ST ANDREW’S ST PETER’S ST PHILIP’S ST THERESA’S Admin Office: 126 Victoria Street 9 Carmondean Centre The Lanthorn Kilronan Park Craigshill Deans Kenilworth Rise 41 Main Street Livingston Livingston Dedridge, Livingston East Calder EH54 5BJ EH54 8PT EH54 6NY EH53 0ES T: 01506 432141 T: 01506 438787 T: c/o 01506 880918 T: 01506 880918

Pastoral Team: Fr Kenneth Owens, Fr Simon Hughes, Fr Peter Krakowiak SAC & Fr John Semnanke

Email: [email protected] PPC Email: [email protected] Fr Peter Mobile: 07460 676 278 (text only) Email: [email protected] Facebook: Livingston and East Calder Catholic Parishes Website:

SVDP Contact Numbers: St Andrew’s & St Theresa’s: 07342 793611 St Peter’s: 07796 662264 St Philip’s: 07502 031701

6th Sunday of Eastertide 17th May 2020 I will ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate The liturgical calendar moves us on from the resurrection into the Ascension this week and Pentecost at the end of the month. As we live through these unusual times we ask the risen Christ to raise us up at the present moment and to give us the healing gifts that that the Holy Spirit will bring at Pentecost. Cry out with joy to God all the earth.

Date Fr Kenneth Fr Simon Fr John Sun 17th May People of the parish People of the parish People of the parish

Mon 18th May

Tues 19th May Nancy Todd

Wed 20th May Rosemary Kroger

Thurs 21st May Rosemary Taylor

Fri 22nd May Francis Quek

Sat 23rd May

Sun 24th May People of the parish People of the parish People of the parish

Fr Simon writes: SEED POTATOES - Fr. Simon has over-ordered seed potatoes! They grow well in bags. If anyone would like some please call him at St. Peter's. They can be collected or he'll deliver (at a distance!)

FACE MASKS - Denise McLaughlin in St. Peter's Parish is offering to make face masks for anyone. There's a nominal charge of £1 which she will then donate back to St. Peter's. You can contact her on 07814 788143

Thursday of this week is the Solemnity of the Ascension

The earthly part of Jesus’ ministry comes to a final conclusion.

The disciples are charged with going into the world and spreading Good News. The early Christian community will learn that there are many trials and tribulations along the way. What they imagine will unfold is very different from what God has in store for them. This then is very apt for our present time. Art the beginning of this year we could not imagine what has unfolded over the last few months. The future is still very uncertain at the moment. Adjusting to the new normal will be the challenge over the weeks and months to come.

We pray that as we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord:

Through the healing and life-saving ministry of Jesus our world may be sustained and renewed at this time. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who work in frontline services that they may be strengthened for their work and that their hope may be renewed daily. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who find this lockdown difficult because of loneliness, fear or anxiety that their spirit may be renewed by the presence of the risen Christ. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For governments and local leaders that in the midst of this pandemic they may truly work for the good of the whole community. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For young people who find this a difficult time of transit, that they may have the support and accompaniment that they need to see light in the months that lay ahead. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For all the faithful departed, that they may rest eternally with God in heaven and all who are bereaved and miss a loved one at this time may know the peace embrace of our loving God. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Your own intentions ….

God of all consolation, Pour out your abundant love in our world today, May this celebration of the Ascension confirm our faith and open us to be loving in the world. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Zakopane - Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Krzeptowki,

Sanctuary in Krzeptowki, a place of the Virgin Mary's cult, is closely related to John Paul II. Sanctuary was created in gratitude for saving Karol Wojtyla's life in the unsuccessful assassination attempt on 13th of May 1981. Pallotines, who have been spreading the Fatima cult since 1946, are taking care of the church. The oldest part of the complex, is the chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary, built in 1951, with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima located inside. It was given to cardinal Stefan Wyszynski by the bishop of Fatima and, later, placed in the chapel. On 15th of October 1961, Karol Wojtyla, bishop of Krakow at that time, consecrated the chapel and the statue. On 21st of October 1987, John Paul II crowned the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The church of Our Lady of Fatima is situated next to the chapel. The building was erected between the year 1987 and 1992. The temple was consecrated by John Paul II on 7th of June 1997 during his 6th pilgrimage to Poland. Sanctuary grounds are also home to two monuments of John Paul II and the altar, on which John Paul II conducted the mass in Zakopane in 1997, was moved there. The place has become a destination of many pilgrimages and Pallottine Fathers are serving there in many languages. Shrine_of_Our_Lady_of_Fatima-Zakopane_Lesser_Poland_Province_Southern_Poland.html

