What's on in Your Parish Seer Green & Jordans MAGAZINE April 2021

Tributes to Cassa Film Reviews from Jordans Picture House A day in the life of a Parish Clerk Easter Egg Hunt SpringFest m m m f 2 v

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1 Parish Magazine v one pound f 2 From the Editors Our April magazine is filled with bright popping up as a volunteer in Jordans Spring Events and articles from both shop, at the School Fair or at the villages which we hope that you will Picture House - Cassa embodying enjoy. We also have a goodbye from the church warm and welcoming in Safely & Cassa Messervy, our vicar. We wish the community. The church will be her and the whole Messervy family well led while we look for someone well in their new parish. There are to replace her and we hope that you tributes to Cassa in the magazine, will be able to join us in the church Securely but perhaps the most touching very soon. tributes have been from people who Carol Wright, Sue Puttergill, do not come to church who found her and Phil Moody

Next Month's Magazine Please send all contributions for the May issue to: [email protected] by 7 April. Diary dates for the next two or three months would be very welcome. Articles should be 300 words max and photos should be jpeg format, Health and safety is our number one priority and preferable 300 dpi. you can rest assured we are doing all we can to Please note any items submitted may be edited for space, content protect the welfare of our staff and customers, or style.

so you can trust our team to sell or let your Are you a subscriber? home safely and securely. You can buy an annual subscription to this magazine for only £10 a year (for 10 issues) and it will be delivered free of charge to your door. If you are considering putting your property on the market, Please email: [email protected] with your name, address and call us now and speak to our expert team. phone number and one of our distributors will contact you.

Sales 01494 680018 Contents Lettings 01494 685518 6 Tributes to Cassa 19 News from Seer Green School Visit our website for an 13 Easter Egg Hunt 20 JPH film reviews INSTANT ONLINE VALUATION 14 Springfest 24 Tweet of the Month www.ashingtonpage.co.uk 17 A day in the life of a Parish Clerk

2 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 3 Church and Community Organisations Thought for the Month

Vicar Jordans Village Hall Office 10.00 - 1.00 I hate goodbyes, do you? I think this is something Cassa Messervy 01494 672496 Chris Jenkins | Booking Secretary 01494 875177 many of us struggle with, which is why we have Licensed Lay Minister and Prayer Group Jordans Village Lunch Club developed special goodbye celebrations and rituals Linda West Catherine Robinson 01494 873193 that provide a structure to help us through these Churchwarden and General Enquiries Jordans Village Nursery School transitions. Of course, one of the hardest aspects Jane Spoerry 01494 677328 Julie Leonard 01494 875603 of the pandemic has been the inability to say proper Janine Dunnell 07525 322955 Jordans Meals On Wheels goodbyes, from moving house and leaving jobs to Parochial Church Council Eli Merchant 01494 873471 attending funerals. All these endings have lacked Audrey Hardy | Treasurer 01494 672592 the special meals, gifts, speeches and hugs which Jordans Picture House Church Flower Guild Alan Sealy/Box Office 01494 873205 make them bearable. We have found creative ways Pam Britton 01494 678466 around these difficulties (thank God for Zoom!), but Jubilee Hall Magazine Distributors David Howkins 01494 857760 I think there will also be many postponed farewells Alison Davies 01494 671421 where we can be together and mark an ending Carol Campbell 01494 677330 Jordans Quaker Meeting House and Centre properly. Alex Wildwood 01494 876594 Children’s & Family Leader and SGKIDS Of course, as the saying goes: ‘in every ending Janna Holder | Family leader 07764 490960 Seer Green Allotments Barry Richardson / Chairman 01494 673407 there is a new beginning’. The new beginning is Scouts | Explorers | Cubs | Beavers such an important part of the story that we mustn’t [email protected] Seer Green Baptist Church Andrew McCausland | Minister 01494 677266 lose sight of it, particularly with the pain of parting Seer Green Brownies and 1st Seer Green and anxiety about the way ahead. This will be Rainbows Seer Green Bridge Club my seventh Easter in the parish. It is, I think, an Carole Wharrier 07977 423555 Irene Machin | Secretary 01494 676321 appropriate point to be ending my time with you, Eight O’clock Club Seer Green Church of School as the great narrative of the Easter story reminds Sandra Park | Head Teacher 01494 676344 Monica Sado 01494 677851 us of the ending of Good Friday and the ultimate Girl Guides Seer Green Gardeners new beginning of Jesus’ new life on Easter Sunday Brenda Orr | District Commissioner 01753 887209 Jane Smith 07759 841205 and the hope that gives us. Jordans and District Rotary Club Seer Green Lunch Club Unfortunately, due to the ongoing restrictions, Naomi Arnold | Secretary 01753 663305 Gill Roberts 01494 677281 I will not be able to say a proper goodbye to you Jordans Horticultural Society Seer Green Parish Council all. We hope to be able to come back this summer Liz Bates | Parish Clerk 01494 874233 Emma Pegram 01494 874574 for a bit of a ‘knees up’. I have written a thank Shan Liu 01494 730312 Seer Green Pre school Faith Key 01494 870039 you in the Church news section, so here I would Kirsten Pole | Manager 01494 730060 like to leave you with a blessing: ‘May the God of Jordans School Seer Green Montessori School love bless you and keep you; may he make His Hannah Bancroft | Head Teacher 01494 874217 Libby Wilson | Director 01494 672209 face shine upon you, and give you peace, this day Jordans Music Club Seer Green Village Choirs and always. Amen.’ Marion Pell | Chairman 01494 872875 Jane Smith 07759 841205 Cassa Messervy - Vicar

