Brompton-on-Swale Parish Council Minutes – 2015/16

21 May 2015 – Annual Parish Meeting

21 May 2015 – AGM

9 July 2015

3 September 2015

22 October 2015

3 December 2015

14 January 2016

3 March 2016

14 April 2016 Brompton on Swale Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 21 May 2015

1. Attendance/Apologies

The meeting was attended by: Councillors: A Guest, M Barber, J Coventry, A Hunter

Apologies were received from: Councillor I Threlfall Cllr Dempsey

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 May 2014 were approved.

Proposed: Cllr M Barber Seconded: Cllr J Coventry

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes

4. Chairman’s Annual Report 2014/15

The Chairman presented the annual report for the past year. This had been circulated prior to the meeting and further copies were available at the meeting. This provides details of the projects and events that the Parish Council has been involved with during the past year. One issue was raised regarding the Chairman’s report. Mike Sharpe stood down from the Parish Council in 2013/2014 and not during the past year. No other issues were raised from the report.

5. Issues raised by the public

No issues were raised by members of the public.

The meeting closed at 7.05 pm


Date:……………………………………………………….. Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting Thursday 21 May 2015

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman M Barber J Coventry A Hunter D Sharp The Clerk

Cllr C Les

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Threlfall, Cllr Dempsey, PCSO Jordan Wallace

2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Parish Councillors: The declarations have been duly signed and witnessed. Action – the Clerk 3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 16 April 2015 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Barber

4. Matters Arising North Timber Planning Application (item 6.2) – The Chairman and Cllr Barber mentioned that work at Timber had started before the planning application had been submitted. Comments will be noted to RDC Planning Department. Action – The Clerk

Richmondshire Local Sports Association (item 9.2) – There were no nominations for Junior Sports Awards for 2015

Broken Bench Gatherley Road – The Chairman will visit the site. Action – The Chairman

Replacement Tree St Pauls Drive (Item 11.1) – Cllr Barber asked if the matter had progressed. The Clerk will contact NYCC to seek permission. Action – The Clerk 5. Election of Officers 5.1 Chairman – The Clerk requested nominations for this role for the year 2015/2016. One nomination was received, Cllr A. Guest, who agreed to stand and was duly elected.

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Hunter

5.2 Vice-Chairman – The Chairman requested nominations for this role for the year 2015/2016. One nomination was received, Cllr D Dempsey, who was nominated in his absence and duly elected.

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Barber

6. Election of representatives to Village Society and Local Sports Association 6.1 The Chairman proposed Cllr Coventry represent the Parish Council on the Village Society. This was seconded by Cllr Barber. Cllr Coventry accepted the offer.

6.2 Cllr Dempsey although not in attendance had previously indicated that he would be happy to continue to be the Parish Council’s representative on the Richmondshire Local Sports Association. This was agreed by all present.

The Chairman proposed the co-option of Mr David Sharpe, who had attended a previous Parish Council meeting. All Councillors present were in favour. Mr Sharpe crossed the floor to join the Councillors.

7. Reports 7.1 Reports from Cllr Carl Les The Clerk mentioned communication issues between Highways and Passenger Transport regarding recent road closures that had taken place for resurfacing works. Cllr Les will look into communication between departments at NYCC. Cllr Les informed the Councillors that on 20th May he had been appointed Leader of the Council.

The Chairman mentioned further cutbacks in bus services. The services in the village have been reduced by one journey each day to . He suggested an external review of the services provided.

8. Current Issues 8.1 Grass Cutting – Gary Hudson, Head of Open Spaces for RDC produced detailed maps with measurements showing the grass areas in the village. He produced a quote from RDC for grass cutting at a cost of £517.70 per cut, which is higher than previously estimated. A quote was received by Mac Plant for the same area of £475 per cut. The Chairman said if the grass was to be cut for a full year, assuming 10 cuts per season the cost would exceed the budgeted figure for 2015/2016. This year it is estimated 6 cuts will be sufficient.

A resident from Augustus Gardens commented that during the past 12 months the area looked unkempt. He mentioned a contractor from Persimmon Homes had cut a small amount of grass on the estate that morning. He showed on the map the areas of grass that had been cut, including the sports field.

The resident had been informed that the Parish Council was responsible for the grass cutting in this area. The Chairman informed the resident that the verges and grassed areas in Augustus Gardens had not been adopted by the RDC and were still the responsibility of Persimmon. Cllr Sharp asked whether it would set a precedent if the Parish Council were to cut the grass in Augustus Gardens in the short term if this was the responsibility of Persimmon. It was agreed to contact Persimmon Homes regarding the grass cutting in Augustus Gardens.

Cllr Coventry suggested a consultation with the residents next year regarding grass cutting in the village.

The Councillors agreed that Mac Plant Hire should be engaged to carry out grass cutting within the village. Adjustments have been made to the areas of grass to be cut therefore a reduced price will be negotiated per cut with the number of cuts this growing season not exceeding 6.

Action – The Clerk

8.2 Clerks Salary – The Chairman had emailed the Councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed to increase the Clerks Salary by 2% as per the budget for 2015/2016.

9. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk mentioned the understated budget figure for grass cutting. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp

The Annual Accounts for 2014/2015 had been circulated prior to the meeting. They have been returned from the Internal Auditor. The Chairman signed the Accounting statement in order that they be sent to the accountants.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp

The Councillors agreed to give the internal auditor a gift voucher of £75.00.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp Action – The Clerk

Insurance – A quote for insurance for 2015/2016 has been received from Came And Co. There is an 8% increase on last year bringing the cost this year to £328.38. The Councillors noted that the increase was a little steep. The Clerk to discuss a possible price reduction with Came & Company. Action – The Clerk


10 No correspondence had been received.

11. Planning Applications

11.1 15/00345/FULL – Planning Permission for Proposed New Vehicular Access from Adjoining Public Highway (Station Road and Catterick Road) to Water Ectraction and Treatment Plant at Catterick Water Treatment Works. Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7SE.

No objections were raised. Action – The Clerk

12. Minor Matters

12.1 Cllr Hunter mentioned a recent police visit to residents of Honey Pot Road regarding vehicles parked on pavements. Someone from Highways has met with Cllr Hunter to look at the safety of the junction. She asked why, when the junction had recently been resurfaced, the white line had been redrawn to the left of the road rather than in the centre. The Clerk to discuss with Area 1. Action – The Clerk

12.2 Cllr Coventry attended a recent LaFarge Tarmac meeting where she was informed that they were being taken over by CRH who are based in Ireland. They will be called Tarmac Blue Circle.

12.3 Cllr Coventry mentioned the blocked drains in Gatherley Road. Cllr Barber mentioned the drains and gulleys had not been cleared for some time and are blocked. The Clerk to contact Area 1 to discuss blocked drains and whether there is a schedule for regular maintenance. Action – The Clerk

12.4 Cllr Sharp mentioned vehicles parked on the grass verge along Gatherley Road near to the junction with Bridge Road, opposite Off Rhodes. The land belongs to NYCC and would require planning permission for vehicles to be parked. The Clerk to write to RDC Planning Department informing that vehicles are parked on a regular basis and to ask whether they have planning permission and to NYCC to ask if they are aware that vehicles are parking on their land and destroying the grass verge in the process. Action – The Clerk

12.5 Cllr Coventry asked on the progress of landscaping at the Unique Cars site. The Clerk to discuss with Cllr Threlfall. Action – The Clerk 12.6 The Chairman mentioned a meeting he attended with A1L2B. They need an additional easement at the edge of the sports field for maintenance of the embankment area. They will replace the current safety fence when the works are complete with a post and rail fence further up the embankment. They have agreed to take the gate out and reposition, relocate the lighting column and grass crete the area behind the current gate position. This will provide parking for up to an additional 20 cars. At least 7 out of 11 trees will have to be removed but these will be replaced in a nearby location. Planting of trees will also take place along the embankment.

12.7 The Chairman mentioned the allotments. A guide price has been received from a contractor to make the land ready for use and a second quote will be required. No news has been received from the Allotments Association. The Clerk to contact the Allotments Association Chairman & Secretary for an update.

12.8 The Chairman reminded the Councillors of the Local Plan Consultation due to be held on Wednesday 27th 3pm to 7pm regarding land for residential development. It was agreed by the Councillors that the core of the village should not be developed further, none to the west of the village or to the north of Richmond Road and the riverside areas should remain protected. There was no objection to further development to the east of Augustus Gardens. Cllr Sharpe suggested that the east side of the village has the available infrastructure and Augustus Gardens would have a larger community. To summarise the views of the Parish Council - the land previously marked for development to the north and east of A6136 and north and east of Augustus Gardens is the area where development is most likely to take place. We would be strongly opposed to any development between the river and the current housing areas or developments to the north of Richmond Road and Brompton Park.

13. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 9 July 2015

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting Thursday 9 July 2015

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman M Barber D Sharp N Mason

The Clerk

Cllr C Les Cllr I Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Coventry, Cllr Dempsey, PCSO Jordan Wallace

2. Open Forum: No matters were raised by members of the public.

Mr Nigel Mason, who had expressed an interested in becoming a member of the Parish Council, was introduced by the Chairman. Mr Mason gave a brief introduction of himself, his work and family life. Mr Mason was co-opted onto the Parish Council.