Thanking God and Our Lady of Fatima for saving John Paul II from attempted assassination in 1981 – Polish mountaineers’ from ZAKOPANE with PALLOTTINE FATHERS – erected the Votive Church – see it & visit in Poland

13 OF MAY – OUR LADY OF FATIMA AND UNIVERSARY OF Attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II - see details at:

Homily of John Paul II, in Fatima in 2000 - ii/en/travels/2000/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_20000513_beatification-fatima.html

George Weigel article from 2020 – worth reading this new article and all the comments after it - The Soul of Pope St. John Paul II; We do not grasp John Paul II “from inside” unless we begin from the understanding that he was first and foremost a radically converted Christian disciple. Our Lady of Fatima, Feast day: May 13 21.5K749

May 13 is the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady to three shepherd children in the small village of Fatima in Portugal in 1917. She appeared six times to Lucia, 9, and her cousins Francisco, 8, and his sister Jacinta, 6, between May 13, 1917 and October 13, 1917. The story of Fatima begins in 1916, when, against the backdrop of the First World War which had introduced Europe to the most horrific and powerful forms of warfare yet seen, and a year before the Communist revolution would plunge Russia and later Eastern Europe into six decades of oppression under militant atheistic governments, a resplendent figure appeared to the three children who were in the field tending the family sheep. “I am the Angel of Peace,” said the figure, who appeared to them two more times that year exhorting them to accept the sufferings that the Lord allowed them to undergo as an act of reparation for the sins which offend Him, and to pray constantly for the conversion of sinners. Then, on the 13th day of the month of Our Lady, May 1917, an apparition of ‘a woman all in white, more brilliant than the sun’ presented itself to the three children saying “Please don’t be afraid of me, I’m not going to harm you.” Lucia asked her where she came from and she responded, “I come from Heaven.” The woman wore a white mantle edged with gold and held a rosary in her hand. The woman asked them to pray and devote themselves to the Holy Trinity and to “say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and an end to the war.” She also revealed that the children would suffer, especially from the unbelief of their friends and families, and that the two younger children, Francisco and Jacinta would be taken to Heaven very soon but Lucia would live longer in order to spread her message and devotion to the Immaculate Heart. In the last apparition the woman revealed her name in response to Lucia’s question: “I am the Lady of the Rosary.” That same day, 70,000 people had turned out to witness the apparition, following a promise by the woman that she would show the people that the apparitions were true. They saw the sun make three circles and move around the sky in an incredible zigzag movement in a manner which left no doubt in their minds about the veracity of the apparitions. By 1930 the Bishop had approved of the apparitions and they have been approved by the Church as authentic. The messages Our Lady imparted during the apparitions to the children concerned the violent trials that would afflict the world by means of war, starvation, and the persecution of the Church and the Holy Father in the twentieth century if the world did not make reparation for sins. She exhorted the Church to pray and offer sacrifices to God in order that peace may come upon the world, and that the trials may be averted. Our Lady of Fatima revealed three prophetic “secrets,” the first two of which were revealed earlier and refer to the vision of hell and the souls languishing there, the request for an ardent devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the prediction of the Second World War, and finally the prediction of the immense damage that Russia would do to humanity by abandoning the Christian faith and embracing Communist totalitarianism. The third “secret” was not revealed until the year 2000, and referred to the persecutions that humanity would undergo in the last century: “The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated'”. The suffering of the of the 20th century has been interpreted to include the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981, which took place on May 13, the 64th anniversary of the apparitions. The Holy Father attributed his escape from certain death to the intervention of Our Lady: “... it was a mother's hand that guided the bullet's path and in his throes the Pope halted at the threshold of death.” What is the central meaning of the message of Fatima? Nothing different from what the Church has always taught: it is, as Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict the XVI, has put it, “the exhortation to prayer as the path of “salvation for souls” and, likewise, the summons to penance and conversion.” Perhaps the most well-known utterance of the apparition of Our Lady at Fatima was her confident declaration that “My Immaculate Heart will triumph”. Cardinal Ratzinger has interpreted this utterance as follows: “The Heart open to God, purified by contemplation of God, is stronger than guns and weapons of every kind. The fiat of Mary, the word of her heart, has changed the history of the world, because it brought the Saviour into the world—because, thanks to her Yes, God could become man in our world and remains so for all time. The Evil One has power in this world, as we see and experience continually; he has power because our freedom continually lets itself be led away from God. But since God himself took a human heart and has thus steered human freedom towards what is good, the freedom to choose evil no longer has the last word. From that time forth, the word that prevails is this: “In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). The message of Fatima invites us to trust in this promise. More at:

Connection of Our Lady of Fatima and John Paul II - assassination attempt explained - KGB? see:

Polish Saint & Martyr of Unity Andrzej (Andrew) Bobola, Martyr of Unity of Catholics and Orthodox

In English:

Bobola was born in 1591 into a noble family in the Sandomir Palatinate in the Province of of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, then a constituent part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1611 he entered the in , then in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the other part of the Commonwealth. He subsequently professed solemn vows and was ordained in 1622, after which he served for several years as an advisor, preacher, Superior of a Jesuit residence, and other jobs in various places.[2] From 1652 Bobola also worked as a country "", in various locations of Lithuania: these included , where he was probably stationed in 1655, and also , (both now in ). On 16 May 1657, during the , he was captured in the village of Janów (now Ivanava, Belarus) by the of Bohdan Chmielnicki and, after being subjected to a variety of tortures, killed. One description of Bobola's death written in 1865 states:[3] In the same year, the Cossacks surprised a holy Polish Jesuit, in the town of Pinsk, and conferred on him the palm of martyrdom, on the 16th of May, 1657. Father Andrew Bobola ... had just offered up the holy sacrifice, when a horde of Cossacks attacked the town. On beholding the barbarians, Father Bobola fell upon his knees, raised his eyes and his hands toward heaven, and, having a presentiment that his hour had arrived, exclaimed, "Lord, thy will be done!" At that moment, the Cossacks rushed upon him, stripped him of his holy habit, tied him to a tree, placed a crown upon his head, ...after which they scourged him, tore out one of his eyes, burned his body with torches, and one of the ruffians traced, with his poignard, the form of a tonsure on the head of the venerable Father, and on his back the figure of a chasuble! To do this, the executioner had to strip off the skin of the holy martyr! But this was not yet all. The fingers of the apostle had received the priestly unction. The executioner tore from them the skin, and forced needles under his nails! And during this indescribable torture, the hero prayed for his tormentors; he preached, both by word and example, until the schismatics tore out his tongue and crushed his head. Father Andrew Bobola, whom the Church declared Blessed, the 30th of October, 1853, was sixty-five years of age. A second account states that when Bobola refused to renounce his religion, he was stripped, tied to a hedge and whipped. In mockery, the Cossacks placed a crown of twigs on his head and then dragged him to his place of execution, a butcher's shop. Bobola's body was originally buried in the Jesuit church in Pinsk. It was later moved to their church in Polotsk.[2] By the beginning of the 18th century, however, nobody knew where Bobola's body was buried. In 1701 Father Martin Godebski, S.J., the Rector of the Pinsk College, reputedly had a vision of Bobola. This caused him to order a search for the body. It was reportedly found completely incorrupt, which is recognized by the Church and its supporters as evidence of holiness. In 1719 the casket was officially reopened and the body inspected by qualified medical personnel (five physicians and pharmacists). It was reportedly still completely incorrupt: pliable and with soft flesh.