4 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 5 Church Events | News A fond farewell to Cassa Christ-like, contemplative, com- Cassa arrived at a time of change as Tribute to Cassa passionate and courageous in the the benefice was introduced; she and It has been a great privilege for me service of God is what the Diocese Rector Ian Brown handled this with to hold this position since 2014, and I seeks – Cassa has certainly been delicacy. She leaves at a time of even leave with some very good memories that and so much more, during her greater change, with the pandemic indeed of my time here with you all. seven years as our vicar. forcing us into live-streamed on-line services and Zoom meetings. Cassa She shows great love, care and There will be a time of vacancy until has been amazing in keeping up understanding for all of us, whatever my successor as Rector, and indeed with the Government’s changes and our age, and we all love her. A teacher Cassa’s successor as Minister in adapting our church life to cope with by background, she has taught us Seer Green, can be found. This is them. Through all of it, she has gone lots - not just about the Bible, but due partly to the Church of England’s out of her way to keep in touch with how to live like Christ, encouraging wheels turning rather slowly, but also and care for us all and her family, and us to take active parts in church life because ministerial roles come with continued as school-governor and and share our faith with others in very a move into the community, into a Assistant Area Dean. house, and into a community role. practical ways. She plans worship thoroughly, ensuring we are all How has Cassa achieved so much? I would like to pay tribute to Rev During the time of vacancy, there is catered for, and marks the church’s Her favourite Psalm (121.2) says: Cassa as she prepares to leave a good church team in place in Seer seasons in imaginative ways. She ‘My help cometh from the Lord’ and us here in April. Cassa has been a Green, backed up by clergy and lay is much sought after for personal as she goes on in that strength, she wonderful friend and colleague to me people in who will services which she takes with such will wish us prayerfully to do so too. and to many these past few years. more than keep the wheels turning sensitivity. here until your new Minister arrives. Thank you, Cassa. We will miss you, It is coincidental that I, too, am Until that time, my prayers and my A great leader and colleague, Cassa Myles, the girls and the dogs terribly, leaving my post in May this year. This best wishes to you all. consults fully and then trusts people and pray God will be with you all as has nothing to do with Cassa leaving, to get on with the job; ensuring you move to Wychert Vale. Our loss nor with the covid crisis, hard as Rev Ian Brown - Rector Chalfont St our milestones are celebrated by is their gain. this has been on us all. I have been Giles with Seer Green and Jordans everyone. Rector here for seven years and a Linda West minister in the Church of England for nearly forty years, so it is high time Contact us for me to retire. Holy Trinity website www.seergreenandjordanscofe.org As the Rector of the Benefice, I have Cassa Messervy - Vicar [email protected] responsibility for the two churches in or 01494 672496 Seer Green and in Chalfont St. Giles. Church Wardens and Jane Spoerry 01494 677328 General Enquiries Janine Dunnell 07525 322955

6 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 7 Cassa in Jordans A Thank You from Cassa

