Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Literature Degree at English Literature Department







ه ه . . . يَ ْزفَ ِع ّّللاُ الَّ ِذ ْي َه ا َمنُ ْوا ِم ْن ُك ْم َوالَّ ِذ ْي َه اُ ْوتُوا ا ْل ِع ْل َم ه َد َر هج ٍۗ ت َو ّّللاُ بِ َما تَ ْع َملُ ْو َن َخبِ ْيز )١١(

The meaning:

“… Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is acquainted with what you do.” (QS. Al-Mujadila : 11)1

1, Al-Mujadila/58 (accessed on January, 26th 2019 at 12.10 pm)



بِ ْس ِم ّللاِ ال َّز ْحم ِه ال َّز ِح ْي م

In the name of Allah SWT. who has given the most gracious mercy and blessing for me in finishing this thesis. Peace and salutation are never forgotten to send to

the Prophet Muhammad SAW as the perfect example and the inspiration of

Moslem’s life.

I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents who always give me support and pray

in every step of my life, included during arranged this thesis, for my beloved father (Hamsan Purba) and my beloved mother (Sri Menanti) who always make

me energetic to achive my success.

I also dedicate this thesis for all of my brothers and sisters who always support me when I become down. You all are my motivation to finish this thesis well and to have my success as milestone to continue our study. Thank you for everything, i

do love you all.



Firstly, the writer thanks and prays onto Allah SWT, the Lord of the

Universe and other creatures, who has given us mercies and blessings which have given from the starting point until the end of my study now. Then, Sholawat and

Salam always be given to our Prophet Muhammad saw, as the perfect example who has guided us to the truth religion, namely Islam. Hopefully, we can get his syafa’at later at The Last Day.

Secondly, I would like to thank to all people who have supported me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,

Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA. The Vise of Rector, Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, Ph.D.,

Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd., and Dr. H. Fadilla, M.P.d., who are allowed me to

study in the university.

2. The dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I., The

Vice Dean, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed., Dr. H. M. Fadhil, M.Ag., and Dr. Raudhoh,


3. The Head of English Literature Department, Ulfatmi Azlan, S.S., MA and

the secretary Dian Mukhlisa, MA. who have given me advices.

4. My beloved supervisors, Bahren, SS., MA. and Erwin Hage, S.Pd., MA.

who have guided me during the process of finishing this thesis.




Aug : August p : Page

Sept : September

WBC : World Boxing Council



Jumantir, Herlin. 2019. Metaphor Used in Sports Articles in The Jakarta Post Online Newspapers. The student of English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty. Supervisor I : Bahren, SS., MA. and Supervisor II : Erwin Hage, S.Pd., MA.

This research analyzes the metaphor used in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers. The metaphor which is used makes the readers having many interpretations about the content of information. It is often found the words or phrases the readers rarely seen before. This research focuses to find the types of metaphor and the function of each type of metaphors the writer found on the data in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers. The writer uses George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1992) and John Searle (2014) theory as the main theories. By those theories, the writer is easier in determining the metaphor. Considering those theories are suitable to help the writer in analyzing the data. Those consist of the types of conceptual metaphor which are used to classify the metaphor into three and to identify the functions of the metaphor. It is a qualitative research that uses descriptive method. The writer found the reliable and valid data based on the theory. Besides, the writer uses technique of documentation to collect the data then technique of interactive analysis by Miles and Huberman model to analyze the data. The result of this research is the writer found types of metaphor in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers that is Structural metaphor 7 (32%), Orientational metaphor 5 (23%) and Ontological metaphor 10 (45%). So, the writer found the dominant metaphor or the metaphor which is most frequently used is Ontological metaphor. Finally, the writer knew that the functions of metaphor used in those articles are assertive 15, directive 13 and expressive 9 based on pragmatics functions. This research shows that the journalists use metaphor for stating, telling, describing, commanding, congratulating, thanking, and welcoming. Keywords: Metaphor, Sport Article, The Jakarta Post, Online Newspaper



Jumantir, Herlin. 2019. Metaphor Used in Sports Articles in The Jakarta Post Online Newspapers. The student of English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty. Pembimbing I : Bahren, SS., MA. dan Pembimbing II : Erwin Hage, S.Pd., MA.

Penelitian ini mengkaji metafora yang digunakan didalam artikel olahraga pada koran online The Jakarta Post. Metafora yang digunakan membuat pembaca memiliki beragam interpretasi mengenai isi berita. Pembaca menemukan adanya kata-kata atau frasa-frasa yang jarang ditemukan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan tipe-tipe metafora yang muncul dan fungsi tiap-tiap tipe metafora yang penulis temukan di dalam data artikel olahraga di koran online The Jakarta Post. Penulis menggunakan teori George Lakoff dan Mark Johnson (1992) serta teori John Searle (2014) sebagai teori utama. Dengan teori tersebut, penulis lebih mudah untuk menentukan metafora. Teori ini cocok untuk membantu penulis dalam menganalisis data. teori ini terdiri atas tipe-tipe metafora yang digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan metafora kedalam tiga tipe dan fungsi- fungsi metafora berdasarkan fungsi-fungsi pragmatik. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Penulis menemukan data yang valid dan terpercaya berdasarkan pada teori. Selain itu, penulis menggunakan teknik dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data dan teknik analisis interaktif dengan model Miles dan Huberman untuk menganalisis data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penulis menemukan tipe-tipe metafora di dalam artikel olahraga dalam koran online The Jakarta Post yaitu Metafora Struktural 7 (32%), Metafora Orientasi 5 (23%), dan Metafora Ontologis 10 (45%). Maka dari itu, penulis menemukan metafora dominan atau metafora yang paling sering digunakan yaitu Metafora Ontologis. Dengan demikian, penulis mengetahui fungsi daripada metafora yang digunakan dalam artikel olahraga tersebut adalah fungsi asersi sebanyak 15, direksi sebanyak 13 dan ekpresif sebanyak 9 berdasarkan fungsi- fungsi pragmatik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jurnalis menggunakan metafora untuk menyatakan, memberitahukan, menggambarkan, memberi perintah, berterima kasih, menyambut, dan mengucapkan selamat.

Kata kunci: Metafora, Artikel Olahraga, The Jakarta Post, Koran Online



PAGE OF TITLE…………………………………………………..……………. i

APPROVAL…………………..………………………………...... ……………... ii

LETTER OF RATIFICATION……………………………………...... iii


MOTTO…………………………………………………………...... v

DEDICATION………………………………………………………...... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT………………………………………...... …... vii


ABSTRACT……………………………………………………….…………...... x

ABSTRAK…………………………………………………………...... xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ...... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ...... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ...... 4

D. Purpose of the Research ...... 4

E. Significance of the Research ...... 5


B. Pragmatics Functions on Metaphor ...... 9

C. Metaphor in Newspaper ...... 10

a. Language in Newspaper ...... 10 b. Metaphor in Sport Article ...... 13


D. Figurative Language ...... 14

E. The Jakarta Post ...... 15

F. Review of Related Research ...... 15

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research...... 19

B. Source of Data ...... 21

C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 21

D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 22

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS A. Types of Metaphor ...... 25

B. The Functions of Metaphor ...... 39


A. Conclusion………………………………………………………….….....51

B. Suggestions………………………………………………………….…....52

REFERENCES……………………………………………………...………….53 APPENDIXES




A. Background of the Problem

The rapid development of global technology has triggered dissemination of information. The information is disseminated through media, online or printed. For instance, newspaper, as one of the printed media contains of various actual and important informations. People can get any information quickly. Because of technology development, journalists are required to convey the information by interesting language. The language which is used should be understood by readers. It means that all the language should be simple and flexible. However, people as readers consider that language in printed media tends to be boring to read. Although it is written based on the journalese characteristics namely simple, solid, to the point, clear, interesting, and democratic, considering active sentences, avoid technical terms, and obey the rule of language.2 Interesting is one of the characteristics that becomes the journalists‟ priority. It makes journalists try to use figurative language or various language style to attract reader interest. Metaphor is one of figurative language which is often used.

Metaphor has the concept which applies the object as media to depict the abstract domain such as “ideas” or others. Precisely, there are metaphors in a person conceptual. The meaning is not suitable with the concept of the words. It is not literal meaning anymore but if we think deeper, it still relates to the real meaning.3 In the cognitive linguitics view, metaphor is a figure of speech in which one word is used to indicate something different from literal meaning, so that one thing or idea is likened to a different thing or idea. By

2 Yayasan Obor Indonesia.1993.Wartawan Asia.Jakarta.p.146-147 3 Pateda, Mansoer.2010.Semantik Leksikal.Jakarta:Rineka Cipta.p.108



metaphors, words or phrases which usually applied to one thing are applied to something may not be necessary to pair with. Hadi Hidayat stated on his journal “Metafora adalah gaya bahasa berdasarkan pada kemiripan dua hal, dari yang menggambarkan konsep sebenarnya, lalu konsep perumpamaannya. Pada intinya berdasarkan pada kemiripan”.4 As an example, “The Medal is the fruit”. The statement refers to two domains. In this case, The Medal can be the basic domain and The Fruit can be the target domain. Metaphor pairs two objects that have similar characteristics. The Medal is a piece of metal often resembling a coin and having a stamped design that is issued to commemorate a person or event or awarded for excellence or achievement. While the term “The Fruit” is something that grows on a plant , tree, or bush, can be eaten as a food, contains seeds or a stone, and is usually sweet. It means that the metaphor “The Medal is the fruit” is used to convey the good result that we have from something, after we have got an achievement such as fruits which are usually sweet. Other example such as Indonesian metaphor “Masyarakat yang menghadiri penampilan artis-artis ibukota menyemut di tanah lapang”, we usually see there are a lot of ants in their hill. In this case, it does not mean that humans have been like the ants but the humans have gathered like the ants same as “Bintang” (literally means large ball of burning gas seen as a point of light in the sky at night). It might have different meaning in the words “Bintang Lapangan” and other terms such as Bintang Film or Bintang Sinetron which mean someone that is skillful in the field.

Metaphor becomes one of language features which is usually used by journalists. They frequently write news items by using metaphors either in headlines or in the news content. As Laksana stated that the use of metaphor in news item is more productive than the other kinds of figure of speech. He stated that there are three reasons why metaphor is always used. First, journalist would rather metaphor than other figures of speech. Second, it is

4Hidayat, Hadi.2003.”Metalingua”. Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa. Desember 2014.2(12). Bandung: Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat. p.168


potentially for journalist‟s need to use new various words. Third, metaphor is more interesting than others. It makes the journalists free to express their ideas and to strategically control the reader‟s perception. Interestingly, as the newspaper has become one of daily routines done by a lot of people in the world, including students, people get a lot of knowledges from printed or online media. There are two kinds of media, printed media such as magazine and newsletter and electronic media such as radio journalism and online journalism.5 From those mass media, many people get information which is updated continuously. However, language is not always obvious, sometimes it is implicit in meaning. Consequently, this makes most people face difficulties in reading newspaper.

This may happen because of the existence of figurative language. There are words or phrases which deal to metaphors. The use of metaphors in newspaper actually to attract the readers and change the way readers think about the concept of the issue. However, each metaphor used in a language is unique, especially English metaphors. Most people when they read English newspapers, discover words or phrases they rarely seen before. Also, there are words or phrases which have many interpretations. Such words or phrases definitely challenge a lot of readers when understanding those vogue words.