Proposed: The Chairman Seconded: Cllr Sharp

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 21 May 2015 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Sharpe Seconded: Cllr Barber

4. Matters Arising Broken Bench, Gatherley Road – Cllr Barber asked whether progress had been made regarding the bench. The Chairman will visit the site and report back. Action – The Chairman

Fallen Trees in St Pauls – Cllr Barber asked if any news had been received from Area 1 in reference to clearing the fallen tree branches. The Clerk has not received a response at this time. Action – The Clerk

Replacement Tree St Pauls Drive (Item 11.1, minutes of 16 April) - No response from Area 1 at this time. Action – The Clerk

Insurance (Item 9, Minutes 21 May) – Cllr Barber asked whether we were able to mitigate the cost of insurance. The cost was reduced from £328.38 to £288.45 by taking out a 3 year long term agreement. The only increase adjustment will be index linking which this year was 3%.

Cars Parked on Grass Verge along Gatherley Road (Item 12.4). Cllr Sharp was pleased to note that no vehicles had been seen parked on the grass verge for some time.

Local Plan Consultation, Community Development Team (Item 12.8) – Prior to the meeting the Clerk circulated a draft letter the Chairman had produced to send to the Community Development Team. The Parish Council are required to give views on the proposals put forward by the team. Cllr Barber noted that all points which Councillors wish to make had been included within the letter. All of the documentation received will be assembled ready for presentation. John Hiles will draft documents and send to Parish Councils as the first step forward. The Clerk will send the formal letter to Mr Hiles. Action – The Clerk

5. Reports

5.1 Reports from Cllr Ian Threlfall Unique Cars Site (item 12.8, Minutes 21 May) – Cllr Threlfall has contacted the site owner, the leaseholder of the site and RDC planning dept. The contractors have started work on the site. Sleepers have been placed 2 meters from the edge. These will be used to level the ground to the same height as the footpath. Gravel will be placed around the fence line and the area to the sleepers will be grassed. Cllr Sharp confirmed that work had begun.

The Chairman mentioned that North Yorkshire Timber had started landscaping prior to their application for planning permission. The landscaping will be strengthened further with trees to reduce the exposure of the agricultural style industrial buildings.

Cllr Threlfall mentioned the trees which had been removed between North Yorkshire Timber and Ropers Caravans. The trees had been cut down because they were a considerable nuisance to new caravans parked there. Cllr Threlfall is sure that with enough front landscaping it will not be necessary to replace these trees.

Cllr Sharp asked whether it was unreasonable to ask if North Yorkshire Timber would be able to provide trees for other areas in the village. The green in St Pauls Drive was mentioned as a suitable area. Cllr Threlfall will look into the possibility of North Yorkshire Timber supplying the Parish Council with some trees.

5.2 Report from the Police (not present at the meeting) The Chairman mentioned the police report that the clerk had circulated prior to the meeting. PCSO Wallace informed the Parish Council of a speeding concern by a local resident, although the report did not name the area of concern. The Chairman asked whether there were any areas that the Councillors thought speed checks would be useful. Station Road and Richmond Road near to the post office were suggested. The times between 10am and 2pm were of most concern.

6. Current Issues

6.1 Grass Cutting –Two cuts of grass have been completed by Mac Plant. The Chairman asked whether the service was considered satisfactory and if there are any areas where it is believed that the grass is cut by someone else, such as local residents. No complaints have been received by local residents. The grass will be cut six times only this year. The Chairman asked who was responsible for grass cutting from the Jetties to Parkgate Lane.

6.2 Repainting of Parish Noticeboard – The Chairman mentioned the Parish notice board along Richmond Road is in need of repainting, also the cemetery gate (furthest east) has come off its hinge. The Clerk has obtained a quote, to repaint the notice board £80, to repair the cemetery gate £25.00 and to repaint the cemetery gate £60. The Chairman proposed that a second quote be obtained, and if the second quote is similar to arrange for the work to be completed.

6.3 Repainting of Telephone Kiosk – The Clerk has obtained a quote of £140 for repainting the telephone kiosk along Richmond Road. The Chairman suggested that we find out who is esponsible for its upkeep before the Parish Council take the matter further. 7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk mentioned a number of invoices which would soon be due for payment. Cllr Barber asked when the remittance for grass cutting was due from NYCC, the Clerk said it was due within the next couple of weeks. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp

Cllr Barber mentioned the test holes that had been dug at the allotments site in Pembury Mews and asked if there had been any progress. The Chairman will contact the secretary of the Allotments Association to discuss. A1L2B mentioned to the Chairman that they could be of assistance when the ground is being prepared for allotments as they could supply wood, weed membranes, topsoil and other such items.

8. Correspondence

8.1 A1L2B emailed a letter containing details of the next Key Liaison meeting which will take place on Tuesday 21 July at 10.00am. The Chairman and Cllr Barber have agreed to attend the meeting. The Councillors discussed a mileage allowance of 45 pence per mile. The Clerk mentioned there is a figure in the budget set aside to cover Councillors’ expenses.

8.2 A letter had been received from Butterwick House requesting a donation. The Councillors decided the Parish was unable to make a donation at this time.

9. Planning Applications

9.1 15/00476/FULL – Full Planning Permission to Remove a Raised Flower Bed to Add to an Existing Parking Space at 4 Brompton Court, Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond, DL10 7SA.

No objections were raised. Action – The Clerk 9.2 15/00425/CLE and 15/00426/FULL – Chas Long and Son Ltd

The Planning application had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting and several issues were raised. There had been reference to two particular paragraphs 5.12 and 5.16, which could have been misinterpreted. These items were discussed with the Planning Department case officer at RDC. The application and response received from RDC was discussed by the Councillors who have said that they will raise no objection to the planning application so long as there is a condition that all vehicles leaving the Moor View site to gain access to the A1 do so via whether they are travelling northbound or southbound. The application will be going to Committee on 1st September. Cllr Threlfall has asked RDC to write to residents on Gatherley Road and is awaiting a response.

10. Minor Matters

No minor matters were raised.

11. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting Thursday 3 September 2015

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman M Barber D Sharp N Mason J Coventry A Hunter

The Clerk

Cllr C Les Cllr I Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: PCSO Jordan Wallace

2. Presentation: A1L2B Improvement – An Update The Chairman Introduced Tom Howard, Project Manager, Highways . Also present were Ashley White - Construction Manager Mick Parker - Traffic Safety Officer Stuart Culley and Maria Fowler – Public Relations Officers The scheme is 50% complete with final completion set for Spring 2017. Services which are carried over Fort Bridge to Brompton-on-Swale and Catterick will be diverted over the temporary bridge across the motorway. This will enable A1L2B to demolish the old Fort Bridge, rebuild the new bridge and re-divert the services over the new Fort Bridge. Catterick South Junction (Tunstall) is due to be complete around the end of 2015 to the beginning of 2016.Catterick Central Junction works are to be completed in the next 8 weeks, around 24 October. Demolition of Fort Bridge is estimated to commence approx. 31st October 2015. Overnight diversions (8pm to 6am) are required through Brompton-on-Swale and Catterick Village to enable work to be carried out on the Northbound and Southbound carriageways. The proposed dates for the diversions are: 14 – 18 September Northbound, 21 – 25 September Northbound, 28 September to 2 October Southbound and 5 – 9 October Southbound. The diversions coincide with closures between Scotch Corner North to Barton. Signage will be 30mph through the villages.

Cllr Hunter mentioned the signage on the A1 approaching the temporary southbound exit slip road for Brompton-on-Swale. The signage is situated virtually on the junction. A1L2B Traffic Management will look at the signage and make any necessary changes. The southbound exit slip onto Gatherley Road will remain open until Catterick Central Junction is open (24 Oct approx.).

Fort Bridge will be closed for approximately 12 months.

The old stone abutments at Station Road and Bridge Road will be retained. The top deck will be removed and replaced. It will be extended to meet the new section.

There are no plans for further redirection of traffic through Brompton-on-Swale although this cannot be guaranteed.

A member of the public asked whilst the hedges at Catterick North Junction have been cut back could A1L2B clear the rubbish that has been uncovered. Highways England will look into the matter.

The Chairman thanked A1L2B and Highways England for their presentation and assistance.

3. Open Forum: No matters were raised by members of the public.

4. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2015 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Mason

5. Matters Arising

Replacement Tree St Pauls Drive (Item 11.1, minutes of 16 April) – Cllr Barber has informed the Clerk of the specie of tree that has been chosen .The Clerk had asked Area 1 if they could send a list of NRSWA accredited contractors. Action – The Clerk

Broken Bench, Gatherley Road – Cllr Mason asked whether progress had been made regarding the bench. Cllr Threlfall confirmed that the bench was the responsibility of NYCC. The Clerk will contact NYCC and ask them to remove the bench, Action – The Clerk

Repainting Parish Noticeboard – It was decided to ask a local painter and decorator for a second quote. Action – The Clerk

Repainting the Telephone Kiosk – No progress has been made. The Chairman mentioned around 5/6 years ago a decision had been made regarding the telephone kiosk. Cllr Dempsey recalled that as the Parish Council had decided to keep the old telephone kiosk it may be that they are responsible for its upkeep. The Clerk will look back in the minutes to find out further information.

Action – The Clerk

Landscaping of Unique Cars (Item 5.1 Minutes of 9 July) – The Chairman asked Cllr Threlfall for an update on landscaping at the site. Cllr Threlfall informed the Councillors that shrubbery will be planted during this autumn planting season. Cllr Threlfall will make enquiries as to the type of shrubbery to be planted.