Cassa, our Parish Church Vicar, join us at our wonderful Centenary As the Messervys prepare to leave It has been a privilege to live and is leaving to take up the position Celebrations, The Picture House or this wonderful parish of Jordans and minister among you, and we will of Rector of a benefice which is joining us at the Rotary tea … Cassa Seer Green, we would like to say a treasure our memories of the nearly fortunately not that far from here. was there. huge thank you to you all. seven years we have lived here. You will all remain in our prayers, and we As she climbs up the ladder in our Her smile, enthusiasm and genuine Thank you for your friendship and will look forward to coming back to Diocese, I think how lucky we have love of community life in Jordans neighbourliness. Thank you for visit in the near future. been that she chose to start her always shone out and will not be being communities that value care journey with us, a small parish in forgotten. for others, support for community South . projects and a good ‘knees up’! Cassa as our vicar, as our inspiration, I chaired a Zoom meeting of as our friend - we will miss you. Finding a new vicar for Holy Trinity community groups in Jordans recently, and without exception the First, we pray. We pray for God’s Jordans and Seer Green to Zoom appreciation of Cassa’s presence in guidance as we consult with sessions, to understand what they our village rang out. our church members and our would like from the church, and how communities. We also pray that God we can support each other. It might be volunteering in the shop, will be preparing the person He will coming to the Village Fair, joining We have consolidated the feedback send to us, that they will be nudged the Nursery School for Christmas to look for the most important shared to start looking for a new opportunity and Easter Celebrations, instigating requirements, and have provided this in their ministry. ‘Living Well in the Golden Years’ to Chalfont St Giles to include in the aimed for the ‘seniors’ or ‘Engage’ Secondly, we consult with as wide ‘Benefice Profile’ which describes the for the ‘juniors’, coming over to a group as possible. We have sent parishes of Chalfont St Giles, and out questionnaires to the church Seer Green and Jordans for the new KDL members, to see what is important rector position in Chalfont St Giles. to them, both in the characteristics The rector needs to be appointed PLUMBING & HEATING of the new vicar, and the activities before we can start recruiting our and support we would like from new vicar. Immersion Heaters, Cylinders, Cold Water Tanks, a vicar. We have interviewed a Our next step is to review the variety of people from different Ballvalves, Radiator replacement, Showers, feedback to look for the priorities age groups, and different levels of Washing machine and Dishwasher Installation and more. in supporting the church members involvement in the church services during the vacancy, and to partner Free Estimates And Advice. and activities, to dig a bit deeper with our communities in the two and to get a better understanding of Call Kevin 8am - 10pm 7 days. villages. the requirements. We also invited a Mobile 0747-512-8249 (01494) - 855316 variety of community groups in both Janine Dunnell - Churchwarden

8 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 9


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2 l m vChurch Calendar - April 2021 Donations to Holy Trinity If you would like to make a donation 58 Chalfont Road. If you can Gift Aid

Services in Holy Week to the work and upkeep of Holy Trinity your donation, please add your name

1 April 6pm Maundy Thursday Service Church, there are many quick and and address.

2 April 10am All-Age Easter Experience (Contact Janna for easy ways to do so. If you would like to join our planned v Zoom details) 2 Go to our website: www. giving scheme, please speak to

2pm Meditation by the Cross l seergreenandjordanscofe.org and our treasurer Audrey Hardy on

24 April 10am All Age Easter Day Service. 2 scroll down the homepage to ‘Online 01494 672592. Giving’ and follow the link. This will be Cassa’s last service with us before she moves to take up her Or go to shorturl.at/gnzRX

new post as Rector at Wychert Vale and will be followed by Farewell Coffee Or you can activate our Online Giving ml and a Chat on Zoom.

v page by using the QR code. 11 April 10am Morning Praise Service Donations in cash/cheque may

11am Coffee and a Chat on Zoom be delivered to our treasurer at 18 April 10am Retirement Service for Reverend Ian Brown m 2 11am Coffee and a Chat on Zoom Thy Kingdom Come - Ten Days of Prayer 4pm Family zoom service As in previous years, Holy Trinity will be participating in the Church of England’s 2 25 April 10am Holy Communion “Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer event from the 13-23 May. This year’s event aims 11am Coffee and a Chat on Zoom to give people the opportunity to be refreshed and restored after the difficulties of the pandemic. Do look out for more information next month. Weekdays in April Tues 9am Morning Prayer on Zoom l

v l Thurs 9am Morning Prayer on Zoom

10.30-11am Coffee and a Chat on Zoom

11am Study group on Zoom

2 v Events ml 3 April The Great Seer Green Easter Egg Hunt, 2 contact Janna for details.

