
Republic of the


/ Congo

DRC Humanitarian Situation Report No. 10


Reporting Period: October 2020

Highlights Situation in Numbers  As of 12st October, and after more than 6 months at home, due to the 15,000,000 exceptional context of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), millions children in need of of primary and secondary school students went back to school in the humanitarian assistance Democratic Republic of Congo,). Unicef continues to support the Government of DRC in sensitizing parents for a massive return of (OCHA, Revised HRP children to school and the effective resumption of classes, while 2020*) respecting COVID-19 prevention measures.  In South , security situation continues to be marked by the Hauts 25,600,000 Plateaux intercommunity crisis in Fizi, Mwenga and territories, people in need where child protection needs are particularly important. 150 Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) and more than 400 (OCHA, Revised HRP 2020*) children associated to local militias have been registered in October, while 76 allegations of grave violations are under documentation. 5,500,000 UNICEF continue to provide Health and Child Protection services to IDPs (Revised HRP 2020*) affected population, despite limited logistics and security access to the zones. 17,143  60,894 people affected by humanitarian crises in Ituri and North-Kivu provinces have been provided with NFI life-saving emergency cases of cholera reported packages in through UNICEF’s Rapid Response (UniRR). since January (Ministry of Health) UNICEF’s Response and Funding Status

46% UNICEF Appeal 2020 11% US$ 318 million


17% Funding Status (in US$) 32% Funds 13% received in 2020 Carry- 100% 30 M forwar d 34% 48.6M


Fundin 7% g gap $241.5 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% M *Source: OCHA, Revised Humanitarian Response Plan 2020, June 2020


Funding Overview and Partnerships UNICEF appeals for US$ 318M to sustain the provision of humanitarian services for women and children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). UNICEF expresses its sincere gratitude to all public and private donors for the contributions received to date. However, the 2020 HAC has a funding gap of 76%, with significant funding needs in nutrition, health, WASH, education, and communication for development.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs During the reporting period, the violence and inter-community tensions persist in the Eastern provinces and continue to affect lives and wellbeing of the most vulnerable children living in Ituri, North and , and Tanganyika.

In , non-state armed groups (ADF / NALU, FPIC, , Mai-Mai) operating, in the south of Irumu territory, caused around 75,726 new displaced people in the areas of Boga, Nyakunde, Rwampara and Komanda. The humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate, and several needs have been identified, especially in health, nutrition, non-food items, protection and education. In Djugu territory, military operations between FARDC and CODECO / ALC from Ezekere led to lootings and burnt houses as well as population movements as around 3,420 households were forced to flee their homes.

In province, the security situation in and Walikale territories continues to deteriorate as one of the major non-state armed group in North Kivu stepped up their operations since July. The spread of this conflict resulted in displacements increase and multisectoral needs continue to be reported. In October, approximately 10.000 new displaced households were registered in , while the figures are not yet known for and Masisi territories. After a first intervention to respond to this crisis in Kalembe village in August, UNICEF rapid response mechanism achieved two other interventions in Masisi and territories. In territory, ADF attacks continue to occur leading to further deterioration of the humanitarian situation, especially in Mutwanga Health Zone which remain monitored by the humanitarian watch.

In South Kivu, security situation continues to be marked by the Hauts Plateaux intercommunity crisis in Fizi, Mwenga and Uvira territories. Due to security access to the zones and logistical constraints, and despite the increasing humanitarian needs in protection, education, nutrition and WASH, only a limited number of interventions have been provided, though UNICEF continues to provide Health and Child Protection services to affected population. Child protection needs are particularly high in this area.150 UASC and more than 400 children associated to local militias have been registered in October. 76 allegations of grave violations are under documentation. UNICEF, through local partners, provided psychosocial support to 2.735 children through mobile child friendly spaces.

In Maniema province, the security situation improved in Salamabila territory after clashes that occurred between armed groups and FARDC in September. Nearly 1,245 displaced households returned to their place of origin in Kama, and around but have lost their essential items and nearly 2,200 IDPs remain in the displacement zone. The province experienced flooding that affected 3,000 people and led to the displacement of 2,565 people in Kailo.

In , the security situation improved and the population continues to return to their place of origin particularly in (28,476 returnees) and in (18,035 returnees). In total, within the last 18 months, at least 284,000 persons returned to their place of origin, according to the Commission des Mouvements des Populations (October 2020).

In Kasaï, interethnic conflict continued to impact the different territories and remains under watch of humanitarian actors. According to OCHA, around 18.000 persons were internally displaced in Kasai Oriental province in October and the humanitarian needs are important, especially in WASH, Education and NFIs and cholera cases have also been reported without any response. The Covid-19 put further pressure on already fragile social and health systems compounded to poor access to livelihoods and markets. Women and girls were particularly exposed to abuse and violence including sexual and gender- based violence affect. In Kasai, an average of 260 SGBV cases per month have been registered in the Kananga hospital, among which 20% cases are children and adolescents. The needs remain very important in terms of access to holistic assistance, particularly outside the main urban areas.


The country continues to witness several diseases outbreaks. In October, South Kivu remained the first province to report the highest number of suspected cases of cholera (5455) and the second highest number of deaths attributed to the same disease (36) since the beginning of the year 20201. Five health zones in South Kivu notified suspected cholera cases in September (, Katana, Lemera, Fizi, and Uvira). This situation continues to assert itself in the month of October, although a decrease in the number of suspicious cases is recorded from week 40 to 43, going from 185 to 99 suspicious cases over this period.