A1L2B Key Liasion Meeting (Item 8.1 Minutes of 9 July) – The meeting was attended by The Chairman and Cllr Barber. The meeting discussed similar information to item 2 of this evening’s agenda.

The Chairman and Cllr Coventry attended a meeting with Stuart Culley and Maria Fowler of A1L2B and Tom Howard of Highways England regarding concerns that Cllr Coventry expressed about the noise that comes from the new motorway affecting residents along Gatherley Road. They mentioned planting that would take place in due course but this would take many years before the trees were of some height. The road surface they will use would mitigate some noise from the road. The tests that they had completed showed that the noise was not at its greatest along Gatherley Road. The alternative would be to put up an acoustic fence which would cost £1000 per metre. They have promised to put up a timber fence if possible dependent upon the cost and budget.

Grass Cutting (item 6.1 minutes of 9 July) – Cllr Hunter mentioned the grass cutting. She is concerned about the grass cuttings that have not been collected. The Chairman suggested that the cost would be much higher if we were to ask for the grass to be collected. Cllr Dempsey mentioned complaints regarding the grass cutting in Augustus Gardens. Persimmon homes are responsible for the cutting of grass at Augustus Gardens, although the Parish Council contractors are cutting some grass areas. The Chairman suggested that quotes be obtained for the 2016 grass cutting ready for the completion of the budgets

Action – The Clerk

Cllr Dempsey mentioned the hedgerow along Stephenson Road, the area between Gatherley Road and the first roundabout, is overgrown. This is a safety issue as it is encroaching upon the footpath which is used by many local residents, including school children. The Clerk to contact Area 1 and copy to Cllr Les. Action – The Clerk 6. Reports

6.1 Reports from Cllr Carl Les Cllr Les mentioned the Local Area Partnership, which is a Business Council Partnership, is now responsible for Highways money. The LEP has agreed that the A6136 between Catterick Central Junction and the new town of Catterick needs to be improved. A spend of £1.6 million has been agreed. The junctions to be improved are Horne Road (Whiteshops), the junction at the Great Bridge near to Brompton on Swale will be resurfaced, re-lined and the priority will be changed. This will mean that traffic coming from Catterick Village will give way. Work is to be done on the junction of Station Road/Gatherley Road including digging up the sensors and repositioning. The work is due to commence in January 2016. The Chairman asked whether the 2 mini roundabouts along the A6136 have been considered for any works. Cllr Les commented the intention of these roundabouts was to reduce accidents on that particular stretch of road and it has been successful.

Each County Councillor is to be given a Locality Budget to enable them to ‘help communities to help themselves’. This is for the local County Councillor to identify projects that are happening in their division and to be able to offer a sum of money. Each County Councillor has been given £5000 a year. This is a 2 year pilot and will be starting in October (the first year being October 2015 to March 2016). The Chairman asked Cllr Les what type of projects would benefit from the Locality Budget.

6.2 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall Cllr Threlfall mentioned the Area Partnership funding with grants available up to £5000.

6.3 Report from The Police (not present at meeting) The Police report which had been received from PCSO Jordan Wallace and emailed to Councillors, was discussed. Cllr Les mentioned the areas of concern regarding speeding through the village that had been mentioned previously. He informed the Councillors that until the pilot schemes had been completed no further progress could be made. Cllr Les said that when the pilots have been completed he will ensure that Brompton-on-Swale Parish Council is re-registered.

Cllr Coventry mentioned an email received asking for volunteers but the email does not give any further details. Cllr Les said that until the pilot has been completed no further information would be available.

7. Current Issues

There were no current issues for discussion

8. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk mentioned that she would be claiming the VAT back more frequently than usual due to VAT payments made against grass cutting. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Barber

The Clerk had prepared a cheque payable to The British Legion for £50 for a donation for the Rememberance wreath. The donation was agreed by all Councillors.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Coventry

9. Correspondence No correspondence had been received.

10. Planning Applications

10.1 NY/2015/0242/SCO – Consultation on planning application for the purpose of the request for an EIA Scoping Opinion to vary planning conditions attached to planning permission C1/31/39/34E to extend the life of the quarry until 2019 (2020 for restoration) at Scorton Quarry.

No comments or objections were raised. Action – The Clerk 11. Minor Matters

11.1 Cllr Coventry has resigned as representative on Village Society Committee. Cllr Dempsey has agreed to become the representative. Cllr Coventry will attend meetings in Cllr Dempsey’s absence.

11.2 Cllr Mason mentioned the grants that were available to organisations. He is interested in the refurbishment of the play parks within the village. The Chairman informed Cllr Mason that this had been looked into and that plans for the play park had been drawn up but there was no further progress to date.

11.3 Cllr Sharp mentioned the Local Transport Plan Consultation. He has completed the survey. Cllr Sharp read his responses/comments. The Chairman asked whether there were any further comments the Councillors wished to make. Cllr Sharpe will complete the survey online and submit in the name of the Parish Council. Action – Cllr Sharp

11.4 Cllr Barber mentioned the Parish website was due for renewal. The total spend on renewing for another year will be approximately £68.00. All Councillors agreed to renew for a further 12 months.

11.5 The Chairman mentioned grants may be available to the Parish Council. There is a need to make progress on applications for a grant. The Chairman has asked Cllr Dempsey to call the Allotments Association together to discuss matters in order to progress. The Chairman has asked a grant application be submitted before the next Parish Council Meeting on 22 October. Action – Cllr Dempsey

11.6 The Chairman mentioned Cllr Mason’s interest in refurbishment of the village play parks. It was noted the play parks are currently owned by RDC and they would have to be signed over to the Parish Council before any grants could be sought. Cllr Threlfall said that the Local Area Partnership currently had grants available up to £5000. The closing date got COF applications is 4 September 2015.

11.7 The Clerk mentioned the Pensions Automatic Enrolment. The staging date for the Parish Council is 1st April 2017. Cllr Threlfall asked whether we were members of the Yorkshire Local Council Association as they could provide assistance in this matter. Cllr Threlfall will ask YLVA to contact the Clerk. Action – Cllr Threlfall

12. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 22 October 2015 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 22 October 2015

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman M Barber J Coventry A Hunter D Sharp

The Clerk

Cllr C Les

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Mason and Cllr Threlfall

2. Open Forum: A local resident mentioned planning application 15/00737/FULL. The application is to build a residential property in the village. The application will require part removal of the residents’ wall to enable vehicular access. The resident considers this preferable than sharing the driveway. The resident is mostly concerned about a window on the proposed application which would overlook her property.

15/00737/FULL – Full Planning Application for Erection of Detached Dwelling and Garage at Land to The North Of 44 Richmond Road, Brompton-on-Swale No objections were raised to the proposed building but there are concerns about the proposal for the creation of another access and exit onto this particular corner/bend onto a busy road with very poor sight lines.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2015 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Barber

4. Matters Arising

Replacement Tree St Pauls Drive (Item 5, minutes of 3 September 2015) – Cllr Barber mentioned the replacement tree. Clerk to send email to Area 1. Action – The Clerk

Broken Bench, Gatherley Road – Cllr Barber asked whether progress had been made regarding the bench. Cllr Threlfall confirmed that the bench was the responsibility of NYCC. The Clerk will contact NYCC and ask them to remove the bench, Action – The Clerk

Repainting Parish Noticeboard – Cllr Barber asked whether a second quote had been obtained. The Clerk mentioned Cllr Mason knew of someone who would be able to provide a quote. It may be necessary to wait until Spring before repainting can go ahead.

Grass Cutting – Cllr Barber mentioned it had been pointed out the grass cutting was not of the same standard as in previous years. The grass has not been cut as frequently during this growing season. Additional quotes are to be obtained by the Clerk for full consideration of next year’s programme.

Action – The Clerk

Hedgerow at Stephenson Road – The Clerk has contacted Area 1 and was informed that it is the responsibility of Persimmon Homes to cut the hedges in this area. The Clerk to contact Persimmon Homes to discuss. Action - The Clerk 5. Reports

5.1 Report from The Police (not present at meeting) The Monthly Crime report had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting. There was no further discussion

5.2 Report from Cllr Carl Les Cllr Les reminded the Councillors about the forthcoming highways improvements to A6136 and the locality budget. Urban Grass Cutting Payments 2016/2017 were mentioned. Cllr Les said NYCC may not be able to confirm until the end of March 2016 whether a payment will be made towards funding of the grass cutting.

6. Current Issues

6.1 Bus Services – The Chairman asked if Councillors had seen the email from NYCC Passenger Transport regarding proposed changes to bus services 54 and 55. The Parish Council were asked to make a choice between option A and option B which involved a reduction in service from Brompton-on- Swale to Northallerton. Option A involves a reduction to 1 return journey off peak instead of 2 (This was the original proposal in May 2015) and option B the operation of the service from Northallerton to Scorton in the off peak, therefore cutting out Brompton-on-Swale and Richmond. The Chairman responded on 30th September saying that in the event further cuts were necessary then timetable B would not be acceptable. The Chairman asked several questions regarding the proposed reductions but the responses received were not sufficient. Cllr Barber noted his disappointment at the quality of the reply also. The passenger survey took place from 28 to 30 Sept and 1 to 3 Oct. The survey from 28 to 30 Sept shows passengers collected from Broken Brea, Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond, Scorton, The Avenue, and totalled 113 passengers. Out of those 113 passengers 94 came from Broken Brea, Brompton-on-Swale Richmond and The Avenue. If option B were to be chosen that would leave a service catering for only 19 people. The second week showed only a slight difference in these numbers. The Chairman noted that almost all of the passengers in Brompton-on-Swale using this service rely on it to get to Northallerton and that amongst other things it would be almost impossible for them to book medical appointments. The Passenger Transport report, Appendix E mentions how much can be saved if NYCC were to run the service themselves (fleet operation) but this solution had not been offered in this case. The proposal will go before the executive Committee on 8 December for a decision to be made.

