ry ,VIAHARASHTRA EDUCATION SOCIEff S (stN€E 1850) ABASAHEB GARWARE COLTEGE ffiB Karve Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune - 411004, Maharashtra, lndia I ph.: 020-4.1039200 PLATINUM JUBILEE E-mail:
[email protected] I rvww.garwarecollege.mespune.in Prof. (Dr.) P. B. Buchade . NAAC Be-Accredited 'A'Grade o l.D. No.: PU/PNiA.S./009 (1945) M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph. D. o Best College Award - Savitribai Phule Pune University . JR. COLLEGE CODE: 11.003 Principal o Best Student Development Board Award - Savitribai Phule pune University . AISHE CODE : C-41477 Ref. No. Date: t 3ln 'f}tt Z oz1 DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY F.Y" B. Sc. Biotechnology Admissions e0ll-22) NOTICE Merit prepared list eonsidering Physics, Chernistry and Biology (PCB) marks obtained at 12th Standard/ HSC Science or equivalenr examination" Revised Timelines and Instructions for filling Merit Apptication Form for admission to F" Y. B. Sc. Biotechnotogy e02t-22) S"No Date Step in Admission Time Details Procedure 1 a6l08l2a2t Online Merit 24x7 Refer Website Application Form available Complete the on-line Merit Application form filling 2 2010812021 Last date for Till 5:00 pm process using link: https://aec.vriddhionline.com submission of Merit . Application Form Click login- click Student Register Tab and proceed according to instructions. c Fill in all the details. o For Subjeets- Physics, Chemistry and Biology, if the marks given are not out of 100, please conveft and enter the marks out of 100. o Enter total PCB marks out of 300 o For HSC percentage, please ealculate o/o aggregate marks and enter. c Filling of false inforrnation will disqualiS, the student from the admission process.