In Mbandaka, Equateur province, since the declaration of the 11th outbreak in June, 130 Ebola cases, of which 119 were confirmed cases and 11 probable cases as of October 31st. 55 deaths and 75 cured patients have been identified in thirteen health zones of the Province, bringing the lethality rate to 42,3%. Compared to September, 2 additional people have been affected by EVD, and 2 deaths and 6 cured patients have been identified.

Outbreaks of measles continued to be reported in October. As of epidemiological week 43, 73,160 suspected measles cases, including 1,064 deaths (Case Fatality Rate: 1.45%), have been reported across the DRC. The provinces that reported the highest number of measles cases were: Kwilu 263 cases, 216 cases, Kasai 112 cases, Sud- Ubangi 107 cases, North-Kivu 99 cases and 84 cases.

As of 31th October, 20202, the COVID-19 outbreak has affected 22 out of the 26 provinces in the DRC, with a total of 11,330 confirmed cases. Compared to September, 1 new province (Bas-Uele) and 671 additional people have been affected by Covid-19. continues to be the most affected province with 8,472 cases, followed by North Kivu with 1,104 cases and with 533 cases. Despite these challenges, UNICEF continues to respond to humanitarian needs across the country while ensuring the implementation of COVID-19 prevention measures3. The latest COVID-19 situation report can be found here link.

Summary Analysis of Programme Response Nutrition The results of the nutritional surveys (SMART Method) conducted in September and October 2020 in the health zones of Ntandembelo and Yumbi (Mai Ndombe Province) showed a worrying nutritional situation with prevalence of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) of respectively 2,4% and 3,6% and a prevalence of global acute malnutrition (GAM) of 14% and 14.4% respectively. These prevalences are above the emergency thresholds of 2% for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 10% for global acute malnutrition (GAM).

UNICEF maintained its support to the nutritional surveillance and early warning system (SNSAP) which showed slight decrease in the number of health zones on alert, from 77 during the second quarter 2020 to 63 during the third quarter, representing 12% health zones across the DRC. It may be explained by the reopening of borders between provinces, promoting trade and lower food prices, and by the launch of projects to ensure the treatment of acute malnutrition in the Kasai and Eastern provinces. Furthermore, the number of health zones in nutritional alert decreased by 3% compared to the same period in 2019. It should be noted that the Provinces of Equateur (13 Health Zones on 18), Maniema (7 HZ on 18), Kasai-Oriental (10 HZ on 19) and Sankuru (5 HZ on 27) are the most affected.

During the reporting period, UNICEF supported the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in 69 health zones,4 which represent 39% of the priority health zones identified by the Nutrition cluster. 31,776 children were treated for SAM. The global performance indicators for SAM treatment were as follows: recovery rate of 87,4%, 1,2% death and 0.6% abandonment. 5

In October, the Nutrition Cluster held one general meeting at the national level, and approximately 32 partners attended the meeting Regional clusters were also asked to submit their CCPM (Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring) report by the end of November 2020.

1 Source : Situation épidémiologique du choléra en RDC-Semaine 43, 2020 - 25 Octobre 2020. PNECHOL-MD/MoH 2 Source: ‘Bulletin epidemiologique Covid-19– Ministry of Health DRC 3 COVID-19 prevention measures: practicing social distancing, installation of handwashing stations, temperature checkpoints during interventions, and wearing masks. 4 The main supported Provinces are Tanganyika, South-Kivu and Grand Kassai 5 Recommended standard thresholds: Recovery >75%; death rate <5% and default rate <15% 3

Health In South , in response to the humanitarian crisis in the Hauts Plateaux, UNICEF and its implementing partner Agence Achat de Performance (AAP) provided access to free medical care to 6,515 persons, of which 4,373 children under five, at the Mikenge regional hospital and in the health zones of Kipupu and Mikenge.

WASH In October, 63,875 people affected by populations movements due to conflicts and floods and 26,502 people affected by cholera benefited from WASH assistance provided by UNICEF partners6. The response was the below:

In Kasai Oriental province7, UNICEF and implementing partner Social Development Center (SDC) provided access to safe drinking water to 21,998 persons through the installation of 60 chlorination points8 and two water purification stations.

In Tanganyika province, 41,204 persons gained access to safe drinking water through the rehabilitation of 48 water sources by UNICEF’s implementing partners Croix-Rouge, Armee du Salut (ADS) and Médecins d’Afrique (MDA) respectively in Kalemie, Moba and Manono territories. Furthermore, 56 latrines doors were constructed, and 125 shower cabins were built in 4 health centres located within these territories.

In South Kivu province, 2,880 persons were reached in the Health Zone of Minova on cholera prevention measures through UNICEF’s implementing partner Croix-Rouge Nord-Kivu (CNK), through chlorination of water sources and distribution of WASH kits.

In Ituri Province, 1,624 persons were provided some WASH infrastructures9 through UNICEF’s implementing partner Action des Volontaires Unis pour le Developpement et la Santé (AVUDS), as part of the assistance to the communities who have been affected by EVD.

