Applegarth Primary School

Aim High… Be Happy and Celebrate… Together

Reception Starters

Induction Booklet

2020 - 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,

On behalf of the children, staff and governors of the school, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you. Our school is situated in the market town of and the school’s catchment area covers parts of Northallerton, part of the Osmotherley area, and the surrounding villages of Danby Wiske, Hutton Bonville, and Great Langton. The local area has a rich historical heritage. This is a key aspect for which we have been awarded national accreditation as a Heritage School. The Heritage Schools programme is part of a range of cultural education work funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and contributes to our development of British Values. Outdoor Learning

We value outdoor learning for all children and maximise our school grounds and local area. Our grounds include a well-designed nature area, a bug hotel, hen coop, vegetable and fruit zones, a mud kitchen, climbing apparatus and a sports field. We have two members of staff with Level 3 Forest Schools training and one member with Level 2. Our reception class learn in the Wildlife Area on Forest Fridays. In Year 1, children go on to visit an off-site pine forest to further their experience. In the spring term of Year 3 and 4, the children continue to build on their previous Forest School learning with a focus on DT, science and bushcraft. Technology

At Applegarth, we believe that the use of innovative technology has a significant impact on pupil outcomes. Our Computing Lead, Mr Whiteley, runs courses for the Swaledale Alliance and has provided school to school support on ICT and computing. Pupils who attend Code Club use a vast array of technologies: Crumbles, Raspberry Pies, Microbits and other various coding software. This entitlement is also built into our curriculum. A recent visitor to school described us as: “preparing children for the future by combining new technologies with a real appreciation of nature”. Extra-curricular Opportunities

We feel passionate about getting children engaged in after school and sports activities both in school and within the local community. The children can attend a variety of school-organised after school clubs in sports and other areas. We currently offer: Code Club, Drama, Spanish, Rugby, Football, Gymnastics and Yoga. Qualified coaches lead sports clubs on site. We take part in many inter-school sports competitions and ensure that a wide range of pupils have the opportunity to be involved whilst developing skills and expertise. We are proud of our four School Games Gold Awards; we are now focusing on achieving the Platinum Award. Our PE Leader, Mrs. Hughes is passionate about all children participating in sports and

Reception Starters: Induction Booklet 2020 - 2021 1 she works relentlessly to create opportunities for pupils to start a love of sport, develop their skills further beyond school games and into the community club provision. Reflective Learning Practices

In 2013, Rosendale School in , in partnership with the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), conducted a small scale randomised study to identify whether a programme of metacognition lessons and reflecting on learning could improve educational outcomes for children. This initial research showed that ReflectEd had a positive impact on children’s attainment. Pupils who participated in the study made an average of four months additional progress in maths and developed a more positive attitude to learning compared to the control group. In February 2018, Applegarth became part of a five term research project analysing the efficacy of the whole-school ReflectED metacognition intervention. We have continued to implement the sessions and strategies in our curriculum beyond the conclusion of the trial as it had demonstrated a significant impact on pupils’ learning behaviours, resilience and outcomes. Breakfast and After School Club

Applegarth Breakfast Club takes place in the school hall for pupils of all ages from 7:30am Monday to Friday. The breakfast club is very popular and up to forty children a day attend. We have recently extended our wrap around care offer: after school care is now available from 3:15pm – 6:00pm daily. Partnerships

Successful partnerships between the school, the parents and the pupils enable each pupil to take full advantage of all that our school has to offer. Our partnerships also extend to us working closely with other schools. We work collaboratively with local primary schools in The Beacon Partnership; this provides opportunities for schools to share resources, benefit from the growing strengths of each school, and provide shared events and experiences for children.

We are also a partner school in the wider Swaledale Alliance. All members benefit from collaborative support to improve learning outcomes for pupils and continued professional development (CPD) of teachers and school leaders. As an out of area member of Schools North East, we also engage in educational debate and training beyond our own region.

