rep- Father Patrick Gaza for his lifetime of leader- resent the U.S. in 11 sports. Among them will HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY ship and selfless service to others. Saints be Jon Mowl of Alexandria, Virginia who will OF INDIANA Monica and Luke and Saint Mark Catholic be competing in team . IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Churches, the community of Gary, and all of An accomplished athlete, Jon scored over 1,300 in his four year career on the Gallaudet Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Northwest Indiana have certainly been blessed by the good work of Father Gaza. University team and was on the Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with team that went to the 2007 World Deaf Bas- f great pleasure and admiration that I stand be- ketball Championships. This earned him a fore you today to recognize Father J. Patrick CONGRATULATING JON MOWL AND spot on the U.S. Deaflympics gold medal win- Gaza, Pastor of Saints Monica and Luke and THE UNITED STATES DELEGA- ning basketball team at the 2009 Deaflympics Saint Mark Catholic Churches in Gary, as he TION TO THE 2013 SUMMER in . celebrates his retirement after 44 years of self- DEAFLYMPICS IN SOFIA, BUL- Mowl graduated from Gallaudet with a less service to the Catholic Church and the GARIA Bachelor of Science in mathematics and went countless individuals he has ministered to on to become an adjunct mathematics pro- throughout his life. Father Pat will be honored HON. JAMES P. MORAN fessor at Gallaudet for a semester before get- at a retirement reception on Sunday, July 21, OF VIRGINIA ting a job at the Department of Health and 2013, at Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Indiana. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Human Services. He was hired into the Work- Father Gaza dedicated his life to becoming force Recruitment Program and later a priest from the time of his studies at Saints Tuesday, July 16, 2013 transitioned to DLA Finance Energy. Mowl’s Peter and Paul School in Merrillville. Since Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to primary responsibilities are budget formulation then, he has not faltered in his commitment to congratulate Jon Mowl and the 180 deaf and and execution of the $425 million sustainment, God and to serving the people of his commu- hard of hearing athletes and coaches heading restoration and modernization program at DLA nity, especially those most in need. He com- to Sofia, for the 2013 Summer Finance Energy. pleted his higher education at Our Lady of the Deaflympics. Held quadrennially, the Since the 1935 Summer Lake Seminary in Wawasee, Indiana, Saint Deaflympics are the world’s second oldest Deaflympics, the United States of America Meinrad College in Saint Meinrad, Indiana, multiple sports games after the Olympics. Deaf Sports Federation has been sending elite and Pontifical Gregorian University in . From July 26 through August 4 this summer, deaf and hard of hearing Americans to com- In 1968, Father Gaza was ordained a Catholic Sofia will host 14,707 athletes from over 90 pete in the Deaflympics. USA Deaf Sports priest at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. countries. Federation (USADSF) is the only national ath- Through his experiences as an instructor of The Summer Deaflympics are built on 89 letic association in the United States that co- religion at Bishop Noll Institute in Hammond, years of tradition. At the recent 2009 Summer ordinates the participation of American deaf as well as his supervision of theological field Deaflympics in , Taiwan, more than and hard of hearing individuals in international education at the North American College in 2,500 athletes from 77 nations participated, in- sport competitions. USADSF is affiliated with Rome, Father Gaza has contributed tremen- cluding 140 Americans. The Summer the International Committee of Sports for the dously to the religious schooling of youth. Deaflympics are sanctioned by the Inter- Deaf (ICSD) and the International Olympic These stand as just a few teaching experi- national Olympic Committee. For the 2013 Committee (IOC). They support teams in 17 ences among his extensive contributions to Summer Deaflympics, the United States plans sports and represent over 100,000 deaf and the younger generation. to bring its best team that has been training hard of hearing athletes in the United States In 1992, Father Patrick Gaza became Pas- for four years for this opportunity. The need and have sent 2,031 Deaflympians to the tor of Saints Monica and Luke Catholic for separate games for deaf athletes is not just Summer and Winter Deaflympics since 1935.