The altar with the relics of the arm of Andrew Bobola in the church of Il Gesù in . In 1922, the Bolsheviks moved the corpse, later described by an American journalist as a "remarkably well-preserved mummy",[5] to the Museum of Hygiene of People's Commissioners of Health in . The whereabouts of the remains was not known to the Catholic authorities, and Pope Pius XI charged the Papal Famine Relief Mission in Russia, headed by American Jesuit Father Edmund A. Walsh, with the task of locating and "rescuing" them.[5] In October 1923—as a kind of "pay" for help during famine—the remains were released to Walsh and his Assistant Director, Father Louis J. Gallagher, S.J. Well-packed by the two Jesuits, they were delivered to the by Gallagher on All Saints' Day (1 November) 1923.[5][6] In May 1924, the relics were installed in Rome's , the main church of the Society of Jesus.[6] Since 19 June 1938 the body has been venerated at a shrine in ,[7] with an arm remaining at the original shrine in Rome (see photo at left). Declared Blessed by Pope Pius IX on 30 October 1853, Bobola was canonized by Pope Pius XI on 17 April 1938.[7] His feast day was originally celebrated by the Jesuits on 23 May,[2] but it is now generally celebrated on 16 May.[8] In 2002, the Bishops' Conference of Poland declared Bobola a of Poland.[7] - Saint Andrew Bobola, martyr of unification of Christians: Catholics and Orthodox in East Poland (Polesie), Jesuit. Church-London, UK

The Bobolas who use the Leliwa coat of arms, are one of the oldest families of Poland. Their history probably reaches the XIII and definitely the XIV century and are identified with the Sandomierz region of Poland. Andrzej Bobola was born in 1591 in Strachocina near the town of Sanok in southern Poland. He was educated in the Jesuit School in Braniewo. At the age of twenty he joined the Jesuits in Wilno and was ordained a priest in 1622. In this way his wish to lead people to Jesus through the bearing of sacraments became a reality.

Having completed his monastic formation he undertook pastoral care in Nieśwież where he soon gained a reputation for his sermons. Because of this his superiors wanted to transfer him to the capital, Warsaw. Despite the attempts of the Jesuits in Warsaw to facilitate this transfer, he was moved to Wilno where he worked in the parish of St.Casimir.

On 2 June 1630 he took his final monastic vows. He worked in Bobrujsk, Płock, Warsaw, Łomża, Wilno and finally in Pińsk (present day Belarus). His level headedness, good education, easy manner and positive influence on people was commented upon wherever he served.

In the last period of his life Andrew Bobola worked primarily as a missionary in the Polesie region. The task set by his superiors was not an easy one. The local inhabitants often lived in very primitive conditions and not always could differentiate between friend or foe, truth from falsehood. They were easily manipulated even pushed to crime. The poor peasants lived in squalor, small huts under one roof with their livestock.

Andrew Bobola taught the catechism, carried out christenings, heard confession, married people and distributed the Blessed Sacrament. He took an interest in the welfare of the neglected youth, gave succour to the oppressed Uniates and devoted much time to the orthodox population. The news of his successful conversion of two villages: Baldycze and Udrożyn to Catholicism spread far and wid e.

The orthodox clergy feeling themselves endangered found allies in the roaming Cossacks. During one of their forays Fr. Andrew discovered that he himself was in danger. He tried to flee but the Cossack horsemen soon caught up with him. They demanded he renounce his faith, stripped him and trussed up they tortured him. They tied him between two horses which sped towards Janów a distance of 4 kilometres. During this time he was beaten, received a sabre cut on his left arm and several spear jabs leaving deep wounds. On Janów market square in the local slaughter house he was further sadistically tortured. His body was burned, his skin peeled by knives, his head squeezed between an oaken wreath. Death came by two strokes of a sabre to his neck.

