Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Plant List Please send all corrections and updates to Al Schneider,
[email protected] Updated 6/2011 Scientific Name Common name Family Abronia fragrans Sand-verbena Nyctaginaceae Achillea lanulosa Western yarrow Asteraceae Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass Poaceae Achnatherum speciosum Showy needle grass Poaceae Acosta diffusa Tumble knapweed Asteraceae Acosta maculosa Spotted knapweed Asteraceae Acrolasia albicaulis Whitestem blazingstar Loasaceae Acroptilon repens Russian knapweed Asteraceae Adenolinum lewisii Blue Flax Linaceae Adiantum capillus-veneris Venus' hair fern Adiantaceae Agropyron cristatum Crested wheatgrass Poaceae Agrostis scabra Rough bentgrass Poaceae Agrostis stolonifera Redtop bentgrass Poaceae Allium acuminatum Tapertip onion Alliaceae Allium macropetalum Largeflower wild onion Alliaceae Allium textile Textile onion Alliaceae Alyssum minus Yellow alyssum Brassicaceae Amaranthus blitoides Prostrate pigweed Amaranthaceae Amaranthus retroflexus Redroot amaranth Amaranthaceae Ambrosia acanthicarpa Flatspine burr ragweed Asteraceae Ambrosia trifida great ragweed Asteraceae Amelanchier alnifolia? Saskatoon serviceberry Rosaceae Amelanchier utahensis Utah serviceberry Rosaceae Amsonia jonesii Jones's bluestar Apocynaceae Androsace occidentalis Western rockjasmine Primulaceae Androsace septentrionalis Pygmyflower rockjasmine Primulaceae Androstephium breviflorum Pink funnellily Alliaceae Anisantha tectorum Cheatgrass Poaceae Antennaria rosulata Rosy pussytoes Asteraceae