Peak Journeys will not change on the proposals.

The Chairman looked at whether there were any possible local bus connections which would continue to provide off-peak access to Northallerton with these proposals but this was not found to be feasible. Cllr Coventry suggested talking to local residents to see how they felt about the proposals. The Chairman agreed to write to Passenger Transport to ask for more comprehensive responses to the questions.

Action – The Chairman

The Chairman raised the reduction of the Bus Services to Cllr Les. He explained that the Parish Council had chosen option A and had objected strongly to option B and had written to Passenger Transport asking for further information. He went on to say that we had only received a response the previous day and the answers to the questions were extremely disappointing. He mentioned that it was only after we had asked the question about the number of people that used the service does it seem that the survey was completed. Cllr Les will find out answers to the questions asked by the Parish Council. Action – Cllr Les

6.2 Transparency Code - Details of the Transparency Code had been emailed to the Parish Council by YLCA and circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting. The code states that Parish Councils and other bodies with an annual turnover not exceeding £25000 will be exempt from routine external audit. The Transparency Code sets out details of the information that must be published on the Parish website and the timings for publishing the said information. It mentions that smaller authorities should expect to publish details of contracts newly entered into and should therefore insert clauses in new contracts allowing for the disclosure of data in compliance with this code. Other items that must be put on the parish website include agendas and minutes. Expenditure items above £100.00 and the Annual Return must be published on the website by no later than 1 July in the year. By complying with the Transparency Code there will be no need for an external audit. Cllr Barber mentioned the need to put additional information onto the Parish Website. Mrs Barber is prepared continue to upload the information onto the website. The information that is required to comply with the Transparency Code is already produced by the Clerk. Mrs Barber would find it helpful to receive some formal training on website design. The Chairman asked the Clerk whether she would also wish to receive some training on website design. The Chairman mentioned a local resident who would be prepared to offer website training. Action – The Clerk

6.3 YLCA Membership – Information had been received by the Clerk about the YLCA (Yorkshire Local Council Association) and the cost of membership. Cllr Les noted that the YLCA is a useful body. The annual membership fee is based on the electorate. The fee for the full current financial year is £396.00 but as we are part way through the year the fee will be charged pro rata. Cllr Sharp recalled one of the reasons for joining the YLCA was the pension auto enrolment being rolled out by the Government. We are currently members of the SLCC. The Chairman said that if the Clerk thought it would be more beneficial to join the YLCA then we should go ahead.

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Sharp Action – The Clerk

7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk mentioned the VAT refund of £629.20 which had been received. The external audit fee charged £100 which was half of the budgeted figure. Cllr Coventry mentioned the grass cutting. The cemetery grass cutting is £365 under budget although the additional grass cutting is over budget. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp

8. Correspondence 8.1 Two letters had been received from the Community Safety Manager at RDC regarding two speed concern reports that we had submitted to 95 Alive York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership. The letter mentions a deployment officer will conduct a risk assessment of the locations and we will be contacted and advised of the outcome of the checks and any further action to be undertaken.

8.2 An email had been received from The British Red Cross regarding their appeal for a FES (Fire and Emergency Support) Vehicle. A discussion took place regarding the appeal. Cllr Coventry proposed0 a donation of £50.00.

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Sharp Action – The Clerk

8.3 A letter had been received from Highways England. The letter mentioned the progress of the A1L2B improvements. A presentation will be held on Friday 13th November 12pm to 1 pm at the Scotch Corner Offices. The Chairman and Mr & Mrs Coventry will attend. Action – The Clerk

9. Planning Applications

9.1 15/00766/FULL – Full Planning Permission of Double Garage, Insertion of Folding Doors and Sun Tunnels, Enlargement to Existing Window, Replacement of Existing Timber Windows and Doors at High Gatherley Barn, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JJ

No objections were raised Action – The Clerk 10. Minor Matters

10.1 Cllr Hunter mentioned the street light on the corner of Honey Pot Road that was not working. The Chairman informed her that she could report the light online through the NYCC website.

Action – Cllr Hunter 10.2 The Chairman mentioned the email received from NYCC regarding Footway Lighting Maintenance. Cllr Les said that as the Parish Council did not have their own street lights the email did not apply.

10.3 Cllr Coventry mentioned the Allotments. The Chairman said that the Allotments Association must call a meeting in order to make progress.

11. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 3 December 2015 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 3 December 2015

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman M Barber J Coventry N Mason D Sharp

The Clerk

Cllr C Les Cllr I Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: PCSO Jordan Wallace

2. Open Forum: A resident of Brompton Court mentioned trees in the cemetery which were growing over their property and were starting to block light. The resident said that some trees had been planted close to the cemetery wall and said that they would be prepared to cut the trees on behalf of the Parish Council. The Parish Council have advised that this would not be possible due to public liability and health & safety issues. The Chairman mentioned that the cutting and maintenance of all the trees in the cemetery had been discussed previously and would be discussed with the contractors in due course.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2015 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Coventry

4. Matters Arising

Broken Bench, Gatherley Road – Cllr Barber mentioned the email that had been received from NYCC confirming that the broken bench along Gatherley Road will be removed and the grass verge made good. The work will be complete by the end of February 2016.

Bus Services (item 6.1, minutes of 22 October 2015) – Confirmation has been received from NYCC Passenger Transport that option A has been chosen, which leaves 1 off peak return journey from Richmond to Northallerton via Brompton-on-Swale and Scorton. The Chairman noted his disappointment that the parish Council had not received a direct response to their email, asking for answers to specific questions. Cllr Les will follow this up. Action – Cllr Les

Allotments – Cllr Coventry asked whether any progress had been made. The Parish Council has not heard directly from the Allotments Association but it is understood that no further progress has been made.

YLCA Membership (item 6.3, minutes of 22 October 2015) – The Chairman asked whether the Clerk had made arrangements for the Parish Council to join the YLCA. The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council were now members and this years’ fee had been paid.

Highways England Presentation, 13 November 2015 (item 8.3, minutes of 22 October 2015) – Cllr Coventry and the Chairman attended this meeting. The Chairman noted that the presentation was mainly regarding Scurragh Lane, although he was alarmed to learn that at the end of January/beginning of February 2016 A1L2B intend to close the current Northbound A1, presumably from Catterick Central Junction to Scotch Corner, and move everything onto the new southbound carriageway. At this stage there may not be any link from Gatherley Road onto the A1 on a temporary basis. The Chairman asked if the Councillors who were attending the A1L2B Liaison meeting on 15 December could ask for further information.

5. Reports

5.1 Report from Cllr Carl Les Cllr Les mentioned capital expenditure on Scorton Road and Honeypot Road, carriageway surface treatment, which is scheduled for next financial year. Carriageway reconstruction and resurfacing works is scheduled for Parkgate Lane, also in the next financial year.

Cllr les mentioned Junction 52 on the A1 (Catterick Central) which is up and running and flowing well. The A6136 improvement works through to the Garrison will be starting in January and must be completed by the end of March. There is a concern from the residents of Catterick Village about the improvements to the junction near the Catterick Great Bridge. Two road safety audits have taken place and the engineers have confirmed the new design is safe.

The Police are responsible for dealing with speeding concerns in the Richmondshire Area.

Cllr Les reminded Councillors that faults regarding lighting, flooding issues, loose grates and many more issues can be reported online to NYCC. There is a direct link for this service on the Parish Council website.

Cllr Coventry raised the issue of flooding in Gatherley Road. Cllr Les will arrange a site visit with NYCC and Cllr Coventry to discuss the issue. Action – Carl Les and Cllr Coventry

Cllr Coventry has reported to Yorkshire Water a drain that has water pouring out in bad weather. This should be dealt with during the coming weekend and Cllr Coventry should receive an update in confirmation.

5.2 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall The Chairman mentioned RDC recycling collections in the village. He asked Cllr Threlfall why only certain recycled items were collected from the roadside, waxed drink cartons for instance were not collected. Cllr Threlfall said that at present RDC do not have a licence to collect other items. In the New Year RDC will renegotiate their licence which will enable additional items of recycling will be collected at the roadside.

Cllr Threlfall asked whether North Yorkshire Timber have contacted the Chairman regarding provision of trees around the village. Cllr Barber asked whether one of these could be a replacement for the damaged/removed tree in St Pauls Drive and Cllr Sharpe mentioned a replacement tree in Augustus Gardens. The Councillors will email the Clerk with locations they would like to see new trees planted. NYT will contact the Chairman direct to discuss. Action – The Councillors

Cllr Threlfall said that RDC have frozen their Council Tax this year and intend to do so for the following 3 years. Savings will be made internally. This was raised with the Chancellor and in the comprehensive spending review. It was said that if necessary an extra council tax of 2% can be raised. Cllr Les said NYCC is concerned about rising costs of looking after elderly people and have projected a gap of £15 million on adult social care. The living wage is going to cost the county £3 million in direct payroll £3 million to schools for their payroll and £10 to £12 million for the independent care sector. NYCC will also consider whether to increase the council tax by a further 2%. In their financial strategy NYCC decided to raise the council tax by 2% per annum over these next 4 years.