Education During the month of October, 15,000 children (including 8,554 girls) in North-Kivu Province (in Kamango, Beni, Musienene and health zones) were able to reintegrate the classical school system, while 2,854 students (including 1,054 girls) received support for their socio-economic reintegration, through the work of UNICEF implementing partner, War Child UK. Furthermore, 44 teachers were trained in Peace Education methodologies in the health zones of Kamango, Beni, Musienene and Oicha, through the work of UNICEF implementing partners Action des solidarites pour la promotion de la santé familiale et developpement (ASOPROSAFD) and Enseignement Primaire Secondaire et Technique (EPST NORD KIVU 2).

In Tanganyika Province, 13,865 children (including 5,789 girls) affected by conflicts in the territories of Kalemie, Moba, Kongolo and Nyunzu gained access to quality education and have received learning material10. Children in conflict-affected provinces are continually exposed to violence. To help restore the well-being of students, 165 teachers (116 men and 49 women) were trained in psychosocial support and GBV in schools

In Kassai Province (in Lwiza, Demba and Kamwesha health zones) ,18 inspectors and 360 teachers have been trained on psychosocial support in the school environment, as well as on the prevention of COVID-19. The construction of 5 schools has been completed and the premises have been handed over to the school directors. These schools will be able to accommodate 1,750 children and 35 teachers.

Child Protection In October, an increased number of children have been assisted by UNICEF and its partners11 with a total of 26,238 children (including 47% of girls). 269 Children Associated with Armed Groups and Forces (CAAFAG) were reunified and

6 These figures do not include the assistance delivered under UniRR. 7 In Bonzola and Mukumbi Health Zones 8 More specifically, in Bonzola (22), Mukumbi (7), Tshitenge (10), Mpokolo (2), Muya (5), Lukelenge (14) Health Zones. 9 2 water sources, 8 permanent latrines and 3 impluviums 10 Learning material was provided by UNICEF implementing partners NRC (to 7,915 children), LIPIDEM (to 700 children) and UNICEF (to 5,250 children). 11 National and International NGO’s 4 benefitted from socioeconomic reintegration12 and 401 Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) were identified and provided with temporary care, mostly in Ituri, North-Kivu, South-Kivu, Kassai and Tanganyika Provinces.

23,482 children received psychosocial support through (mobile and fixed) child friendly spaces, including in IDPs sites, achieving more than 100 % of the 2020 psychosocial support target due to the scale up of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) activities following the outbreak of the COVID-19 in DRC as well as the high attendance of some child-friendly spaces due to continuous displacement and movement of population. For example, in Kwilu, 12 cases (including 9 girls) of sexual violence were reported and assisted and 426 children (including 235 girls) gained access to safe, accessible and child-friendly reporting mechanisms in schools and in their communities.

In the context of COVID-19 response, 2,341 children (including 1,243 girls) victims of violence (negligence, mistreatment, domestic violence, police violence especially for street children, as well as sexual and gender-based violence) received individualised support, bringing the total to 22,785 children (10,621 girls) since the start of the COVID-19 response.

Since the beginning of the year, 11,843 women, girls and boys accessed GBV risk mitigation, prevention or response interventions, reaching 79 % of the 2020 target.

As the Ebola outbreak in Mbandaka and as the epidemic comes to an end, a decrease of MHPSS and child protection assistance has been noticed. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1091 affected families and 288 (141 girls) affected children (as suspect or confirmed cases) benefitted from a psychological and material assistance.

A workshop gathering all the 10 Child Protection s/cluster from Maniema and South Kivu has been organized to reinforce capacities of the lead and co-leads including local organizations and state partners.

Communication for Development (C4D), Community Engagement & Accountability During the reporting period, the C4D Unit has been working in the three provinces of Kinshasa, Tshopo and Mai Ndombe to support the ongoing polio vaccination campaign. To create a positive public perception about vaccine safety and efficacy, different communication channels (door-to-door visits, community dialogues, educational talks, popular forums, radio broadcasts) were conducted, reaching 2,500,000 people. According to a survey organised by the WHO after the second round of this vaccination campaign, the proportion of non-vaccinated children in these 3 provinces is within the acceptable threshold of less than 5%.

In October, 3,600 Community Relays (RECOs) conducted educational talks on the adoption of Essential Family Practices (EFP) in Haut-Katanga, Haut-Lomami and Lualaba Provinces, reaching a total of 142,086 people.

In response to the 11th Ebola outbreak in Equateur province, UNICEF supported the activities carried out by influential leaders, different organized groups, and RECOs, who informed and mobilized the population and communities against the epidemic. Thus, 687 359 people living in risk areas13 were reached by Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) awareness messages through different communication channels (community dialogues, educational talks, popular forums, radio broadcasts, printed materials).

UNICEF Rapid Response (UniRR)14 In October 2020, 10,149 households (60, 894 people), recently displaced by armed conflicts, benefitted from life-saving emergency packages of Non-Food Items (NFIs) and WASH through UNICEF Rapid Response mechanism (UniRR). In Ituri Province, 5,431 households (32,586 people) were reached in Djugu Health zone in cooperation with UNICEF implementing partner Programme de Promotion des Soins de Sante Primaires (PPSSP) while in North-Kivu 4,718 households (including 2,703 households in Lukweti, 1,358 in Pinga Health Zone and 657 in Lubero) were reached in cooperation with Croix-Rouge Nord-Kivu (CRNK).

