SUNITI UDAYAN PATHAK UGC-NET (JRF), Ph. D. Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune Teaching Experience: Undergraduate Nature of Institution Period Position held Appointment Subject M I T Lecturer Visiting Biochemistry 1 Academic College of B.Pharm Theory & Year Pharmacy, Practical (2000-01) Paud Road, Pune Sinhgad Lecturer Visiting Biochemistry 2 Academic College of B.Sc. Nursing Theory Years Nursing, (2005-06& Pune 2006-2007) Maharshi Lecturer Visiting Biochemistry 1 Academic Karve Stree B.Sc. Nursing Theory year (2006- Shikshan 2007; 2007- Sanstha 2008) College of Nursing Abasaheb Lecturer B.Sc Leave Molecular 2nd Semester Garware (Zoology) Vacancy Biology (2007) College, Karve Rd, Pune Vasantdada Lecturer Visiting Biochemistry 1st Semester Sugar PG Diploma Theory (2007) Institute, (sugar Tech. & Pune Alcohol Tech.) MES Lecturer Permanent Cell Biology. 2008- till date Abasaheb Dept. of Zoology, Garware Biotechnology Molecular College Biology, Metabolic Pathways Teaching Experience: Post-Graduate Nature of Institution Position held Appointment Subject Period Modern Post Biochemistry, Cell & 2 yrs College, Graduate Temporary Molecular Biology (1994 –96) Shivaji Lecturer in Nagar, Pune Zoology Cell Biology, 10 yrs. Metabolic pathways, (2008 till date) MES, Assistant Permanent Proteomics, Garware Professor Molecular Biology College Research Experience ➢ Project Associate on UGC Major Research Project - “Studies on in vivo glycation of Alkaline phosphatase in normal and diabetic rats: beneficial effects of amino functional groups and herbal extracts on glycation”. Project period August 2001 to July 2004 at Division of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Pune, Pune. ➢ BCUD Project (2016-18): Investigations on the effect of high dietary fructose on protein glycation in Drosophila and evaluation of herbal antiglycating agents for prevention of sugar-induced damage.
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