All our services will be streamed on our YouTube channel: shorturl.at/

qzBCY m Baptisms, weddings and funerals

If you would like to come along to any of the events on Zoom, just ask Funeral Janine and Jane (our churchwardens) for the details, or Janna, our 22 February Pamela Gardner pChildren’s and Families’ Minister. l 2 10 Parish Magazine m2 Parish Magazine 11 m v2ml m v2 Our Charity for April - The Li Tim-Oi Foundation The Great Seer Green Easter Egg Hunt!

Li Tim-Oi was the first woman to be established in her memory to em- ordained as a priest in the Anglican power Christian women as agents Communion, on 25 January 1944. of change within their own cultures. She was ordained by the Bishop The Foundation provides grants to of Hong Kong and South China, women candidates in the Two-Thirds the Right Reverend Ronald Hall, in World to train for Christian mission order to regularise her administration and ministry, as well as for many of Holy Communion to refugees in other kinds of work, including as adult Macau during the Sino-Japanese literacy advisors, community work- In 2020, the Great Seer Green Easter Check out www.sgeasteregghunt. war. This anticipated by some 30 ers, health workers, finance directors Egg Hunt had to be cancelled due to weebly.com for more information years the formal authorisation of the and theological educators. the Coronavirus pandemic. In 2021, on what is involved, instructions on ordination of women anywhere in the it‘s back - but adapted to adhere how to take part and how to enter to Communion. Donations may be made online at Li Tim-Oi Foundation - Donate to current government guidance, win prizes! The website will be active From 1958 to 1974, under the now https://cafdonate.cafonline. restrictions and social distancing from 1 April, but the event will only Chinese communist government, org/5639#!/DonationDetails or rules. be live from 10am on 3 April. There she was compelled to work on a by sending cash or cheque to the is no set charge for this activity, You can take part from 10am on farm and then in a factory. She spent Honorary Treasurer, Seer Green but donations are welcome via the Easter Saturday until 4pm Easter her final years as a non-stipendiary PCC, Mrs Audrey Hardy, 58 Chalfont website. Sunday (3-4 April). assistant priest in Toronto, Canada. Road, Seer Green HP9 2QP, marking We are also hoping to run an event the back of the envelope ‘Li Tim-Oi’ This year there are three Easter Egg The Li Tim-Oi Foundation, Reg- in Jordans too. For more information, and, if you can gift aid it, your name Challenges, all with yummy prizes istered Charity No.1027837, was please contact Janna on 07764 and address. to be won. Do one, two or all three! 490960, or [email protected]. Experience Easter Easter Egg Challenge 1 - Find the 10 Easter Story Eggs As we cannot gather in person, due to current restrictions, we would like to invite you to our interactive Zoom session at 10am on Good Friday Easter Egg Challenge 2 - Find the (Zoom Meeting ID: 854 3029 2022, Passcode: easter). 10 Cheeky Chicks

This 30 - 40 minutes session is particularly aimed at 3-11s and their families, Easter Egg Challenge 3 - Find the and will explore the events of Easter, with activities for you to join in with 10 Animal Easter Eggs. at home. Use your smartphone to navigate Please contact Janna if you want to join in to book your resources pack round the village with eggs to find, to accompany this special easter activity. QR codes to scan and activities to take part in. Limited paper copies 07764-490960 / [email protected] will be available if you do not have access to a smartphone.

