Interview: VC Defiant Despite No Confidence Vote
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EEDS Interview: VC defiant despite no confidence vote W 1t Matthew Power llnion (LUU) on edncsda). m1l11ons of pounds Jes. than Leeds ' nl\·ersit) . l le emphasises UCll members that could have \ winter nights conttnuc to expected to han:. \s a result, one chat any propo:al made <luring voted - It was a show of hands I close; in, tho e 'at the top' member of staff left his job after the Economic~ c:xercise v. ill go think. prepare the Universlt) for a dark a 'murual <leci 1011' was made through Senate and will be voted "The kc} thing is that 1 remain 1ourney of financial sa, ings in between employer and employee. on. confident about what I'm doing, s Leeds C niverslt) tt1dents and Higher faducation, which some Just two weeks ago the local Asked about whether the CU I'm \\ ell ath 1sed so that staff come to terms with a beli e,·e will inedtably lead to branch of the Univc:rsin and vote of no confidence bas confidence 1s built up through campus wide 10 per cent voluntary and compulsor) College nion (LC ) vocc<l that effected him he replie. : " ot at teamwork. financial cut, lichacl rthur redundancies. they had no confidence in all. I have to be thoughtful about "I know that I have the conunues hjs biannual routine of To add to thi gloom, the \'ice Arthur's 'abilit) ro run an what I'm doing, I have co do confidence of . enate of rhe answermg students' questions. Chancellor admitted to enate on instituc1011 of this size.' what l think is the right thing for Universlly anti the Council - Faced by criticism from October 21 that a £20million Despite what could be seen to the l ' niversny and I think one these are the things that matter members of the Leeds University mistake was made in a Lniver ity be the hardest time in \nhur's ha to undersrnnd that It was a most to me." .\gainsr Cuts group, the Vice economic forcca t spreadsheet career, the Vice Chancellor vote of no confidence at a L 11100 Arthur, 55, also believes that Chancellor re. ponded to la t year. Although no cash was remain po.1t1ve about the meeting by tho e that were the l!.conomie · exercise. which he concerns at Leed Univer icy lost, the in titurion now has direction in which he is taking present, so it wa. a minority of hope will be completed b) Continued on page 6>>> 02 Friday, December 4, 2009 wwJecd stud nlor Leeds Student creanng a scene once more. from the mcmbus of 'protest soc'. members o[ LCl, teering 1 lowever, this time the cause was ln other news, the result of the Committee? Answers on a post not their own. referendum arc 111 and de pitc card to PO Box 157. It seems that now any protest assurance 'that ab tention would o back co the issue in hand must be attended hv said certain not count, it seems that Sketch can (well, in their hands). The dispute individuals, even d they do not no longer be so sure of of tn co1111t or not to co,mt has, it have a particular affinity to the Thi apparent lack of -eems, been settled. Sketch cannot main group or any respect for the democratic accountability, officially state the outcome of the leader of the groups, Stcerrng Committee ketch i reported dc.:cis100, but would urge Differences of opinion were looking al you here, seems an official statement to be made to Leeds Student is the clear between the two on the somc,vhat out of touch \I 1th the inform us mere stakeholders in mght, with a dignified response to bxcc' almost dogmaric approach our umon (yes, Sketch is a fully voice of the students some members of the Leeds cit\ to Union 'democrac) '--- uh hum. paying LUU member these days) of the University of This week ketch \\ as parncularl) centre population on one side, and Sketch would like to pose a of what deci ·ion was made. Leeds. But we always riled on experiencing wha1 , ketch a far more direct (and ketch question to the srudent would Sa} negati, e) approach population: can ) ou name :ill the need writers. is now dubbing 'prntLst soc' photographers and Calling oul lo all Medicine. 