5.3 Report from the Police A report had been received from PCSO Jordan Wallace by email. This had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting.

6. Current Issues

6.1 Care of Grass Verges – During the 2015 cutting season the contractor charged £410 + VAT per cut. We have received 2 quotes for cutting the grass verges/areas in the village. One quote was for £350 + VAT per quote and the second £320 + VAT per cut. It is estimated that 10 cuts for the growing season will be necessary. The Councillors agreed to accept the lower quote for the 2016 season for a period of 12 months.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Coventry Action – The Clerk

The Parish Council have agreed to carry out urban visibility grass cutting in our Parish area in 2016/2017 and accept the payment offered by NYCC. The information had been circulated to Councillors for their comments/decision prior to the meeting as a response was required by 30 November 2015. NYCC have said the minimum funding for grass cutting of urban highway visibility splays for 2016/2017 will be £927.70. Action – The Clerk

6.2 Budget 2016/2017 – The Chairman talked through the proposed budget for 2016/2017. Various increases in costs were explained and discussed. The Chairman mentioned the unexpected increase in costs for grass cutting throughout the parish for 2015/2016. The increase in our costs for the year is estimated at £3000/£4000, which includes play park maintenance and grass cutting at the sports field, amongst various other increases. The budget for 2016/2017 was agreed by the Councillors.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Mason

6.3 Precept 2016/2017 – The amount for the precept is to be notified to RDC by 8th January 2016. The precept for the current year is £9684. An increase of 10% would mean that we would ask for a precept amount of £10652 for the year and with an increase of 20% the precept would be £11620. RDC have given a grant towards the current years’ precept of £785. The grant expected in 2016/2017 will be approximately £392. An increase of 20% on the 2015/16 precept was agreed.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Mason Action – The Clerk

6.4 Meeting Dates 2016 - The proposed dates had been circulated prior to the meeting. The dates were agreed by the Councillors.

6.5 Minerals and Waste Joint Waste Plan – Cllr Coventry stated the document mentions keeping both the current ‘household waste tip’ at Catterick Bridge and the planned tip at Gatherley Road as preferred options and that she had not read anything else within the document that would affect residents of the parish. Cllr Threlfall noted that there was nothing contentious which would affect this area. Cllr Les noted any extension to mineral extraction would be south of the river. The Chairman reminded Councillors that if they wished to make any comments they were to inform the Clerk before the consultation closing date of 16 January 2016. Action – Parish Councillors

6.6 Transparency Code – Cllr Mason asked, since a contractor for the cutting of the grass verges had been agreed, did we have to note this as part of the Transparency Code on the parish website. Cllr Threlfall explained that it should be noted how the decision had been made along with the cost. The Clerk had produced various documents showing the documents produced for the year 2014/2015. The same documents will be made available under the Transparency Code. The same format of these documents must be made available no later than 1 July after the end of the accounting /financial year. Minutes and Agendas are available on the Parish and RDC website. Cllr Threlfall mentioned the grants available for purchasing of computer equipment, website fees and training. This matter will be looked into and the Clerk will report back to the Chairman. The clerk will discuss training requirements with Mrs Barber. Action – The Clerk

7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk mentioned the website domain fee had been paid - £21.64 but are waiting for an invoice for the annual fee of £71.22. The YLCA membership has been paid. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp

8. Correspondence 8.1 A letter was received from the British Red Cross Thanking the Parish Council for their donation to the Fire & Emergency Support Service Vehicle.

8.2 A letter was received from Highways England informing of the next A1 Leeming to Barton Improvement Scheme meeting. The meeting will take place on 15th December. Cllr Barber and Cllr Coventry have agreed to attend the meeting. Cllrs’ Barber and Coventry will mention the Northern access onto the A1 at Gatherley Road and the car parking at the sports field in Honey Pot Road.

The Chairman suggested the Village Society apply for a grant towards provision ofcar parking at the Community Sports Hall.

9. Planning Applications

15/00775/FULL - This planning application, No 2 Bridge Road, previously circulated to the councillors was briefly mentioned to Cllr Mason. There were no objections to this application.

10. Minor Matters

10.1 Cllr Barber said there was a marked increase on the use of the Parish website during the month of November. He suggested this could be residents checking on road works and road closures throughout the Parish and further afield. The Chairman thanked Mrs Barber for her continued work on keeping the website up to date.

10.2 The Chairman mentioned it was now possible to report faulty streetlights, blocked drains, potholes and various other similar issues on the NYCC website.

10.3 The Chairman mentioned the latest YLCA Newsletter and the information regarding pension auto enrolment. We are now informed that if an employer does not have any employees who earn above £10000pa they will not need to have a qualifying pension scheme in place at that time. The Councillors confirmed that it would not be necessary at this time to set up a pension scheme.

11. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 14 January 2015 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 14 January 2016

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman M Barber J Coventry D Dempsey D Sharp A Hunter

The Clerk

Cllr C Les Cllr I Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: PCSO Jordan Wallace

2. Open Forum: A resident of Howe Lane mentioned the temporary traffic lights which are placed at the junction of Bridge Road and Gatherley Road during Station Road closures. He has been informed by A1L2B these lights are for pedestrians to cross from the east to the west side of Gatherley Road and for motor vehicles turning into and out of Gatherley Road via Bridge Road. He is concerned that the traffic lights are in place for 24 hours a day and mentioned the fumes from vehicles queuing at the temporary traffic lights entering the businesses on the eastern side of Gatherley Road. Traffic travelling south along Gatherley Road wishing to turn right into Bridge Road can obstruct vehicles wishing to continue to travel south. Some alternative suggestions were made by the resident. The Chairman said that there are a significant number of children and their families who do need to use the crossing and the traffic lights to turn right from Gatherley Road into Bridge Road. He mentioned there is extra queuing along Gatherley Road because there is insufficient room for three or four cars to be able to sit in the middle of the road to turn right into Bridge Road to allow for vehicles to pass on the nearside. Cllr Dempsey mentioned that perhaps the temporary traffic lights could be moved back to allow extra queuing room for vehicles turning right into Bridge Road. Cllr Barber had been informed at the A1L2B Liaison meeting only 2 closures of Station Road and Bridge Road were planned which are expected to last for three to four days each time. Cllr Threlfall mentioned the short distance of non – chevron area currently marked on the road at the junction of Gatherley Road/Bridge Road. This would have to be removed in order to extend the ‘waiting area’ to turn right into Bridge Road. The Chairman suggested in the first instant the Clerk will contact A1L2B to discuss possible available options such as a pedestrian controlled phase on the lights and the extension of the area for right turning traffic. Action – The Clerk

A resident mentioned car parking opposite the entrance/exit to Curteis Drive. He mentioned vehicles were also parked at the end of Curteis Drive which made it difficult to pull out of the junction safely especially when turning right. The Chairman said that the matter will be discussed with the PCSO. Action – The Clerk

A resident mentioned the speeding throughout the village. He was informed by the Chairman that the Parish Council had raised a concern through the police and are waiting for census equipment to be fitted which will monitor traffic through the village.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2015 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Sharpe Seconded: Cllr Coventry

4. Matters Arising

Transparency Code – External Audit (Item 6.6 minutes of 3 Dec 2015) – Information received from the YLCA informs Parish Councils of changes in appointing an External Auditor. Although we are a smaller authority that no longer requires an annual external audit it is still necessary to have an External Auditor appointed. There are two ways to do this. We can choose to have an auditor appointed by a new sector-led body (SLB) or we may procure our own. If the SLB were to appoint an auditor to the Parish Council there would be a one off cost of approximately £100. The auditor would be appointed for a period of 5 years. If we were to procure our own auditor the Parish Council would have to set up an independent Audit Panel. It was agreed by all Councillors for the SLB to appoint an external auditor.

The Chairman asked whether any progress had been made with regards to purchasing a computer. The Clerk said she needed to clarify a couple of points with the YLCA before she was able to move any further forward but said that the Parish Council should purchase their own computer for future use. Cllr Barber agreed that a computer should be purchased by the Parish Council since funding was available. The Chairman asked whether computer training had been discussed. The Clerk had not discussed training with Mrs Barber but would do so. Action –The Clerk

Gatherley Road, Flooding (Item 5, Minutes 3 December) – Cllr Coventry said Yorkshire Water attended the site three times to rectify the flooding issue. On the third visit the drain was jetted and found to have been blocked by what they described as dog biscuits. The water that had flowed down the road due to the blockage was sewage water. Yorkshire Water will investigate further. The pipe that comes across the field at the back of the houses along Gatherley Road, which comes from Skeeby, has caused previous problems. Cllr Coventry had telephoned Environmental Health about the sewage running down the road. They advised not to walk in the sewage. Cllr Coventry had written letters to residents in the locality and advised them of the situation.

A1L2B Liaison Meeting (Item 8.2, Minutes of 3 December) – Cllr Barber raised the issue of access arrangements onto the A1 at the north of Gatherley Road. He also raised the matter of car parking at the sports field. A1L2B said they would get back to the Parish Council on both matters.

Minerals and Joint Waste Plan (Item 6.5, Minutes 3 December) - No comments were made by the Councillors. Action – The Clerk

Trees – North Yorkshire Timber (Item 5.2, Minutes 3 December) – Councillors discussed where they might like to have some new trees placed. Cllr Threlfall will contact NYT and ask them to discus details with the Chairman.