12 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 13 Village Events | News Our Living Village - Standing On the Shoulders of Local Heroes Get ready for SG SpringFest! Much of the research for the Our For Seer Green, we’ve got the Living Village project begins with beautiful “Seer Green Then & Now” 22 to 25 April 2021 and blossom, plant up some pots or historical information captured over booklet compiled for the Queen’s simply hang up some bunting. the years with great love and care Silver Jubilee by a dedicated village The end of the long lockdown is in by people who we like to think of as group led by Abby Warburton, sight but indoor gatherings are still If you would like your front garden our local heroes. the Holy Trinity Church 140th not allowed so instead of our annual to be listed on the trail, please find Anniversary publication “Let’s For example, in Jordans we’re Spring Show, we will be hosting details on the SGG website. Your Celebrate Together”, a wide range fortunate to have a full record of SG SpringFest, a 4-day celebration front garden or display should be of research articles published by the village’s early years in “The of everything we most love about easily visible from the path, pavement Geoffrey Sawyer, and the recorded Making of a Community” by Arthur spring. or road and you would need to interviews captured on CD by Brian L Hayward, a range of publications on be available in your garden from Sims in his “Memories of Seer the Meeting House, Old Jordans and Green”. 2 to 4pm on the day. Everyone taking the Mayflower Barn by Robert Huxter, part will be asked to respect the the extensive Meeting House library And just on our doorstep, the “History current Covid guidelines. managed so assiduously by Sue and of the Golf Club” by Details of the whole 4-day programme John Smithson, and more recently Gordon Tuck provides us with the wonderful timeline created for the fascinating insights into the coming and how to include your front garden village’s centenary celebrations by a of the railway and the Du Pre family, on the trail, can be found on the dedicated team of residents. who were for many years the major website. It should be a lovely way land owner in this area. to celebrate spring, meet your A wide-ranging programme of events neighbours out of doors, and enjoy But we’re still hungry to receive will culminate in a spectacular Front the beautiful front gardens and even more local information for this project from you! What do you know Garden Trail on the afternoon of creativity that abound in Seer Green. about the history of your house, Sunday 25 April when everyone www.seergreengardeners.org your local family, the historic trades will be invited to wander around the and occupations in the villages, or village admiring other people’s front local community activities? Have gardens and chatting to the owners. you any local photos or documents It’s not just about gardening. Artists, that would enrich our knowledge and understanding of our villages in craft makers and anyone creative times gone by? And while we’re at it, will be encouraged to display their does anyone know what happened work in their front garden, or to make to the extensive research library of something special for SpringFest. photos and documents that Brian Your front garden doesn’t have to be Sims assembled while producing his a horticultural masterpiece. You could “Memories of Seer Green? simply show off your spring bulbs Alan Kell - [email protected]

14 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 15 Seer Green Gardeners Triumphant Event! A day in the life of a Parish Clerk

The Great Big Virtual Village Supper Cocktail demonstration, all carefully Parish councils have been all over attention. The hugely popular play took place on Friday 26 February at planned and spread out through the the news lately! Here in Seer Green area in Green Meadow and the 7.30pm via Zoom and was very well event to give great entertainment. we are lucky to have a very friendly outdoor gym on the Recreation attended. In normal circumstances Dinner was a delicious two course and proactive parish council that Ground are also the responsibility of the Village Supper takes place in meal supplied by the Jolly Cricketers makes a huge contribution to our the parish council. the Jubilee Hall and could never and enjoyed in friendship breakout village life. accommodate so many guests! Finally we checked on the cemetery rooms. Much of this is due to the unstinting which is beautifully maintained and The committee had worked very hard One of the last items was a tour of service of Liz Bates, our Parish overseen with great sensitivity by to deliver a fast paced, packed, fun Philip (ex Chair of SGG) & Andrew’s Clerk for 18 years. Clerks are often the Councillors and Liz who clearly evening. new walled garden in Worcestershire described as the “engine” of a parish loves her job. She never ceases There were very informative which is an amazing project for keen council and our parish council is to be amazed at the enquiries she gardening videos from members gardeners such as themselves. certainly turbo-charged by Liz. receives, sometimes from people with expertise ranging from growing It fully justifies their reason for overseas who are trying to trace their peppers to producing good compost. leaving us!! I accompanied her on one of her ancestors. The theme was definitely about the weekly walking inspections of the Over £1000 was raised to go towards environmental and mental health village. She regularly checks the My walk made me realise how lucky various projects to benefit the Village. benefits of ‘growing your own’! drains, ditches and gullies on our we are to have such a dedicated and Congratulations to all involved! roads many of which were still badly long-serving Clerk along with such an The evening consisted of a gardener’s blocked despite frequent complaints attentive parish council. question time, a fun and varied Carol Wright - One of the Editors quiz, an entertaining Conveyor Belt to Bucks Council. She was, however, To report potholes online: Memory game (garden related of delighted to see that contractors www.fixmystreet.buckscc.gov.uk course!), a participatory craft activity, were clearing the ditches in Bottom Fliss Coombs a beautifully presented Garden Lane which should make a significant difference to flooding problems there. MACHIN & CO Potholes are also the responsibility of Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers the local authority. Liz conscientiously · Sole traders and partnerships photographs and logs them but urges · Limited companies everyone to do the same as the more · Personal tax and VAT complaints they receive, the more · Business strategy · Audit and compliance services likely they are to repair them. · Charities and Pension Funds The Councillors and Liz check the We provide a friendly and personal service to all our clients 68 lamp posts in the village to make Contact: Howard Machin on 01494 671366 sure they are in good working order, or by e-mail to [email protected] and also monitor any dangerous 19 Seer Mead, Seer Green, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 2QL Registered to carry on audit work in the UK and Ireland by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England trees, over-hanging branches and and Wales overgrown hedges which may need