The remains of Fr. Andrew Bobola became the object of veneration. The local population came in their masses to the window of the crypt of the Jesuit Church in Pińsk where he was laid to rest, to pay their respects to the martyr. It was not only the Catholics who came. After the partitions of Poland (1772, 1793 and 1795) the orthodox also came, seeing in him an interloculator with God. The oppressed nation looked for help. People who during his missionary work spat with disdain at the sight of a Roman Catholic priest were now driven by instinct to visit his grave. In fear that his remains may be profaned they were transferred to Połock in January 1808 where it was believed they would be safe under the care of the local Jesuits despite the disbandment of the order by the tsarist authorities.

In October 1853 Pope Pius IX raised Fr. Bobola to be Blessed. The efforts of the Polish Episcopate to have him declared a saint bore fruit in May 1938. In 1922 through the good offices of Pope Pius XI the Soviet authorities released the relics of Bl. Andrew Bobola to Rome. After his canonisation in May 1938 his relics were transferred to Poland via Yugoslavia, Hungary and Czechosolovakia. With much ceremony they travelled through Czechowice, Oświęcim, Kraków, Katowice, Poznań and Łódź before arriving in Warsaw. To this day his relics rest in the Jesuit Church of St. Andrew Bobola on Rakowiecka Street. St .Andrew Bobola is one of the secondary Patron Saints of Poland. - Polish Community Roman in London Drodzy, gdy Filip przybył do miasta Samarii i głosił Chrystusa, tłumy słuchały z uwagą i skupieniem słów [jego] i wielka radość zapanowała w tym mieście. Czy z taką radością bierzesz udział w niedzielnej mszy świętej online z Twoimi bliskimi? Jak przygotowany jesteś do tego spotkania? Dziękuje tym, którzy przygotowują i z radością uczestniczą w naszej mszy dziecięcej przez zoom – razem w tych trudnych czasach realizujemy zachętę z psalmu na tę niedzielę: Niech cała ziemia chwali swego Pana - Niechaj Cię wielbi cała ziemia i niechaj śpiewa Tobie, niech imię Twoje opiewa. Nim się przeto radujmy, Jego potęga włada na wieki. Izolacja, pandemia i ograniczenia wiążą się z trudem i cierpieniami. Św. Piotr nam dzisiaj mówi: Najdrożsi: Lepiej bowiem, jeżeli taka wola Boża, cierpieć dobrze czyniąc, aniżeli czyniąc źle. Czyńmy dobro wokół nas, świadomi, że wszyscy bez wyjątku cierpią w tym czasie. Każde dobre słowo, telefon, uśmiech, ale także wsparcie i konkretna pomoc są ważnym uczynkiem miłosierdzia! Jezus dzisiaj obiecuje nam, że będzie prosił Ojca, a innego Pocieszyciela da wam, aby z wami był na zawsze, Ducha Prawdy. Mówi też konkretnie: Nie zostawię was sierotami. Mamy zapewnienie od Jezusa, więc tym spokojniej zapytajmy samych siebie – do czego ten czas samotności jest mi szczególnie potrzebny? Jak mogę wykorzystać najlepiej ten czas? Jak umacnia on moją wiarę, pozwala praktykować chrześcijańską nadzieję, z miłością znosić trudy i cierpienia. Trudy i samotność mogą być wyjątkowym czasem prośby o dary Ducha Świętego Pocieszyciela, którego potrzebujemy w życiu osobistym, rodzinnym, wspólnotowym i społecznym. Jezus nam obiecał Ducha Pocieszyciela – przyzywajmy Jego pomocy! Ks. Piotr

More at: Ważne wydarzenie duchowe ostatniego tygodnia - 13.05 Matka Boża Fatimska i zamach na JPII

Fatima - co Matka Boża przekazała światu? Od maja do października 1917 roku - gdy toczyła się pierwsza wojna światowa, kiedy w Portugalii sprawował rządy ostro antykościelny reżim, a w Rosji zaczynała szaleć rewolucja - na obrzeżach miasteczka Fatima, w miejscu zwanym Cova da Iria, Matka Boża ukazywała się trojgu wiejskim dzieciom nie umiejącym jeszcze czytać. Byli to Łucja dos Santos (10 lat), Hiacynta Marto (7 lat) i Franciszek Marto (9 lat). Łucja była cioteczną siostrą rodzeństwa Marto. Pochodzili z podfatimskiej wioski Aljustrel, której mieszkańcy trudnili się hodowlą owiec i uprawą winorośli.