Village Society – The Chairman asked whether it was known if the Village Society had considered applying for a grant to make the necessary improvements to the car parking facilities at the sports hall. Cllr Dempsey had been unable to attend the last meeting but would contact the Chair of the Village Society before the next Parish Council Meeting in March. Action – Cllr Dempsey

Street Light, Honey Pot Road/Bridge Road – Cllr Hunter has reported the broken street light twice. RDC have said that the column needs to be replaced and they are waiting for this to be delivered. Cllr Threlfall and Cllr Hunter will look at this light after the meeting. Cllr Threlfall will follow up the details.

Action – Cllr Threlfall 5. Reports

5.1 Report from Cllr Ian Thelfall Government settlement received by RDC is 44% down. The homeless grant and rural grant have been combined into the 56% remaining. RDC have produced a budget which will go to corporate and then full council for approval at the end of February. It will have 0% increase on the council tax for 2016/2017. The New Homes Bonus money will become part of the overall spending fund. This will support non-statutory duties such as the Community Sports Hall which currently receives an 80% statutory reduction in rates and RDC give a 20% concession. It is hoped the new homes bonus will continue to support this concession. The Community Opportunity Fund will be a smaller ‘pot’ of money to fund grants for good causes. RDC will start planning for the year 2020 when no grant will be received from central government to support local authorities.

Cllr Threlfall said there would not be an impact on services provided in 2016/2017. Some services that are supported through the rates, such as the rat catcher will have to be paid for and charges for others such as the green wheelie bin will increase by £3.00 per annum. RDC costs in 2015/2016 are expected to have been reduced from £20 million to £19 million in lieu of the reduction from central government.

The retail development at Scotch Corner has gone to appeal and is awaiting a decision. The Chairman asked Cllr Threlfall what was being done to boost tourism in Richmond. He mentioned the closure of The Tourist Information Office, Public Toilets and said that he could not see any investment being put into the attractions in Richmond to support them. Cllr Threlfall mentioned a business grant scheme which supports small businesses. He said that public toilets will be looked into to ensure they self- fund.

The Chairman and Cllr Threlfall reminded the councillors that the Tourist Information Centre is now located in Richmond Library.

5.2 Report from Cllr Carl Les NYCC have received a difficult settlement from central government. The first four year savings programme has been completed, saving £92 million with another £72 million to find in the next four years. £12 million in savings needs to be found in the next three and a half months. £15 million will be taken from reserves. Social Care needs have increased which means there must be an increase in the budget to accommodate. Central Government will allow NYCC to increase council tax by an additional 2% for Social Care costs. The new ‘living wage’ increase will add £10 million to the supply chain from the nursing homes and care homes etc. Inevitably council tax may increase by 2% which will mean an overall increase of 4% on Council Tax bills.

North East Combined Authorities have suggested the A1M should be renamed the M1. This will allow the authorities to say that Newcastle is connected to by the M1. To re-sign the roads, including local signage the cost would be a minimum of £1 million.

Action – The Clerk

5.3 Report from the Police A report had been received from PCSO Jordan Wallace by email. This had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting.

6. Current Issues

6.1 YLCA Representatives – The first meeting of the YLCA will take place on Thursday 11th February at 7.00pm at the Station in Richmond. The Parish Council has 2 votes which can be used at the meetings. Cllr Coventry and Cllr Barber have agreed to attend the meeting on 11 February. The Clerk will attend the meetings where possible.

6.2 Rural Action Yorkshire – Winter Weather Scheme – RAY are able to support 5 rural communities set up their own winter weather scheme. Cllr Dempsey mentioned a resident of Augustus Gardens had made an enquiry regarding an additional grit bin in their area. A small grant fund has been set up to help start or pilot a Winter Weather Agent Scheme within the community. Cllr Les confirmed NYCC are able to provide a grit bin and grit and that there would be a cost involved. The cost would be part of an annual contract to ensure that the bin is filled on a regular basis.

Cllr Sharpe suggested a call to RAY to find out about more detail about the scheme and the grant. The Clerk will call RAY and discuss the findings with the Chairman.

Action – The Clerk 6.3 New Dog Fouling Campaign – The Street Scene Team at RDC are trialling a new strategy to improve the pavements by reducing dog fouling complaints. There will be no cost to the Parish, all RDC ask is permission from the Parish Council and a list of areas to be targeted. The Chairman proposed that we give permission for RDC to spray the areas to be targeted. The Clerk will ask Sally Dixon at RDC for their list of hotspots and the Councillors will add to the list where necessary. The Councillors have asked whether it will be possible to spray on the football/cricket field.

RDC Street Team has asked whether the Parish Council would be interested in another dog waste bin for the village. The Councillors have decided that they would wait to see if the New Dog Fouling Campaign has an effect before making a decision. Action – The Clerk

6.4 Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations – The Chairman asked for suggestions as to how the Parish might celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday. Cllr Dempsey suggested a village open day on the sports field. 21 April is the Queens Birthday. 11 June is the Queens Official Birthday. Dates suggested by councillors are 29/30 May (Spring Bank Holiday) and 12 June. The representative for the Village Society will mention the details at the next Village Society meeting which is due to take place on Sunday 7th February.

Action – Cllr Dempsey

7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk mentioned the parish finances for 2015/2016 may show a slight under spend for the year to 31 March 2016. The final position will be confirmed after all expenses and receipts for the year have been noted. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp

8. Correspondence 8.1 A letter was received from Tarmac, Scorton Quarry inviting the Parish Council to the public consultation and exhibition regarding the proposed continuation of quarrying until 2020. Cllr Coventry will attend and report back to the Councillors with her findings. Action – Cllr Coventry

8.2 An email was received from the Two Ridings Community Foundation regarding the North Yorkshire Flood Appeal. The Councillors agreed to make a donation of £100.

Proposed: Cllr Dempsey Seconded: Cllr Coventry

Action – The Clerk 8.3 Emails had been received from two separate landscaping contractors, AS Landscapes and SE Landscaping introducing their companies and the services they provided. It was decided to keep the details on file for future interest. Action – The Clerk

9. Planning Applications

15/00989/FULL – Full Planning permission for proposed Implement Store with Access Track at High Gatherley Farm, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HJ. No objections were raised regarding this application. Action – The Clerk

10. Minor Matters

10.1 Cllr Coventry wished to note that two drain covers along Gatherley Road had been repaired and re- seated in the carriageway.

10.2 Cllr Barber asked on progress of the allotments. Cllr Dempsey had been in touch with members of the Allotments Association. A chairperson must be appointed to move the project forward so that work can begin on the site. The Clerk mentioned recent enquiries about allotments and will forward details to Cllr Dempsey.

The Clerk will find out what grants are available and report to the Chairman.

10.3 The Chairman mentioned the email received from RDC regarding the loan of Resusci Anni CPR Dummy. Cllr Dempsey said that the local Community First Responders have their own Resusci Anni and a practice defibrillator. It was decided not to pursue the loan.

11. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 3 March 2016 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 3 March 2016

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman M Barber J Coventry A Hunter D Sharp N Mason

The Clerk

Cllr C Les Cllr I Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr D Dempsey, PCSO Jordan Wallace

2. Presentation: Fiona Kayley from the organisation Supporting Carers in the Community gave a brief presentation which consisted of information on how they are able to help and assist carers within the Richmond and Hambleton area. They are a registered charity who are able to provide assistance in such matters as benefits advice and support, signposting to other agencies and emotional support to carers from the ages of 5 to adult. There are around 15000 carers in the Hambleton & Richmond area.

3. Open Forum: A resident mentioned the ‘top dressing’ put on the pavements by NYCC last year. He said that in some places it was extremely slippery when there had been ice and frost. Cllr Les said that the surface should be rough and therefore would not be slippery during extreme cold weather conditions. Cllr Les will arrange for the surface to be looked at. Action – Cllr Les

A resident mentioned the various yellow diversion signs around the village. He said that the signs were not always up to date leading to confusion. Cllr Les will follow up the issue of the signage with Stuart Culley, Public Liaison Officer at A12L2B. Action – Cllr Les

A local resident mentioned parking at Curteis Drive. The road is narrow and driveways are not always in use. The Councillors said this parking problem had been a long running issue. It was suggested that a reference to the situation should be mentioned in the next village newsletter. The PCSO had looked at the area and had found nothing to report at this time. He will continue to monitor the situation.

4. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2015 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Sharpe Seconded: Cllr Barber

5. Matters Arising

Trees – North Yorkshire Timber (Matters Arising, Minutes of 14 January 2016) – Cllr Barber mentioned the tree that had been promised by NYT. The Chairman had received a telephone call from NYT regarding gifting a tree to the Parish Council. He will return the telephone call to NYT and discuss the details further.

Streetlight – Corner of Honey Pot and Bridge Road – Cllr Hunter thanked Cllr Threlfall for his part in making arrangements for the streetlight to be replaced.

‘The Future of Scorton Quarry’ Exhibition - Cllr Coventry attended the public exhibition. She brought maps from the exhibition which were discussed with the Councillors. They will be working on area’s 5 and 6 until 2020 which they will landscape by 2021. The processing plant will be removed by 2022.