Since January 2020, UniRR's interventions have provided assistance to 72,628 households (out of the original target of 75,000 households), i.e. 410,319 people (out of the original target of 450,000 people).

12 Vocational training in carpentry, mechanics, sewing, hair dressing. 13 In the Health Zones of Mbandaka, Wangata, Lotumbe, Bikoro, Ingende, Bomongo, Lilanga Bobangi, Lolanga, Mampoko, Bomongo and Monieka. 14 Through its Rapid Response Mechanism (UniRR), UNICEF delivers an integrated package of life-saving humanitarian relief in WASH, NFI and Shelter to people whose survival is threatened by humanitarian shocks (preventive or reactive displacements, natural disasters and epidemics). The UniRR is characterized by its high life-saving impact, rapidity, simplicity and local implementation. 5

Cholera Response  Cholera Rapid Response

In coordination with Provincial Health Division (DPS) North Kivu and South-Kivu, UNICEF is delivering a cholera rapid response programme based on case-area targeted interventions (CATIs). This programme aims at responding to at least 80 per cent of suspected cases in less than 48 hours by implementing “cordon sanitaire” around each suspected case. This program has been implemented since the end of December 2019 in North Kivu, mid-June 2020 for Haut- Katanga and early July in South Kivu. Main challenges the programme faces are lack of funding and limited epidemiological surveillance system. UNICEF plans to reinforce the surveillance system in September.

During the reporting period, ten teams of Croix Rouge Nord-Kivu and Medecins d’Afrique (MDA) carried out 268 rapid response interventions, of which 98% percent were responded in less than 48 hours, in North-Kivu Province and 100% in South-Kivu. These interventions have benefited 5,135 households with a cholera package in North-Kivu and 6,305 in South-Kivu (including soaps, ORS, water purifications and buckets) to protect themselves against cholera and interrupt its transmission in the community.

North Kivu South-Kivu TOTAL TOTAL COMMUNITY RESPONSE AT A GLANCE – Summary of activities for last MON WEE MON WEE SINCE SINCE full months (may) last full week , and cumulative since 01/01/2020 - RDC - TH KS TH KS 01/01/20 01/01/20 Nord-Kivu and South-Kivu 2020_1 2020_ 2020_1 2020_ 0 43 20 0 43 20 Suspected cases reported by MSP 375 53 5 102 508 99 1 560 Suspected cases reported by Line Listing 221 38 3 320 0 0 Completion line listing VS MoH data 58,93% 72% 65% 0,00% 0% 0% Number of interventions by CORT (Community Outbreak Response Team - rapid 319 64 2 815 0 29 575 responses, preventions activities and community involvement)** Number of response done (type 1: rapid responses only)* 195 34 2 102 73 19 560 Responded cases by CORT 225 36 2 771 158 56 645 % of response < 48 h (only type 1)* 98% 97% 95% 100% 100% 100% #DIV/0 #DIV/0 % of responded cases (Based on Line Listing) 102% 95% 83% #DIV/0! ! ! Average of households per response (i.e “cordon sanitaire” size) 16,45 19,11 12,43 16,36 13,82 17,42 Number of households having received at least one Household Water Treatment 5135 898 41409 6305 1224 14742 product Number of persons sensitized (rapid responses only)* 28731 5244 267 240 27605 7179 110 785 Number of persons sensitized (rapid responses, prevention and community 51318 11955 396 913 36316 13484 119 904 involvement)** Number of disinfected houses 3529 640 33 102 2946 920 14 580 Average of disinfected houses per suspected cases 15,7 17,8 11,95 18,6 16,4 22,60 Number of emergency water chlorination points activated 22 17 116 157 44 535

* Rapid responses= one response for one cholera suspected case **Preventions activities= mobilisation and sensitisation activities but not attached directly to one suspected case

Social Sciences Analysis Cell (CASS)

During the last reporting period, the CASS completed analyses of population survey data from Lotumbe and Lolanga Mampoko health zones on community and healthcare worker perceptions and behaviours relating to the Ebola response. The study was conducted across 24 health areas, addressing key questions relating to transmission, prevention, and treatment of Ebola. Key results from analyses  Less than 15 % of people interviewed in Lotumbe and Lolanga Mampoko mention vaccination, safe and dignified burial (SDB) or contact tracing as efficient interventions to prevent Ebola transmission (over 50 % consider hand washing the most effective method)  Communication around Ebola and the response was not adapted to the needs or preferences of women in both health zones (language; method of transmission of information)


 Children are not perceived to be at risk of Ebola, and are less frequently listed as contacts: in Lotumbe, 36% of parents think that children under 5 are rarely affected by Ebola, and 65% would not accept to have their child vaccinated if listed as a contact  Lotumbe saw a higher rate of refusal to accept and engage with response interventions than other health zones (decontamination, isolation, willingness to go to ETC)  50% of respondents said that they would refuse to send a family member to an ETC due to a lack of confidence in the response, mistrust of healthcare workers, and distance from the community  60% of women and 49% of men in Lotumbe, and 64 % of women and 83 % of men in Lolanga Mampoko said that they would accept the Ebola vaccine if they were offered, or were traced as a contact

CASS teams are currently working with local actors to co-develop recommendations based on these initial results, and to establish plans for implementation and progress monitoring. The recommendations resulting from this study and other CASS studies in Equateur are compiled online in the MONITO tool (available here). Since the beginning of June, 86 recommendations have been developed together with response partners in Equateur, including local civil-society groups. 38% recommendations have so far been implemented and are being monitored by the CASS.

