Liberty County to Pay Ex-Health Dept. Director $50,000

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Liberty County to Pay Ex-Health Dept. Director $50,000 50¢ CLJ includes THE CALHOUN-LIBERTY News tax .com How will Santa OURNAL find your house? J Volume 31, Number 51 Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011 I think he will find my house with his house finder and when he does he is up for a big surprise. BROCK SYKES Hosford School -------------------------------------- Santa will find my house by using his Santa Mobile Detector. His mobile de- tector device blinks red if there are children in the house. If the detector blinks white that means there are no children at the house. If Santa flies over a house “It is special because it was Rita Russell Lewis and her son, Christopher, are shown above where a naughty child lives made by a child, and it is special because in some in their brightly lit yard at Lake the detector will blink in- ways it represents the Mystic in Bristol. A dramatic digo! This allows Santa to Christmas time we all deep blue sky spreads behind know where the good boys wish we had each year.” the Hwy. 12 South home of Jake and Vanell Summers, below, and girls live and where TREASURED where a pair of lighted deer are he should deliver the coal ORNAMENTS poised in the front yard. and marbles to the naughty PAGES 17 & 24 JOE SUMMERS PHOTOS kids! GAIGE LEWIS Tolar School -------------------------------------- He knows it once he sees it. I’m one of his regulars. HELAMAN SHULER Hosford School -------------------------------------- Why do you deserve any gifts this year? I gave my little brother $2, I stopped people from fighting and I recycle. DENNIS, Hosford School Liberty County to pay ex-Health Dept. director $50,000 by Teresa Eubanks, Journal Editor amount and the Florida Association of Counties’ trust The Liberty County Commission agreed to a $50,000 Settlement agreements will pay the remaining $32,500. settlement with former Health Department Director yet to be reached with This action settles the lawsuit against Liberty County David Odum in a special meeting on Dec. 6. as well as individual lawsuits filed against former “Liberty County was gracious and the settlement Calhoun Co. and DOH commissioners L.B. Arnold and John T. Sanders. was amiable,” Odum said. Odum and his attorneys are awaiting a response Odum sued the Dept. of Health, the Liberty County speaking up about unlawful activity within the health from the Calhoun County Commission and the state Commission and the Calhoun County Commission department and on the Liberty County Commission. Department of Health. after he was fired in 2006 from his position overseeing He also said he was the victim of retaliation. “The Department of Health remains open,” he said. both the Calhoun County and Liberty County Health “They did not settle in mediation.” An agreement was reached with Liberty County Departments. He had served as administrator for seven He said when representatives for the Calhoun County years. during mediation in Tallahassee Nov. 28. Commission left last month’s mediation, “They were In February 2009, Odum filed an amended complaint According to the agreement, Liberty County settled going to talk with an adjuster.” He said he is not aware that charged he was wrongly ousted from his job after for $50,000. The Commission will pay $17,500 of that of any action on their part as of yet. Sheriff's Log...2 Calendar...4 Commentary...6, 7 Lots of letters to Santa...8, 9, 21, 29 & 30 Birthdays....13 Speak Up!...14 Schools...18, 19 Ornament exchange a family tradition...20 Page 2 THE CALHOUN-LIBERTY JOURNAL DECEMBER 21, 2011 SHERIFF’S LOG C A L H O U N C O U N T Y L I B E R T Y C O U N T Y Dec. 12 Arrested? Dec. 12 •Robert Keith, DWLSR causing When things go wrong, the law firm of Jason D. Winn, P.A. is here to help. •Larry Alan Decamp, failure death, FHP. We understand how important it is for you to know your legal rights and how to register as a sex offender, •Mario Faulk, VOP, CCSO. to protect them. Our areas of practice include: LCSO. Dec. 13 Felony & Misdemeanor Offenses • All Drug Charges • DUI’s Dec. 16 •Barry Parrish, VOSP, CCSO. Grand Theft • Driving Offenses • Violations of Probation •Manuel Zuniga, criminal •Gerald Webb, Violation of injuc- *Call for a free consultation mischief greater than $1,000, tion, CCSO. LCSO. •Frank Leonard Johnson, non Jason D. Winn, P.A. (850) 222-7199 Dec. 18 support, CCSO. •April Detrick, holding for 119 E. Park Avenue, Suite 2-C • Tallahassee, FL 32301 • Dec. 14 CCSO, CCSO. •Sabrina Allen, Suspended sen- •Tracy Potter, possession of tence violation, CCSO. alcohol under 21, violation of re- •Ventura Brown, VOSP x3, stricted driver’s license, LCSO. CCSO. Merry •Linda Everett, domestic bat- Jennifer •Arthur Goodwin, VOSP, tery, LCSO. Christmas & CCSO. •Dannyelle White, VOP (war- Shuler, Esq. •Keith Bradley Jones, FTA, rant), LCSO. CCSO. Attorney at Law Listings include name followed by charge and identification of Dec. 15 arresting agency. The names above