A Preliminary List of Animal Names in the Chuuk District, Micronesia with Some Notes on Plant Names

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A Preliminary List of Animal Names in the Chuuk District, Micronesia with Some Notes on Plant Names Micronesica 31(1):1-245, 1999 A Preliminary List of Animal Names in the Chuuk District, Micronesia with some notes on plant names Alan E. Davis1 1 Current Address: AAA196, Box 10001, Saipan, MP 96950, CNMI This list is dedicated to my children, Forrest LeRoy Eugene Davis, Timothy Davis, and Thomas Gotthelf Fischer Davis, Tian Taky Davis, and Dianne Eclipse Davis and to all other little boys and girls in Chuuk whose mothers and fathers do not understand one another very well. Revised from a technical report printed by the College of Mi- cronesia and the Micronesian Language Institute (UOG). °c 1996, 1999 Alan Eugene Davis °c 1996, 1999 College of Micronesia, Chuuk °c 1996, 1999 Micronesian Language Institute, University of Guam This document may be freely copied, on the condition that a copy of this notice is provided or else, for excerpts, that full acknowledgement is given of this source. Abstract—This is an unfinished list of animal names, including many unverified names, from dialects / languages commonly heard in Chuuk Lagoon, the Mortlock Islands, Hall Islands, Western Islands (Pattiw) and Nominweit´e,constituting the Eastern end of a chain of related dialects and cultures extending from Sonsorol and Tobi to Chuuk Lagoon. This list may emphasize a relatively small number of dialects; names are listed, however, from throughout the district. Animal names are ordered phylogenetically, divided into chapters according to broad classification. Chapters on sponges, coelenterates, worms, molluscs, crus- taceans, and insects and allies are divided into sections by category. Fishes are the subject of one large chapter, divided into sections by family. There are addi- tional chapters on birds, reptiles and amphibians, and mammals. Two appendices include some notes on botanical names: Appendix A covers the fungi and algae; Appendix B consists of notes on names of higher plants. This list includes extensive notes and remarks on cultural values, use, and knowledge, gleaned from many local sources. Notes are included to help identify the organisms or names, when they are not certain. An index lists all the names in an alphabetical order by local name. Micronesica 31(1):1-239, 1999 Davis: Chuukese Animal Names 5 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 7 1 Introduction 13 2 How to Use This List 17 3 Sponges 25 4 Coelenterata 27 5 Worms 35 6 Mollusca 39 7 Crustacea 61 8 Insects & Allied Arthropods 74 9 Echinoderms 84 10 Fishes 96 11 Birds 171 12 Reptiles and Amphibians 186 13 Mammals 189 Appendix A: Prokaryota, Fungi, Algae 191 Appendix B: Higher Plants 195 References 217 Vernacular Name Index 221 6 Micronesica 31(1), 1999 Acknowledgements This list, tentative as it is, has than a dictionary. To those who will come into being through a process of feel frustrated in attempting to use this accretion, an accumulation bit-by-bit list, for this reason, I apologize. Hope- of hastily scribbled memoranda—in the fully the inclusion of an index will solve margins of books, in notebooks, on some of the problems. The inevitable scraps of paper, or on the backs of en- spelling errors reflect the untrained ear velopes, through an extended personal of a non-native speaker, and for this I commitment to learn the local names of must likewise apologize; I hope that na- animals. Notes have been collected, if tive speakers will correct them, making not everyday, over the course of more this list a more useful one. than a decade, beginning in 1984. This list has taken form out of the Notes have been lost due to various good will of hundreds of native speakers, causes over the years. To archive them, many of whom have been, and remain as well as to organize them, I have been friends, family members, colleagues, or storing them them in digital form for students. None of these contributors several years. Through the generous as- has enjoyed any useful compensation, sistance of the College of Micronesia, either for their time or for their knowl- Chuuk and the Micronesian Language edge. Because these contributions have Institute, University of Guam, it has been made without compensation, it is been possible to set out this accumula- especially important to acknowledge the tion of notes as a preliminary working contributions which have led to any suc- list. cess the list might enjoy. All contri- Though it has grown through a grad- butions deserve acknowledgement; yet, ual penetration of the subject matter, even if I could remember them all, it over an extended period of time, this would be impossible even to list here the work is truly preliminary in at least names of all contributors. two senses. First, the study of animal Here, I will extend my gratitude names was begun as a prerequisite to to those who gave names; those who more specific interests in indigenous ma- have joined me in extended discussions rine zoological knowledge. Second, the about our mutual interests in marine list is imperfect and incomplete, and is life; those who