16 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 17 Seer Green Gardeners News from Seer Green CE School

Last summer our spirits were lifted by the welcome sight of colourful wildflowers During this term, the staff, pupils and parents have been extremely busy at the junction of Longbottom and Bottom Lane. These were planted by the ensuring that all of the children have continued to receive a good education. Seer Green Gardening Society with the support of the parish council, Jordans On March 8 we were all excited and happy to be back to school. Environment Trust and Bucks Council. Lessons focused on the importance of being unique and belonging. We were delighted with the response so a few more suitable spots have been The children created these lovely displays using their hands to demonstrate identified and for the past couple of months the SG Gardeners have been that as individuals they all come together to be part of their class. busy preparing the ground for seed sowing. As well as the end of lockdown, we will have more eye-popping colour to look forward to this summer. Our annual Village Supper made history this year by being our first mass event held online. Around 150 people tuned in for an evening of fabulous food from the Jolly Cricketers and a programme of home-grown entertainment. Thanks to the generosity of everyone who took part, we raised over £1,000 for our project funds and other good causes. We look forward to seeing many of you again during SG SpringFest at the end of April, more details are on page 14 and on the website. April in the garden April is an exciting month in the garden. Bulbs, buds and blossom are bursting out all over, indoor sown seeds should be coming along nicely and it’s time to start sowing outdoors, although the weather is unpredictable and frosts are still a distinct possibility. • Sow hardy annuals and native wildflowers • Plant primulas and polyanthus for instant colour • Protect new shoots of hostas, delphiniiums and other leafy plants from slugs and snails • Deadhead spring bulbs and bedding so they don’t waste energy producing seeds • Spray new leaves of roses to protect from mildew, rust and blackspot • Divide and replant clumps of hardy perennials such as asters and daylilies Catherine Tilley www.seergreengardeners.org

18 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 19 Jordans Picture House Described in his introduction as “Watching the political process at a “sparkling polymath” Armando the moment, one’s instinct is to Since we are all confined I’ve chosen Now if I say Skandi some will think answered a number of questions laugh because the alternative is two films that can transport us further Noir, if I say youth football team from the assembled Zoom audience to cry. That’s where I come from, afield. The first is available through the room might empty. on his work as a writer, film director really. I believe people today are Amazon Prime, the second can be Stay with me...Britt-Marie Was and on his life experience. genuinely frustrated because they found in the film section of BBC Here: 2019 (12) director - Tuva In a response in part to the Trump era, don’t understand how so many iPlayer. Novotny. With Pernilla August & he commented that increasingly the clearly able people, concentrated in To begin...The Light Between the Andres Mossling. Swedish with clear rules of behaviour were now routinely one locale, can’t sort things out.” - Oceans: 2016 (12A) director - Derek subtitles. ignored and Trump’s statement that Armando Iannucci Cianfrance. With Alicia Vikander & Brit-Marie is a 63 year old, clean & tidy he could shoot anyone and get Alan Sealy Michael Fassbender. housewife in a loveless marriage, her away with it demonstrated a cavalier Having served on the Western Front circumstances change dramatically disregard. Tom seeks solace as a lighthouse and she finds herself coaching a This, Armando commented, made keeper on a small island off the coast youth football team in a no-hope comedy more difficult as rules of Australia, which he is soon sharing town. provided a framework against with a new wife in a loving marriage. This is a gentle which behaviour could be judged. A baby washed ashore presents comedy drama Later he commented that the only this childless couple with a moral in the feel good way to survive as an individual dilemma and the decision made will tradition of Richard against extreme oppression was to Armando on the set of “Death of Stalin” have lasting ramifications. ‘What Curtis but happily be able to make fun of it. with cast members. would you do for love’ is asked more less schmaltzy. than once of several people, soaring Give it a try. Turn on the subtitles emotions are beautifully matched by Charlotte Baggins enormous sky and sea. Jordans School regularly send us leaving school as a proficient reader. their Newsletter and this piece Stephen Fry is leading the campaign. An audience with Armando Iannucci seemed fun. See https://turnonthesubtitles.org/.