Analyzing metaphor also becomes important because it relates to Semantics and Pragmatics study in the field of linguistics. Besides, metaphor is always an interesting object to investigate. There have been a lot of researches about metaphor in fiction or non-fiction. Metaphor is known as figure of speech in fiction such poems, novels, or short story, but in fact, metaphor can be found in non-fiction, and involve in our everyday lives, such as newspaper. These evidences have pushed the writer to investigate metaphors, in this case, The Jakarta Post online newspapers as Indonesian‟s

5Santana, Septiawan. 2005.Jurnalisme Kontemporer.Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.p.85- 138


English newspaper which has won several awards, has been described as “Indonesia’s Leading English-language Daily” and has become a member of Asia News Network. Based on the phenomena above, the writer is attracted to do research entitled “Metaphor Used in Sports Articles in The Jakarta Post Online Newspapers” using George Lakoff and Mark Johnson and John Searle‟s theory. The writer wants to find types of metaphor and the functions of metaphor used in sports articles in Jakarta Post‟s online newspapers.

B. Formulation of the Problem Based on the background of the problem above, the writer makes problem formulation as follows: 1. What are types of metaphors that appear in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers on 18th August-2nd September 2018 edition? 2. What are the functions of metaphors that used in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers on 18th August-2nd September 2018 edition?

C. Limitation of the Problem The writer will get the data from the website of The Jakarta Post, On the website, there are some items, such as: News, Bussiness, Se Asia, Community, Opinion, Lifestyle, Travel, Video, and Paper Edition. In News item, there are Index, Politics, World, Indonesia, Jakarta and Sports. The writer will limit the research only in the sports articles in The Jakarta Post‟s online newspapers from 18th August until 2nd September 2018 edition.

D. Purpose of the Research From the formulation and limitation of the problem above, the writer has purposes of the research below:


1. To know types of metaphor which appear in sports articles in The Jakarta Post‟s online newspapers on 18th August-2nd September 2018 edition. 2. To know the functions of metaphor which are used in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers on 18th August-2nd September 2018 edition.

E. Significance of the Research The significance of the research is divided into two parts. Those are theoretically and pratically. 1. Theoretically, the theory provided in this research can be as references for the next researcher who wants to do the same object of the research in different research subject, considering the metaphor can be an interesting object of a research. 2. Practically, the writer hopes that this research can enrich reader‟s knowledge about metaphor and can be additional knowledge for the writer and especially for the students of English Literature Department at UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.



A. Metaphor

Metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things that suggests a similarity between the two items. It is a figure of speech stating two things are similar. Metaphor can concrete the abstract object. Metaphor generally stated by Ogden and Richards that metaphor, in the most general sense, is the use of one reference to a group of things between which given relation holds, for the purpose of facilitating the discrimination of an analogous relation in another group.6 Hadi Hidayat, on his journal research, stated “Metafora adalah pemakaian kata atau ungkapan kebahasaan bukan dengan arti yang sebenarnya, melainkan sebagai lukisan yang berdasarkan kesamaan atau perbandingan”.7 Metaphor refers to linguistics process. It means that particular aspect of an object is formed by another object. For instance, “If music be the food of love, play on!”. The statement were taken from Shakespeare‟s drama scene of Twelft Night by Dian Mukhlisa. As the researcher who did research entitled “Metafora Cinta dalam Karya-karya Shakespeare”. The researcher analyzes that there is the use of metaphor elements on the part of “The food of love”. Animate and human become the source of metaphor. The source is used to show that human (animate) needs food (as concrete object) while the target domain is Love which relate to the abstract one. The proposition can be said containing metaphor because the word food and love are compared. When food and love appeared in a proposition. The meaning which might be conveyed is love needs such food like human who needs nutrient to live on. Human, animal, and plant need food to live

6 Pateda, Mansoer.2010.Semantik Leksikal.Jakarta:Rineka Cipta.p.235 7Hidayat,Hadi.2003.”Metalingua”.Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa.Desember 2014.2(12). Bandung: Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat.p.166



and to grow.8 Therefore, the concept of the object is is depicted as the individual‟s experiences. Thus, metaphor is used to illustrate new meaning. The object of metaphor is usually called “Basic Domain” and the object which is pair with it called “Target Domain”. As Zoltan Kovecses stated “A conceptual metaphor is understanding one domain of experience (that is typically abstract) in terms of another (that is typically concrete)”.9 Metaphor is an implicit comparation between two objects.

Metafora adalah sejenis majas perbandingan yang paling singkat, padat, dan tersusun rapi. Di dalamnya terlibat dua ide; pertama adalah suatu kenyataan, sesuatu yang dipikirkan, yang menjadi objek; dan kedua merupakan perbandingan terhadap kenyataan tadi; dan menggantikan yang belakangan menjadi yang terdahulu.10 Conceptual metaphor gives the concept for “Love is a journey”. It might have several functions to explain that the lovers correspond to travelers, the love relationship corresponds to the vehicle, the lovers‟ common goals corresponds to their common destination on the journey, and difficulties in the relationship correspond to impediments to travel.11

Lakoff and Johnson illustrate several types of metaphor as follow:

a. Structural Metaphor Structural metaphor is described as the type of metaphor which is characterized as metaphor where words are structured metaphorically in terms of other words, which has been presented previously in this text. This is exemplified in metaphors such as “Time is money” or “Argument is war”. It refers to two objects which is mentioned directly.

8Mukhlisa, D.2014. Metafora Cinta dalam Karya-karya Shakespeare.p.6. Monday, 26th November, 2018 at 4.41 pm. 10 Tarigan, H.G.2009. Pengajaran Semantik.Bandung: Angkasa.p.113 11 George Lakoff.1992.The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor.Cambridge University Press.p.4-5


b. Orientational Metaphor/Spatialisation Metaphor Spatialisation metaphor or orientational metaphor gives “spatial” orientation to an object. Considering the orientational metaphor of “happy” possibly being regarded in the direction of being up, and “sad” in a downwards direction is one example of providing meaning to statements like “I am feeling down” or “my spirit rose”. This conceptual system of spatial orientation is attributed to objects through physical and cultural experiences. We can conceptualize most fundamental objects with spatial attribues but, as the concept being applied are based on physical and cultural experience. c. Ontological Metaphor Ontological metaphor is portrayed as providing concepts in the shape of objects and substances. The implementation of ontological metaphor is applied to portrayed non-physical object that might be difficult to be visualized such as the greatest race that can need metaphorical conceptualization to depict the feeling. It is different with the physical object which is easily to visualize it and find the artificial boundaries such as buildings. For instance, in ontological meatphor, “I have got a mountain of work to do". We can know the amount of work through ontological metaphor.

There are at least five elements in the metaphor mechanism namely metaphor producer, metaphor receiver, source domain, target domain, and context. Metaphor producer and receiver are subject in communication who possess cognitive ability and well know the contex the metaphor is in, background information, cultural factors, and cognitive models, which altogether structure the ground on which metaphor can stand. Source domain and target domain interact each


other and it forms the focus of information and the context is great importance to recognize metaphors.12

B. Pragmatics Functions of Metaphor Metaphor used in news articles has functions. Metaphor, in its issue, is included Pragmatics functions. It is based on the classification of illocutionary acts on Pragmatics field by John R. Searle. There are at least three functions of Metaphor found and related to this research namely Assertive, Directive and Expressive.

a. Assertive (Representative) An illocutionary act that represents a state of affairs. It is usually used to convey information. Assertive or commonly called a representative is one type of illocutionary act which represents a statement by binding on the speaker of a truth. The utterance which usually included in the assertive are like a fact, assertion, conclusion, or description of something. In this case, speakers say something based on the facts.13 Assertive functions are used to report, to inform, to remind, to critic, to give solution, to show the effect, to add information. b. Directive An illocutionary act for getting the addressee to do something. It is usually used to make a request. Directive functions are used to motivate, to give suggestion, to assert, to beg clarify. The utterances contains of attempting the speaker to get the hearer to do something or suggest other people to do it. In this research, the writer saw that the metaphor used in the articles consist of directive function by the sentence that is such as inviting other people. The utterances included

12Jianpeg, Fachun.2009.”A Study of Metaphor and its Application in Language Learning and Teaching”.International Education Studies.2(2).China:CCSE.p.78 13 Searle, John R.2014.A Classification of Illocutionary Acts.JSTOR.5(1).Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.p.10


are ask, order, command, request, beg, plead, pray, entreat, and also invite, permit, and advise.14 c. Expressive An illocutionary act that expresses the mental state of the speaker about an event presumed to be true. It is usually used to express an emotion such as care, worry, hope, anger, and hesitant. The speaaker express the feeling by using the metaphor. The paradigms of expressive verbs such as thank, congratulate, apologize, condole, deplore, and welcome.15 In expressing the psychological state, especially news writer use the terms which can represent the intention or the purpose. So, the reader can know the feeling exactly by using other words in the field of metaphor.

C. Metaphor in Newspaper

a. Language in Newspaper

Language is used as a tool of communication among human beings. It is a part of human life. To communicate and establish relationship with others, people use language as tool of their communication. By language, human is able to convey his intentions or wishes to others. Language has two aspects. Without a tool to communicate, humans is difficult to express what they really want to say. Language is what the members of a particular society speak. Aspect of form and meaning. Both aspects are interrelated in communication, causing the variation or variety of language in terms of both literal and functional meaning. Language has different form, in written or spoken form. Bahasa mempunyai sistem yang sifatnya mengatur. Bahasa merupakan suatu lembaga yang memiliki pola-pola atau aturan-

14 Ibid, p.11 15 Ibid, p.12


aturan yang dipatuhi dan digunakan (kadang-kadang tanpa sadar) oleh pembicara dalam komunitas saling memahami.16

Language has rules in its use and the system which is sometime understood by each people. Based on substantional concept, language is content which is produced by human Language in newspaper has attracted the attention of the readers because of language style used in it. The writer of the articles in newspaper adjusts the style of language to the readers. English newspaper writing dates from the 17th century. The first newspapers carried only news, without comments, as commenting was considered to be against the principles of journalism. By the 19th century, newspaper language was recognized as a particular variety of style, characterized by a specific communicative purpose and its own system of language means.

There are five main functions of press; 1. To inform One of the main press function is to convey the information to many people. Every information should fulfill the basic criteria; actual, accurate, factual, interesting or important, valid, complete-whole, explicit or clear, honest-fair, equilibrate, relevant, useful and ethical. 2. To educate Every information should be the educated information. As stated by Wilbur Schramm in Men, Message, and Media, for society, press is watcher, teacher, and forum. 3. To influence Press is also used to control and keep an eye to government so that the government can not be corrupt and absolute. As

16 Muhammad.2011.Metode Penelitian Bahasa.Yogyakarta: Ar-ruzz Media.p.40


asserted by Lord Acton, English poet in 18th century, power tends to 4. To entertain The fourth function of press is to entertain. Press should be able to deliver recreative things such as short story, anecdote and crossword. 5. To mediate Press reports various events in the world in the form of sheets and interesting. Press deliver every information everyday.17

The characteristics of Journalese is simple, solid, to the point, clear, interesting, and democratic, considering active sentences, avoid technical terms, and obey the rule of language. Simple means that language used is widely understood by readers. “If you want to try to communicate in a writing, you should use the words which is in reader’s mind”.18 Solid, in Journalese, solid means that the information delivered has a lot of information even in only one article. Journalese also should be to the point. To the point means that the language is directly delivered without prolix language. however, every information should not be in contradiction with press‟ characteristics, functions, and philosophies. Language which is used also should be clear. It means that the language does not contain of ambiguity and euphemism. Every sentence may not make readers confuse because of different perception. Journalese is interesting and democratic. Language in online or printed media should be interesting. It can attract the readers to read. As interestingly stated by Haris Sumadiria on his book Jurnalistik Indonesia that “Bahasa Jurnalistik menyapa khalayak pembaca dengan senyuman atau bahkan cubitan sayang, bukan dengan mimik muka tegang atau kepalan tangan

17Sumadiria, Haris AS.2006.Jurnalistik Indonesia:Menulis Berita dan Feature.Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media.p.32-35 18Yayasan Obor Indonesia.1993.Wartawan Asia.Jakarta.p.146-147


dengan pedang”.19 Metaphor, as figure of speech, is the unique language style. As stated by Elaheh on his journal, Figures of speech are imaginative tools in both literature and ordinary communications used for explaining speech beyond its usual usage.20 Journalese is fair, it does not differentiate language used by government and society or president and beggar. Besides, it considers active sentences so that it is easier to understand and it is better than passive sentences, for example “He says”, not “It is said by him”. Avoiding technical terms is important as well because not all of language can be understood by readers for instance, the terms in medicine (medical field) and the last is Journalese should obey the rule of language in technical writing based on what have been arranged.

b. Metaphor in Sport Article

In writing article, journalists usually use figure of a speech. It is usually called language style in order to make the writing more interesting to read. There are many language styles used by journalists in online or printed media such as article on a website or newspaper. Article is a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. Artikel adalah tulisan lepas berisi opini seseorang yang mengupas tuntas suatu masalah tertentu yang sifatnya aktual dan atau kontroversial dengan tujuan tertentu.21 It is called bebas (free) because whoever can write the articles based on each skill and interest and can be written anytime and anywhere. Metaphor is widely used in a text such as in the news items. As Laksana stated on his thesis “Penggunaan majas metafora pada tajuk berita lebih produktif dibandingkan penggunaan majas lainnya”.