have contributed advice hoped to be a stepping stone toward and assistance that has advanced the more thorough and perfect lists. In both project; and those who provided mate- senses, the list is substantial enough at rial support. I apologize to those whose this point to serve as a working list. names I have inevitably not mentioned, The format of the list—an order whether out of my forgetfulness or due based on scientific classification—will to the disarray of my notes. perhaps make it more difficult to use Remix Baluay, of Lukunor, gave 8 Micronesica 31(1), 1999 me my first introduction to Chuukese. uney, Maner Rediniphy, Marceny Elias, Zorro Otto, of Nomwin, and Zorro’s Marino Siver, Masasy Kony, Meme, father, Seisi Otto, were instrumental Misako and Totosy Nikiti, Onis Osonis, in the early years; since then, several Peter Sirasi, Sister, Soochi, and Weires of their relatives, including Fil´e Refi- Kovac, deceased, lost at sea. Many of long, Asher Mull, Joanes Bob, and Hans my colleagues at Chuuk High School Otto, have faithfully maintained the fo- joined the discussions, especially while cus of our friendships on our mutual we were repairing the school after Ty- interests, marine animals, for over a phoon Nina. Special names and insights decade. Kimeuo Kimiuo and Alvios were offered by Weiti; the late Aichiro, William have spent countless hours at- Masachy, Sidro. Sleeper and Ismael tempting to teach me the sounds of the have shared their formidable knowledge Chuukic language complex, their cor- of plants. Benito, of Piis Moen, shared rect pronounciation, and perhaps their in many discussions of the biology of spelling (truly an important matter, various marine life. when words are being reduced to writ- Other notable contributions have ing for the first time). Earlier, Professor been made by Pisente Johnson, Ad- John Kingston of the UCSB Linguistics dguess, Aiwo Kuma, Akira, Berry, Department guided me through the lit- Bruda, Bruno Mario, the now Capt. erature on Chuukese orthography and Kalisto, Cygnus, Iosichi, Haspen, Ish- phonology. mael, James Kintin, Kech, now de- Dozens of persons whose names I ceased, Kamuo, Kaspar, Kasto, Kata have forgotten—or never knew—have Mokur, now deceased, Kipier Lipwei, contributed in memorable ways. More Maiser, Masasingi Eis, Mokur, Nogood, than once I have been approached by a Pastor Medal, Present, Silander, Sim- stranger, who, having heard of my inter- iuo, Singeto Nimwes, Tady Otis, Ronny, ests, wished to share with me some new Takiri, Petrus Martin, and Yamada. name, or an anecdote, or perhaps some The family of the mother of my first morsel of biological knowledge of a fish. son, Forrest, Katary Sop, shared my en- Many students of mine have made im- thusiasm with marine life; I cannot pos- portant contributions; regrettably, only sibly adequately express my affection a few of them can be acknowledged here. for these people, or my appreciation for It is hard to know even where to start. their having taken so active a part in my Special or memorable contributions study of names of marine life. have been made by the following, Yusako Kimiuo, Tirr´e Eram, Max among others: Benita, Dony Carlos, Nuokus, Rukan Aizawa (whose knowl- Chuneo Nimwes, Enis, Epa, Isinori edge of marine life is so extensive I Manuel, Saichi Keper, Taboko, Kine- would take his course, were he to offer mare, Kawarata and Terwie, mater- one), Nisom (with an awesome knowl- nal grandfather and grandmother of edge of plants), Chester Gustaf, Pikoch, Forrest, my first son, Esetong Kim- Siro Tanam, Roll and Siaia Aini, all iuo, Reichy Albert, many Faichuk Ju- the staff members at Farr´eelementary nior High School staff members, Her- school and West Wonip annex school— lip Nowell, Kauri, Kayo Noket, Kerat each deserves to be thanked person- Rikim, Kisiwo, Lorenis, Lucky Re- ally. Namie Alexander and his brother Acknowledgements Davis: Chuukese Animal Names 9 Akitaro, of Nama, took to my educa- Polle, Maron Gabe and John Sandy of tion about marine life with special in- Pullap, Marcus Edward of Puluwat, my tensity and enthusiasm. Opet showed many friends from Nomwin, and Ermes a special interest in scientific knowl- Paul together with Dominik, Enrino, edge of marine life. Kangichy Welle Erko and Eric, his sons. These are but a used to take pains to explain special few among many who have contributed knowledge he had learned from his fa- greatly in more significant ways. Much ther; Tobias Martin solved a riddle. more should be said about each of them. I was privileged that Hipour, having I want to mention Simeon, of Puluwat, understood my interest in calendrics, who reported that since he had taken shared his deep insight; Nartaka in- my marine biology course, he was no stantly knew which was the poisonous longer favored as a fishing partner: with crab; Masamichi Masis, having been in- his new found interest in reef inverte- doctrinated that traditional ways are brates, and penchant for close scrutiny evil, yet revealed (though, I fear, with of reef organisms, it was now impossible some trepidation) important insights for him to keep up with the rest of the into traditional beliefs about a certain group.
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