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Liouslon Igamous SM THE. TEXAS •• )NSHIP ~dvising spe- ~hite photog- lIouslon Igamous SM. Help remind city politicians ~RIER that Houston's gay and lesbian 185Ibs., rnus- community packs an electoral loves travel, punch. Vote on Saturday ... M. Ad#.4364 The rex"s L.gisl,,'ure is RTH- back in session. God help us all. ;'2", 195Ibs., Make plans to lobby for a strong professional, hate-crimes bill at the March 23 ming, skiing, M""" on Aus,in ... ,.5599 \ The Jan. 17 meeting of ESTS Lesbi".s i" Business (liB) will brown hair, feature Holly Nuber, the former lie, reading, coaclifor the P,,,,I,,nd Hig" M. Ad#.9782 S,hool softball state champions. & Nu"" was fired last year, osten- 11", 160Ibs., sibly for insubordination, but fishing, .yard she Claims she was fired good-natured because.fn part, she was pre- sumed to be lesbian. She is suing the school district. The know meeting will be held at the 'nnov" Building in Greenway 00-814-3106, Plaza at 7 p.m. Call the liB Lin, at 529-0077 ... essage eall :enter option 1. , I The '"y, Lesb;"., ""d 800-814-3106, S""ig'" r,,,,,,,,s Hetwo,k· FREE,oreali Houston (!!~'I'!!·Housto.J hqs 1'\1"'1+", •• __ J..~ __ hate-crimes bill at the March 23 professional, Marth on Auslin ... ing, skiing, 5599 TheJan. 17 meeting of ESTS LlSb;'lfts ;n Bus;ness (liB) will brown hair, feature Holly Huber, the former ic, reading, coach for the Pearland High . Ad#.9782 S,hool softball state champions . Huber was fired last year, osten- ~1'" 160Ibs., sibly for insubordination, but fishing,. yard she Claims she was fired ood-natured because, in part, she. was pre- sumed to be lesbian. She is suing the school district The Iknow meeting will be held at the 'nnov" Build;ng in Greenway 00-814-3106, Plaza at 7 p.m. Call the UB Une at 529-0077 ... message call enter option 1. The Gay, Lesb;"n, "nd ~ SIr,,;ghl Te",hen Network· 00-814-3106, r FREE, or call Houston (GUTH-Houston) has enter option changedits meeting times to the third Wednesday of each month vea message 'Iections call at the F;rst Unil"ri"n enter option Un;vers"list (hurd., 5200 Fannin, at 7:30 p.m. Call 529- e your Instant 4571 or send e-mail to ehone number ~00-454-8845, [email protected] ... I, to listen to lut when your 1}Ie I(olbe Proje(t and Dign;'Y Houston are co-sponsor- r ad, call cus- ing a year-IoIfg film festival for the gay and lesbian community. Dmpany for a A les/bi/ gay-themed film will be trouble dialing featured on the second, fourth, and fifth Frtdays of each month; rd your voice a musical will appear on the ,e a cordless sss, telephone third Frtday; and-brand new to this season-opera will be per 7-10 days shoWn,oh the first Frtday of each month. Kolbe Proj"f, at 1509 fighting for Our Lives ck Fairview, offers this drug-and- panic alcohol-free environment to Ite gle allow the gay and lesbian com- V munity to meet one another in a at..theCapitol ... page 8 live American setting quieter than bars and clubs. For more information, call Marketing, Inc ~.Y.14221 Kolbe Projed at 522-8182. ,. ....," . .- "fristan MacAvery ".. ,., , j, -'- - -. ::' 3J::;::'- J.1 ~ll EJ ::IT d I-T " "«(1, H on \' n 1, . 2. THE TEXAS TRIANGLE. JANUARY 16, 1997 ~"'1' What do these businesses have in ~~Uniqueand ' common? interesting" PWA Coalition ~~A store with the individual in mind" Catholic AIDS Ministry Texas Triangle #f; ~•. Charismaffc, Christ QuikCopy Worm and loving Fo REV. c HOME:512·442·4335 Their "Come see why P.O. Box 150634 • 7311 we're developing 3400 Montrose a loyal following!" Address! For affordable, gay- fiiendlyoffice space with covered parking at a central Montrose address, call: Emirates, Inc. 7I3-S29-9063 , SerVing Montrose - For affordable, gay- Photographers: Jana Birchum fiiendly office space Cartoonists: Alison Bechdel, with covered parking Joe Hoover, Eric Orner, John D. Anderson at a central Montrose address, call: Illustrator: Sean Moynihan Office Manager: Sean Moynihan Emirates, Inc. Adv~rtlslngSales: 713-SZ9-9063 Austin Cash Watkins 512/476-0576 x4 Serving Montrose Carl H,~bbell 512/476-0576 x5 Houston Torn Jones 713/521-5822 x2 Earle Dutton 713/521-5822 x3 Austin Office: 1615 W. Sixth Street, "Austin, TX 78703 512/476-0576 FAX 512/472-8154 Houston OffIce: 3400 Montrose, Suite 435 Houston, TX 77006 713/521-5822 FAX 713/521-5830 E-Mail: [email protected] THE TEXAS TRIANGLE is published every Thursday, ,Estlm;rted teaqership39,200. Subscription rates are $45.50 (26 W~k$) and $91 (52 weeks). Advertising qead~rl\'I.!t.!'Ir~;jJllPI9P§Y;noon(week before publication) "Since June I've sold four houses ror makt¥reilW'aas, Filday noon for classified advertising and calendar ~s, and Mond<!Ynoon the week of publ~ through the Texas Triangle. cation fOM:anie~eady ads. .,. THE TEXASTRIANGLEis o protected'by ~i and may not be reproduoed in E In -0 It's literally remarkable! Whole orQart$pt by penniSSion obtalned by contect- BtJ -; In In ••••• ing THE t~s 'tRIANGLEdirectly. Credit must be given · .