19 Sumadiria, Haris AS.2006.Jurnalistik Indonesia: Menulis Berita dan Feature.Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media. 20 Fadaee, Elaheh.2011.Symbols, Metaphors, Similes in Literature. Journal of English and Literature.2(2).Iran: Islamic Azad University of Bandar Abbas.p.19 21Ibid, p.11


Hadi Hidayat also stated on his journal,

Metafora merupakan kreasi bahasa. Daya kreatif itu sering dimanfaatkan oleh pengarang untuk mengekspresikan maksud, gagasan, perasaan, atau imajinasinya. Tuturan metaforis dapat menciptakan gambaran mental yang mudah dipahami pengonsumsi teks.22

By metaphor, a writer feels free to express such an idea which is difficult to explain. Metaphor gives the concept of an idea for readers in understanding the purpose. Laksana also stated that there are three reasons why metaphor is always used. First, journalist would rather methapor than other figure of speech. Second, it is potentially for journalist need to use new words. Third, metaphor is more interesting than others.23 From the Laksana‟s opinion above, the writer can get the conclusion that there is no journalese without metaphor. A variety of writing in printed mass media such as economy, politic, governmet, sport, or bussiness are good to apply metaphor.

D. Figurative Language Figures of speech as figurative device of language are extensively researched in the context of language and communication studies. Figurative language is a conspicuous departure from what users of a language apprehend as the standard meaning of words or else the standard order of words in order to achieve some special meaning or effect. There are several types of figurative languages such as alliteration, hyperbole, idiom, irony, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, puns, simile. The writer is interested in metaphor. Figurative language is not far from the study about meaning. It is not only about the basis of language concept but also about the role of literary language. Figurative language is

22Hidayat,Hadi.2003.”Metalingua”.Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa. Desember 2014. 2(12).Bandung: Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat.p.167 23Wardani, A. R.2014. Metafora dalam Berita Olahraga Superskor pada Surat Kabar Tribun Jogja. 18-19.


one of language style which uses objects or things-like in depict purpose of language itself. Figurative language as language where the meaning does not coincide with literal language‟s meaning and points at metaphors and idioms as examples of it. It means that figurative language does not see at the language meaning literally or only in the field of lexical meaning, but in this case figurative language is more than that.

E. The Jakarta Post The Jakarta Post is one of daily English newspaper in Indonesia. This daily newspaper is owned by PT. Bina Media Tenggara which has the centre office in Jakarta. The first publishing was on 25 April 1983. It was the only one newspaper which uses English. It has become the famous newspaper in local even international. It is printed daily. The Jakarta Post can not only be read by local society but also be read by international readers. The Jakarta Post is provided in printed form but now it can be read through website It is always updated daily so that it makes readers of The Jakarta Post easier to read it anytime and anywhere. Now is the modern era by many sophisticated technologies, the writer can access from the previous news articles until the most updated one. So it is very likely to get many data from the website of The Jakarta Post.

F. Review of Related Research The research about metaphor also has been studied by other researchers. First, a thesis by Ade Puadah, the student of Syekh Nurjati State Islamic Institute Cirebon entitled “An Analysis of Metaphor in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems” by using George Lakoff and Mark Johnson and Zoltan Kovecses theory. The writer used qualitative research and content analysis. The aims of the research are to find types of metaphor and their meaning. the result of the research, the types of metaphor which was found


in Edgar Allan Poe‟s poems are conceptual metaphor, ontological metaphor, orientational metaphor, synesthetic metaphor, standard metaphor, extended metaphor, animating metaphor, active metaphor, submerged metaphor, and implicit metaphor. The dominant metaphor is ontological metaphor and the meaning of metaphor is different depends on the types of each metaphor.24 Second, a thesis by Aldin Lukman Hakim, the student of University of North Sumatera entitled “A Semantics Analysis of Metaphors Found in Dream Theatre’s Selected Lyrics”. The writer used the theory of david Crsytal and Karl Beckon, and Arthur Ganz by using qualitative research. The writer wanted to find the metaphors, the dominant metaphor and the meaning of each metaphor. The writer found 95 metaphors in Dream Theatre’s selected lyrics by the frequency 65 conceptual metaphors (68,4%), 28 mixed metaphor (29,5%), and 2 poetic metaphors (2,1%). So, the writer got that conceptual metaphor is most frequently used.25 Third, a thesis by Fadilah Mahmudah, The student of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. The research was entitled “An Analysis of Metaphor in The Jakarta Post Headlines News” by using George Lakoff and Johnson theory. The research discussed the metaphor in business articles of The Jakarta Post on May 5, 2014 edition. The research aimed to identify types of metaphors used in the business articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper and the meaning contained in the type of metaphors. To analyze it, the researcher used qualitative research and classified it into three types of metaphor. They are ontological metaphor, orientational metaphor and structural metaphor. The result of the research, the researcher identified that there were 8 orientational metaphors, 14 ontological metaphors and 7 structural metaphors. Then, the most of the

24 Puadah, A.2017.An Analysis of Metaphor in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems 25 Hakim, A.L.2009.A Semantics Analysis of Metaphors Found in Dream Theatre Selected Lyrics.


metaphors linguistics that occurred in The Jakarta Post bussiness articles on May 5, 2014 edition is ontological metaphor.26 Fourth, a thesis by Habib Syarwani, the student of State Institute of Islamic Studies IAIN Ponorogo, did the research by the title “An Analysis of Metaphor in Emily Dickinson’s Poems” by using George Lakoff and Mark Johnson theory and Sperber and Wilson theory. The writer used descriptive qualitative research. the writer wanted to find metaphors and implicit meaning of Emily Dickinson‟s Poems. The writer found 36 metaphorical expressions which was divided into three types of metaphor, that is structural metaphor (17 data or 47,2%), ontological metaphor (15 data or 41,6%), and orientational metaphor (4 data or 11,1%). From the data above, the writer knew that structural metaphor is dominant. Then, the writer concluded that The Poem of Emily Dickinson mostly used implicit meaning of metaphor.27 Then the fourth, a thesis by Laurentius Jalu Waskitho Jati, the student of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. The writer did the research entitled “An Analysis of Metaphor Found in Bring Me The Horizon’s Selected Song Lyrics” by using main theory of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson about metaphors, other theories about connotative and denotative meaning and formalist and biographical approach to answer formulation of the problem. This research is qualitative research. The writer would like to find the types of metaphor and the meanings of the songs in Bring Me Horizon‟s selected song lyric. Then, The writer found that there are three kinds of metaphor in Bring Me The Horizon‟s Selected Song Lyrics. Those are conventional metaphor, mixed metaphor and new metaphor. Conventional metaphor is mostly used. While the Drown song tells about a person who is lonely, depressed and frustrated. Throne song tells about a

26 Mahmudah, F.2015.An Analysis of Metaphor in Jakarta Post Business Articles on May 5, 2014 Edition. 27 Syarwani, H.2017.An Analysis of Metaphor in Emily Dickinson’s Poems


person who wants to prove to others that he can do more than what people think.28 The writer will do research in the same object but different research subject. The object of the research is metaphor, and the research subject is sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspaper. The writer wants to find types of metaphor in those articles, the ways the journalists use metaphors in the sports articles and which metaphors are most frequently used. The writer will use qualitative research by descriptive method and apply George Lakoff and Johnson theory.

28 Jati, L.J.W.2018. An Analysis of Metaphor Found in Bring Me The Horizon’s Selected Song Lyrics.


A. Design of Research

Based on the problem, the writer uses qualitative research and descriptive method. By qualitative research, the writer can provide information in the form of words. The writer uses library research to collect data and find the essence of the research. Qualitative research is practiced in many diciplines, so a range of data collection methods has been devised to cater for the varied requirements of the different subjects, such as: qualitative interviewing, focus groups, participant, discourse and conversation analysis and analysis of texts and documents. The writer chooses using this qualitative because qualitative research is commonly used in applied linguistics. Applied linguistics is a broad and exciting interdiciplinary field of sudy.It focuses onlanguage use, connecting kowledge about languages with an understanding of how they are used in the real world.29

The writer uses qualitative research and descriptive method to accelerate in analyzing the problem which is in words or written form. According to Brikci “Qualitative research is characterized by its aims, which relate to understanding some aspect of social life, and its methods which (in general) generate words, rather than numbers, as data for analysis.”30 It means that the qualitative research uses to analyze the problem and produce the data in words form to be described as the report.

29Juanita Heigham, R. A.2009. Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics. (R. A. Juanita Heigham, Ed.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan.p.3-4 30Brikci, Nouria.2007. A Guide to Using Qualitative Research Methodology. UK :London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.



Creswel stated: Qualitative research is a research which has multi method in focus, involving an interpretative naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This mean that qualitative research studies things in their natural setting attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meaning people bring them. Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical material-case study, personal experiences, introspective, life story, interview, observation historical, interactional, and visual texts-that describe and problematic moments and meaning in individual‟s life.”31

It means that qualitative research also can explain the metaphors found on sport articles which phenomena can bring meaning of the case. It relates to the meaning of subject matter in the articles by considering the context. Berg stated “Qualitative research thus refers to the concept, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things.” It means that qualitative research can be used to the metaphors which relate to the concept of meaning and the things contextually. In this research, it is suitable for the writer using descriptive method.The writer uses descriptive method which can make the writer easier in analyzing the articles. By descriptive method, the writer can identify and explain it systematically. As Creswel stated : Descriptive method relies on observation as a means of collecting data. It attempts to examine situations in order to establish what the norm is. The important point is that the observation are written down or recorded in some way, in order that they can be subsequently analyzed. It is important that the data so collected

31Denzin NK & Lincoln.2004.Introduction:Entering the Field of Qualitative Research.p.2


are organized and presented in a clear and systematic way, so that the analysis can result in valid and accurate conclusion.32

From the quotation, by descriptive method, the writer can collect the data and analyze it without numeric data which needs chart and diagram. Therefore, the writer will get valid and accurate data result based on the object of the research.