The CASS in Equateur is presently preparing for the post-Ebola transition phase and will conduct several rapid follow- up studies to facilitate comparative analyses of the period during and after the outbreak. CASS analyses will contribute to “lessons learned” post-Ebola and provide evidence to support current and future outbreaks.

Ebola in North Kivu and Ituri Province

Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) The UNICEF RCCE team supervised and followed up activities to promote Essential Family Practices (EPF) in the post- Ebola transition to increase community resilience. During the reporting period through the 9 signed agreements15, a total of 1,535 CAC members were trained in EPF and 616,262 community members were reached by the messages through home visits and educational interviews. Regarding media communication, the contract concluded between UNICEF and the partner REMED (Network of Media for Development), with 60 community radios from North Kivu and Ituri is progressing well.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)/Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) During the Reporting period, UNICEF kept going to implement Pillar 3 activities, reaching 6 health facilities with a WASH package16 in areas affected by EVD or at risk. At the community level, UNICEF and its implementing partners built or rehabilitated 17 water points in Katwa (3), (5), Mabalako (6) and Kalunguta (3) Thanks to these interventions 6,815 people had an improved access to WASH services in areas that have been affected by EVD or at risk in October .In order to achieve sustain WASH infrastructure, the local NGO FAEVu trained 7 members of the water point management committees. As part of activities at school level, CAUB built 5 impluvium in 5 schools of 4 health zones (Mabalako Mandima, Butembo, and Musienene) and 55 latrine doors were built in 12 schools of 5 health zones (Mabalako, Katwa, Butembo, Musienene, Kalunguta) by the Implementing Partners FAEVU, SI , Hydraulique Sans Fontiere ( HYFRO) , CAUB and CEPROSSAN. Thanks to these activities, 5,973 students (aged 5 to 17) in schools in areas affected by EVD have received a water, hygiene and sanitation intervention. In addition, HYFRO sensitized 5,160 people on good hygiene practices such as handwashing with soap and proper use of the toilet facilities

Psychosocial Support In October, UNICEF and its partners organized recreational sessions with child survivors of EVD in Beni, Mabalako and Kalunguta and reached 144 children including 85 girls. The aim of this activity was to facilitate the discharge of cumulative stress and anxiety of the children. 20 children (including 11 girls) of them received individual counselling. In addition, 114 support group sessions were organized in the community for survivors and reached 374 people in Butembo, Katwa, Vuhovi, Musienene,Mandima and Mangina. In the meantime, 12 support groups have been set up in Beni, Mabalako and Kalunguta targeting parents/guardians and child survivors of EVD, aiming at helping them to find

15 Programme d’accompagnement des jeunes à risques au Congo(PAJR), Association des jeunes volontaires du congo (AJVD ), Ligue des associations féminines du congo(Lofepaco ), Contribution des Opérateurs Economiques aux Initiatives de Développement Local (COEIDL), One Girl One leader(OGOL), Collectif des Associations Féminines (CAF) ,Centre Pour La Promotion Agricole et Développement Durable(CPAD), Réseau Medias Pour Développement (REMED), Programme De Promotion Des Soins De Santé Primaires (PPSSP) 16 2 shower doors and 2 latrine doors built in Health Zone (HZ) of Mandima by FAEVu; 6 shower doors built in HZ of Masereka by Hyfro ; 4 shower doors and 4 latrine doors built in HZ of Butembo by CEPROSSAN; 2 showers and 2 latrine doors built in the HZ of Kalunguta by CEPROSSAN; 1 impluvium built by Hyfro with a 5000l tank and a fountain in HZ of Butembo 7 comfort and mutual support and to benefit from psychoeducation on various themes including stress and trauma. 144 people have participated to these support groups.

UNICEF and its partners continued to support the most vulnerable children in the Ebola affected health zones. During the reporting period, 579 vulnerable children and/or affected by humanitarian emergencies (including unaccompanied and separated children, children associated with armed forces and armed groups, children victims of violence including gender-based violence, etc.) were identified and had access to referral services or individualized case management through a formal or informal protection network. Among the major activities during this period, 10 girls, victims of sex and gender-based violence, have benefited of psychosocial care and were referred to medical services after documentation in Butembo, katwa, Musienene, Kyondo. Moreover, the monitoring of the place of detention, in Beni, revealed the presence of 24 children, and 9 (37.5%) of them were placed in the transit and orientation center of the implementing partner Actions Concrètes pour la Protection de l’Enfance (ACOPE) pending family tracing and reunification.

As part of the capacity strengthening strategy of the child protection system, 15 Psychologists and 15 psychosocial assistants were trained on the community-based approach to psychosocial intervention for child survivors of EVD, orphans and other vulnerable children. In addition, in Beni, 20 judicial actors participated to a training session on the basic concepts of children's rights, the procedure for children in conflict with the law (juvenile justice), PSEA the administration of evidence in Congolese law, the case management, the investigation techniques and the drafting of court records .

