European Journal of Mineralogy N° 4/2017 Contents

Preface: Chromitites, platinum-group elements, and ore minerals. A special issue dedicated to Zdenek Johan (1935-2016) ...... 539 Z. Johan , R.F. Martin , V. E itler. - Fluids are bound to be involved in the formation of ophiolitic chromite deposits ...... 543 Q. X iong , W.L. Griffin , J.-X. Huang , S.E.M. Gain , V. T oledo , N.J. P earson , S.Y. O’R eilly. - Super-reduced mineral assemblages in “ophiolitic” chromitites and peridotites: the view from Mount Carmel ...... 557 F. Zaccarini , K.A. S ingh , G. Garuti , M. Satyanarayanan . - Platinum-group minerals (PGM) in the chromitite from the Nuasahi massif, eastern India: further findings and implications for their origin ...... 571 T. Auge , G. Morin , L. Bailly, T. Serafimovsky . - Platinum-group minerals and their host chromitites in Macedonian ophiolites 585 A. V ymazalovä , F. Laufek , S.F. Sluzhenikin , C.J. Stanley , V.V. K ozlov , D.A. C hareev , M.L. Lukashova . - Kravtsovite, PdAg2S, a new mineral from the Noril’sk-Talnakh deposit, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russia...... 597 F. Laufek , A. V ymazalovä , T.L. Grokhovskaya , J. PläSil, M. D uSek , D.A. O rsoev , V.V. K ozlov . - The crystal structure of sopcheite, Ag4Pd3Te4, from the Lukkulaisvaara intrusion, Karelia, Russia...... 603 A.Y. B arkov , A.A. N ikiforov , N.D. T olstykh , G.I. Shvedov , V.N. K orolyuk . - Compounds of Ru-Se-S, alloys of Os-Ir, framboidal Ru nanophases, and laurite-clinochlore intergrowths in the Pados-Tundra complex, Kola Peninsula, R ussia ...... 613 J. Pa Sava , L. Ackerman , P. Halodovä , 0. Pour , J. D urisov A, F. Zaccarini , T. Aiglsperger , A. V ymazalovä . - Concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE), Re and Au in arsenian pyrite and millerite from Mo-Ni-PGE-Au black shales (Zunyi region, Guizhou Province, ): results from LA-ICPMS study...... 623 L.J. Cabri , M. K elvin , Z. Y ang , S.E. Jackson , O. A ltun . - Application of LA-ICP-MS trace-element analysis for precious metal deportment: a case study of the Kevitsa mine, Finland...... 635 E. Makovicky , S. K arup -Moller . - Exploratory studies of the Cu-Pd-Se system at 650 °C, 550 °C, 400 °C, and 300...... °C 645 P. SkAcha , J. Sejkora , J. PlAsil. - Pfibramite, CuSbSe2, the Se-analogue of , a new mineral from Pribram, Czech Republic...... 653 J. Sejkora , P. SkAcha , F. Laufek , J. PlASil. - Brodtkorbite, Cu2HgSe2, from Pribram, Czech Republic: crystal structure and description...... 663 L. Bindi , W.H. Paar . - Jaszczakite, [(Bi,Pb)3S3][AuS2], a new mineral species from Nagybörzsöny, ...... 673 N. M eisser, P. Roth , F. N estola , C. Biagioni , L. Bindi , M. Robyr . - Richardsollyite, TlPbAsS3, a new sulfosalt from the Lengenbach quarry, Binn Valley, ...... 679 D. Topa , U. K olitsch , E. Makovicky , C. Stanley . - Ecrinsite, AgTl3Pb4AsnSb9S36, a new -rich homeotype of from the Jas Roux sulphosalt deposit, Parc national des Ecrins, Hautes-Alpes, France...... 689

D. T opa , E. Makovicky , B. Stoeger , C. Stanley . - Heptasartorite, Tl7Pb22As55S108, enneasartorite, Tl6Pb32As70S140and hendekasartorite, Tl2Pb48As82S172, three members of the anion-omission series o f‘sartorites’ from the Lengenbach quarry at Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland...... 701 P. O rlandi , C. Biagioni , E. Bonaccorsi , Y. M oelo , W.H. Paar . - -antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (). XXI. Bemarlottiite, Pb12(As10Sb6)zS16S36, a new N = 3.5 member of the sartorite homologous series from the Ceragiola marble quarry: occurrence and crystal structure...... 713 K. B reiter, Z. K orbelov A, S. Chl Adek , P. U her , I. K nesl , P. Rambousek , S. Honig , V. S esulka . - Diversity of Ti-Sn-W- Nb-Ta oxide minerals in the classic granite-related magmatic-hydrothermal Cinovec/Zinnwald Sn-W-Li deposit (Czech Republic)...... 727 C. Lerouge , E. Gloaguen , G. Wille, L. Bailly. - Distribution of In and other rare metals in cassiterite and associated minerals in Sn ±W ore deposits of the western Variscan Belt...... 739 M. N ov Ak , J. Cicha , R. Copjakov A, R. Skoda , M.V. Galiov A. - Milarite-group minerals from the NYF pegmatite Velka skäla, Pisek district, Czech Republic: sole carriers of Be from the magmatic to hydrothermal stage ...... 755 S. Grangeon , F. Warmont , C. Tournassat , B. Lanson , M. Lanson , E. Elkaim , F. Claret . - Nucleation and growth of feitknechtite from nanocrystalline vemadite precursor...... 767

IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) - Newsletter 3 8 ...... Ill