B. Source of Data Source of data is a subject where the data is acquired by certain ways. This activity aims to get information needed. Sutopo stated about source of data (Sumber data) “Sumber data adalah tempat data diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode tertentu baik berupa manusia, artefak, ataupun dokumen- dokumen.” In this research, the writer only uses the primary source of data. Primary data is data which is acquired directly from the source. The primary data source of this research is the articles of The Jakarta Post online especially Sports articles. The data will be collected by taking several sport articles on 18th Agustus-2nd September 2018. The writer focuses on articles about Asian Games 2018 which is full of enthusiasm of all asian countries.

C. Technique of Data Collection Technique of data collection is the way to collect the data. This step is important. The writer should be careful using the technique in order to get valid data. According to Sugiyono “Teknik pengumpulan data merupakan langkah yang paling strategis dalam penelitian, karena tujuan utama dari penelitian

32Creswell, J. W.2007. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. London: Sage.


adalah mendapatkan data”. The writer uses technique of documentation to collect the data. Documentation is a technique of collecting data from the source to strengthen the research. The data can be in the form of pictures or writings. As Sugiyono stated “Dokumentasi bisa berbentuk tulisan, gambar atau karya-karya monumentel dari seseorang.”33 So, the data can be acquired from script, book, newspaper, magazine, ancient inscription, minutebook and agenda. The writer will acquire the data from the The Jakarta Post online newspapers. This research is qualitative research. The writer will collect the data by searching on the website in There are at least three steps in collecting the data. First, the writer will take the sports articles in The Jakarta Post website from 8th August 2018 until 2nd September 2018. Second, the writer will identify and write down the metaphors found in those articles. The third, the writer will classify the metaphors into its types.

D. Technique of Data Analysis In the techniques of data analysis, the researcher uses the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman that related to the data analysis in qualitative research. In qualitative research, data is acquired from various sources by using techniques of data collection. As Bogdan stated:

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcript, field notes, and other materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others.

33 Sugiyono.2015.Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif.Bandung:Alfabeta.p.90


In this part, analyzing data is the most critical process in qualitative research. Susan Stainback stated that data analysis is critical to the qualitative research process. It is to recognition, study and understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that hypotheses and assertion can be developed and evaluated.34 There are three steps of data analysis: data reduction, data display and conclusion/verification.

a. Data Reduction

After collecting the data, the writer will select the data from the sports articles in The Jakarta Post website then classify it into kinds of metaphor. Before data reduction, there is Anticipatory. Anticipatory is occurring as the research decided which conceptual framework, which sites, which research question, which data collection approaches to choose.35 It is to anticipate what will be used in the research before data reduction.

Although, it is often without full awareness. In data reduction, there are many data which are acquired even it is complex and in volute. Therefore, it needs to take a note carefully and specifically. So, data analysis by data reduction is really needed. Data reduction means that enclosing or choosing the main things. It focuses on the important things so that data which are redacted give clear data and the writer will be easier to collect the next data.

b. Data Display In the second step, after the writer gets the classification of the data from the articles and the data of metaphor. The writer displayed the data in the form of table. However,

34 Crewel, J.W.Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design.London:Sage 35 Ibid, p.91-92


Miles and Huberman (1984) stated that the most frequent form of display data for qualitative research data is narrative text. The writer will use the table to display the data. After the data are acquired, the writer will analyze the data by using dictionary translation method and case analysis based on the articles.

c. Conclusion/Verification

The first conclusion is temporary. It can be changed if the writer finds strong evidences which support the next step of data collection. In the last step, the researcher will get the result of the research and make it in the form of table and analysis result.36

36 Miles, Matthew, B.1992.Qualitative Data Analysis.New York:Sage


Based on the research on sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers, the writer found the types of metaphor. Those types of metaphor are structural metaphor, orientation metaphor and ontological metaphor. Ontological metaphor is the dominant metaphor.

A. Types of Metaphor

The writer found three types of metaphor used in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers. Those are structural metaphor, orientation metaphor or spatial metaphor and ontological metaphor.

a. Structural Metaphor

Structural metaphor is a metaphor which sentence is understood by using another structure. The writer finds several structural metaphors in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers as folow;

Datum 1:

Their tall bodies as weapons. (21 Aug, 08.03 pm)

The sentence above states that there are two objects compared to convey the purpose based on the same characteristics. There are source domain and target domain. In this case, source domain is “Weapons” and target domain is “Tall bodies”. The conceptual metaphor as seen in the sentence is “Body is Weapon”. Indonesia lost 21-12, 21-17 in women‟s beach volleyball. Because, Mashkova, at 1,88 meters in height, and Tsimbalova, at 1,82 m, who are much taller than Indonesia‟s Dita 1,72 m and Putu 1,71m. Their height has a role to win the match. It is similar with Indonesia‟s Desi Ratnasari and Yokebed Purari Eka. Desi admitted that they had trouble blocking smashes by



Futami 1,8 m and Hasegawa 1,17m in height, while Desi is 1,71m and Yokebed is 1,72m.

It can be seen above that the term "weapon" is an object used by news writers to convey the height factor of an athlete in winning a match. News writers use the term “weapon”. Based on the Cambridge Advanced Learner's weapon is any object used in fighting or war. even though the term is not suitable to be used in a match. However, the term can describe a strength or measure of winning or losing. metaphor compares two objects based on their characteristics. In the eyes of the writer, the characteristics of "Body" and "Weapon" are bodies that are "the whole physical structure" consisting of the hands to hold, to move, to touch and to feel something, the feet are used to stand and move like walking, running, and jumping. in addition, part of body consists of the nose to breathe and to smell, the mouth is for eating and is equipped with teeth and the tongue as a sense of taste, and the eyes to see, the ears to hear. A series of body structures have certain functions as "tools" or "weapons" in carrying out life activities. So, body and weapon can be linked. Weapon as a tool in attacking opponents.

In this case, height is a measure of success. Because in a volleyball game, a team that has a higher height will be easier to attack the opponent with a smash. Opponents who have less height will have difficulty holding the ball into the goal. As a result, the opponent will easily defeat and score. As it can be seen in the case that happened when Indonesia was defeated. After being investigated, significant differences were seen between Indonesia and its opponents in height. News writers want to describe how the height factor influences the expected victory. In the language of journalists, an event can be expressed in any language style including language figures such as metaphors. However, news writers can use ordinary words such as "high body may be a factor of defeat". However, the sentence can only

state, not express an event. Besides, the news conveyed to article lovers became more "flat" and tended to be boring.

Datum 2:

We have time before Tokyo 2020. (26 Aug, 11:20 am)

The sentence “We have time” means that there is a chance for them to continue their struggle in Tokyo. It is to express the prediction that can be acquired before the next match. The sentence above describes an opportunity, even though the news writer uses the term "time". The concept of time describes the concepts of minutes, days and years. In this conceptual metaphor, it is interpreted as something that cannot be replaced, once it passes forever it will pass, because time sometimes feels fast and goes away without realizing it. The concept of time is also interpreted as a gift from God that must be utilized as well as possible.

On the sentence above, it can be seen when the Singapore team stated that they would be able to advance to the next Olympics in Tokyo. The concept of time can be defined in various contexts. Time is as an opportunity to do everything. Besides that time is also considered as a period of occurrence of a story in the past if time is associated with the past. Time consists of the present, the past and the future. If someone says "We have time", it means that the sentence states a situation after the previous situation has occurred and has produced an achievement that can be predicted as a milestone for later stages. Someone will express his ability. Progressing to the next stage or to take part in competitions that will be held in other places.

Interpreting a sentence, there are several ways that can be done, either interpreting it literally or contextually. If a sentence is only interpreted literally, it will get the meaning according to what is in the text, not out of the text. This translation is often called the way of



translation based on a dictionary. Whereas, interpreting the sentence contextually is able to open insights and ways of thinking adjusting sentences with the situation that occurs. So that many people will have their own way of interpreting according to the point of view. Therefore, one sentence is able to describe various circumstances or events that occur like the phrase "We have time before Tokyo 2020".

Datum 3: The medal was the fruit of her years of training and dedication to the sport. (31 Aug, 10.44 am)

The statement above refers to two domains. In this case, The medal can be the target domain and The Fruit can be the source domain. Metaphor pairs two objects that have similar characteristics. The Medal is a piece of metal often resembling a coin and having a stamped design that is issued to commemorate a person or event or awarded for excellence or achievement.37 While the term “The Fruit” is something that grows on a plant, tree, or bush, can be eaten as a food, contains seeds or a stone, and is usually sweet.38 It means that the metaphor “The Medal is the fruit” is used to convey the good result that we have from something, after we have got an achievement such as fruits which are usually sweet.

Datum 4:

Fajar Alfian and were the heroes of the day. (22 August, 12.22 am)

The sentence above is classified into structural metaphor as it can be seen that there are two objects mentioned such as “The heroes of the day”. The statement has two domains. Those are “The hero” and “The day”. These two words have different meaning until it makes a

37 Accessed on Thursday, 21st February 2019, at 09:35 pm 38 Longman.2005. Dictionary of Contemporary English:New Edition, For advanced learner, England: Pearson Education.p.704


sentence that has one meaning depend on the sentence uttered. The term “hero” can be meant as someone who struggle for something and the people gets benefit from his struggle. People who are called “hero” usuallz have the achievements in his life to make people proud of him. They will see him as the angel and he will get the appreciation from many people. The people admit them as “a good man” not only some of them but almost all people do that.

While the term “day” is a situation of some time. The day means nowadays. Actually that term only has the general meaning but because it becomes a sentence. It should be understood on its context. The hero of the day means that, and Muhammad Rian Ardianto are “the heroes” now. People call them hero is because they have got many achievements especially for their country, they bring goodness and great benefit for the other people by their success. They won the match in Asian Games 2018. Every people admit their success. So, they are suitable to be called “the heroes”. They have brought the light for everyone. The term heroes are also usually used when there are many people proud of them. It is not suitable for who only gets common success. It means when they do not bring the change or the hope for the development of the country and many people. Because, every people must ever got a success but the differences are if the success influences many parts of their life. b. Orientation/Partial Metaphor

Orientation or partial metaphor is a metaphor which gives spatial meaning and it involves the orientation such as up-down, in-out, on-off and front-back. The writer gets the partial metaphor in The Jakarta Post online newspapers especially aports articles as follow;

Datum 5:

Our spirit will still be high. (19 Aug, 12.59 pm)


Orientational gives the orientational such as up and down, high or low, in and out. Such the conceptual metaphor formed. To call someone‟s happy, the common conceptual is “Up” orientation. It is apply to the statement above. The term “high” and “spirit” can depict a feeling that the spirit is in a good condition. Partial metaphor gives partial meaning and sentence in "down" and "high". With the orientation of the space, the metaphor is interpreted as a figurative language that attempts to explain something or an event using that orientation. In the sentence above, it can be seen that there is an object that wants to be described, namely "spirit".

In this case, the news writer uses the word "high" to say that "spirit is high". Conceptual metaphor here can be interpreted as the disclosure of something that is difficult to express clearly. Thus, positive orientation is used to make interpretations of good things. While the negative orientation is used for bad things. In the conceptual metaphor, there is a provision that the orientation of "down" to say like "I am feeling sad" and orientation "up" is commonly used to express the feeling of joy. The term "up" is equal to "high". Like the sentence "Our spirit will still be high" even though there is no benchmark for how high the spirit is. However, the purpose of writing uses the term "high" refers to the fighting spirit that continues to flare up. These athletes have a tremendous enthusiasm to continue to strive for achievement and success. That is a form of an affirmation that being weak is not an option. The term "spirit" based on Cambridge Advanced Learner's dictionary, which is "a particular way of thinking. Meanwhile, the term "high" is defined as "Above average" or greater than usual level or amount.

