ASME Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race About Race: Kinetic Sculptures are amphibious, human powered works of art custom built for the race. Each May, the American Visionary Art Museum (AVAM) hosts the East Coast Kinetic Sculpture Race Championship on the shore of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in central Maryland. The eiGht-hour race covers 15 miles— mostly on pavement, but also includinG a trip into the Chesapeake Bay and throuGh mud and sand. Kinetic Sculpture RacinG traces its roots to Ferndale, California in 1969 when artist Hobart Brown upgraded his son’s tricycle into a 5-wheeled pentacycle that was part of a race down Main Street. (Hobart did not win.) Over the decades since, the California race evolved into a 3-day all-terrain Kinetic Grand Championship includinG treacherous sand dunes, water crossinGs, and elaborate sculptures and costumes. Goals for students: • Build a Kinetic Sculpture to win the Engineering Race! • Gain hands on enGineerinG experience desiGninG and buildinG the Kinetic Sculpture, to give students a jump-start on internship or entry level enGineerinG positions • Learn how to use Computer Aided Design software to prototype parts • Applying mechanics/materials to real world problems • Improve their teamwork, communication, and leadership skills Team Information: Team Name: ??? Team LoGo: Maryland Terrapin Team Meeting Times: 2 hrs, 2 days per week -> total of 4 hrs per week MeetinG days and times Tuesday: 6-8pm, Wednesday 6-8pm MeetinG Location: 3108 Mentor Contact Info: Erik Levin (Team Leader) Email:
[email protected] Phone: 410-353-1711 Justin DiPalo (Team Leader) Email:
[email protected] Phone: 203-609-1698 Deadlines: November 29, 2011 -> January 31, 2012 – DesiGn Sculpture (40%) February 1, 2012 -> April 15, 2012 – Build Sculpture (50%) April 16, 2012 -> May 4, 2012 – Fine Tuning Sculpture (10%) May 5, 2012 – Race Day Specifics/Rules on Race: A No.1.