We are very proud of our school and we believe we have something very special to offer all of our learners and their families. We are so excited to welcome you and your child into our Applegarth family – we look forward to meeting you all very soon.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Justin Peoples Mrs. Sharon Fyfe

Head Teacher Chair of Governors

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Vision and Values

At Applegarth, we strive to provide a challenging and relevant curriculum that ignites pupils’ love of learning and successfully unlocks the true potential of each child.

We have the highest expectations of all of our learners and set ambitious goals to ensure that our pupils master the necessary skills to prepare them for the next phase of their education. We recognise that a unique approach is often required to meet the needs of individual learners in order to make this vision a reality.

We believe that reflection and resilience should underpin children’s learning in order to promote rounded, productive citizens who are ready to make a positive contribution to society.

Our Applegarth Values help pupils to develop tolerance, respect diversity and care for others and the world around them in a safe environment. Each child is given the chance to be healthy and happy both mentally and physically.

The learning process is highly valued and we celebrate effort, attitude and achievement in equal measure. Applegarth is a family where children take pride in themselves and their peers whilst supporting one another. Parents/carers, governors and the whole community are active participants in our school’s development.

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Contact Information

Applegarth Primary School

Upwell Road, Tel: 01609 773521 Northallerton, Email: [email protected] North , Website: DL7 8QF School blog:


Headteacher Mr. Justin Peoples Deputy Headteacher Mrs. Emily Hopkin Reception/Year 1 Miss. Alex Miller (Early Years Lead) Teaching Staff Mrs. Emily Burrell Mrs. Christine Crossley (KS1 Leader) Year 1/2 Teaching Staff Mrs. Alison Haworth Mr. Tony Whiteley Year 3/4 Teaching Staff Mrs. Lynne Lumsdon Mrs. Kelly Jones Mr. Steve Edwards (SENDCo) Year 5/6 Teaching Staff Mrs. Vikki Hughes Mr. Paul Tudor Mrs. Sandra Ancell (UKS2) Mrs. Sharon Barugh (UKS2) Mrs. Diane Bell (Reception/Year 1) Mrs. Anne Hodgson (Learning Mentor) Mrs. Clara Hobbs (Reception/KS1) Mrs. Gill O’Toole (Whole School Support/PPA Cover) Support Staff Mrs. Sarah Raymond (KS1/KS2) Miss. Paula Reed (KS2) Mr. Chris Rowland (Whole School) Mrs. Debbie Searle (SENDCoSupport/PPA Cover) Mrs. Jayne Spence (UKS2/MEA) Mrs. Karen Vincent (KS1) Mrs. Linda Rutherford Office Staff Mrs. Sheila Fowler Mr. Chris Rowland Before and After School Miss. Fay Coffield Club Staff Mrs. Sarah Wooldridge Mrs. Liz Browne

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Meet the Staff

Meet the Reception and Year 1 Team

Hello, I am the Early Years Leader here at Applegarth Primary School. I am also a paediatric and outdoor first aider, and a Level 3 qualified Forest School Leader.

Away from the classroom, I enjoy long walks in the countryside, reading lots of books, going to the theatre with my grandma and exploring new places. I especially enjoyed my special birthday trip to Barcelona! Family life is also very important to me and I love to spend time with my friends. Miss. Alex Miller

Hello, I teach across Reception and Year 1, and I love the range of activities we provide both inside and outside the classroom. I really enjoy Forest Friday because everyone has a great time and gets covered in mud! I am developing my role as Art and Design subject leader across the school. I live on a very busy farm and I love being outside with the animals. In my spare time, I enjoy relaxing with a book and I love baking – I have been told my chocolate cake is delicious! Mrs. Emily Burrell

Hello, I am a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA), paediatric first aider and the school SENDCo support. Originally a Montessori trained teacher, I worked in London and later in as a lead for a specialist pre-school playgroup.

Out of school, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, gardening and exploring the countryside with my dog, Tilly.