'l designers. We want DenisTry, Nursing and VT.odka • research Kicked Final Royal you to join us. HealU1care students Park school "\Xe are 1m mng l\fedicine, Dcnllsn'), Jessica Elliot done for PR purposes by a student Got a Story? Nursmg and I lealthcare students to "run. the risk of an1 errors you make eviction share rbeir ,ic;ws on finance for bung picked up bv the public." Has a crilne or a studems from the :l\.J ~S Bursar\ . The lecturer also t1uestiooed the James Legge dodgy landlord made ''111e Dept of Health is er msidcnng VK Vodka Kick re earch ha come ethics behind research that involves changes to the sysrem and we need back to bite a Biology srudent after interviewing people drinkmg alcohol or you t.he victim of your news to suggest 1mpr0Yements raising national attention. already drunk on a night out and injustice? .u1<l highlight currem concerns. Leed. UoiversJt) Ltudeot Pbilltppa collating the results to produce a "\-X'e have been collating idca.s from Tnon has been cru uni sed b1 serious scieotiJic thesis. The end to the Royal Park Are you fed up with students across the l\led1cinc & Tlcalth academics after devising a fom1ula 'for The research was carried out Primary School occupation was independent from the oiver ity of I' acuity and \11.ill be senlLing ;1 combiol'<l a perfect night out' for drinks compan) reached after the occupiers your School's LL respt>ose to the Doi I/ 11 for VK Vodka J-,Jck. Leeds and so there was no requirement were forced by a court order to constant blundering'? them ro consider. Critics dismissed Tnon's research for ethical approval. Phillippa Tcxm has " tudents across the cmmtry ha,·L been and deemed th\: use of studems in 'PR defended her research. hL said: '·Ir leave the premises. We're here to inform conmburing to this consultation and acm-icy' ethicall} t1uestionable. docs stand up to scientific scrulln}, I The order applied to the former as well as entertain. we want Lel'ds' op1n1ons to be I The Final rear student won a wanted to prove chat scientists were caretaker's house, toto which the reprl Sl'Otcd. competirion for the 'once 10 a lifcome not all geeks. WJ e can hav(; a good time quatters had been forced to move and we want to hear "If you want your ideas to be 10h' of\'K's 'Vkendologist' th1 -year, as too." after a similar order was acquired from you. 111cluded please complete the survey reported b) Lmls St11dent in ( ktober. This is not the first time PR for .the main school building days here: Toon came up ,\·i1h the winning compames have been cnuc1sed for earlier. asking students to devise scientific htrp:/ / s/ L sacnrific formula after surveying 2,000 Leeds City Council attained the r2G7CR swdcnts on nights our 111 oumerou formulae ro add 'clout' to their Email us at possession order the previous day "If you want to find out more about cities including Leeds and Sheffield. advercising_campa1gns.· PreY10u news(ivleedsstudent. o the Doi I/ H con. ultation visit the Dr Petra Boynton, a lecturer in instances include McVitie's campaign in Leeds County Court and th~ quatters were told the verdict on rg or call 0113 380 SIIC: international healthcare research at to find 'the perfect way to dunk a hup://ww,, / en/ Cc osultati n1vers1ty College London, said: biscuit.' \X'ednesda} December 2. 1450. ons/ !j\·econsult.ations/ DI 1_105110 "What may look Like a fun opportunity K Vodka K1ck's campaign ha The defendants, including All correspondences "You can also comnbucc.: ro the ma} result in numerous probk:ms for seen wide spread commem 111 the biogs 10dependent parliamentary consultation at the Dol 1 website direct srudcnts and Universities." of maths and science academics across candidate for Leeds orth West will be treated with if you waor to." Boynton explamed chat research thecounl:r). Ted \\.inter, have been levied with \[osr believe PR court costs of £2948.50_ the utmost campaign using The campaign group said that confidentiality. scientific research will make the public occupation was a reaction to a lack distrustful of genuine of acuon from rhe City Council YOUR IILLS re earchers ind will over the school building, which make recruitment a was closed as a school in 2004 and lot more difficult. has been empty since. Corrections GLE? But Anne.: Glover, They had been using the chief scicnufic If you feel we have building a a community pace, adviser in cotland oq~anising e,· ents, including reported something says "most scienri ts jumble sales, open mic nights and wc>uld be plea ed to film innaccurately or MO YPROILEMS? see equation being showings. unfairly, we want to used and giving The squatters have met with prominence to opposition from the council from hear from you to put ciencc." the outset. things right. t\ spokesperson The campaign's website said: Ther is a free, independent advlc s rvice fi r VK Vodka Kick "This has been an unfortunate Contact us at in th tud nts' union who can help you. said the firm worked example of Leeds City Council editor@leedsstudent.