So, it can be concluded that the spirit possessed by athletes at men's beach volleyball. Indonesia finished first in both sets beating Afghanistan. They said fighting spirit kept them up in beating a strong


team. By keeping their spirit high, it made them confident in achieving their common goals in this case Indonesia's duo Ade Candra Rachmawan and Muhammad Ashfiya aginst Ozair Mohammad Asifi and Mohib Jan Amadi. Indonesia won 21-8-21-7 to Afghanistan in the men's beach volleyball on Sunday at Jakabaring sports city in Palembang, South Sumatra.

Datum 6: I am really down right now. (21 Aug, 04.08 pm)

In this case, the sentence means that someone is feeling sad. Because the term “down” can refer to bad feeling. Humans have their own conceptual about feeling down such giving up. In accordance with the object as a comparison. Fruit is a result that can be obtained from trees and shrubs. Medal and fruit as two objects which function to describe an exciting thing. In this case, the news writer wanted to express the results of the efforts of Dwi "Ayang" Rahayu Pitri who competed in Soft Tennis at the 2018 Asian Games. She was accompanied by his father Damrah who was a lecturer at Padang State University. The gutter has her first medal in the Asian Games. Before, he got a place in the Semifinals against Dares 4-3, Ayang lost to Cheng Chuling in the semifinals. Even so, he got bronze. After years of practicing Ayang, he finally got an award for all the efforts he had done so far.

Medal is an important goal that an athlete wants to get. The medal symbolizes a success and a proof of struggle after going through various obstacles and strong opponents. In the author's view, the news writer uses the term "Fruit" so that the reader is able to interpret it when reading sentences such as "The medal was the fruit". The reader automatically thinks that the sentence states the success that has been obtained even without reading the other sentences. The metaphor used


has represented a situation in a match using only two objects with the same properties.

The two objects that are compared are "Medal" and "Fruit". Many people often use the term “Fruit” in expressing sweet results obtained. If the news writer only uses common words, for example, the news writer writes "The medal is the result of years of competition and dedication to the sport." The sentence will be more ordinary and cannot express it more because everyone will assume that every victory or success will get results like one of them is "Medal". However, the purpose of this news writer is not only that. News writers want readers to feel the victory too. The reader will stimulate in his brain that this is an impressive result, especially for those who receive the results.

Datum 7: Iqbal labored to down Nguyen Ngoc Toan of Vietnam 4-1. (28 Aug, 09.53 am)

The sentence above uses the term “down” to say that they have strong intention to lose the rival. the conceptual metaphor has given the concept that “down” refers to negative thing or effect. In this case, partial or orientation metaphors refer to orientations such as up-down, in-out, front-back, deep-shallow, or central-peripherals. Even though the orientation refers to the physical base but even so the orientation is not at all related to the physical base. The sentence above does use the term down. However, what is meant is not to express a feeling. In this case, the term down is used for an action to bring someone down in a match. Players (athletes) will compete and try to defeat each other. It turns out that the term “Down” can also be used as a verb. Orientation metaphor or commonly called partial metaphor which means partial.


This means that orientation or partial metaphor has meanings that are not as a whole called in a metaphorical moment. In sentences, especially the partial metaphor gives the concept of meaning which is only partially known. That is because partial metaphor, has described the concept of meaning based on the experience gained by humans. This experience makes a certain understanding so that anyone will know the meaning behind a sentence. People can describe it in the mind of how the sentence functions as a medium to express ideas or feelings. Human experience forms a unity in the system of meaning. The sentence of conceptual metaphor such as "Iqbal laboring down the Nguyen Ngoc Toan of Vietnam" can be explained as common sentences such as "Iqbal is difficult to beat Nguyen Ngoc Toan of Vietnam". However, the sentence can not express the purpose exactly. That is why the news writer uses the term "down" because each person will automatically judge how Iqbal's efforts are done or how the main goal is in winning the match. With that term, Iqbal's enthusiasm will be drawn to defeat Nguyen Ngoc Toan of Vietnam. So, the term down is adjusted to the context or situation where the term is used because it is not only for expressions of feeling but also for expressions of purpose in the form of action verbs.

Datum 8:

Jonathan has handled ups and downs in his career with a positive attitude. (29 Aug, 02.19 pm)

The sentence shows us orientation of someone‟s life that is why it is classified into orientational metaphor. It is easy to find the classification for this orientation metaphor. The orientation metaphor is usually used to express sad, happiness, and anger. The sentence above shows directly the term “ups and downs” as the orientation. Journalists use those term to express the significant changes of


someone‟s life. the term “ups” is usually used to express the good condition and the therm “downs” to express the bad or the negative condition of something. Ups and downs can be the way to express how someone undergoes their life in different condition. Sometimes, they will be on top and sometimes the will be down.

Jonathan has handled ups and downs his career means that Jonathan can be stronger in his life. although they should pass the situation where they are happy and sad. On the sentence, he shows that he handles it by a positive attitude. It means that he never thinksbad about his life. just think it positively and he can pass it easily. He has good attitude he never thinks that when his career is down. It means that he should fix the mistakes he made in the past. So he can be better next. Everybody can do that because it is not difficult. Just having a positive thinking, even there is some problem in our life. we can overcome it by thinking that what happens today is for our future life. we will be able to better and we can know what we should do for the next time. c. Ontological Metaphor

Ontological metaphor is usually used to express the abstract things such as ideas, emotions or such feelings. The writer finds the ontological metaphor in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers as follow;

Datum 9:

I find a lot of smiling in the village. (18 Aug, 01.20 pm) Ontological metaphor is used to express the abstract thing such as ideas or feelings. On the sentence above, we can see clearly that it expresses good feeling when the athletes saw that there are many people welcome them well. Ontological metaphors are unique metaphors. Because with this ontological metaphor, something abstract


or something that is difficult to say can be described through metaphor. This is like the sentence "I find a lot of smiling in the village". Literally, the sentence only explained that he found a smile in the village. In fact, the news writer used an ontological metaphor to convey that he was welcomed in the village. In this context Japanese athletes felt comfortable staying in the athlete village in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. They were served delicious food and friendly people, always greet them with chayo and konichiwa. The phrase "I find a lot of smiling in the village" is used to express how happy they are in the village. The village of Kemayoran athletes consists of five towers with 1000 rooms for 10000 athletes. In literal understanding, the purpose of the sentence and its meaning are already visible. News writers want to create a deep and expressionist impression by using the sentence ontological metaphor. Although, there will be many interpretations from some people who interpret it with different points of view. Ontological metaphors can explain a thing, an event or a feeling that is difficult to express in ordinary words. So to illustrate it, the news writer chose to use a figurative language which in this case uses metaphor. With a metaphor, news writers can freely use various kinds of words to develop their ideas. Because metaphor is presented with imaginative words by comparing two objects with similar characteristics in accordance with the rules that apply in writing. So the conclusion is that the sentence "I find a lot of smiling in the village" means that he is welcomed and full of enthusiasm, seen from the word "smiling" which means "smile" that is usually done when people are happy or people hear good news.

Datum 10: Mistakes that killed us. (20 Aug, 08.18 am)


Here is the unique and terrific metaphor. On the sentence above states that mistake killed them. It actually means that they feel regret because of their mistake. They failed to win on the match. Based on sentence above, it means that mistakes influence the achievement. In this case, the news writer uses the term "killed" to describe a regret for the mistakes he made. With this term, the reader is able to interpret a picture of deep regret. The term "killed" as a verb that shows an action. The Metaphor here means "A mistake kills them". Mistakes, which is an abstract thing, are impossible to do an act of killing, the term is only used to represent the meaning of an expression. In accordance with the situation where Jose Mourinho stated that they had made a mistake on a crucial occasion.

Killing is an act of "destroy or spoil or make it stop". That means, based on the sentence above, the error has caused consequences that made them fall slowly and lose the match. Sometimes, even a small mistake can leave a bad effect for the next stages and this leaves a deep regret. Mourinho also said "we were punished by mistakes we made". It can be concluded from the sentence above, the mistakes they make are the reason they fall and are damned. They regret what they did. The term punished is used to describe how they feel that there is an impact that will be felt due to actions that are not carefully thought out.

Regret is always at the end, someone will realize after doing bad things, when he receives the impact of the action, he will think to back to the past time or to return to that period so that he can control it into positive actions. Actually, news writers can use clear sentences without using metaphorical expressions. However, the sentence will not be able to describe a feeling like in this case feeling disappointed, sad, regret. Ontological metaphors are able to express a feeling so that this type of metaphor is widely used by news writers.


Datum 11: Siman swallowed another bitter pill following Indonesia’s losses at Monday finals. (21 Aug, 04.08 pm)

In this case, metaphor is used to state the shellacking. the sentence says that it is like swallowing bitter pill. Ontological metaphor is a metaphor that can express feelings through metaphorical expressions, by comparing two objects or using terms whose meanings can refer to situations or contexts how a person's feelings are like the sentence "Siman swallowed another bitter pill folowing Indonesia losses at Monday finals". In this case, the author focused on the sentence "swallowed another bitter pill". If this sentence is interpreted literally, then we will easily understand that Siman only swallowed bitter pills. Even so, news writers cannot just write the sentence without adjusting it to the context.

In the situation, it shows the disadvantage of the swimmer team at the Asian Games during Monday's final at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Senayan, Central Jakarta. At that time, Afiah Fadlan Prawira, I Gede Siman Sudrtawa and Tri Adli Fauzi Sidiq failed to win the match and get a medal for their country. Even though Siman‟s coach, Albert C-Sutanto, had predicted that Siman would be able to bring a medal because the coach saw Siman‟s achievements and Siman had well prepared before the match and he had worked hard both physically and mentally. Swallowed another bitter pill shows a condition that is not pleasant. Literally, the bitter pill can be interpreted as "small round piece of medicine which has a sharp unpleasant taste, not sweet".

So, a bitter pill is something that is very unpleasant to eat because it tastes bitter. The bitter pill term reveals a condition that is unlucky or not good. With this term, it is clearly illustrated what happened.


According to the situation, news writers use sentences that refer to the same goals and characteristics. With the term "Bitter Pill" it is considered capable of representing the depiction of an event because it matches or characteristics similar to "Bad Feeling" and "Bitter Pill".

Datum 12:

I know I lost lots of balls which should’t happen. (20 Aug, 08.18 am)

The sentence above is classified into ontological metaphor because it contains something abstract. In this case, journalists want to express something that they can not express it clearly. The sentence “I know I lost lots of balls which shouldn‟t happen” means another different meaning. if it is translated literally, it has meaning that someone has lost the balls. But the meaning is not as simple as that, the journlists want to say that someone has got lose in a match especially football or volleyball. He lost the balls means that he loses from a match which he should not do.

He lost of balls which shouldn‟t happen, the statement can be meant that he really sorry about what he did. He has failed in a match then it makes him depressed and feel sad. Someone who regret because of his work. He wants to repeat what he did and he will do the best because he has known and he had more spirit to do better than before although, he failed before, he will always try better and better to increase his skills and decrease hist lost.

Journalists use such good language to express the failure. It is not directly informed that the people have done worst. The journalists use his words by figurative language. so, it has many interpretations without telling the truth directly. But when there is people who get any achievement, the journalists have the best words or phrases to express it and how the journalists can make the readers also feel the joy.