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:20 Dec 27, 2017 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR13\E16JY3.000 E16JY3 nshattuck on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD July 16, 2013 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 159, Pt. 8 11527 The Deaflympics were the first international as they celebrate the 75th anniversary of their HONORING DERREK COLLEY games for athletes with and, dif- Feast. The annual tradition is a community ferent from many other games, because ath- treasure and I wish them all the best for many HON. STEPHEN LEE FINCHER letes cannot be guided by sounds (i.e. a start- more successful years to come. OF TENNESSEE ers gun), they must rely on other methods of f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES competition and refereeing. Mr. Speaker, Jon Mowl and his 179 team- HONORING MARTINE THOMAS OF Tuesday, July 16, 2013 ROCHESTER, NY ON HER SELEC- mates deserve this body’s support. Their suc- Mr. FINCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to TION TO THE NATIONAL YOUTH cess is an example of preserving talent honor Police Patrolman Derrek Colley ORCHESTRA OF THE UNITED through resilience and dedication in the face for his bravery in the line of duty. Because of STATES OF AMERICA of hardship. Officer Colley’s courage in the face of danger, f the city of Paris, Tennessee narrowly avoided HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER a tragedy. HONORING OUR LADY OF MOUNT OF NEW YORK On January 24, 2013, Officer Colley re- CARMEL CHURCH AS THEY CELE- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sponded to a call at Pine Ridge Apartments, BRATE THEIR 75TH ANNUAL Tuesday, July 16, 2013 a local apartment complex. After hearing calls FEAST Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today for help, he located a man standing in the in honor of a talented young musician from the doorway of Apartment 710. The man was en- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO 25th District of New York. Martine Thomas of gulfed in smoke, and he was unable to move OF CONNECTICUT Rochester was selected on March 4th to par- himself to safety. Additionally, there were sev- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ticipate in the first National Youth Orchestra of eral oxygen tanks in the apartment, and the Tuesday, July 16, 2013 the United States of America. man feared a catastrophic explosion as the Ms. Thomas, a student at the Joseph C. flames slowly spread toward them. Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleas- Wilson Magnet High School, plays viola. She In spite of the chaos and confusion, Officer ure to rise today to join the many families, pa- is also a member of the Rochester Phil- Colley remained calm and professional. Dis- rishioners, and community leaders as Our harmonic Youth Orchestra. In addition to her regarding his own safety, Officer Colley res- Lady of Mount Carmel Church celebrates its orchestral commitments Ms. Thomas is a cued the immobilized man and pulled him to 75th Annual Feast—a celebration which raises member of the Garth Fagan Student Dance safety. Then, he called for additional backup funds to support the Our Lady of Mount Car- Company and enjoys hiking, , and of emergency services to fight the fire, and mel School and its students. biking. Ms. Thomas hopes to pursue a career began evacuating the other apartments. Over the last 75 years, the congregants of in viola performance. Mr. Speaker, the citizens of Paris, Ten- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church have to She will join a group of 120 of the finest nessee are safer because of the selfless acts commemorate ‘‘the devotion that the Blessed young musicians in this country aged 16–19, of bravery from public servants like Officer Virgin Mary has to those who are committed each of whom was selected from over 1,200 Colley. We are lucky to have such profes- to her.’’ The four-day feast features food, fun, applicants from all 50 states. Organized by the sional and well-trained personnel to protect and fellowship. After Sunday Mass at noon, famed Carnegie Hall in New York City, it is our community. I am honored to join his col- there is a procession of the Our Lady of truly a significant accomplishment. As part of leagues and neighbors in applauding him for Mount Carmel statue and a float featuring a their experience, in July the group will travel to his courage. young girl chosen to portray the feast’s icon. New York for two weeks of rehearsals at f The procession travels through an arch lo- SUNY-Purchase, and then embark on an cated behind the church, which was perma- international tour that includes a debut per- CELEBRATING JAMES DARBY AND nently installed and then two smaller tem- formance at the Kennedy Center in Wash- PATRICK BOVA porary arches which have been erected for the ington, DC, as well as performances in Mos- occasion. cow, St. Petersburg, and London. The last HON. MIKE QUIGLEY Dozens of parishioners volunteer their time, concert in London will be broadcast as part of OF ILLINOIS working arduously for weeks preparing for this the BBC Proms. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES annual event. Two hundred pounds of ground While there are many terrific local and re- beef, two hundred forty pounds of sausage, gional youth orchestras (such as the Roch- Tuesday, July 16, 2013 five hundred pounds of onions, over two thou- ester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra) in this Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sand pounds of veal hearts and more than country and several successful national youth recognize and celebrate the 50th anniversary four thousand pounds of dough—the food orchestras in other countries, the National of James Darby and Patrick Bova. Since preparation is a massive undertaking which Youth Orchestra of the United States of Amer- 1963, Jim and Patrick have been in a loving, utilizes the two permanent kitchens in the ica is a unique and unparalleled opportunity devoted relationship and together they have church hall as well as an industrial stove that for young, high school-aged musicians in the fought to secure marriage equality in Illinois is temporarily installed. Sausage and peppers, United States to be recognized as the pin- and to allow gay and lesbian Americans to soffritto and fried dough are among the feast nacle of our music training system. The suc- serve openly in the armed forces. I am proud favorites. cess of Venezuela’s El Sistema has generated to recognize this Chicago couple who have Perhaps what is most special about the increased international interest in the value of been at the forefront of the fight for equality in Feast is that it is a means to preserve, cele- youth orchestras, and in my role as the Chair Illinois and across the country. brate, and pass on the culture and traditions of the Congressional Arts Caucus, I am thrilled Jim was born and raised on the south side of this Italian-American community. People that Carnegie Hall has spearheaded this initia- of Chicago, where he worked in the stock- across the country struggle to create a sense tive to showcase America’s finest young musi- yards before enlisting in the Navy. He served of community—a sense of belonging. Over the cians and reinvigorate interest in youth musi- four years during the Korean War as a Com- course of its 75 year history, the Our Lady of cianship at home and abroad. munications Technician Second Class. In this Mount Carmel Feast has served as a way for I am proud of Ms. Thomas, and proud of the role, Jim worked as a cryptographer and Rus- the families of Waterbury to do just that. entire group of musicians selected to rep- sian linguist and earned both the National De- It is events like the Our Lady of Mount Car- resent their hometowns and the United States fense Service Medal and the Naval Occupa- mel Feast, those forged in the bonds of family as cultural ambassadors during their time with tion Service Medal. and community, which allow generation after the National Youth Orchestra. I encourage all Patrick grew up in Pennsylvania and at- generation to understand and celebrate their of my colleagues—many, many of whom also tended Georgetown University in Washington, shared heritage. They enrich our communities have constituents who were chosen—to join D.C. before moving to Chicago in 1960 to at- as well as renew our commitment to faith and me in wishing these extraordinary young and tend the University of Chicago Graduate family. I am honored to stand today to extend talented individuals the best of luck on their School in Education. my warmest congratulations to the Our Lady tour. Many congratulations to Ms. Thomas and After Jim’s honorable discharge from the of Mount Carmel Parish and its many families to Carnegie Hall in this endeavor. military, he met Patrick in Chicago on July 17,

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