YLCA Meeting, 11 February 2016 – Cllr Coventry summarised the key points of the meeting. 1. It was confirmed that a street furniture licence is needed for the positioning of a grit bin and our public liability insurance would need to be checked. 2. The Council Tax Support Grant was discussed where RDC would pass on 50% of the grant for 16/17 but 0% after that point. The government have confirmed that referendum principles will not apply to PC setting their precepts. 3. The external audit regime does not expect to charge for the SLB to appoint an external auditor. 4. The closing date for the Digital Transparency Fund was 15 February – which was met. The outcome of the application will be received by the end of March. 5. Workplace pensions – information must be kept up to date. 6. YLCA subscription fee. Will be increased by 4.9%. NALC have increased their subs by 18% despite strong objections from the YLCA. 7. Parish Councils were advised to minute their policy on sharing the YLCA username and password. It was decided that all Councillors should have the password to allow access to the YLCA website. 8. Next YLCA meeting will be 9 June 2016 at West Burton.

Yorkshire Water Drain, Gatherley Road – Update (Matters Arising, Minutes of 14 January) Yorkshire Water sent a senior engineer to site to put a camera down the drain. The camera would not go down the drain and they were unsure whether it was the manhole or the pipe that had collapsed. They will get this fixed to enable the engineer to try again with the camera to see where the problem is. Cllr Coventry will keep the Councillors informed of progress.

Village Society (Matters Arising, Minutes of 14 January 2016) – The Chairman asked whether the Village Society had applied for a grant to help with the car parking facilities. Cllr Coventry confirmed that she would attend the next meeting on Sunday, 6 March.

Dog Fouling Campaign (Item 6.3, Minutes 14 January) – The Clerk confirmed RDC had been instructed that Brompton-on-Swale wished to take part in the campaign. She had been informed that it would commence in the next couple of weeks.

Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations (Item 6.4, Minutes 14 January) – The Clerk confirmed the Village Society would not be organising an event for this occasion.

6. Reports

6.1 Report from Cllr Carl Les Cllr Les confirmed that NYCC will raise the council tax by 3.99%. 2% of this increase is the Social Care levy.

Cllr Les confirmed he would respond to the issue regarding the issue with the pavement dressing along Bridge Road and Richmond Road, mentioned previously. Action - Cllr Les 6.2 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall Cllr Threlfall confirmed there will be no increase in council tax from RDC in 2016/2017.

6.3 Report from the Police A report from the police had been received by email. This had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting.

7. Current Issues

7.1 Road Works and Traffic Lights – Cllr Barber received an email from a local resident regarding roadworks along Richmond Road at the junction with River Lane. Three way traffic lights had been put along the road, with several residents isolated due to the works. There was a concern that advance notification had not been received and several occasions where no work was taking place. The works lasted 7 days. Cllr Les said that if these were emergency repairs the work was allowed to start with NYCC being informed once the work had commenced but if they were scheduled works NYCC should have been consulted before the work was due to commence.

Cllr Les said that if Councillors had any concerns regarding roadworks in the village they were to send him an email with the details of the works immediately.

7.2 Yorkshire Water Drain, Gatherley Road, Update – Discussed in Matters Arising

7.3 Cemetery Grass Cutting and Maintenance – The Clerk had circulated information to the Councillors prior to the meeting. SCR Landscapes reminded the Parish Council of the work they carried out at the Cemetery. RDC currently cut the grass in the central area of the cemetery. The Clerk said that SRC Landscapes had not increased their charges in the last 2 years and there would be no increase for 2016/2017. SCR had provided a quote for cutting the central grass. The cost would be higher than previously charged by RDC but would be cut on a more frequent basis. The Councillors agreed SCR Landscapes should be awarded the contract to complete all works including the central section of the cemetery.

Proposed: Cllr Mason Seconded: Cllr Barber Action – The Clerk

The Chairman mentioned the grass cutting at the Sports Hall. He asked the Clerk to arrange with Steve Gibb, NYCC to make the first cut during the week after Easter. Action – The Clerk 7.4 Finance 7.4a Cemetery Fees – The Clerk had previously circulated information regarding cemetery fees. This included fees charged at other cemeteries. The Chairman said there is a need to consider keeping pace with costs, reasonable prices and other cemeteries. A discussion took place to consider whether an increase should be considered and how much the increase should be. The Councillors agreed to increase the prices by an average of 6.5%. The cost for ‘Search of Parish Records’ will remain at £35.00.

Proposed: Cllr Barber Seconded: Cllr Sharp Action – The Clerk

7.4b Internal Auditor Fees – Since the Transparency Code was implemented the Clerk thought it appropriate the Parish Council should be invoiced for services provided by the internal auditor rather than pay by means of a gift as in previous years. The Clerk discussed this with the internal auditor, who is prepared to charge a fixed amount of £100 plus VAT to audit the accounts for the year. It is understood that the Parish Council will have both an internal and external audit for the year 2015/2016. There will only be an internal audit for the year 2016/2017. The YLCA are looking to provide an Internal Audit Service although a cost of this service is yet to be decided. The Councillors agreed that we should be invoiced for Internal Audit services at an amount of £100 plus VAT.

Proposed: Cllr Mason Seconded: Cllr Sharp

7.4c National Living Wage – From 1 April 2016 the National Living Wage will be £7.20 per hour for workers aged 25. The Clerk is currently employed for 8 hours per week at a rate of £6.82 per hour. This figure has been included in the budget for 2016/2017. Cllr Threlfall said that there are guidelines by the YLCA.

Proposed: Cllr Hunter Seconded: Cllr Sharp Action – The Clerk

7.5 Transparency Fund Grant Application – The Chairman said that the application of a grant for a computer for the Parish Council had been submitted. We will be informed if our application has been successful by 31st March 2016. We have not applied for training costs or a scanner but will be allowed a further grant application in the next financial year. Cllr Barber mentioned the Parish Website. The Clerk and Mrs Barber had discussed who would continue to update the website once the new computer had been purchased. They had agreed that the Clerk would take over uploading information onto the site once she had received training.

Action – The Clerk

8. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk gave some detailed information regarding the petty cash, internal and external audit fees and the grass cutting in the cemetery. We had been overcharged by Yorkshire Water and have credit on our account of £16 which will be carried forward. A VAT refund of £410 has been applied for. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Barber

9. Correspondence 9.1 A letter had been received from Two Ridings Community Foundation thanking the Parish Council for their donation which will be used to help victims of the recent flooding in North Yorkshire.

9.2 Letters have been received from 95 Alive, The York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership regarding Speed Complaint in Richmond Road (Ref RM1510010) and Station Road (ref RM1510020). The letters said that the speed data obtained during the recent surveys indicates the average speed of vehicles on the road at these locations is within the 30mph speed limit. The accident injury database indicated 1 speed related incident on Richmond Road. The data obtained indicates a small number of vehicles are exceeding the speed limit. Due to the low numbers involved, or the infrequent times, or the layout of the road or other technical constraints, the issue will not be addressed by enforcement or engineering. No further action will be taken. Action – Cllr Les

9.3 A letter from Tower Mint Ltd was received regarding the purchase of Queens 90th Birthday Commemorative Medals. The cost of each medal is £1.99 excluding carriage and VAT. Id the parish Council were to purchase these for the local schoolchildren they would need approx. 230. After discussion it was decided not to purchase medals due to the overall cost that would be incurred.

10. Planning Applications 16/002118/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Two Separate Enclosures within the Existing Water Treatment Works Boundary to Provide Weather Protection for Equipment at Catterick Water Treatment Works, Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7SE.

There were no objections to the planning application. Action – The Clerk

11. Minor Matters

No minor matters were raised.

12. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 14 April 2016 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 14 April 2016

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman J Coventry A Hunter D Sharp N Mason

The Clerk

Cllr C Les Cllr I Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr M Barber

2. Presentation: John Hiles, Senior Policy Officer, Richmondshire District Council gave a brief presentation on the Settlement Development Assessment. John explained the purpose of the assessment was to give a good picture of the village, to be able to answer questions and to understand constraints, opportunities and barriers. There is a historic core of the village which is defined by hard boundaries with the river to the south and the A1 to the east. the industrial estate which does not offer any opportunities and the newer area of the village at Gatherley Road. Gatherley Road offers the direction of travel regarding development. RDC has looked at available land. RDC are working towards a developer contribution. This Community Infrastructure Levy could offer income opportunity.

John Hiles asked whether the Councillors had any questions or comments regarding the Assessment. Cllr Coventry declared a conflict of interest in the Development Assessment. Cllr Coventry commented that everything the Parish Council had asked for in the previous meeting had been agreed to by RDC. Cllr Mason asked what scale of development was under consideration. The target number of homes by the year 2028 is approximately 220 within the villages of Scorton, Brompton-on-Swale and Catterick Village. The Chairman said that the assessment reflected the views of the Parish Council very well. He asked for clarification on two points. Area A, Village within current development limit. The Chairman mentioned open spaces within Brompton Park, Brompton Court and St Pauls Drive and the importance of these areas as local amenities. John agreed to change the details within the report to state that it is an important community asset. Area E, Land south of Scorton Road and east of Gatherley Road. The report states no areas of important local green space have been identified in this area. The Chairman said it should be left as open space. It is part of the Coast to Coast walk and it could be argued it is an important local green space with amenity value and should be left as that. John will look at the detail of this area again.

The Chairman mentioned the public footpath shown on the map supplied with the report. The footpath goes from the base of Grange Road, round the bend in the river where is joined by another footpath from Curteis Drive. It travels due east and down by the sports field. Approximately 5/6 years ago, the path which has always been walked and continues to hug the riverside by the North bank became Public Right of Way. The Chairman has asked that this be shown on all official documentation. John will take this information back to RDC to confirm/change official documentation.

Cllr Coventry asked when the document was expected to be published. John said he would make the necessary changes and it would be published on the RDC website in a month. The next step is to create a Supplementary Planning Guidance Document which is expected to take 12 months.