UNICEF and its partners are also continuing their activities in order to strengthen the social and legal protections of children. During the reporting period, two mobile court hearings were carried out in the areas of Beni and Mabalako. Thanks to these activities, a total of 2400 Children including 1061 girls were enrolled at the court registry. Among these children, 201 children including 110 girls were survivors of EVD, 417 children including 254 girls were orphans of EVD, 503 children including 57 girls were children from armed forces and armed groups, and 1279 children including 640 girls were considered as other vulnerable. In addition, 95 children (including 47 girls) received the birth certificate by supplementary judgment in the Health Zones of Mataba and Kyondo

During the reported period, 6665 children (3045 girls ,3620 boys) benefited from psychosocial support through child friendly spaces (CFS) in Butembo, Katwa, Musienene, Kyondo and Kalunguta. For the month of October, a declined of frequency of CFS is noted compared to the past month due to the rainy season and the resumption of classes. 137 children coming from families affected by EVD (69 girls and 68 boys) and 252 other vulnerable children (134 girls and 118 boys) (child victim of abuse, neglect, etc.) were identified and benefited psychosocial support through individual listening sessions

Health and Nutrition UNICEF provided medical follow-up to 215 Ebola survivors children aged 0-17 in the 5 clinics of EVD cured (Béni, Butembo, , Mangina & Mambassa) . Among them, 117 (82%) have presented the following pathologies that have been treated: respiratory tract infections (39%). malaria (18%), visual disturbances (6%), intestinal parasitosis (10%), Urinary Tract Infections (10%), and neurological disorders (4%), Infected wound (6%) and other pathologies (7%)

UNICEF and its partners trained 24 doctors and nurses on new-born care by paediatricians. They also provided paediatric care to 851 children aged 0 to 17, including 378 new-borns in maternity hospitals. Among these new-borns, 146 were sick.

As part of its strategy of reinforcement of Health System in areas affected by EVD , 56 Health Facilities received medical equipment in 24 health zones (8 in Ituri and 16 in North Kivu) A working session with UNEERO II has been organized to identify gaps in terms of reinforcement of Health System and surveillance of Ebola’s survivors within the framework of the post-Ebola program

As part of the reinforcement of local capacities, UNICEF organized a training workshop on the basic knowledge of nutrition, malnutrition and the causes and consequences of malnutrition with 9 local NGO partners with whom UNICEF signed partnerships in September. This session took place in Beni on 19 and 20 October 2020 with the participation of 18 NGO managers (2 per NGO) and technical supervisors coming from the Health Zone of Mabalako, Beni, Butembo, Katwa and Kalunguta . A focus has also been put on the implementation of community-based nutrition activities.


As part of the monitoring of separated children under 24 months old and orphans of EVD, 258 children, including 129 girls and 129 boys, received home visits from community health centres in their health area. At the same time, Through the partnership with CEAPRONUT in four health areas of the Kalunguta health zone, 1503 lactating and 1972 nursing women have benefited from sensitization sessions on IYCF and 480 households of pregnant and lactating women have benefited from small animals and seeds to conduct income-generating activities to diversify the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding women and their children.

The mother-child spaces under the responsibility of the CACs and the health area teams continued the activities and 6 of the 8 existing ones reported for the month of October, 714 children under 5 years old received educational and recreational activities as part of early childhood stimulation. At the pre-school consultation supported by UNICEF through the partnership with PRONANUT, 153 of the 208 health facilities that carry out the activity reported 9,930 children under 5 years of age who benefited from growth monitoring, representing 23% of children in this age group. In addition, 50, 368 under 5 years children were screened for malnutrition and 879 new cases of malnutrition were admitted for treatment. A total of 2, 293 children were treated for Severe acute malnutrition during the reported period.

Education In October, UNICEF supported the official launching ceremony of the start of the 2020-2021 school year which was moderated respectively by the Provincial Minister of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education in Goma and the Head of the educational division of EPST North Kivu 2 on 12 October. During this ceremony, UNICEF raised awareness of the massive return of pupils to school and the enrollment of children aged 6 and 7 in the first year of primary school and ensured the symbolic delivery of school kits for 1,000 children in nursery and primary schools in Goma. UNICEF also put attention to the respect of preventive measures of Covid for a safe return to school and the wellbeing of children. UNICEF and its partners continued its activities in school to establish a safe environment for children and equal access to education. EPSPT North Kivu 2 trained 12 teachers (including 3 women) in learner-centered methodologies (active and participatory methods) in the health zones of Kamango, Beni, Musienene and OICHA. At the same time, the local Partner Action de Solidarité pour la Promotion de la Sante Familiale et Développement (ASOPROSAFD) trained 7 teachers (all men) in psychosocial support, Education for peace, reproductive health and sexual violence based on gender in the health zone of Musienene and supported 15,000 displaced and indigenous children (7,500 boys, 7,500 girls) with school supplies / kits aged 6 to 17 years affected by the conflicts in Nobili, territory of Beni , in health zone of Kamango, who had access to formal education in 45 schools

Humanitarian Leadership, Coordination and Strategy - UNICEF leads three clusters (nutrition, WASH, and education), Child protection sub-cluster, and the NFI Working Group at the national and decentralized level - UNICEF co-leads the Cash Working Group, NFI/Shelter Working Group, Rapid Response Working Group and the Anti-Fraud Task Force in Goma, North Kivu. UNICEF also co-leads the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism on grave violations against children in armed conflict (MRM) with the UN Deputy Special Representative to the Secretary-General (DSRSG). - UNICEF participates in inter-cluster and inter-organizations meetings at the national and decentralized levels and is an active member of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) - UNICEF is also member of the advisory board of the Humanitarian Fund in DRC


Human Interest Stories and External Media In October 2020, the communication team posted more than 100 messages related to humanitarian issues on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. During the reporting period, two stories highlighting the response to cholera were published on the website (Fighting an age-old disease with a new strategy and Facing the threat of cholera). The poliomyelitis vaccination campaign in three provinces of the country was also covered in an article and several posts on social networks. New multimedia material on the humanitarian situation in Ituri province was uploaded on WeShare.

