Mechanical Dynamics of a Sensorless Pmsynrel Drive

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Mechanical Dynamics of a Sensorless Pmsynrel Drive Mechanical Dynamics of a Sensorless PMSynRel Drive Yingbei Yu Degree project in Electrical Machines and Drives Stockholm, Sweden 2013 XR-EE-E2C 2013:004 Mechanical dynamics of a sensorless PMSynRel drive by Yingbei Yu Master Thesis Royal Institute of Technology School of Electrical Engineering Dept. Electrical Energy Conversion Stockholm 2013 XR-EE-E2C 2013:004 Mechanical dynamics of a sensorless PMSynRel drive YINGBEI YU c YINGBEI YU, 2013. School of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics Kungliga Tekniska H¨ogskolan SE–100 44 Stockholm Sweden To my family iv Abstract Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) concept has, combining conventional internal combustion engines and electric drives, gained more and more interest due to its environmental friendly features. A PMSynRel based electric drive is considered as a good option due to its high torque density and high efficiency. To reduce the overall cost of HEVs, the position resolvers can be replaced by Hall-sensors or using sensorless control. However, the dynamics of such electric drives may be degraded. The main objective of this MSc project is to develop torque dynamics of such electric drives when operating with/without a position sensor. The developed torque dynamic can be used to analyze the limits of hall senor/sensorless strategy when, e.g. anti-oscillation control is required. The torque dynamic is presented as a matrix based transfer function extracted from the speed responses and torque responses using Identification Tool Box in Matlab. Firstly, the transfer function was derived by means of simulations in both time and frequency domains. Secondly, similar procedures were applied to extract the transfer functions based on the experimental results. Keywords: Bode plot, Hall-effect sensor, Matlab Identification Toolbox, MIMO, PMSynRel, sensorless control, transfer function. Sammanfattning Elektriska hybridfordon, där en konventionell förbränningsmotor kombineras med ett elektriskt drivsystem, uppmärksammas mer och mer på grund av de miljömässiga fördelarna. En eldrift baserad på en permanentmagnetiserad synkron reluktansmaskin (PMSynRel) är ett bra alternativ tack vara den höga momenttätheten och den höga verkningsgraden. För att minska systemkostnaden kan positionsgivarenen (resolver) ersättas med Hall-givare eller att motorn styrs med, så kalla, sensorlös reglering. En nackdel med dessa alternativ är att den mekaniska dynamiken kan försämras. Huvudmålet med detta examensarbete är att studera hur momentdynamiken kan kvantifieras med och utan en positionsgivare. De framtagna modellerna kan användas till att utvärdera huruvida tex svängningar i fordonets drivlina kan dämpas ut med hjälp av det elektriska drivsystemet i de fall då positionen mäts med en Hall-givare eller skattas via den sensorlösa algoritmen. I detta arbete modelleras momentdynamiken med hjälp av en matrisbaserad överföringsmatris var element identifierats i en simuleringsmodell implementerad i Matlab/Simulink. I examensarbetets sista skede jämfördes den modellerade dynamiken med tidiga experimentella försök i en laborativ försöksrigg. Nyckelord: Bodediagram, Hall-givare, MIMO, PMSynRel, sensorlös reglering, överföringsfunktion. V vi Acknowledgements In the first place, I would like to thank Phd student Shuang Zhao and my supervisor and examiner Dr. Oskar Wallmark for providing me with thorough technical explanation and guidance through the whole thesis work. I’ve learned a lot during each discussion and meeting for this thesis work. Especially thanks to Shuang Zhao, he was very patient to help me with any questions I had related to this project. I am also very grateful to Mats Leksell for introducing me to this valuable opportu- nity to work on this project at the Department of Electrical Energy Conversion. I also want to thank the people who work at this department at KTH for assisting me in different questions and problems. In addition, I’d like to appreciate my manager Vidar Grimelind working at FM- CTechnologies AS for the permission on my temporary study leave. Thanks for his kind- ness, generousness and understanding. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents for all the sup- ports and love, not only during the period I am abroad, but through all my life. They are the greatest parents in the world! Last but not least, I would like to thank my husband Xu Yuan for all the encouragements, understandings and love. Yingbei Yu Stockholm, Sweden April 2013 vii viii Contents Abstract v Acknowledgements vii Contents ix 1 Introduction 1 1.1 BackgroundandObjectives. 1 1.2 MotivationofHybridElectricVehicles . ..... 1 1.3 ConfigurationsofHEVs .......................... 2 1.3.1 SeriesHEVConfiguration . 2 1.3.2 ParallelHEVConfiguration . 2 1.4 PMSynRelmachineinHEVapplications. .. 