3. Open Forum: A resident mentioned the public footpath that goes from the base of Grange Road, east round the bend in the river travels due east and down by the sports field. He said that the footpath has barbed wire across. The landowner does not know why the tenant has put barbed wire across. Although it is currently closed because of the A1 construction. The resident asked whether the footpath South from Curteis Drive was a public footpath and asked why the landowner was not asked to reinstate the footpath. The Chairman confirmed it is a public footpath. A landowner cannot obstruct public right of way. Action – The Clerk

A resident mentioned a lady with a child in a pushchair had to walk in the road to pass the vehicles parked on the public footpath outside Swale Autos in Gatherley Road. He was concerned with the safety of the pedestrians since this is a particularly busy road. The Chairman said we would write to Swale Autos to ask them not to block the public footpath with their vehicles. A copy of which will be sent to NYCC and the PCSO. Action – The Clerk

A resident mentioned resurfacing of Curteis Drive. He was concerned the potholes had not been ‘fixed’ prior to resurfacing. The Chairman will ask Cllr Les on what basis on the priority for repairing roads is decided. Action – The Chairman 4. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2016 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Sharpe Seconded: Cllr Coventry

5. Matters Arising Transparency Fund Grant Application (Item 7.5, Minutes of 3 March) – The Clerk informed the Councillors that our grant application had been successful. We have received the funds and a laptop and software has been purchased. A flash drive has been purchased to back up the laptop. The Chairman asked if the website and further training had been discussed. The Clerk said she was meeting with Mrs Barber for the website handover and will then be able to decide on training requirements. We are able to put in an additional claim during the financial year 2016/2017 for necessary training.

Village Society Update – Cllr Coventry updated the Parish Council on matters of discussion at the previous to last Village Society meeting. 1. Car Parking Area - Cllr Coventry mentioned grants from organisations such as Your Venture. The Clerk will forward Funding and Grants News from RDC to the Village Society as soon as it has been published. 2. 2 Bollards in the entrance to the sports field have been removed and a resident is parking vehicles on this grass area. Cllr Threlfall will look at details regarding the bollards. Action – Cllr Threlfall 3. It is hoped the hall will be used as a polling station on 5 May and 23 June. 4. Building Maintenance – This has not moved any closer to being resolved. There are leaks in practically every room in the building. Problems with flashing, gutters, the chimney flu and boiler house. The Village Society have been unable to find a builder who was willing to give a quote and complete the work. The Chairman of the Parish Council is concerned the building will continue to deteriorate. 5. A1L2B removed a 12foot hedge at the start of the roadworks. The Chairman said between the football field and the motorway there used to be shrubbery and a fence. A1LB have put a fence approximately 2 metres high at field level. The Village Society are concerned footballs have gone over the fence and onto the motorway. When the road is finished there will be a 2 metre fence on the embankment all the way along which should stop any balls going onto the road. 6. Dog waste is being put into the litter bins at the sports field rather than dog waste bins. The Village Society would like the Parish Council to arrange for a dog waste bin to be situated where the back access road enters from Bridge Road. A dog waste bin must be situated where it can be emptied by RDC. The Chairman suggested the bin could be situated in the lane with access from Honey Pot Road. Cllr Threlfall suggested the area of the sports field may be deemed a ‘hot spot’ with regard to dog fouling. Cllr Threlfall will look into the details of where a bin could be situated. Action – Cllr Threlfall The Councillors agreed if RDC were happy to place a new dog waste bin in either of the areas discussed then the Parish Council would fund the cost of the bin.

Proposed: Cllr Coventry Seconded: Cllr Hunter

Yorkshire Water Drain, Gatherley Road – Update (Matters Arising, Minutes 3 March and 4 January) Cllr Coventry said there were no further updates but she understood that work was in progress.

RDC Dog Waste Fouling Scheme- The Chairman mentioned the new scheme that RDC had implemented. He said the Parish Council had confirmed it would like to take part in the scheme and had sent information, including hot spots to RDC but as yet had not seen anything in the village to suggest it had started. Cllr Threlfall will speak to RDC to confirm details. Action – Cllr Threlfall

Trees – North Yorkshire Timber (Matters Arising, Minutes of 14 January and 3 March 2016) – The Chairman has agreed with NYT that they will plant a tree in St Pauls Drive. NYT have said they would like to make arrangements for the Parish Council to have a tour around their facility. The Chairman will confirm the date once agreed.

6. Reports 6.1 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall - RDC Cllr Threlfall had nothing to report. The Clerk asked when the new kerbside recycling scheme was due to commence. Cllr Threlfall said due to a delay with the vehicles RDC had not managed to introduced the new scheme at present. Cllr Hunter asked about the possibility of an additional litter bin along Bridge Road. She was concerned about the amount of litter along the road. The Chairman said that although there is no litter bin in Station Road there does not seem to be a problem in this area. Cllr Threlfall suggested monitoring the situation in Station Road and Bridge Road when both of the roads have been re-opened.

6.2 Report from Cllr Carl Les - NYCC Cllr Les mentioned the surface dressing which had been completed in Curteis Drive, St Edmunds and Honey Pot Road. The Chairman asked Cllr Les on what basis was it decided on resurfacing which roads. He mentioned the road at Great Langton and the road at the ‘white shops’ in Catterick Garrison where the surface is extremely poor.

Cllr Les explained how the priorities are worked out. A van with a sensor fitted travels over every 8500km of roads each year. This measures the skid resistance of the surface and if it falls below a certain standard is scheduled for surface dressing treatment. Where there is degradation, such as pot holes, an assessment is undertaken by engineers. A capital programme has been produced which may be sent to Parish and Town Clerks in due course. Action – Cllr Les

The Chairman mentioned the condition of the road surface in River lane. The Clerk will write to Area 1 and send a copy to Cllr Les. Action – The Clerk

Cllr Coventry mentioned the roadworks that took place on Catterick Bridge junction. She noted due to the lack of road markings it was difficult to see who had right of way when turning right into Catterick Road. Cllr Les will raise with Area 1. Action – Cllr Les

The Chairman said a resident had raised with him the matter of drainage on the junction of Bridge Road and Curteis Drive. If there is a heavy downpour the water goes over the footpath onto the garden of the resident on the corner. Cllr Hunter mentioned a drainage problem near to the junction of Honey Pot Road where a temporary raised crossing had been built on Bridge Road. The Chairman asked the Clerk to write to Area 1 and send a copy to Cllr Les. Action – The Clerk 6.3 Report from the Police A report from the police had been received by email. This had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting.

7. Current Issues No current issues were discussed

8. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Chairman mentioned the email received from NYCC informing the amount of funds to be paid to the Parish Council in relation to urban grass cutting - £927.70 will be paid for 2016/2017 whereas in 2015/2016 £1546.17 was received. No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Mason

9. Correspondence 9.1 A letter was received from Barclays Bank Plc informing the Parish Council the Base Rate Tracker Account will be changing to an account called the Business Premium Account. The change will take place on or just after 6 June 2016.

9.2 A letter was received from a resident of Richmond Road regarding easement of his driveway across Parish Council land. He mentions the poor condition, maintenance and lack of access across the land. He states since the Deed of Grant was approved a large raised grass verge and angled fence has been built either side of his gateway which has made manoeuvring vehicles difficult. The resident has suggested the area needs land drains and a surface treatment and for the fence to be completely removed or moved back and for the raised grass verge to be reduced in size. The Councillors discussed the matter in detail and the type of work that may need to be undertaken. It was decided to seek further advice on the matter and to write to Mr Potter to keep him informed of progress. Action – The Clerk 10. Planning Applications 16/00200/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Erection of Boundary Walls (Retrospective) at High Gatherley Barn, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JJ

No objections were raised to the above mentioned planning application

16/00197/VAR – Application Under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition No 1 of Planning Permission Ref 15/00426/FULL Which Relates to Revised Details for the Proposed New office and Workshop Building at Moor View, Great North Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JL

No objections were raised to the above mentioned planning application

11. Minor Matters 11.1 A1L2B Update - The Chairman and Cllr Coventry attended a meeting at A1L2b on future developments. When the northbound carriageway is moved onto the new southbound carriageway in approx. 10 days’ time there will be a temporary access to the A1 at the top end of Gatherley Road. This will allow traffic from Brompton-on-Swale to travel north onto the A1 without diverting through Catterick Village. This will be maintained until the local access road is finished in approximately 4 months’ time. Before September 2016 the bridge over the A1 currently used for access to the Garrison at Marne Barracks will be taken away. The route to Catterick Garrison would then go over the bridge on Hackforth Road where there will be a temporary access onto the A1. Sometime in the next 12 months, before the A1 is finished the temporary southbound access onto Gatherley Road will be lost but this will be after the local access road has been finished. The current northbound carriageway will be closed completely from Scurragh Lane to Chas Longs in approximately 10 days.

Several residents of Brompton Park complained to the Chairman about the dust and dirt from the A1 works during demolition of the Station Road overbridge. The Chairman suggested they write to A1L2B with their complaints.

11.2 Allotments – A quote for preparation of the Allotments site at Pembury Mews has been received. To complete all preparation works at the site is estimated to cost £13940 plus VAT. Grants for funding are being investigated. The Clerk will obtain two further quotes for the next Parish Council Meeting. Action – The Clerk

12. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 26 May 2016 at 7.00pm Annual Parish Meeting and AGM

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………………