Mrs. Debbie Searle

Hello, I am a Level 3 Advance Teaching Assistant (ATA) at Applegarth Primary School where I have worked since 2009. I have experienced working in Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2, however, my passion is working in the Early Years setting. I have two grown- up daughters who attended Applegarth, so I have experienced being both a parent and a member of staff. Away from school, I love to spend quality time with my family, and I enjoy going for walks in our village and on the moors. I also like to read and garden. Mrs. Diane Bell

Hello, I am a Level 2 teaching assistant, paediatric first aider, qualified Level 2 Forest School practitioner and the Garden Club leader at school.

I love any opportunity to be outdoors and in my garden. I am a creative person and in my spare time, I enjoy constructing and experimenting with wood, making things such as mud kitchens and bug hotels.

Mrs. Clara Hobbs

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Visiting the school prior to September

Our Early Years team aim to visit every child in their nursery setting or at home to aid the transition for your child into the primary school setting. During our visits, we are able to make initial assessments in the Summer term prior to them starting school in September.

New pupils will have 2 half days at Applegarth Primary School, then another full day (including lunch). In doing this, we aim to ensure your child is familiar and comfortable with their new setting.

COVID-19 Adaptations

Due to the current unprecedented situation, we are currently unable to determine if our usual summer transition will take place. We have plans in place to ensure your child receives the smoothest transition possible despite the current situation. In line with updated government guidelines, we will keep you as up-to-date a possible with our plans for transition. In the meantime, please ensure you regularly check our specially designated Reception Starters section on our school website and your emails.

If you do have any questions regarding transition for September 2020, then please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding during these changeable circumstances,

Mr. Justin Peoples and the Early Years Team.

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Research shows that children with poor attendance and punctuality are at a disadvantage later in life. They often:

• Find it harder to make and maintain friendships. • Are less likely to gain good qualifications. • Find it harder to settle into full time education.

Establishing good habits from the start of your child’s school career helps your child settle more quickly into new settings and routines. This means:

• Children who rarely miss school in their reception year and attend on time are more likely to feel good about themselves. This is because they benefit from routine and feel more confident with both adults and other children. • Regular attendance and good time keeping helps your child / children settle easily into the school day.


The school bell is at 8:45 am. Your child will receive a late mark if they arrive after 9:00am. The register closes at 9:15 am. If your child arrives after this time, they will receive an unauthorised absence mark.

If Your Child Is Absent You Must:

• Contact school on the first morning of absence; • Keep school informed on a regular basis if your child is absent for a long period.

Failure to do these things may result in your child’s absences being unauthorised Unauthorised absences can be recorded on the register when there is no valid reason given for absences; a holiday not approved by the school; lateness after the register closes (9:15am) or illness without medical evidence when evidence has been requested.

Medical Appointments If it is possible, any appointment should be made out of school time. If this is not possible, your child should miss the minimum amount of school time necessary. If your child is well enough to go back to school following the appointment they should do so.

Holidays / Leave of Absence Please ask for a request form from the school office. Please note: we do not authorise holidays. You may receive a fixed penalty notice for holidays in term time.

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Uniform & Forest School

School Uniform

Please follow the link to our School Uniform Policy.

An order form will be included in your welcome pack at the new starters’ meetings and you can order more uniform at the school office or by following the link on the school website.

PE Kit

PE kits must be brought in Monday to be taken home on Friday. Trainers which fasten with velcro are highly advised, plimsols can be flimsy, and we ask for no laces. There is an order form for house team coloured T-shirts; information about house teams should be in that pack.

Forest School

These Forest School sessions will take place in our own school wildlife area. Your class teacher and Mrs. Hobbs (a Level 2 qualified Forest School practitioner) will lead these sessions fortnightly on a Friday. Please make sure labelled kits are in school for each session.

Forest Fridays will take place in all weathers except high winds, therefore it is vital that children are suitably equipped for their Forest School sessions to enable full engagement and enjoyment.