B. The Functions of Metaphor

Generally, the function of metaphor is used to say something by using another object and to express point of view and emotion toward something. In identifying the functions of metaphor. The writer uses the pragmatics functions by Jhon Searle‟s theory.

a. Assertive

This assertive function says about something true. It contains of the statemnet for suggensting, swearing, or boasting. The writer finds the metaphors which are classified to assertive function as follow;

Datum 13:

You are the heroes of Asia (2 Sept, 11.16 pm)

The sentence above is used to inform or to state that they are the heroes of Asia. It means that they give the best thing for Asia with their achievements. Because “hero” is the term which only be given to people who has achived something great. The sentence above is classified into assertive function because the sentence aims to flatter others. Because it has good achievements. The assertion sentence itself is an argument which truth is known or something that is true. The assertive function usually consists of a sentence containing a statement, to report, to inform, to remind, and to flatter.

In this case, the statement "You are the heroes of Asia" in which the sentence was stated by Vice President Jusuf Kalla when he had the opportunity to deliver a few words at the closing ceremony of the Asian Games. Jusuf Kalla thanked all the nations of Asia and all athletes who contributed in this event that on this occasion President Joko Widodo could not attend because he was in Lombok to see the post-earthquake situation. The sentence above is used to flatter the Asian Games activities that took place from August 18 to September 2,


2018. In addition, Jusuf Kalla also expressed his gratitude to all nations who have participated and have given a strong spirit and energy of fair play. A statement that is information and praise to someone or something including an assertive function. The concept of metaphor has a function as an expression formed in a sentence. The sentence used usually refers to the purpose of conveying that something or someone is a "hero".

The term hero is usually used to refer to someone who has good quality or is recognized for his courage. Even so, the word “hero” is not only used for someone. But it can also be used to refer to a group that plays an important role in the success of certain activities or ceremonies. In this case, the group is one of the factors involved in a success. Jusuf Kalla stated that this Asian Games left thrilling moments.

Datum 14: Thao and Tam are Vietnam‟s golden hopes. (24 Aug, 01.02 pm)

In this case, Thao and Tam are hope for Vietnam. This sentence is used to inform other people and to show that they have good achievement so they are hoped to be better on the next step. The sentence is categorized into the assertive function, because the sentence contains the statement that Thao and Tam are Vietnamese hopes at the Asian Games. Thao won the WBC Asia Super flyweight title last November. Whereas Tam made history as a Vietnamese female boxer who won the Asian title. Thao and Tam have made very good achievements, so they become a golden hope for Vietnam to bring back the pride of Vietnam.

The word "hope" can be interpreted as desire and expectation so that something good happens. Meanwhile, the term "golden" means "special", "wonderful" like gold. In the sentence "Thao and Tam are


Vietnam's golden hopes" means that Vietnam (a country) hopes for Thao and Tam to achieve success in the Asian Games. News writers use the term "golden hopes" with the aim that the sentence can describe a very big hope in order to achieve the goals. By using metaphor, it will be clearly illustrated how feelings (in this case, hope) can be revealed only through sentences and terms that represent those feelings. The word "golden" reinforces the word "hope". News writers can only use the word “hope” but the term "hope" is not enough to express those feelings. By reading "golden hope" automatically, the reader will understand what is intended by the news writer depending on the context for what the term is used as for humans, objects, an achievement. In the above sentence, it can be concluded that Thao and Tam are outstanding people, so there is great hope for them to bring the medal back to their homeland. They become valuable assets for Vietnam which will bring the good name of Vietnam.

Datum 15:

We are brothers. (18 Aug, 09.01 pm)

In this case, the statemnet shows that there are two domains or objects. “ We” and “Brothers”. These term are used to be a statement which has deeply meaning. in Assertive, the statement can have the function as to inform readers “We are brothers” is classified into assertive because it informs to the readers that we (who mentioned) are the brothers (family/close people). It is same as structural metaphor, the function is to state that the people mentioned are the brothers. There are no differences between those people.

The statement above has the context or the situation where the atlhetics in Asian Games 2018 are brother. All of them has become such a family. But in a match, we should be more competitive in order to be closer with others. It must be done in a competititve. It doesn‟t


mean that we are family, we let the others win the game. We will have more competitive match. Because it doesn‟t matter being like that. But in this case, the statement explains that all of us are brothers. We love each other, we care of each other. We are in one mission. The mission is to make the country proud of ourselves.

In this situation of match, everybody has great spirit to compete each other. So they have more struggle to get their success. Win or lose are not the priority. The priority is the honest and play better. The athlete should do the competition as far as he can. They must fight themselves to pass their processes. They know that they are struggling for their country and the family. They should make all of the people proud of them by getting many achievements and keeping honest in their heart. They must play well and make the other people proud of his success and luck in Asian Games 2018.

Datum 16:

A successful penalty conversion from Ayase Ueda in the 90th minute sent Malaysia home. (25 Aug, 08.34 am)

This statement is classified into assertive function. Assertive has functions such as to state, to inform and to report. In this statement, journalists informs that Ayase Ueda succeed in a match by sending Maysia home. It is literally defined in a metaphor translation. The statement “A successful penalty conversion from Ayase Ueda in the 90th minute sent Malaysia home” means that Ayase Ueda did a great penalty, so he got the point and he lost the Malaysia team. Send malysia home does not mean that Malaysia only come back home usually but the great penalty has made the rival lost the game so the rival will get home as soon as possible and back to their country.

It is usually happened in a match. There will be lost team and the winner. It does not matter because the team has been given the reward


from their country because they have struggled on a match. That is for the milestone to be better in the future. They can train more to prepare for the next match. Everybody who failled on the game is not directly forgotten but they have been the hero because they can be on the big match (Asian Gmaes 2018), they have passed many steps to be able to be athletics on the game as the representative of his country to get many achievement that they can bring for their country‟s goodness and also the citizen. Besides, it is for their family so their family can be proud of them. b. Directive

The sentences that are categorized to directive functions usually contains of the sentences to invite other people. The writer finds those sentences of metaphor as follow;

Datum 17: They sought to enjoy every moment and to bear witness to Asia‟s biggest multisport event being hosted by the nation. (18 Aug, 10.29 pm)

The sentence above is classified as a directive because it invites other people (readers) to become "Witnesses" or spectators at the 2018 Asian Games. The sentence tells others to do something according to the directive function. News writers use the term "witness" because the meaning of the word "witness" is someone who directly sees events or events. This term is very suitable as a word to describe Asian Games viewers who will see and document the events of how athletes struggle and become participants who also support athletes to be able to win medals. The Asian Games is a race which is hosted by 45 countries in Asia. Each country sends its athletes to compete against athletes from other countries. This competition aims to strengthen the unity between Asian countries. On the sentences, those usually used with the directive


function. The sentence contains an invitation or a command to another person. Sentences are usually classified as certain functions in accordance with the purpose of the sentence written as a sentence which is only stating, informing, expressing feelings or affirming something. If the sentence is in the form of a statement, then it includes assertive. Whereas, if the sentence contains feelings expressions then the sentence includes expressive sentences. In the above sentence, the author focuses on the sentence "to bear witness" because it contains a metaphor and can be categorized into sentence directive function metaphor. News writers invite Indonesian people in particular as well as people from various countries in Asia to witness the moments of the 2018 Asian Games. Datum 18:

I want them to become the overall winner of the 2019 SEA Games and also to shine in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. (2 Sept, 07.22 pm).

The sentence above is categorized as a directive because of the word "to shine" that it is a metaphor. Conceptual metaphors are not just comparing two objects by mentioning them in sentences directly. However, the conceptual metaphor conceptualizes an idea by using terms that resemble its characteristics with the idea. The term "shine" is usually used for something that can make the light like a lamp or sun in a larger context. However, in this context, the term is used to express a goal or more to an action as in a sports article, the sentence refers to the situation in which the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Syafrudin stated that he was proud of national athletes because of their outward achievements usual at the Asian Games, and he also hopes that they can achieve success again in the next competition such as the 2019 SEA Games in the Philippines. The word “shine” is the hope for athletes to be able to compete well in the following events. Shining has a positive meaning so that the term is expected to be able to be understood by people that there is


great hope for athletes to return to their achievements wherever they compete and at any event. In the sentence, Minister Syafrudin hopes that athletes will be able to get their achievements at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Athletes must be able to seize these opportunities because they have incised previous achievements. This is what makes Minister Syafrudin believe that national athletes can achieve a bright future and they can win matches while winning the hearts of those who support them.

Datum 19:

We still have a lot of room for improvement. (20 Aug, 12.05 pm)

The functions of directive is to ask other people to agree the statement or the utterance. Directive is used to invite other people to hear the fact. The statement above has great meaning. although it is also stated literally. Literally, the statement “We still have a lot of room for improvement.” Means that there are still space or room for improvement. However it does not mean as simple as that. It means that the statemnt state the chance for people to be better. In this case, the athletics said after their failure before, they stated that they still have a lot of chance to improve their skills. So, the term “room” can be meant as a chance and the term “a lot of room” means hat there are still many chances for them. It is better that the journalist directly use that the athletics have a lot of chances.

By the metaphor, the journalists can express it clearly. Everybody can understand the statement in their own ways. The representative of the country should have the positive thinking. Although they got failure, they can not be down directly. Everybody will suggest in their feeling and mind that there will be many chances for them to try again. The looser is the winner to be. Every failure gives the positive thinking. In human thought. So, when someone feel down by his failure, he can


handle it more deeply so he can continue his struggle to do better and he tries to get the best in getting their dream being great athletics and give the success or achievement for their country.

Datum 20:

We have talented boxers who will complete to bring glory to the nation. (24 Aug, 01.02 pm)

The statement above is classified into directive function because it is used to invite the other people feel the same condition as the situation happened. The statement “We have talented boxers who will complete to bring glory to the nation.” Is in this case, the athletics or the talented boxers will compete to get their success and achievment for their nation. So, the term “glory” is such as happiness. The happiness can be like an achievement of someone. The athletics will bring happines and proud to the their own nation. We have talented boxers is stated from their trainer. He stated that he has talented boxersband he believed that the those athletics will compete and do their best to achieve their purposes when the athletics won the game. It will be useful for them, for their family and especially for their beloved country.

Actually, the journalists do not mention for the “talented boxers” only. But also for the others. However, the journalists stated like that because he knew that all of the athletics have their own ability and skills. So, all of them are talented. Now it depends on the athletics.if they trust themselves, they will believe in being the winner in any match. They can finish the game better. The athletics get their own ways in reaching it. all of the athletics have been trained well before they get to the match. So, they can think and do it better but again the lucky also has a role on it.


c. Expressive Expressive conveys about thought and feelings about a situation such as thanking, apologizing, welcoming, and deploring. The writer finds the sentence of metaphor which relate to the expressive function on pragmatics as follow;

Datum 21:

Sun‟s patriotism then won over more hearts. (21 Aug, 04.01 pm)

In this case, the sentence above is classified into expressive function. In accordance with the word "expressive" which means to express feelings. The sentence above means that Sun Yang has amazed others. When he insisted the Chinese flag. He won over more hearts means that he has received many flattery from people who witnessed his patriotism. News writers use the term "won over more hearts" with the aim that he is able to express a feeling through these words or sentences. Like someone who is liked by many people because of certain actions that he did and that action left a good impression for others. Someone usually does an action that seems good like someone who likes others. For people who see it, then that person will like it because of the generosity that he has. These people claimed to have won the hearts of many people. Sun Yang left a positive impression on many people for his patriotism. The term "patriotism" means love of the homeland and dare to defend it. A person who has a patriot nature, he will be ready to serve his country even if he will not be willing if there is someone who wants to overthrow his country, then he will defend even if he has to swear blood. Especially if someone damages the country's flag which is a form of humiliation for the country. Sun's patriotism has a positive impact, that is, he makes others sympathetic and feels proud of him.


News writers can use simple sentences to describe a situation. However, simple sentences are not enough because they are limited to literal meaning and ordinary sentences that will lead to ordinary interpretations as well. With sentences that contain metaphors, the purpose of the news writer in expressing feelings of sadness, happiness, or disappointment is realized properly and clearly.

