Easterby-Smith, Reputation in a box April 2014 Reputation in a box. Objects, communication and trust in late eighteenth- 1 century botanical networks Sarah Easterby-Smith, University of St Andrews
[email protected] Author final version. This article was published in History of Science 53(2) (June 2015), pp. 180-208. Please cite from the published version: DOI: http://hos.sagepub.com/content/53/2/180 Some time in 1782 or 1783, Philippe-Victoire Lévêque de Vilmorin (1715-1804), a French nurseryman and botanist, sent a box of kitchen-garden seeds to America. The tinplate box, with a tightly fitting lid to keep out the noxious sea air as well as insects, heat, and water, was despatched to one of Vilmorin’s correspondents, a Philadelphian plant hunter called William Young (or Yong) (1742-1785).2 This parcel of seeds is 1 I wish to express my thanks to Maxine Berg, Jorge Flores, Katherine Foxhall, Oliver Fulton, Colin Jones, Neil Safier, Penny Summerfield, Koji Yamamoto and the editor and anonymous reviewers of History of Science – who all kindly read and gave helpful feedback on earlier versions of this paper. Research was supported by a Max Weber Fellowship at the European University Institute, and a Dibner Fellowship in the History of Science at the Huntington Library. 2 For more on Philippe-Victoire Lévêque de Vilmorin, see: Augustin-François de Silvestre, “Notice Bibliographique sur P.-V.-L. de Vilmorin,” Séance publique de la Société d’Agriculture (Paris: Société d’Agriculture, 26 Brumaire an XIV [17 November 1805]); Gustav Heuzé, Les Vilmorin (1746-1899) (Paris: Libraire Agricole de la Maison Rustique, 1899).