=c 1ft to THETEXASTRIANGLE. .,.The views of THETEXASTR~ · .! c I · .- = I've also picked up several buyers ANGLE eXpr§SSedin editorial 9OIy. VIeWSexpressed · "' f >-. .-~ ." Q. 0 M are · .-E ..., .Qa:. .; =·c "1:1' in letters to the editor and other submissions are those · ..., "" "1:1' =S~j through the paper . ofthe.~.'\q!:td9 ngt~$Sarily reflect those of the · .E~ c c N owneiS'&ffiaiiijg~i:it of THE TEXASTRIANGLE.THE · This is what they tell you advertising is for." s the light to edit or reject any · "' 1ft · publication. Unsolicited submls- · -"' Mary Black I~.,. THETEXASTRIANGLEis not · due to typqgraphical errors · Hilltop Realty Inc., Austin except fdftheCilst of revising and replacing advertise- · In ments C9qtainj~ error. Advertisements designed and · c(~atM"by 1'KETEXAS TRIANGLE for the advertiser · (512) 892-0870 remain the property of THE TEXAS TRIANGLE. · In Adverti~nts 1i!pd designs can be released for a $250 · licensing fee. WE TEXASTRlANdLEcannot be responsi- · THE TEXAS TRIANGLE bJe for claims glade by advertisers, but readers are · requested to rePbrt any fraudulent or deceptive advertis- ·.............. r. d h d f l' Ing•.•• The use of the name or Ukeness of a person or eaIIus todayto hn out w at we can 0 or your usrness. entl1y in '&IE TEXASTRIANGLEin advertising or editorial . 7?. >-; 6 . 7 5 5 2 content does not impty-any particular sexual..op~lP.tion sl ZA'W-9~:f' 1:Q : o~st()Y!-' . 13. ~1- 8 .., _.•...~~Mlit.lca4.a.t'l!i~ji.2o'.$l.•1~£!41~I~XNH~.ttttL~ . - l I •. f f CARPENTER,lOG CABINE•• BATHHOUSE 'OES DO MORE ONLY 'OOllNG THEMSELVES HARM THAN HOMOPHOBES J I I o r I a .To the Editor: To the Editor: I r under $100,000. For the past three years I have kept Gay people in Austin breathed a tH and a deck. Call silent while encountering in every lesbian huge, collectivesigh ofreliefwhen lunatic- Reohors. "<,,~.~~-- and gay publication in Texas the right- fringe preacher and notorious homophobe RTV wing rhetoric of Dale Carpenter. With Mark Weaver finally left town. Now the rSTIN. OWNER FINANe· great boredom I have reviewedhis contin- anti-bath crusaders are showing that Log Cabin's Choi,e: ual bashing of the Democratic Party, ReverendWeaveris still here in spirit. President Clinton, lesbian and gay In calling on the city to violate its own » Democrats, liberals and every social wel- zoning process, "openly gay" Glen Maxey Ally or Trojan Horse fare policy enacted since Franklin is attempting to become the most right- !!!I! Roosevelt. With his Aryan looks and wing member of the Texas legislature. lf By Andy Smith chair, wrote to the anti-gay leadership of :e. 210·833-4773. Rush-like delivery,Carpenter would have he wants a "gay constituency," he should and Paul lIOn Wupperfeld the Travis County Republican Party to us believe that the only hope for the les- start representing US. Which back-stab- urge them to work with Log Cabin to N bian and gay community is through the ber is he trying to become? LloydDoggett? e helped. found the Log defeat Democrats, specificallyciting Glen backdoor of the GOP. BillClinton? Cabin Republicans of Maxey. Labinski's desperate attempt to While I never thought the words of AIDS activist Jim Thurman is Texas more than six secure a place at the table by sacrificinga Carpenter or the beliefs of his Log Cabin demanding that gay bath owners "provide. years ago because we respected gay icon told us that LogCabin AIDS outreach and strictly monitor and Wbelievedgay and lesbian equal rights were organization were worthy of any had finally gone too far and we could no response, I find myself now motivated to enforce rules against unsafe sex" and important enough to be promoted from longer remain silent. address his latest lunacy, donate $1 per customer to within both major politicalparties. As tra- Despite assertions made by LCR- years supporting the defeat of AIDSorganizations. ditional Republicans, we felt an obligation Texas State President Dale Carpenter, two openly and proudly gay Who defines "AIDSout- to advocate for non-discrimination within such letters, not one, were written 'to an Glen Maxey by a "gay- reach?" Should the baths the GOPbecause we understood its rules anti-gay leader in the Travis County be "BigBrother" to respon- and knew its players. SMOKE. OAK FOREST. friendly"Republican.
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