La Poesia Di E. A. Mario
• LA POESIA DI E. A. MARIO by Maria Trani Department of Italian McGiII University, Montreal August, 1992 A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Masfer of Arts This thesis was directed and supervised by Prof. Sergio Maria Gilardino Ali rights reserved in ail countries Maria Trani • 1992 t ~(Jrne [),sscrt(Jt/~n-Ab-;tracts Inte--;natlon~~a~ge~tbybroad, generolsublect categories Please select the one sublect wh,ch mos! nûorll df)'><:rlb(~~ tlllJ content of your d,'"ertCJ!lon Enter the corres,!)ondmg four digit code ln the spaces provlded Ir-0 r---111-1Ir--To 1---',] U· M· 1 SUBJECT TE~M SUBJECT CODE Subject Categories THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES {f)MMUNICATIONS AND THE ARTS p"t'!'"I",!! 0'>75 PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND Anclpnf 0579 Ilf 1III! (!tif' 'J/ ;'1 ~( Odlliq 0515 THEOLOGY Mcdlc;ol 05fl1 /.,1 , 1, ,l'II 1 IJ l// ~(II j!fill OS7! Modern 0582 PfphlOfJh f 047L (J'l'JI; l'I('lfl J 0714 r 1','rI"l RLIIt,0fl Bloek 0328 fJIIfI'. ((l','!'lf/ U533 Afncon 0331 " Ve >, :I( Ilel(ll Ull8 IIIU j.r! rJI''; j,,(l(ll JI ,Pn,_(.) 0514 k,bl",,1 St "1",, 0121 A;,o Aust'ol,u and Ocean la 0332 1II'I,/tfl/l!",! (!l/l ')'Jr''-JII)<JI (Jf 0l4U { Ip((l! 1]319 (u,",od'un 0334 JI.')/IIIII'III (J l') 1 'JP"( 101 0',;9 European H Jlo',! (II OJ20 0335 1 rLrfH 1"/ !I/,r, () ~9fl rf'ortui TrtJllllr'q (J'JJO lotln Arnf>r •({Hl 0336 Phdv,nphl r)t 03:2 t (j/lJ!l 01,1) fll."',II,'"""lIllI llll,1I 1.
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