They will need a separate set of clearly labelled clothes in a named bag:

ü Waterproof coat ü Old, long-sleeved top ü Waterproof trousers ü Wellington boots or strong shoes ü Hat and gloves ü A plastic bag (for dirty clothes after Forest School)

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\ The First Day of School

What to expect on your child’s first day of school

This academic year is due to begin on Tuesday 8th September 2020. At Applegarth Primary School, the reception children will start full-time from the beginning of the school year. A staggered entry approach can be put into place in special circumstances; this would need to be agreed with the school’s Leadership Team beforehand.


Children should arrive on the playground at 8:45am where they will be greeted by the EYFS team. Your child will need their school book bag, water bottle, PE kit and spare clothing – all of this must be labelled clearly.

Start of the school day

When it is time to enter school, we would like you to support your child by coming into the cloakroom with them. Please do not worry about this, the EYFS team will be there to guide you.

In the cloakroom, you will find their named peg with a box underneath. Please let your child place their own coat onto their peg and put their book bags away.

You will then enter your child’s classroom with your child: this will be either Bumblebees or Honeybees. Once your child is settled and calm, you can say goodbye. We like to aim for all parents to have left our setting by 9:10am. All children are different. Some may get upset; others show more confidence. Often the children will settle quickly once you have left. Our team will be there to support you and your child throughout this initial settling in process.

End of the school day

Home time is 3:15pm. Your child’s class teacher will open the doors to their classroom which faces the playground. Your child’s class teacher will not let them leave until the teacher has seen you clearly. Please wave and walk towards your child. It is very important that you let us know if someone different from yourself will be picking your child up. You can do this by informing your child’s class teacher at the start of the school day, or by contacting the admin team during the school day.

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Daily Timetable

The timetable for the school day remains roughly the same throughout the week, which contributes to a smooth running of each day. Of course, stories, songs, visitors and celebrations of children’s work can be added and can happen spontaneously. An example of a typical school day is given below:


8:55 – 9:15 Registration

9:15 – 9:45 Phonics

9:45 – 10:30 Continuous provision

10:30 – 10:40 Tidy up

10:40 – 10:55 BREAK TIME

11:00 – 11:30 Maths

11:30 – 12:00 Continuous Provision

11:50 – 12:00pm Wash up/lunch prep

12:00pm – 1:15pm LUNCH TIME


1:15 – 1:30 Whole class teaching

1:30 – 2:20 Continuous provision

2:20 – 2:30 Tidy up

2:30 – 2:45 Letter formation and handwriting

2:45 – 3:00 Milk and story

3:00 – 3:15 Reflection and celebrating learning

3:15pm HOME TIME

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Learning in the Early Years

Early Years Curriculum

Activities in reception are carefully planned and organised in order to provide a range of learning experiences. Individual records are kept by staff to record the activities your child participates in and undertakes, as well as their progress with specific skills.

There are seven Areas of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) that activities are planned around:

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development

• Physical Development

• Communication and Language

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding the World

• Expressive Arts and Design Learning Journals

Throughout the year, we will record your child’s learning in a folder called a Learning Journal. The Learning Journals will form a unique record of your child’s learning and development throughout the year. They will contain samples of work, photographs and staff observations; these folders enable staff to track your child’s progress and attainment as well as plan future activities. We also value your comments about your child’s progress and attainment. The Learning Journals are accessible near the classroom exit (staff will signpost you to these once your child is settled in school).

In addition to the Learning Journals, we will share some of your child’s learning with you via an online app: Seesaw. Using Seesaw provides an invaluable connection between home and school. This shared tool allows you to celebrate and monitor your child's development. We appreciate that learning also takes place at home and you will be able to publish a photo or video on ‘Seesaw’ for the staff to view, comment, and share with the class. Whole school learning as well as your child’s is shared on the blog and school webpage.

Reception Starters: Induction Booklet 2020 - 2021 11 Online Safety

Your child will use the internet and various electronic devices from very early on. A copy of the Acceptable Use Agreement will be distributed for you to sign and return. For further information about staying safe online, please visit our Online Safety web page.