13 maja 1917 roku nieopodal portugalskiej miejscowości Fatima Maryja ukazała się trójce dzieci.

Figura Matki Bożej Fatimskiej

Te dzieci to: sześcioletnia Hiacynta, jej o dwa lata starszy brat Franciszek oraz ich cioteczna siostra, dziewięcioletnia Łucja. Z objawieniami w Fatimie wiążą się także tzw. trzy tajemnice fatimskie. Pierwsze dwie ujawniono już kilkadziesiąt lat temu; ostatnią, trzecią tajemnicę, wokół której narosło wiele kontrowersji i legend, św. Jan Paweł II przedstawił światu dopiero podczas swojej wizyty w Fatimie w maju 2000 r. Papież św. Jan Paweł II wielokrotnie podkreślał, że właśnie opiece Matki Bożej z Fatimy zawdzięcza uratowanie życia podczas zamachu 13 maja 1981 r. na placu Świętego Piotra w Watykanie.

WIELE MATERIAŁÓW ZWIĄZANYCH Z OBJAWIENIAMI W FATIMIE - - Sekretariat Fatimski na youtube – WIELE CENNYCH INFORMCJI SANKTURIUM W ZAKOPANEM - Wotum wdzięczności za cud ocalenia życia Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II w dniu 13 maja 1981 r. – WARTO ZOBACZYĆ PIĘKNE ZDJĘCIA I FILMY

KRZEPTÓWKI U CIEBIE W DOMU... PALLOTYNI - Gospodarze Narodowego Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Fatimskiej w Zakopanem przygotowali na maj cykl filmów pn. „Krzeptówki u Ciebie”. Kolejne odcinki prezentują historię zakopiańskiego sanktuarium, objawień Matki Bożej w Fatimie i związków z tymi miejscami św. Jana Pawła II.

– Największym skarbem każdego sanktuarium są pielgrzymi. Jeśli oni przychodzą do miejsca kultu, aby tu się modlić, dziękować, słuchać Słowa Bożego, korzystać z sakramentów, to wówczas to miejsce tętni życiem – mówi ks. Marian Mucha SAC. Kustosz narodowego sanktuarium Matki Bożej Fatimskiej obecną sytuację, gdy Krzeptówki są prawie puste porównuje do wyschłego koryta rzeki. – Jeśli nie płynie w nim woda, to wszystko wokół jest spieczone słońcem. Wszystko jest głęboko bezsensowne. Ale gdy zmienią się warunki atmosferyczne i w tym korycie popłynie woda, wszystko zacznie żyć. Wszystko będzie piękne, zielone, kwitnące i pachnące. Stanie się bardzo sensowne – mówi ks. Mucha z nadzieją na powrót życia do sanktuarium na Krzeptówkach.

– Skoro teraz nie możemy być tu razem, to bądźmy przynajmniej w sieci – kustosz polskiej Fatimy zapowiada projekt „Krzeptówki u Ciebie”. Od 3 maja do końca miesiąca w każdą środę i sobotę o godz. 8.00 w mediach społecznościowych i stronie internetowej sanktuarium będą publikowane kolejne filmy prezentujące historię zakopiańskiego sanktuarium, objawień Matki Bożej w Fatimie i związków z tymi miejscami św. Jana Pawła II. Kustosz Krzeptówek zwraca uwagę, że „ból rozstania” jest trudny zarówno dla pielgrzymów, jak i gospodarzy sanktuarium. – Dlatego w tym roku, by doświadczyć jedności, Krzeptówki przychodzą do Was. Idziemy do Was z pośpiechem, jak Maryja z pośpiechem poszła do Elżbiety, aby być z nią w jej domu. Idąc do Was, chcemy razem z Wami być w Waszym domu, z Jej orędziem i bogactwem tego miejsca – zapowiada ks. Marian Mucha SAC.