On Monday 22 February, a year since Stalin”(2017) (screened at JPH in Did you know that turning on the our last screening, Jordans Picture April 2018) “The Thick of It” (TV subtitles on your television can House organised a ZOOM Question Series 2005-2012) and “The Personal double the chances of a child and Answer session with Armando History of David Copperfield” (2019) becoming good at reading. Isn’t that Iannucci. Over 60 people participated as well as “Veep”(2012-2019) and “In incredible? So next time your child and it was a highly enjoyable event, the Loop (2009). He was nominated is watching TV or the tablet, there which also raised £540 for the for an Oscar and won 38 other could actually be an opportunity to Wycombe Homeless Connection. awards and 63 nominations. He used improve their reading skills at the same time! Research has shown that Armando, an accomplished speaker, to live in Chalfont St Giles. it can double the chance of your child is the Director of “The Death of

20 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 21 Seer Green Allotment Association A local walk With the continuing lockdown, the bursting out of the ground – nothing Seer Green Gardeners Virtual Village like a delicious rhubarb crumble to A walk along footpaths and fields through the woods to Mumfords Lane. Supper at the end of February which look forward to! Back via Stampwell Farm and over the fields ending up by the railway line. several Allotmenteers participated One of our members has created a in was a welcome and enjoyable wonderful opportunity for someone The second of Ali Cork’s two hour walks. distanced social occasion. Our with physical disability to enjoy the From Jordans, set off down the path immediately to the left of Old Jordans thanks to the organisers for a fun growing of vegetables and is offering and follow the path over the fields and into the woods. A choice of 3 paths evening! Other than that event, there part of the raised bed below for their and take the middle one - almost straight on. This takes you into Mumfords is nothing to report on our social side Lane. Turn right, continue over the humped back bridge and take the of things. footpath on the right into the fields. Take the left hand path which leads But, with Spring knocking on the door, straight up through the field and then on the footpath down to Stampwell we have been busy sewing seeds Farm. Keep on the path to the left of the houses and up the hill passing and chitting our potatoes in readiness the signs to the prayer walk on the left - good view to the right! - and down for planting. Below are examples of through the fields that run along to the railway bridge. Walk up to Potkiln the produce to come: Lane and home is in sight! Cross the lane, walk over the bridge, turn left onto the footpath through the woods and down to Long bottom Lane. Left along the road and the right up Wilton lane opposite the road up to the station. Jordans awaits you as does, a welcome cup of coffee from the shop on the Green! When setting off on either walk I suggest you take map - East - Explorer 172. However the joy of this walk is that if you do get a little lost you are never far from home! Enjoy them! Ali Cork use as a sharing tenant – it has been built especially to accommodate Chitting potatoes, parsnips, kale of being used by a wheelchair user. various sorts and marigolds – we use these as a natural way to deter Anyone interested should contact pests such as beetles, slugs and our Chairman, Barry Richardson on leaf hoppers amongst other pests 07931 773013 for further details. rather than use pesticides, so being Bronwen Collins eco-friendly. Garlic is growing apace on several allotments and copious amounts of rhubarb leaves are Bluebells in Blue Cross Wood taken by Nigel Morgan