Next SitRep: 15/11/2020

UNICEF DRC Sitrep: DRC Ebola and Preparedness Response: UNICEF DRC Humanitarian Action for Children Appeal:

Who to contact for Name: Edouard Beigbeder Name: Katya Marino Name: Typhaine Gendron further information: Title: Representative Title: Deputy Representative Title: Chief Emergency Name of Country Office: UNICEF Name of Country Office: UNICEF Name of Country Office: UNICEF DRC DRC DRC Tel: +(243) 996 050 399 Tel: +(243) 829 350 363 Tel: +(243) 821 944 497 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Summary of Programme Results: UNICEF HAC 2020

Cluster/Sector Response UNICEF and its partners

Change Change Overall 2020 since last Total since last Sector Total results 2020 target needs target report results report ▲▼ ▲▼ Nutrition 4,700,000 # of children aged 6 to 59 months affected by SAM 599,810 297,236 55,650 557,823 254,076 31,776 admitted for treatment # of pregnant and lactating women supported with IYCF-E 35,879 15,372 0 32,291 0 0 interventions in humanitarian context Health 5,600,000 # of children aged 6 months to 14 years 965,000 539,023 1,339 vaccinated against measles # of children and women receiving primary health 155,750 71,398 4,373 care in UNICEF- supported facilities WASH 8,010,865 # of people in cholera- prone zones and other epidemic-affected areas 2,811,172 690,401 45,683 1,609,056 527,423 26,502 benefiting from prevention and response WASH packages # of severely malnourished children and pregnant and breast- feeding women receiving wash assistance both at 440,299 94,878 0 128,724 10,837 0 health centers and households’ level (disaggregated by sex, age, handicap). # of people affected by natural disasters, population movements and/or conflicts provided 1,091,649 1,247,583 3,000 407,627 381,818 63,975 with access to WASH services (disaggregated by sex, age, handicap) # of students from primary school affected by conflicts, natural 88,063 77,009 250 38,918 24,956 14,100 disaster, epidemics provided with access to wash in school services Child Protection 3,300,000


# of children accessing mental health and 201,300 291,611 46,866 150,000 180,989 23,482 psychosocial support # of women, girls and boys in humanitarian situations provided with risk mitigation, prevention or response 0 15,000 11,843 3,497 interventions to address gender-based violence through UNICEF- supported programs # of unaccompanied and separated children accessing family-based 11,400 5,435 778 8,500 2,761 401 care or appropriate alternative services # of children separated from armed groups accessing reintegration support accessing 8,400 7,401 1,786 7,000 2,673 269 transitional care and/or reintegration support reintegration support Education 1,777,930 # of children aged 6 to 17 years accessing formal or 490,258 106,898 40,120 359,000 81,055 29,500 non-formal education "# of female and male teachers trained on learner-centered 8 914 2,111 395 2,660 1,453 589 methodologies and peace education Rapid Response 1,900,000 # of people provided with essential household 1,300,000 1,152,182 544,253 450,000 410,319 50,052 items, and shelter materials Communication for

Development # of people reached with key life-saving/behaviour 7,000,000 10,728,732 3,329,445 change messages on humanitarian services # of people accessing mechanisms to voice 10,000 10,653 272 their needs/concerns/feedback


Summary of Programme Results: 10th Ebola Outbreak

Change since last Pillar 1: Strengthened public health response Target Total results* report ▲▼

Risk Communication and Community Engagement # of members of influential leaders and groups reached through advocacy, community engagement and interpersonal communication activities (CAC, religious /traditional leaders, opinion leaders, 87,956 210,191 0 educators, motorists, military, journalists, indigenous group leaders, special populations and adolescents). # of at-risk population reached through community engagement, advocacy, interpersonal communications, public animations, radio, 37,006,364 0 door-to-door, church meetings, schools, adolescent groups, 39,267,578 administrative employees, armed forces. # of households for which personalized house visits were undertaken 79,550 291,367 0 by the CACs to raise awareness on Ebola and Essential Family Practices # of listed eligible people for ring vaccination informed of the benefits of the vaccine and convinced to receive the vaccine within required 303,905* 303,905 0 protocols. *This figure indicates the number of listed eligible people for ring vaccination from 8 August 2018 to 31 May 2020. WASH/IPC # of health facilities in affected health zones provided with essential 3,935 0 4,264 WASH services. # of target schools in high risk areas provided with handwashing 3,146 0 3,800 facilities # of community sites (port, market places, local restaurant, churches) 14,265 0 15,550 with hand washing facilities in the affected areas % of households, health facilities and public places with reported cases 100% N/A17 N/A decontaminated in the 72h % of schools and public places near confirmed cases locations where 100% N/A18 N/A handwashing stations are installed and utilized Number of households of confirmed cases, contacts and neighbours of confirmed cases who received a hygiene and prevention kits with 30,210 21,935 0 adequate messaging Psychosocial Support # of children as confirmed or suspect case receiving psychosocial 17,100* 16,207 0 support inside the transit centres and ETCs # of affected families with confirmed, suspects, probable cases who 26,899* 24,906 0 received psychosocial assistance and/or material assistance # of contact persons, including children, who receive psycho-social 0** N/A N/A support # of separated children identified who received appropriate care and 9,746 7,775 0 psycho-social support as well as material assistance # of orphans identified who received appropriate care and psycho- 2,945 2,660 0 social support as well as material assistance # of psychologists and psychosocial agents trained and deployed to 1,300 1,112 0 respond to the needs of affected children and families * This figure includes support provided to families with suspect, probable or confirmed EVD members. ** The target number has been changed in relation to the evolution of the epidemic. Health and Nutrition # of < 24 months children caregivers who received appropriate 115,000 96,236 3,475 counselling on IYCF in emergency