Gospodarze sanktuarium przygotowali projekt „Krzeptówki u Ciebie” na maj, bo to miesiąc tradycyjnych pielgrzymek – 13 maja i w niedzielę po 13 dniu miesiąca z racji kolejnej rocznicy objawień Matki Bożej w Fatimie. Projekt jest jednocześnie formą uczczenia 100. rocznicy urodzin św. Jana Pawła II w miejscu, które stanowi votum wdzięczności za cud ocalenia jego życia w dniu 13 maja 1981 r. Filmy i szczegóły na stronie sanktuarium oraz facebookowym profilu www.

W środę 13 maja przypada 103. rocznica objawień Matki Bożej w Fatimie. Tego dnia na zakopiańskich Krzeptówkach o godz. 18.30 – pokutny różaniec fatimski, o godz. 19.00 – Msza św., a o godz. 21.00 – Apel Maryjny.

Zalążek późniejszego centrum fatimskiego w Zakopanem powstał w 1950 r. W 1961 r. na Krzeptówki trafiła figura Matki Bożej Fatimskiej, którą biskup Fatimy przekazał kard. Wyszyńskiemu. 13 maja 1981 r., po zamachu na życie Jana Pawła II, powstała idea świątyni-wotum. W lipcu 1987 r. poświęcono plac pod nowy kościół. 13 maja 1990 r. kard. Franciszek Macharski wmurował kamień węgielny. 7 czerwca 1997 r., Jan Paweł II dokonał uroczystej konsekracji świątyni. 14 marca 2018 r. Konferencja Episkopatu Polski ustanowiła na zakopiańskich Krzeptówkach Sanktuarium Narodowe Matki Bożej Fatimskiej. Duchową opiekę nad polską Fatimą sprawują księżą pallotyni. ciebie-seria-filmow-przygotowanych-przez-sanktuarium-fatimskie-w-zakopanem-na-miesiac- maj&catid=14&Itemid=334

CIEKAWA KRESKÓWKA dla dzieci – o Fatimie, Papieżu JP2 i Sankturium Fatimskim na Krzeptówkach - Historia o Matce Bożej Fatimskiej, Papieżu, Sanktuarium na Krzeptówkach i Góralach - DLA DZIECI – zobaczcie to razem – koniecznie:



Po męczeńskiej śmierci ciało św. Andrzeja Boboli (1591-1657) odwiedzali zarówno katolicy, jak i bracia prawosławni, wierząc w orędownictwo świętego kapłana. Wygląda na to, że działalność misjonarza Polesia nie zakończyła się z chwilą męczeństwa. Jego zmumifikowane ciało, wystawiane na pokaz w komunistycznych muzeach na znak tryumfu nad religią, wbrew intencji władz przyciągało pielgrzymów i było dla nich znakiem nadziei. A wędrówka jego relikwii przez Moskwę i Rzym z powrotem do Polski stanowi swoisty znak tęsknoty Polaków za Bogiem, który jest źródłem wolności. – Sw. Andrzej Bobola – męczennik, jezuita, duszpasterz Warszawy, orędownik pojednania katolików i prawosławnych. Urodzony w okolicach Sanoka, był katolikiem, ale świadomym bliskości prawosławnych braci i marzeniem o unii. - Na święto polskiego świętego Andrzeja Boboli przedstawiam fragmenty książki wydawnictwa AA z Krakowa: “Jestem św. Andrzej Bobola. Zacznijcie mnie czcić”. WARTO POSŁUCHAĆ I PRZEZ WSTAWIENNICTWO TEGO MĘCZENNIKA POJEDNANIA CHRZEŚCIJAN MODLIĆ SIĘ O JEDNOŚĆ KOŚCIOŁA- ZAPRASZAM!!! - Skarby Kościoła to cykl mający na celu przybliżanie nam życiorysów świętych. Chcemy ukazać ich męstwo i ducha w głoszeniu światu Boga, niekiedy za cenę swojego życia. Dzięki temu cyklowi możemy przekonać się, że świętość nie jedno ma oblicze.