Datum 22: The world‟s third-ranked pair were on fire. (19 Aug, 06.47 am)

The sentence above includes sentences with expressive functions. In the sentence, the conceptual metaphor is seen in the words "on fire". The term can be interpreted literally such (on fire). However, the term has a different meaning from the literal meaning. In the context of the situation, it can be interpreted as a spirit that blazes like fire. The concept of "fire" is usually used to express one's feelings of enthusiasm. The sentence above does not mean the world 's third - ranked pair "on fire" but rather has high enthusiasm. There are many ways to express feelings through words, such as using figure of speech and language style. By using a language style or figurative language, the news writer can use various kinds of words so that what is delivered can be clearly revealed. In addition, figurative language, like metaphor, is more likely to be creative and readers will be more interested in reading even though metaphorical sentences require deep interpretation to know the meaning of certain sentences. Even so, the news writer has presented a language that is easily understood by many people. Metaphorical languages or terms are usually many terms that are widely known to many people. The term has a concept that is formed from experience and observation of the surrounding environment. Known terms, the meaning has been agreed upon. The term "fire" is conceptualized as another word of high enthusiasm.


In this case, the world's third-ranked pair of energetically executed sharp shots throughout the game. This sentence is suitable for people who have great enthusiasm to achieve their goals or success. By just looking at the word "fire", we will understand the meaning of the word and where the term refers. However, each term must be adapted to the context of the situation that occurs because the term "fire" can be used to express the anger caused by something and it makes a deep sense of disappointment that makes the heart hot like fire.

Datum 23:

He was very grateful knowing her two year preparation for the games had finally paid off. (19 Aug, 11.12 am)

The statement has expressive functions. It expresses the grateful and good condition of feeling. In this case, the statement have some words which refers to express the grateful such as “very grateful”, “the preparation” and “paid off”. The statement has stated the feeling directly. It is clear that it is for grateful and happiness expressions. However, the journalists focuses on the term “paid off”.

The journalists arranges this statement well. He was very grateful knwoing his two preparation for that games had finaly paid off. It means that that someone is really happy that the preparation that gets two years have good result. He has prepared all the things he needed for two years but all he did don‟t make him disappointed. The preparation made him grateful because he got the best result as he hope before.

Datum 24:

I often train and play with all my heart. (24 Aug, 01.02)

Expressive functions are the most interesting that can be discussed. The statement above is classified into expressive because


based on the function that it is used to express someone‟s feeling. The statement above has words or phrases that refers to a feeling of spirit. That is in the part of “with all my heart”. The journalists use the term because the term can represent the the purposes that the journalists want to show or to explain to the readers.

The statement “ can paly with all my heart” can be translated literally. It can not refers to the feeling because it is only translated without seeing the context. The context of the statement is one of the athletetics have trained and played well by his heart and all of his heart. The term with all my heart can be meant as a spirit or the best attitude to achieve their success. It means he really wants to do the best.



This chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion. The writer concludes the research by providing the major findings on the conclusion while suggestions provide the advices for the next researchers and also the advices for the readers.

A. Conclusion After analyzing all the data in sports articles in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers. The writer concludes this research based on the formulation of the problems. There are two parts of this conclusion. 1. The writer found that there are three types of metaphors; Structural metaphor, orientation metaphor and ontological metaphor. From the calculation before, the writer saw that the ontological metaphor is dominant because it is most frequently used in the sports articles. Structural metaphor is like the statement which shows two objects clearly so it is easier to decide the structural metaphor appeared in the articles. Orientation or partial metaphor tend to have such the concept of expression “up and down” and “win and lose” in a sport article. Then, ontological metaphor is more complicated. It is like the expression of something and the meaning is rather difficult to decide. Human should have the knowledge or experience about the object which is used to express the ideas (abstract). However, structural and partial metaphor also need it but this ontological can be more than that. 2. All metaphors have the functions. There are three functions based on the classification of illocutionary acts on Pragmatics about the functions of utterances such as assertive, directive, and expressive. In the sports articles, the sentences found contains of the statement for praise to someone‟s achievement, and hope in the future. It is classified into assertive. While the directive contains of invitation to other people to do



something and then the writer also found the assertive function on sports articles such as the expression of happiness, spirit, or dissapointed. After displaying and calculating the data and analysis, the writer can conclude that the metaphor in sports articles in The Jakarta Post online newspapers is often used to express the feeling.

B. Suggestions

Language has been a part of life. Humans have their own art of communication. This art is usually meant as language style or figurative language used during a communication such as metaphor. The writer considers that understanding a figurative language is important in order to have a good input whether in oral or in written form.

For the readers, based on this research, the writer suggests that the readers better read the online newspapers of The Jakarta Post than the printed one. Because the online provides interesting language as seen on the metaphor found on it. For the next researcher, the writer hopes that there will be the next researchers who also anlyze the same object of the research by the different subject of the research.



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Appendix 1

No. HEADLINES Sentences 1. Asian Games: Indonesia's A successful penalty conversion from Ayase Ueda in th richest man clinches the 90 minute sent Malaysia home and put Japan bronze in bridge through to the quarterfinals to face Saudi Arabia, which defeated China 4-3 in its round of 16 match.

(Sat, August 25, 2018, 08.34 am) 2. Time to turn brave words I am not there [at the opening ceremony venue], but I into action still can feel the hype. I am proud to be part of this event. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 10.29 pm) 3. Asian Games: Indonesia Our players weren‟t even born the last time we played in sweeps pencak silat gold the Asian Games. So, making it here is already a major medals achievement. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 04.14 pm)

4. 'We made incredible Takraw Association of Thailand president Charouck mistakes': Mourinho Arirachakaran is brimming with confidence that his team fumes as United crash will complete a clean sweep of four golds for the third Asiad running. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 03.45 pm) 5. Asian Games: Towering With the 18th Asian Games, we, the nations of Asia, want China claims women‟s to show [the world] that we are brothers, we are united basketball gold and we want to reach our goals. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 09.01 pm)

6. Asian Games: Indonesia Edgar, who grabbed silver in the men‟s daoshu at the beats Japan to reach 2017 Wushu World Championships in Kazan, Russia, men‟s team said he was very grateful knowing his two year preparation for the games had finally paid off. final (Sun, August 19, 2018, 11.12 am)

7. Asian Games: Singapore I should have positioned myself more clearly given the swimmers' successful racist attacks from some corners and should have put campaign reflects squad's myself in front of Mesut Ozil. (Sun, August 19, 2018, 06.55 pm) greater depth, ambition

8. Asian Games: Indonesian The goal served as a wake up call to Indonesia, which women‟s team cruises to needed a victory to avoid powerhouses in the knockout semis round, to become more aggressive in the remainder of the first half. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 10.17 pm) 9. Asian Games: 16-year- Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba believes the


old Indian shooting club’s fans have every right to vent their anger after a sensation claims gold on first-half collapse saw the Red Devils beaten 3-2 by debut Brighton. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 07.15 pm)

10. Asian Games: Underdog We still have a lot of room for improvement, like all Jojo makes comeback teams at this time of year, but we showed intensity, good with victory in badminton team spirit and we managed to win and score goals against a team who are well organised defensively. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 08.08 pm) 11. Asian Games: Youngest After finishing her performance, she turned to the skateboarder Aliqqa president and gave him a thumbs up, which he promptly considers Asiad as returned. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 12.05 pm) stepping stone

12. Asian Games: Underdog Many of Mourinho’s stars, including World Cup Jojo makes comeback winner Pogba, new signing Fred and French forward with victory in badminton Anthony martial, were anonymous for long periods, but the boss refused to criticise individuals. (Mon, August 20, 2918. 08.18 am) 13. Asian Games: Swimming for glory between China Paul Lee who, along with Christian Standhardinger and and Japan Pringle, stepped up when clarkson was on the bench in the crucial stages of the fourth quarter. (Tue, August 21,2018, 07.01 pm) 14. Japan, North Korea I’ve been in football a long time. If that‟s a penalty the advance to quarterfinals game has changed beyond all recognition. in men‟s soccer (Tue, August 21, 2018, 07.57 am) 15. Asian Games volunteers Meanwhile, Indonesia seeded swimmer I Gede Siman feel opening hype outside Sudartana faced the bitter reality of finishing at fifth venue in the men‟s 50-meter backtruks final at 25,29 seconds. (Tue, August 21, 2018, 04.08 pm) 16. Some PH athletes to miss Putu Dini Jasita Utari has finally seen the light at the Asian Games opening end of the tunnel after cruising past Vietnam 2-0 on parade Monday. (Tue, August 21, 2018, 10.31 am) 17. Time to turn brave words China has been sweeping most of the medals in into action artistic gymnastics at the 2018 Asian Games as it clinched a gold medal in the men‟s team final on Wednesday. (Wed, August 22, 2018, 06.24 pm) 18. Jokowi opens Asian I often train and play with all my heart. I only want to Games in dazzling touch the ASIAD gold medals. I will try my best for my ceremony country and Viet Nam‟s boxing. (Fri, August 24, 2018, 01.02 pm)


19. Asian Games 19-year-old We have talented boxers who will complete to bring Edgar Marvelo wins first glory to the nation. However, the Viet Nam Boxing medal for Indonesia. Federation (VBF) hasn‟t set any targets to avoid causing pressure for them. (Fri, August 24, 2018, 01.02 pm) 20. German FA boss admits Indonesia’s hope of claiming more medals now lie in Ozil needed more support the hands of the Aswar brothers and 23-year-old Izi over “racist attacks” Muhammad Farizi who will be taking part in the runabout 1100 stock and ski modified. (Fri, August 24, 2018, 06.01 pm) 21. Asian Games: Indonesia Indonesia could‟ve won the gold if [the squad] had not shocks Hongkong to top been too tired. Their energy was drained during group in soccer. [Saturday’s] finals, so they could not do their best, as they had done in the [preliminary round]. (Sat, August 25, 2018, 09.01 pm) 22. Manchester United fans This was more than a surrender of a crown, it was should be „mad‟, admits meek abdication. And Singapore‟s women were exoled Pogba to seventh with a total of 7,674 pinfalls. (Sat, August 25, 2018. 07.44 pm) 23. Bale earns praise after Daphne Tan‟s face fell but the message was clear: starring role in Real Singapore are no more queens of Asia. Madrid win (Sat, August 25, 2018. 07.44 pm) 24. Asian Games: Lindswell Zohri has become a new idol of Indonesia’s track. wins gold in her last (Sun, August 26, 2018, 07.30 pm) performances 25. We made incredible Maybe at the international level you want to finish with a mistakes: Mourinho very strong swimmer but that’s no good if you’re fumes as United crash potentially far behind. (Sun, August 26, 2018, 11.20 am) 26. We kept calm under pressure and played well enough in Asian Games: China the second half to deserve the victory. We were flying escapes Clarkson, forwards to quickly in the first half, we were too keen to attack. Philippines (Mon, August 27, 2018, 07.27 pm) 27. Salah in diving storm as Putri Rebecca, 20, a resident of Matraman East Jakarta, Liverpool win at palace and her friend Athaya Fatihah, 19, from Cilandak, South Jakarta, exited the store with big smiles on their faces, while holding paper bags filled with merchandise. (Wed, August 29, 2018, 03.58 pm) 28. Asian Games: Swimming I had to find a way to dig myself out of trouble. finals see prolonged (Wed, August 29, 2018. 08.48 am) Indonesia‟s medal drought


Appendix 2

Types of Metaphors in Sports Articles in The Jakarta Post Online Newspapers.