22 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 23 Tweet of the Month Skylark song: https://www.xeno-canto.org/ ‘Eurasian skylark: Out-singing in pulling up at the last minute and species/Alauda-arvensis his field’ casually disappearing into the stems. Population decline and farming: Females select males based on Just as Vaughn Williams’ ‘The Lark shorturl.at/kvR59/ singing rather than colourful plumage, Ascending’ tops the classical music which means both parents can wear RSPB - Hope Farm: tables, the skylark ranks among our streaky camouflage. The chicks shorturl.at/hFGPR favourite songbirds. In February, scramble out of their ground-level friends heard them singing again in Nora Bennett nest before they can fly, and hide in One Tree Field on the edge of Seer the vegetation, fed by their parents Green, so I set out to investigate. The National Film and Television school in Jordans for a few more days. Found on farmland, moors and heath, A film crew from the National Film School came to use our shop for filming on The skylark’s song was heard at dawn Alauda arvensis nests in a shallow Sunday 28 February. Part of the Green was used on this beautiful day in a by Romeo and Juliet – though, not depression on the ground. Ahead of way that is far from usual! The rest of it looked just beautiful as it always does. wanting the night to end, she insisted the breeding season, the male stakes ‘it was the nightingale and not the Ali Cork out his territory by singing, flying so lark’. Unlike Juliet, I hoped to hear it, high that the powerful, bubbling, and was not disappointed. Entering joyful song seems to come from One Tree Field by the southern gate, nowhere and everywhere, from the I walked down the track, paused to sky itself. ‘Hail to thee, blithe spirit’, as sneeze, and a skylark burst from Shelley wrote, ‘bird thou never wert.’ the stubble and ascended singing, But with good binoculars you may followed by another further up the hill. spot him, and see him end his Unfortunately, changes in farming performance with a dramatic dive, practices since the 1960s, e.g. winter-sown cereals that are too dense for foraging, have reduced successful breeding, and the skylark is now a red-listed bird (see graph of population decline 1966- 2019). The RSPB has successfully piloted mitigation techniques at its Cambridge research farm and one hopes these are taken up by UK farmers under the post-Brexit Daniel Pettersson, licensed under the agricultural rules. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Sweden license.

24 Parish Magazine Parish Magazine 25

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BUILDERS GROCERS Turney Bros & Co Ltd 01494 675976 Jordans Village Community Store Advertise your business with us. 50 Howard Crescent, 01494 873279 Seer Green Green West Road, Gas Safe Registered Jordans Prices start from as little as £75.00 Groceries & Post Office CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Open Mon-Sun Machin & Co 01494 671366 Deliveries: Fridays Email: [email protected] Please contact Kathryn Osborn 19 Seer Mead, It is always advisable to obtain an estimate Seer Green, before agreeing to have work undertaken. Bucks Whilst the parish magazine endeavours 07501 766962 HP9 2QL to serve the community, we cannot take responsibility for the services supplied, CHIROPODISTS or claims made, by our advertisers. Therese Rogers 01494 874171 [email protected] MSSCh, MBChA 07802 782351 Gill Bank, You could advertise your business Copse Lane, on this page, with name, address and Advertising - connecting you with local Subscribing - connecting you with your local Jordans contact details, for only £40 per year. customers. community. Residential & Visiting Practice Or you can add up to 12 words for Advertising in this magazine gives you the The cover price for Your Parish Magazine is Chiropody | Reflexology | Reiki Healing | £50 pa. Indian Head Massage opportunity to reach over 400 households £1 per issue, or you can take out an annual Email: [email protected] in Seer Green and Jordans, two of the most subscription for only £10 and it will be sought-after villages in the county. delivered to your door each month. Our new advertising rates are the same If you would like to subscribe and benefit whether you advertise in colour or b/w. from free delivery please send an email with GILLAM DÉCOR You can provide your own artwork or we can your name, address and contact details, to: design your ad for you for a very reasonable [email protected] For a quality interior and exterior painting decorating fee. Or you can phone one of our volunteer and wallpapering service We publish 10 issues each year and prices distributors: start from as little as £75 per year. Alison Davies 01494 671421 • Over 30 years experience • Specialists in domestic work For all advertising enquiries please email: Carol Campbell 01494 677330 • Exellent references • Full public liability insurance advertisingseergreen.gmail.com or call Kathryn Osborn 07501 766962 4 Seer Mead, Seer Green, Beaconsfield, Bucks, HP9 2QL Design & Typesetting by creatifdesign.uk | Creatif Design offer a design service for advertisers Tel. 01494 671 952 Mobile 07802 466721 To discuss your design requirements please contact [email protected] or 07501 766962 Printed by South Bucks Print | High Wycombe 01494 437470

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