BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 93/2013 Thursday 6 June 2013 Scottish Law Commission Bills Members will be aware that the Parliament agreed motion S4M-06693: Implementing Scottish Law Commission reports on 28 May 2013 and the associated Standing Orders changes were made on 5 June 2013. As a result, Scottish Law Commission Bills, as defined by Rule 9.17A.1, now fall within the remit of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee under Rule 6.11 and may be referred to it as lead committee. As well as implementing all or part of a report of the Scottish Law Commission, the definition of a Scottish Law Commission Bill includes criteria to be determined by the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer has determined under Rule 9.17A.1(b) that a Scottish Law Commission Bill is a Bill within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament— (a) where there is a wide degree to consensus amongst key stakeholders about the need for reform and the approach recommended; (b) which does not relate directly to criminal law reform; (c) which does not have significant financial implications; (d) which does not have significant European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) implications; and (e) where the Scottish Government is not planning wider work in that particular subject area. An updated version Guidance on Public Bills will be published in due course taking account of these changes. The clerks in the Legislation Team are happy to answer queries about this or other aspects of public bill procedure – contact them on 0131 348 5277 or by e-mailing
[email protected].