No. HEADLINES Sentence Type of Metaphor 1. Asian Games: When asked about Bambang‟s Indonesia's richest man special characteristics in bridge, the clinches bronze in bridge civil engineer said his partner was truly a thinker, which he believes

could be a double-edged-sword. Structural “In some cases we were penalized as he was thinking for too long,” Bert said with a laugh. (Tue, August 28, 2018, 04:34 pm)

2. Time to turn brave In terms of the Asiad specifically, words into action since winning its record number of 24 golds at Bangkok 1998, Thailand have gradually stepped backwards, taking home 14, 13 and 11 golds from the 2002, 2004 and 2010 games, before a slight rebound with 12 at Incheon 2014. Ontological An estimated Bt137.9 million has been spent to send 830 athletes to Indonesia, where 426 gold medals will be for grabs between August 18 and September 2. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 03:45 pm)

3. Asian Games: Indonesia Host Indonesia produced a clean sweeps pencak silat gold sweep in the pencak silat event on medals Monday, winning all eight gold medals at stake in the traditional

martial arts. Sarah Monita, Abdul Malik and Iqbal Pratama beat their opponents in their Structural respective final bouts to follow in the footsteps of their compatriots who began Indonesia‟s gold medal haul earlier in the day. (Tue, August 28, 2018, 09:53 am)


4. 'We made incredible "I'm disappointed, with my mistakes': Mourinho performance and the team fumes as United crash performance. We didn't deserve to win," Pogba said.

"I will always try. I know I lost a Ontological lot of balls which shouldn't happen. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 08:18 am)

5. Asian Games: Towering Meanwhile for the Unified Korea China claims women‟s team, reaching the final was a basketball gold significant milestone in its debut at the Games. The team consisted of players from South Korea and Structural North Korea, but in the Games, the contingent carried its own name, flag and official song. (Sun, September 2, 2018, 01:24 am)

6. Asian Games: Indonesia Fajar Alfian and Muhammad beats Japan to reach Rian Ardianto were the heroes of men‟s team badminton the day, as they clinched Indonesia's spot in the final in final dominating fashion, beating and 21-10, 21- Structural 10. (Wed, August 22, 2018, 12:22 am)

7. Asian Games: Singapore "But I thought the relays were great swimmers' successful and the future of Singapore campaign reflects swimming is very bright. We have time before Tokyo 2020 and I think squad's greater depth, we're gonna get better and better Ontological ambition each year." (Sun, August 26, 2018, 11:20 am)

8. Asian Games: Gregoria trailed Sung in the second Indonesian women‟s round as the latter seemed to be able to read her playing style. Her team cruises to semis Ontological performance declined with a couple of her shots hitting the net, resulting in her loss 18-21 to Sung. Gaining


energy from hundreds of spectators who shouted endlessly throughout the match, Gregoria finally stole the third round 21-18. When asked about the strategy, Gregoria recalled she relied mostly on her agility. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 06:06 pm)

9. Asian Games: 16-year- The drama unfolded in the final old Indian shooting series, with Matsuda coming up sensation claims gold on with his worst shot of the entire final round to give the advantage to debut Saurabh, who grabbed the Ontological opportunity with both hands. (Tue, August 21, 2018, 06:32 pm)

10. Asian Games: Underdog Playing badminton since he was six Jojo makes comeback years old, Jonatan has handled with victory in ups and downs in his career with a positive attitude. His badminton badminton debut was in 2008, when he won Orientation some local, national and international championships. (Wed, August 29, 2018, 02:19 pm)

11. Asian Games: Youngest Earlier, her father, Novvery skateboarder Aliqqa Prasetyo Hadri, told The Jakarta considers Asiad as Post that they did not burden her daughter with the pressure of stepping stone having to win a medal because they wanted her to relax, and reminded Ontological that her journey is still long ahead. (Wed, August 29, 2018, 05:18 pm)

12. Asian Games: Underdog Jonathan said he would start Jojo makes comeback training for the . A loyal with victory in fan of Chinese former world champ Lin Dan, Jonatan said he thanked Ontological badminton Indonesian spectators who kept showering him with support throughout the game. The noisy


supporters sometimes prevented him from being able to hear his coach‟s advice. (Wed, August 29, 2018, 02:19 pm)

13. Asian Games: In the past five days, Japan is Swimming for glory currently slightly ahead after ups between China and and downs in terms of the number of both gold medals and total Japan medals (Japan: 17 gold, 18 silver, Orientation 11 bronze vs China: 16 gold, 14 silver, 12 bronze). (Sat, August 25, 2018, 03:32 pm)


Appendix 3

The Functions of Metaphors in Sports Articles in The Jakarta Post Online Newspapers.

The Function of No. HEADLINES Sentence Metaphor 1. Japan, North Korea A successful penalty conversion th advance to quarterfinals from Ayase Ueda in the 90 in men‟s soccer minute sent Malaysia home and put Japan through to the Assertive quarterfinals to face Saudi Arabia, which defeated China 4-3 in its round of 16 match. (Sat, August 25, 2018, 08.34 am) 2. Asian Games volunteers I am not there [at the opening feel opening hype outside ceremony venue], but I still can venue feel the hype. I am proud to be part Expressive of this event. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 10.29 pm) 3. Some PH athletes to miss Our players weren‟t even born the Asian Games opening last time we played in the Asian parade Games. So, making it here is Assertive already a major achievement. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 04.14 pm) 4. Time to turn brave words Takraw Association of Thailand into action president Charouck Arirachakaran is brimming with confidence that his team will complete a clean Assertive sweep of four golds for the third Asiad running. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 03.45 pm) 5. Jokowi opens Asian With the 18th Asian Games, we, the Games in dazzling nations of Asia, want to show [the world] that we are brothers, we ceremony Assertive are united and we want to reach our goals. (Sat, August 18, 2018, 09.01 pm) 6. Asian Games 19-year-old Edgar, who grabbed silver in the Edgar Marvelo wins first men‟s daoshu at the 2017 Wushu medal for Indonesia. World Championships in Kazan, Russia, said he was very grateful Expressive knowing his two year preparation for the games had finally paid off. (Sun, August 19, 2018, 11.12 am)


7. German FA boss admits I should have positioned myself Ozil needed more support more clearly given the racist attacks from some corners and over “racist attacks” Assertive should have put myself in front of Mesut Ozil. (Sun, August 19, 2018, 06.55 pm) 8. Asian Games: Indonesia The goal served as a wake up call shocks Hongkong to top to Indonesia, which needed a group in soccer. victory to avoid powerhouses in the knockout round, to become more Directive aggressive in the remainder of the first half. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 10.17 pm) 9. Manchester United fans Manchester United midfielder Paul should be „mad‟, admits Pogba believes the club’s fans Pogba have every right to vent their anger after a first-half collapse saw Directive the Red Devils beaten 3-2 by Brighton. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 07.15 pm) 10. Bale earns praise after We still have a lot of room for starring role in Real improvement, like all teams at this Madrid win time of year, but we showed intensity, good team spirit and we Directive managed to win and score goals against a team who are well organised defensively. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 08.08 pm) 11. Asian Games: Lindswell After finishing her performance, wins gold in her last she turned to the president and gave performances him a thumbs up, which he Expressive promptly returned. (Mon, August 20, 2018, 12.05 pm) 12. We made incredible Many of Mourinho’s stars, mistakes: Mourinho including World Cup winner fumes as United crash Pogba, new signing Fred and French forward Anthony martial, Assertive were anonymous for long periods, but the boss refused to criticise individuals. (Mon, August 20, 2918. 08.18 am)

13. Asian Games: China Paul Lee who, along with Christian escapes Clarkson, Standhardinger and Pringle, Assertive stepped up when clarkson was on Philippines the bench in the crucial stages of


the fourth quarter. (Tue, August 21,2018, 07.01 pm) 14. Salah in diving storm as I’ve been in football a long time. If that‟s a penalty the game has Liverpool win at palace Assertive changed beyond all recognition. (Tue, August 21, 2018, 07.57 am) 15. Asian Games: Swimming Meanwhile, Indonesia seeded finals see prolonged swimmer I Gede Siman Indonesia‟s medal Sudartana faced the bitter reality of finishing at fifth in the men‟s Expressive drought 50-meter backtruks final at 25,29 seconds. (Tue, August 21, 2018, 04.08 pm) 16. Asian Games: Indonesia Putu Dini Jasita Utari has finally bags another victory in seen the light at the end of the beach volleyball tunnel after cruising past Vietnam Expressive 2-0 on Monday. (Tue, August 21, 2018, 10.31 am) 17. Asian Games: China tops China has been sweeping most of artistic gymnastics the medals in artistic gymnastics at the 2018 Asian Games as it category Assertive clinched a gold medal in the men‟s team final on Wednesday. (Wed, August 22, 2018, 06.24 pm) 18. Asian Games: I often train and play with all my Vietnamese boxers ready heart. I only want to touch the ASIAD gold medals. I will try my to fight Expressive best for my country and Viet Nam‟s boxing. (Fri, August 24, 2018, 01.02 pm) 19. Asian Games: We have talented boxers who will Vietnamese boxers ready complete to bring glory to the to fight nation. However, the Viet Nam Boxing Federation (VBF) hasn‟t set Directive any targets to avoid causing pressure for them. (Fri, August 24, 2018, 01.02 pm) 20. Asian Games: Indonesia Indonesia’s hope of claiming wins silver, bronze in more medals now lie in the hands jetski of the Aswar brothers and 23- year-old Izi Muhammad Farizi Directive who will be taking part in the runabout 1100 stock and ski modified. (Fri, August 24, 2018, 06.01 pm) 21. Asian Games: Indonesia Indonesia could‟ve won the gold if Expressive


gets silver in traditional [the squad] had not been too tired. boat race Their energy was drained during [Saturday’s] finals, so they could not do their best, as they had done in the [preliminary round]. (Sat, August 25, 2018, 09.01 pm) 22. Asian Games: Sorry we This was more than a surrender let you down, Singapore of a crown, it was meek abdication. And Singapore‟s women were Expressive exoled to seventh with a total of 7,674 pinfalls. (Sat, August 25, 2018. 07.44 pm) 23. Asian Games: Sorry we Daphne Tan‟s face fell but the message was clear: Singapore are let you down, Singapore Expressive no more queens of Asia. (Sat, August 25, 2018. 07.44 pm) 24. Asian Games: Indonesian Zohri has become a new idol of Zohri reaches 100 m final Indonesia’s track. Assertive (Sun, August 26, 2018, 07.30 pm) 25. Asian Games: Singapore Maybe at the international level you swimmers‟ successful want to finish with a very strong campaign reflects squad‟s swimmer but that’s no good if Directive you’re potentially far behind. greater depth ambition (Sun, August 26, 2018, 11.20 am) 26. „No Ronaldo No We kept calm under pressure and Problem‟ insists Real played well enough in the second coach Lopetegui half to deserve the victory. We were flying forwards to quickly in Directive the first half, we were too keen to attack. (Mon, August 27, 2018, 07.27 pm) 27. Asian Games: Fans go Putri Rebecca, 20, a resident of crazy over merchandise Matraman East Jakarta, and her featuring Bhin Bhin, friend Athaya Fatihah, 19, from Cilandak, South Jakarta, exited the Expressive Atung, Kaka store with big smiles on their faces, while holding paper bags filled with merchandise. (Wed, August 29, 2018, 03.58 pm) 28. Djokovic in survival I had to find a way to dig myself mode as heat delivers out of trouble. Assertive beating at us open (Wed, August 29, 2018. 08.48 am) 29. Djokovic in survival I just tried to cool down between mode as heat delivers games, used ice. Expressive beating at us open (Wed, August 29, 2018, 08.48 pm)