2 1.5 ControlofPMSynRelinHEVapplications. ... 4 1.6 OutlineofThesis .............................. 4 2 PMSynRel Control 5 2.1 FieldOrientedControl ........................... 5 2.2 ResolverandHall-effectsensor. ... 6 2.2.1 Resolver .............................. 6 2.2.2 TheHall-Effectsensor . 6 2.3 TheSensorlessControl ........................... 8 3 Simulation Models 13 3.1 Matlab/Simulink .............................. 13 3.1.1 BasicSimulinkModel . 13 3.1.2 AdvancedSimulinkModel/Fluxmapmodel . 14 4 Implementation of rotor position detection in Simulink 15 4.1 Modelingofrotatorypositionsensors . .... 15 4.1.1 Resolvermodeling . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 4.1.2 Hall-effectsensormodeling . 15 ix Contents 4.2 Modelingofsensorlesscontrol . .. 17 4.2.1 SignalInjection........................... 17 4.3 Result of the Hall-effect sensor and sensorless control ........... 18 5 Transfer Function 23 5.1 Setinputandoutput ............................ 23 5.2 Identificationandevaluationprocess . ..... 24 5.2.1 Transfer functions identification and evaluation process in time domain 24 5.2.2 Transfer functions identification and evaluation process in frequency domain 26 6 Experimental Result 43 6.1 Experiment ................................. 43 7 Conclusion and future work 47 7.1 Summary .................................. 47 7.2 Futurework................................. 48 7.2.1 SensorlesscontrolandHall-effectsensors . ..... 48 7.2.2 Torque dynamics in frequency domain from the experiment ... 48 A Laboratory Setup 49 References 51 x Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter briefly introduces the background and the outline of this thesis. The moti- vation, configuration and principle of hybrid electric vehicles is also presented in this chapter. 1.1 Background and Objectives HEV applications have gained more and more interest due to its environmental friendly features. A PMSynRel based electric drive is considered as good option due to its high torque density and high efficiency. The main objectives of this thesis work is to develop torque dynamics of such electric drives when operating without a position sensor. The developed torque dynamic can be used to analyze the limits of sensorless strategy when, e.g. anti oscillation control is required. 1.2 Motivation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles As the concerns of environmental degradation are growing, many countries have made na- tional plans to significantly reduce the oil consumption. More and more strict regulations are pronounced by governments, which force manufactures to find alternatives to replace conventional vehicles. Besides the environmental feature, relatively low operational costs is another main motivation of the HEV technology. HEV has the great potential to fulfill the emission requirement while still being able to meet the power demand. The HEV consists of an internal combustion engine (ICE) and at least one electrical machine in the power train. With the help of the ICE, HEVs have larger driving ranges in comparison to the pure electric vehicles (EVs) [8]. 1 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.3 Configurations of HEVs HEVs are typically classified into two basic configurations, series or parallel. 1.3.1 Series HEV Configuration A series HEV configuration is shown in Figure 1.1 where there is no physical connection between the ICE and transmission. The generator converts the mechanical power (deliv- ered from ICE) to electrical power which can be used either for charging the battery or for propelling the vehicle. The advantages of this configuration is listed as follows: 1. Since the ICE is only used to charge the battery, the operating point can be optimized to achieve a high efficiency. 2. Since electrical machine is used to propel the wheels, which can operate in a wide speed range, the multi-gear transmission can be removed from the power train. However, this configuration requires several energy conversions which lead to a low over- all efficiency. Furthermore, this HEV configuration requires a large electrical machine, therefore, all drivetrain components have to be designed to match the peak power of the electrical machine. 1.3.2 Parallel HEV Configuration A parallel HEV configuration is shown in Figure 1.2, where the propulsion power is pro- vided by the ICE and/or electrical machine. The major advantage of the parallel HEV configuration compared to the series HEV configuration is that the electrical machine can be used to convert the mechanical power to the electrical power. Thus, the generator can be eliminated. Since the vehicle is propelled by electric-machine and ICE(provided the battery is never be depleted), both of them can be downsized. 1.4 PMSynRel machine in HEV applications In HEV applications, together with the ICE, the electrical machine is a key
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