17 Since there has been no new cases during the reporting period, decontamination activities didn’t take place. 18 Same as above 13

# Patients admitted to the ETCs/TCs (suspected or confirmed cases) who received nutrition support during treatment according to 22,358 21,156 0 guidance note*** # of less than 6 months children who cannot be breastfed and who receive ready-to-use infant formula in ETCs, nursery’s, orphanages and 2,189 1,667 0 in the communities # of children aged 6 to 23 months who cannot be breastfed and who receive ready-to-use liquid milk in ETCs, nursery’s, orphanages and in 1,500 846 0 the communities Education # of students reached with Ebola prevention information in schools 1,850,486 1,253,415 0 # of teachers briefed on Ebola prevention information in schools 61,573 48,117 0

Change since last Pillar 3: Humanitarian response to communities affected by Ebola19 Target Total results* report ▲▼

Risk Communication and Community Engagement # CAC members trained in communication techniques and essential 47,304 75,265 1,535 family practices Proportion of projects carried out by Pillar 3 resulting from CACs 60 10 0 WASH/IPC # of people who have improved access to water, hygiene and 700,000 190502 6,815 sanitation in areas affected by EVD or at risk # of health facilities that have received a package of water, hygiene 300 118 6 and sanitation in areas affected by EVD or at risk # of students (aged 5 to 17) in schools in areas affected by EVD who received a water, hygiene and sanitation intervention (disaggregated 60,000 32,365 5,973 by gender) # of people in cholera endemic areas benefiting from a preventive or 80,000 17 0 response WASH package in areas affected by EVD or at risk. Psychosocial Support and Child Protection # of vulnerable children and/or affected by humanitarian emergencies in areas affected by the EVD including displaced children, returned children, head of household, children with disabilities, separated 21,855 49,125 6,665 children receiving group psychosocial support including in child- friendly spaces # of vulnerable children and/or affected by humanitarian emergencies (including unaccompanied and separated children, children associated with armed forces and armed groups, children victims of violence 3,318 17,347 579 including gender-based violence, etc.) identified and who access referral services or individualized case management through a formal or informal protection network Health and Nutrition # of children vaccinated (0-59 months) during polio campaigns in areas 826,123 764,106 0 affected by EVD or at risk (disaggregated by gender) # of children (6-59 months) vaccinated against measles in affected and 1,851,630 1,861,068 0 at-risk zones # of health facilities supported (training, rehabilitation, equipment) in 120 169 56 areas affected by EVD or at risk # of children treated for SAM in UNTA and UNTI in health zones 20,000 3,537 879 affected by EVD or at risk # of children (6-59) months of age who received vitamin A 743,075 686,578 5818


# of children (6-59) months of age who received deworming (12-59 699,363 606,998 5268 months) Education # of school-age boys and girls (aged 5 to 17) living in areas affected by 426,900 56,258 15,000 EVD or at risk and receiving learning materials # Teachers trained in key topics including the Guidance Note, PSS in 8,538 150 19 the classroom, peacebuilding


Annex B

Funding Status*

Funds available*** Funding gap Sector Requirements Received Carry-Over**** $ % Current Year**

Nutrition 144,738,334 2,616,114 14,878,871 127,243,349 88%

Health 12,500,000 1,494,846 654,568 10,350,586 83%

WASH 39,903,200 4,736,348 1,259,480 33,907,372 85%

Child Protection 9,600,000 1,229,571 2,025,368 6,345,060 66%

Education 43,000,000 3,056,667 1,382,711 38,560,622 90% Communication for development/Social 7,240,000 0 49,900 7,190,100 99% Policy Rapid response 21,000,000 4,451,996 7,546,555 9,001,449 43% Cluster/Sector 1,621,000 2,483,060 1,004,579 0 0% Coordination

Ebola 9,961,922 19,796,782 8,936,872 23% 38,695,576.15

Total 318,298,110.15 30,030,523.65 48,598,815.75 241,535,410.08 76%

* As defined in Humanitarian Appeal 2020 ** Funds received does not include pledges *** Funds available includes funding received against current appeal as well as carry-forward from the previous year **** Carry-over figure is the unutilized programmable balance that was carried over from the prior year to the current year, as of year-end closure.