represent those charged. •Cavon Coy, VOP, CCSO. We remind our readers that all are presumed innocent until •Von Holmes, VOP x3, CCSO. proven guilty. t Business Dec. 17 Many Thanks •April Detrick, failure to appear, Blountstown Police Dept. CCSO. Dec. 12 through Dec. 18, 2011 It’s been a real t Real Property •Guzman Sebastian, driving with Citations issued: treat serving license suspended or revoked, Accidents.........................03 you, and we hope t Divorce CCSO. Traffic Citations...............08 your holiday is as Dec. 18 Special details (business special as you are. •Keith Jones, VOSP, trespass escorts, traffic details)............................53 t Wills from Toby, Tessa, after warning, affray, CCSO. Business alarms.................................03 Zoey and staff •Curtis Strickland, affray, tres- Residential alarms..............................00 Offices in Bristol and Panama City pass after warning, CCSO. Complaints..........................................31 Collision By Appointment (850) 866-3680 Center TNT or contact me at [email protected] TOBY GARNETT, OWNER 19844 SW South Street • Blountstown CALL ME FOR A FREE LIVING WILL Liberty Co. Sheriff, Schools Phone 674-8646 • Fax 674-4914 adopt civil citation program from the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office completes the program of is charged The Liberty County Sheriff’s Office with another crime while in the pro- (LCSO) and the Liberty County School gram, the youth will be arrested and District (LCSD) have partnered with the charged with original offense and Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) transported to the juvenile assessment to provide a civil citation program for center processing. Liberty County school students. This According Liberty County School program is supported by Florida Statute Superintendent Dr. Sue Summers, 985.301 and offers early intervention, “This program will provide the needed counseling, education and other com- accountability without adversely im- munity resources to divert appropriate pacting a student’s future because of a juvenile misdemeanor offender from juvenile record. Some students make the juvenile justice system. The civic poor decisions at a single point in their citation program works with other com- life that can have long term impact on munity partners in an effort to reduce their futures. This program will allow juvenile crime and to provide services an additional option that will provide for at-risk youth. early intervention that some need to They civil citation program requires divert them from the juvenile justice the youthful offender to reside in the system.” God Sent Us A Savior second judicial circuit, have no prior Liberty County Sheriff Donnie Co- arrests or juvenile sanctions, and both nyers agrees with Dr. Summers and the youth and their parents must agree to adds, “This program allows the juvenile If our greatest need had been information, participate in the program and abide by offender to keep their records clean but God would have sent us an educator. the rules of the supervision process. still holds them accountable for their The program provides that a law actions. It involves the major players If our greatest need had been technology, enforcement officer may issue a civil in a youths life and offers counseling God would have sent us a scientist. citation or arrest the youth. to help parent and youth make better If the citation is written, the youth and decisions.” If our greatest need had been money, their parents have seven days to contact God would have sent us an economist. the Juvenile Assessment Center for an appointment. The officer determines Do you have a If our greatest need had been pleasure, the number of community service to Game Camera? God would have sent us an entertainer. be completed and an Intervention Co- ordinator/Case Manager will assess But our greatest need was forgiveness, the youth to determine if additional so God sent us a Savior. sanctions are needed. The client must complete the hours and additional Roy Lessin sanctions/services to be considered successful. When the youth successfully com- pletes the civil citation program, the record will be closed out of the juvenile Two bears wander through some Liberty Dr. Barry Edewaard, Sherry Edewaard, Betty Pitts & Kayla Hires justice information system prevention County woodlands in this shot taken Dec. 6. Share your good, clear game photos show- web. The citation will remain on the ing local wildlife in The Journal. Email to prevention web as a civic citation. [email protected] and include your Dr. Barry Edewaard If the youth fails to successfully name, the date, the time and the location. 17521 MAIN ST. N Blountstown PHONE 674-2020 DECEMBER 21, 2011 THE CALHOUN-LIBERTY JOURNAL Page 3 Blown tire causes log truck rollover A log truck driver escaped without a scratch after a tire blew out and the vehicle overturned in front of the Chevron station, east of Blountstown, around midmorning Friday.
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