Phonics and Reading

At Applegarth Primary School, we teach the children an awareness of sounds through a scheme called Letters and Sounds. Letters and Sounds enables children to see the relationship between reading and spelling from an early stage, such that the teaching of one reinforces the understanding of the other.

From the first day in September, our reception pupils take home picture books in order to establish a habit of reading and sharing stories. They are promptly taught the initial phonemes (sounds) and how to blend these sounds to read words and books for themselves. We are ambitious in our expectations of our pupils as readers and most pupils begin to take home reading books with words within weeks of starting school. They are also taught how to segment or split up these sounds through sound talk when playing games which helps build the foundations for spelling.

Reception children are given phonically decodable books as soon as possible after their arrival in September. These phonically decodable books are carefully matched to their phonic knowledge so that they are able to successfully read independently from a very early stage. After teacher assessments, the opportunity for changing these books will be on Tuesdays and Fridays; re-reading of these books is strongly encouraged to embed the phonic knowledge and fluency, therefore the changing of these books will be at the teacher’s discretion.

Alongside the phonically decodable books, the children will have access to Read to Me books. This selection of books has been carefully curated by staff in order to promote a love of literature and embed a rich literary base across the school. Pupils are free to change these as many times as they want.

For more information on how to support your child with reading and phonics, please visit the Reading and Phonics section on our website.

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Food, Drink and Health

Food and Drink The EYFS staff will supervise hand washing and take the children into the hall for lunch. In the first few weeks, the children will also meet their Year 6 Buddy who will help them settle into school routines including lunch time.

All reception children are entitled to Universal Free School Meals (please see the FAQ section of our website for further information). We have a brilliant catering team who create recipes and make delicious food whilst ensuring a balanced diet. We advise all children to try school dinners to support healthy choices and eating a variety of food.

If you decide to provide healthy packed lunches for your child, we politely ask that they do not include foods such as: sweets, chocolate, products containing nuts, or fizzy drinks.

Children aged four are entitled to the Cool Milk scheme and will receive free milk. When your child reaches their 5th birthday, this scheme finishes. However, you may choose to have your child continuing to access this scheme by paying for it.

We have an open cafeteria-style snack table in our classroom where children have access to one piece of fruit a day.

We actively encourage children to bring in a named water bottle each day; this will be placed in their classroom. They can sip water whenever they want to throughout the day.

For birthdays and special occasions, we have decided as a school not to accept food such as sweets due to allergies and intolerances. If you like to bring in something to celebrate this occasion, please give a book instead.

Health Staff need to be aware of your child’s medical background, in particular any allergies (e.g. bee stings, diary food), any dietary restrictions (e.g. vegetarian or Halal), and any medical conditions that are important for us to know (e.g. asthma or eczema).

Children can suddenly become ill and therefore it is important that we know we can contact you or another adult (relative/friend) at all times. Please ensure that they school is always kept up-to-date with your contact details. If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please telephone the school to let us know. In cases of vomiting or diarrhoea, your child should remain at home until 48 hours have elapsed since the last episode. In all cases of contagious diseases, the school should be informed immediately and medical clearance must be obtained before your child returns to school.

We have staff who are first aid trained. When an incident occurs, the trained practitioner will administer the first aid, record the full process on a form and the parents/carers will be notified either immediately or after school. Head lice are an unfortunate reoccurring problem in school life. If discovered, please notify staff and keep your child at home until treated. Reception Starters: Induction Booklet 2020 - 2021 13

We hope that this pack has been useful. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school admin team who will put you in touch with the relevant member of staff, alternatively please see the FAQ section in our Reception Starters page on the school website. Please remember to visit the designated Reception Starters section of our website regularly to keep up-to-date with the transition process. During the current changeable circumstances due to COVID-19, we will be updating this section of the website as frequently as possible.

At Applegarth Primary School, we aim to ensure that your child’s learning journey is a happy and rewarding one. We look forward to working with both you and your child.

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